HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-1-19, Page 5.A„ SUSiINESS CAI;Dat • uk7ll,. McCBAO BN— v,1 • 1 suer of D?. i Lieu a 1. doe at tiropery,,'urnba ry street, Primula, O. T, K M Brpeaels Mutt, of the Maooabeex, No, 24 hold their ,regular =motions in toe 1.00460 Room Seekeritu on the tat and 8rd Tuesday o nal es Yah month. alryawelcome, • A, SO 11 Rini Coln, A, AIoGUIRE, R, .. WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCER AND ISSUER oar IVIILI ,.l AGE LICENSE+ ti Rice in the Post ontee, Ethel. 80.4 Butaineaa Oards MUSS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher Of PIRrlo ot, dao at Oar arra Music Store one door North f the Htundaid Hank, Br000a o, 8•tf LE S H MuS P HA Pte' 1 R E bee passed saocessfully her seem& examina• at of the Pianoforte Department of the To, onto oneatvat0reof nurse, and isprepared to take pupils akr home, Princess strcet, DR. T. T. AV RAE Baoaielor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Phy, trans and Surgeons, Ont. Post•6'raduato Olnoago Eyo, Ear, Noae and ,throat tloappltai, Oliloa1,'o ijt N0.010080.Surgeon to St. Mich - Wore liospitxl,'Toronto. Office over F.' R. Smith's Drug Store. Tele- phone uonneotion with OranSroolt 111 all hours, Mare ;nay be seen at the left side of tare picture, In •Cho' biekgi'ound is tllq outfit belonging, to Peter and Mrs. Ferguson and fautily, while in the fnregi'onnd is another ootlU be- longing to Peter F i iguson, 'Sr„ father- in-law of 111r, Broadfoot Accouipauy- ing Mr, Broadfoot was Peter Moody, Who Is now in J dinburgh, Scallatud,. Mrs. Fer(usn,t and family ore now tl ll. 11' Die Jiving in Bothwell. N q b a l i i t lYy, 4 t otherinelnbersof the party, with the except Inn of Mrs, Ferguson and fancily, Mr, Moody and Mr. Broadfoot, have gone since ate a longer road than that taken by the pioneers. Mr. Broad - foot has resided almost continuously ate Glialstoue since his at rival there 88 years ago and his Tartu now con- sists of about 500 aches. JOHN HARRIS, OR. M. FERGUSON leaf n Agent ETowiek Mutual : ETHEt, ONT', �' 1-Physiglanrawlsurgeon.;post.Gradeateomms P. Daley �: Souv contrived tan prizes, Fire Inotiranos Company London (Eng:), New York and Chicago 1400• plteln. epeeist attentiontedtsease of oyo, our, o190e and Residenoa— nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. WALTON. ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND. IaaUndiOl, FIRE AND MARINE., GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. �t S. SCOTT AS. AN AUCTION- i • Ban, will Bell for better prices, to bettor men, In less time and lees uharges nran any other Auctioneer in Eaet Enron or be won't obarge anything Dates sue orders' OR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; licentiate of ROYat Oollage of Dental ret it tlylvomitof ed bylDr. Fo. Oellllde in Smith R, M. M' LEAN. 0.0.8., L.D.S. Currie, Ont. �Honor gradonto University or Toronto, De. - Burtment of Dartietry. ; Graduate Royal Col 1550 of Oanhal surgeons of Ontario. At Wrox- at0r avert' Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. Moe teGrand Uentral block. At Ford with every Friday forenoon. Offioe in Gorrie in Leech's Block. 21.3m can always be arranged ut this Mee or by ON. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night oalls. Office opposite Flour 51111, Ethel. k er renal application, ROOT. H'. GARNISS BLUE VALE — - ON T,. Auctioneer for Huron County. QdlahaeD refAliSIT Rjjdras Saar Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at: the ofiioe of Tan Poem, Brussels. 22tt. BRUSSELS mail?0100 SouTil GOING Norms 7:05 n m Express 10;55 a m ,� Express - 11:25 a iu Mail 1:44pm LEGAL ANU CONVEYANCING. Express 802pua Express 8_59pm %AT M..SiNOLA11t— X Y • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, :Votary Yubliti, ,l,o, ulnae—Stewart's Block 1 door North al Central Hotul Solicitor for theMetropolitaa -Bash. plIOUDG'OQT, HAYS & ILILLORAN BARRISTERS, SOLIOIT(Ra, NOTARIES PUSLAI, ETC. W. PaouoacoT, K. O. R. 0. wars J. L. f(iLLOuAN Of roes—TbOse formerly oaoaiied by Messrs Cameron -& Bolt GoD8nI0H, OreAatO, ALLAN Cafifa oz4.Ai rdet ,lel e' WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:41 am I Express 11:87 a m Express • 2:57 piaI Express 7:25 p m WROXETER Going East - 7:05 n. m. and 5:85 p.. m: Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p. m. All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at Orengevillo for Owen Sound, Elora and T. G. B. stations. GEO.ALLAN, Local,Ogent. stl'CCt��.C�US LINE SCHOOL REP RT — P tIIOV{ngg is the School Report of S. S. No. 3, Grey for the months of November and Decem- ber. Sr, ` IV.—Wesley Brewer, 01%. Jr. IV. Total 700. -Katie McDonald, 500 ; Bessie Smith, 50.4; Millie 'McFar- lane, 558 J Marion Smith, 129 ; Stuart Grant, 315 ; Reuben Brewer, 102. Sr. IIL—L3liza Bishop, 4144 ; Willie Deit- ner, 286 Sadie Riley, 251. Sr. II.. Total 300.—Harold Cardiff, 202; James Deitinee, 161; Jing McFarlane. 119. Sr. 1I—Oharlie Smith. 218; Jim Riley. 105. Pt. II. Total 225. -Annie Deit ner, 185 ; George .Bishop, 140 ; Roy M eFarlane. 145. • Pt. I.—Willie Mc- Donald, 200 ; Willie Smith. 135 ; Char- lie Deaner, 93 ; Edina \•Vilbee, 05. Many E. Dana, Teacher. Royal Mail Steamers TO LIVERPOOL From St. John From Halifax Hesperian ........ Fri Dec. 23 sat. Dec, 24 'Pour+inn .......... Sot, Deo. 81 Corsican ......... Fri Jan 8 Sat, Jan. 7 Grampian Fri. gnu. . 20 - Sot. Jun.21 TO GLASGOW Corinthian From Boston Fri. Dec. 38 Lalce Erie . From Boston Fri. Jan. 0 Pretorian ....'From Boston - Fri .Ian. 20 , Superior accommodation stay los obtained at minimum rate' 011 mintage for the balance of tate winter season. CORONATION; June 22nd, 1911 Reservations for ilay,Jnne and July militias should be mode as anon 08 possible to obtain choice of accommodation. - Reservation -lists mow open. Full information as to rates, etc., on application to . W. H. KERR, Agent Alton Line, Brussels.. The Allan Line, 77 Yonge st., Toronto MONTHLY HORSE FA/RS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse. Fairswill be held in Brussels this season as follows : THURSDAY, Jan. '50, 1911 " Feb. 218, 1911 M.tr. 2nd, 1911 April 6th, 1911 leading local and outside buyers will be present •'••••••••••••••••••••h8'85. e• To Machinery Users and farmers• • •• The New Machine Shop of the • ••9 • and MACHINE Co, • • •. •• • isnow w read for busino•s s„ and. Y > • wi0ligood Maehineryand Skilled 1. • Mechanics, we are in a position • to attend to' your t'epaies prompt- e ly and at reasonable rates. . . • I1 you will let tis know your (0 tya1llt9 we will give you honest e • advice and help if connected Z with Machinery. • •Give us 5 triad and, by coming , • to Brussels, save time audnsoney • for yourselves, a BBUSHELS FIBS APPLIANCE • CA R SIDS & JAMES Mill street Brussels ,A•••••••••••••••••••••••• Rev. John Pollock, late of Toroaito, has received and has accepted the call of the (2odericli Baptist chnreh to the patorate of this congregation, The Band known since its orgatuiz- atiou over two years ago as the junior band has tidopted a new name and henceforth is to be known as the Gnderich Citizens' Marine Band. At the present time the aggregate membership is 22. The Woman's Missionary Society of North street Methodist church . is the recipient of at legacy of $100, bequeath- ed to the society by the hate Miss Mlallough, who was a life member of the Society, and who (lied last year. The Goderich Skating and Carling Assntiiation has made' arrangements with the leasses of the rink, whereby the building will be left in its present condition until Spring. It is the in- tention to flood it immediately, so thaE it may be utilized for skating as soon as possible. Plans are now being prepared from which itis proposed to enlarge the rink, snaking it at least 30 feet longer so its to have space for a r'. L nue 11 1 '1 n' space gallery t t tee end and the floor . pa lengthened. The plans will also call • 'ora gallery on both ides of the rink, 1 g y s making a total setttirg capacity fit 1,600 people. Itis proposed. that new building have at metallic roof and if plans are approved by shareholders work will be commenced upon opening of Spring. • Morris Saw WINNIPEG num" Ite --1872.- The Winnipeg Free Press of Jiancary 5th, speaks as follows of a former Morrisiti', a brother to John Brood- foot. 5th line :—.fames Brnadfnot, Se., of Gladstone, Mom, dropped in at the Free Press yesterday to call attention to a photograph whish appeared it) Saturday's edition of Der.. 2.4. in which a view was shown of Portage avenue East 88 years: ago. The photograph Was of especial interest to Mir. Broatd- footbecanse of the fact that in the foreground appeared his own team and democrat which he had just hitch- ed up preparatory to setting out for Gladstone in the morning..It in sheet marked his first arrival what is now i ,rival it y w the Iaegest city in Western Canada, And he was deeply interested in it ac- cordingly. lir•. Broadfoot who, des- pite his 74 years, is as straight and stalwart looking as many it young ,nab of less than Half his years. left Beton county, Ontario, on Mity 24, 1872, proceeding by train to St. Patti via Chicago. On. arriving at St. Paul the party detraiuecl and proceeded in wagons to Winnipeg on the old trail' via lahltorson, arriving at Wi,niipeg h, Glad- stone, t to and at d 1 n t f jut ie the latter end J stone, whete he homesteaded and ' pre- empted, nu' July 1. The photograph marks the blotting nut of the party from Winnipeg, and Mr, 13tnatlfoot's detneerat with his chestnut and bay • • five firth's, two seeonls, and ranee thirds at the Mitchell Poultry Show, Chas. Hays, son of R. S. Hays, who has been Ull the staff of the Dominion Bank here, has been transferred to Toro!) - \Ve regret to learn of the serious illness of Robert Charters, of tete Mill Road, Tucket'smit1t, Mr. Charters has been confined to his bed for the past couple of weeks. The seven months old 'son of 'Vin. and Mrs, Loekritlge died on Sunday, 8th inst. The fulleral was held on Tuesday from the ,residence of James Cooper, Seaforth. to the place of in- terment in the Maitlaudbauk ceme- tery.' ., Town Council appointed following officers : R. Hammett, waterworks engineer, salary 8420, with free house, light and fuel ; Win. Gillispio, chief constable, etc., salary 8525 ; Sidney :johns, James McMichael and John Shine, fence viewers ; Howard Haartry and Win. Someiville, auditors, ata salary of 815 each ; Win, Ballantyne, assessor, salary 890 ; R, S. Hays. town solicitor, retatitiing fee 8100 John P. Bell, chief of fire brigade, salary 875 ; John Turner, je., town engineer. Atwood Geo. Greensides, . who has been visiting at his home in town, left for Brantford to visit bis brother before leaving for the 'West. Mrs. Greensides accompanied him as far as Bratntfm'd. Following are the officers for the ensuing year in the 0. 0. F. :—C. R.— 'W. J. .-W..J. Hunter ; V. 0. R.— W. Struth- ers Fin.-Sec.—Geo; Gordon ; Rec.- See.—E. H. Swing; Treasurer.•—J. Roger Chaplain—Albert Gordon ; S. W.—J. Brown J. W.—Gen. Peebles ; S. B.—Juo. Sanders ; J. B.— Geo. —Geo Taylor ; Conductor Percy Greensides. asides. Sons of Scotland big entertainment in the Music Hall, Atwood, January 25th. The following persons will take part in euteltaiuing: Geo. Neil, re- uouned Scotch singer, Toronto, G. F. Cruikshank; pipe -Major Little Lula McLellan, Scotch dances and, Irish jigs ; Principal Bell, of Listowel; Rev. W. A. Antos, Geordie Hamilton. Mrs. W. Price, Mrs. Dr. Kidd. Hugh; Porter and Will. Hamilton ofAttvond; .inn, Stewart, Millbank and J. Grab - am, Atwood violinists ; Mrs. J. A. Mc Bain and Mfrs. Geo. Cox, accompanists, George Lochend, chairman. W ingham Dudley Holmes was confined to his home lost week by illness. bliss Irhna Kennedy was one of the prize -winners in Ladies' Horne Journal puzzle contest for Deo, Mliss Annie Griffin's 'natty friends. willbe pleased to, hear that she is doing nicely after her long and serious illness, Tuesday evening Bengough gave one of his well-known entertainments in the Town Hall, haler the auspices of Winghaaci High School. Dr. Mfargaret. Calder, who visited with her uncle, De. Gen, Calder, of Pi ft Penn., during the holiday season, has returned home and has resumed practice. After the business was concluded Mayor SpoLton invited the Copticil, Clerk, Conmhisioners, Auditors, et. al., to Johusten's restaurant to enjoy the oysters served to suit their tastes. O. J. Thornton, has disposed of his pump Janitress to Edgar Pattison of Blast Wawauosh, and will leave this month to investigate conditions in the chicken business in the vicinity of Petaluma, California. PflPSIC1AN this 04)lendld tnedieine, We will tell yon what it coined alt, how it is made, sant personally guarantee your ulnnty. ' bask for the leers Welting, if you fore. not entirely satislled with the results. \Ve urge you to begin a treatment of Rexall ICidney Remedy to -day. Two sise . 5. l s Uc and 81,00. lanai only 1 at our store --•The iteral! Store. P, it Smith, h, VIS13I. Ag tletlttral Society will be o Iell in annual meeting of the ListowelListowel the Town, Hall, Saturday, Jan, 21st,. At 2 p. in. Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Columbus, Ohio. — "I have takea Lydia E, Plnkham's Vegetable Coln - pound during change of life. My doctor told me it was good, and since taking it I feel so much better that X can do all my work again. I think VLydia E. Pinkham's egetable Com- pound a fine remedy for a l l woman's troubles, and I never forget to tell my friends�what it has done for me." Mrs. E. HANsON, 804 East Long St„ Columbus, Ohio. Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt. —"I was passing through the Change of Life and suffered from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia 2). Pinkham's'Vege- table Compound restored myhealth and strength, and proved worth mountains f gold to me. For the sake of other suffering women I a»lt willing you should publish' my letter."—Mas. CHARLES BAROLAY,-R.F.D., Granite- ville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or who are suffering from. any .of those distressing ills pe- culiar to their sex shoulf.not lose sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every commu- nity ommanity you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Gerry Willis has gone to Termite to take lessons in vocal music; Rev. Dr. Rutledge, pastor of Wing - ham Methodist ehureh, hasreceivedan invitation to Goderich, to succeed Rev. Dr. Dougall. As this •was the sec- ond time an invitation rams from that town Dr. Rutledge laid the + case before his Officialg Board. After fearing the circumstances the Board adjourned for a week to look over the prospects of securing s successor. On teaser/M. ling, the Board decided to release Dr. Rutledge at Lhe end of the present Conference year. YOU BE THE JUDGE No Ono Should Doubt These Statements Backed Up By Parker & Co, There's' no sane reason why you should hesitate to accept our stats• nients and put, them to a practical test, if you suffer "frorn kidney or urinary diseases, when we tell you we have a medicine that will eradicate your ailment, and that swill furnish the treatment free if it fails to do as we claim. Just think what this Means to you. We are right here where you live—a neighbor or friends of yours. Would we dare, or could we afford to snake such statements and back then, up with such a guarantee, except we are positive" we can substantiate our claims? It. stands to reason we must known that what we say will come true. Otherwise, we would lose yone patronage and our business would suffer. \Ste know that, Rexall Kidney Remo- dy swill slake weak kidneys strong anti diseased kidneys healthy if it is used according to directions for a reasonable length of tirne. We know the Rexall Kidney Relnedy is unex- celled for its beneficial alterative aucl curative influence upoii the kidneys, bladder and intestine. Its has a diuretic, tonic and strengthening ef- fect that acts upon the entire genito- urinary tract. Come in and let us tell you all abort Learn Why the frictionless Empire Runs Easier than others If you've ever used any other make of separator you'll marvel when you torn the Frieliunless Etntlire. So neatly frictionless that it almost runs itself. Will run foe half • an hour after you've finished skinning, unless yon stop it with your brake. The Frictionless lilnipire is the only separator with ball bearings at top and bottom of bowl -spindle. Other makers wonlrl jump at the chance of using our hall -Neck Bearing and 'three -Ball Bottom Bearing. But our patents prevent others lasing these fiction - eliucinatieg, easy • running, life-long features. These ball bearing featttes, tugothol' with the lighter, bowl, fewer closed bearings, more easily cleaned skim- ming devices, etc., make the Friction- less Empire the one really good cone separator. Years of service prove their worth. Empire quaality in every machine, and a gllat'antee its good as a gold bond. Some day you'll oWn an Empire. In order to hasten that day we want you to read ear new 25c. book. It tells the truth about the two standard methods of cream separation. Gives valuable dairy pointers. We will send you one copy free, provided you tell us the nutnbet of rows you keep. Also name or this publica- Liou. Don't (01150 this book. Send for it im' mediately. Extracopies 25c. Ask for Honk. The EMPIRE Line et Cream Separators Consists Of a full range of sizes in both Frictionless Enlpii'e (mine method) and Empire Disc. The choice of either entre or disc Meth - oil, and the sive of machine, rots entirely with you. The Empire Cream Separator Company of Canada, Ltd. WINNIPEG, Man. - TORONTO, Ont. Sussex, N. O. S. CARTER, Agent, Brussels Listowel Poultry Association hers decided to holt, a two days' Poultry Show, Thursday and Friday, 2nd mid 3rd of February. $250 will be offered iu_prhes. piens Nichol, Pshaat, recently sold :t pal t of Itis farm to \VIII. Kennedy, nl' Wallace, Mr. Kenaiealy secured the 80 acres situated in the corpora tlia01, while Mr. Nichol kept the bark 70 for himself. The plies' Haid was $0100. The old afacets far Ai el pal nue- poses. have been re•applii,.tr l at the saute salaries as last yanr. namely : Wm. Bright clerk, salary 8250; W. 1.: Binning treasurer, salary 8160 ; B. B. Sarvis assessor', salary 8125 0, Taber- ner collector, salary 8100 ; Wni. Hamilton chief constable, sanitary inspector and truant ,• officer, salary $40 per. month ; C. G. Burger and J. J. Foster auditors, salary 815 each ; Sohn Livingstone High School Trus- tee, Geo. Bray, member of Library Board ; Dr. L. W. Thompson, Medi- cal Health Officer end B. Bothwell 1 a vel member of Board of Health ; S. .8, Stevenson and'' T. Seaman fence view- ers, and 3, R. Richards and A. Dann pound keepers. Blyth Mfrs. Pfeffer was confined to her bed with an attack of pneumonia. The manly friends of Geo. King will be pleased to hear that his health is ini ht'Uvi ng. D. Wolper, who has been in Pinebet• Creek. Alberin, fee the past few months, will spend the balance of the Winter here. A. Y. P. A. of Trinity Ohurch; Blyth, will hold a Valentine Social on St. Valentine's night, Feb. 14th in hidnstry Hall. The annual meetingof the Blyth Agricultural Society will be held in the Industry Hall, Blyth, "Friday, January 20th, at 1 p, ur. R. R. Sloan was in Toronto attend- ing a meeting of the Ontario 3rea»t Growers Association. He being one of the Directorate. bliss Claira Moffatt was married at her mother's home on Dec. 30th, to P. c s 1T lntout n A. Jackson, of and they will be "1St Honk. after Tan. 15th. They are going to vesicle at the mother's home, 45 Central Ave., Toronto. Up to a few years ago the bride was a t•csident ul` Blyth and had many friends who extend congratulations, Fordwich Annual meeting of the Foil dwiah Cheese and Rutter 00. was held in the factory. All Mania officers were re- elected. Annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute will be held in Brown's Hall, Fordwich , on Feb..Oth. 0. W. Richard was in Paris, attend- ing the lute Mrs. Stewart's funeral on Tuesday of last week. Death was caused by anemia and interment was made in Faris cemetery, Charles Shannon, of Drew, had the misfortune to lose a ,rand io some machinery on Wednesday of last week, Ile is a son-in-law of Mrs, Jas. Stevenson, 9th can., Howick. Dr. 0. S. ''Mahood, an old Fordwich boy, who is at present Medical'Super- inten<lent of the Queen Alexandra Sanatorinin, London, Ont„ has been appointed Consulting Physieititr for the cities al' London and St. Thomas. The following ate the officers of Cook's Lodge, No, 4, 0, Y. 13., for the ensuing year:—W M., J Dinsmore; D. M., Oswalt, Cooper ; R, S., Ehuer Williamson ; F. S., Geo. Mee ; Treas., Antos Denny ; Ohap., Blake Fleet; D. of (J., P. liainsLock ; Onutnlit.tee, Enos Donaghy, M. Armstrong, G. Sanderson, R. Fleet, Thos, Noggin ; Tyler's, Fred. Sotllerau and D. Arm. strong. The annual meeting of Howick District Orange Lodge was held in the Orange Hall here. There was a gond attendance. By the sev- eral reports it was learned there was an increase in the membership and finances were in good shape. Don- ations of 83.00 were made to the. Sick Ohildren's Hospital and $7.110 to the True .131ue Orphanage. Following officers elect :—D Al Wm. Crawford ; D. D. M., 1o,. Williamson Chap., Adam rte It S Adam Spence ; Gey. A. Dane . F. S., John binntgc nary ; !teas., Jas. ha1118 ; D. of 0., David ane ; Lett., Win. Hays and Isaac Gamble, Perth County John Elliot L 2nd eon„ Logan, had his hip badly hurt while working in a gravel pit. Installation of officers of Tudol Masonic lodge itlilchell, tools place followed by a banquet. A clergyman in Mitchell distribuled 20 pairs of gond, heavy w<mlleu blank- ets among the 'pont of Mitchell on CheisLtnas eve, with a request to Ga- selier heseller that the donor's name should mit be mentioned, A, Bitrrit & Co.'s Dominion Base and Unalet'tvettr' Mills •Mlitehell are determined to keep in, the front rank of Juan M actnres. They are at present installing a linea of automatic knitting. matin nes for the ivaunfaotnre of ri blast hosiery, which aro the latest improved and )Host, tip -to -date of tory uutahines in. Canada. Police Magistrate Love, of Loudon, Ont.. is dead. The People's Theatre and the Public Library at Pembroke were burned. Most of the books were lost, The schooner Emma H. was damaged ina great stern, off the coast of Nova Scotia, and captain Guilin was washed overboard and ctr'ntvned. Vice-president Whvte:of the C. P. R. speaks ie glowing terms of the prospects of the West, which be says is attracting capital as web as immigration from Great Britain, • I Western Ontario dairymen have ate• lion, Sidney Fis her end other speakers sided iii favor of 'Greer trade with the at tate Experimental Utaioo at Geelp)1t , Milted Slates, discussed the tight .against noxious cases of malicious damage to the [needs, 110 die -electric; lranstnission line have been repotted at Leaden. C 1 tabled I C i t ul'les taut stare n le .onl- I MOOSregardingthe Credo negotiations with the United State slloty t htl Crij opposition to auy arrangement beingg entered into. The resolutions presented by the farmers are not included, The amended *1 t• aii,1 hour bill, as in- trt,ducetl in the House of Commons by Mr. Verville, was endorsed by the Fro- ntier and Hors, Mockenzie`Xing, The Est ell live of the Trades and Labor C'ouncll do not skiprove of the measure. SKONK WANTED iN ANY QUANTITY At Best Market Prices I pay best in prices for Mink, coon, Muskrat, Weasel,' Lynx, Bear, &e, I pay all express' charges, charge no coin. mission. T hold furs separate en request. Write for my latest price list, J. YAFFE Toronto, Ont. 72 Colborne st., J.H1McLaIIand ETI -IE !t• t • New Jewelry Ston o a 4. ,•q, Watch Repuirlug 4* • - Jewelry Reifaitdng g.., + Uli,olt lepau tag • ,•1,Engraving - • ♦• • • An excellent` stock of Watches, Oloeks ant. Fine Jewelry, .titer- • .•l, ling Silver aiid Plated Ware at • your. service. .I- • Souvenirs 4. • Eagagelnent and ' • \Veddisl Icings 4.4e1.•••••••••••••• ••••••••••• AI IFORM ITY HAT do we mean by uniformity in flour? We mean r stability and dependability, every barrel like every other barrel, every baking like every other. Now, uniformity in flour comes only from eternal vigilance. It is the result of everlasting care and watchfulness at the mill. It can only be produced by the most advanced methods of milling and the most expensive up-to-date equipment. One of the many great virtues of Royal Household Flo r is its absolute uniformity. It never varies. It is the same yesterday, today, to -morrow. Year in and year out it is always uniform, always the best, always invariable in results whether for Bread or Pastry. Royal Household Flour has to be uniform. It cannot be anything else. It is surrounded at every stage of production with the utmost care and watchfulness. The Ogilvie Mills are models of up-to-date equipment— the machinery is the most advanced and most expensive the inspection laboratory and test baking departments are the most complete and scientific in the world. It has taken enormous Capital and the experience of a life time to achieve the absolute uniformity of Royal Household Flour. The watch, watch, watch_ and test, test, test which have made ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR the world's finest flout'''are your permanent safeguard as to quality. Royal Household Flour is best for bread, best for cakes, best for pies, best for all household baking. To be sure of uniform results in baking whether for bread or pastry—use Royal Household Flour and stick to it. Write for"Ogilvie's Book fora Cook". This bookcontatns 125 pages of excellent recipes many of which have never before been published and well be sent free if you mention the Mune of your dealer. WM. & R. A. PRYNE 1),1-'- ik - riVP iVi .!' r /Reports Markct 12 to 18 Hours Ahead of the Morning Papers ers Every issue of The Toronto Daily Star contains the day's price quotations on the Grain and Live Stock Markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo, Chicago and other important centres —the very sante quotations that the morning papers will print next day—is to x8 hours later. The Toronto Daily Star market reports are most accurate, and getting them every day you are always able to catch the marketat hestpoint and - to sell your products at the its sig highest prices prevailing. To be a daily and constant reader of the Toronto Star market reports means money in your pocket—a live paper for wideawake people. TORONTO DAILY STAR This pager and the u in C"Y - Toronto Daily Star . 1.50 Offer for one yearfor $z.ao a 'year 11