HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-1-12, Page 6..4 4t4Fesse
"For Tea Yon Can't Beat Lipton's"'
Our Success Depends Upon Your Satisfaction.
That's Why We Employ the World's Greatest
Experts to Blend.
Almost all 'Their Lives Spent
Abroad in the Interest of
Their Country.
Lord Kitchener, who has return-
ed to England after an absence of
eight years, has been remarking
that when he saw London last it
was a city of hansoms and horse-
- 'buses, while now it is a city of tax-
is and tube railways. Eight years
make a lot of difference.
But some of the Empire's most
distinguished men have been exiled
for longer than that. It is only
three years since Lord Cromer
came back from Egypt, after spend-
ing a solid quarter of a century in
building it up. What was once a
helpless, neglected country, practi
tally as backward as China, is now
one of the best irrigated and best
administered countries in the world.
So highly have his services been
valued, that the yi.ang Artillery of-
ficer, who first took Egypt in hand,
soon became a baronet, then a
peer, then a viscount, while now he.
is an earl, Lord Cromer has spent
nearly thirty years in banishment.
Robert Louis .eitevenson was,
when at the height of his fame, sen-
entenced by his doctor to exile for the
rest of his life. After a few years'
wandering over the Pacific he set-
;;Ytied down at Samoa, in the South
Seas, and there he died years af-
terwards. . So much did he long
for home that he said he would wit-
tingly give a year of his life to see
the gas -lamps shieing on the rainy
pavements of Edinburgh. But it
was as well he did not come, for
It would have meant a speedy death.
Besides; we owe many of his finest
books to his seven years of exile.
"Catriona" and "The Master of
Ballantrae," were written in Sa-
moa. Sometimes, even while there
he was in such pain that he could
not speak, but had to dictate his
books by the deaf-and-dumb alpha-
Lord Roberts spent forty-one
years withering in India. He ,first
_went to India in 1852. After serv-
ing through the days of the Mutiny,
he, returned home in 1858 to re-
ceive the Victoria Oros from the
Queen and to be married. When
he went out again it was to remain
in Tndia for twelve unbroken years.
By that time he had won fame ' by
the march of Kandahar. A Brit-
ish force had been defeated at Mai -
wand, and retreated on Kandahar.
Roberts, aftermarching at top
speed for weeks with exhausted
!; troops, along roads which were
•‘irastly..the dried-up beds of moun-
tain torrents, relieved the town,
and on the very next day sailed out
and crushingly defeated the besieg-
ing Afghans.
Livingstone spent nearly thirty-
five years in the heart of savage
Africa. So long was he away, in-
deed, that that other famous ex-
plorer—Stanley—was sent out
specially to find him. When he did
tind'.him, it was practically a tie-
ing skeleton that he found. But
Livingstone rejected all entreaties
to return to civilization, and died in
exile. During those years df ban-
ishment he added a great deal to
Tui• knowledge of Central Africa,
exploring- the Zambesi region and
up towards the sources of the Niles
In fact, before ;Livingstone's time
maps of Africa usually showed in
the centre only pictures of ele-
l. phants,fnstead of towns and rivers,
Whenyoung Robert Clive—then a
boy f eighteen --first h
o tc.an--{r:
Y t; arrived at
Madras as a clerk, he was so poor
and so wretched that he twice tried
to shoot himself. When he return-
ed home ten years later he was Bri-
!most famous general. When
be first went our; the present Em-
pire was resuesented by
a few scat -
Weed grams of English
traders, de-
pendent on local princes, When he
teturned it was the native princes
Who relied on British protection
and help, And after those ten
strenuous years he was away again
for another five.
One of the most striking cases
Rr, `of Britain's exiles was the famous
t "Rajah Brooke," A shier lore of
` atl}';tutu, e made him$ bay a yailit
and sail for Borneo. During hit
quarter of a century's stay there
he added half of that immense is-
land to the Empire.—London An.
A. Scientist Says the Poles Onoo
Melted and Tropics Had
One of the most fascinating spec-
ulations in which men have ever
engaged (says a writer in "Scien-
tific Siftings") is that which Profes-
sor Garrett P. Serviss has advanc-
dvanceed. It assumes that the axis of the
earth, in Some long ago time, tip-
ped over, so that the poles and the
equator changed places, tropical
vegetation and a crowdedlife in all
its varied forms flourishing around
what are now the snowy and ice-
bound poles, while regions of the
earth which are now the most thick-
ly inhabited were buried under tre-
mendous accumulations of snow
and ice, which never melted away,
even in the hottest summers.
This theory has been thought to
find support. in the 'unquestioned
fact that exploration around both
the North and South polar regions
shows that at some time in the past
they have been habitable, since the
remains of plants and animals
which cannot survive there are still
to be found in those regions 1 But
if it be assumed that such a tre-
mendous change occurred — a
change which would imply a com-
p e tipping over of the earth—
the next question is: How could
such a change have been produced?
It has been suggested that it might
have come about through the piling
up of ice and other material around
one or both of the poles.
The recent explorations of Lieu-
tenant Shackleton have shown that
ployes wears the Krupp badge
This is a miniature artillery she
made of platinum,. Those of twen
ty years' service wear the she
mounted on gold, those of short,e
service on silvan,• This 'applies t
d k CI k
ono who does not? Simply enough
Every ono of the i00,o40 T�ruliP em
PLOYS 150,000 NEN.
Originated 100 Years Ago—Buying
Laud in Holland to'Extend
Its Business.
The great German firm that is
known to everyone as "Krupp's,"
and which supplies half the civiliz-
ed world with what it wants in the
way of cannon, ib buying a large
tract of land in Holland with the
object of erecting new works there.
If so, this gigantic business, which
already gives employment to about
150,000 men, and owns a city and
several towns and villages in` -Ger-
many, will soon possess no fewer
than nine different groups of
The rise of the firm has been re-
markably swift. In 1810 a working
mechanic called Frederick Krupp,
set up a forge in the village of Es-
sen. Wretchedly poor, he yet con-
trived to keep four workmen in his
pay. He had ideas which, he
hoped, would revolutionize the
manufacture of steel. Handicap-
ped by his poverty, however,. and
by a ten years' lawsuit, he accom-
plished nothing, and died, wornout
by failure, in 1826.
When his son Alfred, for whose
schooling the widowed mother had
scarcely been able to pay, entered
the business in 1848, he found, to
use his own words, "three work-
men and considerably more debts
than cash." Before his death, fifty
years later, he was one of the most
powerful footers in the wars of
Europe. <.
Wedged in between two huge
workshops in Essen, which is: now
a city of a quarter of a million in-
habitants, and is practically the
property of the firm, there stands
the tiny old-fashioned cottage in
which the founder, of the firm strug-
gled for a livelihood. It bears an
inscription in the handwriting of
Alfred Krupp, commending the ex-
ample of his parents to the work -
people. The site of that cottage
is worth thousands, but it still stays
It would be difficult to name three
European countries in which the
Krupp firm have no interests. In
Germany they own, besides Essen
(their headquarters), the'Germania
Dockyard at` Kiel (where they build
Dreadnoughts), three coal mines,
many iron mines and foundries, and
great steel -making works at Rhein-
hausen on the Rhine, and at Magde-
bourg. They have coal and iron
mines all over Europe. The fam-
ous iron -making town of Bilbao,' in,
Spain, is partly theirs. It is from
Bilbao that Britain gets most of
her supplies. of iron ore.
Everything Krupp's do is on a
gigantic scale. At Essen they keep
an. hotel solely for the use of the
firm's guests. These are'ohicflyt
°reign military and naval officers
nspecting the work Krupp's are
carrying out for'their respective
countries. No bills, of course, are
presented. This hotel costs
Crupp's a dear $125,000 a year.
Alfred Krupp was succeeded'by
is son, the second . Frederick
Krupp. The new head of. the firm
as a peace -loving scientist with
a passion for botany and zoology,
and aposi,tive distaste for cannon -
making. Rumor has it, however,
that on at least one occasion he
ade his presence felt. ` On one oo-
asion he bearded Bismarck in his
en and told him flatly that a cer-
ain war must not break out. And
did not.
There are several uncrowned
ings in Europe, and the head of
e Krupp firm is certainly one of
em. There are very Mw. nations
at can wage a war without the
sistance of Krupp's.
The firm is now managed by a
and' of twelve directors, the
airman of which is the second
sband of Frau Krupp, the late
rederick's widow. Frau Krupp,
she is still called, is the largest
hareholder. The name, by the
ay, is pronounced "Kroon "
ace -clowned Antarctic Continent,
where the ice covering a continent i
two-thirds as largo as North Amer-
ica, towers up thousands of feet, is
now in its mean elevation the high-
est part of the earth. The axis of
the earth now runs through, its
shortest diameter; in' other words, e
the poles. But if we can imagine
vast accumulations to be made w
round the poles, the polar diameter I
would become greater than the
equatorial, and the earth would be -
n to wobble
g ee was a
lack of perfect balance between theI
two ends the centrifugal force t m
would cause the axis to swing l d
round until at last, perhaps, the, t
whole' earth would turn over in l it
such a way as to swing its"poles
round to the place where the equa-
tor formerly was.
There is a multitude of scientific th
reasons why this theory will probe- as
bly never receive the support of -
scientific men, and yet the remark- bo
able fact remains that the polar re- ch
gions were once inhabited by tropi- hu
cal forms of life. And we know also F
that, the axis of the earth, even to- as
day is not absolutely steady, but''s
wobbles a little, and it, has been W
thought that this wobbling may
arise in part from the lack of bal-
ance caused by the great weight of to
the lofty ice -covered continent of en
the far south,, On the other hand, E
it has been solemnly argued that de
when the axis tipped over the whole to
earth changed its position with it. in
The sudden extinction of the mom,- t
moths in Siberia has been attributed S
to the change of the equatorial to b
the polar regions, th
f ge
r[ , ,fi.. ti
Where s your father1 asked
the minister. to
"Up the river fishin," answered a,
the boy. K
"Where's your ibrother'?"V
r yo r b g r
Down the river f'ishin'." ar
"What.are you doingl" a
' `Diggin' bait.'' a1
"Hasn't you& family anything to e
do but amuse itself?" to
Frau Krupp and her two daugh-
rs have all married German bar-
s, friends of the Kaiser. The
mperor, indeed, ss said to have
ne the match -making, es he na-
rally wishes to bind the Krupp
terests as firmly to those of the
ate as .possible.
Round Essen four towns have
• built b the Krupp r
y pp fi.m for
eir workmen. Two of these are.
Eden cities, much like those of
ngland, and are reserved for re -
red and disabled employes.
In Essen itself the Krupp insti-
tions are innumerable. There
re two "housekeeping schools" for
rttpp girls, Besides the usual lib -
ries and toobnical colleges there
c Krupp cafes, Krupp churches,
Krupp hospital, .c Krupp park -
1 solely for the use of the firm's
mployes. There is a I(ruppfi,,,,, �•es-
urant, in which two thouiihnd
rupp workmen can cline at one
But how is itpossible
to tell a
Mart who works: for Krupp's from
"Mister, if you think we're dein'
this for fun, you wait an' hear what
ma, says if we come home without
itey fish."
engineers an won men, e
on the other hand, have to w
two pairs of small platinum she
each pair being coupled by a eh
and are thus recognizable by th
slebve-links,—Pea•rson's Weekly.
Museum of the Family Wardrobe
a Quilt, -
r. s,
The old patchwork quilt was
elaborate arrangement of d
monds, squares and stripes - of
quisitely faded colors. It was
work of years, and as soon as
Gray had spread it'out on the gr
ex -
four-poster it became evident to h
visitor that it was really a muse
of the family wardrobe of save
"That lilac patch," the old la
began, "is a bit of .Great -Gran
mother Gray's flowered gown. 5
had 11 when she was married, a
when her first daughter -in -1
came into the family she gave it
her, and she wore it„ for second be
every summer as long as she lived
It was one of those French ca
toes; you couldn't wear one oil
It cost three shillings a yard, b
it was like a piece of silk.
"That blue diamond is a piece
the gown I had when my husba
first came courting—it was o
Sunday night, and I'd taken off i
best barege and 'put on my bl
print, to help get supper in. I r
member that I felt very bad, th
I'd changed my barege—it was a r
al soft buff, trimmed with quillin
of pale green satin ribbon. Bu
David always said that little btu
print was the neatest thing he e
er saw on a girl, and because h
liked it, I put in the diamonds.
``Those three pieces ofgreenan
orange and brown were once pa
of Sister Caroline's garibaldis—s
always wore deep or flaming colors
they seemed to belong with. he
rich' color and dark, handsaw
"Those white squares are all bit
of my babies' bias --Jamie s, Meg
gie's, Susie's, Emily's and John's
And those buffs and blues an
pinks and cranberry reds are piece
of their dresses when they' wer
The Office 18 One of Much Dignity
—It Outranks the First of
the Dalma..
$ing George, in' appointing Lord
Kitchener to hll the duties of lord
high constable of England on the
occasion of his coronation. in West-
minster Abbey next June,, has be-
stowed upon the field }marshal a
most signal mark of honor.
For the office in question is of
such dignity that it will enable the
victor of- Omdurman to rank at the
ceremony before the duke of Nor-
folk, although the fatter is not only
the first of the dukes, by seniority
er of creation, and premier peer „f
um the realm, but also hereditary earl
nal marshal of England. The duke of
Fife figured as lord high constable
Great -Gran at the coronation of Edward 'VII.,
he who was his father-in-law, although
nd it had been generally anticipated
that Lord Roberts would be called
to upon to act in this capacity. For
st it has been .customary ever since
the abolition of the lord. high con
li` stableship as an hereditary office
t to confer it upon great military
ut commanders, the first duke of Wel-
lington acting as lord high con -
of stable at the successive coronations
nd of George IV., of William IV., and
ee of Queen Victoria.
ue who abolished the dignity of lord
e- high constable as a permanent and
at hereditary office on the ground that
e- it "endowed its holder with too
t much power for'any subject to
e hold, with due regard for the pres-
tige and safety of the crown."And
e when Edward Stafford, duke of
Buckingham, who had attended the.
d Blue Beard king in that capacity at
rt his coronation, and subsequently
he at the famous meeting of the Field
of the Cloth of Gold, was attainted
' by parliament in 1521 on charges of
e treason and deprived of all his hon-
ors and distinctions, the office was
abolished as permanent and as here-
_ • ditary,- and is only temporarily re-
vived at coronations.
d In fact, so apprehensive were
"Those handsome deep - orang
squares I colored myself with on
ion; I dyed enough for severe
quilts when the children had th
measles. . Some I gave away, o
traded for colors I didn't have.
"I did most of the quilting at od
I was waiting for my
husband to come home to meals
and when he had his sore thumb
and wanted me to sit- with him al
the spare time I had.
"And that square," indicating
one of rose and violet stripes,, "
was just piecing in when they came
and told me Johnny had got into
the mill pond through the ice, and
I'd better get the bed hot, for they
were bringing him home. I put in
all those silk' patches the next few
days, while I was nursing Johnny.;
He was always delicate, and the
wetting and cold threw him into a
kind of low fever.
"Those • borders belong to the
next generation," the old lady con-
cluded with a tender smile. "Yes,
II pieced them out of little dresses
my grandchildren wore, and I
quilted them in little hearts and'
rings—for I had more time _ then,
and I wanted them to have some-
thing pretty to remember grandma
Boy With a Resolution Better Off
Than One With Money.
• some of the former sovereigns of
e England lest undue advantage
should be taken of the vast powers
e inherent in the office of high con-
stable, that Queen Elizabeth, in
1' nominating Henry, earl of Arundel,
e to perform its duties at her core-
e nation in January, 1559, express-
ly stipulated that his tenure of the
dd dignity should not extend beyond
forty-eight hours.
In England the office of lord con
stable first came into existence with
1 the Norman conquest, and King
William's lord high oonstable
seems to have fulfilled the duties
I of quartermaster general of the
court and of the army. But the of-
fice grew in importance, and by
the time of the troubles between
King Stephen and Empress Maud
it was granted as a hereditary hon-
or, the greatest in her gift, to Milo
of Gloucester, Earl of Hereford,
who had been her principal sup-
Many youths are trained along
the lines of least resistance. Their,
careers are watched so that they*
may not run against obstacles and
disappointments. They get all the
money, clothes, idling, pleasures
they want, .without making a single
effort to possess them. "';re want
John to have a good time now, for
after a while he may not have it,"
is the philosophy upon which many
parents act.
•It is great folly. The boy who is
put on the lines of least resistance
and meets with Mw if any adversit-
ies, gathers little strength of mind
or character. There isno gliding
forward. T.tere is no buil) in ad-
vance that does nob involve an ef-
fort. The boy whose path is made
smooth and easy for hire is like the
pupil in school who studies arith-
metic with a key. He got his les-
sons, but he•,died, at last, in an in-
Just mark it down, oh rich and
loving parent, that your boy, .rain
ed in , Ise and comfort, and with
every advantage ready at ].rand,
provided by your Bounty, will not
amount to a hill al beans out in the.
world, where het•cism is in demand
and true worth is the best of man-
It is unfortunate formy boy not
to have a straggle during the form-
ation period of life, and a boy with
a resolution to make Iris way is far
better off' than a boy with money to
buy it, Stick. is pin right there,
Both King George and Queen
Mary entertain sentiments of warm
regard for Lord Kitchener, of whom
they saw a great deal during their
prolonged stay in India some years
ago. In fact, King George, who
was brought up as a sailor, may be,
said to have imbibed most of his
military ideas and views from Lord
Kitchener. During the sojourn of
the royal couple at Balmoral last
summer, when, desirous of rest and
relaxation, their guests were few,.
Lord Kitchener was a frequent and
welcome visitor at Balmoral, being
on each occasion detained by his
sovereign beyond the time appoint-
ed for the duration of his stay.
It is no secret that George V.,
who as sovereign possesses by vir-
tue of the constitution a prepon-
derant voice in the affairs of tho
army and navy, the officers of which
hold their commissions and coni-'
mantis entirely at his pleasure,
practically forced upon the reluc-
tant Asquith government, and still
more reluctant cabal at the war de-
partment the appointment of the
field marshal, first of all as mem-
ber of the imperial committee of - -- 1-
national defense, anti secondly as Wo then relax ourvigor; and re- .
inspector general, and de facto gen- solve no longer to be terrified with STARVATION T.TNMENTIONED.
- Is the Standard Article
For making soap, softening water, removing old paint,
disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other
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'CTsefet for 500 purposes -Sold Et or tehers.
Commence the New Year fight
by Using
We guarantee the' quality and know that if you once
try them you will use them always.
of Norfolk, hereditary. Earl Mar
shal of the realm. Lord Kitchener
like the Duke of Norfolk, will
beattended by two pages of honor
one hearing the train of his corona
tion robes and the other carrying
on a cushion his coronet of viscount
Marching in front of them, and
therefore' occupying , an inferior
place in the procession—for in func-
tions of this kind it is always the
most important personages who
come last—will be the lord high
constable of the kingdom of Scot-
land and of the kingdom of Ire-
With regard to the Emerald Isle
its lord high' constable is, as in
the case of England, now -a -days
only for coronations, and was' held
at the crowning of Edward VII. by
the Duke of Abercorn. In previ-
ous coronations, however. it gen-
erally has been .granted' to the
Duke of Leinster, as premier duke
and premier peer of the kingdom of
The lord high constable of Scot-
land, which is combined with the
office of knight mareschal of that
kingdom, is hereditary in
the chief of which is the Earl of
Erroll, and by virtue of these two
hereditary dignities he is entitled
to precedence at all times over
every other nobleman of Scotland,
and is the first subject of the king
in Scotland after the princes of the
While these offices thus invest
their holder with much' rank and
precedence, they no longer confer
upon him- powers of any kind, and
remain more or less honorary dig-
nities, to which certain minor per-
quisites' are attached. The con-
stableship of Sootiand has been in-
vested in the house of Hay since
1315, when it was bestowed upon
Sir Gilbert Hay of Erroll by King:
Robert Bruce, the present Lord Er-
roll being the nineteenth earl' of
his line and the twenty-third lord
high constable.
Lord Erroll has royal blood in
his veins. For his grandmother,
wife of the eighteenth Earl of Er-
roll, was Lady Elizabeth Fitzolar-
ence, a natural: daughter of King
William IV.
Happy Are They Who Shall Learn
From Exaiirple.
Human life is the journey of a
day ; we rise in the morning • of
youth,: full of vigor and full of ex-
pectation ; we set forward with
spirit: and hope, with gaiety, and
with diligence, and travel on awhile
in the direct rad, piety, towards
the inansh:ma of the rest... - In a
short time we reruit our fervor and
elideavor, to find some mihigaticn
of our duty, and some more easy
means of obtaining the same end.
we let fall the remembrance of out
original intention, and quit the 'on-
ly adequate object of rational de.
We entangle ourselves in basil.
ness, immerge ourselves in luxury,.
and rove through labyrinths of in.
constancy till the darkness of old
age begins to invade us, and dis-
ease and anxiety obstruct our way;
we then look back upon our lives
with horror, with sorrow, with re-
pentance, and wish, but too often
vainly wish that we had not-forsak-
en the ways of virtue. Happy are
they who shall learn from thy ex-
ample not to despair, that reforma-
tion is never hopeless, nor sincere
endeavors unassisted; that the
wanderer may at length return, af-
ter all his errors, and that he who
implores strength and courage
from above shall find danger and
difficulty give way before ham.—Dr,
Love Letters of a Korean Gold
Miner Read in Court.
Miss Mary Egan, a young Irish
woman, living at Penarth, near
Cardiff, was at Swansea, England,
Assizes, awarded $1,000 damages in
an action for breach of promise of
marriage against William Henry
Griffen, an engineer, now living at
Newport, Monmouthshire.
, The defendant, it appeared, made
an expedition to the Far East, and
from 1904 to.1808 was gold mining
in Korea,
In letters to Miss Egan which
were read, the defendant called her
his "dear pure white rose," and
sighed for the time "when we can
sit together under our own vine
and fig tree and on our own blarney
stone." He sent her "forty-five
billion kisses" and addressed her
as "My Rose of Sharon."
Mr. Griffen gave evidence, and
was cross-examined by Mr. Ivor
On returning home from Korea
you thought there was a little social
distinction between you and the
parlor -maid at Penarth? No.
In Korea, I see by the letters,
you had a high position—you occu- -
pied the Emperor's palace when
he was not at home and before he
was beheaded? Yes. (Laughter,) '
What , were you -a mandarin 1
(Laughter.) A liner..
Wasn't there some disappoint.
Ment in your fancily at.the ,success -
fill miner coming back laden with
Korean! gold and expected to marry
the plaintiff? No.
1Vereu't you trying y g t o get rid of
the girl because yon wero travel-
ing first-class and staying at the
(:rand Hotel, Paris, and the Em•
pel'or's palace, E.orea? .The da
fondant made no reply.
eralissimo of the military forces o£ crimes at a distance; but rely upon Drink water,
y y ins an m` toussli ; we thus enter r tho bowers of
clinations, but by the knowledge ssise, .and report in the shades of
that by so, doing he was satisfying securit ,. see
the hopes and the wishes' of his J 4 the h.att scriesis
Lord (Kitchener of Khartum will
have nothing to do at the corona-
tion but to walls in the procession,
almost immediately in front of the'
king, bearing' a staff of office, one
end tipped with the royal arms and
the other with his own. He will
walk to the right of the peer of the
realm bearing the sword of state,
who on the occasion of the corona-
tion of Edward VII. was the Mar-
quis of Londonderry and who was
the empire, prompted thereto not our own constancy and ventui'o {'o fever. - 1 Driirlc will and ge typhoid
only b his own convict. d ' al'proarli rvliut et tete ‘e
never to and got tuber.
anti vigilance. subsides; then we are
willing to enquire whether another
advance cannot be made and
whether we may nob at least turn,
our eyes upon the gardens of pleas-
ure. We approach them :with scru-
ple and hesitation; we enter lihemr
but enter timorous and trembling
and always hope to pass through
them without losing the road of ru
tie, which for as while we beep in
aur sight, and to which we purpose
to return, _ But temptation sue -
nods temptation, and one compli-
ance propanes tis for another ; we in
calosis. D,,ink whiskey and get
jitujantc. Drink soup and get fat
Eat meat a'icl enaourae cantor,
apoplexy airs? appendicitis. tat
oysters and absorl:, typhoid goatri<
p,,i.vn germs.. linin v igetables and
give the system Asiatic thin-b'loocb
ed wt•eakness. Eat dessert and die
with paresis or something else,
Drink coffee and fall . into insorm
pia and nervous prostration. Drink
tea and get arca!; heart, Drink
wino and get gout. You can take-
your choice.
attended. merely byone yae, time lose tn� t Tho banana seeds only on rine
, g 1 . 1 app!/ ee of lnnn- allot on. Cartlt, the Andaman
On the left hand of the bearer of crate, and sofacc our disquiet with n i 5.s
q lands, Elsewhere tho plant is tai+p
the sword 0= atata'tvill be Iain Duke s°ureal giatiCacation. By clegrecifrom shoots,