HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-1-12, Page 4Booths,
(„1N1'Aat0 Logi:41/11 a is slated for the
34tH iest, hull for wevka :thereafter a 2
rillg political program will be presented
the people of. this Province in watching
thedoings in parliamentary halls at
Ottawa 411.4 Tot outn ,'l'bese Important
bocliesshoald not lose sight of the fact
that they are the servants, or agents, of
the electors not the bosses as some
bumptious fellows appear to thltik'Judg-
ing by their actions. Parliaments do not
convene at big expense to kill time or go
on holiday parade but to attend to bnsi'-
nessand advance the best interests of
r s$eis ' 1.as't I File CONSTIPATION
'1"Itxtii+, journals forecast a large busi-
ness for toil and wholesalers have
bought on a scale indicative of large
outputs. Those who are supposed to
know speak with bright 'anticipation of
the West, With the opening up of
lands by new railways nearby markets
will be supplied, a boon to the settler who
counts much now on modern facilities.
It is said McKenzie & Mann, railway
magnates, will purchase loo,000 acres
of land in British Columbia which will
be served by the Canadian Northern
railway and will help Canada grow.
IN4Ea '
s ones are told by
MrLemieux of his visit to South Africa
and of the great strides being made in
that Innd since the Boer war. The
people appear to accept the new and
better older of things with good grace
and a history full of successes will no
doubt he written in the years to come.
While the above mentioned war brought
mucb sorrow and loss of life and property
the ou come bas effectually silenced the
croakers who foreshadowed only evil as
the outcome. Britaiu is a great colon-
izer and harbinger of peace.
A Naw historic period 'will be marked
on 'Thursday of next week, 19th inst., in
• Canada by the formal opening of the
Naval College at Halifax. There will
he au official program and the proceed-
ings will inaugurate an epoch in Cana-
dian history hitherto unknown but inci-
dent to the growth and development of
a great colony. Local interest is added
to the Naval College from the fact that
Cleveland Aloin, B. A., son of Rev. S.
J. Allis, of Windsor, formerly of Brus-
sels,is a member of the teaching staff.
The i itial list of students will consist of
21 cadets.
PERHAPS the financial pulse of a couu•
try cannot be better practically illustrated
country than by the earnings of its rail-
ways. If this be true, according to the
returus of the C. P. R.. for tgro. Cana-
dian trade and commerce has not been
stagnant by any means. Report says
over Sr5o.000,000 were realized by the
above mentioned railway Co., outside of
their steamship lines and hotels, over
E$5oo,000,000 of an advance over rgog.
4 Soo freight cars and 265 passenger
coaches and baggage cars and 125 loco-
motives were added to the roiling stock
in the past twelve months,
--EA6'r Hutton Farmers should take
notice of date of regular meetings of the
Farmers' Institute which are, Wroxeter,
stet.. and Brussels, January 23rd. Two
sessions will be held each day, at 2 and
.7.30 p,, m. The outside talent will be
Gavin Barbour, of Cross Hill, and Mrs.
Woeard, of Toronto, both of whom
have been on the program here before
and require .no introduction. Mrs.
lVorelard's messages will be particularly
directed 1.i, the ladies and especially
those associated with the Women's In-
s mite
n-situ s. '!'here s:iould be a large rally
of the womenfolk on the dates mention-
ed, Musical program will be given at
eacheveniag meeting.
TWENTY Six tnunicipalities were Added
to the "dry" territory of Ontario bs'
Local Option on January zed, swelling
the grand total to 436. By the helpful
influences of tate 3/5 handicap twenty
iter ---'-fixe contests were unsuccessful, Local
Option may not accomplish all its most
euthttsiastic supporters claim nor will
it be responsible for the many dire cal.
amities predicted by its severest critics
A summary of. the situation as it now
1?:i'7inde• is as follows :—Municipalities
carrying local option 13 towns, 8 villages,
15 townships ; total, -g6. Failing to
carry owing to three-fifths clause : 7
towns; s villages, 18 townships ; total,
3o. Defeating local option 1 city, 6
towns, 7 villages, at townships ; total
25. Places sustaining by-law in repeal
eonte6t I
2 townships • total
Number of
3.places voting, 84. Muni-
cipalities already "dry" , 410. Total
uutnbet of municipalities in Ontario
ltd. Number now to be "dry," 436.
Remaining "wet," 380,
The municipal contest in Wallace
resulted ae follows ;
• Reeve.—S, 11. Smith,, 3231 John
276, Smith elected by 47
Oounciilors—Briebin, 287 ; Arnold,.
2881 Tipping, 231; Lllzbtt, 222 ; Mo.
Knight, 1991 Moore, 187;Gilinont',163,.
,l.hii first four are elected,
A Med lel ne that pace 1406 Coat Ant/thing
tlnloes It cures,
The tteti vo Inedlc incl ingredients of
ilexitll Orderlies, which is ordorless,
tasteless atul coulees, is an entirely
new discovery, Combined with other
extremely vltluahle iugl'edients st
perfect bowel regulator, intestinal
invigorator and strengthener. Rex,
all Orderlies are eaten like candy and
are notable fop their agreeableness to
the palate and gentleness of action.
They eta not cause griping or any
disagreeable effeet or iuconvenienee.
Unlike other pre}rarations for a
Tilcp purpose,' they do not create a
habit, but instead they overcome the
cause of habit acquired through the l
050 of ordinary laxatives, cathartics
and har•als physic, and permanently
zeulove the cause of constipation or
irregular bowel action.
We will refund .your money with- ,
out argument if they do toot do as wo
say they will. Two sizes, 25c. and 100,
Sold only at our store—The ROxidi
Store, F. R. Smith.
Church Chimes
Next; Sabbath Rev. Dr. Oaten, wit
preach Missionary sermons in th
Methodist church.
Mrs, (Rev.) Oaten was cue of • th
speakers at the Women's Missionary
gathering at Gorrie on Monday of tbi
Special evangelistic services have been
iu progress in Melville church during
this week, conducted by the pastor,
which have been full of interest.
Rev.David Rogers, pastor of the
g p to
Methodist church Sealotth has recent
ly received a unanimous invitation from
the joint boards of the Central Methocli t
church, of St. 'Phomas, to become their
pastor in June, 1915. He will probable
accept, subject to the action of the
Stationing Committee. illr. Rogers is
closing Isis fourth year 111 Seatorth. He
was a former junior pastor of Brussels
Methodist church and does good work.
Rev. Mr. Wishart was at Paisley
Sunday giving addresses in connection
with the Local Option Campaign, His
pulpit here was supplied by Jno. '1'.
Strachan, of Toronto University, a son
of John Strachan, of Jamestown locality,
In the morning Mr. Strachan gave a
resume of his experiences in Mission
Work in the West and at the evening
service he dealt with '"1'he abundant
lite." The speaker purposes entering
the ministry of the Presbyterian church.
We wish hint the highest success.
Union services are being held four
evenings last week by the Presbyterian
and Methodist churches. Tuesdayeveu-
ing in Melville church, Rev. Mr. Wis-
hart lead the meeting and Rev, Dr.
Oaten preached a very practical sermon
on God's promise to Joshua "Be strong
and of good courage, etc," Rev. A. C.
Wishart occupied the pulpit in the
Methodist church Wednesday evening
and gave au earnest and timely discourse
on God's interrogation to Adam,
"Where Art Thou The pastor took
charge of the service and also sung a
solo. Thursday evening in Melville
church, Dr. Oaten spoke on "The
Consciousness of Conversion" and Fri-
day evening the closing address of the
series was given by Rev. Mr. Wishart,
' Christ weeping over aerusalem." The
services were much enjoyed.
Sabbaths the Missionary phase of church
work will be specially emphasized in the
Methodist t
N hod1sL Ch li' `t
t c t here. Last Sabbath
Rev. ) t
1 t Rutledge, >
d c of Wingham,
opened the r'
p U series with two most ap
propriate sermons. Morning text was
For the love of Christ constr'aineth us"
in which the valuation that should be
placed upon Divine Love and the duly
of those who have felt its constraining
influences to pass it on were portrayed
very practically and earnestly. The
evening theme was "The open Door,"
from which a discourse full of hope as
to opportunity and success, especially to
the youth, was given. The choir rend-
ered choice anthems and Misses Lily
and Pearce Sharpe sang a very timeny
duet at the close of the evening sermon.
Rev. Dr. Rutledge is a brother to Mrs.
J. 'L. Kerr with whom he visited while
in town.
,......MM1....•a.l.I .... r•.•. •••• •R•° •wtn•.w e
��/ ale a
� •
• • •
• r • 0
•e�cLaren 9si
s ••
The Januar Stock Reducin • Sale offers a 'record- •
• Y g a •
breaking cut in the prices of seasonable e
Dry Goods and Clothing, -•
0 • •
0 •.L�..ALL I►�L.��� ► . �b• e
• furca
nd •Overcoats
°eWe would like to clear out all Furs and -•
' Overcoats still on hand, With the cold e
weather still to conte this is your oppor- •
tunity. Furs and Overcoats at Greatly •
0 Reduced Prices, s
— " s-orNr �n'�7�7 e
• .�� ��41...•.
A Clean -sweep Sale of
and Misses' Coats
_ e
Got a Dollar ?
If Not, Fifty Cents will do.
Where can von get a great metropoli-
tan newspaper for fifty cents a yearn
But the publishers of Canada's great
national newspaper, the Montreal Week-
ly Witness and Canadian Homestead,
will send their paper fo you on trial for
one year for only fifty cents, or the
Daily Witness for only one clollar for ops
year, on trial. '!'hese offers are only
open to those who have been taking
neither the Daily Witness nor Weekly
The Witness has only just decided to
otter these bargains to genuine Pew sub-
scrihers, and the publishers agree to re-
fund the full money to any subscriber
who writes them in a month that be or
she does not like the bargain, '!'hat's
fair, is it not ? The Witness is rut up.to-
date newspaper. Its splendid merles
are alone worth several times the price
—and its editorials are llistorymaking
and uuparallelled. The -Witness, Can-
ada's great national newspaper, is, as
everyone knows. always fair and square
and fearless. During its jubillee. just
eelebiated, newspapers and public men.
of every province have made remarkable
tributes to the Value and enterprise of
the Montreal Witness. We have only
space for one OF h
o tem and will quote the
Hon, Sydney Fisher, the Canadian Min.
of Agriculture.
m c
mr Yat i
g t batieg
the Witness onthe nt.casi0nofits jubilee
"I have taken the opportunity of
saying to ninny people Iiia' I consider
the Montreal Witness life best manag-
ed, newspaper in Canada, fot this a.
lnongst.other reasons --that it is ihOr-
nughly interesting end fearless in its.
expressions and its principles are
broad, generous, and in the public in•-
terest, and sound economically in
public, affairs."
'2ha Witness should be in every home,
Remember, NEW subscribers may have
the Daily Witness nu trial for the year
tort for one dollar(St.co), or the Weekly
Witness and Canadian Homestead, our
trlal for one year', for only fifty cents
(sae). . Address your SU bseripiton at once
Save money and fit your children out with
Winter Coats, Remember every Gar-
ment is Cut to Clear,.
7T71v7v��7r71r�-' gr r
alh.41641116416.16.411646464111646AJ64 46416.16406.&0
• Ladies' Long 'Coats
Only a few left to be cleared at' Very a
Low Prices. •
••Mfg's Ends -of Embroideries and Laces 0
on Sale at little more than Half Price.
Highest Prices v
for Produce. G. N. McLAREN
• _.. J
•••••N••••••°•••••••••••••000000 eeee000.000.000•••
to the publishers, John Dougall & Son
Witness Block, Montieal.
i Perth County Council.
The Perth County Council will be
composed of the following members
for I911 1—
Blaitshard—W. Gowans.
Dowttie—Alex, Frame.
Fullaeton—L. F. Turner,
t—J A. McLaren.
Ln an
g Tohn Rudolph.
Ellice Reeve R Armstrong ; dep-
uty reeve G. Fhgoetz.
North Eastilope—E. Hoffmeier,
South Easthope—D. Yausie.
Elam—Reeve, J, Hamilton , d'eputy
reeve, W. Scott.
iMornington—T. Dewar.
Wallace—S. Smith.
Listowel—J. A. Hacking.
Milverton—J. G. Groseh,
Mitchell—Jas. Hill.
The new Council will organize and
elect their Warden on Jan. 24th. For
the Wardership, Reeve Rudolph, of
Logan, and Reeve McLaren, of Rib-
bert, are prominently mentioned.
Itis a far cry from lecturing on ec-
onomies and political science in Mc-
C4111University, Montreal, to , writing
hutnornts sketches for Toontn Sat-
urday Night, However, this is the
dual occupation of Stephen Leacock at
the irioment.
Educated at Upper Canada College
Leacock was on the staff of this
educational inetitutiot from 1892 to
1809. and is consequently well known
in Ontario. L1 111e years 1907 sand
1006 he toured the British Empire,
lecturing on Imperial problems under
the auspices of the Rhodes Trust.
It was aftee his eetnru from this
1111881011 that Leacork began to be
known as a writer of humorous aket-
r'hes, some of whin]] appeared in Can-
adian journals, including Toronto Sat-
urday Night, as far back as 1808.
Toronto Saturday Night Ibas begun
a new series by Dr. Leacock. Novels
in Nutshells, he calls them. They are
ten in number, and one is being pub-
lished each week. Everybody loves
good clean humor. Everybody is at-
tracted by it, for the veal humorist
is a rate bird ; and it is rarer still
that one is captured on the nest right
herein Canada.
+ r utby-law the•
to raise an ad-
ditional for electric light pur-
poses took plrlcc 00 r'a'tion gday,the
by-law being carried by •a total unlit
of 172 to 81. „
The regular alar m
1 of:`tlie High
School Board washeld and after con-
siderable aniline 'b,3i$inese had been
transacted, J. W. Scott, chairman of
the board, kindly invited the members
of the board and the teachers to his
house, where a very pleasant social
time was spent' with Mr. Scott as host.
E G. Matthews, principal of Listo.
Business College reports 0 very suc-
cessful opening for 'Winter Term 1911
having a`78 per cent increase in at-
tendance over opening' clay 1910.
This speaks well for the pnblie 0011 -
Hence placed in E. G. Matthews and
his assistant Miss A. Myrtle Smith.
who has charge of the Shorthand
Depa[ toren t.
Harry Haines, of Toronto, and
Charles Haines, of Owen Sotnid, spent
New Year's with their brother, W.I.
Fergus and 'Mrs. Beemer, of Gillies
Depot, New Ontario, were New Year's
vtown,isitors with the former's parents in
Walter Hall,- of the Wingham Ad-
vance staff, will enjoy , a sojourn in
California fora few months with rela-
tives and old friends• sVe wish him
a good time.
Thos. Forbes received word of the
death of his sister, Nis. Geo, Coutles,
of Gaylord, Mich. The deceased for -
merly:t'eeIded on the Belgr.aye road,
trod WAS well kno)yil in this vicinity,
She was 00 year's of age and leaven a
husband anti nine uhildi en. The lat-
ter etre 1111 grows r1 r,
.[S eulployees of the London, Baron
& Bruce, waited 00ox-0i/101ntov John
Rnirk (between trains) and prest+uted
him with a large silver! snug. Mail
(7leek, I. 31, xobnston, read the ad"
dress, mid Qnndul'tnr Moir made the
What women at sometime or other
does not experience these theinl1ni
bearing down pilins. Mrs. E. Griffith,
of lusts strt, Hw, t'„ says
"A heavy beeearing•epdownorthpaOnin 1)1(1 cel'
toed across my back and sides. l was
often unable to stoop or straighten
myself up. Many times each night. 1.
would have to leave my bed with the
irregular apcl frequent secretions of
the kidneys and dust as done out in
the morning as on retiring. IAga-
languid arm I
would have to
let my 'house
work ataud.
Nothing I had
tried would bene-
fit me. 1 learn-
ed of Booth's'
Kidney Pills
and concluded I
would try them,
which I did, and
soon found. the long sought relief.
lily back strengthened and I began to
feel better and stronger. I now enjoy
mysleep without being disturbed
feel grateful Co Booths Kidney Pills
for what they did for me."
Booth a Kidney Pills are a boon to
women. She would know Less of
backa5hes if she took more of these
wonderful pills. They are nature's
greatest specifo for all diseases of the
kidneys and bladder. All druggists,
80e. box, or postpaid from T110 R.' T.
Booth Co., Lul„ Fort Erie, Ont. Sold
and guaranteed by Jas. Fox.
Cutters Cutters
Have you seen Ewan's .Display
of Cutters for this Season ?
The Neatest, Lightest, Best Finished and niost Up• -to -date
Cutters on the Market.
--Piano box Cutters, with high side pads, all hinrmiugs to lift nut.
Trimmed in plush or leather cloth, Likewise piano b0X Cutlers
With auto seats that tell at sight. Cooing be beaten for comfort.
si 1ay of Portland Cutters. '!'Itis is sapeciel design of a
a large a d
Cutter. As it is a great mistake with many of the factories of betid-
ing too large a Portland Cutter for our'ro'tds, We have made a
special study of this style this season and have got just what the
people want—a Mee, neat, medium size Portli»1d Culler, 00)5furtable
and got up with first•cless material.
—Everyboiy is invited to call at our Factory, examine dor goods and Ile
poavh,eed that we have the best style of Cutters 011 the market."
'IX -Please don't forget that Ewan's Cutters take the red tickets at all local
Fairs at which they are exhibited.
imam qmesee.,
Sarc�tNe.W o0 r
• 8
a• Brand New Stock of
. •
• General' Dry Goods ••
Boots and Shoes °
• t4
• 0
Notice to Creditors • D
In the matter of the estate of John Luc- 0 ��•
as, late of the Township of Grey, 0
in the County of Boron, gentleman.
deceased: 0
0 P
Notice fauhereby esof•ven "1897, to et"The. • Store is now Den and dole Business
Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1897, section 651, •
chapter, 129, that all creditors and others hay- •
ing claims against the estate of John Leone, • p
who diedon or about the 14th day of December 0
1950, are required on or before the 1401 day of • 0
January, A.D.911, to -send by post, prepaid, • Hoping .. .
or deliver to Mntcolm Ferguson, 'M.D., of Ethel, • LiO h g to meet withmany old andnew
Ontario, the Executor of the deceased, their 0 friends as I'm here'f01'.business.
Christian and surnames, addresses and de- 0
sorlptions with full particulars in writing of • A
their claims and statement of their accounts • O
ane the. nature of the security (if amyl held by •
And further take- notice that after such last 0Rs
mentioned date the said Executor will • A. proceed to ditribute the assets of the decead l 0
mnongst the parties entitled thereto. having
regard only to the clams of which he 1,111 0
then have notice and that the said Executor 0 Give me a Call at the Love Block and See
will not be -liable for the said assets, or any 00
part thereof,to any person or persons of whose 0 the choice stock at Low Prices. 0
claim notice shall not have been received by •
him at the time of such distribution. • - 0
Dated the24Eh day of December, 1910. •••.•.•.••.••••••••••••••••a•••e••••••••••••••••e•e•e
2&9 W. M. SIN'CLAIR,
Solicitor for the Executor.
FOR'SEt1VICE. The nnderaignedwill keep •••♦•••••••••••••N♦♦♦♦♦1
nervus on Lot 10, Con. 10, n thorn'• •
bred Berkshire hog. Pedigree may be semi on
application. Terme MAO. Mother of this hog ♦, •
took second prize at the Fat Stock Show at : �i n g�t�h a�•
Guelph. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor,. . ♦ 'b chA
At your home without
pain, clanger or operation.
My method will cure np
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or ''how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait Finn coupon
Age 'flute Rup
Single or Dciub'e
Name..... ................... ......
Adtl t ass
and return to
88 Caledonia St.
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.
forSale •
100 acres of standing timber also 200 acres of
burned down: timber.. suitable for wood and
logs. Lots 22, 26, 24 and 25, Oon, 17, Grey town-
ship. Further information .may be had at the
Sash end Door Factory, Brussels, or from Geo. •
Dunlop, Con. 10 Grey. P:: AM ENT, ♦-
21-6 Proprietor. •
doral6•tied offers fat• sale in GOwganda,,
town lots No. 0 on 7th street and No. 4 on filth
street. They .are Pauli 00 feetwide and
UFO 181 : feet long mid in a good part 0
0f the town, suitable for a: store or •
1, larding{, house. For further particulars ap-
p!),to1o6LTIi:ANK MILLER, Bracebridge, 0111. .'0
College •
11- Shine's
FOR SALE,—The farm kr own as the
Bhine's farm, is now offered for sale" in
order to wind up the estate. The farm con -
mins 011 acres being parte of Lots 6 & 9 in the
12t11 con. of Grey.. Mostly all seeded to grass
and in state or good cultivation. On the
farm 19 a good brief[ home and bank bang also
a frame barn, orchard, &e. Property.. to be
hold worth the money. Apply to JAS. BOTZ,
Lot4, Oon. 11, Grey, or -0n the premises.
17-tf -. MRS. W M, SHINE,
ARM FOR SALE, bein6 South half Lot 26,
Oon, 4. Morrie township, Huron Co., con-
taining 100 acres more or less. On the prem-
ises is aframe house, bank barn, good orchard,
well, windmill, &a. All cleared except about
nn acre. School 15 miles distant. Only tis!
't miles from Brussels. 8 acres of Fall wheat in
and about he acres seeded down, For price,
: terms and other -information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussela P. 0. Phone
128. Or F. S. Scott, Bruesela.
11-tf A. L. KERR, Proprietor.
FARM FORSALIO.-.The undersigned offers
for ante, his 100 acre farm, being Lot 80,
Con. 18, Grey. About 70 80186 cleared, balance
in swamp, 8 acres in Fall wheat, 01 acres seed-
' ed down. Mill plowing Is being done, 0n the
fano Is n frame !louse, link barn, driving shed,
good orchard and drilled well. (lose to post-
ammommenumencemminemin °Moe, church and school. For further pertiou-
lays apply to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprlstoe,
or F. S. Scott, Brussels.
The first pound
you use will win
your �' lasting
IX !
r \ �
n n
Ar.., f b
P1Rirr Flour
FARhI FOR SALE,—The 100 acre form he.
Ing the property of the late Peter ?newel',
Lot 211, 0011,14, Grey, is offered for sale by the
undersigned. There are 86 Beres cleared, bel.
[Ince well timbered. On the farm there is a.
house. large
Pl nein good tconditionand
well fenced. Nor further par1icnlara apply to
J.A.S. A. M0NA1R or JAB. D. menAIR, Exec -
Mote, Oranbrook P. O., or 1r, 8, SCOTT, erns.
sale, 7.1?
POE F l OR SALE Bon 2t and 11, Con. s-
MLatslo and Lot 28 on she 11th ardino-
nlon. Lots 21 nod compose se Llu
1 t 711
G dinar
and contains
hares. first -Maim
land, wlf fenced,
welllu drained has 16 aores
hardWood bush ush good
comfortable .
buildings with f�all money. bn
a good hearing l0,el,iarty d, 1115118 1s on of the
choicest farms in the County of Horan and
will beold m1 terms to snit purehnser, Lot
29 contains 1251101'08 with small /101180 0114 bnrsl
ell in pasture and has been for
years, Therearo 555, 6ores 0? good ?lelon this
Paint, For
ca, wr pa toll P 0., o apply the
ALEX .. 45-tf
NR, Wnitou P. O„ or on the prem Isar. 48 -Et
Students' Fares to
The llstowel Business College,
V. From Brussels 12 45 per month . Blue'
vn109O es nor month .; Ethel, Reef rya
and Atwood $2..80 per moat),. Winter Lterm onelm Jen, 0 For part tattlers ad.
dress EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Prin.
Aveti�teavisotzsea 67aas2wR4S`p,6tit
Is a link in Canada's Greatest e•
Chain of 1:1-igh 6'111(111 Oolleges o
founded during the past twenty- ♦
six years. This chain is the tang •
est trainers of young, people ,n e
Canada audit is freely admitted •
that its goad -ales get the best e
positions. 'Thele t8 11 1eason ; ♦
write for it.A diploma from 1,
♦ the commercial Educators' As- d
sociatiott of Canada is.a passport
to success, 9
• ♦ You may study partly at home A
• and finish at the College. - s
• Rater any clay, 0
• •
Fall Term opens August 29th •
♦ _ •
Business College o
CHAS. W. BURNS, Principal
OEO. BPOTTON, President •
••♦. ♦♦•••p'
WJlzvuy4v a,,Av gdvsl <r,1 ,7Avawpr<y,
Wanted d . I
mon Mid
to prepare for. positions of Trust d .'(1
Responsibility, . worth frown 840 to 8100
per month. The famous .g
Toronto, Ont.
. stands far nbove the average Bus 8
d College of this country. Its record for ,
piecing b Andante in pesitione is a re- 1
p) rnnrka le one. Largo catalogue free, 7(
W. J. ELLIOTT', Principal i,
0,, , Yom
exon[ e+ 1
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H Toronto.
Orit .
'12-2g „traVrttavistiS0i2aY�'S�'q,[¢ip+irlq�+lbza ::
p sv3utogy ymai+s'"i. tcva'v+cvArair2ptisa' ,j
Winter term from _ '.
F5 Wea groat prn0tioal training nbhool of N
,W Wnterh Ontario. One acorea urn x,
9 p l'tetsnl, our trnohora nxpurtenoed in -t4
�y ntehotorn, and the demand upon vefot• +SV
shelp during the Fnll term was seven'.
do,n, the ae rely: our graduates ore in
demand na husloes8 Oblih ,n eras ore.
Om• g1•ndnates PttOrr rl gg
a 71ir A
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4 'ilig;a l graph t'c gal, t35'5,e nntl ni
and Tol „,.., ty, Gct mtP trop en gni- 11
D. A, meta/am/1N; Prihoipal, 41