HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-1-5, Page 8!r{ ss' took Food or Horses, Cattle, Hogs, and Sheep Keep hoer stock in mime,condttlon by esing Hess' Stock Food Fed reg- ularly ulariv ilPlt vent, disease corrects indigestion, nod make the e system take mire of all the te tiff that is ted so that nothing is wasted; produces health, flesh 05(1 a fine appearduce, 7 lb. Package 65c. 12 lbs, 861,00 Hess' Poultry Panacea Cures diseases In Fpwls, Will make hens ley. Now when eggs are eggs you was to get the best possible returns from your poultry. It will help a whole lot, if you use Bless' .Panacea. 35c pkg., also the large pkg. at 85c Keel, your Hens healthy and clean by applying Instant Louse Killer, effectual for destroying lice on poultry -35C. can. Hess' Dip, and Disinfectant e.,,, 4 flies the air, cures parasitic skin disorders. 50c tin. We have a full supply of these preparations on hand. Give them a trial. F. moSt R.SMITH, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER 'jcai Nttus Items 1911, JANUARY. READ our clubbing offer. A. 0. U. W. Friday evening of this Councils assume office next Mender. . THE last meeting of rgio School Board will be held Friday evening of uext week. MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this week, Next Fair Thursday, Feb roars and. Reeve LECKIE was at Goderich this week as a member of the Criminal Audit Board for the eo. RENEWAL subscriptions have been roll- ing in and new names added to THE POST subscription list.. Wer P, FRASER, who has bought the re -tailoring business of C. H. Dodds, talks to the public this week. SKATING - has been in order on the Campbell open rink, corner of Turn - berry and, Queen streets. MR. Hicxs promises surae lively times this month iu the weather program. Read his forecast on page 4 of this issue. r ANNum. meeting of East Huron Agri - P cultual Society will he held Wednesday. 18th 'lust, at 1.3o p, m. in the Council Chamber, Brussels. AN Assembly was held in the Town Hall Wednesday evening of this week. Music was furnished by an Italian orchestra from London. Subjects for Sunday Jau. 8th, at St. .'John's Church. Brussels, will be:— ti a. m. "The Epiphany Message," 7 p. an, ,.our steps to the Christ," rr"T1st . R. A. PRYNE will receive for the l first time since her marriage on Friday, Dec. •d3th, at her home 'l'uruberry street and after that on the first and third Thursdaysof each month, PROMPT SETTLEMENT.—Tuesday of this week R. I. Hoover, Chief Ranger, of Court Maitland, No. g65, I 0. F., Brussels. and Recording Secretary, T. Curry, waited on Mrs. Chas. Rozell and handed her a cheque fot the $z,000, Beneficiary Certificate held by the late Mr Rozell. It was just a month since deceased passed away- when payment was made„ ',Mrs. Rozell returns thanks to the Urd"er for their brotherliness and promptness. ,.. WENT OFF FINE.—The Christmas Can - tate given in the Town Hall, Thursday evening Of last week under the direc- tiou of M. 'A(1dih Wright, was a very attractive presentation. Program was pleasingly rendered and fully enjoyed bx the large audience. Mrs. Wright was complimented, deservedly, for the training of the young people to such a large measure of 'proficiency. OWING to. Mr. Worden missing the train he was unable to open the Princi- pal's department of the Public School Tuesday.: He was on hand for Wednes day morning and the various room$$ are squaring away for this term's Work, Mr, Worden will teach during January after which Mr. Gilmour will commence his' duties as Principal. There is a large attendance of pupils. :BRIGHT' LLT'rLE GIRL Dins:—Ethel Isabel, youngest daughter of Wilber and Mrs, Baker; of Granton, formerly of IBriissels, died on Tuesday morning, '4;44' 34eyears. The ailment was hemorrhage of the stomach and bowels. ;he was a bright child but never very • robust. Mrs. F. Oliver, mother of Mrs, Baker, and T. K. and Mrs. Baker, of :klenfryn, attended the funeral.Many • old friends here of the bereaved parents will sympathise with them in the demise Of their little daughter. banATE,—Mundayevening, Jan. gth, a debate will 1>e held iu:the 'school room of the Methodist church, under the auspices a the Epworth League, when the sub it jece• 'Resolvedthat•the Irish site a more clever race than., the Scotch," teeth be discussed. Miss Josie k ' Buohanen `and Chester Armstrong will support the affirmative and the negative will be looked after by R. A. 5 Pryne and Eli Snaith. Light refresh merits will be servedand everybody will l be welcome, ytr DoIstc WELL.— Congratulations . are ra extended to Will, Strachan who headed the list for, Honor Matriculations exams. to Seaforth Collegiate. rack Leckie Stood 3rd in clears II, Miss Stella Stubbs Was 1st in her class for Faculty En•reuce PNtt II, and leo, Henderson and Frank Scott 3rd and 4t11 respectively in class XU Faculty Entrance. We are proud of.,,our Brussels pupils. They rarely fail�'t make good when it cones to coinpar spqas add we wish all concerned continued succuss ill,their studies, • KINDLY REmelanraEu,—The members of. the Methodist Church choir very thoughtfully presented Mrs. J. J, Gil- pin, (Who buts been en, ►hvalid for nearly 3 Feet's but is Making favorable progress) tit the Chrisilhasticle with a lar a sheaf of beautiful.;pink and white carnations " nagdsltausparnglas fern. Mrs, Gil,pieIn lWAS ivsetryo11 1•1gUy 55pteatatedf,ile l he Vomtet's Missionary ` Sdetety had 'fe- 'itnnhered their absent Dieitlbor in a' miller tnarili'er a shttrt••titne,'ago: • 'PHs trains from the East have been notoriously late for the past few weeks, Time table seems to be good for nothing. MIssIONARY,— Rev. Dr, Rutledge, of Wiogham, will preach Missionary sermons in Brussels Methodist eborelt next Sabbath morning mud evening. Dr. Oaten will take the work at Wing ham. Next Sabbath Rev. Fr. Blair, the newly app Tinted priest to the recently constituted parish of Wingbarn and Brussels, will open his pa••torate and will conduct service in the R, C. church here in the morning at rli.30. FELL DOWN CELLAR —A short time ago Wm. McKelvey, Princess street, fell down the stairway into the cellar of this home, striking his head on the cement floor and inflicting a nasty bruise. He also injured one of his arms. Improve- ment is noticeable in his condition and we hope he will soon be quite recovered from the accident, —o— GOOD cow, due to calve, for sale. Tnoe. Minnow.%, Brussels, 855 of all headaches are the result of eye etram. If you are troubled that way make it a point to consult S. L. Taube at Fox's Drug Store, Brussels, on Wednesday,January 1111. HIGHEST price paid for potatoes at Mw Orseken's, 25-4 REMEMBER the date. B L. Tenho, eyesight specialist, of Toronto, will be at Foeti Drug Store, Brussels, on Wednesday, January 11th, end if there is any thing wrong with your eye- sight do not fail to consult him. All work ab- solutely guaranteed. DR OVENS, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat, will be at American Hotel, Brew eels, Friday, Jan. 8th. Glosses of all style; and prices fitted properly. Cataract, squint, oat- arrh, asthma, failing eyesigilji and deafness treated. ELOCUTION AND PHYSICAL CULTURE.—Mies Ida oleur oses organizinga class in Elem. tion and Physical Culture. Persons desirous of receiving instruction in either or both may have particulars by conferring with Mica Oole or calling No. 854 telephone, or writing Ethel P. O. Fon sale a comfortable cottage on Elizabeth street, Brussels. Apply to J. H. CA50505. 0 — C]ILESRATEO HIs 82ND BIRTHDAY.— Last Saturday, George Pollard, celebrat- ed his 82nd birthday at his home, Turn - berry street, Brussels, where assembled n number of relatives to extend con. •ratnlations to the genial host. The .i rood things of this lite were served in ich abundance and the occasion was one of genuine hospitality and delight. Mr. Pollard was born in Co. Carlow, Ireland, and came to Canada when 22 years of age 'and took up residence in Hibbert township, Perth Co., where be resided for or oyears. 14ears e 304 V were spent in Morris township and four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Pollard moved to Brussels retiring from the faro] and being succeeded by their son Charles. Statton, Pollard was a Miss Sc o❑ of Logan, township. S ix sons and three daughters were horn o the home,the 0 r ❑ t children being Charles, of Morris ; Henry, of Mich.; las„ of the Soo ; Geo., of Weston, Ont. ; Joseph, of Washing- ton ; Thomas, of Manitoba ; Mrs. J Wasman, of Clinton ; Mrs. Elliott, of Inwood ; and Mrs. McGee, of Port Townshend, Washington. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pollard enjoy good health. The former will take his axe, walk 3 mile's to the bush and cut up a load of wood in about as lively a style as many men at 5o. The old gentleman has good eyesight and hearing for a man of his age and is one of the boys of the old brigade all right. We extend con re- g g g tulations to Mr, Pollard. People We Talk About Mrs. J. H. Cameron was visiting at. Ethel. Mrs. John Thomson visited relatives at Seaforth. 911, Chapman, of town, was visiting at his home in Atwood. S. and Mrs. Bailey spent the holiday with relatives in Clinton, John B. McLanchlin is her on a holi- day ;trip :from the West, Mrs. Fletcher Sperling was visiting' relatives at St, Marys. W. W. Harris and family were visit- ors with Rothsay relatives. Miss Thirst( Gerry is holidaying at Holmesville, Clinton and Wingham. Miss Isabel Strachan enjoyed a holi- day visit with Loudon frient's E. Abra. of Owen Sound, spent the holiday with friends in Brussels, The Normaliles have returned to school after the Christmas vacation. Robt. Rots and family, of Kincardine, were holiday visitors at David Ross'. J, 0, Halliday is back' to town from an extended visit with his son at LoD. don. Miss Clara and Roy Peters, o£ 13ervie, were visiting relatives in town last week. John Heist tied daughters, •of d Winthro, were renewing old frrlendsips it town. Doe, Anderson, of Tavistock, =idea brief visit with relatives in Brussels and C11 •s. Mss Annie rpie MeQ u trrie arrived home last week front her millinery position at Campbellford, Miss Little Downing was visiting Miss Edna Pugh and other olcl friends at Mitchell, The Best Servant I is a Strong of the Farmer Chartered Bank The metropolitan Bank • Makes a Specialty of the business -.of Farmers and extends to them most Reasonable'Terms. Every Department of Baking is Conducted_. Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER Avon Mi`.Kelvey, of the Standard Bank, Stoufville, spent • Christmas at his lionre here. Jno. and Peter Ferguson were visit- ing relatives at Teeswater over 'New Year's holiday. Councillor Lowry visited at Colborne at his son-in-law's, J. W. Craigie, form- erly of Brussels Mr. Walkey and bride. of Winnipeg, were visiting Geo. Kerr and other old friends this week. Thos, and Mrs. Grant, of Wroxeter, were visiting the fornrer's parents in town on New Years. Russell Zimmer, of Toronto, waseall- ing on relatives and old friends in Brus- sels during the past week. Miss Bella Kyle, of Chesley, was a New Year's visitor at Grand 'trunk Agent Kyle's, Mill street. Mrs. D. A. Lowry and daughter Florence spent the New Vear holiday with friends at Walkerton. Druggist Harry Crooks, of Ingersoll, was a welcome visitor .10 the parental home during the past week. Master Harry Wheatley, of Stratford, has returned home from a week's visit with hisauntie, Mrs. Daniel Glassier. Mrs. Eddy, and Miss Forrester, of Loudon, were visiting the Currie and McDowell families during the oast week. Miss Stella Stubbs was a visitor at ewMill s her grandfather Jewitt's, s,res. street. She is a student at Seaforth Collegiate Mrs, J G. 'Tremain, of Detroit, Mrs. B 1-lume, of Tornnlo, and Mrs. Jul,. Long, visited in Kincardine with old friends. Miss Alma McKelvey has returned to Toronto after spending Christmas and New Years at her home ou Princess street. Lorne McKelvey and son, Morley. of Hltinilton, spent the New Year holiday with friends here and Mrs. L Eckmier, of Jamestown. Neil S. McLauchlin is making favor- able progress. His heart has been giv Mg some bother but we hope he will soon be able to be about as of hid. James Hoggard is here from the West ori a visit. He is a nephew of R. Leath erdale, His parents were former well known residents of this locality. Miss Bertha Sharpe was here for a short visit from Toronto. She is enjoy- ing her work as telegraph operator, and has added 20 pounds to her weight. Dr, R. P and Mrs. Feild, of Sound, were renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality this week. They are well pleased wi'h their new home. Mrs. James Sherrie. of town celebrat- ed s Ja her 8 rd birthdaylast week and 3 is enjoying coo aratively good health for. a lady of her year's. We extend con- gratulations, J. G. Rolnh, teller of the Metropolitan Bank here liar been changed to the Queen and McCaul Street Branch, Tor- onto •and W.W.Balla h from the same Branch, is officiating in 13rnssels. Former old restd, iits ate holidaying here from Winntea in the, persons' of Ilarry' and Mrs( !own and daughter. Mrs. Town rs A:dau'ghter of S. and Mrs. Crawford, rof- Brussels. r , M. Scott of Hamilton. washere D for a few days duringthe past Week Y He is now on the road representing.a large undertaking establishment, ' his trips taking hint Eastward a good share. of the time. Geo. W. Jordan, son of Duke Jordan, 5th line, Morris, has taken a position as Junior in the Metropolitan Bank in Brussels. He should make a competent band as he is a bright, trustworthy young man, Mrs. Will, Lowry and miss Greta. of London, were renewing old friendships in Brussels. They will accompany Mr. Lown' to California where they expect to spend a few months at Los Angeles and other points. We wish them a gond time. C. H. and Mrs. Dodds and family left for the Pacific Coast 'Thursday of last week. They expected, to visit the formerls parents en route. Mr. Dodds takes a position in a large tailoring establishment in Vancouver. We wish the fapil,f prosperity. ' roil Co. Council 1811 ' Foll6Wing will constitute the Coun- ty Cot}nkil of Huron for this year and will 'compare very favorably with their .predecessoie :— Ashfield—*Thos. Stothers, *Win. Hunter. Bayfield—Dr. Smith. Blyth—*L. Bill, 1.lrtissels—*John Leckie. Clinton—*W. G. Smyth. Colborne—N. Kernraglian. Exeter—John Taylor. Goderich-•-*Ohas. A: Reid, *B, 0. Munuings. Goderich Tiv.—*S. Sturdy. Gre —*R. W. Livits stoit Jr Y g ]o. Brown. Hay—*P. Lamont, Bengal I-0. Geigger, Howick—T. J Winter, J. Downey. 1lullett-,'Jas. Leiper. . Mcl�illop-•.*Jho. M Lovelock. Mort is—Jno, Shdrtreed. Seaforth—J5 C. 'Greig. Stanley—W. Glenn, StFr ]1 —• en S, 5weitzer, p W. D. sun 1 `� de 0, 1.nckelsmitb— R. McKay. Tutnberry--T H. Powell,' TJsbor ue—R Ilunkin, SVawar]osh t'rtst•-••*Jinn. Gillespie. Wnwanosh Westr--Wm. Bailie. Wingham—D. E. McDonakL Wroxeter—C. Reis. 13 of last year's Co. Councillors, marked with a *, were elected by ac- claination. For the Wardeiiship it looks like a run between Reeves Govenlock, Mc- Kay and Geiger. Municipal Elections. GREY Dep. Reeve 1 2 9 4 5 6' 7 Brown ... 51 56. 4 30 05 32 87-325 McFadzean . 23 24 '79 62 50 27 16-281 Majority for Brown ......... 44 Councillors— Cole , 41 34 46 60 87 37 59=301 Oott 43 33 49 56 35 18 56-290 Fraser 43 40 11 34 81 55 49-313 McArthur 47 67 53 60 58 15 56-3413 Councillors elected are Messrs. Cole, McArthur and Fraser. Reeve Living- ston was elected by aoclunuttion. MORRIS Reeve— 1 2 3 4 5 6 McCracken 21 12 50 23 48 4I-195 Shortreed... 72 83 20 39 25 36-234 Majority for Shot treed.......89 Councillors— 1 2 3 4 5 6 Elston ...... . 11 10 54 30 66 59-230 Johnston ... 24 33 41 30 46 70-250 Kelly 49 25 18 14 22 6-134 Laidlaw .,, 70 58 38 28 17 19-230 Thuell 40 60 43 46 29 23-247 Wilkinson 24 32 62 49 42 27-236 Township Clerk gave casting vote for Election in the tie with Laidlaw. I1IILLETT Reeve— 1 2 3 4 5 6,.7 Barr . . 49 54 22 6423 40 26-272 Leiper. 48 63 38 51 27 36 66-829 Majority for Leiper. ......... 57 Councillors— - Clark , 82 85 23 '74 32 46 31-373 Fing]and 24 68 10 03 30 57 81-323 Miller 68 83 59 60 38 35 23-363 Tamblyn 27 68 20.99 31 57 42-344 Watt37 100 0 56 19 19 25-265 First four Councillor's are elected. TURNBERRY• Reeve—T. K. Powell. Maj. 47. Councillors—John Mulvey, Arthur Wheeler, John Rutherford and John McBurney. STANDARD BANK Established 103 OF CANADA a0 0n44e MONEY ORDERS FOR R S MAAIL SUMS S Safety,, convenience and IoW cosi unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. Under $5 , , , 3c, $10 to $30 . . . 10c. $5 to $10 ... 6c, $30 to $50 . I5c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. BRVSSEL.r$ BRANCH J. F. Rowland, Massager MoKILLOP Reeve'— 1 2 3 4 (loveni0ck....... .„ 105 79 '63 69-315 Ross 9 28 77 34-140 - Majority for Govenlock.,....160 Councillors— Case ...., 0 38 65 63-175 Beuerrnann........ 35 70 73 40-218 Cowan 82 94 -08 49-288 McQuaid 109 '76 57 49-201 Smith 66 47 59 53-225 Balfour 31 38 38 50-167 Bolton 27 17 46 25-115 Councillors elected are F. J. iide- Quaid, Jas. Cowan, Jas. S. Smith and Henry Bauermanu. • EAST WAWANOSH Reeve—John Gillespie, re-elected by. acclamation. Councillors 1 2 3 4 5 Stonehouse ... 31 76 61 18 17-193 Burchill 14 49 69 41 18-191 Scott 19 64 44 34 27-188 Campbell 24 53 35 30 30-179 Chlimney 24.47 37 44 15-167 Hallaban 28 30 10 17 16-101 EAST WAWANOSH. Reeve—John Gillespie by ace. Councillors—Jos. Stonehouse, Semi, Burchill. Peter W. Scott and 3. New- ton Carnpbell. The vote on the by-law for the issue of debentures to the amount of ,$,18,000 for the purpose of building bridges on the river, con, 8 and 9. and 10 and 11, stood—For the by-law 170; against 90. BLYTH. IOIUNIOIPAL Election in Blyth result- ed as follows :—Luxton Bill, by ac- clamation, Reeve ; Councillors, ,J srnes Cutt, polled 137: Jos. Carter, 129 ; Wm. H. McElroy, 119 ; Allan B. Baiudon, 108 ; Thos. Code, 94. First four.elected as Council for 1911. TURNBERRY Reeve— 1 2 3 4 Powell ......... , ,- 39 60 '70 69-238 Kelly ,. . 98 47 23 23-191 Majority for Powell 47 Councillors— Mulvey .............. 53 59 56 Wheeler 62 75 53 Rutherford 44 49 40 McBurney 42 34 63 Maxwell . 44 63 85 Bolt ....... ............ 70 17 28 Wilson ..... ..... .... 51: 18 12 84-252 29-210 60-193 28-167 23-185 9-124 23-104 •••00•••0••••••••••••eec•••••••••000•••••••ON•000•• • •0 i J a n uar Sale at ®O T 0 • O 0 • • •• 0 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • :Giese+swee eSale ••• Children's and Misses",' Coats`` • Save 'money and fit your chylclren out with;" w Winter .Coats. `: ' Remember ,'every Gar- e 'Brent is,Cut to Clear. • Av�T T, -s'r'�rr�r" n`s� r 0 a 0 es Oo Only a few left to be cleared at Very Low Prices. - NrTw ir7wT♦`T..r-rTr'7T"gr Mfg's Ends of Embroideries and Laces on Sale at little more than Half Price. cL smimmaims .. e • •• The January Stock Reducing , Sale>'offers. 'A. record- 41.; breaking cut in the prices of seasonable • • Dry Goods- iid'Clothing. • • 0•', e0 • • • • • • furs and Dvercaats We would like to,clear out all Furs and Overcoats still on. hand, -With the cold weather still to come this is your oppor- tunity. Furs' And .Overcoats at Greatly Reduced Prices: ea .N 00 A 0 0 • .i�Ji���eAA►��.A,d,.L��J �' Ladies Long Goats 1 Frigh est Prices G. N. G iVIoLAiREN 1•••••••••••••••••••••110041100•06•000•011000•060000010100: for Produce. • Z. w I W ROX ETER . Reeve - 0. Reis ..... Alex. Munro 60 Majority for Reis 8 Following three Councillors were elected by acclamation :—A. H. Mof- fatt, Gavin Davidson and John Doug- las. Another election will have to be held fora fourth Councillor. • WEST WAWANOSH Reeve— Bailie 180 Medd . 141 Thompson .. .100 Majority for Bailie, :.35 Councillors— Wilson 320 Watson .309 Aitchison 204 Murray 240 Walsh ........... .... . ,:....."....120 BORN CHISHoLM.—Iii Walkerton on Deo. 18th, to Mr. and Aire. A. P. Chisholm, formerly of Wroxeter, n daughter. HOWES.—In MoKallop, on December 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, John Howes, a son, MARRIED DAvI0000—STRAOHAN.—At the residence of the bride's parents, ah.con. Grey, on Deo. 28th, by Rev, D. B. McRae, Mr. Edgar Alex. Davidson, of Calgary, Alta., to Miss Eva 0., el. est daughter of Mr. and Mre. Wm. Strachan. GALLAoinut-NETHSRY,—At the borne Or the bride, on Jan. 011. by Rev. Mr. Farr. Mr. J. D. Gallagher, of Moose Jaw, Snok , to Miss Eva, daughter of Mr. John Nethery, of Morris township. LAMoNT—HnTOnTNaoN.—At the residence of the bride's parents.- on Dec. 2811i, by Rev, D. B. McRae, Mr. Wtu. A Lamont to Mies • Grace Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert Hutchinson, all of Grey: WILLTAtteON—FOaBE9. — At the -.pparsonage, Seetertb, on Deo. 28th. by Rev. D. Ro ere, Mr. Thos. 51. Williamson, of Grey, 10 52180 Gertrude Forbes, of McKillop. WALxfa—MAXWELL.—At the home of the bride's parents, Morrie. on Dec, 214. by. Rev. Mr. Farr, Mr. W. H Walkio, of Win- nipeg. to Mies Lottie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 31 Maxwell. DIED BAHR.—In Morrie township on Jan. 1st, Mar- garet Atelia, Isabella Chambers, beloved wife of Peter Barr, aged 40 years, 9 months and 14 days. 'KAAKE,-20 Wroxeter, on Dec. 29th, Mre..A4 Bert Hooke aged 03 years. STEwa5T.—In Grey, on Deo. 28th. David Stew- art, aged 90 years, 5 months and 22 days. Eyesigl 'Your oyes will appreciate the ease and cnuifot•t derived from wearing , , t. hen t, 1 9e �� 1 Atli es 101 tl ll a g "proper Nfi g ting your eyes suited tlemand abil'ily, te t y h tbiht, Mel rd ubuve all demand ax- penence--for experience is the chief thing in optieal work, St:. L. 'MUSE To rlonl'o Manufltcturieg Optician and Eyesight Spsuialist„ who has had 88 years' ex- perience in optical work, will be at Fox's Drug Store, Brussels, on Wednesday, January 11th„ 1911 5. L. Taube is the oldest optician le Clarinda, having been estlablished. since 1872, olid during the past 88 years has given every satisfrtotiot] to thousands of customers. His work has been very highly recommended by all those who have : had occasion to 1onsulthim professionally', If' you have "eye troubles" don't fail to take !advantage of this oppor- tunity to have your eyes properly at- tended to. A11 work is absolutely guaranteed. FOX'S DRUG STORE • Auction Sales FRIDAY, JANUARY ern..—Farm etoolr, fm• plements and household furniture,. 8% Lot 10, eon. 9, Morris. Sale unreserved at 1 p. in. J. W, Shortreed, prop. E. S. Scott, arm, WEDNESDAY, JANUAteY, llTo,—Parin stock, implements, etc„ 134 Lot 11, Con. 5, Morris. Sale unreserved tit p, in. ANDalW TAYLOR, Prop. F. S. Scott. Auc. .. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 111,11—Clearing Auction Sale of 22 Clydesdale horses,' 211 heed Young cattle end 21 Noss, at lot 85, eon, 10, East Wowanosh.' All ,,tech wee bred and f raised by the owner and is in prize condition, Good chance to secure good stock. Geo. T. Robertson, Proprietor. TUESDAY, JANUARY, 17rn.—1 arse -Stock,' implements, etc,, Lot, 20, Con, 10, Grey. Sala unreserved et 1 p, m. S. 0. HowLErli, Prop. F. 9. Scott, Auo, - WEDNxsnar, JAN. 187th.—Farm stuck, im• plements„$c., et lot 80, Con, O, blan•t9, Sale unreserved at 1 p. in. Wm. Clariotopher, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Auc. FEttDAy, JAN, 20'R1i.—Fartn 9t901r, i siple- mentS, household furniture, &r., at Lot 28, Con. O. Grey. Sale unreserved tit 1 p. m. nobt Olose, Prop. ; 1 . S Scott, .Ano TUESDAY Fun 7rtr.—Farm stock, imple- ments, furniture, etc.,. Lot 00, Con. 15, Grey. Sole unreserved et 1 o'clock, WM. 8011N001C, Prop. F.13 Scott, Auc. The People's- Column CECA11 FOR' - SALE. — Pardee 1egufring, fence posts, either 8 nr 9 feet' tong, tiny else front 5 incites up, should apply to A. DOUG PIAS, Wroxeter P. O., or call at form 7• tulles North of Brussels. - 27-2- COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE with stable. well, &e., and 2 acres of choice land for sale in the Southerlypartof 13rns• eels. Immediate possession con be given. For further pmrttcnlerl' apply to F, S. Scott, Brua- eels, or JNO. br oA RlHIIR, Walton P. 0. Annual Meeting East uro The ltaannualSociety will l the H n Hall, Agricultural on ebe herr in the Town . Ha1,, Bra earls,' e1. 0.Wednesday,.ii,ee January00511 feet- (ag:-1911, eheiving m. Bur al Statement of rho meed Auditoro' hepar the Arming neen' she year.rt Jso. 110 1c appointing olW. for the year. JNO.`LEOKIE, President. W. H. Mete, Secretary. •+•+•+•444.0+•+•+•• •+•+•+•+ r•+•4•+•44•:••+•4••+•'0•d C'+•+• • -1 • • • • Felt Shoes at ViholesalePrices Great.Clearhi.g sage Still ContinuesI • Comfortable 'Shoes: -far'` ali Sizes of Feet • ” Men's fine box calf or dongola ;' Shoes, Goodyear welted, latest • design- of toes r egular 5.00, • reduced to..:. .S4 00 • Metes fine shoes Bllicliet style, • regular 3.00, reduced to..,.... 2 40 Ladies line' kid Bluteller bale., Goodyette welted, regular 3.50, reduced to ' ' 2 80 Misses'Pe1U151ppers, all styles, reduced• topet. • bhrldten s Sliplseta all kinds, reduc ed lo.... ••i• • • a•• • .l, - + • •1• ••1• G Shoes of all kinds at ° Reduced Prices for Cash ij" rblanketso Raebs ant , If so note the -following prices Heavy lined Blankets, regular2.75,•reduced to...,,..,.. 2 00 • Fancy' colored heavy lined 13lankets, regular 2,50, re • duced to. ....... . .... ..... ........... ........ 1 00;, Unlined Blankets, regular 1.25, redhtced. to 90 •f• Unlined Blankets, regular 755, reducer] to 50 2 Large Saskatchewan Robes, regular 9,50, reduced to,...,7 00 •• See our Single Harness at regelar 16.00, reduced to.,„11 50 Wool and PIIIOL Rugs tedgced in price for cash, w Those requiring credit on Harness will be regular prices. accoinn odat ed at re u ' • ••t• yi• 1 • • ••. 1' • • i '1 • 11, + • • +• •+•+•+•+•+NM +0+•9 *• Fs. 4 •*• �•a••+0+i+••t 0+M hR ri w�+•