HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-1-5, Page 5/.
. 141oC A
� i
. ;kites, o! tlarriay{o l.ivvonse�; o,
,dav; at Grooary, TuruberxY street, BrusMelsi
K. •C. T.
Brussels ;Vent of the MitOetibeod, 1Vo, 2i
1 e regular R ur mu, uiae is Etta Lodge
Tuesday Ai van sl oak, el me tat• and otic[
'1'uenduy ovaulugs of ouch month.-
Visitors always A, MOODIER, A, SO Y[E1LS, coo. A, AtoBUIItE,
x YAN 1
Inco lu the Post Ornet. Ethel. - 130.4
Agent Howick Mutual •
The e Inaurauee Company
•Oliloe and ito0idenee-
• .E00,; Will sell for batter prieeo,.to
better men In lees time and lose charges
. [ban any otber Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anytbing,. Dates and orders
0110 always be arranged at this office or by
p ereuaal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. sales arranged for
at the o$lce of Tun POOT,. Brussels, '' 22t1
• liarrltt ar, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
elvtnry Public, ,Yo. office -Stewart's Stook
1 door North ut f;uu tout lintel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan 13auk,
1,110013i'00'1', HATS & KILLORAN
8Altltl8'EFatte, CHLISnLifloi t,ltS, NOTARIES
, .I1WIJ.
W: PROUDP0O0, IL 0, - '. H. 0. HAYS
J. L. KiaL'000N
Offices -Those formerly occupied by Masers
Comoros h Holt,
Oarsman, ONa'Atuo.
Dusineys Dards Miss Dickson I'eferred to Ise, daiiihttat'
• ,Toach•r of NOVO?
Bindle atGarter's Music Store,one door North
of the Standard Bunk, ,Brussels' 2 -Of
has_ ptosed snuuempf41ly her eeuond *molehill
Moil of the Plana erto Department of the To•
ionto Ognservittory. of Mesta, and to prepared
to take pupils at her home, "Princess street,
Bachelor of Medicine, ,'University of Toronto ;
Licentiate•end'Gruduate of the Collo(ie of Pity -
molests and Surgeons, Ont Po5t•g(tr�aduate
Chicago Eye, Ear, Diose and Throat Hospital,
Ottiongo,111. Ex -House'. Surgeon to. Ent Mich-
ael's Hospital, Toronto. •
Oflire over F, 1t. Smith's Drug Store, Tele-
phone connection with Cranbrook at all hours.
Phyaioinn and Surgeon ; Post Graduate course
Louden (Eng;), New York and Chicago Hoe
pito IN. Special attention to disease of eye. ear,
naso and throat. ' Eyes tested for glosses.
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto.
University ; •Licentinte'of Royal College of
Dental Surgeone, of Toronto, Office in Smith
Block recently vacated by Dr, Fetid,
R, M.M" LEAN. 0.0.8.,- L.D.S.
Gerrie, Ont
Honor graduate University of Toronto, De-
pertinent of Dentistry ; Graduate Royal Co -
lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, At Wrox-
eter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday.
Oise in. Grand Central .block.. At h'ordwioh
every Friday forenoon. Ofce in. Go•rie in
Leech's Block.. • 21-13m
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Oollege, Day and night calls. .Office opposite
Flour Mill,Ethel.
Qdt`,10xD Tarawa r it pL liPar
trail05 a in. Express 10:55 a m.
Express 91:25 n lir Mail 1:44 p
Express ...... 8:02 p m Expreae7:- 8.69 p m
i(r°aNdt .16 rraiefFlC
To Toronto - To Goderioh
Express...',..... 7 ,41 a m I. Express 11:87 o m
Express......... 2:57,p m Express 7:25 p m
Going East - 7:05 n. m. and 8:55p. in.
Going West - 12:40 and 0:47p. m.
All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T.
G. B. stations.
5E0. ALLAN, Local Agent.
al lStl`l'x 3CEUs
.—T e
cial state,neu t for this township shows
that the receipts from Dec. 15, 1009,
until Dec. 31 of that year, were
$8,955.51 ; the expenditure. $7264.99:
leaving a balance in the bank to start
1910 with, of $1760.52 From Jan. 1,
1910, till Dee. 15th, 1910, the receipts
were 811,288 48 and the total expendi-
ture for the sane time was $4,553.58,
leaving a balance o1 $672.95. The
'chief items of expenditure were—
Salaries, $327.10 ; Stationery and
printing, $104 30 ; roads and bridges.
$2600.40 ; part county rate, $256.02 ;
Yegislativeand county'grauts, 31010.-
78; debenture, 3122.45, etc. The
assets of the township are cash on
hand, 36734.95, tiucollea.ted taxes,
$5192.21 furniture,' eta., etc., total,
$12,027,16. The liabilities- are $10,-
Royal iMail Steamers
From. St. John From Halifax
Hosperien ... ..... Fri. Dec. St�n bat. Dec. 24
'Tunisian Sat. Dec. 21
Corsican. ..,Pri Jan. 0 Sat. Jan. 7
Grampian Fri. Jnt, 20 Sot. .Tan. 21
Corinthian .,. . From Boston Fri. Dec, 28
Lake Erie From Boston Frt. Jan. 0
Pretoria[. Prost Boston Fri dun.. 20
Superior ecoommorintiin may be obtained at
minimum rete on callings for the balance of
the Winter season.
CORONATION, June 22nd, 1911
Reservations for May, June and July millings
should be made ns soon as possible to obtain
choice of ncooman8dation. Reservation lists.
now open; Fall tutormotion as to rates, etc.,
on application to
Agent Allen Line, Bruseels.
• The Aslan Line, 77 Yonge st...Toronto
Regular Month!y Horse Faits will be
held in Brussels this season as follows :
THURSDAY, Jan. 5th, 1911
Feb. 2nd, 1911
Mar. 2tc1; 1911
April Oth, 1911 i
Leading local god outside buyers Will he present
To MachMer Users
._and Farmers
'Pr ®r!�7PT7�
The New Machine Shop of the
' and MACfINE Co,•
O as now ready fur .bilsilte.8, and,
♦ with good ilaohineryand Skilled i
• Mee:haties, we are in a position •
to attend toyearl'op/ties prompt,' s
• ly and at reasonable rates. •
• If you will let its know your l•
wants we will,. give yon honest o,
e advice and help if eounectett
with blaehinery,
Give us at 601811 and bycoming
nuliltg a,
♦ to Brussels, sav0 tittle and money f
•� for yourselves,
. Cranbrook
OBIT.—Bereavement came to the
home of John Helm, Wiugham, Thurs-
day evening, Dee, 23rd, when Mt's.
Helm departed Chis life, at the age of
44. Deceased was the daughter of
Mars. Gibson of Shuter street, and was
both in the township of Turnberry.
About tivo years ago, her health be-
gui to fail, dropsy std- heart trouble
being the cause. For the past few
months, she bad been mush worse and
for. a couple of weeks prior to her
death had beenobli ed to sit constant-
ly lit her .chair. She suffered very
Minh but, bore her illness without
murmuring and expressed her readi-
ness to depatt. Mrs. Helm was a
member of the Methotliht Church and
-while in health, a constant attendant
at the services of the church. Be.
sides be; bereft husband she leaves oat
aged ntothea' and one brother, both of
1Viegham. The funeral took place on
Saturday, Rev. Dr. Rutledge conduct
ing ,thti service. Mr. Helm desires to
express his gratitude to theneighbors
aid friends for their kindness during
his deceased wife's illness. Deceased
was a sister-iu-law to A. J. Helen, of
TEACHER 1{ONORED.—A very suc-
cessful At Flotnc was held in the school
hoose of No, 9, Kincardine ou'1'hurs.
day afternoon, Dec.
A w011
preparedprogram of literary and
nittsmal numbers was rendered by the
pupils, Santa, Claus theft paid a visit
and relieved tie tree of its Mullen.
The pupils tools this opportenily of
presenting their teacher with at silk
umbrellass the address, being read by
lUissGveto Neste (8 and the prt'Settta-
tionmade by Misses Ada Gawlcy and
Lelia Scott. Miss Dickson made a
suitable reply. The address read as
follows :
Miss LIZI.IE DIoresoS,
Bervie, Out.
DEAR TFiAon-EM : As you tare about. to leave us, we
your ptapals of S. S. No, 9, Kincau•diee,
feel that we cannot let this lisle pass
without shotving in a small measure
our love for yon. As out leotcltee We
haste 'always found you faithful and
kind in the work of preparing usftir
the better:.and higher positions of life.
We tttist that yon may in the future
look back with pleasure upon the (lays
spent in our midst, although we feel
that 00*' toes will be enceinte section's
gahi. W'S ask you to accept this sill;
'Umbrella, its our token -08 love and
est t ashes from all, Hoping that
on will think of its in rain or sun -
lime, We therefore wish you. A.
Merry Christnuts and A Very Happy
OW $eat', Signed ou behalf of -Lite
011001, Am GASYS.r'v,
i_, s
Mill Street Breese is 'N
awes***••♦0.4144.040 ♦4t♦ y.
of Abe, If,, Dickson, 11th I lip,, prey
Solloot REvOn'f,.. Fopowing le the.
school t'eport for H. H, No, 1 for Nov,
ember' and December. Examined in
all ,tt1e sub'egCs. 1'ptal SiiQ, Honors
038, Pass 340 ;—kir. IV.—Dora Al-
cock; 508 ; Milton Lowe, 448. Jr, IV,
Stewart Milder, 479, Sr. I1L--Willie
Gram, 047 ; Willie Akock, 529
et'J 1 J
r: IIT:— Vih
lie Sunsets, 003 Mervin Miller, 521.
$r, II.—Jean Grant, 758; Malcolm
Engel, 629 ; May Armstrong, 560,
Jr. I
I. 0lerriam Lowe, 66'• Willie
Engel, 470 ; Willie Miller, 3f50,' Pt,.11•
—Total 4e0. Honors'3'38. Pass 186.
Cecil Somers, 384 • James Armstrong,
348 ; Clarence Hollinger, 312. Pt.I, tar.
Excellent—Reuben Glassier, Pt, I.
—Excellent— \Villie Perris, Ernie
Cochrane. PEARL BARKER Teacher.
11.1'lss Ruder spelt the holidays at
her home noir El;na.
'Will. Fraser is home front the West.
He may not go back alone.
Rev. T. \V. Oosene, of Clinton,
preached )u the Methodist chnreh last
Alrs. John Lindsay from the West
is spending a few weeks with -friends-
around here.
Miss May Fraser, who has been its
Toronto Nr some time is spending her
holidays at home,
• Roy and Mrs. Fraser, - from Si.
Thomas, tote spending the holidays
with the l'ortner•'s parents.
Belt Elliott. of Chicago, is home
for a couple of weeks, His cousin,
James Elliott, accompanied hila.
Seaforth '
Mayor McCallum was re-elected to
the chief magistracy of;Seafo'th by
W. R. and Mrs. Rogers, of Toronto,
were visitors at the Parsonage during
the holiday.
A;•thur McLean,, of Dauphin, Man:,
is visiting at the house of his parents
M. Y. and Mrs. AltLean.
William Govenlock', of Chicago, is
visiting at the home of his parents,
J. R. and, Mrs. Govenlock.
Arch. Scott. son of Jaynes Scott,
who has been engaged in mission work
in Ontario, is home ou a visit.
S•h•s..1. J. Darwin is it: Toronto at-
tending her daughter, Miss Evelyn
Darwin, who is ill with. scarlet fever
and pneumonia.
Aliso Edna Staples, of Seaforth, was
the guest of Mrs. Hill. '
F. Scaudt•ettud
a NV. McLean were
home horn the University.
AJios E. Watson, of Ch thain, and
Reg. Watson were at -home for the
holidays. -
Sppecial evangelistic services will be
held in the Presbyterian church here
in January.
Ma's. John Scandrett was the recipi-
ent of a handsome brass card tray
from the 'young ladies of Trinity
H. and Mra. Watson and Jas. Mc-
Callum have arrived from the West to
see their mother, Mrs. J. McCallum,
who is suffer ing froth the effects of 0
third stroke of paralysis.
•Members of Trinity Church, Bel -
grave, collected 75 bushels of oats for
their esteemed Rector, Rev. T. H.
Fats, of'Blyl•h. -
ilfts, David Scott, of East Wawan-
osh who has been ill with bronchitis,
is somewhat improved in health.
bliss Belle Scott continues much the
same. She has been an invalid for
the past 10 years.
Miss Lizzie Well wood, of New York,
is a visitor during the holidays at her
home here.
Barrister and Mrs. Morton spent
Christmas at the foruiet's parental
house in Brampton.
The Public School trustees elected
ate :—H. E. Isaul, D. Hones, A.
Tipling and P. Campbell.
ex -Mayor. Holmes met with a pain-
ful accident on Monday of last, week.
He was on the ice curling, when he
and fell,
breakingg his right,
collar bone.
B. C.—Friday
Dec. 23rd Mr. I3radwin 2Etown receiv-
ed' a telegram from their son, Fred.,
in Kamloops, B. C., stating that he
Could not be with them for Christmas.
On Christmas day, they received an-
other telegram starting_ that Fred.
had met with an serious accident,
that resulted in death a few minutes
afterward. Word was irumediately
Cured by Lydia E. Pinks
ham's VegetableCouipound
Fox Creek, N.B.—"I have always
had pains in the loins and a weak-
-nese there, and
often after my
meals m y food
would distressme
and cause sore-
ness. Lydia E.
l'inkham'sVe eta-
ble Compound bas
done me much
good. lam strong-
er, digestion is bet-
ter, and 3 can walk
with ambition. I
have encouraged
many mothers of
families to take it, as it is the best rem-
edy in the world. You can publish this
in the papers." -= Mrs WILLIAM
I ollneuE, Fox Creek, N.B., Canada.
The above is only one of the thou.
sande of grateful letters which are
constantly being received by the
1'inkham Medicine Company of Lynn,
Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from roots and herbs,
actually does cure these obstinate dis-
eases of women after all other means
have failed, and that every such suf-
tering woman owes it -to herself to at
least give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound a trial before submit-
ting to an operation, or giving up
hope of recovery.
Mrs. Pinkham, of Lynn. Maes.,
invites all sick women to write
leer for advice. She has gadded
thousands to health And her
advice is free.
sent to Fred's youngest brother in
Saskatoon, and he left at once to bring
the remains (tome for interment. A.
E. Bradwin of Party Sound and
Edwin, of New Ontario, where home
to share the sorrow with their parents.
This is the
third tithe mo in ten
that sad and sudden news -has brought
sorrow to this home. Deceaeecl fell
down the elevator shaft at the fire
Mr. Pringle had, a pleasant surprise
when the girls of his glove factory
called him into their working room
and presented him witha gold -mount-
ed, ebony handled umbrella as a token
of esteem and good -will existing be-
tween employer and employee.
OBIT.—There passed away Friday
Dec. 23 a respected resident of Wing -
ham, Thos. Hill, Deceased was
attacked by paralysis about two
months ago, from which he never re-
covered, He was born in Cornwall,
England, in 1836, and came to the
township of Morris in 1867. 23 nears
ago, he retired from farming and
went to reside in Lowed \Viugham.
He was an esteemedmember of the.
Methodist Church, and Official Board,
and for many years a class -leader.
Besides his bereaved partner in life,
there remain four sons aild two (laugh-
tees :—Wm. H., . of Edmore, Mich. •
Thos, of Lake Linden, Mich..; John of
Alberta ; Mrs. Hemingway of 'L'ees-
water ; Mrs. Frank Edwards of Wing-
httm. Interment took place on.Ohrist-
tnas Day, Rev. Dr. Rutledge conduct-
ing the service.
PERsbNALs.—Hassard Wright, a
former resident of Morris township,
was here on a holiday visit with old
friends and neighbors. His home is
in Michigan. Time is dealing very
kind! tl '
y with L. Wright we are pleas-
ed. to state.—David Hanna, of Glad-
stone, Man., is here on a holiday visit
with friends in Morris.—John and
Mrs. Cloakey of Toronto ate visitors
with the families of R. Nichol and D.
McCuteheon. — Robert Douglas is
suffering from a severe attack of
blood -poisoning.— Mrs. Jas. Douglas
of Toronto is visitinghet. parents,• R.
and Mrs. Nichol 6th Into.—Chas. Davis,
4th line, has been renewing old friend -
Report of Ethel Cheese 'Factory for 1910
May 18
May 31
Julie 15.... . 151005.
:iuge 80.,,, 170544
July 55 109615
July 31 - 154786
Aug. 15 152051
Aug. 31 144871
Sept. 15 139797
Sept. 30, , , 181112' 120704 10.1
Oct. and Nov... , 211663 21474! 0.86
1569891 1445074 10.01
Lbs. of Lbs. Mitis to Price Value.
Cheese Ib. Cheese per lb,
5007 10.97 1.04 $ 554 29
7972 11.07 104 856 09
140874 10 7(1 10 9/16 1487 97
15248 11.02 10! 1001 08
149604 11.34 101 1608 23
132201 11.7 103 1421 21
13349 11;4 10 1384 97
131853 10.90 10 11/10 1409 20
129301 10.8 11 1423 06
111 • 1413 66
114 2389 04
10,788 315529 70
Balance from 1900- $ 17 82
Value of cheese 1910 15529 70
15547 02
Amount received by patrons .,.,.
$12758 8
Atnnuttt pend to plotters 700 84
Making of cheese 1661 85
Cheese boxes.., t 24.9 10
Book $2.00 I milk °aids $3.00 5 00
Iusltranwe.321.80; scale hoards $10.30 82 10
Hauling cheese • 10 00
As_oeiat•fhn Membership ticket 8 00
Secretary's salary... . ..: . ... . .. . ...:: . 25 00
[tall rent $1.00 • printing reports 75e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 75
Telephone $2.00'; auditor $3,00..... , 5 00-
15532 50'
Ili 1.452
Balance;,. ........... ....:
Avet'ttge lbs, milk to lb. of cheese
Average prise of 1Tleese per Ib
(2,04 of making per 7100
1 i01t.1.J1AdP"i''
Suppose we think little about Nutuber
Suppose we all help someone else to
have fun•
Suppose we ue er speak of the faults
Ofttfrieud; , •
Suppose we, are reacts our �oivtt to
atheud ;
hrl't with
and not at
ether folk ;
And never hurt tiny one ',Inst for a
ppe Lk
e poo
trouble, and
only cheer —
likely we'll have quite at Httppy
Now the 11etV you's started in,
Get to work !
Things are waiting, so begin—
Get to work !
Don't proceed to fume and stew
O'er the tasks awaiting you,;
NV hayou've gob lu do is-- tit, !
Get to work I
Don't spend tittle o1 schemes oc lan—
Get to work !
`Dt•ealner' is an 'also rtul'—
Get to work !
Here's a year chuck -full of days ;
YOU can use it lots of ways ;
See that every moment, pays-
Get to work 1
You've a problem you roust solve --
Get to work !
Just forget each good 'resolve'—
Get tu work !
'Let the dead past bury its dead ;'
Be your motto *Go ahead 1'
And each day, till time i'or bed,
Stick to words !
ships at Lindsay.—Miss Jennie Robb„
of Stratford Noenuil, who was spend-
ing Iter vacation at her home, has re-
turned to the Classic city.— James
and Robert Elston, of Dakota, are at
the parental hotne,—bliss Zetta Jack-
son Teeswater was visiting her grand-
parents, John and Mrs. Roe.—Miss
Murdie, leacher at the Anderson
school, was visiting at the parental
home at Winthrop.
MAT•RIMONI:w,—.A very interesting
event trauspiled on Wednesday, Dec.
21st, at the home of Garrett and Airs.
Maxwell, when their daughter, Lottie,
was married to Wm. John Walkey,
of Winnipeg. Rev. W. H. Farr per-
formed the ceremony in she presence
of the neat relatives of the contract-
ing patties. Wedding marc![ was
played by bits. John J'dcElroy, a
cousin of the bade
!ho bride, ode who
was given away l
t bylist father, : Etre, was
y ,t.e
gowned 1n white duchess satin with
seed pearl trimmings and wore at veil
caught up with oaoge blossoms.
She was attended by Miss Cousins of
Winnipeg, who was gowned in pink
chiffon over satin and wore a black
picture hat. Little Aliss Annie Mc-
Elroy, of Blyth, cousin of the bride,
as Hower girl, was daintly dressed in
white silk and carried a bagnet of
white roses, which she handsel to the
bride after the ceremony. The groom
was supported by. W. J. Maxwell,
brother of the bride. The groom's
gift to, the bride was a mother-of-poat•1
neck -lace, to the bridesmaid a gold
and white euamelled ,hint -waist set,
to the best man a pearl tie -pin, and
the flower girl at beauty pin. After a
sump6rous Blamer, the young couple
left by the afternoon train' for Toron-
to. The bride's travelling suit was
of Olive green velvet. with grey
Russian squirrel coat and hat. The
bride was the recipient of t number
of beautiful and costly presents, in-
dicating the esteem in which she is
held. Those froth a distance who
Ott el the wedding, were—Geo.
and Alrs. Walkey of Hanover, Ont•,
Misses Cousins and T. I3. and Mrs,
Maxwell of Winnipeg. lir, and Alis.
Walkey will reside in Winnipeg,
Parisian Sage will stop falling hair
in two
weeks—cure dandruff in the
same time and stop scalp itch at once.
It, makes the hair soft, silky and
Parisian Sage is without peer. It
e011taill5 hotiuug that can harm the
hair—ib is not sticky, oily 07 greasy
and prevents as well as cures diseases
of the scalp.
Women and children by the thous-
and use it daily as a caressing and no
home is'complete without it.
"Druggists and stores everytvborn
guarantee. Parisian Sage and will re-
fund your motley if 11 fails. Ask drug-
gist, Jas. Fox, what he thinks 0818,
11e sells it tit 50e, per large bottle
or you can secure it by mail postpaid
frotht •o
G t to Mayulactutti net Co., Foul.
dm'te, Ont. See that the (ilial with the
Aublll'n Hair is on each package.
Sold and guaranteed by Jas Fox.
Anunal Sleeting of the Fordwieh
Meese ,Cl3,,ltet'Co„ will be held in
the factory, Saturday., Jan, 7th, at
the hour of 2 o'clock 9, In, fur the
put pose of receiving ceiving the linatutial and
Aidlt1irs' Reports, the election of
Officers -foo tae (owning year, Ase.
At the ❑ouunalion lu Got'ri J. '1'r
Whiter Waft elected Reeve of How -
ick for 1911 by acclamation. Mr,
Shearer retired. Adam Reis, John
ilyndmau and .7. \W. Edgar were
elected Councillor's by acclamation,
H \V. Laird r est ming, There was a
race fon' the )epaty Reevest ti9,
James Downey, Andeow Doig end
Joseph Underwood living in the field
as catudidates, Philip 7iinmerinan ve-
t !t•ed.
31ATItitTONIAt.—A ti harming. De-
eeutber wedding took place of \Wed-'
Ttlsdtty, Decor/ tee 28th at the hone of
Jannis and \it's. Wallace, 2,10 0011,,
(Ivey township, when their danghl,ee,
Miss Elltt'0., p'ns united in marriage
to 'VV. A. (irinrut•r, J'bo 'ceremony
Eves perforuwetl by Lire, 1), 12, Oaot;i.-
on, of Brnssols, the bridal party
ing theft. pieties muter on arch of
evergreens, chrysantlwtriumis and
1 tvltite wedding bells, Littio Miss Fort SALE oft ,0,,,,..,.,.,, 1'J111 sell dr
riuf, boost`, while Little Miss GOelle ' 1, n good dnh•y Into of )PO aoa ps, ;beim !sots!.
imply Con, the Fot• turthor . W111480 4,
1?ria+qN tvusw charming �flOWer girl. '.apply on the promises or Gq S}JGO,'WILBONi-
The groom's present was a ring to Proerletot', Hew rY P, O. 26-tf -.
h e ti
. trimmings and brietal veil, nit emit ied
a bognet of carnations and elr,ysan- '
Louie 1 ,Slav!+ ,, hada an 1,,.. irable t 0004 age fur to 0110 80,10,' trate tanner• 1
Lll 1'
,e brill
1 e is malt ',
1 tried , t tt
R ttetatfe�
Eta sill[ cl rasa wit
s, Atter the rereruony about
12a nests sat down own t a
g t7 t boll llteOg9
fowl Supper and then spent the night
in dancing and genies and riot until
dawn w t did
he the gatheril,g disperse,
The best wishes of their man friends
is extended to the newly ,harried
couple, who will matte their home en
the 7th eon. of Greytawhsiiip,
At Best Market Prices
I pay best in ntdces for 01:1110, Coon, Muskrat,
Weasel, Lynx, Bear, &c.
I pay all express chargee, charge no com-
mission. Mold furs separate on request.
Write for my latest price list.
72 Colborne st., Toronto, Ont.
New Jewelry Store
• Noraid',. Repan ung.-.,,,
• Jewelry Repau!rg `-,1
Clock Repairing 4,
• Engraving A••'
♦ An excellent stock of Watches,
Clocks and Fine Jewelry, Star- •-,'
4- ling Silver and Plated Ware at
• your service.
. Sou
Royal Household Flour
The best for Bread and the best for Pastry
Engagement ottd
Wedding Bings
"° The Little Brother of The Rich"
NOW, this is not a
talk about money.
It isn't a contrast between
the rich
andthe t e poor, for in
some things we are all
equally rich and there are
no poor brothers.
The poorest woman in
the land can have just as
good bread as the richest.
The children w'hb walk can
have just as delicious pies
and cakes and "goodies" as
the children who ride in
All the money in the
world cannot buy better
flour than "ROYAL
there isn't any better.
And the woman who does
her own baking can have
just as good bread as is
served to the Royal House-
hold of England, and that
is made from ROYAL
FLOUR sent to England
from Canada.
And then, a barrel of
HOLD" produces many
more loaves than a barrel
flour. The bread
is better—sweeter, nicer to
eat -and more wholesome
—has more health and,
strength in it—makes more
delicious pies, cakes, hiscuits�
and doughnuts. Children
whose mothers us
HOLD" at home, can ha
just as good baked thin
as the Princes and Pri
cesses of England.
Although "ROY
little more per barrel that
ordinary flour it contains so
much more nourishment
and makes so much more
bread of superiorquality it
is in reality the most eco-
nomical of all flours.
"Oellvie's Beek for a
Cook" comprises 125
pagesof splendid Recipes
which have been tested
and hied. Everywoman
who Is Interested In
good things to eat should
send and get 26
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Then there ate the most interesting of Home Pages—the
daily chapters of an entertaining serial story—columns of bright
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Every line sparkling With Interest and information—nothing
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