HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1911-1-5, Page 1VOL. 39 N U: 27
f'V,: H. 7' RR, PraPtrrtzr,,,
New Advertisements
CusteetseWhii;-W: H: Cols:
Cory for xnlo-!!hos, ITicllolls.
J8051107 89 11,^4+ l}>J
ccs' stook 1rie lr n Smith,
sea Geo T I 1
Change of baslnege R ufl, i. P Power.
Auteuil aaecttn,;•-L H, Agl. Society,
tc 11
. .CtU
Will. Hemsworth, of Brussels, was
home for New -Years.
The new .tnwnshi k r dounoil•wiil meet
'next Monday, according
to Statute.
. Harris 0. Holmdel', of Shakespeare,
visited his parents over the holiday.
Miss Small Ranson is (tete from
Detroit on a visit with relatives and
W. R. Davidson, of 'Toronto, was a
visitor witfl Tho Misses Ransom: He
is a nephew,
Dont know where this marrying
fever is i n to end. '
o t it soertl o b'
g g s
t i
an infectious disease.
J. and Mrs; Stephenson and two
sons were lemming old fri
Lpedesborafor Christmas.
'Wan. Lake, of Brussels was visiting
his son told two daughters, sers, of Ethel,
. over the New Year holiday.
F. F. and M's. Freeman and blaster'
Harold. of Lucknow, visited with O.
1 ekmier and other friends for New
Year s.
L. O. 1:, meeting, Ethel, will be
(tell on Slooday 9th "inst. It is a
Degree meeting. All i i bens re-
quested to attend.
George' Sharp, of Crystal" City
Manitoba, is here on a holiday visit.
14 years have rolled by stove he went
West and 8 since he was here last.
Cheesefactory aneeri ug i u the Town-
ship Hall Saturday afternoon of this
week. A synopsis of the report to be
presented lay be read on page 5 of'
this issue. •
Miss Ella Hansuld has been engag-
ed to teach S. S. -No. 4, Grey, 21h, miles
East of Jatnestowo, at a salary of
$500. We wish her success.She has
been teaching in the Southerly pati
of the County.'
An auction
.sale tstule of farm stock inn-
ple#vents, etc. will be held at Lot 0,
Con. 10 on Tncsday has
17th by
S.' C. Howlett. Be has sold his farm
and is moving to Ethel hence the sale
will be anlreserved. F. S. Scott will
be the an •tion
c ecr. 'rhos, Browns.
Morrie, b
n s, has,.. ou ht the Euro.
ManessiD.—A. quiet marriage was
solemnized on Wednesday : Dec. 28tb
b. Rev. D. J3. McRae,at, the
9home of
1Stn. and Mrs. Strachan, of Ethel.
When their second daughter, Miss
Eva Gertrude, was, tinitecl' to Elgar
Alexander: Davidson, of Calgary,.
Alta. formerly of Newton. Nlay their
joys be many is the wish of old
Next Sabbath Rev, Mr. Wren will
preach bsertnous refitting to the Edu-
cational institutions'of Methodism.
A the utnal 1 a'
At t # 1 school bl IYl ttlfl
P meeting
Christian Eck inns re eleeLeal
11 uste . Jin tithes members els of the
nau are D W. J
1 # Dunbar B Y and D
Cooper, The Sec-Treas. isd. Bernath;
EDD1xcr Chir
W erose Day
was the golden wedding anniversary
of Gen and Mrs Thomson North
street Godericb. Sir. Thomson, who
is well known as a hunber dealer
nn _ )oi
lhr t tt,i t Western Ontario, and
tear -els a
eat deal, oeleb uteri thenr
that day with his family
and s
few friends gathered around hien.
Mt. 1'hoinson was married' at Chisel-
burst to Miss Mary Willis; of Sea -
final, by Rev. .L M. Collins, a Metho-
dist Episcopal minister, long since
gone to his reivurd.. After fanning
for soneye,trs, 111r. Thomson went in-
to the milling ;business in 1878. He
has kept 'n 1 his lumbering .inteies s
l g
ever since,
beingo for 18
years tvithtlte Sconnected. e t n c ed outl] River Lumber
Oontpuny. Mr. and Mrs.' Thomson
moved tooder' h in` the Spring
G c rcof
1898. Eleven children were born to
them,and the ix who survive were.
at reunion Christmas Day.
They are :--Fred,lumber dealer, of
Southampton ; Henry, merchant, of
Southampton ; Lewis, of Arden,
Manitoba Rev. A. E. M„ of Amherst -
burg ; Mrs. Walters and Mrs. Walter
Janie Miss a ie Howe, returned to Mel-
bonnie on Tuesday. '
and Mrs. Wendt
J, R.spent
holiday with relatives in Mildmay.
W. E., VanVelsor, of „Bluevale,
called on old friends here last week.
, Mrs. Hambrook, of Chicago, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. G. K.
Hall.: _
George Roswell ' has purchased a
125 acre .farm in Carrick' and gets
possession on Manch lot.
Thos. and Mrs. Hemphill of Hensall,
visited over the holiday with their
son, T. G. Hemphill'. .
At the election_ for Reeve held on
Nonday C.• Reis. defeated A, Munro by
it imajo'ity' of 8, the vote .:'being 52 80.
Miss Minnie Stafford, of Howick,
On teeteleed a numher of young friends
from the village on Thursday evening.
entitled "Old Acre,"
given en
under the auspice,- f the young Men's
Bille Class, in he
Township Hall
Friday evening, wee one, of the most:
successfulevents of the season.' The
Hall was wen filled, and everyone
delighted` with the able manner' in
which each took their pare. Proceeds
amounted to $55.00 which will be used
to furnish their Hall in the Hemphill
Block. The -play 'wits repeated in
Bluevale on Tuesday evening.
s .
. •
♦ •
• ♦
9- •
Prospero LIS
rew Year ..
tot U'
We take this opp ortunity of
thanking - Customers for
their r en rons
patronage �a
1910 and hope i...
p for a�GontinU-
ante of same for11 and
1� ,
trust that onemay
and m y
enjoy everyProsperityfor
the ..' o
c mine year.
t 1 the
far th
i **•••4•••••••••••••••••••• • I pel•ity
Harry and Mrs. Harding are Hine -
bet g.
at Orangeville and Hilie-
bi tg. The latter will remain e
I, Illi.
W. L. Cart ofSask, whohas
#,t n
beim the guest nf the Misses Allanfor the past, • k lefttar
t•) at week, le on Saturday da to
visit relatives at New Hamburg. Y
RPht. Thomas: of
Toronto, spentHlt
NewYeato at his home
Mrs, Peter King, spent a few days
last week with her father at Harris -
Wmlireolts, of Saskatoon; is at
Present visiting
' relatives in this
Ed. and Mee. Gray, of Dunnville,
and Jas. and Mrs. Gray, of Listowel,
spent a few days .ayith their father,
Win. Gray..
Cosmos sewing done, on Lot 12 Con. 6, Grey
Also r tared to cut shingles.
u ZV. 8. COLm•
Diiss Clara Deitnel
of Hamilton,
soil n
was lm[ne cm a short visit. ss
LastSabbath morning at Roe's
Church ch Rev. :bin 'Wren took as his
theme" Life but a dream."
W. ,and Mrs. Moffattand son, Alvin,
were,v' '
New Year'lsltors at Mitchell
with tors. Moffatt's bi other. ,
Otipban1 Smith, Miss Marion end''
Willie were visiting at the home' of
Cyrus' Scott, East Watvanosh,
Will. Evans, 14111 con., has been laid
up with blood poisoning but is getting
better we ate pleased to state.
S. S. No. 3 held its amnial meeting
Wednesday of last week. George
Turnbull was re-elected school trustee.
Miss Eva Smith of Canning,
n g, Ont.,
acid Miss ,Jennie Bell, of Morris, are
visitors with Mrs. Wesley,Stepbenson,
5t11 con,
• Owing to blood. poisoning in his
left hand Robert, Houston had to call
on tine Dr. this week. We hope he
will soon be o. k.
In the South West pnlling subdivis-
ion last Monday, Jas. D1cFadzean
Coiled 79 votes, out of a possible 88, a,
record not often beaten.
Mrs. Jas. Breckenridge, ofGoderich,
attended, the wedding of her eldest'
grandchild„ Miss Grace J. Hutchinsltn,
to Win. A. Lrnnout, both of Grey
Tett, tiship.
A thoto' bred Jersey bull has been
purchased by 011iphant Smith, 5tli
con., buying from Arthur Tufts, of
Ttveed,:Ont., who is an iutportee and
breeder of Jerseys.
Fred.' aid -Mrs. Bagg and three
children, ,of 'Downsview, Ont., were
here for a holiday visit at Mrs.Bagg'a
parental home. She is a daughter of
John Bishop, 5th line. o
Mr. and Mrs. Tyet•rnan, from Van-
couver, and Percy Tyermtin, of
Ciaubrook, B. O,, were visitors at
W. 11. Cole's last week. Mrs. Tyer-
manand Mrs. Cole are cousins.
Win. Reilly aril family moved from
the Eli So ith fern(• to the house- on
the Kerney 50 acres, on the, sideroud,
to make. room, for .W, Grimmer. and
bride. The latter was a Miss Wallace,
of Jamestown. ,
Andrew Af, Breckenridge took a
flying trip to Ethel to attend the
weddingof his niece, Miss Grace J.
Hutchinson to Wm. A. Lamont, re-
turning to Chicago two days later,
itecotnpanied by his mother, Mrs. Jas.
Breckenridge, of Goderich.
The 100 acre farm, lot 21, con. 3,
knownas the Miller farm, has been
urcbaseil byJohn A. Br alta
p, Y , who
has been . tenant for . several years.
Price. is said to be 84,000._ '.Mrs.
Rry'uls is a dengh tee of he late owner..
Mr. Bvyans will' no donht/lo well on
his new possessions as beis a steady
going, industrious man:
wish: to thank' you very heartily for
the splendid vote accorded me last
Monday in ray election to the Deputy
Reeveship of Grey. It will be my
endeavor to serve you faithfully both
in the Municipal and County Councils.
Hoping ibis year will bring you: much
prosperity, ' T am, Yours Thankfully,
• Joao BROWN.
S. S. NO. 4''eleeted Job Kingtr tee
for next term, He aucaeeded Lorenzo
Frain who served faithfully for the
long period of 14 years and who de-
clined re-election. The wood contract
.was lettoB. Payn at ,$1.95 -per cord
Mies Hansuld is the new.• rachet-; dais
menaflig' war''^-qty--'vVetineeday at; a
apiary of $500. We wish her success
in her work.
CUPID WOW., -A pretty hems wed-
ding was solemnized by Rev. D. B.
McRae of Cranbrook, Wednesday,
Dec. 28th, at'5 o'clock, when Miss
Glace J. Hutchinson was United in
marriage to La ion
6e Wm. A. n t, at the
home of the bride's 1hu•ents, C. and
Mrs. Hutchinson "FairviewFarm"8th
line. Nuptial knot was tied under an
etch of evergreen, decorated with
gilt and wedding bell. The bride
who was given away by her father,
WAS dressed m cream silk merino,
trimmed witha'
s tm :11u1 lace an
a gold locket with sunburst
of pearls
the gift of the groom, and carried a
bognet of carnations and lily of the
valley. Miss Eva; Cook, niece of the
groom, was ring -bearer, dressed in.
pale blue silk. Wedding March was
played by MISS Jessie McLanchliu,
Of Brussels, `1'hegroom presented the
ring -bearer with a gold ring; and the
of ggantst a gold broach, as a slight
token of 'remembrance. After con-
geatulations the guests, about 50 in
h ulIber,repaired to the dining -room
where at dainty repast ryas served,
after which the evening was spent in
games, music and singing. Many -aid
eostly Int re the gifts received, cheques
alone an ourded to $70.00 showing the
esteem i rwhich the bride and groom'
are Iwel•{{ They left that night for
thole fu,tire home, 8th line. Bride's
going Way gown was blue fames;
elo111 I 11 hat to rt)atCli. Tliey (lave
'st wishes of the community
tattle happiness and pros -
Druggist Robt, Work was home
from Toronto for a short visit,
'1'o the electors of Grey Twp. ;
Demos axis GcNTLEMEN—E
tunct elected c r DeputyReeveH
T deet(e tntlthank l who exerted
themselves in Illy Ybehif.
I was l
indeed to know I got such loyal
support in lay own district.
Yours respectfully,
JAs. M r DZE
4 A AN.
On Thursday,
Dec. 290,1910,it
"Spruce Lawd Farm," Grey
Huron Cos.at the home. of John and
Mrs. Jackson, Was celebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their marriage.
About 70 relativesand` friends from.
# r
far and n
t eat•g athered to honor• the
occasion and ' to convey then' best
wishes to the bride •and groom upon'
whom the weight of years seems' to.
lest lightly and who are still youthful
in spirit andgreatly enjoyed the oc-
casion. Mr, .Jackson began life in
Cavan township, Durham Co, and Was
left an orphan when tivo years old.
When quite a young roan he settled
on a'fat n,near
Hnlviston Oats where
l t
he lived when he was married to Mts.
Jackson, who was a daughter of„John
and Mary Leiggett, of Brant township,
Bruce Co. Soon after their marriage
they moved to Brant township, where
thew :ehildreu were all born and grew
/to adulthood'. In 1903 .Air. and Mrs.
Jackson moved to their present home.
The 8 children were preeents at the
anniversary and 21 of their 28 rand -
children, Of the children, Win.
Charles, the oldest son lives on ;the
old homestead in Brant, Bruise Co. ;
Jennie, • (Mrs. Rev. A. Warren,) at
Verona, N. Y. ; Martha, (Mee. R. N.
Burns.) near Paisley, Ont. ; John R.,
in Toronto ; Dr. James H., a practic-
ing physician in North Battleford,
Sask. ; Lottie, at home Benjamin M.
and Lucy (Mrs. Jonas Flood,) reside
near Ethel Ont. The 4 sons and 4
daughters were carefully reared in
their home: which has always stood for
the liighestand best in the moral and
religious life of the community.. After
the Wedding dinner Thursday, their
son, John R., became Master of Cere-
monies. Toasts followed and many
reminiscences were given expression
to by a large number of the guests.
After the toast to the bride and groom
the Master of Ceremonies sang Io z6
very pleasing manner, "I've grown so
used to you.” The parents were the
recipients of a parse of gold from their
children. The array of presents by
friends and the cordial greeting ex-
tended showed the active, warm
sympathy. practical help. zeal and
hearty Christian usefulness of the
honored couple during their long
and busy life -bad won for them the
esteem and love of their large number
of acquaintances together with the
peace and joy and light , of eventide.
141.r. Jackson served in Brant township
Council'for a number of years and
held official position in the Methodist
church nearly all his life. -
MissRea a •w
as a welcome holiday,
visitor here to her parental home.
Annual 'meeting of Duff's church
will be held neXt Tuesday evening in
the church' eommencing- at 7 p.• m:
Refreshments will' be served after the
business is completed. .'
Archie McCallum,.of,.11anley, Sask.,
is visiting relatives and old friends in
this locality. and in Brussels. His crop
was not • asgood as -u
ul1 in but
he hopes forg bumpei:: next harvest..
We hope SO WO. - -- .,
CONVENTION.—Tharsday afternoon
and evenirig, n
f next week the annual
Union Sabbath School Convention -
will be convened in Duff's church.
An interesting program has been
drafted.' • A cordial welcome to all.
An auction sale of farm stock, im-
plements, $c„ is announced for Wed-,
needs afternoon, y a n r, 1811t inst., by Wm.
Christopher, of this locality. He pur-
pflses gong to the West. F S: Scott
will be the Auctioneer.
The anniversary- of the Methodist
Church proved a great success. Sab-
bath morning a good illustration of
unity teas given when Rev. Mr. Lundy,
clan pastor, Walton, preach-
to n • -
ed a fine sermolr, followed by another
good, one ih the evening by Rev.' Me.
Carswell Presbyterian minister of
Winthrop. Monday evening the
church was filled at the tea meeting:'
4fiers"'an excellent supper Pastor
Laickland took the chair and an in-
teresting program ivaW.,cendered de-
spite disappointment >thibi: h had
roads. The financial proceeds tetanus;
close on $90 which will go to clear off`
a long .stantling debt. Pastor .and
congregation are to be congratulated.
Jamestown nerve;rosy be
read on page 5.
Misses Ina and Berva Aryans bolt-,
cloyedat Hamilton.
New topic' cards have been issued
for the Endeavor Society.
Some of the roads were improved b
being plowed out during the thaw last
Mr. and Mrs. Yeomans, of Toronto,
were here'
for the t holidays at the
latter's parental ]tome.
Director Edward Bryans attended
the too lily meeting of the Howick
Mutual Fire Insurance Meeting last
J)t•. J. S. Strachan, of Feet William,
Was a welcotne visitor at the old
home tiering theast week. Ile re-
turned Tuesday. "Ve wish hien well.
We ate pleased to See that Duncan
McDonald has been appointed Super-
intendent of the Sabbath Selmol.
The faithfulness of Isle ,pl•edecessos s
Should be an inspiration and we tvislt g
him and the School success.
Robb, l4amiltorl's Tittle soh, Gorden,
is not impt'oving from his attack of
Bronchitis as quickly as his many
friends would like to ate him, especial- b
ly hire +tnxions pareitts, but we hope
he will soon take a change for the S
There died in Grey, on Deo, 81st, Alex -
tinder Sellets�in bis 8lnd peat, He came
to with c Grey, I It k 1H St radian t 1 C C t4 i falx I l
3. 1 #! i
the year 5
184 b•'u=ra nr
being c i sot and has
Y a
made his horst. Ivitlt the late James
I.rncl e u f '
S # t or the poet 50 years. The
funeral took plaoe from the residence
of Mrs. ,las, • Strachan, on Monday, at
1.311 p. tn, service being conducted
h D
bythe Rev. t Oaten in
the absence
Wishart. Vti•
Rev. au.tt. Inter t
n1el L at
Brussels cemetery.
Ora b ook
Cranbrook news onpage5
Mr, Srnallc r
ln) of Sauh,., iicl
t t I D 1,
18 visiting relatives els nes hang
Thomas and Mrs. Sh#alldon are
visiting at Geo. Smalldon's.
Will. Forrest, of Detroit. spent New
Years under the parental roof.
Alf. Raytnann and son, Earl, spent
New Years with A. Raiytnar,n,
Chas. and Alas. Knight spent the
Christmas holidays in St. Thomas.
Mrs, lemt t f B
S nn 1 O llt eel spent
e s
NewYears with Mrs. McDonald.
Y 1/ 5 R. K. NicDoua c.
- Miss Busholbnrry, of Monkton,
visited this week at the home of Mrs.
J. P. McIntosh is the new school
Tr tstee for thisyear,J 13 Knight
l LK g
Rev. Dr. Rutledge, of Winghaul,
will preach in the Methodist church
Imre on Sunday afternoon,
Council for 1911 will meet next Mon-
Candidates Elston andLaidlaw were
a well matched team lust Monday.
W. Mooney was home from Toron-
to to attend the funeral of the late
Mrs. P. Barr,
The auction sale of J. W. Shortreed.
9111 line, will take place Friday after-
noon of this week. He has a lot of
fine stock,. eta.
Therural teleplume rendered great
service in connection with the Muni-
cipal election and is proving its prac-
tical usefulness every day.
In S, S. No. 8 Wm. Wilkinson Was
re-elected Trustee and will associated
with Walter Yuill and'Wm. Sellers,
manage the school business. Mr.
Garniss,supplies the wood at $2.50 per
cord. bliss Mul•die is the teacher and
is doing good work.
ELECTORS o Moofxs,—Permit Inc
to express my sincere thanks for the
spleudid vote you rolled up for me last
Monday: As Reeve of Morri i t will
s L
be try aim to serve you to the best of
my powers and( trust a year i f pros-
perity will come to every ratepayer.
Yours gratefully,
Will. Shortreed succeeds Peter Mc-
Arthur in S. S. No. 9 known as Bdt-
t01125 school where Miss Fear is the
imparter' of. knowledge. $2.50 was
the tender of'3ne. Shortreect for wood
and Thos. McCall gees the same price
for cedar. Sec-Treas. is Geo. Kelly,
whose salary. is •$4.25. The cleaning
.of, school house is in charge %of J. R.
1'ivn trustees were appointed for'
S. S. No. 8 in the persons of Geo.
Tuevey and Jno. Mustard to take the
places o3L. Jewitt who declined, and
7 Dr Agar, deceased., • S. Paul continues
to serve as Secretary -Treasurer.
Wood will, be put in by AL Garniss,
the price' to be $2.25. Geo. -Tut vey
supplies cedar at .'1.50 per cord.
This l
This schn'll has a good record for Huth
teachers slid pupils..
Last week ex -Councillor M. M.
Cardiff arrived .here, from Hanley,
Seeks, whey he and h . Cardiff
e D 's Oa ff
spent the past six months. He is
greatly taken with the West where
he has numerous relatives and Pott'-
poses•retnrning in the course of a few.
months. Mrs. Cardiff did not come
back with her husband as her daughter
S11(1. Ames, was not having very
good health and she is staying with
Annual school meeting was held in
S. S. No..2 as per tatute, : J. Kerney
has done so well in the past 8 years
that lie was re-elected Trustee. He
also officiates as Secretary -Treasurer
for which he receives $8 per annum.
The two other trustee's are R. B. Al-
cock and Jelin McArtee. Oaietakingg
of school and erre lighing is well looked
after by Thos. Clark, at $25 for year.
Robert Craig will supply 15 cords of
slovewood at . $2.40 per cord. The
teacher iii, this school is bliss Mc-
Gowan of Blyth, who labors assid-
uously to advance the pupils.
(• HYMENEAL,— Wednesday . of this
week '1 : fin home of the bride, and in
the presence a"•fit`t`Fkr` -70 relatives of
the oouLracting pnt•tie',. Rev. it r.
•Fin's' tied the mutrunonial snot be-
tweeu 3, D. Gallagher, of Moose ' iu.
formerly of Belgrave, aid i'1 iss Eva,
daughter of John Nethers,. 3rd line.
The prihcipals were unattended.
After cr n e i
� g t Lulations a'fine luncheon
was served. Wedding gifts were
choice tont llurnetous, Mr. and bit's.
Gallagher left \Viuggham on the 8
o'clock train for a wedding toter east-
ward. They expect 10 leave for the
Westin the course of a couple of
mouths. Many good wishes accom-
ponythemniri'tlleir tlesV .relationship.
DI1rS• P. 13ARg 04XttcD AwAw,—We
are sorry to state that Ars. Peter
Barr passed away last Sunday night,
leaving to the cave of her husband
two sons, the eldest, of whom is 7
years ,old. 'Deceased bad been in
failing health for some time but Sim -
she was)
. rile to eat bel' dinner
with the family and appeared quite`
right, Heart weakness ensued aid she
aisWered the great Poll call of the
Ivies, Bei' maiden 1011110 WAS NW.
Caret Atelia Isabella 'Chambers, her
birthplace being aMe i;illop township.
She had been adopted into, family
of;ilio, and tilts. Mooney,iith,linelong
eters ago by whom she WAS greatly
gloved, Mrs. Barr was in her 41st
;rear and had been Married ten years,
he Was Of 15 jelly, free 1500)1ed turn
till Made malty friends who g3eatly',l
•. -
tch� i•
DausendBatrhse1 slttotcchn
din LgaPi
ing business ofO.H. Dodds
willconW ue to cony it on in
e the same premises, Stretton 4'
• Block, Brussels. 13e will keep iS
4. 4- an np-to-date line of Tweeds, 4.
• Worsteds, Partings, 'i estings .I.
and all other goods kept in a t
0 first-class Tailoring establis'- t
• 4.moot. •
srac teal 'Tailor o
Being a t
3' 's' experience'he is. re- •k
man veal
pared to guarantee satisfaction' •
• as to style and manufacture to
all customers.
• Call and see our goods befpre
• placing y order.
,p. Jacio
' i••
• •
rY. P. �i��6.w�`.■
41d. .h
4. Merchant Tailor Brussels
• •
regret her decease and sympathise
with the bereaved. Funeral took
place Wednesday afternoon to Brus-
sels cemetery. Rev. A. 0, Wishart,
B. A. was the officiating clergyman.
farewell Address to Rev. Fr.
Corcoran and his Replyy
Ou New Year's Day, Rev. P. Corcor-
an pastor of Seaforth, who, also had
charge of Brussels Catholic mission
daring the last tell years, resigned the
pastoral charge of Brussel congrega-
tion, which with Wioghau • is formed
into a uewr parish: Last Sunday
Father Corcoran, bade the congrega-
tion farewell when -h
the following ad -
(liras was resorted to bin :—
RossDEAR FATHER.—We, your
parishioners of the congregation of
Brussels church, have . heard with
much regret that you have given no
the charge of - this pnrtion of your
parish which His Lordship our Bishop
is about to constitute nudely another
\•Ve do not by any algals doubt or
call into question the wisdom or be-
nevolent intentions of the Bishop in
making this change, which we accept
with submission, nevertheless, we
cannot help recognizing our great loss
when we are being deprived of the
precious services of a devoted and
self-saorificing priest'. who for dearly
ten;yeftrs has exerted all his energies
toward advancing our interests, both
spiritual and temporal.
During the past decade you have
made many sacrifices, driving a long
distance over rough roads, and in the
most inclement .weather to
the Faith 'milting us by giving ie the
opportunity to' assist at the holy
sacrifice of tbemass,'aud :to profit by
your eitoeliett.and eloquent instruc-
tions Olt, Christian : doctrine, much
more' frequently than we were entitled
to and without any adequate retnrn
on our part. Your zeal has been
manifested in the manner in which
you have kept our church supplied
with all things needed for Divine ser'•
viceiu the paternal care with which
you have •iustructed the children of
this congregation in the faith once de-
livered to the saints and iii the extra
Devotions you 'have provided for us,
especially on the Festivals when all
Catholics are exp kcte
!, lel or required
P q to
mance manifest their• faith byreceiving
the sacramenIs. g
You have also greatly improved and
beautified our church and church
pretnises aid made provisionfor our
spiritual welfare by establishing the
Altar Society ; the League of etlle
Sacred Heart and Holy Nance Society,
all of which will greatly contribute
towardsnourishing the faith and piety
of the congregation.
We wouldgladly art this occasion
make it special offering to you lir
testimony of otic affection and respect
but we have learned that it is not your
wish that we should do so. We aye
obliged, therefor 110 muwtantill nan'selves
` y y Y>lari#tg that e walways
remember „=nth
heartfelt- gratitude,
11iVe undergone for.onr
the fishers yon ,. - . ,. , g
benefit, land wln nit ,,• bold to ask you
to remember us still iiia••uc prayersto,
even though you shall havo'cea:. nn
be under n any obli,
tower:as us 1111(1 weasters( will also: pry forynut continued welfare.
We task you oleo to give us your
blessing before inakiiag your, final
Signed on behalf of the Brussels,
Catholic congregation,
DennisBh k,k
e, John Kelly, Johii
Lamb, .Richard Ryan, Joseph,.
hong, Thomas Gaynor, John
Gayno', Pattick Ryan, George
Backer, John Flannery, \VIn,
S11(101 . Jnlln .Long.
Rev. hr. Onrcoran's reply ivas as
follows 1—
)3rytovED FIthexes :-1.' 10111, 15 yott
have already said, about to give tip:
the pastoral charge of this church and'
congtegation and this day 'evil) prob
ably termitnate my visit9 to yon i'or
She pnrpns1' of niferitig up for you the
holysuoriliee'of. the 1Jass.
ThisL,nrdship, the Bishop lies eon.
atitot ( otter '1s on the point of co0511t01-
ing at new parish whiell will eolnpri
the 0801'ch0s of Winghurit and 13;11s-
eels 'till their congregations and
have 1 est ned the charge of Balsaoi
with thlagobject lit view that yQlji;
c better ate spiritual nee is mit be k e e t a
t e
ed to,and that you may ab A
hear a more I'l+ nellti as Wtn
Mass P f
q Y,
hath is much fleeter to you th101 sea s
forth and on this account you can be
More conveniently attended to than
hitherto under the new arrangement, s'
a avesaid rightly that I
You h
endeavored to attend faithfully
e e
3Pur spultnal needs during the la'
ten years, for I have had the desire n
so doing for the entire parish, foe
Brussels as well as Seafot•tlt. If i
Have failed in beingt nee a Irl in
6 # a
r r through
particular, it must, have been It
n v
pp'1 want af';
human frailty au not, from m
ma f y da
good will on my part, for it, has been
a pleasure to me to come to Brussels x
to officiate in your meat and devotion-
al church and where the Catholic
people are honest and devout, Sober;
and industrious and • as a consequence
thriving both morally and materially
and regret t on.
I e rct that I could not come
It is true that, owing to bad roads.
in the Winter' Season, it was frequent•a.
lye hardship physically to drive'so
far, but in the fine weather it was a r•;
pleasantand 'nthe
p drive even # worst'
weather it was a consolation to wit -
netts the sincere devotion of this con-
gregation, who invariably+,,,assiste(
with marked piety and so unr3ersuhly
that the handsntne little church ti as
always filled on Sundays with devoted),
worshippers and the sacraments (vete.•:
reverently received by all in proper,
In conclusion, I have to say that,
though I will not be with you as ir.
the past, I will always hold you is
pleasant remembrance and es eeiall'l
P P .I
in my celebration of the holy sacrifice'
of the Altar, and Inaay add that whet
yon have not Mass here on Sundays;
there will be Mass at Seafor•tlr ever'I
Sunday and you will be welcome they;
as the doors of St. James church wit
always be as open for you as the ate'
v Y
P g
of Heaven. ..
Moncrief '
Reeve Livingston must stand
with Santa Claus.
H. Rolling is visiting friends tit
NIoncrieff neighborhood.
Miss Pearl Harrison is attendiu,;'
Stratford Business College.
Mrs. Philips, of (+lint? Mich:, r '
visitingrelatives in thisnet hborho df
g .
S u
am el and Mrs. Kell of Pc a5
Kelly, w
sen w0s renewingold a u iota o
the past week. cq a n g;
Ernest and Mets. Harrison, 0t
ham, Axford, Co., spent New
with their cousin, Marshal Har.
Wm. and Mrs. Kelly, of
are visiting relativesand friends
are glad to know Mr. Kelly haas
well in the West.
Public School opened Tuesd
this week with H. O. Moore, 'of
sels in charge. We trust it will
successful year for teacher aricl p
The school meeting.was held
nesday of last week in S.S.1Y:'.
Geo, Dunlop.• was re-elected brit:.':.
10 cords of weed will be placed 1
Wm. Bray at $2.45 per cord. .Me
rieff school ie in'charge of Ha
Moore, of Brussels, who. is work'
well and should see results.;
R mn1INEAL.—At 5 o'clock on,
nesday evening, :Dec. 2Sth 1910' `lie
tscolu) n .of in i 1i� 1
a 1 ec at re and
1 Y.
wedding' ryas- stiletto)
pretty g )
at the • home of Hulgh '71e
Wlieai.their dtiugltter; lliiss Bali
Was: united in' marriage to rlla
Ooppehs, of Strassburg, Saslc .,a
Mr. 'Ferguson, of Monkton, offtoititin
The bride, who was given 'away
leer father, wore a beautiful grid-
white silk voile' and WAS assisted,.1
herlittle niece; Miss Katie HoWar(
acting as ring bearer and flower girl.,
After congratulations the guests re -'e
paired to the dining room where ars;4
dainty lunch was' served The ;re
mainder of the' evening: was : '•sp
1)lost enjoyably in games, music
dancing, Ma and•Mrs. Copperas
spending a few days among relati
in this vicinityafter which the
l Y
going to Chicago, Minneapolis a
St. Paul to visit friends. before d',
ing for their home. iu Stmt
The . bride's travelling sunt wl�
green Duchess satin with_85.0 00
picture hat. They have. the goof
wishes of the ciomrninlity for the!
happiness and pt'l)SpCri1y.
Happy New Ycar.
January thaw bas conte and gone.
Alex. Hamilton was elected 'srljv:r.
Miss Edith Evans, elf ToronLa,
visiting at the parental home.
E. L. and Mrs. Morten,. of Lon'
are holidaying at the 111,1 ....010.
Rev. Mr. Kinder• bought a lately'.
driver from R. J. Ashton, of 14aiChen(
Mr. Eade and Miss Sheriff are again',
imparting instrurtion,to the ynutlr oi!'
0151 towel.'
'mea Downcs watt elt',cted DC )ut
,'r''z;.NolvciC. The veto stood J
Reeve of i e • Doi =, 282 ; Jos,. Illi-
Downey, ,d9u • • ,tt n
dertvcod,209, C8n •. ct fpr IOII at10htl
Reeve AJr. Wititc .elw,}uy Reov
.1. Dovehey ; Ceuncillo'v, rJoi ay rn,l,
man, Adam Reis and J. W, i k 1
They do well,
What's the mat tee Ivitit Hocviclt ?
She's all right, Ana, 3years of 110-
license, til,' question of Local Option
Was submitted again to 111e people on
7tru. 2ncl, It will be remembered, 3
years tiger that Local Option passed;by,
a u1lt1ii11' over the 315 ee uirentent''
but the by-law was quashed ell
10Cln1icalit.y though poll tett net a
gg Vitalise had
tainted. Hence the question• tied to...
1)e. stthtpi (ted again to the worn
ig 5011' tette reified. o 1 t' A;
P T� f T.»r,
Option' 511, agttlust 274, so by,•t''"
a. majority over ' the 3/3, kith,
stood foe a dry tcrr'ilor -.
sC- 5",103eetet' Inmos �11 01'11100 iyrbr•1, 1
s away.
t,tlzi ,l 1.1c
'itttit tllef sense