HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-29, Page 8awrsllNl►avlrva et' Fashion Hints itessaleaseveeteesseeesewiesawere SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Large leats-lla,ve little trimming. The fast of the year is the bead- aork. Rating end camel's hair are in kigh favor. Morocco is being worn, especi•. ally in buckles, Pony skin has never become po- pular in England. ` In Venice lace the assortments dhow little Change, Velvet sashee are elegant w lightweight gown, Many women have their ha match their brooches. Gloves for evening are now loose and baggy. Detachable yokes aro pro with some of the new waists.. Black and white'is much. see piping and button effect's. Outside the sheer waists the rorites are taffeta.and satin. Fabrics combined with, le ere shown principally on girdle facts. Blouses drop a little over girdle from the effects of the sant sleeve. The latest novelty, is an effee shaded, fur,' which is called Dade fur. Milliners are under the spell the toque ; they come large, sm And. medium. Cut. steely is' fashionable trimmings, buttons, beads, a metalized net, eto. Little top hats or caps of fur making great "headway" in fashionable world. Brown fur, black, white, b and hit;', and gray are the fa lineable. furs this season. :all the new coats are straight line, just ample,enough to co the new scant costumes. Entire bodices are of a net Latticework ' of beads or of met Heed net, patterned with beads. Buckles are principally lo deep ovals and squares, longer th the belt . and curved inward.. Plat, long scarfs are yards lo and quite wide, and are usua trimmed with bands of fur or ma bout. Many little fur eravats consist just straight bands of fur ed on each side. with a Pierrot frill fine lace. ' There are many half length a full length -handsome coats, br and velvet trimmed, to. wear ev any skirt. Some of the smartest' coats f young girls are of plaid, with hu revers and cuffs of plain serge broadcloth. Silver jewelry has been raised an important place in the collect' of ornament's possessed by the w dressed woman. You make no:mistake in ush velvet pile febrics, fur, brat smaller hats, - closer and short skirts, an empire girdle and th waists.. ith a tpins worn vided n in fa- ather ef- the pea- t of bro- of all, for s a are the l white, eh- in ver or al - ng, an ng ally - •of ged of nd aid er or ge or to Ion the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. e11- This decided me to give the. Pills a trial, and I had only taken them ng a few weeks when I felt much bet- s,dter. In the• course of a few weeks er more the pains and stiffness had he all left me, and I had no more dif- ficulty in doing my work. I can- not say enough in praise of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for they and they alone cured me of my rheuma- tism-"'. am Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents • a box, or six boxes for $2.50. from. The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CAUSE AND CURE OF RHEUMATISM Duo to Impurities in 'tile Blood— Cured by Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills. The most noticeable, and immedi- ate result of rheumatism is a marked thinning of the blood, and in ne disease does it develop more rapidly. Not only does the blood become weak- but it is soon filled with impurities, which the ,differ- ent organs of the body have been unable to throw off. One of the meet harmful of these impurities is uric acid, which is formed from the waste products of the body. In health it is readily passed off by the kidneys with she help of oxy- gen from the red corpuscles of the blood: Without oxygen the kidneys are unable to rid the system of this acid and it is retained in the blood and distributed to all parts of the body. The weak back, pains across the kidneys -and thin scanty, highly colored secretions, which rarity, show that•the acid is 'al ready in the bleod and often leads the sufferer to think he has kidney trouble. If the disease is not driv- en out of the blood, rheumatism can" never be cured, and the suffer- er will always be subject to attacks, whenever exposed to damp er celd. With each returning attack the pain becomes more severe and complications often arise making necessary the use of habit forming drugs to relieve pain. It is readily seen that the only way to cure rheumatism isthrough he blood. Dr. Williams' Pink ills afford ,such a treatment as hey contain ail the elements nee essary to build up" sand purify the blood. They increase its oxygen arrying capacity enabling the kid- neys to pass the •uric acid from the ody and the other organs to do their work.' Thus rheumatism is reached at its root and permanent - y cured. Dr. Williams'„ Pink Pills re absolutely free from all habit- orming'drugs, and are not an ex- eriment as the following case will how :—Mr. W. Studley Lewis, ilot Mound, Man., says ::—r'I' am firm believer in Dr, Williams' ink Pills and always' keep some y me in case of need. A few years go while teaching school I suffezed o much with rheumatism in y ms and shoulders that I had fhe reatest difficulty in writing on the lackboard, and after trying a umber of remedies without bene - t, I was almost in despair, and It inclined to' abandon teaching. ut one day I happened to pick up ere of Dr. Williams' almanacs, and ad of the cure of a number of were oases of rheumatism through t P b 1 a f P S P a P b a s ar g .n fi fe B 0 re se COLD WINTER IN EUROPE. Forecast leased. on the Gulf Strea Aretio lee. A good many of the European --weather prophets ere foretelling a severe winter. Certainly England and the whole of continental Eu- rope have already had an unusual share of snow and frost. Dr. Habenicht, i}' member of the staff of'Perthes's great geographi- cal establishment at Gotha, has }or several' years made a forecast 3f the winter weather, largely from observations of the Gulf Stream end the movement of the ice in• the Arctic and 'southward. This year from the uniform distribution of temperature in the Gulf Stream, a result of the scarcity of ice round N' ev.;foundland, and from the extra- ordifinary large masses of ' drift ice --during the summer between North Cape and Spitzbergen, he concludes that: there :• will be, unusually hard andcontinuous cold during the coming winter' in Europe. The, lack of temperature varia- tions in the Gulf Stream, he says, leaves little room for low North Atlantic minima, and the ice mas- ses around the North Gape favor I' he extension of the Siberian high pressure e and';cold region westward. In ;central' Europe hard winters of- ` ten set in about the end of Novem- ber 'or the beginning of December after' a new or full moon, with con- siderable precipitation followee1 Immediately by east winds and cord weather. Dx. f1:abeniellt is a prophet with a conscience, for should the corn - Ing winter not be considerably cold- er than the average of many years ' be will, he says, "regard this as a sign that he has overestimated the Infitiiiice of the drift ice and tem- perature changes in the North At- lantic Ocean on, European climate, and that hitherto his forecasts have been the resent of chance, In that case, he adds, he will never pro- phesy on the weather again. Aldollar bill goes further than a kind word when the rent codec r Ca11e,, A "BACI{ELOB TAX. Russian Damn .Proposes Levying a Rate on Single Persons. In proposing to impose a tax on all people of marriageable age who remain single, the Financial Com- mission of the Russian Duma are only following in England's foe. - steps., A bachelor tax, as it is tide known, was first imposed. in Great. Britain in 1695, and it continued in operation till 1706. William M. wanted money to carry on the war with Prance, and this was an easy way of raising it. Every bachelor of 25, and every childless widower of five years' standing, had to pay a shilling a year for five years and as his position in the social scale grew so also did his contributions. Moreover, a tax was levied in the case of all births, marriages and burials, graduated according to rank. Towards the end of the eighteenth century unmarried men over 21 who had servants had to pay extra taxation, and later on to contribute a greater proportion to, the income tax. Mr. Lloyd -George has worked the principle from the e other end by granting remissions on the income tax to father of children under sixteen years of age, HOUSEK>EPING SCHOOLS The Prussian government is about to send out housekeeping schools on wheels for the purpose of instructing the daughters of la- borers, craftsmen, and farmin people In cooking, preserving food, de,Irying and general housekeeping, It is intended that, eventually, ev ery Country in Prussia ja t have one pf these schools. The instenc tion lasts eight weeks. A. VOLCANIC Terrible Effects of the Es .,..unof Natikateia. What is often called a tidal Wavo. may have no conneetion whatever with the ordinary tides, It should sometimes be credited to a volcan- ic upheaval of the bottom of the ocean. This feet was. most plain- ly shown in the explosion of Kra- katoa, which occurred cm August 27, 1883. The volcano was an is- land in the Strait of Sunda, be- tween Sumatra and Tuve. The force of the outbreak was so great as to effect the' level of the water in the river Thames; Wbat wore the effcts produced in the strait is told by Mr. W. B. Worsfold in "A Visit to Java;" He had' the story from ono who was then an engin- eer on a boat of the Netherlands India Steamship Company, We were anchored off Telokbe- tong, in Sumatra, when the chief officer and. myself observed a dark line out at sea which bore the ap- pearance of a tidal•' wave,' While we were remarking this, the cap- taiyn rushed on to the bridge, and telegraphed to the engine -room to steam slow ahead up to the anch- I was engaged in carrying. out these orders when the wave came up to the ship. First she dropped, then heaved up and down for soma' five minutes. 'There were three - waves. When I came on deck again, the long pier, <which had been crowded with Europeans who had come out of the town,—this pier, the houses andoffices had dis- appeared; in fact the whole town was gone. A government steamboat lying at anchor—with steam up—in the bay was landed high on the tops of the palm -trees, in company with some native beats. That was the first intimation we had- that Krakatoa was in eruption, and from that time, eight o'clock,' all through the day, the. rumbling thunders" never ceas- ed, while the darkness" increased to a thick, impenetrable covering of smoky vapor. Shortly after this we : got under way, and proceeded untilethe dark- ness made it impassible' to go on further. It was while we were thus enveloped .:in .darkness that the stones and cinders discharged by the mountain began to fall upon the ship. In a short time the can- vas awning and the deck were cov- ered with ashes and stones to the depth of two feet, and all our avail- able men were employed in remov ing the falling mass, which other- wise would have sunk the.ship. We had a large number of natives on board, and a hundred and sixty European soldiers. The 'latter worked with the energy. of despair at their task of clearing the deck. While we were engaged in this struggle, a new and terrible danger came upon us. This 'was, the ap- preach of the tidal wave caused by the final eruption, which occurred about half 'past twelve to one o'clock: in the afternoon. The wave reached us 'at. two ;o'clock, and made the ship tunable like a seesaw. Sometimes she °was _almost straight on end; at other -times size heaved over almost on her beam -ends. We were anchored and steaming up to our anchors as before, and as"be- fore we managed to escape destruc- tion. Well, you can fancy what it was like when I tell you that the captain was lashed with three ropes alongside the engine -room compan- ion, while I was lashed. down be- low to 'work the engines. The men were dashed from one side of the engine -room to the•other. .1910 9. BANNER YEAR. • • Some business men say that the year 1910 will go down .into his- tory as one of greatest prosperity for Canada. Other people give it as their opinion that 1910. is only a stepping -stone' to greater things for Canadian Commercial condi- tions. However that may be, the results 000 calls upon his nervous ener- fn the way of increased business gy while the other applies only his muscular strength. Brain fag be- gets irregularities of thestomach'{ and liger, and the best remedy that can be • used is Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are specially compounded for such cases and all those who use them;cen certify to their superior. power. • Some people like to have others ask favors of them, because -it af= fords them so muofi pleasure to re- fuse, IT -IS NEWS WORTH GiVING TO THE WORLD OW- RAVAGES OF KIDNEY HISEASE ARE CIII:CKEA IN QUIMECe Mrs. Julien Painchaud, for sterols years a sufferer, flue quick re- lief and t&ompiate euro in Dodd's Kidney Pills. Whitworth,, Temiscouata Co., Que,, Dec,' 19 (Special). -'With the coming of winter .the ravages of Kidney Disease are again felt in this province, and the fact that a sure cure is vouched for in this vil- lage is news worth giving to the world. Mrs. Julien Painchaud is the person Cured and she states without hesitationthat she found her cure in: Dodd's Kidney Pills,. "For seven yearsmy heart and Kidneys bothered me," Mrs. Pain- ehaud states, "I was always tired and nervous. I could not sleep. My limbs evere heavy and I had a dragging sensation across the loins, My eyes had dark circles under them and were puffedand swollen. f was so ill I could hardly drag my- self around to de my 'housework, "A neighbor advised me to try. Dodtl's Kidney Pills, and I found relief in the first box. Sic boxes made me perfectly well" If you have any two of Mrs. Painchaud's symptoms your. Ki.i• neys are diseased. Cure them and guard against serious, if not fatal Piresultsllby using Dodd's Kidney s. When a man gets too lazy to wind up an eight-day clock he has 'out lived his usefulness. For Chilblains, Prost Bites, fireless, Sprains, nothing equals the famous old remedy, Perry Davis' Painkiller, I{eop a bottle always on hand. Equally good to check Chills and break up Colds. At ser druggists. HIS'LAST RESORT. • Creditor—"Is your master at home l" Servant—"Yes, pleasek walk in." Creditor—"Thank heaven, I shall see some money at last:" • Servant—"Don't make that mis- take. If he had money he wouldn't be at home." Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Has been used ter over SIXTY-rIVE' Y7;A15.4 br MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WmLE TEETMthe CHILD. SOFTENSPERFECT GUMS. AELLAYs au PAIN CURES WIND COLIC, had le the beat remedy for DIARaHmA. Som by Druggists in everyfart of the world Be sure and `ask for "Bra Winslowe Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty -flue tants a bottle. 0 nontitoed under the Food and Drugs Ant, Auto 0058:11106: Serial Number 1091. set' OLD AND WELL TRIED REMEDY. "Whyare you, disgusted, Den- nis?" en- nis_7r I just hear -rd• wan man. call another a liar.; And the man that was called a liar said the other man would have to apologize or there would be a fight." "And why should that make you look so sad?" "The came man apologiz- ed." • For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as the most effective preparation manufac- tured, and it; always maintains its reputation. People . who 'fish for compliments seldom know where to draw the line. Put up to $8 Yard. Rolla. The famous "The ii *IP Meu8hol Plasters, which.. cure lumbago backache, science, Reumlgia, etc., are always pee, up in yard rolls for physicians and family. use. Delis & Lawrence Co.. Montreal. There's no sure cure for the to- bacco habit=with the possible ex- ception of Certain breeds 'of cigars. A Pill for Brain Workers.—The mon who works with his brain is more, liable to derangement of the digestive syste,m. than the man who works with his hands, because the enjoyed by some of our largest Fin- ancial Concerns have been most gratifying to their shareholders. The Traders Bank, for rnstarice' since •Janaary 1st, 1910, increased. their deposits over four, and oone": half million, and their tgtalp assets six and one-half' • million. This increase is considerably great- er than the percentage of in- crease shewe by the Banks as a whole, so that it cannot bo attributed entirely to general prosperity of the country. That the Traders Bank should be speci- ally favored is, no do1ibt partly due to the fact of its e;fergetic progres- sive management, which has taken every legitimate opportunity of in- creasing and extending its influ- ence. The Traders bank, too, has been doing a great deal of careful- ly planned conservative „advertis- ing, bringing themselves before the attention of the general public to • Allen%1sing Balsam, inwhich there isnooptem, euros sore throat suit sora lungs, eaitallay,. the Inflammation and rids you of the mucous that Mope up 8155 ntr passages. 460, 60c,. *100 bottles. "Mary, what must we do first be- fore we can expect forgiveness for our sins?" "We 'must sin first," the little 'girl answered, It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat —At the ,first symptoms' of 'sore a very considerable extent. There throat, which presages ulceration is no doubt that Newspaper ndver- and iinflammation, take b'spocnftel tieing Is of as much value to a large £ Dr, Thomas'atoEeleo ma Oil. Add Banking Institution as to any other a table. sugar it to melee it Pala- business herd the Traders Bank's. tanble. r It will allay the irritation lregress has ono argument in ata 1 prevent the ulceration and aver that is a very striking one, swelling that are so painful, Those Wile were periodically subject to ' 0t carbo f'Ybu need a hair cut c]ilinsy have thus made themselves -iia badly,) sir./1 Customer-. "We1I, go immune tG atthok. enema eiotas-cede her Cures cod ahead. i d n't know anyone .. ► ar heed y e who The l One tttraataudtuo . n ., -,, hardest ,tallcing shwa a dies aa can do it worseY 'Clthan you. awaythe ulekest, q LONDON'S :MILLIONS, Mall Bo Counted- -Preps r,ation for ,the Great Census '.Yost. To count London's millions the purpose of sorting them sap groups of males and females, ere, mothers, children, deaf, d blind, mad 'er otherwise, Sun April 2, 1911, the large eteff at Census Office is working overt Behind the Tato Gallery, i =temporary building of wood iron, the oiiiciels sat at large to gloating over Ordinance Su maps, fixi>Ag the boundaries of gistration districts, and sen out millions of blue paper foi'Ingi by which the great numbering the people will be made, These schedules go to the re tears, who are .enumerators in various districts, and London, wealthiest and mast populous all, will have quire an army officials pressed into the Civil S vice for the Census week. This is the first •census of twentieth century. The first E lish Census was taken exactly hundred years ago. The growth the population in a hundred ye will be an interesting feature sho in the return. When Thomas Potter, a son the Archbishop of Canterbury, fi proposed in' Parliament: that numbering' of the people of t marriages, births and deaths, a of the people receiving alma should be the country came alarmed. One opponent the' bill (a Mr. Thornton, the me •ber for York) said : ' "I' did not believe that there w any. set of men, or, indeed, a y i dividual of the human species, no' presumptuous or so abondoned as to make the proposal we have just heard—I hold this project to be to- tally submefsive of the last re- mains of English liberty "Moreover, a registry. of our peo- ple will'acquaint our enemies abroad with our weakness." Opposed generally, the bill was thrown out, and the proposal was not renewed until half a century later. foe ink) Fath. umb, day, the ime, n a and Wets rvey TO - ding of gis- the the of of er the ng one of ars wn of rst a he nd r, Ue- of m- as n - , cures colds,heal. ne the throat and lands.. y coots. - THE REASON WHY. • Young Bride—"I didn't accept Harry the first time ho proposed.' Miss Ryval—"No,- dear, . you weren't there." Sudden transition f rem a hot to a cold ,,temperate}re, exposure to rain, sitting in'a draught,' unsea- sonable' substitution -of light for heavy clothing, are fruitful causes of c'olds and the resultant cough so perilous to persons- of weak lungs. Among the many medicines for bronchial disorders so arising, there is none'better than Bickle'.s Anti -Consumptive, Syrup. Try it and become convinced. Price " 25 cents. Unfortunately the woman who knows exactly hewto mana `e a husband seldom gets a chance to demonstrate her theories. Minard'o Liniment Cures Dandruw.. After Jimmy had attended school a few days he' begged to stay at home.. "Because," said he, "tea- cher says we mustn't talk, . and I4m so :tired of whlsp2rm g1" TRY MURINE ,EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes. andGranulated•Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart -Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 500, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25o, $1.00. Eye Rooks and Eye Adviall,Free by Mail. r1klurine.Eye edy Co., Chicago. "You will be glace to hear.Henr , y, dear," said ,Mrs, Willoughby, "that my new dress does dot button up the back." "Hooray I" cried Wil- loughby, turning 'a somersault on the divan. - "How does it button, my dear?" "Down the back," said Mrs. Willoughby. minerd's Liniment Believes NeuralCia. HOPEr'UL.: Bramble—"Yes, I'm ugly —I know I'm ugly—but there is one groat Consolation." Friend --"What is that:?" bramble—"If ever I should be- come great and ,the 'people of our great country should +resolve to. erect a statue .to my memory, the won't be able .to make me: out any' et' uglier. than T are, - Y e ".. Ah„ ter In winter, it Is hard to get fresh air In certain rooms. Some rooms in a house are usually colder than others, and If you open the windows it is hard again to heat the room properly. If you. keep the windows closed you don't get fresh air; if you keep them open you cannot quickly reheat "1. the room. The rinrrEcirl SatottELess "'of 't HF ` ,,' Aljscfafely smokele,s futd odorless solves the difficulty. You can leave the windows in a room open all day in winter, and when you close them apply a match to: a Perfection Oil • k"' 'Ii ,� ?:c Heater and heat the room to any tem- perature you em-perature.you desire in a few minutes. The Perfection ®11 Heater is finished in Japan or nickel. It burns for nine hours. It has a cool handle and a damper top. It has an automatic - locking flame spreader, which prevents the wick front' being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that the wick' can be quickly clenaed. An Indicator always shows amount of oil In the font. The tiller-oap, does not need Co be screwed down. It. is put in like a cork 1n a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. The burner body, or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new, device in construction, and consequently, It can .ways be easily unscrewed in an instant.for rewicki'al ng. • The Perfection 911.' Heater 7s strong, durable, well made, built for service, yetlight and ornamental. Dealers. Everywhere. 1/ not at. yours, write /or deser{ptIve c0ujar to the nearest nrenry of the The 'Queen City 011 Company, Limited.' .�"la1•.-. 4nr-, .441117447 r2,:h!',.r,',r re-,),:. SERVES ONE GOOD PURPOSE. Caller—Do you allow" your hus- band to smoke in the house'? Mrs. Hewligus-0, yes ; when he's smoking that old pipe of bis it makes me' forget'my neuralgia, Tho Beauty of a Clear Skin, — The condition of the liver regulates the condition of the blood. 'A dis- ordered livor causes impurities in, the blood and these show themselves in blemishes on the skin. Pewee - lee's Vegetable .Pill ' g S In' acting ep- ee ee the` liver act upon the blood and a Clear; healthy skin will followin- telligent use of this standard me- dicine. Ladies, who will fully ap- preciate this priine quality of these pills, can use them with the cep. tainty that the effect will be most gratifying. "Did'you ever stop to think, my dear," sa„3d Mr. Miggles, gazing at Iiia plate of lobster salad, "that the things we love most .in this life aro the very things that never agree with us?" "Will you be so kind," said: Mrs. Miggles, straightening up, "as to tell me whether you are speaking of the salad or of me, sir?" I was Cured of Rheumatic Gout by, MIN- ARD'8 LINIMENT;, H'alifax. ANDREW ICING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by DUN - AIM'S LINIMENT• LT. -COL. C. CREWE READ. Busses. I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD'8 LINIMENT, Markham,. Ont.. C. 8. BILLING. Lakeaeld, Clue.. Oct. 9, 1907. Tom—"I wish that I had Alfred's good hick." Dick -"So he's gener- ally lucky?" Tom-"Lueky1 If he walked out of.the window in his sleep et dead of :night there would be another man going by below carrying a featherbed!" Stiff neck 1 Doesn't • amount to much, but,mighty : disagreeable. You've no idea how quickly a little Ilamlins Wizard Oil will lubricate the cords and make you comfor- table again. "Why do you alwaysgo out on to the balcony when begin to m sing, John? Can't you bear' to lis- ten to ei-' "It isn't that, but I don't want the neighbors to. Creek I'm a wife beater!" Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta. The; Stranger—Is this a pretty healthy neighborhood?, The Native —You bot' it is. Thar ain't bin'a death in years, 'ceptiti' the under taker, an'he "died o'starvation. An Inheritance nt weak lunge is a earlobe handl-' cap,. but Allows Lung nala0m, taken at the limb lot et a' Dough well ensure,' imainnity from thiel angerous defect. Don't trine with Unknown uru-alae. ISSUE O 2-10, _. JUST DISSOLVED. "Soyoubroke your engagement with Miss Spensive?'' "No, I didn't break it." "Oh, she broke AI" "No, she didn't` break it." "But it is broken?" "Yes, she told me what her clothing cosi and I told her what my income was, then our engage- ment sagged in the middle and gent., ly dissolved." Optimist --Ha has an honest face. Pessimist -You 'ean't always go on that. Optimist—What makes you apply that axiom in this 00802 Pee- waist—tie borrowed rayfavorite u..tel.and any umbrella. AGENTS WANTED. _ 5 AUBNTrI WAN1'!tn 1rOa TWV0 NEW LINE! 1 (Iroatast pronmtum propoottloir. in.Cauadr ABpally for particulars" to allery, 44a ,Alport ah. Ottawa. 1GaN'15 — a6.00 A DAY BAST. NO Mal perlonee needed, Sells on sight. Absolute necessity to farmers, Does •work .at' 80 mon Pry. far 589.1E In ono hour.. Write to -day Handy Jacks Co., Sarnia, 008 WANTED. UTANTED—MILITARY eerie GRANTS. r r Ontario or Dominion.. It Indly state loos.. Mon and price. nog 88, Brantford. I EARN THE" BARBER TRADE --KIM 1J uyetem-oonetant raotice—careful imbrue.. Aon—.icer w eelso 1 o mp see tee dollars free. y. Write earn catalogue, to eighteen dollars liege, 1y. Queen fas ,Toronto. Molar BarberOolAge, £tl queen BaeB, Toronto. llANCER' Tumors, Lums, etc, Internal Y./ and external, cured without pain by ear home treatment. write us before too late- Dr. Regimen Medical Co., Limited. Coliingwood, Ont. f tlIS TORONTO 1IO8P1TAf. FOR INCUR - ARLES -offers two yearn' training, oompplata course in reausage, post•grd.duate 0purao lb Belle* yea and allied. hospitals, New York. Applioa. Mans will be received by Miss Greene Lady Superintendent, 180 Dunn avenue,: DV EIN.G ! CLEANING ! For the very boat, send your, work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO." Look for agent in your town, or sold direct. Montreal. Toronto. Ottawa, Quebec TO PARTIES iIAVING FUNDS TO LOAN. The Consolidated Mortgage Company," Will. nipeg, the management of which is in the hands of a timber of the leading and most ourmesenl baslu.ds ,nen of Western Canada, will undertake to loan fuhds• for private parties- upou The. Moand Alberrtg6agesti on Parme 1'n Maratha, Saskatchewan' These loons will roturn remunerative" rants of fntereet and thesecurities will,be Mainly first. olasa, Valuation rondo by one atthe leading'::.. 2ruet Companies and guaranteed by them to be. correct, Per full information address if Consolidated Mortgage Company, 317 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg. MANITOBA. Rich and Costly rurs HECOSTLIESTYQRS colncfrom YOUR THE OF THE Skip them to the HEST FOR MARKET ani RIGHT FOR HOOSE. By ,hlpploa direct to OB • you receive far better .PRICES then you have obtained elsewhere, because we soli DIRECT to 2SANVFACTDRERS of mon GRADE FORS. WE NERD YOUR 5088. MAGE 0S A SHIPMENT.. Our PRICE LIST le our;.. ASE: POR I8. Our P R ICES ar. BET to,S[Q11 LEOPOLD.GASSNER FUR CO: Nen Y:;k att: c17.',1•1; $250,000 Drop your indifference and be en- thusiastic if you, would make a ha with people. The ease with whicb corns and warts can be removed by Hollo- wey's Corn Cure is its strongest recomnrendytion. It seldom fails. husband--"Who's`e ';'ou invit• ing to the party?" Wile. -"Every-. body' who hasn't see our new side. board I" Mlnard'o Liniment for sate everYdlhore.. t ,TIIE WHEREFORE, -"Your 'daughter practices c s on the piano faithfully, I tlotict:. .Neu thine hates it.' "Ming does too. But she'd ma they practice all day than help with the housework." 'tr Don't Have a Blind One vIsIO An Absolute Curr for Moon Blindness topthmmeel and Qulurlativilb Lpina hers.. all oaf. friar dis.eoad twee. A tile' win onrince any horse owner 'that rimed ab Maly enroe demes, of tho as4,'t. ae,y. Be 1. !'05th of methennlma4h aiTb awl rad. , tutoitt how,uaoy ourl,N 1180151; sed ranee, 0w 1 VMO a uodor our eusnANTE Msesyrefs/idea If under dkM.11ene Itdyes n51 sure. e, $5,00 ►a bottle, 0es150d 001000154 el If rt', 11$1.1141111111111'111,1110, t,lH1Wiltentf ale .aa si