HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-29, Page 64M.
c1,j3rit5$eis po5i
111Uitat?AY 1)EC .9, tote
MA s
NiTa A t%tgisafure will ,issetnole
444 Feist 91.11 nt Winutpeg.
MAY tgi1 bring to the readers of Tut:
Pum. 11ttch of happiness and prosperity,
'1'#tose who were fearful we would
have agreen Christmas had their worries
for nothing' as there Was no shortage 01
811041 in this Northern clime,
ONr,is more ' the parliamentarians are
in lice for another bout in untying some
of the legislative knots. ;The trouble
5eeills to be in the Old Lane Parliament
that while one knot is being unfastened
the kickers are tying three.
MuNlourAL Election day will be next
Monday. Polls open from g a. m. to 5
p. in, Sonia liveiy rues are promised in
various mu'nieipalities. There are worse
things in a municipality than a lively,
good tempered election contest.
i' Goon work is being done by the Rail-
way commission and one of their latest
movements in the interest of the pockets
of the people is to ask the Express
Companies to prepare a new and lower
tariff over the present rates.
No nicer compliment has been
Judge Barron, of Stratford,,
fact that he isfrequently
preside at Courts of.
tration outside_
t after to
quiry and arbi-
the Co. of Perth and
wee ^a1 wisdom' and clear foresight
are essential.
II loops as if the' baptising of the
tP g
'waters Bank. now in liquidation' after a
but rather eventful life, became
rather a trap for the tillers ot the soil in-
stead of an avenue to invest hard Earned
proceeds in hope of their safety and in-
crepe?' The government should' hold a
s+ --'fighter rein on some of these institutions
'( in tbeir inception and Rotation.
CANADIAN railway Companies have
had abundant experience to prove to
them that a better arrangement for
t Christmas travel should be inaugurated
than that now in vogue, The very time
seed trips y and comfortable tr ps would be
most desirable.
has established 5 fished [he
�worst record ot the year for bad hours,
long delays and overcrowded cars. It's
a busy 'season we know but doubling the
locomotives and running the .trains in
sections could surely be done without
2;;; tnts'ch trouble and thereby overcome
what is now a most unpleasing and dis-
satisfactory feature of .home coming,
both to the travellers' and the
fGieddg " whowait their coming
often with much discomfort to them-
selves and hours where driving has to he
done on arrival of the trains. People
payrailway their fare exercising faith
f b
in the time table bat Christmas it is a
wary mythical affairs largely because the
,,/practical common sense possessed by
.,the railway people is not put into exer-
cise; In our belief it is time for a big
change. Allowance could be made for
a Milt hour delay but when it comes to
three or four, hours behind time, espec-
ially in the night trains, the wrong
should be redressed.
•ubstantial development that
ace during the past year in
nada, Winnipeg has added
e to its history of solid
x oa-.,,• ich is even more impressive
than that of previous years when re.
markable records were made in all de-
partments of municipal and business
The outstanding feature of the year's
programme hss been the big increase
in building over that of any other year
in Winnipeg's history, $15,500,000 bay-
ing been put into new buildings inside
the limits, while approximately $2,00o, -
00o was spent in the erection of new
homes in
t.ii¢ immediate out-lying
increase of $26o.000,000in INinnr
'}leg's bank clearings is another sure
indication that business ill general is
on} the steady increase and while: the
ssr$dictiou that Winnipeg would be in
the billion dollar bank clearibg class
for 19to did not quite materialize, the
clearings of over 8950,000,000 for the
yearshows a record over Hist ie of any
other city of its population on the cos-
--Notwithstanding the fact that owing
to the very dry Summer in sections of
the Southern parts of :the ptairie prov-
inces resulting as it did in a consider-
able crop shortage, the year has been
one of the most valuable years is his.
tory for farmers, as it has clearly de.
',monstrated the necessity of good farm.
ill Thegood crops in other section
g P s
of the provinces haS fully made
any losaud business on he wholand
the wholesale trade and retail business
good, with the result that the
crease „,}qr he year ill all lines has
en Fully thirty-five per, cent,.
t i9 interesting to note that during
rust 1910, the Winnipeg 'Bureau of
rogation completed a•careful cabvass
he 256 industrial establislintents ten -
I at Winnipeg, and,asa result found
t.,t t the total value of the output of
these industries amounted to S50,5oe,
',con, which is about doubt( the amount
innwn by the ,govet'nment statistics five
rens ngg Of Si 8,01,20. T'r view 4f
he (fief that 11:01.)otuln on census show
eel m 01141114 of htlt $8,606o248 ui 190o'
Winnipeg is malting remarkable $hide$
'esti u,a+• be +.''ueelutl to rank third .in
'cu cities xlt ell the government
een s i a • completed '
u in ig11
During *918 there were, stxty-five in
dustu.d companies incorporated under
tianitoba charter's with Winnipeg a.,
their head:o0jce, with a total authorized
capital exceeding $17,00o,000. ancl,., in
addition to these new companies, thir-
teen local ;;oiog concerns were grantees
charter's and increased working capital
to the extent of over $3,000,000.
The outlook for general business der.
iIng I it I
s very brightindeed,
not 0
in Wiinnipe
g but
throughout the whole
ofthe tour Western provinces ; the fur•
they settlemeht of farm lauds by in-
creased eeligration is a sure and safe
prediction ; the completion of runway
extensions already staked out will dis-
tribute much more money in the Com•
ing year than that which wee spent dur-
ing 19to and there is every prospect
thatmorebuilding and more factories
will result from the further prosecution
of cooperative efforts by Western corn
munities in advertising their resources
and opportunities,
That a g reater' nation w al stimulus will
develop from the visits made
to the
West during the past year by Sir Wil:
frid Laurier and many of the members
of the Cabinet le already evident and
excellent resuits may also be expected
from personal visits mode by many
prominent financial editors of world
wide fame who spent considerable time
during the past few edtjt jn_investi-
gatingconaitn in Western. Canada
View,:g these considerations with an
of understanding and adding to the
Siivation� Winnipeg's sound financial
standing in the money markets of the
world we may naturally look towards
attracting greater investments of pri-
vate funds than ever during the com-
ing year. I think I speak the sentiment
of the business men of .Winnipeg when
I 'say, that in this rapid development
along industrial and commercial lines,
there exists no jealousy towards any otli.'
er cities and that it is Winnipeg's wish
that they all enjoy every success and
prosperity in the future. '
The demands of the farmers in the
tariff were set forth at Ottawa's meeting
as follows
i. Reciprocal free trade between the
United States and Canada in all hor.
ticultural. agricultural and animal
products. spraying materials, fertilizers.
fuel, illuminating and lubricating oils,
cement, fish and lumber.
2. Reciprocalfree trade between the
two countries on all agricultural imp
lements, machinery, P vehicles and arts
3, For an immediate lowering of the
duties on all British imports to oue'half
the rates charged under the general
tariff, whatever • these may he, and that
any trade advantages given the United
States in reciprocal trade relations be
extended to Great Britain.
4. • For such further reduction of the
remaining preferential tariff as will en-
sure the establishment ot free trade be-
tween the Dominion and mother coun-
try within ten years,
5. That the farmers of this country.
arewilling to face direct taxation in
such form as may be advisable to make
up the revenue lost under tariff regula-
Maitland Presbytery
Y rY
Presbytery of Maitland met on Tues.
day, December sorh, at Wingham.
Revds. Messrs. Bremner, Tait and
Perrie were appointed a committee to
visit the St. Helens session and mnana-
ers. The Clerk kwasrequested to notify
the Board of Trustees, of tl e Church to
the effect that Enniskillen congregation
has become defunct and that the prop-
erty is now vested in the trustees.
The call from Pine River in favor of
Mr. Rutherford, of Dungannon, was
,sustained and Mr. Ruthertord signified
his desire to accept the same. The in
duction to take place on 'Thursday, Jan.
5th, at 2.30 p. m. The moderator to
preside, Mr. Hardie to preach, Mr.
Edmison to address the minister and
Mr. Bremner the people:
Mr. Moyer was appointed intermin
moderator of session and to declare the
the pulpit vacant on Jan, 801,
The treasurer rendered his report on
the state of the fund showing a credit
balance of $367 in the treasury.
The auditor reported the treasurer's
books correctly kept showing that re-
ceipts $798 and expenditure 8431•
The finance committee reported the
requirements for 1911 to he the same as
for two, namely 11 cents per family for
Presbytery fund
and cent
Per -es
for synod fund
In the absence se Ge of Mr Perrin. con yen•
or of committee on ministers' the Clerk
was asked to notify the committee to
report at the March meeting of Pres-'
b ter+. .the fol
y t following iniaister
entitled to attend the Assembly inster1,
Revds. Duncan, Edmison, Rutherford
and McEacbern and alders from Mb -
field, Brussels, Teeswater, Cranbrook
and Ethel, The Presbytery expressed
sympathy with the Robertson Memorial
Committee and trended the matter over
to. H. M. Committee for their considera.
tion. Messrs. Wishart, Rutherford and
West were appointed 0n Hymnal Com-
Notice of
motion as to tiiite of appoint-
ing standing committees and receiving
Eider's commissions was given by Mr,
Rutherford, Mr, McEachern present-
ed the claims of the Morel and Social
Reform committee and Mr. Bremner
Of thetl0n
n gent
A gm a committee. '
Remit on
the"Basis. of Church
Union" was then taken up and fully
discussed. It was moved by Messrs.
Rutherford and Bremner that we ap-
prove of the remit, and the vote being.
taken seven ministers voted against the
remit and five in favor and five Elders
voted for the remit and three againet,
making a tie on tine total vote,
W. J. Wes'., Clerk of Presbytery.
Learn Why the
Runs Easierthan others
If you've ever used any,ntater make of separator you'll
marvel when ydti turn the Frictionless l'irupite. So nearly •
frictionless that it almost rune itself. Will run for half
an hour after you've flnislied skimming, unless you stop it
with your brake,
The Frictionless Empire is the only
separator with ball' bearings at top
and klottom of bowl -spindle. Other
makers would jump' at the chance of
using our Ball Neck Bearing and
Three -Ball Bottom Bearing. But our
patents prevent others tieing these
friction - eliminating, .easy - tanning,
life -lung features. '
These ball bearing features, together
with the lighter bowl, fewer cloned
bearings, more easily cleaned skim-
• ming devices, etc., make the Friction-
less Empire the one really good sone
Years of service prove their worth.
Etn it's qualityin machine and
Pl every,
a guarantee asgood as a gold bond.
Some day you'll own
an Empire. In order to
]hasten that day we
want you to read oto,
new 45c. book. It tells
the truth about the two
standard methods of
cream separation. Gives
valuable dairy pointers.
We will send you one
copy free, pt'ovidedyou
:tell us the number of
cows you keep. Also
name of this publica-
tion, Don't miss this
book. Send for • it im •
mediately. Extracopies
25c. Ask for book.
The EMPIRE Line of -rg y -
�:.r . . i . .I'ot�'�1
consists of 8 full. r 1,1„;: e in .. e .
a rr. ,.!td5,, .,t oires m both 1'ttotmnlese 1)tnpire (cone
method) anfl'• ,.,,pire Disc. "'The choice of either cone or disc meth-
od ,iitf C-i'ie size iaf machine, rests, entirely with you.
he Empire Cr am'Se arator Company of Canada,
WINNIPEG, Man. TORONTO, Ont, '8411e0x; N. B.
S.- CARTER, Agent, Brussels ' 1
it You
TakeAdV,untaago Of Thin Offenbt+r
We hayed remedy that ae It aeenld.
of growing has and curing baldness
Ile 93 out of every 100 .cases whorl, used
according to dii'ectione for a 1'etteon-
ab a le rt o
1 1 time. .That may ec 1
1 1G 1 t 1a y en
like a strong slatelnent--it is and we
Mean it to be, and ncl'one shell -.doubt
it until they lttt'o pet 000 cltlhns to as
itotlntl• lesl,
Wo are socertein Belot' '•03" :1114ir
Tonic will cure dandruff, prevent bald-
ness, stimulate the scalp and hair
stop falling hair and grow new
Bair, that we personally give our poli.
tive gutuantee to refund every penny'
paid s for it in every insace where
it does not give entire satisfaction to
the neer,
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is as.: pleas- I,
alit to Ilse as clear spring water., 1L ie,;`
delightfully perfumed and does not;,
ggrease„Or guts the hair. Two sizes,
50c. and $1.00. With our guarantee
back of it, you certainly take no risk.
Sold only at bur store --The Rexall'
Store. 14'. 13. Smith.: -
President, . Fred.. Richardson, St.
Marys ; Secret
rY o n Frame, A
ton ; Treasurers ej S, bra l St.
Marys. 'Five membpa a '• were also
elected to the .executive coinurittee—
John Beeweis, Brodhagen ; Dr,
^ekeliilstlong, Mitchell ; John Deulpsey.
Stratford ; August Br'ethour, JCirktott
and;:Richard Freeman. Shakespeare.
Provincial and Federal politics were
dealt with by Mayor Johnston,' of
Sarnia ; Col. Rugh Clark, M. P. P.,
Kincardine.; De. Steele, Tavistock and
Roil, Nelson Monteith. The addresses
of the two visiting speakers racked
with the best ever delivered in Mit-
chell and they were tendered a hearty
vote of thanks. J. S. Carstairs, or-
ganizer for Orh4ario, gave' solve good
advice along the lines of organization.
Resolutions of confidence in Mr. Bor-
den and Sir James Whitney, were
moved by Dr. Armstrong, Mitchell,
seconded by S. Hickey, Logan, and
carried "unanimously. '
Mrs. C. H. Fullerton and daughter,
of New Liskeard are visiting relatives
in town.
Annual Meeting of . Flma Cheese &
Butter Co., will be held at the Fac-
tory Saturday January 7tb, at 1 p. in.
Elms Reform Association held its
annual meeting in the 0. 0. F. Hall
here Thursday afternoon of this week.
Trustees of S. S. No. 5 have engaged
Miss Mary Edge, of Durham as teacher
for next year at a salaby of $525. She
has been attending the Durham
Model School and holds a first-class
Members of Epworth League of the
Methodist church gathered at the
beautiful home of Mrs. Horn Monday
night, to spend the evening with their
much respected friend, Miss Hodgson,
-before she left for home. The gather-
ing was entertained by a program,
and a dainty lunch was also given.
During the proceedings a presentation
was made of aold ringand an ad -
dress was read.
• Perth County
Fred. Dufton's mother, of ,Mitchell,
died at Stratford, aged 88 years. '
Knox •Church Reading Club, Mit-
chell, intend holding a grand musical
concert in the Opera Hall. Jail. 13911.
Harry Hurlhurt has taken a posit-
ion in the Merchants' Bank, ',Mitchell
and S. Eby has been promoted to the
position of ledger keeper.
At Guelph fair Daniel Deoonesey,
Logan, was awarded all the first prizes,
two seconds, font thirds and two
fourths for Chester White hogs.
The largest turkey which came to
Mitchell this Fall ,was purchased by
one of out' atorekeepeta hest week. It
weighed 29 lbs., and at.20e a lb. netted
J Gallagher, Logan, bag- sold his VICTIMS' OF CONSUMPTION.
farin'being,lot 2,toll. 4, toAugust .
Eicktneier, of the same township. Mr.
Gallagher has since bought ,lamed MOTHER AND TWO CHILDREN AT
Sweeney's farts, lot 33; con. 4, Ellice.
In each case possession is to be given
on May 15th, next.
Before the Misses Gerry deft Mitch-
ell a number of their ft'ietids showed
in a tangible form their appreciation
of the valuable servicesrendered for'.
many years in connection with the
Methodist church choir. To Miss
Edith was presented a valuableleather
ant case, with cut glass and ebony
toilet setand 0Louise a old
t tMiss
mounted umbrella suitably engraved.
annual convention of the South Perth
Conservatives was held in the Town
Hall, Mitchell,' on Friday 16th.
There was a fair attendance of the
yeomanry of the Riding 'and much en-
thusiasm marked the proceedings. A
new constitution • was adopted,..after-
which the following officers were ap-'
pointed ; President, David Bonis,
Blanshurd ; first vice President, Reeve
Rudolph, of Logan ; second , vice
•+++•+•+•44•I••+++•+♦+•+ 1.4+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•+•
° .,•
7 3
Felt Shoes 1' at WhosaIe
Are Now Under Treatment—Husband,
Too, .Had Been a Patient -A Tra-
gedy in Real Life—heavy Debt on
A story from the Muskoka Free Hospital
forConsumptives tells ofmoth r wh
a e o
with her two children, is now under treat-
ment in that institution.. The husbandhad
been a patient, but the case Was un ad-
vanced one when the patient entered, and
he has since passed away, : There is little
doubt but that the.wife. was infected as a
result of Garin gg„for her husband, and now
,she is 111 the aluakoku Hospital. Her little
girl, about five years of age, and `a boy of
ton are with herr, both being afflicted with
this dread disease.
The words of the mother. are pathetic.
She writes : "I went to a doctor and got
him to,examine my lungs to see whether
there was anything wrong with them, and
he said that the right lung was affected.
A little rest, he hoped, would build me up.
I have a little girl, about five years old, and
the t octor says s that if I could take her.
up with me its•ould do her over so much
good, as she is not very strong. T have
three more children and 'one of these, a
boy of --ten, seems also to be afihotedl and
it advisable thab he should enter the
. .
These three are of the 104 patients who
are residents in thia* deserving inatmution
and being cared for without money and
without pt ice. The sorry part of it is that
the trustees are carrying a debt of some.
thing like$9 ,000 incurred largely throe h
the additions that
have been trade within
the past year, and that have more than
doubled the accommodation of the institu-
tion, together with the heavy cost of main-
taining so large a number of free patients.
Readerswho desire to help this Treat
charity inaysend their contributions to Mr.
W. J. Gage, Chairman Executive Com.
mittee, 84 Spadina avenue, or. to the Sec-
retary -Treasurer, 347' King street west,
The Muskoka Free Hospital has ever liv-
ed up to its claims of never having refused
a single patient because of his or her
GreatCIea'ring, Sale•
Still Continues
Comfortable Shoes for all Sizes of feet
Men's fine box calf or dongola
Shoes, Goodyear welted, latest'
design of toes, regular 5.00,
reduced to $ 4 00
Men's fine shoes, Blucher style,
regular 3.00, reduced to 2 40
Ladies' fine kid Blutcher bats,,
Goodyear welted, regular 3.50,
reduced to . , . . 2 80
Misses' Felt Slippers, all styles,
. r
Children's Slippers, all kinds,
reduced c to ., ... 25
s or Robes •
Want �•
Shoes of all kinds at Reduced Prices for Cash
+ •
If so note the following prices
Heavy lined .Blankets, regular 2.75, reduced to..,,,....; 2 00
Fancy colored heavy lined Blankets, regular 2.50, re-
duced to ...;... ............... 1 00
Unlined Blankets, regular 1.25, reduced to 90
Unlined Blankets, t'egular 75c, reduced to 50 +''
Large Saskatchewan Robes, regular 9 50, seemed to , 7 00
See our Siegle +.
S e harness at regular g g 18.00, reduced to , 11 50
Plush Hngs reduced in price forcash.
Those requiring credit on Harness will be accolnmodat- •
ed at regular prices, a
'At your home, without
pain, danger or
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when Wl a you can, be crated P
Do not wait - fill in coupon
Age....... ,,.,. 'l'ithe. Rup .f,.:.....
Single,ot• Double
t' acne .... .,... u.
AcLli ass
an11 return' to
Sons of cot anti, Melrose Camp ` • • T. l% j — + J. S. SMITH
No. 78 Atwood will hold their atttluai'014
At Borne and concert on "'Sues'* +
Anniversary," Jan, 25th.;
ea Caledonia 8t,
1. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. •
Cutters /!�'
Have you seen Ewan's Display
of Cutters for this Season n
'I'lte Neatest L,l Utest, Best 'F niched aud wont TJp-to-nate
Cutters on themaritet,
-Piano box l Cutters, with high side pad*, e+ll 1t'i8u1lilgS 90 414 runt,
Trine Med in plush or leather cloth. Likewise piano box Cutters
with ahto gems that sell at sight, ' Cannot be beaten for comfort.
This is special design a
1 aS I U
—Also a large display of Portland. Gutters. h 1 , l g f
Cutter,. As itis a' great mistake wi'9 many of the feel oriesof build'
fug abo large 11 Portland Cutter for our l'o•1da. We have made a
'special study of this style this season and have got just what the
people want—a nice, neat, mediumu'size Poi(lttud Cutter,. comfortable
andgot` upwith first-class material.
=Everybody 10 invited 40 call at our Factory, examine our goods and be
convincedthat we have the best style of Cutters on the market,
-Please don't forget that Ewan's Cutters take ,the red tickets et nil local,
Fairs at which they are exhibited.
• •
New Sto r
eat �Ethe
•. b
Brand New Stock of
O 19
• C9
• •
• ' Groceries, &c.
• •
General Dry Goods
Boots and Shoes
Store is now Open .and doing Business •
p 9
• �^""�
• • •
Hoping to meet with many old and new ,
• friends as I'm here for business. 9'
: •
e •
,FtI. A. Thompson _.
- O
• ▪ _ Give me a call at the Love Block and see •
• theehoice stock at Low Prices. 0
F''OR SERVICE. -The' underalgiled will keep ♦•.i♦•♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦•**♦•*O••*
for service on Lot 19, Con, 10, n thorn.
bred Berkahire.bog, Pedigree may be aeon on O
application. Terms 151.00. Mother of this hog • - •'
took second prize at the Fat Stock Show at t •Win h s s ■ . - S
Guelph. TORN BRO WN, Proprietor. ♦. s v g a ♦
Timber for Sale Business t
100 acres of standing 'timber .also 200 Bores of
burned down timber, suitable fat• wood and
logs. Lots 22, 28, 24 and 25 Con 17, Grey town-
ship Further information may be hadat the
Sash and Door rectory, Brussels, or from .Geo:
Dunlop, Con. 16, Grey.. P. AM ENT
2X•8' -• proprietor.
daresgsed 'offers for axle in.
Guy xnit
to neo B'No, 8
w t on 7th arrear and o. 4 on 1 '-
N 1 Lh
street. .They are each OO feet wide and •
are 194 deet lmtg and goad part
oC .rho tow, s For
for a store or
boarding house. Par farther 'particulars ap-
ply to FRANK MILLER, Bracebridge, Ont..
FARM .FOR BALE. _The farm known os•the
Shine's farm, is now offered for sale in
order to wind upn the estate. The farm con=
tains 98 sores bass
In d in . of Grey. ct e'a nil seeded to gross
and in stood i- o oho ae nd -bsnk Lho
farm magiarn, rcihar douse anPropertbarn. 1also
arYrame.bnrn, orchard, &e. Property to be
sold worth the money... Apply to JAIL BOTZ,
' 'Lot 4, Uoa:1l�Gre , or on the remisee
g tarts of Lots 5& O in the
• 17•tf « Y MR8. pWM. SHIN)It.
FARM FOR SALE, being Southhalf Lot 25,
Con. 4, Morris townuhlp, Buren Co., oon-
teining 150 Berea more or less. On the prem-
ises 10n frame house, bank barn, good orchard,
well. windmill,&e. All cleared edea t about
an wire. School 1 %
S a, miles esofFa Maly d
abouts bo5 acres s, Adores onFall r pri e,
termsa50acres seeded down. For nrthe
other information apply' 'P the
premises or df writing Brussels Pr O, phone
120. Or F. S. Scott, Brussels,
11.17 A. L.NERR Proprietor
for sale8,his100 socatrue, being Lot 80,(on. 15,Grey. About 70 u rea cleared, balance swap, ores 1 wheat gt seed; down. Fall plowing is being done. On the
farm isframe house, hank barn, driving shed,.
good orchard and drilled well. (lose to poet-:
ottaoe, cher& end school. For further portion -
lora ato JOBN.O
p, 8 BB
OliNE,. Proprietor.
or F. S. etk, Brussels.
FARM FOR SALE, -The 105 acre farm, be-
ing the property of the late Peter Rolleil,
Lot 28, Con.14, Grey, 15 offered for sale by the
undersigned, There are ea OO
Halos cleared, bol-
' good wellatimbered. On the shed and
there 110
gortabankuse, Plc in vioedbeddado nand
fortabin.honse. Place 1n good condition and
well fended. For further parttenlora apply to
JAS. A. MONAIR or JAS.D, atdNAIR, Exec-
aloes, Oranbroolr P.O., orF,. 8, SUO'PP, Wes-
sels, 7.61
FARMS FOR SALE. --Lots 21enrd 22, Co,*, 14,
MoKillon , and. Lot 28 on the lath Wanes -
sloe. Lots 21 and 22 compose Etre Gardiner
homestead and contains about 180 acres n11
dret•cinea ffind, well reseed, well tile drained
andhee Moores of good hardwood bush egoad t
comfortable buildings with alt modern, tor•
t College t
• -
• • Is a link in Canada's Greatest •
♦ Chain of High Grade Colleges
• rouded during ill
nChu past
y -
six years. This chain•
t est trainers of youngpeople in
• .Canada and it is freely admitted
that its giatb'ates get the, best
♦ •.
• write for it. A diploma from positions. There is a reason ; o
• the Commercial nl
aucat Is'
As- .•.
♦,inane of Canada is a passport ••
♦ ucce99. q ♦ .
t You may study partly at home j.
,•e and Huish at the College.
t Eater any day. •
• •
fell Term opens august 29th ' t
♦. ..•
• •
Business College
CHAS. W. BURNS, Principal
t OEO. SPOTTON, Proeidont
Winter term opens Jan,�rd
aToronto, Ont.
Canada.; High Glass Oonmmor. i
Sy afar School 1 enjoys an extensive pnt-
grad;untest'nlwnye sueeessf41. Write. 9*
7 today for handsome ootalogue, : r�i
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
Our,'rental .&Alexanderars,Toronto, c
- ese6ttt
y+�. 1� 'y Y
v '4Fm V'Rix
provements ;.relent of good spring water and `Qqr '• •-y �q-',�p ,e.¢ ,tg•np }I&W"
0 good bearing ore fwd. Tilia is Ono of the ;��,
choicest faransah the Oounty'of Enron find
tato suit purchaser,
will be sold os tern '
28 contains 120 acres with aural house and barn
ill in as u• r
to c ant has been for
p ears. 'hero
ere ten acres of geed bush on
this r
further mrticulgre ripplyto ALEX. t tin' For
ER, Walton P, O„ 00 he prunisS, 49''ttN-
..W.,&"14 Syd'>ti, sv2.vli,,vi pdv et �.
tuc9ents' Fares to
['dowel Business College
• e rom Brussels $2 4 per month ; Mite- 1�
'9i'vele:$5544permonth'; Jltltel, Banfryn
and At woods22uper moalh. Winter
tonna Anon? Jen, Por pit"Naris rs ad-
divas EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, prin.
n "iisi'1Tgar s atisr>m t
Iitlter term from Jan. 3
1c5 Tike grout practical trnhnhig: school of 1
itJ Weetorn Ontprie. Our 00urees tire' 1'.
'19 p,l'aottoat, our teachers oxpeManeed int, t f
5 n ruotors and t)te'demand 1517015 WI far
ahelp during the Spall term won seven
(9005 the sanely, Otu•grndnntesurOIn
rg? demand as 011atu5ss College tench ore.
.44 Otsr gradts t,. Pitdeeeil . T 1's aA ,
lie a old
mMnls .- Corn riiorcinl,, BKbrthand.
andToiograpky, Gut our freeCAW
T[3 )1gne 0401,0,, er
-0- D. A, McLeMsLAt5, Principal. y