HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-29, Page 1VOL. 39 NO. BRUSSELS ONTARIQ,; TSIURSDAY, DECEMBER 2g, 1910 New Advertisements EI e n au ti ds. • -� e oC 1 b ht - rue, Pox. iLu,ja Inst-•Tnw?o se,Rn 1 v NovY r-en. 0. Ross. Now. Xeardie-D'R: i. , Notaotoereitord-V.^jvSbnef nir. ;District ti x ,C' Moncrieff Mrs. ChPerrot, as. of J3rocicdale, Manitoba,is here on, a holiday yieit w hoe parents, Wi end Wm.. h t alts l + Robinson 14th con Hee 11 two, sons , .Lorne told 'Wins aecotnpitriied•"het. It is 5 years since Mrs. Parrott went to the West.' She is a welcome visitor., Jamestown • Afine ,acldttion has been hunt>Ip the home of J'airtes Wallace %vhieh will add to the comfort and cooveuience 'of the family. Councillor Cott is iu field th .. e fol' re- election to the Council Board for the coming year bot was unable to attend the Nominelaon m1 Monday owing, to • the hand'1;a1 of his mothee . HYMENEAL, -Rev. D. le. Carneron, of Breesels.'tied the' hew' `00 • Wednesday, 14th •"ies1.,,• between Andrew Jacklip, of this locality,'sted Hiss Gertie` Stephenson: -.The .young couple will )mike their 1uhome with the groom's • Parente , until ' next Spring- when the groom Will tette charge -.of the homestead, Me. and Mr's, Jaeklin senior, taking awell deserved holiday which will ieclude a trip;10 visit relat- ives and,ftiends; to Perth, Smith Falls and other ,Eastern points, We wish the young people .happiness find 6011- " cess and hope Manyptosperous years. - are before ellrsar'ebefore them in this n'eiglibo •hood. GONE Le 11Es REWAnD.=After u' Icing,' happy, industrious -mid devoted Christian life, Christina Muir, relict of the late James'Outt, of Jamestown, .was celled away to her etercal hone early•Oitristmas morning at the' Ltd- vanced•age of 87 years. She Was born' in•'. the Orkney. Iflands, "Scnthand,. . where she, was married to Mr. that 57'. years ago and four „years later, they ,paine to Canada. They located ou the 8th con. of Blanchard township, Perth" Co., where they lived until moving to Grey township, 37 years hater. 11r.` Putt paid Natures' debt 80 years ago. 1n the year 1895- Mrs. : Cuts went to Goderich to make her. home with her son, Robt. 11, andat whose residence shediecl. The old lady had-heeu'in'. failing health for the past year and her demise was; not unexpected. An l appropriate service ryas conducted last Moodily at Goderich by Rev. Mr. Ross, pastor of the Presbyterian chromic, of which' denomination the subject of this notice had been a mem-; bel' for over 70 years. Remains were i taken to Walton, per C. P. R. and iu-,� terrnent wade in the family plot in , )lrltssels'cemetery,, Monday afternoon. Rev "D,. 13. 1icliae X05 ClanbroOk • ok x.e i-. ,e C ca'en g�,� h tt P the aeilvto t' 1 '1 s e a the grape i s the ahseeee of `Rale.' Mr..'Wislui,t,' :rII( sufyiy ing childr'en •ur6 a--M1'e; T. ,.aMMoll/Wen, elf Jtttneetowss;.Jantes,•.�1g,rog•,• er ,731 h :John, n of Jar tot t • , Yk t , pi,a v h kt. - )neer,sif Co'deetcll; i`h(1 NJrs. J ;E. oulso o B )sit tc b f,t ta' tisk h s . , a h, � t 18 e ; a e ., l ie All rno � pp > the a lbtrs•of'tlie fetidly )vete able' to .attend '.lhe:'last sad't'ites. -Mrs. Cott- elijl,yed_"the. friendship''00( love of a wide circle of i reletives mid friends,: She wee a true wife, Icloving mother and a first-class ue4 hbe 1 0the d G d a of her t ,g 0 youth Y was 1 her stayand comfort G n1t Lhrohgh the. i v.edari ' „l ,,sets los other-10W,)ifs ;arts) of: her it may a well:be said •'I3e: ri' eL•h his beloved sleep." While- the ')rets- tires will miss het" they rejoice in the rat that she has gone to be forever with the Lord. BI tiievale A cone 't and 1 et• the auspices auspices he given in the Foresters'. Hall,' lllnevale err Tuesday, January 3t'd, Program will consist of :-A Rustic Drama en- titled "Old Acre -Folk," given'"by the Wroxeter young Men's Bible Olass. An A•ssemhly;was given in the Dil- worth hall on Monday evening under. the direclinn of the Foot Ball bo s. Next' Sabbath 'eveningRev. Mrs Wren; M. A., will rech ,a Neer Year's on Thoassin passing of the. old ' ear''' in the Methodist char' Y t chinch. .• Mrs i i . 1 eLellan, of.. ern th Bay, .and Miss Feegusoo, of 'Ha16180006 ;were Christmas visitor's with Dr. and Mrs. Fergu on. 'They ire •sisters' of the • Dr. RE-IINION -.-' hC" T. residence- of Wm:. Hall was the scene of a very enjoyable Christmas gathering this year when. he w,as surrounded by a 'goodly num.. her of his children and grandchildren.' Fourteen persous'satdown to a bounti- ful feast of gond things: A'tnong those present were WLn. and. Mrs.. Hall • jr. and family, of "Maple Grove ?arm ;" G. and Mrs.:, Eckinier arid Miss Ferne Eckinier, of .Tanlestown ; C. R. and • and Ml's. Munro, of Toronto and Miss Stella Stubbs, OfSeaforth, - l '0M1NATIAN. - Last Monday ;the Township Hall was the magnetic point for. a 1111)56' ()fti11l111Y of rate- payers in connection with the Muni- et pet Noniinatiou proceedings. The nominees for Reeve were R. W. Livingston and Jno. Grant,. :The latter declined to'be a candidate this year so Reeve Livingston was declared the choice by acclamation. The Dep- uty Reeveship will >he contested by Jas. McFndzean, Who filled this post last year, and Jno. Brown' ex -Council- lor, For Councillors the old members, S: S. Cole, J, Cult, and P. A. 1icA.rtlltrr were nominated as was Win. Fraser, ex -Reeve of "Molesweeth ••••••••••♦•••-. • ♦ • • • • • ♦ .0 o' • iu •• • • e • • • • • • • •. r • • r e. • • • • • • • • •' • • • • • •• A Happy and Prosperous New Year to All We take this opportunity of thankingour Customers for Or their generous patronage in 1910. and hope fora continu- ance of same for 1911,a' nd trust that one and M all may Y enjoy every Prosperity for p Y the coming year. • • 0 ••• • •• • • • • • • • • .• • • •• r. • •• • •• • •• • ♦. • • • • • i•. • • 0 •• :•. • •. •' • • •♦ • s; • Rossj •• • ve•••v•s••r•••••••••••e •••••••••••••••1•••••••• locality. Clerk pilrcDolrald oeenpied the- ebair for;, the -speechmaking and spur•),. adtlreeeee' Were muds by the eaudidekes 'ex.D0 .ut Reeve Admit Tram bull, P Y 1b 1, the tt rxinus weed Inc pr:otoi•, and � e t t e >e '' x +y o :A O l0 R v Pewee, 5 m P Y I1 s of Brnssels, who referred to the Goon n Roads ive a t.g iv t m n A lively hustle's on bynominees. Election. . next, 1. 1 et. ? . Mon- da fom 9 a. el, to 5 , in, yyl OYSTER SUPPER.- The ':' Wbnran s In61116 1111end Bolding .their annual Oyster Slipper in the Township Hall on Thursday evening', Jarruary 12th, All the members are expected to con- tribute towards • L\udsthesupper, tau etch t1 t one is permitted to bring it friend. ;The, ,supper,., which,,,ie expected to eclipse any previous effort, along this line, will be served from 0.30 to 8 o'clock, when the tables will be clear- ed. A choice musical arid. literary program has been arranged' and the best available talent has been secured. A 8peciitlly enjoyable time is promised by those in charge and invitations are being eagerly sought by tits gentlemen friencl of the members, • Wroxeter .• RG, B.•v' 'visitor I3 tsltoran Toronto' this week. F. mid:Mrs. Davey spent Mondayi i Grand lie Y J Tall Y-. Clarence' White i•eftiri ed 1 to Mild' may on Tuesday. Mies Edith ' Harris "returned to Tor- onto on Tuesday." W. Wiison visited over the holiday )tit hie !Knee in Ripley. - i». t �. INA*4- vl L ,�Jlnit h of 1Winghant, is isiLili ?? vt 6 u: n� , lig her h utehere. W' . 1ltirshnll and family proved last week To -then. farm near Belntore.. Mrs. 11 . Armstrong i y s spendinga. few weeks with friends at Dorking. O. D. Simpson left for Rothsay on Saturday where hewill spend a week. D. M. Walker, of Niagara Falls, is visiting his mother and other friends here: - Miss Young, of Sault h t Ste. Marie, spent Saturday with the Misses Teazle- wood's. village 11 is' Rosie Smith, �;. S mth, of Ha, inilnon, is renewing old negnaintaltees in the ' Miss 'Cassie Harris, ri'i i t a ts, of T 1ulnto, is the guest of ,her mother, Mrs. Cleo. A loud of young neople, from; here attended the Assembly rn Fordwich Monday' evening. S. M, Robinson, of:Usbridg e, spent the holiday with his patents, W. M. and Mrs. Robinson. Nesbit Laing, of the Trader's Bank, Dutton, 'visited over the holiday with his mother, Mrs. R. Laing. B and Mrs. Whitmore, of Haiti's - too, spent Christmas with the,latt'er's 'parents R. arid Mrs. •Black. Gordon Willits returned from Sask- atchewan on Saturday where he has spent the last eight months. .There was a large attendance at P. S. 11cFwen's-sale of thnro-bled cattle in the village on Saturday afternoon. Miss Jennie Thompson of Howick, and Mrs. A. 13. Moffitt and children spent several days with relatives in Misses Georgie Howe, of Toronto, and Beatrice, of . Leamington, are spending a week's vacation at•,their hone here. Wm. Sanderson rett4r'ned to -Toron- to ort Tuesday after a few days visit with his parents, W. and Mrs. Sander- son, of }Lowick.• Election Cards To 'the Electors of EN - the Twp. . '•- GENTLE M Inmin t re field for re-election'o for the. Deputy Reevesh7p. and take this nlearis of soliciting your vote and influence, but do not 'expect me to make personal e' is canvas. vasa Ifou think I have reserved you faith- fully your vote next Monday will be the beet evidence. Wishing you the compliments of the season Yours Truly, JAS. 1IOI ADZ)>,AN. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN 1 have been nominated for the Dep- uty Reeveship of Grey for 1911' and ask your vote and influence toward my election. If you see fit to honor me I will use. my best endeavor to further the in- terests of the township. Wishing you prosperity: . Yours cordially, JOHN BROWN. GREY TOWNSHIP ELECTORS Yottr vote and influence is solicited foI• • .. S. 3g COLE who is in the field for re-election as Ootiaull r. sly aim Will be to serve you faithfully if returned', next Mon- day. CARD TO 1'l0RR18 ELECTORS. ' Your vote and influence is solicited for the office of Councillor for 1011, If elected I will do my best to ad- vance the best interests of tiro town- ship. • Wishingyou the , Com lip menta Of the season. Yours truly, • WM. THUELL: IVlerrls Reeveship' LADIES AND GENTLEMEN- ' - I ant a norm)) eo for t!1 � • e Rooves i , of Morris for 1911 and will feel highly honored if you. will favpr me )vitt your ballot next Monday.If elected •my aim Will be to serve the township to. the best of tiny ability. Wishing you it Happy New Year. Yours truly, 1 JOHN SIiORPRDED. The YOung Meq's Bible ClassiOf the village will give a plc entitled "QTd 1 tE AorO Folks," in he Town \ n' t torn 11 n Hall Friday evening; '.B.J.Hazlewood •"Dt n c 'still nl 1 5, of Bolvmanville, spent two days of Ibis week with the, forinee's pal'eut8, W, C. and Mrs, Hazlewood, • Misses Eat? Hazlewood and May Perrin, who have been ,attending the Conservatory of 1lusici61'1'prento, are spending the Xtnas vacations at their homes here, • 7u AChb eth1e'n gri nHniuelil M al onNdnam 'ieuvaenngh $ehle followingwere nominated for Reeve, A.unro n M and C. Reis ; for Trustees, N. White, R. J. Raun;:T. A. Gibson,. re-elected ; Councillors, G. Davidson, A. I1. Moffitt, ,T, Douglas, T. G,' Hemphill, 13. F, Carr, W. Slather, E. Lewis. As the latter four have' 'resigned another Nomination will be necessary. MATRIMONIAL. -At' ono o'clock on Monday afternoon in the presence of immediate relatives a quiet ivedclin was solemnized at the Home of L' . 1V• Lewis, when their' only daughter, Miss L anr(ii was united in marriage t0 Merton Howe, of Dunnville. 'drily son of Geo. Howe, of this place, Rev. C. W. TlleKenzie officiating. The, bride, ., who was .given away by -her father, wore ti .becoming gown of chainpagne silk and carried a boquet of white fro e s s and tntl,iclen' hair fern. After congratulations the: guests repaired to the :linin groom where 4 h re a gain) pinch was served. :1Ir, and Mrs. Howe left on the e afternoon .train for Toronto where they will'. spend a few days be foie leaving' for their home in Dunn- ville. The bride's travelling suit was of wine colored cloth, "with large black 'picture bat. They have the good wishes of the community for their happiness and prosperity. Cranbrook i Miss Lillian. Dark is visiting friends at Brussels this week. Mrs. Gorsalitz is spending . Xmas vacation with her daughtersinBur- fnln: -• -0. and Mrs. Shaw' are spending their vacation with relativs ner Hamilton.. A. J. M. Helm attended the fnueral of his sister-in-law, Mrs. John I3ehn, in Witigham on Saturday. S. Dunn has put his old create mare on thesuperannuated•list and is not goieg•to work her any more. Miss Maggie Switzer is home for a three weeks holiday after which she will go to Port Hucnn and Detroit. ' Geo. D. and Mrs. Campbell, and Bert and Miss 'Lottie, Campbell, of illilestone,, Sask., are visiting relay ives in this vicinty. Miss Myrtle McDonald and Miss ()alder, of Toronto ; Miss Myrtle Sper- ling, of Clinton ; Athol McQuarrie, of Goderich ; Will. Hunter, of Oshawa ; Jas: A: McLanchlin ; E. H. Kaiser and family, of Stratford ;• Miss Akins, .of Mitchell ; Miss .Alice Wilton, of Brus- sels; Mr. and Mrs. Pollard,.. 05 Listo- wel ; Miss M. Switzer; of Brigden were some of..the Xmas visitors to Oran - brook. Morris Monday next will be Election Day. rea Happders.y Neiv Year to all our Morris Schools' will re -open Tuesday of next week. Miss Carrie Jackson is home from Ailsa , Ct•ai'gwhere she was filling a roilliuery position. The trustees of Union S. S. No. 12 have engaged Miss Milroy for the coining year as' successor to Miss Clegg. 11 iss Ruby Clegg has taken a school at Hickson, Oxford t d Co.,nd will cons mence her rtieanext Tnesday She is a good teacher. Miss Maud Bryans is home from Toronto Where testis was taking a course of treatment which many r' 110' 1 friends hope will•cesult in permaneut good.' Mrs. Wm. Shortreed, 911) line. and her brother, 110131. MCleadzean, ai-e away on a, holiday visit with rela- tives tit s at' Tor oto Barrie and l h 6th i• e points. At the school n%etiug in S. S. No 5, last Wednesday, .James Russell' succeeds Samuel Jordan on the Trus- tee Board, Robt. Young got the wood contract at $2.20 per cord, James Watson, of Gladstone, Mani- toba, a lii•osperous farmer, is here on a visit with relatives. It is about 14 years .since he went West- This Mot ris boys have a faculty of getting along. Wm: Russell and son, of Duluth, etre here on a visit et the forhuer's parental home, specially to see ales. James Russell, who has been ill. We. are pleased to repot tsome progress in her conditionwhieh we hope will 0011- tntle. Don't forget the Auction Sale of farm stook, implements, household furniture, eta at J. W. Shortreed's, Lot 10, 9th line, 'Friday afternoon of next week. Sale unreserved as pro- prietor has leased his farm tied is going West. TROs. HILL DECEASED.--Thnt'stlay of lust week Thos. Hill, n former resi- dent of the Orth line, died at Wing - ham, aged 72 year's. He had been i11 ailing health for some t]ru0. An (hilt family survive. The funeral ook !dace 00 Sunday afternoon to Win iham eineterw, q C NOMINATION. -Last Monday a good- ly q number of ratepayees ess0i11bled at the: Township 11x11 for the annual Nominatioe proceedings aet•utnin1 Officer McEwen presiding. For the office of 'R Reeve eve Co truciliors t Mc0 lt eken: and Short) eed were nonl'n 1 toed and. foe Councillors, 0. 13. Wilkinson, W. J. Johnston, W. Elston, M. Melly, W. Tiruell and W. C. Laidlaw wore pet up and all are in the field. Speechre were made by the nofnitrees and the past Reeve, N. A. Taylor, The abide was occupied b • ex -Reeve George Ta.1n' t r and the C� 0xer fs y C tf3 Were W..FI, KERR, Proprietor; 510111d always be manifest. 'Election clay next Monday will be a busy time will) se large a ticket. The fine 1,00 acro ft1rrn, of Andrew Taylor, 611 line, has been sold to 1(41 Watson 4th line whose 1t+ , wl ac fare) abuts the flew put'cbase, giving Mr. Watson, 200 acres in a hloelc now. Price wits 85,000, iii'. Taylor has purchaser) the the Sprout & Whaley general store business at Belglave and wi11 take possession on February 1st, Tire people of Morris will be sorry to see Me. and Mrs. ' T6tyloe move but have the s tisea . ' a t thou of Isnot viq n thatthey tie Y ate not far away. wish We1 S l a 1 l Ccn Y1 corked success, Walton Geol'ge Ferguson has been enjoying a holiday at Pet'erboro' and Toronto. Among the visitors from the West dee Alex, M. and Mee. Smith and son pE Sitsltatnole. We are pleased to hear of their prosperity. Don't forget the annual New Year's a 'Tea meeting at the. 1fetlrodisL church here next 11Ionc1 ay„evening. A fine PDlr program will follow thesimnel.. s • A. WELL KNOWN RESIDENT ,nr StTAI- 0r00ED. - Tuesday evening ,of this. week an old and highly esteemed resi- dent of. this. vicinity paid Nature's. debt in the ei'son of James P ,Tanen 1lrtrray; uged,74 years, and. 11 months. The funeral will take place-P6106ay after'• noon sit 2 p. 1n„ service half an hour earlier. interment will be made it) BeusseIs cemetery. Mr. Muriay was bore it Ol t tlle'• township ship nt Lsquesfng, Halton Co.; 'and had lived on the farm upon which he diedwello6J tea/ years. He is urvived” llv his \rife ' whose e Maiden Mune was Isabella J. Murchie, of Alcleillo , and two spans, (Wm., arid Alex,) both at hetne. Deceased had been in failing health for the past year with a dropsical ailment brit was 611- ways able to beout of bed aL portion of the day. Tuesday evening he was sitting op in bed and bis eon Will. go- 10gint0 the room to see if anything Was needed found, to his sad surprise, that the vital Valli' ltad'fled.: The end had come suddenly and lcpplu'eutiy without a struggle.. The subject of this,. notice was 6L Presbyterial) iri church relationship, a. Liberal in politics and was held inhighestesteem by those who knew hila. By industry acid thrift he bad' prospered in this wprld;s goods. He was a great reader and welt posted on the generality of subjects. lir. Murray was a member ot,St. John's 10111so11ic Lodge at 131ne- sels. airs. Murray, and sons will be sincerely sympathised with in the 'hour of bereavement. the removal of Mr. Murray another link is severed in the chain of the old and worthy residents of - the neighborhood whose numbers are so rapidly growing few. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. - 14Ionday evening last a number of young ptople from Brussels Catholic church called upon Miss :Ella Ryan, at 11e6 -residence, and presented her with the following a401'05s and 11 tve11 filled purse, in recognition of her services as organist and elude -leader, a position she has filled most faithfully and ef- ficel(Lly for some time 1 - DEAR Miss RYAN :-We, the young people of the Brussels congregation, desire to express to you our sincere gratitude for the services you have rendered dnriug a number of years to religion and to ourselves personally by yoae devotedness in ondnctinn the choir of the church, thereby greatly contributing to the solemnity of Divine worship. Your• ainiability of character and uniform affability of manner have been also noticed by us, and duly appreciated and have always given you a high place ' i our l es oct and esteem, which sentiments we now wish to manifest by requesting you to accept this purse aLs a token of out regard for you as a friend and our gratitude for your past et•v' S )COs ' i u the ;I p (Meech. Miss . Ryan its t1 few very appropriate remarks thanked those present foe their. kindness and generosity. Charles Armstrong read the address and the Presentation was mule by Miss 11Iclfiulion. 7.'he remainder of the evening was spent in music and other atnasemente. A dainty lunch was served and when the time saute to gn home, all felt that it was good to have been there. GreY Lee Gaynor is home from the West folly 6t oliday. Rush. 'Wheeler was home front Sonth- arnpto 0 for 0111'ist'inas. R. D. Cunningham, wife and Miss Annie visited at Gerrie. Thos. Herr is here with a load of cattle from Maple Creek. Finlay Fraser is home from the Dental College for the holiday. Miss Learmont is home from Berlin where she spent. several )nodus. Tut POST wishes all its Grey E W 1 t 1 t - shi t1 readers a happy New Year. .Archie Fogel, of New Hambnrg, is spending the holiday at the parental 1146416. Chits. and ale's. (hilae and daughter are holidaying here from Stoney Creek, Ont, susses 1'.16163' Tli0ms011 6.66(1 Emily Northgraves, of 13eelin, are visitors at Joseph Engler's, C661•1 Engler, 13. A,, of Ottawa, has be been t revisiting the Old scones of his . youthI. e \ y I was with a surveying par- ty in the West during the Past season. 13e11. arid (0Its. Dark, of Galt, were tele for Chi -18004e visiting relatives and Old friends. lir. Darla is on the Fire Brigade n£lh town so Cat1» t n get awes, for a ve long Among the Visitors fL Oth the West r n irn7Lte1111Id LL lt1 w Y 1 Y b y Gre. township is Thomas Hislop, of Areole. He wt1s. a lemic)' resident but it is 14 oe 15 e years slime 1)0 left Here, Miss Jennie Reeds and alias I±,lla McKinllnn are home from the Strat- ford Normal Selioni foie the Olsten I es vacation, The Chassis city air tivi- carried cut with the good feeling that dentistageees'tyell with thein,' Miss , E. Dickson is home for her vacation. She will teach next year at Amberly, Bruce Oo. Mrs, (De.) Jeelcsoe, of North Battle- ford,'is berm on a visit with the family 111 John Jecicaoa, 6th line. 11ts, .,, A, 1), MoOnsll and son o Pine leivee3 were welcghne Christmas ras visit• 018 at the home of d'no. Strachan. Mrs. 1lla6-sden Smith and: Miss Martha enjoyed a holidayvisit with relatives 166 Toronto dm't thepa a st week. Miss Janet MoNal it ,.who has been. making a her home in rDetroitfoe several g ales 1 ye s a welcome visitor to the old home, , Alex. and Leslie,,Lamont. are home for the holiday. Theformer is attend- ing the University at Toronto and the latter is teaching at Bright. Roads are not good as too much snow fell without being entflcently )recited to make a level roadway. Plowing out is the cure in a nutnber of places. Word Was received by Mrs. Duncan Livingston that her daughter, Miss Anna, hadundergone a medical oper- ation for appendicitis on December 7111, at the hospital in Reno, Nevada, and was making favorable, progress. We hope she will soon be convalescents e i . Di. 11Ir.%en,�te, a'ccnisiu to MissLivi❑g- ston was one of the medical attend- , a ants. An nlcl. Greyite in the person of Wirt. McDelngall, of Yot'kton, Alberta, was eenewing old friendships here while returning g from Ottawa whither 110 had gone with the farmers' delega- tion. IbIr. McDougall went West in 1882 and has done well. He has 800 acres of enacted last harvest threshed about 17,000 bushels of grain. The family lived on the 4111 con. when in Grey, near Roe's Church. Alex. Simpson accompanied Mr. McDougall from •Yor1ton rocality, NEW ScaooL Houser -At the an- nual school meeting in S. S: No. 1, R. 3, Hoover cleelined re-election as Trus- tee after 0 years' service and was suc- ceeded by Andrew Lamont, 'who . will also be Secretary -Treasurer. Wood contract went to Thos. Alcock at $2.45 a cord. ft was decided to build a new brick school house with cement block basement, the contract to be let as.soon as plans call be prepared. It will be built on the old site, the frame building will be taken down and mat- erial used as far as possible in the new structure. Building operations will not commence )until next Summer ea- catiou. Principal Cameron Honored. Address and Presentation at Closing, Exercises of School. Thursday evening of last week the Brussels Town Hall was crowded to the doors by the pupils, teachers. parents and ex -pupils to enjoy the fine program by the school aid to show their appreciation of the highly esteemed Principal who was 'closing a long and successful tenure of office and about to remove to London to take the position of Science Master in the Collegiate, a post he is most competent to fill. Reeve Leckie was the chairman and the excellent program, which was in charge of the 'teachers of the various de • C .ptrtrntnL., was presented as fol- lows :-Piano duet, Isabel Strachan and NellieFox ; Star drill by a primary class recitation, "Regarding Santa Claus," by Clarke Moore ; Doll drill chorus, "Shovelling Snow," by boys in character ; recitation, ',The Lisper," by Marguerite ' r 1 tLl uernte `1 It x on ; dialogue, g , "Christmas Dolls," in which little girlies personated the dollies; chorus, Snowflakes" ; recitation in concert, "Spinning" • solo, Stmeoue is cone. ing tonight": Marjory Campbell ;song, "Jam Pots in character .nsolo, , 1 ono Miss Alta Pune yue ; Dairymaid's Drill chorus and encore by a company of boys. Every number was splendidly given ; the vocal and instrumental ntunbers were good,od recitations d ear and clever and fancy drills loudly ap- plauded and were very neatly present- ed. 130111 pel'fot'mers and those in- terested in the training came in for many complinleuts• which were well deserved. Iu the second past of the program Principal and MI's. Cameron, the trus- tees, teachers, clergy and press were Melted to seats on the platform when I' he 'following tlddl'esS WAS read by Beatrice Harris and a fine oak section- al Bookcase presented to Mr. Cameron while Inez McNichol handed Mrs. Cameron a bo e qu t of'leaatiful roses :- blit „1.13, OA141116oN, D5511 Pu11,013.-We, the Teachers and pupils of. Brussels Public School, assembledthis evening, desire t0 711111601y ' -voice the ()peewee. tion. tr0 feel 061 are well l 1 we t deserving of erf the splendid mannerine164 whichoonerous have asrPrm•. ed sone manlfeld and Onoroua duties ns Prim oil» it of our Ithool for the past 18 years. You mime to Brussels a stronger and in n-eritical period in our school history( but the most eang6lme hopes end expectations have been 11100d than realised and the marked uninter- repted progress, from yen,• to year, proven how fortlhnnte the School Board Was in the 5640105 tlisy 11614118116 your selection,. Brussels': sehcol enioya (t Provincial reputntion for its nasnrpassnbie record in actual work and the fine Brigade of young men and women who have gone out from your Department in the passing years, to honorably and capably fill positions of treat, is the best proof of the right Brussels hied 100nlity have to express their bolt thanks to you although it intensifies our regret when we realise that these happily re• 1atiens heti to terntihnte, Your zeal, industry and constancy never seemed to lag, while your kindly 80nrtesv end personal interest were everovident. tinoeusci6usly your pupils and fellow teachers were imbued with your ambi- tion, tltOrnuaanese And opthntann and they recognized that while instri 0tion by precept was o0 fortified b t example it y 'ns P n lauoh better. We do not purpose sae h Y whet wehave curd tO oddyonx innie t o tha 10104 00 0011. 1160 e but We will ohertall slits pl1 school and abiding yentnt e t the_deerofd and das, when you might 05 liths 80 And Writingiory ick, 141thmntio--thinii t s t to cud of the ]rieng stick. ogpNotiti1 inapt Apart, ere t desorv`osS of re6- oa,1hien ml Ota' port were 'tlra imnrossions in•' eulooted by you regarding Vattonal life And, the Obligations testing 0Pee the 701101ifal egeressive 00115dt:sus to a,1 o1d grodueaebenoi• blu OOndnot cd:vnrthy waive and these r1moranlwstspeonitog(oeaent08 of 10 your life ttttd'allnractor. We tt'uat Btussols pupils MOT °vox, wont in theta`padre. 711 Ile -:' half of. the 22' or moreneoistlult, you have lt6d , asseefiited with you white Prinoilpei olot a sew of themgraduatesn o i. a06 1 your room) u ,tit O Se to then) 's youro with vias loyalty ea theta tad the is ans eswhene r .(Unigh (Unfree. Permit Perm t1 their twit iC whenever desii'41411 Permit us to ash your apoephnuee. of this ,qnh, Sectional Book Osso us a porting ' girt mad we believe as you,. of WI; Ole 011 its well Us skit shelves you will frequently visit Artnends; school in memory. +•.-„.w„,:;,.. We present him Cameron with this bee le of roses, indicative of .our love, ao thllt rte, by li 1' very best regards and Jnope that yo 11ot11, May and 10 many warm hearted.frfontlp'� in youh r new home as you leave bellied -4e We"say Good•Bye regretfully bat hope your w idersphere hiLondon will l be well marked d by many happy and TO d61Oas yera. Eloping to occasionally ners the pleasure visit from you,we tender you theeeat00' H •� greetings, our best wishes and congratulations to London. Yours aemia sort•oT uwfultynr,to, oDoon, TAAORAae, AND P,orms OF. Brussels, Dec. 22nd, 1010. Mr. Cameron's reply was most be- fitting, 10 which, in addition to re-' turniirg'siueeee thanks for Mrs. 9p,m eton and himself, he referred to the pleasure of the years of school life ; here, complimented the ability of the s young people who had attended, gave a large meed of pl•ais0 to bis' assistants, .! the trustees and School Inspeotot Robb, whose absence .that everting; through ill -health, was greatly regret- ted. Brussels would never 130 forgot -ten and good lvishes,'were expressed for acontinuance of the past success and adviceiven as to• the e hearty reception that should be accorded his successor. His only reason for going i• to London was the enlarged scope for •f;• operation. He )lever ex petted to find better nor more loyal friends than he!: and Mr's. Cameron had found in Btus- ' sols and they would say Good -Bye wit many regrets and carry away with ,. them many happy reminiscences. Short,complimentary 1 ttlt•;y addresses fol- lowed ebyotlinen Postmaster, Faraow, Chita: - man of the. School Board ; Trustees .` D. C. Ross, R. Leetherdale and: M. Black ; Rev. A. O. Wishart, B. A., pastor of the Presbyterian church'; W. H. %err, of TILE Posteandthe Chairman, in which emigrate? "'on'. commendation, :regret, good wi"s 1 and hearty thanks were intermixed. - to the teachers, pupils and trustees. Various phases of air. Oatner'on s work '. in the school, the church, athletics, Public Library lee. were dilated.er ran; . and the man goodqualities possessed by Mrs, Cameron aand lyer- Grier. (Mrs. Slemrnon) were not everlool The enjoyable ovenitrg's Auld proLagr4tnh ng was concluded by singing ''` Syne," "He's a Jolly Good Fellow," and the National Anthem. 141r. Cam- even leaves this week for London bort, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Slenlitat will not go for another week or more. Mr. Cameron's name will be long re-' membered bye y the youth of this cant- munity,forthepearsofftuitfnlLrottion.., Brussels school has a record not easily approached and very seldom. outdone. In the past 9 years 1291 candidates have written„ on Jlutiere' Teachers examinations and Junior” Matriculation and out of that. number 104 passed, the three best years show- ing as follows :-20 wrote and 20 pass''- ed ; 13 tried and all were successful and 12 came up for examination and the dozen scored. The class likely tci write next Summer will compare :; favorably with, its predecessors. tA.,' unique historical feature is the fat that only two Principals have been, employed in nearly 40 years, 1IP; Cameron Io bebng preceded by the well. known John Shaw, now living in • Clinton, who taught for over 20 years: The people of Brussels and locality,':, have much to be thankful for 111 rho splendid opportunities that have been;; i afforded the young folk, both as to'- )_ school accommodation and un binkt l i +•. excellent ff. y of F to Abeq oet tonna;-; also be deservedly :thrown tLy.Lhs 1 t us ,' tee Board for faithfttltiess to ' No man's counsel was better lintel to and followed r v than thatn f P o Isec Robbwho is well entitled to esteem in which he is held, not o in Brussels but throughout the elrt Inspectorate. • The people although regretfnll parting. with Mr. au •o 0 are peeper - ed g to give lel to ve loyal. and sympathetic sup.,.,; port to his successor, 1t1t•. Gilmour whit comes to Brussels from Stoutfville,; bearing splendid testimonials ' for ; work done. TEE POST wishes both c' the highest succiess. NOMINATION DAY, Following is ti list o1' '911tn1eip(Ll Nominaliont made last Monday .- BRUSSELS Reeve. -3 Leckie. 0ounoilloes.-P. Amen 1, A. C. Datnes, J. 0, Jones and D. A. Low ee-' - School "Trustees, 101, lllaelc, Moore, J. Cunninghaln mid R. Hen- derson. MCMLL00 For Reeve, -:Alexander Ro.list John hit: M. Goveniock. Oouucillots.- Henry B0tteleee +`4• Thomas Bolton, JBhu Balfour, Jteines Cowan, Francis Si McQuaid, Balfour.) Si' Stnith, Obarles Case. '• •\20111.1(0 Reeve,-Jno, F. iIcCeacken, John Shortreecl. Committers.- Wm, Elston, W. -.'I;; -'z Johnston, Ui1Iutel1Cellq,'W,'1. Laid*.''s law, Wm, 0, `ihuell and Ohae. 13. Wtl.kitlsalh Tav' .Reeve. -R, W. Livingstct ,-,�i5"" i p. Grant. 1 The he la r resigned, Lte lcai>•1 e a d, Deputy R v to n , Jae. Se a y , I 1 td7ealt. Cnttn011tnrs S y. Cole, Jno, Otitis Vm. Fraser{ and P, A. McArtlret). T'CIlN'n lMRY Res `,l 7t.. Po Well,lex, `s 1 I5eillyo bOuueillttls, Wil bun baAwelliMulvey, Joln Me13nruey, Johtt I,tl1q1 erfoidAaiun, e,.0104, e Mnrrity y 800, Wm. Bolt, R. N. Du'i1' 0664.8 it's, in0ted but resigned.