HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-22, Page 10What tri ivelotistreimieneseeieleSsinse
A )Kodak or 33rownie Camera'
Brownie I7olargiig Camera
Good Flatid Dag
An 1lbouy Mirror
17bouy Bruslios
jewel Case
Pities of Pimped Breen
Snap ehob Album
A Box of Lowney's Bon Bons
',rosy Bottle of Perfume
lace of Limoges China
White and Gold Client
Box of Ste ionery •
'H'ouutaie Pen
Berteioare Bet
These are only a very few items picked
' from many.
Then don't forget our large assortment of
Dolls, Toys, Games and Picture Books
for the children.
New Books
Make a gift worth giving, Amalie the
new books we have in stock that are in de•
mend are -
The Handicap by Knowles $125
The Beoond Oltauce Nellie MoOluug, 91,25
'.t'he Dop Doctor, by Itieherd'Oalien, 91,25
Lizbeth of the Dale, by Merlon Keith, 91;25
Molly Melte !Believe, $1.09 -
Down to the Sas, by Grenfell, $1,00
Chrietneas Day in the ltloi'nieg, 500'
Christtnep Day in the livening, e0e
[Bath by Grape Richmond)
A ohavming little booklet out this year ie
"The Recall of Love" by Ralph Con-
nor, et 28q each.
"Gist of the Lessens" for 1911, 25o each,
Alger''s, Strang'sand Heuty'e Books for
Full line of Bibles and all the different
Church Hymnals in a variety of bind-
Christmas Tage, Beale, Holly Wrapping Paper, Holly Boxes
for enclosing Presents, Christmas Post Cards, Calendars, &o.
T Ho,
,,tat Rem items
HOG market is $6,5o.
Loom. news 011 page 3,
BUSINESS bee- been good.
MERRY Christmas to all our readers.
Cgpts'rtres- travel promises to be
MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels on
Thursday, January 5th.
NonrrxamroN next Monday evening .in
town commencing at 7.3o o'clock,
A LOCAL Club is holding semi-monthly
dancing assemblies in the Town Hall,
Some of the show windows of our
business men are very neat and attrac-
Neter Monday will be a statutory holi-
day and the business places will be
GEORGE ROBa'S pond has had a great
attraction to the local skaters during
the past week.
DELIVERIES of live poultry were still
on -the program this week at R. Thom -
son's cold storage.
LAST week the initial number of the
Wroxeter News, . under the editorial
guidance of thetveil known Thos. Nash,
came to our sanctum. Bro. Nash was
formerly proprietor of the Gorrie
Vidette but bas never lost his love for
the craft so is back at it once more.
THE Pose bopeshe will find it.asremun-
erative as farming at which Mr. Nash
✓'-has been engaged inrecent years.
evening of this week the Pupils of Brus
sels Public School will give a program
of literary and musical numbers. Drills,
&e,, as a farewell to Principal Cameron,
who concludes a most successful L8:
year term of Principalship of Brussels
•- school to assume the position of math
erratical teacher in London Collegiate.
Entertaioment will begin at 8 p. m.
sharp when Reeve Leckie will take
the chair. Parents and ex•pupils will be
welcome. No admission fee will be
THANKs,- A letter of appreciation
came to Secretary McCracken, of 'Brus-
sels Odd Fellows' Lodge from Mrs. R.
Crone, who is now visiting in Canning- i
ton, Ont., returing thanks for the kindly
interest manifested in her late husband,
who died at Medicine Hat, recently, and
who was a highly eeteemed member of
Western Star Lodge here, In addition
to 840.0o funeral benefits Mrs. Crone
receivesd 8t,000 from the Odd Fellows'
Relief Society in which deceased carried
insurance. The three linked' brethren
of Metlioine Hat did their duty nobly in
the sickness and burial or Mr, Crone and
thereby furnished another testimonial of
the value of fraternity.
PRINCIPAL ENGAGED ---Brussels School
Board has secured a successor to
Principal Cameron after no inconsider-
able trouble owing to the shortage of
man of the calibre desired. The name
teetbe gentleman is A. Gilmour, B. A.,
; now 'Principal at Stouffville, and who
ee, is very highly recommended. His
salary will be 91200, the same as Mr.
S Cameron is receiving, Owing to the
necessity ol'giving aclear month's notice
to his Board Mr. Gilmour will not as-
sume his duties here until February 1st.
In the interiening period O. Warden, a
University undergraduate, will supply
during the month of January expecting
t0 be on hand for the opening on Janu-
ary 3rd. Mr, Gilmour is a married man
with one child and will move into Mr.
Cameron's home on Elizabeth street.
A. O. U. W. -Lest Friday evening
the following were elected officers of
Brussels A. O. U. W. Lodge for the
next year :-M. W , R, Leatherdale ;
Forentau, R. A. Pryne : Overseer, N.,
F, Gerry ; Recorder, W. H, Kerr ;
J�IPin thele,, W, H. McCracken ; Treas-
lever; G. A. Deadman ; Guide, T. Far
row ; Inside Watchman, Jno. Simmons ;
Outside Watchman, Geo, Birt ;. Audit-
ors, T, Farrow and N. F. Gerry ; Re
presentative to Grand Lodge, W, 13,
McCracken ; Alternate, R. Leatherdale,
Brussels Lodge has about 4o members.
At the next meeting; the date of which
will be Friday Jan. 6th, installation of
i, officers will take place. Grand Lodge
1 meet in 'Toronto,on March 15th, The
A U: W, is substantial beneficiary
oegen0Aelene and is making good prog-
Chas. H. Dodds, one of our well known
townsmen has, we learn, accepted a
situation in one of the largest tailoring
establishments in Vancouver, B. C., at a
remunerative' salary and purposes re•
1, moving' to that city with his good wife
vi and family next week. While we regret
wL their removal we feel assured our loss
10 t, will be Vancouver's gain as they will
prove A r citizens: • W. P. Fraser, well
and favorably known to many of our
0itizens and also of the country, who
has beenassociated with Mr, Dodds id
the beakless for upwards of two years, as
foreman; takes over the tailor shop here,
ele Is theroughlye competent add will
give satisfaction Io ell, We wide Mr.
lessee Sucee58 in his undertaking, Mr.
Dodds :mike all owing tllm by 0100001 or
otherwise to kindly settle before the
I zgth orthe month,
pre eeri
Pos'ropizca boars on - Monday, e6th
last., will be g to to a. m, and 5 to.. 6
p. m,
PUBLIC Schools close Thursday. of
this week for Christmas vacation and
will re -open Tuesday, January 3111,
THERE was only 9190 saxes out of
99.715 left unpaid 3n Brussels on the
15th day of the month when 5%, was
added. Collector Oliver had a few busy
days last week taking in the Bash.
FARMERS BANK. -The Farmers Bank
has suspended payment for go days and
the business will be closed up. Itis ex-
pected depositors will not lose. There
are two branches of this Bank in Huron
Co., located at Brucefield and Dash.
wood. A curator in the person of G. T.
Clarkson, Toronto, bas been appou+ted
to look after the closing proceedings,
1 iLosp.-Brown, right band gent's glove. Fin-
der will kindly leave at Tug POST..
10 lb, pail of good honey for 90c, or 00 lb, tin
for 06.00. G. A, DEADOAN. 20,2
HiaRBos price paid for potatoes at Me-
Cracken's. 26.4
Goma line of Regal shirts to hand. at E. 0.
Danford's. See them.
CEDAR. and Basswood sawlogs wanted for
cash Or honey. - G. A. DEADNAN, Brussels.
FINEeT stook of pipes in town at Grewar'e.
Prices right. They make dandy Christmas
presents to gentlemen who smoke.
Do you want more eggs ? The ground bone
at Baekar Bros. will help yon. As high as 100
pounde a day has been acid,
BAND SATousL lost last. Saturday either in
Brussels or on 7th oon. Grey. Contains a veil
end small sum of money. Finder please leave
POLL TeX. -Every male betweenthe ages 21
and BO years, not a tenant or owner, is liable
for 81.00 poll tax. Collector Oliver is making
these collections for Brussels, at the present
time for 1910.
Foe Scree -Baby buggy, baby cotter new,.
Ooneh,1 cook stove and pipe, lKlondikestove
and pipes, child's waggon. Persons wanting
any of the above articles please call at once.
CHAS. Doane.
Dit OVENS, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat, will be at American Hotel, Bras.
eels, Friday, Jan. 0th. Glasses of all 051 les and
prices fitted properly. Cataract, squint, cat.
arrh, asthma, failing eyesight and deafness
reated. •
Foa SALE AT A BAaOATN.-Owing to intend-
ed removal from town will dispose 01 follow.
Mg by private sets :-2 heaters, wardrobe.
AdA. extension table and
sideboard. An early call is requested. 3.B.
OAHaaON, Elizabeth street, Brussels.
11IITTsNs found. Owner may have them by
paying for this notice. JNo. OLrvER's Livery
Smell collar and pair of gauntlet driving
mitts loot in Brussels on Wednesday. Finder
will greatly oblige by leaving them at THE
PURE bred, white. Leghorn roosters for sale
76o each. W. F. FORREST,.Jamestown, Box 14.
Ida Ooleppurposes organizing a plass to Elocu-
tion and -Physical Culture. Persona desirous
of receiving inetruetion in either or both may
have particulars by conferring. with Miss Cole
or calling No. 854 telephone, or writing Ethel
P. O.
Fon sale a comfortable cottage on Elizabeth
street, Brussels. Apply to J. H. CAMERON.
WHIM in town call and eee a fresh net of teeth
cut into any saw. My prices are lowest if you
consider the extra benefit I am giving. T.
McGregor, Brussels, Ont.
WELL bred roadster filly. 8 years old, for
sale, Roam. HENDEasoN, Brussels.
COMFORTABLE house andp acre lot for sale
at a bargain. Fruit, good water and A 1 com-
munity. For further particulars ask at Tan
Poem, tf
WERv. WlNNEes.-Messrs, Lowry and
Ballantyne, of Brussels, were exhibitors
at Clinton Poultry Fair this week and
were winners in Wbite Leghorns of est
and Ind for Leghorn chicks ; rst acid
2nd in pullets and cup for best collec-
tion ; for B. R. G. bantams, they took
rat each for cock and hen ; and in
Columbia Wyandottes captured r and 2
for cockerels and also ;for pullets.
They have a fine collection of birds.
Councillor - Lowry accompanied the
NoTCHER. - The equaringoff of the
books at the W. W. Harris Butter Fac-
tory here for 1910 shows a most satis-
factory record to all concerned. No. of
pounds of btetter manufactured, 145,506;
sold for .834,295,76 ; average price per
Ib. 23,57 cents ; average price of butter
fat to patron. 23 69 ; number of patrons
349. Arrangements are being made for
a larger output than ever in 1910 and
the indications are mast hopeful.
day evening of last week the officers
and teachers of Melville Sabbath School
and the class of boys taught by Superin-
tendent Cameron were entertained to
tea at the home of A, and Mrs. Mc-
Guire, William street, in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Cameron who are removing
shortly to London. Atter enjoying the
generous bill of fare Mrs. Deadman, ex-
pressed the sentiments of those present
in the deep regret felt over Mr, Camer-
on's leaving town and emphasized the
good work done by him in the Sabbath
School. Muir'Thomsoe then presented
a fine silk umbrella. with gold mounted
handle, on which Mr. Cameron's mono-
gram was ibscribed. Therecipient re-
plied most appropriately and expressed
his good wishes for Lite School and his
class In particular. A progt'am of music
and social chat followed and the enjoy.,
able occasion was concluded with sing-
ing "Blest be the tie that binds'." Mr.
Cameron succeeded Barrister Blair as
Superintendent and filled the office
most efficiently and will leave vaean0y
not easlly Riled,
The Best Servant Is a Strong
of the Farmer Chartered Bank
he Metropolitan anij
Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers
and extends to them most Reasonable Terms.
Every Department of Banking is *Conducted,,
Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates
MERRY Christmas,
Ie you desire the news for [911 you
sbould have THE POS',,
RENEW for THE Pose. We heartily
thank those who have done so,
ADrrisstota fee at the Christmas eniet-
tainment in the Town Hail next Thurs.
day evening will be 10 and 15 cents.
HONEST HANDS. -A gold watch was
picked up on Ternberry street Weenes•
day afternoon by Wm. Soucb, of Morris.
He bought it to Tete .Posy at once and
an hour later the young lady, from Grey
township, who lost it received her time-
piece with thanks to all concerned.
The breaking of the watch guard was
the cause of the loss.
DIED AT CALGARY. -We report, with
great regret, the death of Wm Clark,
formerly of Morris and Brussels.
He passed atvayat the Calgary hospital,
of scarlet fever, and was buried in the
cemetery there. Mr. Clark who was 22
years old, learned the tinsmith business
with Messrs. Wilton & Gillespie, town,
and went West last January. He was a
member of the A. F. and A. M. and
I O. 0. F, in Brussels, but neither
Societies had any intitnation of his 111•
ness. Mr. Clark was !employed in the
shop of Jun: Rutherford, aformer Wrox
eterite. Deceased was a good mechanic
and a genial soul whose sad death will be
greatly regretted. Jas. Clark, of Sue
shine. is a brother. It is said that Inc)
Lynn, formerly of Brussels, and son of
James Lyon, of Fordwich, is also i11,
with fever at Calgary but we hope he
will soon be o. k.
Baseball Club gave the people of Brus-
sels the opportunity of hearing a very
choice program Tuesday evening in the
Town Hall, which will not be easily sur
passed: 'Talent consisted of S. Homer
Eaton, character impersonate'', W.
Francis Firth, baritone and Miss Mazie
Jackson, soprano and there was not p
weak number on the bill of fare. Mr;
Eaton is an artist of exceptional ability
and his readings and impersonations.
which were most humorous, were great-
ly appreciated. His impersonation of
"Reuben Ketchum" was specially flue.'
He was eocored time and time again in
his variousnumbers, His selections in
eluded .--"Through Fire aril Water,"
"His Courier " •'The New Church
Organ" and' "Widden Green. Mr.
Firth, who is no stranger' here, has a
fine baritone voice of good compass and
his songs weresuog with clear enuncia-
tion and musicianly feeling. He gave
the "Bandolero." "Whisperings of
Love," "Sing me to Rest,". "Loch
Lomond," "In the Garden of my Heart"
and others. Miss Jackson's numbers'
were web received, being encored sever•
al times.. .She is a singer of ability,
possessing a full, rich soprano voice.
Among her selections were "Down the
vale," "If I were on the stage." "Wait
ing." The closing duet bvMiss etekson
and Mr. Firth was splendidly presented.
Mr. Eaton's humor does not have to be
labelled and taking the Company el
together no organization will be disap
pointed in their engagement. Encores
were numerous and responses as gener-
People We Talk About
Miss Elsie Wilton is home front Bete
lin for her vacation.
Bert. Lou is home for Christmas from
Brantford Institute.
Miss Mary 'Thornton, of Wingham,
was visiting Mrs. Fred. McCracken last
Mrs. J. G. Tremain, of Detroit, is
Visiting Mrs. Jno. Long rend Mr,
Muss Elsie Flatt, has suffered a relapse
of pleurisy and is -again very ill we are
sorry to 'state.
Will. Wilton, of Berlin, liar been
visiting relatives and • friends in town
during the past week.
Dan. McLauchlin is itel•e from the
West for a holiday visit. He spent the
past Summer in Brandon vicinity.
Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten has been'a prisuuor
to her home from sciatica Sud kindred
ailments. -We hope for a speedy win-
15 bllle Stratton, of Calgary, son of
Jagi B. Stretton, is in town acquiring
knowledge in the tonsorial Art in John
lhiott's shop.
Mrs. W. M. Sinclair had the misfor-
tune to fall in the woodshed at her home
giving her backs severe wrench neces-
sitating a tew days in bed,
Mrs, W. el. Merkliuger, of Hanover,
is enjoying a few week's visit With iter
parents.. N. F, and Mrs. Gerry. Mr.
Merklinger will be here for Christmas.
Percy Richards is home for the
Christmas vacation from Chicago
Dental College, He expects togradpete
next Spring and We hope to see Ulm
land some of the prizes.
THE POST extends nongrntuletions to
Russel Brown: over successfully passing
his let term examination at the Pharms
acv College Toronto and we hope this
only indicates what ntay attettd'tbe
weenie to crime. -
Adanr Reid, or Langdon, North
Dakota, format ly of Brussels, is at Mount
Clemens, (Minh.,) where he is taking
treatment at the Mineral Springs for
rheumatism.. We hope a complete eure
will be effected,
Misses Carrie MaCreeken, Belle
Henderson, Florence McKenzie and M.
Brothers are enjovingthe Christ•
leas holidays at their respective homes
'Tiley are students at the Strut-
Nofreed. 1 i
r •••••••••••41+41.144.*
44'f irfi •444.44.4"1•110+ 44.•+.44/4
T S � DA BANK - We Wish You All
Established 187,3
,OF CANADA 80 Branches
is received in
sufficient to . tr po
a pass Book,
allowed, an. the
without dela
Savings Bank
Department at Every Branch.
J. F. Rowland, Manager; r
A •
Very. Merry
t Savings Banik Department, and is
a an account andentitle the Depositor to
The hig hest current rate of Interest is
money may be withdrawn at any time
Miss Verne Walker, who was 'vieilieg
Miss Eva Snider; at Cayuga, fol several•
weeks, arrived home last Saturday.
She had a most eujuysble time end
thinks. the Caytige people are "All
right," Dr.'Snider. and Mise Iva
were former residents of Brussels.,,
Letters received from J. R Grant and
family of Winnipeg, formerly of Brits-
sels,fsay`they are now located in Los
Angeles, California, for the Winter,
Flowers are inbloomand' Summer joys
tbeir's, They visited at . Spokeue.
Seattle, Victoria and Vaoonuver en
Mrs. Jennie 'Tuf 4, of Victoria and her
sister, Mrs. Maggie Stewart, of Van-
couver, B• C., wh have ei)joyod several
weeks with thein bother, W. NI. Sinclair
and other old time friends,' left for Port
Dalhousie lastaturd'iy, where they
will visit with Ret. Dr, Rose'and ttuniby.
They don't expeolto arrive home before
May and will visit in Catiforcia and
Florida. 14tev took a nine month's
ticket when they eft home last August.
Church Chimes:
S. Carter,Rev. A C. Wishart 10. A, anti Alex.
brssels StewartJr. attended Maitland Presby -
No nicer Gift can be made
tery at Wiughedt on 'Tuesday, -
'l'bere will besolemn High Mass wit 1
sermon in the emitotic Church Btttssels,
on Christmas nay at to o'clock a. m,
The vote on the question of Church
Miss Addle Lott is home on a holiday
visit from the East.
Peter Feguson is herne Iron" the Weer,
Where he has been farming-, fot holi•
day visit.
Mrs (Dr ) Toole and children left for
their' new home at Selkiik, on I.
Wednesday followed by tbe good wishes
of many old friends. .
Station Agent Kyle nnd family have
moved into the home, on street,
vacated hy Dr. Toole, who 'removed to
eet up house keeping in the Leather- !
dale terrace from wheel Mr. Kyle move'
At the closing exercises' of Stratford
Collegiate the Gold Medal offered by i
this event.
SITESEMIferii '1*
Woodrow, of Nyleville, Saek.,,a
and 4.
FEIDAY. JANUARY. 6T11.-Farrn 0001S. 1111. '9
COIL O. Morris, Sale onreserved at 1 p. in, J. .9 la
iDruggist and Stationer :
The People's Column
stable. well, Bac., and 2 acres of choice
land for sale in the Southerly part of Bros.
eels, Ininiediate possession can be given. For
further particulars apply to F. S. Scott, Brus-
sels, or JNO. MoARTHIIR, 'Walton P. 0.
wrIDA CEEB WANTED for S. S. No. 4, Town.
z ship of Grey. Qualified male or female ;
duties to eminence January 8rd. Salary $500.
State experience and send testimonials. Ap•
PliCati0193 trp to KO inst. L. FRAIN, Secre-
tary, Brussels P. 0. 2
TRAY161).-Whits sow, weighing about 160
pounde. Information tut to her where.
aboute will be thankfully received, FRANE
coR BALM OR EXCHA91(01.-Wili 51,
exchange for town or other farm proper-
ty .8 good dairv farm of 190 mires, being Lois 1
and 2. Con 12, Elam. For further particulars
apply on the premises or to GIE0, wir.son.
Proprietor, Newry P. 0. 2.5-tf
To complete your Costume
Carry the LISSUE Handkerchief
THE L1SSUE is of cobweb fineness
and feels like silk. 'White, and several
charming coloured patterns to hamtonize
with the gown. The finish and colours are
absolutely guaranteed to suffer
no harm from washing. 20c:.
each. glove size 15c, each.
Every LISSTJE Htutdkerchief is
guaranteed imielible colours,
superior quality and permanent
finish. If found otherwise, you
can obtain six handkerchiefs for
every one that fades or runs in
washing. -
Sold in Brussels by A. Strachan
Ras at Wholesale Prices I I ""e"Y g
1e ring 4aie / I
• Comfortable Shoes for all Sizes
• Men's fine box calf or dongola
; Shoes, Goodyear welted, latest
e. design of toes, regular 5.00, .
Men'afine shoe's, Blucher Stile,
• regular 3.00, reduced to 2 40
.6 Ladies' line kid Bluteher bals,
• Goodyear welted, regular 3.50,
Missere Fele Slippers, all styles,
Children's Slippers, all kinds,
f feet
±. you Blankets or Robes
± Want
Shoes of all kinds at !bilked Prices for Cash
If so note the following prices .-
.p Heavy lined Blanketa, regular 2,'M. reduced toe-. .... 2 00 ' te
I Fancy colored. honey lined Blaukets, regulat 2.60, ro- +
t Unlined Blankets, kegulae 1.25, reduced to Po ..:
0, Lame Saskalehewan Robes, vegetal, 0.50, redueed 'to . Ii 00 to
• See Mir Stogie lIarnees at regular 10.00, reduced Go 11 50 .t.
i Wool and Plush lanes reduced in price for cash. •
1 Those requiring credit on Harness will be accommodat- :
• ed at regular prices, •
109 s
G. McLaren
Ladies' ad girls' Whiter Coats
13 only odd sizes in broken lines of Wonien's Winter Coats, in black, .0
-navy, in Own and peen, this season's best styles, seini-fittitlg, 50
alid 52 inchee long ; not all sizes of any onekind but all sizes in the •
lot. ; regidar prites 13.50, 12.50 And 11.50. Your choice
of the lot for 8.75 0.0.
8 wily Tweed Coats, semi and loose liking, regular valuei •
6.00 •
9 only Children's Dark Colored Tweed Coate, reg. yalneeeqp vs= os
to 5.93 ; for ages 8, 10 and 12 years. Your choice fore. &ace,
13 only Children's Coats, dark colored tweeds and plain colort • f..1r
ages 8. 10, 12 and 14 years ; regular values up to 6.50. •
Sale of Skirts
22 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts in blaek, blue, hvotter 'heede-a Jew' 0
tweeds ; some traveller's samples; this season'e styles ;
reg. values up to 5.50. Your choice of this lot for ... o
ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and Boys' Warm Winter Underclothing -1
cOtteplete stool( at lowest prices. •
Bargains in Boys' and Men's Overcoats 0
The best stock of Overcoats we belie ever shown in blacks, green's, 2
blues and fancy tweeds ; drestS coats with velvet collets, Prussien, 3.•
dollars, and the Progesso adjustable collar. ' • co
4 extra good Valtleg ill boys' at -
ill Sizes in the- Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes *
Xmas Goods 000ds, You will find many useful erticles for 0
We have received a nuttaber of good biles OIX111118
Fancy Collars, Weans Underclothtng, Deese Goods, Silk, Net and 0
Lewis Waists, House Slippers, Ties, Mnfflers, 131eitkets-ttli et 0
the very losvest twices,
0: Highest prices for Produce