HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-22, Page 7to date.`'
� 51) �qyF'4
The Gift Maker's
Great Opportunity
pp y
Articles Purchased
Engraved Free _e
YOU get; newidests Eby, looltin=b. thrci'-our'sfouk iif'.Xlna3
Ciftsfor old and young.
We Mace et.yOur clic okal-a wide range for p 1),t, 1 suleutiun from
pretty remembrances at email cost to elaborate and van 1 t
articles in • 0
1 t t bre
"- Jewc,lei'v til' teli:
, Watches,
'Clocks, ^
China,C1 glass,i das, Dbtuy•Goxis,Xmas
Post ards, and ovelties1 Toy? and Dollsetc, ,
pls^••Call and select our stock 'c
1 of $ort lay Seli;ctans'at '
Wendt's JewelryeIr Store
Huron County Council.
ollowiii ar'e v
1' the Arlo.,
u, 'reports [
f, r s re -
1 P
rented to the Co. Couuul by the various
Commi t
tte,,EthA[boc -
• CU N'1Y PRO f "
V 1 P 11Y.CUMn 1 "
t 7 1 TEE
Comtnittee examined the different
county buildings and found ,the same in
satisfaclory condition. They. 'recom-
mended the purchase of certain; clothing
for use at the 'ail and the erchase of a
sui.ply of wood ; a shut uff For the water
supply at the registry c.t5ce ; the.. pro-
curing' of patut and paper for the'law
library, the work to be -clone be the care-
taker ; the installation of additional.
pigeon hole accomtuotlatio;is in M.. S ,a-
ger's office, but 'i eferred the utat ter of,a
telephone to the whole c.,unail ;'that the
inventory of the.. court house registry
ollice. And: jail be filed in Jim clerk's
office for future reference.
Recommendscl the acceptance of len-
deof F. B. 1•lolmes for coal at $7 per.
ton, Re motion. of Messrs.; Geiger and
Reid with. respect to Miss Haines, in
digent and sick woman, who cannot be'
accepted in any citlier'-1ustittttion'thau;1)l
bospital'at' present, reeominenclecl that
the countytY pay 1)Lle.
Go eric
h hospital,
$4.5o per week from
October, tem, 1111.t
the, e
u meeting
of the co f
IV ncouncil
Hetes uy.' Reorder of 'John Butler,
police magistrate, far eetnmiUilent' of
Alex. McLeod, under juvenile delin-
quents act, asking payment of $I 5o
per week, 'recommended the same he
Paid 1111311 a suitable home.,1s found for
the child.. •
They had made quarterly, visits to the a
[louse and find, the httil'diiigs and (quip- s
anent in good. .condition .; present num-
ber of inmates to be -about go.. all ivetl ,t
cared tor and comfortably looked after, ,0
Re. the Clain, of Mr. Plummer., of Clio- t
ton, for services rendered -to Mrs,'Scott, s
a late innate of the Reese, recommend. o
ed that the matter be left over tincil'Ibe
Junuarymeeting and clerk instructed'10
notify Mr.-PIumnleriohe iu attendance
and present his claim Recommen led
lhgt new window shades be purchased,.
ihe-lnntier 1) left in the halals of the In r'
Spector Re the request' of Alt' and
Ml's. Nl�lt1)i, keeper and matron, for 5 1
J bl 1
l IID t
, ) teat. :"
ter be le to the, whole eunuch, .Ee
n r
�t 'Best st a
11�rht Prices
Ipay-best In prime 101. Mick Coon p4us4rat,'
lnerea'9 CS+g I 1 1 u
N w •
mot1013, '01: I41. $'le,el•, recoi:meedet
that no. rieti111' he lakes" clod thtit ,trio
clerk he n•1
h>s td t `
ed t 1 comntun'41a1e will
r e . Comities
e 1'
1 ff 1)C
hilVing 'Ilunses' o
Refuge with, the view of having a ant•
form 00 in in it moot form , Recoil? meeid-
0d that all cwumltmeo e be suhcnitt. d to
the'House -of Rel'Itge phrliciatt for his
approval an 1'1553 event of one objection
being !shad in part). 531n11'ltd, that the
matter 111 left in the bonds of the
How's of leettlge e antidote, who will
COl1Yelle i!' It') t'urly a tt'Ire as .: pussinke.,
Res itn ole Bled that the Iuspeotgt's sal.
Ary I)e iolreased to $2r (. per gnu 1
t'oo. 1'v FNottiel'ts s. RErotrf
D. Patt Tran, Co. Engineer, reported
tochairn) i1 of the fog•l and bridge.
eni17111it1e I:rirlges andel' 4'PniraS't,
have lee :comJpleted. except the
tailbridebride -This Midge will be finished
next Spri g, coulraotor agreeing . to
keep old t idge in iep5ir until he 00m
mences w' tic on the new one. 'Cerner
bridge ore 'Hayfield river will require
considerl1bl a'ep'tiriug nein Stunner or
a new brut Ree1.ec,led as 0111 one is un-
safe ter bee .'tragic, Hridge on bounti-
ful, of Hall and tend 3leKillep, kh0W1 as
,B1aek's brid ', w{ll require repairing or
it new brad ereetecl, A b+id'ge' on
bouudttry p Usborne township will
have to be rebuilt next Summer, buy"
will have to ,01)it: 3ea1n of „Perth ,Co.
Orders. ,•g57.2t were ,tesued, since'
lits5 nleefing of council. Ari' per •ir1=
sanctions, 11' exnblued, bridge 031 -the
bou3daryof •ey and WRllace.- • There'
is. Aboot. 15 eatof v. stet'. space,. the
oriGinal,,briu -19.311 20
berme_ the. e
new timbers IC Ptt1i beid etouid
oulie }. for1)1ars Year 'This bridge
u Come muter
wld u e m umotion .
t 1)Q? 1)
95 +f•
the all IFn` ^ 111 11 ,
Jaen/try. t f ]
1 U8.
J 9
00A l) AN .1551 1)Olr. COMM17•'1'EE
A joint nit lag et comm. engineer
and cilairmnll ihe road and bridge
committees cif ,llu•ron, iembton• and
M iddlesex - wzl. field i it .Charles Talbot's
office in Lunde'! .-rune 3o, -when it was
decided ,to boll the bridge over the Aux
$aut,tr Rlvei,
n r'Grand bend, concrete
but meets on ti fonndatton'and steel
nperstrnettire, enders. to be opened at
GUderich 00 A test nth, Meeting of
hese comm111513lvas held in Goclerich
n August 11t= when it `(oris -agreed
lest the three unties bear an equal
hare in the costa this; that 111e tender
f R. Waltham f substructure, at $2,•
065, and Httmilto3Bridge Co,, for super:
straw ere, at $1,.i„ be accepted. Mr.
Sed z:r.'reeve of Jtephen, was appoint.
ed inspector, Colnilltees passed reso-
Iutien etiili ng ou • n, William Pugsley
. --T•.b ,Y1) a1art. .3' 5--.�,,.ys - ,.9i;.w..il.^.•cb
The Le ing
0 House -;. r Men's-
Dress uisites'
rourvzvzvA ,r,.eie.-... tvptL.e,-Ana4.,v4M 09553 .Dvuot ;vis4MaYi_bz4v.i;^arc'rara - zees. .awz,'i, v:,vp;�.. ..t A- orrice"-'
VERYer lexit. Over p p y. - e Holiday. Gift for Merl°
be settle under elder n
o Bru.
els. This
store carries the latest ideas in S `11 I-Iaber
dashery Torevery occasi011 from 'die ordina'r everyday
engage m'ents'to the, formal, full dress affair At this
store it -is easy to select the correct article for every
A.full Line in stock -Stetson,
Churchill, 1
Langley adDavenport celebrated ht1fE
SOfGlttS which $ t bleb make very
ilesu'abl3 Xhnas Gifts.
Fownes' I'otvnes,and Halls et
;x1,00 and $2.00. Special line of
• Ful lined Gloves at$1 50:' Most
. useful gift for magi or .bay.
At 200, 50c.and 75c in every
conceivable shape and color,
'--.Beeutifnl white and black silk
Cravats with the words ai1•ferry
Xmas" band embroidered on
each tie, in separate boxes, 75e.
In alt the spar
the ordinary 25 o
iI11 ) • ecI
cit l hies
p at 50
Shirts and
ffects from
.to the fine
We i•tllt 713) stn the cele -
heated Regal Brand e Bn it
111 S'
t, and
the Austrian and G. & R.
Collars. 'Test- goo Are found
in all the best furor na stores
- in Capula, Li Brits a emit-
plele assortment colt .found all
our store.
Initial Hand rch's
Pare Linen at and 50c
each. 'Silk at 25c, s and 75c
=a1IMMOONISIMINIMM...1•140.1191•6•111112.1.1“0••=3111.01[MIDM NOM
In malty Smart effects from
the ordinary. Mild at 25e to the
better lines at 50c, , See our
"President!' ;Suspenders, boxed
in separate boxes at 500 a box.
Trunks, Suiteases
and club Bags
in to big .range of styles al
nlodttate prces. _
Night ;Robes and
Pajamas .
Beautiful designs that bring
delight to the sleepy Sau1-750,
$1.00, $L25 and $1.50.'
Full line of Sovereign Shoes
always in stock.
FORgGENTS '20th Century Fine Tailored Garments
$12 to $25
,C, N, & '0, Proper Clothes for Men and Boys
Boys' Snits 3.00, 4.00, 5,00. Non's Suits and Overcoats up to 15.00'
Timely Suggestions
Fancy Waistcoats •Separate Pi.ir Collars Mufflers
•Umbrellas , Driving Mitts. '.
r6Li,1•'4ie4iiret7.Yet0, IRs -retia Ari:L,l� �@,1 eclat T'1Vim rittererlei472- 4 giftitl`rtsrT 54A`�sftdA it%
E. C. Dunfer^d, Clothier and i:urtlishor
Vlreaaell helm, Bear, q,
pay ell express. (harges, ebm
erge 00 50•
mission, 1haafurs separate onrequeat,
Trite for my latest price 1,1!t, •
72 Colbornest., .'Toronto, Ont.
to proceed with breakwater at Goclerich
to make ..15.a stife and commotilous hm'-
bor• The matter of the bridge over the
MAttla0d- River .near Varna, and Black's
bridge on the Mullett -McKillop bound-
ar't', be left ti•ith.' the eugiueer to;bulld,
if necessary. Recommended ` that ac-'
count of Charles'l'Slllot for specifications
of bridge bear Grand Send be paid
The action re letter of V. H, .Roberts.
A motion of Messrs. Glenn 011d Sturdy
in reference to 'building a temporary'
bridge over tee Hayfield.r115er in ige8;-
on the boundary between Stanley and
Gnderich townships asking ,the 3oyi2ent
•'PI $ro As this was before theeounotl
t lgo8; reeonnnencted no
action. Re.
motion of Messrs. Smith and Munroe
regarding erecting, wind breaks to re
tain',mod.; be left `ill the hands of the
engineer,' '10 act immediately on Hey -
field bridge. • •
' . SPECIAL. CON1dI TEE 1 '.
In'i'efereece to the motion of Mes-
srs. 1.1i11 and Kernighan asking to mem-
orialize ial ze
the- Ontario Uoden
all r
e Ietirntanve5• of
P municipal .cerin
ells be elected for 11V0
}e instead
of one RS at
present, nese 1)t
no action. Re ale communication of T.
A Cartwright, 'regarding appointment
of a Web constable recommended that
this be lett to the whole Council. Re
the communication from the Tax Re -
forth League, recommended no action,,'
EnucA•rroN Coaiaiyrzrt
Re account of Listowel -'High school
for $41 6g for share of maintenance of
l•lnron County pupils,recommended
that it he paid ircorrect. With respect
to privilege granted T. E. Dentin to
vindicate, hisposition•in the controversy
betweeu himself And j. Elgin 'Torn,
public school inspector, the committee
found that ber. Durum had misinter
preteclthe regulation of tete Education
Department and recommended no ac-
Following reports, wereresented to
the Comity Council at the December
session 'in connection with the Souse
of Retuge, will be of interest to our
readers :
Total number of inmates admitted
since opening of the House. '397; 110111.
ber of • innlates en December .i, Igoe,.
88 dumber admitted-, for first time
during year, 12 ; timnber re-ad'miit'd af-
ter absence, 6; ,thenber born in House
dining the year, o; number of deaths
duringLhe- -year, 12 ; member abeecond-
ed during the year, o ; num ber di'ehai-g.
,ed during the. year, 41 :number of in
mates on December 1, Igro, 84 ; num-
ber of males, . 57 : number of females; z7.
the year from several
municpalities, as follows : Town -
Admitted during thships-Ashfield, I ; McKillop,
ersinitb, ;2 : 'I'uwn1and villages -Wing,
ham : ; Exeter, i Bleali, 2 ; Seafcn•tli,
r: Wroxeter, 1 ; RAI field,. 1. Cahse of
Pauperism -Old lige. 7 ; intemperance,
2 ; imbecility, 3. Number of days' board
of inmates, '33,749 ; nuiuber or day's
board keeper's family and help, 2,006:
average number of inmates during the
year. 87 ; average number with keep-
er's family with. help added, ge ,'tonal
ex emit
ore on
farm, 6.-.
582 add g 9 t value of provisions And
-fuel on band. 1 December t Dcom ber 7 eve, $2,-.
-034,95 total expenditure $e 630 24:
•Deduct capital acc0tut, $43679 pro-
duce, sold during . Imo .and other
amerces, $1.07,707: ,.provisions, pro•
duce new• , '
clothing end
fuel "u
g u nand
1sf, 'lett:),
as per 'm
ventol '
51,977 received from paying inmates.
$fi.16 30',: total $4,117:16 • Amnnnt ex.
needed for support or inmates, $4 516
u8.; average expense per iuniate per
clay, 14 a 4 cents; 'average weekly ex
peudrure per inmate, qgcauls. The
expenditure ou House and farm 50
counts is as follows : Capital account, I
5406 79: hired help, House and faro],
$218.75 ; stock and implements, 5113 ;
salaries; inspector, keeper and matron,
$1,214 ; pits: ician's salary mad appli
5)1001, $351.74 ; repairs 10 building and
furniture, $333 64; provisions and cloth•
Ing $2 749 0g ;11101 and light, '57(14.24
books, :postage. and stationery, $10.50 ;
taking inmates-In/me, etc., $4; incident -
x l.seas
i S o sundry 1
$b ndt ' o
ar n
S tln0
5 to
15r111, 5333.04 10151 56 59829
AIANAG3t3t Mu•rell's ktitrOicr,
c'i•.•pS 11'OWII- and Walk Clone 1Kl lh
1 s03:5'1
al 1^aThr tinting the Year 1)r1to
lolly, 45 torte; oats, Son bushels; her
ley, 130 bushels, mixed grain, 40 bush
els ; beano, 6 bushels mikes, 50 be Al)
Is t garden earr0ts 20' beSbeis; garden
'beets, 25 bushels ;' potatoes, 35'4. bush
• els ; m.nlgokls, noon bushels ; 1.2 Act
of Detell Soils, net back 5191,80; par
nips 25 bushels ; clover seed, 15 lutsh
els,; cabbage, goo head ; fodder corn
1+urc ; p353111, 40 baskets; tomatoes, 105
baskets ;z'38 acres "1 sugar beets, 'i9
tons, net b0ek 5202 58 ; live lime
sold, 5380,7o We put in 90 rods of tile
drain end painted woodwork in bane
men %atndln,old pa111 upstairs. We also
boarded up the morgue and snloking
rope), and put ceiling in hog pen, all of
tubi' work b1) k watt, done by the iuruates,
alta vi, ia
91) 1)O le' i
t t Ja l and dile boos
of refuge x11)10 Jnadta ae00rd'logly and
at'epor•t was handed in o153 Wednesday
to t to ef1'ept. 113151)aninspe0tbon Of 1)41%1
u>;tltuti0ns had revealed evo)'ylhiny,
to be satisfaotQry. The jury was than
dismissed, ,
Thelirst civil action on the doeket
to be tiled by Jury was that of Bose
vs. BlSnk of Toronto. It was an action
0nter011 by fit
Rose, itnplpinent
S- age111, against t%111 l3alllt Of'',1'a)1'Vnlq 101'
negllge )055 in. not having a=110111 p1u'
' '-t .sted. 'phis cease was postponed until
the next jury sittings of the Court and
in the meantime the defendant will be
at; liberty to apply to have the jury
notice stricken .out, W. Proudfoot,
N. 0„ for'plaintilf ;,Chas. Gamow for
Swarts vs. Robertson, -This was eon
aetioo eutered by Thos, Swnrts, a
liveryman of Goclerich, against Dr,
Robertson, of Stratford, the owner of
all auto, which, it was ,alleged, fright-
ened one of the plaintiff's horses, which
ran aWay, damaging the outfit and
inflicting severe injuries upon itself.
.This case was tried by jury and after
two hours' deliberation a verdiot for.
$7.40 damages was • rendered. His
Honor directed judgment to be enter-
ed with costs on the county court
scale. W. Ptoudfoot; E. 0, for plaiu-
itf ; Jas. C. Makins (Stratet¢rd) for
defendant. -
Wrightet al. vs. Oakley et al. -An
action entered by Mrs. Richard
There Nos been no unusual epidsnYc
gWung the inmates Most. of the cases
nl'sicicness were those due 0, , Id age,
I have evade 68 visits, dig inieerl nledi-
cine 1,008 times; besides dr, ssing
wotinds, Setting fraeturee, se0P 11 minor
operations. extracting teeth, ante flt-
ting eyeglasses. '('here were 12 deaths,
ages averaging 32 years, The causes of
death were ;Calmer, 2 • tuberculois, t
pneumonia, 3 ,- rrhois ' of liver,,1;
apoplexy, t ; acute bronchitis with as-
thma, r old age, 1 ; nephritis pros-
tatitis, I, 'Ole sanitary conditions of
the House are good ; food of good qual.
ity auct well,served, Meuse comfortably
warm. • .
At,the conclusion of. the session of ilio
,Council. Dr
A Irwin, n who 1 I IIAti °l1)
1 With
honor c n and credit e U filled t 7
he position of
Wiuden for the past year
and I`
P t t who i.•
5 S
now r u
e rmg was presented with �A
gold headed cane and. an address of
appteeielion by his fellow Inen:bere in
the County Council, Following is' a
copy of the address :-
-Dr, A, J
Warden of the County of Huron :
Dear Sir, -We; the members of this
Council of the County of Huron, cannot
let thisopporinnity, the finer' meeting of
this year, pass without expressing our
unqualified approval of the ability, un
101 1118 kindness,' courtsey' and imparti-
ality with which you have discharged'
the duties of your position as Warden of
this County and we ask you to accept
this cane as a small tribute of:apprecia-
tion and respect and our best wishes for
your future prosperity.
Signed 0n behalf of the Council, P.
Lamont, J. Moir, Thos. Stathers, l; M.
Goyenlouk Tom K. Powell, jellies
Watson,' J Leckie and R. 1ticKay.
Goclerich, Die. gib, rgio.
County Court
The December Sessions of the Peace
mid. County Cotu't opened at the court
house •on Tuesday afternoon of last
weelc before Nis Hoene Judge - Doyle.
The first rase disposed of WAS that
of J. G. Armstrong, the Lucknow
druggist, who ,Appeared to answer to
the charge of 01ilnillal negligence' in
dispensing drugs. 0. G. Locke, of
Lucknow, appeared for the defendant,
while Crown Attorney Seager repre-
eented the Croton. When the grand
jury. had been 'empanelled and after
A. J. Holloway, of Clinton, bad been
selected as foreman, 1V1r. Setter made
the statement that, much to Ins regret,
11e would have tin tisk for an adjourn-
ment of the case. This :request was
made ou the ground that two• import-
ant witnesses were not available. Ed-
ward Murchison, of Toronto, had left
for the South before he was snbpoe-
tied' as a witness and was not expect -
d back for at least two
Mrs. James Murchison, also of Toron-
to, another tnaterial witness, e0Gld not
Attend on aceountof ill -health 131r•.
-Locke, counsel for the defence stated
that the defendant had gone to con-
siderable expense in preparation for
thetrial. i
tr al His witnesses
were all res-
`irnL i r-
et xl he' wase 'ready 10 go on.
:Judge Doyle, however, ruled that
under the circumstances the Crown
was entitled to an adjournment and
the hearing of the case will probably
be held ' , n
u June e i,PYt
Judge Doyle • then S7P r briefly addressed
the grand jury. Be informed them
that it was their p1 ivilege to inspect
the jail and the county house of refuge
it they so desired. He pointed' out
that no conveyances to the house of .
refuge would be awaiting them to con-
vey them to the institution when they
reached Clinton. 110 had spoken of it
before on other occasions, but nothing
hoer been done towards supplying rigs
for snob purposes.
eh-rlstmas presents
• Our new goods are note Here. We bought at the closest prices direct
front the manufactin'et• and can save you money on
• Watches
-Gem Rings
• -Pearl Rings
• -Signet Rings
} -Lockets
• -Necklets
-Brooches .
-Pearl CresceuLs
=Watch Chains
-Watch Fobs
•--OWN Links
-Collar Pins
-Blouse Sets
-Watches •-Pearl Set Pins
-Gold 0u11Links -Signet Rings
Fobs, Lockets -Stone Set Rings
-Watch Chains -Emblem Pins
-Gold Pins --Shaving Mugs
• -Spoons
•' lIlugs.
-Brooches 'l'
-Amethyst Brooches
-Pearl Sunbursts
-Fine Umbrellas
-Flair Receivers
-Toilet Sets'
-Out Glass,
-Fine Tttubrelias
-Safety Razors
--Match Boxes
--Chains, Loelt
-Knife, Fork
Wo car, y a nice lino of Gut OGEE, °!ticks and Silverware of
best makers. 181713ngcrs Bros,' 1'iuives, Forks antl$poons, Violins,
Mouth Organs, &o. 4.
Our first ambition and concern is to sea that out Jewelry is of a 4.
tlttality't11at will wear, Our perces are as low as the lowest,
"Honest, goods' at lowest pi ices!' 011111101103" -
/ 11-1..L. JACKSON, Jevu� ler it
'N!ti'Wt�tf4'M'l'.+s�i3.^l•114'e't•.4•e+4,444.4+,orb•1��/'t'• 6344.1 111.•t's4•e
11111 dl
& Spoon •♦i
o 'Wiight, of $1Jtforth, 135131nst the oper
'lots of the l.3rUseels'Seafoftli sea .
fot' alleged neglect in looking atter l)3
horses. Spa, T
!O evidence 1 vJd4nce %vent to sllnty' • ,
that while standing at the stati(3) 131'
Walton some menthe ago the horses
were ' left
unattended for about eve
minutes rut res and becoming frightened talc, °.'
001)57,. o,0erttlrnin -'the stage and In -
ll several a'
g ,4r 1oft�e.ocouJanls.
all jumped s 1 They
j , p d avo Mrs, Wright, who
sustained a fractured rib and was
otherwise injured, being 30 bell for
over a m00111 as the resglt. J114.
hent was entered for $800 and costs 331
favor of the -PTl041111 f. W. Proudfoot,
R. C., and k1. S. Bays(Scaaforlh) for
i : 7i', M. Sinclair (l3i-p3sels)for
pplalnl fr 1
The case of Yellow vs. Snell et .al.
was planed before the jury Thursday
afternoon. This actionarose over the
plaintit1 having a horse killed in
Exeter by a live wirein on the
street. The , wire, it is % stated had
been blown down by a 810011) and 350
tion was t;!,ken against the owners of
the electric light plant _to recover the
price of the animal which wee killed.
MuswipAL Nomination will _h lel
e t d.
Monday, December . 26th and ..11eotion
on lauusry 2nd.
Christmas and Ne(31ty
Years will oome Oti Sundlty' 00 11
following days will be observed as
holidays, as well R1 for the purposes
municipally specified.
Learn Why the
Frictionlesi. Empire
Easier s e.r than others
If you've ever used any other drake of separator yon.'ll
01 00551 whenou,turn -Lire Frictionless Empire: it e -
Y e p Sri nearly
frictionless that it almost runs itself. Will run for half ..
an hour after you've finished skimming, unless you stopit•''
with your betake.
The Frictionless Empire is the only
separator' with ball bearings at top
and bottom of bowl -spindle. Other'
makers would jump at the chance of
using 0111'. Ball Neck Bearing and
Three -Ball Bottom Bearing. But our
patents prevent others usingthese
friction- elflninatiug, easy - running,
life-long features.
These ball bearing features, together
with the lighter bowl, fewer 'closed
beatings, more easily cleaned skim-
ming devices, etc., make the Friction-
less Empire the one really good cone
Years. of service prove their worth. •
Empire quality in every machine, and
a g0aran tee as good as a gold bond.
Some day you'll own
an Empire.. Tu order Ccs
hasten that day we
want yon to read our.
new Ssc. book. At tells
the truth -about the two
standard methods of
cream separation. Gives
valuable dairy pointers.
We will send you ane
copy free, provided you
tell us the number of
cows you keep. Also
name of this publioa-
tion. Don't miss this -
book. Send for it im-
mediately. 1..xtracopies
250. Ask for book. \
■ ■._ _ Of
Cream Separators--
consists of a full range of sizes in both Frictionless Empire (cone
method) and Empire Disc. Thechoiceof either cone or dimemeth
od, and the size of machined rests entirely with you.
The Empire Cream J'eparator Company of, Canada; Ltd.
WINNIPEG, Man. TORONTO, Ont Sussex, N. B.
S. CARTER, Agent, Brussels
to being Over -stocked in Crock-
ery I purpose holding a
Beduction Sale for 30 Days
Commencing Saturday, Dec. 3
At Cost for Cash
Instock will be found choice lines of
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Ware;
Fancy China, &c,
Call and see the Bargains.
No nicer Christmas Present can be
! Our stocli. of ChriSLI113.s Groceries, Fruits, Confec-
tionery, &c,, is complete.