HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-22, Page 5ate
, tIG4
The Gift '_�
Great Opportunity
Articles Purchased
Engravel d Free
ltetts `
1 , look dtltt'rttr` stbelc r t 11n..
as '
Gifts.for nc old 1 n .l young.
We;:Acme atvow. dispos
al `a wide range for selent}
on i,mn
pL'etby Perlient)tl•atieec at st pall cost to . elaborate e and valuable
la 1
aeticles in m•'
E u.
y <f ail 'descriptions; Watches, 'Clocks,
China, t'"
• : `� iDa, Ont , lase I';odalta hbpns '_ Good''-Xniits
Post Cards, -and Novelties, Tyo :s ani Dellsetc,
Ca11 and select,'
tI�'ptirstook'of Holiday 'Soleot'nis"lLt'
t s Jewelry,Store'
iron ;Co1Fnty' Council.
Following aie the vat ton; . reports lire-
tothe' `Gp. Cott❑ I...
C 1 by the I I H'10
omD'i -tees of that (. p 1 n"lt b d
U y,-
CC W -Y PH i Y
u or 1 c.olu r TTE
R hl h
Committee exatmued "tbe different
county buildings and found the same in
satisfactory condition- They recom-
mended the
ecom-trended"the purehace of certain clothing
for use at the jail and Ilse p1 rebase of a
supply of wooO'; a shut off for the water
supply at the aegistry Guice ; the pro-
curing tif' paint and paper for the'law
library, the work to he'(1,lue by the eat e -
taker; the installation . of additional
plgeou hole accommodations in .\l•, S
ger's office, but '1 eferred ; the Matter of a
telephone to the whole <humid! ; that the
inventory of the court house, registry.
office and jail be filed in the .clerk's
°Mce for future relerencc.
Recommended the ticceplance of ten-
der.of P. B, Holmes for coal nt $7 per
ton. Re motionof Messrs. Geiger and
Reid, with respect to Miss Haines, in
theenIt and sick wommi, who cannot be'
accepted in any <thet'•iilstittiti Int' than a
hospital at present, recotninenrlecl that
thecounty pay t L
b hospital,
$4.5o per weekfrom
OGobet to uu•
It theo June meeting
e council rl
neces,ary. Re order of John Butler,
pollee magistrate for commitment of
Alex: McLeod, uncles -juvenile' delin-
gaents act, asking payment of $t 5o
per week, 'recommended the same'b'e
paid until a suitable home.. is fonncl for
the child,
HOUSE OF REFUGE. cum -Arm -riot
They had made quarterly visits to the
House and find -the huildiugs and equip- .s
.Ment in good. condition ;. present num-
'berof iunlatesto be, about 90- all well t
cared for and comfortably looked after. ,o
Reahe claim of Mr. Plummier, of Clin- t
ton, for services rendered 0 Mrs,'Scott,
•a late inmate 01 the House, -reconmeitd, o
ed that the minter be left over 1,0tll'fhe o
n., s
J 1 n try meeting and clerk instructed to s
uotity Mr.•Pluntmer.10 be in;atteudance j
and present his claim Reconhmen led
that new window shades be purchased.
the molter It: left 111 the hands et the In, x'11 �. ■r r.r■ r ar�.r
speetol ; Re .the request of 140 and
4 <t S f02.99 I
1 flH I t•
Ila! ll
� i
, ! tk l I t at
} lfi Il , �IIM
IVIES. till • w
!Ville( keeper 1 and. nt•it
non it''
. .f 14i
(IP �R:;.Uflh11
Q 1f
terbe tai !1, the, whole cotmsi,,,. ,Re
motion, ' t
A , o iyl, 5':e,.rvr;, recolnmeutlet
that n0': action' the lt,kell tidal thin ,ill
clerk b 't h r
err t n
e t m olelt column ala
rnur'Ci1 tv
Wale I
1 id
thtfeleat a'uuuties having tl0usesl•0
Refuge with. the view of having tda01
forth colr)l11it men1 fht':nt. Recolltmeed
ed gnu all 1001 atittl euni be; 811bnll1' t1 to
the House -of Refuge phvsieisu for his
approval ,tu;i'i51 event 141 any objection
beteg 111144kd Ie party: 'idnti't( tI, that the
matter he left in the Minds of the
Hou.e ((1lila-loge t,' nlmiltee, who will
conyepe q': 11emir a dine lis.-pussinle,,.
Reconlniq.•lied that the Iuspecton'q sal'
cry tie 1,i reased do $2( o per allium.
Coo 'ry 16 No14EEtt'S REro sr
D, Patt rsoil, Co.. 'Engineer;'reported
to cha r11 a of, the roc) l tied bride,
eonnnittC .` . bridge~ under contract.
have h<e i enmplel(ti • eau; pt the Kin•
tail bride This bridge will be finished
next Spri g, contractor agreeing • to
keep old idge in repair until' be com-
will/ tk tot e
v h new, one. e 'Turtles
bridge over Hayfield river will require
censidertldl'epiiiriug nest Su.nmar or
a: new brid 411 erected as old' one is un-
safe for lie;i,' 'traffic, Bridge on bewai-
l -ow of Hill " tint! hleKillop, known -as
:Back's brid't2, Twill require repairing or
a .pew btiel:e erected, A bridge' on
buuud 1t')' ot; Usborne township will
have to he'telltailt next Summer, bet
will have to, v ut 9e:im1 of 1'cril, Cu,
.Orders f ti 957,21 were issued since'
last meeting of council, ,issued, since
strnelions, 11, exit 111,ted bridge on the
boliula1')' of ''Cy and 1V'illace,• there'
is. about' 15 eet 0f 44ater splice,, the
origlllfll., ljeill_ 19,01' 20 feet before _ the
new timbers rs re mal
l L 1 bridge ulewol
1 would
be dual for t5 year, This .
1 g
would u t
come nn( 1)r n
e a 1 motion ton No f
5 U
lhe Jxuuxr}�s tan oft 08
A jello 'nit'ih>}_ot count~ engineer
and chairltliip,tf the road and bridge
committees of iHuron, Lambton and
Middlesex `. w,l {geld in .Charles Talbot's
office in Login ',June 30, when it was
decided.to buil the bridge over the Aux
Sltuble River; n jr Grand bead, coucfete
abutments on lir- foundation and1,teel
lipel'stlllctire,.enders to be opened:at
Goderich on, Airust lath. Meeting of
liege cointnitle(Fwa9 held. iu Goderich
it August cit when it rives. agreed
hat the three •unties bear an equal,
hare in the cost.f this;: that the • tender
f R. Waltham f¢ substructure, at $2,•
65, and Hamtl'tolBridge Co., for super;
true ire, at $t,.., be'accepted, Mr.
S,vi z I, reeve of •tepiheu, was appoint•
ed inspector. Colniittces passed reso-
lution colli ng on 'j c. William Pugsley
The Le :• i rlg
House _ •r Men's_
u isi gro r ,
Dress R,quisites`
8 v4,v(vdrav,,vrrAv rµ.L.A5 r ,5 Y.A;s'.At<:6 v1;rbvc .bv t, ,5,w, .2y. e 4'7 481.!-4,330.viu;>: e+ WAS yy k ;s Tib, 8,70.2,,..W.,2-.,,AW5
VERY perplexity', over Holiday. Gif ' for Men
maybe settled ett ed uli
der one roof f"t
o l 1 Bru 'els. s. 'flips
store carries the latest ideas 'in S 11 1 -caber
dashery for, every occasion from 'the ordina - ever''yda.
3 ;x
engagements to the•forimah full. dress "affair ;` At. this,
store it :is to select the • correct article for every
Oceaslotl. - -
A. full- line in stock—St'etson,.
Bllrt r It
n Churchill, ,Lau rev
g .
d Dayelt 1
Ott celebrated '
Ce btatel
t I c Stiff
Soft Hats, which
$ make very
'desirable- 7iilias Glfts.
Dent's, 1?awnes and Hall's at
$1,00 and $2A0 Special line of
Fur lined Gloves at $1;50;` Most
useful gift fou man or boy.
At 2nc, 50c.anci 75o in - every
conceivable shape and color.
Beant%fnl white anc]'black silk
Cravats with the welds ZMeery
Xinas" blend etnbroicjerecl on
each tie, in, separate boxes, 75e.
In all the swan ffects from
the ordinaryK
to the fine
im o1 teal')'
Shirts and ollars`
We Carry in stn; the cele-
heated Regal Brand Hires and
the Austrian and S: G.& R.
Collars These goat are found
• in all the best futhi ng, stores
Canada. III:Bi'tis'i• a emit-;
plate assortment -can ` found at
our stone.
Initial Hand
Pure Linen at
each, Silk'at 25c,
and 50c
and 75c
In tmtnyhttiiILtt elfecls ft'ntu
the ordinary kind ab 25c to the
bettor lines at 50c. <See our
• "President," 1c:tlspeuclei's, boxed
in • separate !loxes at 50e a box.
Trunks, Stilt eases .
and Club Bags
In a big range of styles at
moderate pt ices.
fight; Robes and
Beaut'fnl:designs that bring
delight to the sleepy soul -75c,
$1.00, ..91L25 and $1.50.
)Mall line of Sovereign .Shoes
aUWays in stock,
FON 20th Century Fine Tailored Garments
$12 to $25
C. N. 811. Proper Clothes for Mei and goys
Bays' Snits 3,00, 4.00, 5.00. Men's Suifs and Overcoats up to 15.00
Tiinely Suggestions
Falicy Waistcoats Separate FLIT Collars Mt!ff-lers
Umbrellas Driving Mitts.
'iolvactit\ es.a, nruaCrAirt r itaa`r,c%'Gtm„ alconir `G, r ieariralkLfiP�+�A1 &absu,`taiii7X
. C. Durnford Clothier and Furnisher
Market Ret
f pay'bea$1n »rteeti for Mink, Coon, Afuskrnt,-
'. ,W eased} Lynx„peni', �c, ,
T pny all px ress ()barges, 11115r{fu no 110110
misxion, I bold fury 90,w,ate.0u re neat,
Write for my latest prlee !hit..,. 9
J.' Y
72 Colborne st., . Toronto, Ont.
to proceed with breakwater at Goderich
to make .it:a safe and eolinnodioos har-
bor, 'rhe matter of the bridge over the
Ylaitlancl,Ri.ver.near Varna, and Black's
;In idgC' en, the illtllett•83cKi!lop hound:
5ry, be left with' the engineer to build,
'if•necessary, Recorllirlended that ac-
count of Charles Talbot for specifications
of bridge near Grand Bend be paid.
The action .ken r0 letter of V. H. Roberts.
A motion of Messrs. Glenn and Sturdy
in reference to building a temporary
bridge over the Hayfield river in meg,-
on the boundary between btanley and
Goderich townships 'asking the' payment
$ AS this was before the council
in tgo8, recommended no action. .Re
nlotio0 of Messrs; Smith and. Munroe
regarding- el•ceting. wind breaks to re
taut most', to lett `it the,hauils of the
'eufiureer,'"*0 act 'immediately' on Bay -
...58111 bridge,' .
' SPECIAL Co), ,i'j"ria •'
In reference to ,the' motion of 'Mes-
srs. Hill Kernighaii asking to mem-
orialize x z1) the Ontario Uovern.
Ment Chat
all representatives Uves of
cc u
ells be elected for
too pears instead'
of one as nt present t coinmen
no action. Re the communication of I.
A Cartwright, 'regarding appointment
of high constable recommended that
this he lett to 'the whole Council. Re
the communication from the Tax Re-
form League, recommended no action,'
Re account of Listowel •'High school
for $41 69 for share of maintenance of
Huron County pupils, recommended
that it he paid if correct. With respect
to privilege .granted '1'. E. Duruin to
vindicate his position'in the controversy..
betweeu himself and j."Elgin Toni,
public school tlispector, the' committee
found that Mr. Damn; had misinler
meted the regulation. of tile Education
Department and recommended no ac-
Following reports. were resented to
the County' Council itt the December
session in connection with the House
of Refuge, will be of -Interest to our.
readers :
.Total number of inmates admitted
since opening of tate House, 397 nu01-
be! et.innlates on December 2,l9og,
88 "number admitted "for first time
during year, 42-;nnnitier re•nd-mitt-d
114 absence; 0 ; member born is House
dining the pear, o number of deaths
duringt.be.yeat, r2; number.abscond-
ed duping tate year, o :nttmberdischarg-
.ed timing the. year, 4 5 number of in
mates on December 1, 19to, S4 ; neni-
ber ,tf males, 57 ;'nunlher of females, 27.
Admitted during rho year from several
municipalities as follows: 'town
sliinr Ashfield 1 ; McKillop, 5 ; Tuck
e 511111h:`2: Towns.and , villages—Wing
ham, , ; Exeter, r ; Blyth. 2 ; Seafnrlh,
1'; Wroxeter, 1 ; Ba) field, 1. Cahse of
Pauperism—Old age. 7 ; intemperance,
2 ; {nibecilitv,3. Number of days' board
of inmates; '31,749 ; number or clay's
board keeper's family and : help, 2,006.
average number of inmates during the
year. 87 ; average number with keep-
,er's family with, help added, 92 •total
expenditure on House and far,n, $6.-
add value a ire of provisions � and
fuel am hand,
'034,95 10151 expenditure $8,63s 24,
Deduct capital account, $44679. pro-
duce, sold during., ioto ,and other
spumes, ;81,.07707 ; ..provisioil5, pro-
duce, new t
v clothing ai,.]
fuel" '
g on nand.
December 1sf 19to,' as per inventory' -
$1,977 received from paying .inmates,
S et430 total $4,1t7 .16 Amnnpt ex-
pended for support of inmates. 584 516
u8.; average expense per inmate per
clap', H. 1 4 cents; average weekly ex
peudr nreper inmate q cents. The
expenditure on House and farm ac
counts is as follows; Capital account,
58406 74: hired help, House and farm,
$21875 stock and implements, $113 ;
salaries inspector, keeper and matron,
$11,214., Ow) iciatt's salary hind sppii
a11et4 583x1,74; repairs to building and
furniture, $333 64: provisions and cloth.
iiig $2 749 09 ; fuel and light,. .$794.24 1
hooks, postage. and stationery, $10.50 ;
taking iumntes home, eta, $4: incident -
al expenses,
U St d ' �
5, n t nc
S ern(( •.
faun, $33 1,04. ton fi'�
4 a $ 598 z<j
,\I.t4A01ot M11Ten's REPOIcr,
l'r.,pig1'own, and work done Of) In
u : .d
d b It Varna kr 1p du it
I d the
vont' 191»
ffay', 15 tons l 0018, Son bushels; t
ley, 18o btlsbels � mixed , rt ed grata, 40 bush
els; bean~, 6 bushels ((,kions, 50 be 411
; garden garrets 20 bushels ; harden
beets, 25 bushels ;° potatoes, 350 ' bush
eta ; tnttngol(1$, 1.00o bushels : 1.2 acre
of Dwell Setts, net back $t9r;8o; pars
nips 25 bushels ; clover seed, 15 bush-
els; cabbage, goo head ; fodder corn,
I ttere ;'pinhls, 40 baskets; tOmaldes, los
basket's, 2'3 8 acres a sugtn''heets, 449
100, set back $2o2 58 ; live hogs
sold, $380,70 We put In 90 rods of tile
dralu and paint 7 i e tat
d du•,
{ t 0 work in b:� .
trent and in old part upstairs, We Also
bearded up the 1norgee and smoking
ropnl., and put ceiling in hog pen, 101 of
w h i' ll work r
c 0 1 was clone lyy the inmates.
Da Snow's REPORT.
There has been act unusual epidem'0
among the inmates Moet of the cases
ofsieltness were those clue t1, ltl age.
I ht ve made t c e 68 visits tli':nenxrl medi=
eine r,008 times besides rh',ssing
wotincls, setting fractures, sesta minor
operations, extracting teeth, anti fit-
ting eyeglasses,- ')'here were 12 deaths,
ages averaging 32 years, The causes of
death were :Cancer, 2 ,- tubereulois, t ;
pneumonia 3 ci rrhois ' of liver, h ;
apoplexy, 1, acute bronchitis With as-
thma, r ; old age, r ; nephritis pros.
tatitis. 1, The ;sanitary conditions of
the, House are good ; food of gopd qual-
ity and well.served. House comfortably
At,the conclusion of the session of the
.Council, Ic 1, Dr. A. Irwin; I n tr r
i I t has with
t tlh
honor and credit filled the position (C YIU11 of
Wudrrifor the past t ea
t •hu
1 S d who i.•
now retiring, was resented 01*1
gold headed cane and: an address t of
appsecialioo by his fellow members in
the County Council, Following is, a
copy of the address :—
Warden of the County of Fttlron :
Dear Sir,—We, Lite members of this
Council, of the County of Huron, cannot
let this opportunity, the Final' meeting of
this year, pass without `expressing •our
uuqualifked approval of the ability, un -
faking kinduess, eourtsey' and imparti-
ality with which you have discharged
the duties of your position as Warden of
this County and we ask you to accept
lhis cane as a small tribute of apprecia-
tion and respect and our best wishesfor
your future prosperity:
Signed on behalf of the Council, P.
Lamont, L. Moir, `)'hos. St.tthers, 1, 1114.
Goveslock,' Tom K. Powell, )aures
Watson,' 1. Leckie and R. McKay.
Goderich, D,1). 91h, 1940.
a''S :
to ate a
c t 1
laid 1d the bowie
t uao
n!' refuge wt'.'e mealy accordingly uud
a1ep)ort 14810 handed in on 'Wednesday
to the effect that an„inspection 1tf bot
tt a tit us li
tld 'e
t v. t l • v'
et ea .t everything
1 1l
r'. to be satisfactory. The jury wasythen
mi 1)e .
The first civil action on t -he docket
to be 'tried, by jury was that o1' Ruse
vs,'Sank of Toronto. It WAS Alt action
entered by Hug!). Rose, implement
agent, agar not' the Bank ' ofToronto for
negligence in: not having 1) note p1'o-
tt'e1-ed, This case suits postponed
the next jury81Gtings of th00 Court and
in the nletlutlme the defendant will be
at liberty to apply to -have, the jury
notice sttjcken oat.. W. Protldfoot,
K. 0.4 ior
plaintiff ff Dh
as, Garr .�,
defeedant. u for
Swarte vs. Robertson. --This was an
action entered by Thos. Swarts. a
liveryman n groan . 0f Goderich, tlgsLfuet Dr.
Robertson, of Stratford, the owner of
eti auto, which, it tvasalleged, fright-
ened one of the plaintiff's horses, which
Phil away, 'damaging the outfit and
iofliet.ing severe injuries upon itself.
This case was triedby'ur and afterrdi
two hours' deliberation a ve
verdict for
$140 damages'. was . rendered., His
Honor directed judgment to be enter-
ed with costs on the c0u0ty court
scale. W. Proudfoot; Ii. 0., for plain-
itf ; Jas. O. Malclns (Stratford) for
Wr'ight•et al. vs. Oakley et al. --An
action entered by Mrs, Richard
County Court
The Deceutber Sessions of the Peace
and County Court opened at the court
house on.Tuesday afternoon of hist;
week before -His Honor Judge Doyle.
The first case disposed of was that
of J. G. Armstrong, the Lucknow
druggist, who ho 3Lppeared to answer to
the charge of eiit-Mi ni negligence in
dispensing drugs. C. G. Locke, of
Luckuoly, appeared for the defendant,
white -Orowu Attorney Seager repre-
sented the Crown. When the grand
jury- had been empanelled and after
A. J. Holloway, of Clinton, had been
selected as foreman, 1'!,'. Seager made
the stateuleutthat, touch to hisr'egeet,
lie would have to dish for an adjourn-
ment of the case. This request was
made on the ground that two import-
ant witnesses were not available, Ed-
ward Murchison, of Toronto, had left
for the South before he was subpoe-
nec] tis a witness and was not expect-
ed hack for at least two months.
Mrs, Jane e. a
Murctli st1
n also of Toron-
to, another Material witness, could nob
attend, en account of ill -health. Mr.
Locke, counsel for the defence stated
that the defendant had gntie to con-
siderable expense in preparation for
the trial. His witnesses were all pies
-tint 4od••h0 was ready Lb go on.
Judge Doyle, However, ruled that
under the circumstances the Crown
was entitled to an adjourinnent and
the hearing of the case will probably
be held in Jiute next. .
Judge Doyle then briefly addressed
the grand jury. Be informed theta
that it was their privilege to inspect
the jail and the comitybouseof refuge
if they so desired. He pointed out
that no conveyances to the house of
eefuge would be awaiting thein to con-
vey them to the institution when they
reached Clinton. 1Ie had spoken of it
befote on other occasions, but nothing
had been done towards supplying rigs
for such purposes.
+6444 44•4•4•4•444•4444.4•44 0+41/4 .44.404.414•4.•.144.404404.114•44+
ehr'slmas •resents
• Our new goods are now hero. We bought at She closest prices direct ♦
from the manu£aetiteer and can save you looney on 4. ••
—Brooches . •
—Geta Rings
—Pearl Rings
—Signet Rings
—Pearl Crescents
—Watch Chains
—Watch Snobs
--Cuff Links
--Collar Pins
—Blouse Sets
--Watches —Pearl Sat Pins
—Gold Cuff Links -Signet Ringgs
—Snobs, 'Lockets --Stone Set Inge
—Watch Chains --Emblem I?ie8
—Gold Pins —Shaving Mugs
•• _Spoons lugs --Chains, Lockets
--Mugs--Braeeleto •'16ni1`0, Fork 4) Spooe
We carry a nice line of Out Glass, ()leeks and Silverware of
best makers, 1817 :angora 13t'0s,' 16uivea, Forks and Spoons. V1011n5,
.4 Mouth Organs, Oke.
Our first ambition and concern is to see that, our Jewelry is of a
quality that vent 'Wear, Our prices are as int' as the lowest.
"1t1111ist goods rtt loWeSt prie0s" orb ithott0,"
—Amethyst Brooches
—Peal') Sunbursts
--Tine Umbrellas
--Hair Receivers
—Toilet Sets
—Cut Glass, Rc.
—Fine 'Umbrellas
—Safety Razors
—Match 73oxes
-t4c,, )0.
H. • L. JACKSON Jewt heir
Wright, of 8ittfor
th, a;tinfst1116 ?Per'
13,101$ of the Brissele,Seaorlll
for alleged neglect in looking atter toe'
1,w,'ses, The evkleuce !vent to sI,0W'
that 1Y11i1e standing' at the. station 1441
Walton seinemonths ego the horses
were lett unattended
minutes and becoming frightened ran,:° .
away, overturning the stage and In,
jtkl'tng 5041)444410£ tiro 0004 pilaus, They
1 `1
al hinpedsave ll?rH, �,{lit o,
lg Wit
sustained a fractured rib. and was
otherwise injured, being in 'bed for
over a luo1'th as tide tesnit. Jadg.
f1a0v0or owfa0411%npien(1 $8W00, 44nd PootH in
Protidfoot;- `'
. 0., and R. S.. Hays (Seafortll for
laintiff :'iV, M. Sinclair(i3russels)) for
The case of Yellow vs, Snell 1)G al,
was placed, before the jury Thursday.
afternoon. 1 0 n This action 0❑ LIO
RC over the
plaintiff having a horse killed iu -
Exeter by a• dive wire lying on e
street. 'The' wife it is slated, tth
been biowu down by a storm :and a1).-'
Lion wastakenagainst the owners of
Pile electric g lightplagt to recover the
price of elle animal which was killed,, -
M Uxrcll"A1. Nomination
will he held
Monday, December .26th and Election.°
ort Tannery 2nd. 7hristtiins kibd New
Years will come on Sunday so tlte;._,,
following days will be observed xF
holidays. as well .RS ter the purposes
municipally specified,
,Learn Why the
frictionless. Empire
Runs Easir
e. than others.
If you've ever need any other Make of ,separator you'll.
111441,ve1 when you tarn the FrictiuulessEmpire, Sq nearly'
frictionless that it almost rune itself. Will run for half'
an hourafter you've finished skirnming, unless you stop it
. with your. brake.
The Frictionless Empire is the only
separator with ball bearings attop
and bottom of bowl -spindle.- Other
makers would jump at the chance of
using 011P Ball Neck Bearing and
Three -Ball Bottom Bearing. But our
patents prevent others using these
friction,- elitninatiug, easy - running,
life-long features.
These ball bearing features, together
with the lighter bowl, fewer closed.
bearings, more easily cleaned skint -
ming devices, etc., make the Friction-
less Empire the one really good cone
Years' of service prove their worth.
• Empil e quality in every machine, and
a guarantee as good as a gold bond.
Some day you'll own
an Empire. To (411151.'to
hasten that day we
wantyou to read our
new -25c. book..Ittells.,
the truth about the two -
standard methods of
cream separation. Gives
valuable dairy. pointers.
We will send you one
copy free, provided you
tell us the number of
cows you keep. Also
name of this publiea- '
do 1. D'-
t Don't miss this
book. Send for. it ' lm
mediately. Extra copies
25c. Ask for book.
EMPIRE Line :r
The. Lone
consists of a full range of sizes ill both Frictionless Empire (cone
method) and Empire Disc. The choice of either cone or disc meth-
od, and the size of machine, rests entirely with you.
The Empire Cream Separator Company of Canada, Ltd.
WINNIPEG, Man. TORONTO, Ont. Sussex, N. Et.
S. CARTER, Agent, Brussels
SaIe.- . -
to being Over -stocked in Crock-
ery I
rockery'I purpose holding a
Reduction Sale for 30 Days
Commencing Saturday, Dec. 3
At Cost for Cas
Tn stock will be found choice lines of
Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Ware,
Fancy China, &c.
Call and see the Bargains.
No nicer Christmas Present can be
'Our stock of Christmas Groceries, Fruits, Confec-
tionery, &c., is complete.