The Brussels Post, 1910-12-22, Page 3if
ki Ib0
7 lee fol' of Marriage
M 1 Licenses
ti:ue at BrOa.ery, TuritGerry traut, Brussels,
KC. M:
- Bre870ls .,,neat of too alaeuahous, No. 24
1 o14;lleir regular meetings fn the Ledge
laoom, 1Seeker. Sleek, 00 the 186 and 8rd
Tuesday evenings of naoh month.
Visitors always. Neleolau,
A 80 121187, Com, A. M3001711,.It. if.:
Irl J.,Y' (
oi' iVI'AEPJAG'' LLCM I lrb _
111pe is :1180 rest °lace, 8111u1. 10.4
Agent Tho ik t
Agent c
W lot ltttal
Fire luouranee. Company
Onion and haeel l ea00— .. p Y
18 887NO8, -
a alas, Will Ball for bettor rices t
p o
better filen � itunen levo a
and lees char ee
time an urnAuctioneer
n Y or Dates
a puma or
by wawa ohaegp raugool 08 Lases and orders
aa.n always ll arrongxrl at this oWoa or by
,ramal application,
SLUR VA — 014T,
Auctioneer for Huron County.,
Tarms reasonable, Salsa arranged for
at lbs 001ae 01 'ran PONT, Brueeals. 258.1
\iv &l. E1NOLAl1t—
V I3,u'rlstaq aoholtor, Ovaveyaucer,
Notary orthia, eo, Central
lis+—S.tewurt's .Block
1 Soliaidoor North ul We, llulol
HOIIoiLOr for tea Alotropolitau kook,
Y1touorooz HAYS & HALLOW) N
W. L'noonsuor, IS, 0. 1t. 0. Baro
J, L, K1LIOn8N
0f11nes—'''hose Messrs
Cameron h Dolt,.
Bonanzas, ONY•hnlo.
Royal Mail Steamers
• Prom St, John From Halifax
Hespation Fri. Dee, 25 sat, Deo. 24
Tunisian Bet Dee 81
Corsican. Fri, Jan. 0 Sat, ,Tan. 7
Grampian Fri. Jan, 20 Sat. Jan, 21
Corinthian From Boston Fri. Dee, 20
Lake Erie From Boston Frig Jan. 0
Pretorion , . Fame. Boston Fri. Jan.. 20
•""1,"+ Superior accommodation may be obtained at
minimum rates on millings forthe balance of
the Winter season.
CORONATION, June 22nd, 1911
Reeorvations for May,Jnne and July aniline
should be made as soon ae possible to obtain
choice of accommodation. Reservation lists
now open. Lull information as to rates, eto„
On application to
Agent Allan. Line, Brnsselq
'The Arian LIne, 77 Yonge at., Toronto
Regular Monthly'liorse Pairs will be
hold in Brussels this season as follows t
THURSDAY, .Jan.- 5th; 1911
" Feb. 2nd, 1911
Mar. 2nd, 1011
Aizrll 0t11, 1911
[mho local end outside buyers will be present,
To Machinery- Users
and Farmers
S T•r ry -- Y
The New Machine Shop of the
♦ 0
is now ready for hueine80, and,
• with good Machinery and Skilled e
• Mechanics, ' We are in a po8itiou S
,t ho Attend to yourrepairs prompt- a
• ly and at reasonable rates, 4
• If you will let ns know your
• wanL•s Wo will give you 'honest p
♦ advice and help if eomlected
with Machinery.
j Give u8 a trial and, by coining a:
to Brussels, save time and money e
for yourselves,
MYMfll Street Brussels i
Dual news earls
T r f Plano
Studlo et Carteret Aussie Store, one door North
of the hieendal'd Beak, Brussels; 8.0
has passed successfully herseaond examine.
Mau of the PianoforteDepartment of the To-
ronto Conservatory 08' Masle, and is prepared.
to take pupils at her home, Princess street,
linehelor of Modleine, 'Unlvorsit,Y' of Toronto ;
01V 4 1
Chiang and Surgeons, Out, ' Post. g700171101,
0hl0ago nye, lour, Nose and ln'o10 SU. ichl.
iieVa�go; I t 11.1x•House Snrgaon to Su, ptiph•
eel's tFOovltrd,'PormttW.
Office over F. It, smitl('e 'Drug Store. Tole•
pitons conneotapn with Ornnbrook at all hours.
Licentiate and Graduate of the sale 'oof Ph •
i Parket'
We will "flier cure you of Kidney
and urinarrt1isease, 00 pity fol' ail the
1 medicine (t td titling the trial. You
pay us not ilig if we fail to make the
treatment entirely s8tisfeetoey to
you, Rent tither, Nye are right here
� 1
w117re yon' fen, and our personal 1'e.
pu 7ttlen is at stake when rv0 make
this stntet ant, Certainly nothing
.could he lnore sale and scenae tor yon,
., e h :10 '
[ h most ii utlic, satPe, clTicnaous,
and altogellpr dependable treatment
70'(8 (0(042' 01' J(3l' kidney diseases, null
urin8ry ailments in general, is Rexall
1i L<lnay Rmltecly, lin all our e1per-
ieuee in the OIYInl(nla(lilig and selling
of uhediciti +a vo I LV . nem '
n T
Ptak it r O 1 t
I O R Inyq yyittt
east klgorRl Offer.
PR, M, • FERGUSON ( 1 L e n v(h found anY
ETHEL, oNT. tiling eIse flail is 80. good. 'Chat's why
rhyni0lnn aitdsul•geen;-Post Graduatecourses we 00n sell - and recoiltnlend Rexall
London Wag.), New York and Chicago Hos. Kidney ll'ernoily tyitll mu, own Terson -
pilule. Speolol attention. todlsense 0f °Ye, ear, i
n008 and throat, Eyes tested for glasses. al g'u111autPo.lo 1'llfiliall it f'l'ee if it
Dontai Burgeon
Honor Graduate •Dentalpapartrnent, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal College of
Dental surgeons, of Toronto. °MOO' in Smith
Brook recently vacated by Do', Fella,
R. M. AV LEAN, D,D,S., L,D.S.
GOrrio, Ont.`
Hone, graduate Univereify of Toronto, De-
partmentofDantietrY ; Grnduate Royal 1701•
loge of Dental sa'gooihe of Ontario. At
etor W1'ox-
everyy Tuesdayi,ilei'noonond Wednesday.
Ot$oe in Grand ()antral bleep. At
every Friday forenoon.Office in Gerrie in
Leech's Block.
Honor graduate of. the Ontario Veterinary
Oollego. Da and night ealls,...OBIoe opposito
-'Flour.M1ll,111the1.:. - -
ti9x..D Tamar 14UI ll,' r
GO000 sol07u Gone:Nowa
Molt 7:05 a m Express 10:55a m
Express 11:25 Mail
I 1:34 p•rn
Express 8:02p ru Express 8:59p in
(l ow only marCIPlc&°
To. Toronto To Goderich'
Express L811 o m Express 11:87 a in
Express 2:57 p is i Express 7:25 p m
Going East - 7:85 n. m.: and 8:55 p. m.
Going West - 12:40 and 9:47 p, m.
All trains going East connect with 0. P.11, at
Orangeville for. Owen sound, Elora and T.
G. B. stations.
GBO. ALLAN, LocalA gent.
rural Views teins
MooOAv, December 26ti andMonday,
January end have been declared public
holidays on account of. Christmas and
New. Year's lalling on Sunday this season.
• MUNICIPAL Nomination Monday; - Dec
enhber 58th. No man should be put in
nomination unless he is present or has
given his consent. if unable to attend
LOCAL Municipal. Councils have
now nothing to do with the dog tax.
The Ontario e o n islatl
ue at lastsession
S Ssi011
took this1a
matter ter
out of their jurisdiction
and set the dog tax ; one dog $tt., two
dogs $3•, one bitch $3 two bitches $5
The assessor has to enter them on the
WHEN making out. your avec uula ase
a printed billheacl. A wetL.executed
billbeadgives you a standing' with vonr
business customers.' . We execute letter
heads, envelopes, statements, billheads
and other printed matter with neatness
end dispatch. Call or phune'Pnr P002,
when in need of printing.
CgalsTofAs CANTATA.—On the even-
ing of Thursday, 29th inst , a Christmas
Cantata, entitled "Phe Birth of Christ"l
will be given• in the Town Hall, linos.
sets, under the Auspices of the W. C.'1'.
U. and directed by Mrs. Addie Wright.
There will be 35 voices in song and
story. The. MUSIC is charming and the
recitations most seasonable.•
The committtee appointed by the
Methodist General: Conference to either
revise the Canadian .Hymnal or issues
new one ins decided oe thelatter course,-
Some. work bas already been done in the
way of eliminating hymns which ere no
louger in much use or are thought nu•
suitable for various reasons and some
new ones have been decided upon for.
inclusion in the new hymnal.
Sunday Deo. 4(11 a fine new Methodist
church, of which Rev. S. J. Allis,
formerly of Brussels, is pastor, was
dedicated at the city of Windsor,
by Rev. Dr, Carman, + General
Superintendent. The new structure is
Et modern brick edifice, 38x42 feet and
cost about $14,000. Trustees asked for
$a000 on Sunday ane received $20o5.
14ev. and Mrs. Allen are commended for
their zeal in carrying so large a share of
the onerous enterprise through so sue.
GOOD Anvfcx.—'rhe foliowin. resole --
tion was adopted by the Goderich Wo
teen'; Christian Temperance Union at
the last 'regular meeting. Whereas it
he's' come to our knowledge that ade-
plorable stale of things exists in our
town in matters ot morality, we beg
respectfully to urge upon the parents
0nd guardians of the town thenecessity
of allowing their children out upon the
street unattended, after a reasonable
boon' in the evening, father, motile°,,
it may be your daughter or your sen
(2110 10 in danger. See to it that your.
duty to your child is discharged to the
best of your ability in the sight of God:
We hope to Hear the cureeW bell ringing
again In thenearfuture,
'1'ooii W ODf oao'S C11a15'OIAN
11tn1P:MMANCH UNI011,
Sor.Ax 19ajrhs. '1.'ho Dominion Sugar
Co., of )derlie, closed a very successl'ttl
year 'on the first ween of .Decembers.
'1`lle aVerlg0 sugar per cent this year
is a little less than the mot) crop being.
16.9 pet' Cent which 7s very good Celt •
sideriog11101101107 crop. For t9)2 0Ve
are paying $ per ton for 12 per cent
beets or less and percentage over it per
cent whi011 is 25 cents a ton mora thou
we paidthisyenr., which tot this year's
average sugar per cent would bo $6 13,
and r-3 cents per Ion, or the will bey
them ata fiat 2410 $4,50 per ton and free
seed to be weighed at the station and if
there ere no cars on hand 10 be put on
the ground eenhtlitional we receive 50
neves at the station, Support a Thome
industry which Is one of the hest money.
makers (w0 Have dint don't exihnnst the
and. Vett are sin's of;a good oxtail of
does not dons WO say it will,
Von had better think this over; and
come and see us aboutthis offer,
Yon will be well, ee Titid if yon do.
We have Rexall Kidney Remedy in
two sizes, 500 and $1.00. Sold only
at our etrn'e—Theleexail Store, fie R.
clover seed. We wall 5,000 acres
f18'tlext )(el and the way the contracts
are coming in we are gulag I to get. it,
have Wel e lhlut a than -
5U g Oq LI
Sill Eset
or who I1 'e contracted for
1901 from 2
to Io acres on Man Worth from $160 t8.
$loo iMr ane Every acre sown o7)
,good land with good cultivation will
pay for the lland on which they grow.
We get more beets at Eseier than any
006E1011'004 the line -»1V cu. Graham 1n•
specter, Clinton, Ont;
HoilnAys.-17ettnn tickets at single
fare for the Christmas holidays will be
on sale at G 9', R. and 0, 1'. ^i2. r f fee:
and stations Saturday, Sunday and Alotl
dal December 24. 25, and 26, good t'.,
return Tuesday, Dec 27, also Saturday,
Sunday and llondov, Deo. 31x1, Jan. 1
and 2nd, with return 1101111 of fan. 3rd.
Fare and one•Lhirdwill be on sale Wed
nesday, Dec. 2720, to Monday, ian. sod,
with a return limit of Wednesd(ty. Jan-
uary 4111.
Methodist Church is having as new
coal fut'ance installed.
Midnight Mass will be held in St.
Michael's R. C. Chnrcb, Ohristmas
eve. Rev. Father 1)111101 will conduct
the service.
L.. 0. L.—At the regular meeting of
Blyth Loyal Orange Lodge, the fol-
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing term =•-W M. H. Robinson ;
D M., 0.`Steward Cha , T. Wil-
ford ; ItchSec., Jas,Joynt Fin. Sec.,
Jos. E. Taman ; Teas., W. H. McEl-
roy ; D. of 0., J. -Gibson ; Lecturers,
Wm. Coombs anti David Carta' ;
Committee, J. Mains, F. Haggitt,
Wnt. Bryant,., Fred. Toll and A. Barr.
It• was decided to purchase "a new
banner, •
W. Ai, 0(krtel' has dieposed .;of lits
stolid t 1 1 re stallion: a ) all u 1 n
d a 1{ll lalli,f
brothel', John Cartel" a r
kkltlltlt, q'be'
peke.: paid was $500,
x. 0. Powney ,exhibited fowl at the
f*ruelph Wham' Pala, go eaplured';
2nc1 prize 00 English Red. pep 1
Cockerel; 2nd on English fled
&hop 1 ullett ; 2nd on Blue
Swedish Drake ; 2utl on :Blue Swed-
(811 Duck. Air, Pn;vlteyis.exbibiting
his fowl at Olin ton this week.
EP'1v0RTH TALSO 1,—Tho following �.
are the newly elected ofl1cere oP lite
131yI.h Epworth „League fur 1011 :—
President, Miss Sarah' 13eutley ; 1st
vice.Pres,, blies Lily Carr ; 2011 vice.
Pres., le, 13endet ; 8rr1 rice:-Pre8.,
Fritulc 11CPliereou ; 4111 vice -Pres.,
;Wee Oal eie Carter ; t7n1',-see., irked.
JLL0ksm1; 1'rensntAP, Miss Alice Gil-
lespie ; Pianist, Miss Pearl Gidley ;
Assietant.Piauist, Miss Mary Carter,
OfrarsTIAN ENerteevOI('.—'The Young
People's Society of Christian Endea-
ie coneeet1011 with St. Andrtiw's
allure') held their election of officers
with following result :—Pres., bliss
Maggie Nichol ; let vice -Pres„ Roy
Denholm ; 2nd vice -Pres., Alias Janet
Steinhoff ; See., Miss Gladys Cute
Organist, Miss 111. Steinlipff ; Assistant
Organist, Miss Emma Leith ; Oor..See.,
Miss Lena Oule;'J'r•eas., Hiles Emma
o Clubbing list
Cu redifr
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured ?
Do not wait - Fill in coupon
Age Time Rup
Single or Doable ..................
and tetun to
88 Caledonia. St. I'
Dept. A Stratford, Ont.
Cutters �A Cutters
1 -lave you seen Ewan's Display
of Cutters for this Season ?
Tile Neatest, Lightest, Best Finished and most . 1.1p -to -dike
Cutters ou the market.
—Piano box Cutters, 'with high side pads, all trinnniugs to lift nut.
Trimmed in ,plush or leather cloth. Likewise piano .box Cutters
with auto seats that tell at sight. Cannot be beaten for comfort.
—Also a large display of Portland Cratere. This is a special desigu of a
.Cutter. As it is a great mistake with many of the factories of build-
ing too •hu'ge a Portland Cutter for our reeds. We hove made a
special•studyof this style this season andhove got' just what the
•people went—a nice, neat• medium size Portland Cutter, comfortable
and got up with first class material.
—Everybody is invited 10 call at our Factory, examine our goods and be
convinced that we have the best style of Cutters on the_ market.
"Please don't forget t11at Ewan's Cutters take the red tickets at ell local
Fairs at which they are exhibited.
11111111150119 22125‘ZianallIZOW
:il ang _RUSSEkS
T13S FOIST has ]Ease at'rilllgelneute
to elnll with the following papers and
will be sent, 10 any address (except the
'United St1tGe8 80 cauls extra) at the
l'ollotviug eubsol'ipt.ion prices
Poor and 'Voronto Globe, .,..... $1 60
,, ,
Mail a nC i Empire— 1'
Loudon Advertiser,:.
London Free Press 1 80
Palllily Herald 0001(081.500.1 80
Montreal Witness:.,., 1 80
Weekly Sun 1 80
Fanners!' Advocate, , 2 85
Northern A1lessbllger; , , 1 85
POST antiToronto Staff , , y2 20
Toronto News.,,,,..,, 285
" Tor'on'to Globe.., •,,. 4 50
„ Toronto Mall-Emph'e., 4 50
Toronto World 8 00
London Advertiser „ 2 80
Call at the ofllee ur 1Oulit the
amount by P. 0. Older, Express Order
or Registered letter addressing
,Brussels, Ont.
Leith • Player Meeting Coin mittee,
u all •any 1
e e hoI Mis
s Sadie
Somers, 1 s Miss Hazel Bennett, A. Wells,
Walter Cawall Social Committee,
Slue Somers convenor, Miss McArter,
Miss Emma Leith, Miss Maggie Leith,
Miss Janet SCeinhnJt ,• Music °outlnit-
tee, ;Hiss Lrznma Leith convenor,
Misses E. Stefuhof, Jessie Somers
Myrtle Powney, Lily Wanless, illau•y
Alilne ; Lookout Committee, Mimi
Cassie McMillan convenor, Mts. Jno.
McMillan', Misses Altna Cook, Mary
Loekie, Wnh, 0oomi's ; Mies1011al yy
Committee, convenor Miss Elia Willis,
00uveuar. Misses Janet Go'egg, Kate
Barrett, Cassie Dodds, Nlamie Stein-
Dr. A. T. Emmerson, of town, has
been sleeted to the Ontario Medical
Council as the representative of' the
medical profession of the counties of
Flown and Pette. Dr. .T. A. Rubett-
snn, of Stratford, who had been the
representative of the district for the
last twelve years,' (2118 again at candi-
date, but was defeated after a contest
in which certain proceedings of the
Medical Council was keenly discussed,
Perth County
A new stone crusher has been erect: -
ed at the Thames quarries St. Malys.
Al'i Whaley, St. Marys, fell on the
slippery street and fractured his arm.
St. Marys fire brigade had only one
call during the past eight or nine
months, with no loss by fife.
Miss -Florence Bir'tch, of St. Marys;
has accepted a position on 1,118.teach-
ing staff of the 0ent1'ai _Dltsiuess Col-
lege, Stratford.
Engineer Yates, of the Hydra-Elec.
tric Commission, was in Mitchell, see-
ing after the extension of the line to
At the Guelph Poultry Winter
Fair. A. Goebel, of Mitchell, carried off
five prizes and a special on black min
occas, out of six; birds showu.
Fat: niers institutes of North and
South Perth are petitioning Ontario
Government to send an agricnitural
representative to this county.
R. 13, Davey, formerly of the St.
Moorys Argus and Mitchell Recorder
and who recently ; sold out his paper,
the Reamsville Express,has purchased
the Poet Colborne Titles.
While going to Stratford with a
load of 1900 doz. eggs, for the Whyte
Packing.Compauy, thee;wagon stewed
ou the icy road and toppled over,
scattering the eggs in all directions.
They were worth 28 cents a dozen.
Abraham and Mrs. Dent have decid-
ed on retuoviug from Mitchell to Lon-
don within the next few months. Mir.
Dent's health has not been good of
late, which necessitates his retiring
from business. In the year 1868 they
carne to Mitchell and .have since been
continuous residents of the town.
A short time ago a woman in the ad-
vanced stages of tuberculosis died in her
own home. By hor death live little ones were
left without the care of their mother. There
was money enough in the family to make
some provision for the care of the children,
bub it was almost impossible to secure any
one who would render this service, so afraid
aro many people of this dread disease. A
visitor to the home says that time and time
again she had found the 'baby sleeping it
her sick mother's bed, and'bfood
runs stored from which the childnearreny par-
took. A sequel is revealed in the fact that.
today one of these five children is a
patient ip Geavenburst, and the baby is in
the children's ward at the Toronto Free
Hospital for Consumptives.
It is for the cafe of such anlferersas these
that the Muskoka Free Hospital for Oen
sumptives has been built. The tax on the
aoeommodation is heavy, and the Trustees
have only been able to make the large ex
tensions of the present year by borrowing
heavily from the bank. An appeal is now
made for funds to help on this work and
provide a place 'Where ohildfell, such as are
referred to here, may find ahoine with good,
possibilities of Duro.
Contributions may be sent to. W J:
Gage, Esq.., Chairman Executive Com.
mittee, 84 Spadina avenue, or Seo. -Tress.
National Sanitarium Association, 847 King
St, W., Toronto. •
The Muskoka Free Hospital accepts pe
beet: from any part of the -Dominion, and
nob a single patient has ever been refused
because of poverty,
1-lurOit County.
Scottish Concert.% SVingllttnl ,lanu-
ary 0th,
Rev. Mr. 13111 llett's gasoline launch
wasbrnhght lilt 4(0 Dungannon 2roln.
Tort 'Albert and pot hi 'l'lhompeoil'y
shop too Tho Winter.
Wet, incl Ates. Weymouth, of 13u1•
lett, oelebrateci disci° Golden WeddiBg.
In Oulbal'lle, .a11 Dee. 8th, Time,
flal(lineo-, 1Tussec'1 away In his 8Q(111
y01( L•,
Zorieb Ladies Aid le eempesed of 80
melnbeee and le in a In:wpm:0m 002)'diGion,
H u1'ou Panitry Association was held
0OH71Deoetnbur, 21)111, 21st anel;22nd at
ion with G.
Oderi011 by rural tele-
1D0nloelgsaynsiloeemn will
shortly have 700-
E11, Merner
, of Zurich locality, in.
tends giving up farming and will go
into business to Bayfield.
Large quantities or beans are being
shipped from 131'uce601d, Fanners
say fiat drop is a payhig one.
There died iii West W'awanosh, .on
Dee. 711), Maria Stewttet, wife of the
late Wm. Durnin, aged 78 year's.
Drs. Dale and llayclen, of Ci odexioh,
are President. and Secretary of the
Hinton and Perth Dentists Association.
Annual meeting of '11l'hiteobeach
Cheese and Butter Co. was held in
the Foresters Hall Dec, 21st.
Edward and Mrs. AJerner, of the
Br0Oaot1 Line, mourn the death of
their son, Mervin, a bright little fellow
of about three year's old.
Members of ^St. John's— church
gathered at the home of Bruce and
1111's, Holmes, Hohnesvllle, and pre-
sented, thele with a handsome clock
and a half dozen silver teaspoons.
DL'. G, a i e 1
D. H l s i one i
a tl ti ne It
i ea
0li z t of Cl tl 01 1 ' S •
t al a t '•1 a
1 i d a1 i 1 try
, v IC
W, Dolier'ty, .. who line been is
Saskatoon, Seek., for the poet 4 years,
is a candidate for the mayoralty,
Ratepayers of Wiughaul ars Itsked
to vote On a 07.1t11y at Idle Mnnioi tal
I . , 1
electu t s la Ivo filo council a thorn
g u y
to raise $2,809 to complete t e fru ire
80tver and sewage Elis meal %Yorke.
Won and Airs. Billie): thrived 100
Goderich from the Soo end tree staying
with John Hiller in the Oo, town.
They were among the sonic° eettlers
aG Leeburn. Air. leiller and wife be.,
Mg two of the foot' who re(10001n be-
longing to Cite fleet cht;rch that was
burnt down. Mr. Hiller will still flus
a few who knew hila in those early
William Maki was kilted do the'1're-.
thewey mine at Cobalt by the contents
of it bucket falling on his(i10ac1.
C. F. Raymond of Guelph, a news-
paper than, who worked for some years
On Guelph, Hamilton and Toronto
papers, died of pneetnouia. Latterly he
was editor of the Peterhol'o Review.
Under the pen name of "Charlie Churn
er" he contributed freely to a ntlrnber
of papers He was also the author of a
number of pnblieations, "Just Be Glad,"
"Cheer Up" and ti`he Happy Lilo,"
His latest book, ."Phe Happy Life," is
just being brought. out now, at the time
of his death. He.was38 years e
Sd) st of age,
Are Your Children Properly Fed?
ET us talk about the right feeding of children.
JU Of course, you want yourchildren to
up strongand healthy; you want to equip them
for the battle of life witrged constitutions
good red blood. Now, the first step is to see that
they are properly fed. And these words "properly
fed" mean much in the diet of children. For it isn't
quantity that counts, but quality.
There is no better food under Heaven for
growing children than plenty of first, class bread
and butter. They thrive on it, grow strong and fat
and rugged. Their systems crave it because itis a
complete, well-balanced food.
But the bread must be good—the very best, and the best is made
from ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR which contains the full
nutriment of Manitoba Red Fyfe wheat—for only wheat of this
characteron a'
e tins. enough of, the right quality gluten to balance the
Gluten makes bone
and muscle starch ch makes fat. It takes
the right combination of both to make properly balanced bread.
FLOUR is richest in blood building, muscle building, health building
gluten. Children like it better and thrive better on it.
With "Royal Household" you need never
have anything but the very best results for it is always
the same, absolutely uniform, year in and year out
and is lust as good for Pastry as itis for Bread.
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