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The Brussels Post, 1910-12-15, Page 8
to Give New Mari 1 lilat•e It gilt Worth giving, Anleng the new boons we hove in stook that ate Sp dee mood ore 4 Kodnk or Brownie Camera leroWele Velerglog Camorn Good Hand Bag An o E�ieebot ut l.y Bru Jewel Case. Pieoo of Plel'5erl Brase Snap Shot Alban] Box of Lowney's Bac Dana Paint), Bottle of Perfume Piece of Limoges China White and Gold eine% Box of StetiouerY Y'ouataia Pon 11'f00 uve Set These areonly a very few items pielte 11.001 raspy, Beye, Thendon't (Toy , Game or Picture Bootie I PullChurch Hyine of lmpale a ables ands variety ofll the ffbind. fpr iy;ee children. 1 lugs. The Haladielm, by Knowles, 81,25 The beooud Ghauoe, Nellie 14'loOlung, 81,26 Vle Dop Doctor, by ltieliard')atop, 81,26 Lizbeth of the Paiet,by Marion iteitb, 8L25 Molly Make Believe, 81.00 Down to the Sea, liy Grantell, 81.00 Chriettnee Day le the 5,Iprning, 00e Christmas Day in the Evening, 500' [i3oth by Greco Rlehmoed] A ehermiug little booklet out this year ie '"Tho Recall of Love" by Ralph Cone nor, at 250 epab, d "Gist of the Lessons" for 1911, 200 each, i 0.iger'e, Streng's and Henty's Seelig for Fes mos Tags, Holly Wrapping Paper, Holly BMW for onolosing Prseerste, Chrfs6imaa Poet Cards; Calendars, tkc, 1 DaU06IBT ANZI STATIONER or ctRem ttins Teeters are Frequently late, linage Old. Boys' report on page 3. IB you want a fine phonograph call on S. Carter, Tent boliday bargains are advertised in THE Posm Local and District news on page S. Also a live array of advertising on pages 1, 3, 4,5and 8. IN choosing your Christmas present remember the absent ones are delighted to get E POST. CANDIDATES -far MnniClp&1 and school i have well to ha 'I do will trustee honorsv D their cards fnTHEPos'reat1y It a ys to"a lvertise CREAM - SBrAaATOR:-h. Carter has taken the agency for the Frictionless Empire Cream Separator. Read bis advertisement stating why it leads. COUNCILLOR P. Americo disposed of heavy draft horse to John Galbraith for the tidy sum of 8310' He keeps 4 or 5 teams in connection with his millyard and all lookwell. •r ver• Tits W. C. T. -U. will. hold a p a- n' sting in the lecture room of the ublic • Library Friday evening, Dec t ray for the success o'clock, o oc 0 i th at 8 P 6 ' throughout b ou t of the ;Temperance cause g Ontario. ONIt of 1110 sases on trial at Goderich this week is Mrs. Wright's claim for damages against W. Oakley,, proprietor of Brussels-Seafarth stage line, over a runaway and,upset'at Walton in which Mrs. Wright suffered injure. A GREAT SQLIOOL.-Oce school that is making itself telt in this community is the w eSl-lone Elliott le i Bus nass College e wn of Toronto It enjoys a large patronage and hundreds of students go out to positions each year. The Winter Term opens on lan.. 3rd. A baudsome cata- logue will he mailed to all desiring to take a coarse. BRUSSELS L. 0. L, -Following is the list of officers for Brussels Orange Lodge, No. 774, for the corning year :- W. M„ Nelson Cardiff ; D. M., Alfred Cochrane ; R. S S. T. Plum ; P. S,. TOO. Clegg ;'Preas., Phos. Clark ;°Chap Rev. D. E, Cameron ; Lect., no. Sim- mons; Dir, of Cer., David Smith ; xst Com F; McCutcheon , zud Com., Geo. Colvin ; 3rd Com., N. A. McCauley ; 4111 Com Jno, Simmons ; 5th Come jno. Clegg ; Tyler, jno. Simmons. Tete Seca. -1 • F. Rowland, manager of tbe Standard Bank, who has been laid aside by typhoid fever, is still in bed but his many friends hope he will soon' be • able to get about. -Improved conditionshave arrived in the case of Neil S. hf c Lame diphtheria Klin ill P the danger line'From heels and s said to be passed we are glad to state. -Mrs Robt. Bremner, of Efhei. who was so ill in town last day.Wesal e1' to Wilbee,ren botne on wbo has h d na day.- Waller lay off from a disabled band is making favorable progress. HoL;DAvs,-Return tickets at single fare for the Christmas holidays will be on sale at G. T. R. ands . P. n day R. office and stations Saturday, to Mon- day. December 24. 25, and also ,goodSaturday, return Tuesday, Dec 21, Sunday and Monday, Dec. 31st, Jan. r and 2nd, with return limit of Jan; 3rd. Fare and'one•tbird will be on sale Wed nesday, Deo, 2101, to Monday, lan. and. with sternen limit of Wednesday, Jan- uary uary 411. VARSITY THE VICTORS. -Toronto Press says: -"Varsity added another ch a mp - ion ship totheirlong list when they annex- ed the senior OatarioEootbauhonorsSat- urday by defeating Broadviews at Ccar.l boyo Beach estn a close game by the score goal of the a Y g • idle 1 too the de % andonly o tearer beigg tallied by Cameron, of Varsity, in the second half, Brown was the brilliant star for Varsity. The game was seesaw ail the way, with Broad - views having as much of the play as the winners.. In fact, at several stages the college goal was stoutly beset. About i now made real good football •quainta0ees in Molesworth l0cahty. imossi of s im ossible,'" "Tho brilliant Star" W C Smith left for Alton on Tues• referred to is no leas than thee - k known Rs Brown, of Brossels, who s Rue. B 0 often aided the home n e scoring in team ' i Another ViC10 ems, reP o of rt day's maker ;-"Varsity platted an OX celleut nombleatiou game and Brown as usual did effective work, In the Second half Brown got the ball and made a splendid run down field,' passing rigbt clown in front of the Broadview goal. Irwin, however, made a stop and pre - ti tiny score Broodviews after ------- 4 1 COMING EVENTS Sunday, Des 18 -Anniversary of tbe Methodist Cburch, Rev. Dr. Dougall, of Goderich, will preach.. Monday. Dec. Iq-Illustrated Lecture Church by Eternal City," Dolmall,odist of Goderich, Wednesday, Dec. 21 -Base Bali Enter- tainment, Town Hall. Talent, Imperson- ator S. Homer Eaton ; bliss Mame Jack- son, soprano soloist ; Baritone Firth. Thursday, Dec, 22 -Closing exercises l fP . 0 17 Ghee ' ' Sunday, Dec. 25th-LhT1srods Day. Monday, Dec. 26th -Municipal Nomi- nation. Thursday, Dec. 24th -Christmas 'Can- tata in Town Hall, Brussels. The Bast Servant Is a Strong of the Fa 'mter!k Ghat�'�ered • Ban The Metropolitan all Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers and extends to thele most Reasonable Terms, Every Department of 'Banking is Conducted Drafts and i4ioneY Orders issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELS BRANCH F. 141 GILROY, MANAGER List • Clubbing ubb 50 for 50 Cents We have on hand a few thousand THE POST has made arrangements Ohristmas post cards. which we are to club with the following papers and selling below manufacturer's cost. will he sent to any !dd, ess (except the the Send 50 cents in stamps or cash and United States 50 cents extra) we will sand you post Hard, 60 beant 1- following subscription prices Weeklies ful Christmas Garda, which you can- Globe anywhere re less than 5 y of duplicate cents a ti h. Don'tdelaq but write to' us at once. Superior Card Co. 20Metcalfe at. Toronto, Ont. THE POST was glad t0 have a sell from Robert Steles, of Three Valley; B, C., e former resident of this' locality, tvlto is calling on relatives while' East on a business trip. tie is engaged with a lumber firm and bis work evidently him. well with es agrees re W. McLeod. of Cypress River. and Winnipeg, was renewing old lfrriendslli s in Brussels and locality tending to business in connection with horse buying. •He handles clot of eqn- ines, It is od went West 3where beo years nprospered. ce Mr. c THE Post was glad to have a call from Hinz and also a re0ewal of his subscription. Church es Rev. Dr. Oaten was assisting this week in Evangelistic services on Ash- uit. field circ Regular meeting of Maitland Presby - at ofrn xt11be held hi week. O a o1 1130 mut resting topics to be discussed is Church Union In connection with the series of Ad- ventsermonsin St. ,John's church the rector will speak on "Joseph" next Sab• bath morning, at the eveningservice the topic will be "Eternal Life." The Spelling atch on Ute Book of A- Y. P Church ch A. (, h r atSt. John's Ruth were Sides S feature. was an interesting chosen by Mrs. (Rev,) Cameron and H. Drage, the former winning by a few points. The words were announced by the Rector. ANNIVERSARY. - Next Sabbath Rev, Dr. Dougall, of Goderich, will preach the anniversary sermons of Brussels Methodist Church, at it a. m. and 7 p. m. A tree -will offering or $ts° is asked by the Trustee Board Monday evening following Rev, Dr. Deegan will give an illustrated lecture en "Rome, tate Eternal City". Beautifully colored d.ssolving of views will be shown. Loc. a tune at 9 o'clock. AdnlisSion fee i5 and to cents. Dr. Dougall is an able preach. er and fine lecturer having visited the scenes he speakOO of and should be heard by many, Rev. Dr. Oaten will preach l at Goderich on Sunday. MAITLAND PRESBYTERY NO'rEs.-ReV. 1 A. C. Wishart, B. A.. of !Brussels, oc- cupied his owu pulpit last Sabbath atter engag- ed • beingi, g hs oat of two m abseuce uce an s ed in Evangelistic work in British Columbia. -Dr. McTavish and Dr. Murray of Toronto, did splendid evangelistic work in Kincardine during November and as a result about 70 persons professed faith in Christ and muted with the church. -Rev Dr. Murray, of Toronto, conducted a very successful anniversary service in Wal- ton on Dec. 4111, the offering amounted to $2oo.-Presbytery of Maitland will meet on Tuesday Dee. 20th in St. And- Brew's Church, Wingham• The circuit of Assembly anent the Basis. of Church union will be discussed and disposed of, of also C.lWl �Ruti om a Rutherne foer in rd, Dungan- non, ' ungan non, SHORTEST day of the year will be next W ednesday, the ztst. SsvEaAL items of interest are caro ded r next out of this issue but will app week. Benssr.Ls talent will assist at the jack - eon church, Morris, Entertainment next Tuesday evening, in M7lxrorrAL affairs are very quiet town. None of the present Board ap v anxious for office and nobody sem' ver. else seems very desirous for theft job Dotem miss this great treat, then say you're sorry but come and you'll have pleasant memories of an evening well spent. The Firth -Eaton concert. Town Hall, Wednesday evening Dec. etst. 0_ have. them by . 1tN found. Owner may Meremet PACKAGE ofbandkerehiefs lostn Brunsels blige by on Saturday. Binder will. greatly leaving it at TSB POST. mutts lost in Brussels on Wednesday. Pinder will greatly oblige by leaving them at THE Posen *5o each W. 10.r canine, Jamestown, Ben i paying far this nonce. SRO OLIVER's Livery Pena bred, white Leghorn roosters for sale LARGE Coal atone and a baby carriage for sale. Apply at once to Dn. Toone, Mill street, Brussels. EI.00IITtON AND PaTSTOAL OIILTIIRE.-Miss Ida Colourposes organizing a class in Elocu- tion and PPhyslcal Culture. Persona desirous of receiving instruction in either or both may have portionlars by conferring with Mien Cole or calling No. 859 telephone, or writing Ethel P O. street, Brussels. Apply to �o-_ SCHOOL CONCERT.^Tltut5daV evening of next week an Entertainment closing up the year will be given by Brussels Public School in the Town Hail, com- mencing which ar t wh ' k o P 'etoc n 'n at So et g and e7tpupils are invited. No admis- sion feechareed. THE LEADING Seno0L.-The Central Business College of Stratford stands to the forefront as the great practical train• ing school of d'estern Ontario. It is Dot only the largest of its kind in the West, but it is also the beat. Its good work is appreciated, and its registration for the Fall term is by far the largest in the his'ory of the College, and yet the demand upon the Scbool for trained rel was many times the number grad• p sating. By the Coite¢e advertisement which appears elsewhere in this paper, you will see that they have three dis- tinct departments --Commercial, Shor- t -mad, and Telegraphy. Write the Col- lege for its free catalogue. You will find it interesting. k About People We Tal Norse Sharpe, of Iugersol, is here on a brlet visit. r Bank, 1 0 e Wilton, of the Standard antra d Elmira. was home from Elm Miss N. Granger has returned from a visit with relatives at Molesworth. Miss Haynes, milliner, has gone to at Hamilton Inc vacation,, her home Miss McDoaaid Was renewing old ac - TFiI Euilbl'ahed iti73 OF CA *DA 60 Steadies A Complete B0 ing Service Available fol' Manufacturing nd Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, tanners and priva F individuals, 80 Savings Bank Depar e t at every Bralnch. IIMIT5i ,L" I5RANCH j. ;rr, Mole/do. do. td, Manager 0, C. Lee offered $4000 °ash for the fivei v d •ich humidor hotel, allowing (xo ei years exemption from taxes, except seh005 tax, sale to be subject to the (the hotel be Erin as ,t that ou tl Summer t f i ar I11n1 and ' ant p l m s for hots used for any other purpose exemption from taxation to cease. The Connell voted it dotvu. Lieut. -00l. Richard- Sidney Mc- Knight:, of Stratford,. died in Toronto atter a lung illness on the nig Saturday, December 10th, in his 701, • B Yost Poet'and Toronto $1 80 ' year, Deceased was born m e n Mall and Empil.e 1 130 Ii'elanil, on Oct. 28, 1841, and oath "" London Advertiser,., • 1 60 when a child with his parents t Family Free Press1 80 township of Blanshaid. lie entere Iratnily Herald and Star 1,80 the service of the Grand Teems Rai Montreal Witness 1 9. way in, 1871, and was for over i Weekly Sun,,.,,,:..•1 80 years a passenger conductor until • �", • Fanners' Ail voeltte. , , • 2 35 health compelled hie retiremel;t s "' Northern Messenger... 1 38 1 years ago. Ills lastrttn was betwe t, Dailies Stratford and Port Dover. I -le 11: r.,,$220 onettn10 took an aotfve rntetesbVll 1'oeTanclToornto Ne 2.35 military matto1's+ 911(1 1'Ose fuimi;a Toronto News .. • • • • privets loo be Lieuten9nl, 00b0nel i>f • Toronto Globe 4 5113028th Perth Regiment, allyears. 0 Toronto Mail Empir e.. 4 50which he filled thirteen ," TorontoWmld.••' 3 00 was a member of the Central Me 10' .-• t led by 80 esteemed st highly. e .Advertiser -.131 •r London ,hutch y dist .r. e Call at the office or -remit . -the . ];Lege circle of acquaintances and ba amount by P. 0. Ol Glee, Express Order his long illness with Christian patitiice of Registered letter addressing and fortitude. • Besides it widowil 51 THIS POST, ' leaves four daughters: Mrs. (R0.)' Brussels, Ont. 7. H.. McBtin, Welland • Mrs, Oslo MacRae, Ottawa, and Misses snivel _.----- -- and Carrie Mc1 tiigllt, of the Stull 11. d spending . the last few weeks public school 80901011g staff visiting friends at Hamilton OBIT. -Many friends willaieg�lir ai g and 'Toronto, Mrs. 19.iclharcl Robin- learn of the death of Son. takes the lead in oultry raising of the late Bev. Robert Leask for in these parts havinger disposed mesLrwill have many chub ch at St minister He Helens. Pr by - D eta - to n e1 pp Youthe. worth. of u . r g et $85 tvo well to ked up ed was- eldest daughter to look after the eggs p Thomas McRae, of: '"Junefield" ..film, to her,Guelph township. Leldbury ,Bhat Ring, in which ed frontParkdateeto 1 9d. 1Calge. are 36 1u10. 32, had a deairig14,-satisfactory removed and on year. in pounds, beeves, Bred di ing street, rn onrsonne friends had called n d 166ay hsea on.wereGespoered diving afternoon a:fteinoon tea with. ter. the season. 8 cents per pound was the rate net. John:R. Bell, of .Morris, She was chattingwith ill, sa1gP, rs 111 was the butcher .and did his work well. whenhere is something the tttattee :hili Improvements will be made at the'my react;" Arad in a Ealy minute he - slaughterhouse. The old Boar'beid ogu clan Family y• P y stn a unconscious. b m McGavin g car no:fo Jr se ,.d On .O • 1 Cte at t rasa he See- fled and Alexander, Se 9 • cu rotary. and BellIngs re.enga e , I anothet doctor wa they x'etary. l4h'. t I's•eng9ged, 1 to do anything for her, and Friday all, died 1411+. Tiny, of or $4. ll, disposed of t1 Nov 2,th.e0 clock of death wit pr0- 20 Ib. gobbler for $4.00. _ • ..mac..,, •na..e,m,.m.•ffi'n^ • _ r Pon sale acomfortable cottaggO on Elizabeth J. H. OADIBRON. { 0100d Gifts 1 To he able 10 find gifts that at'awi e satisfy your man good will, pl r.eelpiotitand stili remain within the Matte of.yWe pocket tlo53511 thatifI no oyt033 will will fitid in nnr,stook the items that. will heat eouthitte these throe esten- Wale,;. Our Stock Comprises G..oe, ToYs,Dolts Perfdra08, gine pursers and Iland Bags Mttnicrrroo, Toilet Caseq Fancy Mirrors, rountalrt Pena Writing sots Blklios and y9Yn,nals, Fancy ink eotttes, MI5rere XMAS Cards, Booklet°, Calendars Fapeteriee, &e. lily a alot of blood on the brain,. }It's. Leask was predeceased by her bnsband 2 years. The above and other lines which we eallnat here enumerate we will be pleased to showyou if you favor ns With acall atF • r. 1u 9 DRG STORE• • P.S,-Tiorthe past few goat"It aL been our custom to send, our Call has endars t o have some the mail ; this s year v eo h •] rod tl g ' the over L them o x poNN.--At theRathwell 111 Dell Beeultel to decided t0 distribute t L to to have Delia, son, t Mr. rmd,ah•s. Randan,tln Du u a be i mot., -7n 0 Molii1815, on DCO. Ist,' to Mr, and Corn tarso that we will g . Mrs. Owen Hurt, a son. nor nnstnnlers call for one of them at - their• CO t1 V 00151300, DIED. SSoo5nr,-At Wellington, Tosus, 0n Deem- Stock for Service Decem- ber 4tb,13r. Jumes Moonoy, aged 68 ears .8 months. ti _-,--------------- endE� spa pndarsigned Wlll kc'ei �f 6ERVI0 C for service on Lob l8, Oon 1a, a thOro • d�TRAYd.. 'cremation weighing3510erbwher6. applicatilon. Tering B,D. Mother of this heft abouts pounds. Tnfurulu ly c to application. tries at the Fat 'Atorlt deny at' reey'l!w PRANK tnsolpruo d 1Proprietor. corp will be thnnlcrull BROWN, Fr Prl ab JOBS r+ tel 11 J 1 C'l P .yyGre w • o•25O un b 9 A 1 9 Lot , t70LL N � - this were on the defensive most of the good stead is this sickness. time, with their goal hard pressed. l g I bo vg in the 'sod v ofOne the town Varsity kept rushing the play which ' person of W. R. Stretton, of Port filter, P eY renin form ii gHe at tini itis Cameron put g ntevs Irwin failed to stop THE Poor read- • Arthur, Mr. +: ars Will believe it all right when we state y or,s Welland is able the day to push his buggy painting contract tltl act there. Miss Lavine Edwards is back to town after an extended visit with her sister in Stratford. tom Miss Violet McKenzie is home f her millinery situation at t,ondesboro for her vacation, We are 1301.1y to report the illness of Mrs. George Crooks, Queen street, but hope site will have a speedy recovery. Mrs. Crooks hes been a remarkably hearty woman which should stand her in Winthrop ANNIVRBSARY,--(Javan Church holds its anniversary on Sunday, 18th ifist. when Rev. M, Whaley, B. A., of 7orra, will preach morning and even- ing.Md odoy evening. ng• 1A th ins t, hopper and Entertainment will be given. Supper will be served front 5.80 to 8 o'clock, after which an ex- cellent program will he given in the church. The Maple Leaf Orchestra, of Seafm•th; Prof. Clark and Geo. Murdie, of Seafarth and Mise Bart, of HeliSall, will hike part andseveral ministers will give addresses. Coven elmec11 is noted for its high class en- tertainments inments and itis anticipated that- this hatthis year's will eclipse all. that the Cameron who was attending it as he lives on "'easy street, " Ha is a us, he of Loadbury TTE'tVBY No'rEB.-A little son John Dennis had hisleg broken recent- ly but is itnptoving nicely. -Simnel McPherson has disposed of his grinch ing and sowingoutfit to Befneweis Bros. who wilattend to the wants of their neighbors in the futul"e.-lVlrs. Sarah 'Hewitt has bad her season's crop thrashed and atoned in the dry. be •nin all VL lug roma where it -will e y 1 lilt 00.• 'O m 1 1 tl g . ea to the Cr to tit i h pP• iter, tele, l:'laricis Medulla and Gloag , Margaret, have gone to Michigan where they will spend the Winter business 011 that oce«aeon was 1 with friends.--Somegg evil disposed h at on�, heCfertvard 1100 aan(1 wa to brother to W F Stratton of town r the perSO 1111one line •,Casa. of here whore ie d'.bent on the forty«rd It R• watt Brown is home from t person has been tampering with the of Brnsseleintermediales. College of Pharmacy, Toronto ofo New has been cutin some thews 1ho esSWtetut member Saturday was a cold clay for cleiewfootball lint 'tsars, 15. is will return a good leo Ih158 113 that g stn dee 14th line rue colder for guess. tv toad- 1)111 . Rus.his letetel3k 113 student mgt r r hada :lot that a cn 'bride 4 anything viewde y coin - Varsity, we VSntrtro to• guess. Broad- but retains k Brussels, on Will. Cameron, of Cradbfook, is 0110 0f about the hetppylooent oath preterit.been view .team is a good one but wore batt and is a :l back nu the Varsity team thio Weak, but we won't ellnsti' on Victoria Pat I the forwards on the same eleven, Ude or 1100 oceations, - mas this Christmas ICOR r season we' are again well prepared to supply our customers with a large range of the useful and ornamental . merchadise that is usually required for the Holiday trade- -A Gents! 'Hdkf at 35, -A large range. 5fc, 15i 20en25c Ladand1es' 50c,a'rn Lawn, Linea (til Sills. 5c, 10.r„ 2 for 250, 15c, 20L, -See our new "tissue" lCollars at idlci's. at 20c et850 teh.and 5052.Special-Ladies"Taucy• Belts at 25c,c'35cc, 60c amid 750. Knitted *Infidel%8 at soca Silk Mufflers at 1.00 " Silk Scarfs at 1.00 Rua 1.50. 41 Black Silk Mitts at $1.75.' ' u s at 10e er ll, •1so .-A full line of the Harvest designs in Frtllt g p m a box for 25e.. ' -Motor Veils at 60c and 1.00. and 5t. at20 c. and Gloves es Wool Mitts aPer • ears Fur lis ' theC - n1cT'nt O1and -Childt'e.n's Coats ; Ladies' Cloth, Fur -lined Studs, Muffs and Caperutes. llkl ods. 'n s ofa 'mtrn 1 • Silks and g Goods S 't'at, U 9 -Dress -Ladies' "McPherson" Ilciekoy Boots at Shoes and 50. Ladies'.-Felt Slippers at 650 and 1.00. Gents' & Boys' Shirts Collars, Ties, Braces, Gloves, M lers 1. - "" + • ..TSncred l)," 138kfa. for. the boys at 2 for 25c. -Tidone -Pretty es, ILb'0 and 500. `ipet;ial ass0xtlneut of sill[ crochet lit and up singly in fanny Xltltte boxes, at 500. • -dcat loch 15c, ' Lr•, 259 and SUc, -Kid Mocha lined fllloves at 100 and 7..50 --Mufflers at 25e, 50e, 75e and 1.00 -Gents' "McPherson" Hockey Shoes i r 5 5t atter 3:00. -(leIts„iweedfine Melton Overcoats and Fal -Boys' tnl Youths' Tweed Suite and Overcoats. -Gents ad Boys' Boots, Shoes,Ribhere and Overshoes, e es. -Gents' Felt Slippers at 76o and 1.20. WEAREAGENTSFORTHE Me us the First Caller your flequirement5, you u 5 tem t to E 14111 d a our be y PATTERNS rt�RNa STANDARD �' .d/ Satisfactorily, . 10&I5 CENTS•NbN)r HtER lex. Str chtn Li .to -date Christmas -The Citi llifia,kerss Great Opportunity Articles Purchased s E"rlgraved Free You get new ideas. by looking Om' our stock of Xinas Gifts for old 5111(1 young. We place -at your disposal a wide range for selection nlfrom pretty remembrances at small cost to elaborate at le arttolea in. • Jeweledescriptions, Watches, Clocks, China, Outy oalp . Chinas glass, Kodaka, 7.'bony Goods, Xmas Post Cards, and Novelties, Toys and e Dulls, t g '0al1 and select our stock of Holiday Seleetiotls at wendi's aEwG 1 St o re ” Wroxeter 4ox°ter ___ er .--.roe..s,w,...........—*:Bra —..xs,w.w..wxi ,'., me000eees000eeeeoeee00000 eCv'leadenaeeffieeeeseseeeocoso® g ta 1 Brussels Daylight Store g9 gl McLaren I : ® 9 • Bargains h 3, Ladies' and Girls' 1nter Coats f3 tP w p to 13 Duly odd sizes in broken lines of Women's Winter Coats, in black, e navy, brown and green, this seasons beet kind s ati-f1tt1 in the t 1 one of at o ; not all sizes v 87 te, inches lot and n a g • mice.' 0 lot; regular prices 13.50,12,60 and 11.60. Your of �v�.J 0 of the lOt for.,..., G ..�o 41 e 8 only Tweed Ooats, semi and loose fitting, regular values O is rsup to 10.00. Your choice for .. ' ...f 99- 0 . • 9 drilyChildren's Daelt Colored Tweed Coats, reg. values 1147 ,325 . 6.00 ; for ages 8, 10 and• 12 years. Your choice fin ,. 4y + e tinil lam colons.; fur .� a hildren'sCcats, dark colored ttv.eda p ,_ -"-j a 13 out' O ; re.n1a1 values tip to 0.50. a ages 8, 10, 12 anti 14 peat's , g • . i O Your choice of the lot for —.—,....,,,,,..a„,.,.,,....,-..,,, 4q e _ v 0 e Sale of Skirts 0 p ® ab e 22 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts in black, blue, brown and a few m a • tweeds ; septa traveller's samples ; this seasons styles ; v'�.75 1 '. reg. values trp to 6.50. Your choice of this lot for 0 s ® ladies', Misses', Children's, Men's and treys Warm Winter Gnderaitithing e A complete stook at lowest prices. • m ea e r aids In Boys' and Men's Overcoats g © �� y t1 The hest stock of Overcoats we have ever shown in blacks, green's; w `� butes and fancy tweeds ; dress emits with velvet collars, Prussian ecollars, and the Peogesso adjttat3Lble collar. sa 4 extra good values • in men's at•- e o _ . • .00 13.7 5 8 .,. �2 e 4 extra good valueq in boys' at-- 0 050 7. sa. 5 4. O6.00, 5.00, 6 7a ue slises e • e MI Res in the Celebrated Granby Gabbers and G r a r Woe bays received a 1111112001' o1 good, lin es of Xrnas Xmas'� Gblid2.. .i 0I1 will feud 1)44117 useful 0,i id fol' m �t (�e ,Hose M��ditg GI'ifts in Furs, Rolfe, Molts, Gloves', o 0 FancyCollars, 1lt5t Under10lothing, Dress Goods, Silk, Net and a '-L1 t Ties, 1.. et t l ' .7314 k s a Collars, ill tfflele ! ulla s t 1. .� " 7 iL'S Q f e ars , c Sit ei o Lawn Waists,' Haus •. Slippers, W ,, ' h, tltce L owe s r the v x 1 1 y b i e 'McLAREN 0 e an lr a • Highest prices for Produce.o g botitit6o00o0000l c etoaoea4eeeoweelooeeoeeol0009686ereOitt}3k3oe {