HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-15, Page 7o
• a '► '1"w/•. 'IMPOVERISHED BLOQD
Young Folks A Oommon and a, Dangeril
Trouble—Yon must Enrich
the Blood. to Escape
Anaemia is simply a lack f
bleed. It is one of the most oo.
mon and at the same time moat
dangerous diseases with wide
growing girls Buffer. It is oommo
because the blood ;so often become•.
impoverished during development
when girls are too frequently allow
ed to over -study, over work an
suffer from a lack of exercise. I
is dangerous because of the stealth-
iness of its approach, often being
well developed before its presence
is recognized, and because of its
tendency to grow so steadily worse,
if not promptly checked, that it may
run into consumption.
The value of the tonic treatment
with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
should be known to every mother
in the land. These Pills make new,
rich .blood, time the organs and
nerves, bring a glow of health to
pale, sallow cheeks, and drive away
the weakness, headaches, faint-
ness, heart palpitation and loss of
energy so noticeable in young girls
who are suffering froin anaemia. To
all such Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
are an actual life saver. .Miss Ma-
be1.MeTavish, Prince Albert, Sask.,
says "In my case I can only say
that lifehad lost its magic', all work
was a trial, and even pleasure only
a task. When I went up a flight
of stairs I was ready to drop from
sheer weakness, and I had begun
to think life would be a continued
burden. But al] this is now chang-
ed, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. These were recommended to
me, ' and after taking , them for
about a month I found my health
renewed. I could sleep better, my
appetite returned, and I was so
strong and well that housework was
no longer a burden to me. My sis-
ter seemed to be going the same
way -last summer and Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills were at once sent for and
two boxes made her as well as
ever. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
now the prized medicine in our
home, and doctor bills have been
fewer since we discovered the vir-
tues of this great tnedicine."
Sold by all medicine dealers or
sent by mail at.50 centavo box or
six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
The success or failure of a party
for young people depends largely on
the amusements suggested by the
hostess, There are times when
•onversation lags, particularly at
the beginning of the evening; and
it such junctures the introduction
of Some novel game or diversion
serves to. "break the ice" and put
ivory one at ease.
Here are two simple forms of en-
lertaiuwent, new to many persons
n this country. The first is in the
nature of a "stunt," and requires
10 special preparation.
An empty bottle is placed upon
I small table,the cork being set
loosely in the top of it in such a
way thatthe least tough will dis-
lodge it. The members of the party
bele lined up some distance away,
• Ind with right arms extended horir
.oniony, walk rapidly by the table
in tiptoe, endeavoring as they pees
;o dislodge the cork by a snap of
ate finger. No one must stop or
slow up as he reaches the table,
nor may the bottle be touched or
The trick appears so simple that
She surprise`of the performers when
ihey `miss the cork and snap the
sir, as they are almost sure to do
In the first trials, never fails to
excite merriment.
'The second diversion is a gassing
;ase, and requires a little more
preparation. A dozen or more bot-
Iles aro partially filled with differ-
int fluids, each having a distinc-
tive odor. Coffee, tea, vinegar, le-
monade, ginger ale, vanilla, al-
nond, olive -oil, tomato soup, chick-
tn broth, and a perfume or two are
Ire suitable. There should also
oe a bottle containing plain water.
A number is pasted upon each
bottle, and the guests are provided
with cards containing correspond-
ing numbers. If possible, a few
drops of some anilin dye -black is
best—should be put in each bottltp.
Che dye does hot affect the odor,.
Ind the uniformity of color will
make accurate identification more
The bottles are placed on a table,'
and each person is invited to smell
the contents, and to write on his
card the result of his investiga-
tions. No one is allowed to speak
during the examination.
The guessing process, and after-
ward, the announcement of the ac-
tual contents of each bottle, will
prove amusing. Usually the most
laughter will be aroused by the
various guesses regarding the con-
tents of the bottle of water. If de-
sirable, prizes may be given to the
makers of the best and poorest
A Meteor Fell a few Yards away
From the Vessel.'
The Hull trawler which last
week recorded (fiat during its voy-
age in the North Seaa meteor fell
a few yards away from the vessel,
shaking it from stem to stern and
rendering its compass useless, was
not the first vessel to have narrow-
ly escaped disaster by the fall of a
meteorite, says the London Daily
The African Prince of the Prince
Line was nearly engulfed in the At.
lento from a similar cause lin Oct for
' a, ober, 1900, and the captain on, an
reaching Liverpool gave an inter- 8
• esting account ,of the escape. He Se
-- nd, the second officer were on the 50
bridge -when the bolt fell from the As'
blue and it seemed to them as it an
entered the water close to the ship
it til
t1, the
Old Gent (who has just finished
reading an account of shipwreck
with loss of passengers and all
hands)—"Dear! dear! I'm so sorry
for the poor sailors that. were
drowned." Old' Lady' -4 `Sailors 1
It isn't the sailors it's -the 'pas•
sengers I'm sorry for. The sailors
are used to it!"
Often what appear to be the most
trivial occurrences of life prove to
be the most momentous. Many are
disposed to regard a cold as a slight
thing, deserving of little considera-
tion, and this neglect often results
in most serious ailments entailing
years of suffering. Drive out colds
and coughs with"Bickle's Anti -Con-
sumptive Syrup, the recognized re-
medy for all affections of the throat
and lungs.
It's awfully hard to convince
some men that other people have
Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
d GranulatedEyelids. Murine Doesn't
Era Eye Pain. 'Druggists
11 murine Eye Remedy, Liquid; 25c,
c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
eptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
d Bye Advice' Free by Mail,
Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago.
to be a huge mass ,sof molten met
poured out of the sky: 'Had
struck us," said Capt. Anderso
"we would have been totally an-
nihilated without a doubt—another
mysterious loss of a vessel in every
way fitted to undertake a voyage,
"I am of opinion," he added,
that to some such cause must be at-
tributed losses so mysterious that
neither steamship, engineering nor
ordinary theories can explain
them." ,
Some folks never feel saintly un -
they have a chance to syndicate
it sorrows.
Ma -in-law found her cherished
daughter lying across the sofa in
Scuds of tear's.
"Maria," exclaimed ma -in-law
ovorely, "tell me at once 1 . What
bas hb been doing?"
"We had a c -cake for t -tea I
1 -cooked myself," sobbed Maria,
"and an
d when he tasted it he said did
[—did I—did I---"
"Ho said did you make it?". as -
listed ma -in-law.
Maria nodded.
"Well," said ma -in-law, "but
what was there in that to wound
your feelings, child 1"
"It was the—tend way he said it,
mamma I" gasped Maria. . "He—he
didn't ask m -me if I'd made it, He
-he said, `Darling, did you perpc-
ti trio this cake1' "
1i r. Oldstyle--'`I don't thinkthat
a college education amounts to
maul," Itarclup-•"Don't you?
Well, you ought to pay my boy's
bill and sta."
Welcome tie Sunshine atter o storm Is the relief
when an obstinate, pitiless dough has been drivoq
away by Alien', Lung Balsam. No opium in It.
The good effect Lasts. Take a bottle home Nity
you thin dos..
Father—"I'm very much afraid
that Millie will elope with that
young rascal." Mother—"I don'.t
think so, :dear, I reminded her last
evening that girls' who eloped got
no wedding presents, and I feel
sure that my words sank deep into
her heart."
Minard's' Liniment. Cures Burne, Eta
"I cannot understand ze Eng-
leeshe language," said the desper-
ate Frenchman. "I learn how
pronounce ze word 'hydrophobia,'
and zen I learn zat ze doctors pro-
nounce it 'fatal.'"
Por !Wag, ,Cuda,
bow, Sainte. Oat..
bleed Polon*, btC.'
that Bore
then it will
soon bd
be0le& •
Sure Ctn.*
rnvlr. fleck
Though Portugal Is a Poor Coup.
try the People hive Well.
Thanks to their rulers in the
past, Spain and Portugal are now
the poorest countries in Europe,
with little current gold in them,
Both are beset by the unsanitary.
nuisance tai dirty paper money of
low. values. Portugal has bank
notes, down to 100 refs, worth from
8 to 12 cents, according to the fin-
ancial credit of the day.
But the people are not so much
to be pitied,as is generally imagin-
ed, More' necessaries of ,-e ai•e so
cheep that a little money goes a
long way. In Lisbon one may .dine
admirably for 0 cents with wine,'
perfect cleanliness and a napkin
included. Lisbon's fish market' is
perhaps the cheapest, as it is one
of the best, in the world, 'Fruit
also abounds, while grain of ' all
sorts is cheap.
This abundance of general cheap-
ness of mere. essentials explains
the prolonged apathy of the people
and the reason why they have' so
!mg borne the burden of misgov-
rnment without active resistance.
he factory girls of Oovilha and
lsewhere make a brave and cheer -
1 show on a wage of twelve cents
The tax collectors take 'much
fDm the poor'man in. Portugal, but
t 's little that remains is enough
f existence, and to the good
the faithful land d the
seems a grace to thank God for.
lrieedom is the right to choose
the" right.
To crush your powers is not to
rule them.
A-;;atalogue of vices never led
any lie into virtue.
Anaemia ' is often temporarily
mistiaren for virtue.
Reenge is better than a greedy
kind;.lf gratitude.
lessmore the tongue flows th
le head knows, • w e
Arilingrowing conscience drives
man a man into sin,
to ge.
ideal}ithout getting a hard.job on
his h S
• who talk much of dying-. are
r dead already.
fussy Christian tries to pre -
he faith by ferment.
of those who want to go to
back out from dying.
've for praise is before long
our soul on the counter.
an ever followed a great
ds. •
Wh the pulpit gets into the:po-
etic olids is misses the man on the
paves t.
7s .�t� 3•'
�'r s,
cutckly jj�',,r,s can era cures �
the thro,Ytnd land • -oo12u cents.
"My od man," said the kind
old lad o'the ex -convict who had
called, ging, "what were you in
for?" ' tabbing the guests in a
hotel, m n." "Ah 1 Were you the
proprie or the head waiter?"
Dy Brlbin el Nerves With opium 'on - may
W n•ordeug �� 1an t a Bung Balsam, ion contain ubado
opium,. goo°�. the root of the trouble and cures
deep.seated� actions of throat midterms.
Drill S
steady dr
"Right a
(not mo
I'm right
cant (after three hours'
with the new recruit)—
t face!" New Recruit
g) -"Thank . goodness;
tut something at lad!"
Minard's Lin brit for saleeverywhere.
"Young n," said the serious
person, "dt t you realize that the
love of moa is the root of all
evil?" " .11," answered the
spendthrift, ou don't see me
banging n t
g g money' as if I loved
it, do you?"
A good ho't remedy for Rheu-
matism, Nqur is and Sore Throat
is Hamlin • and Oil. Nothing
will so q ' k drive out all pain
and infla a n.
I; r ti CHA•
I took aloe thanes when I
asked her to' a ry me."
ou, eh?"
'the long chance I
:ted me. "'
"She Tejo
"No, that
took. She a
Countless ha"
worked by H
It has a power
in other prep
been the cuies
way's Corn Cure.
its own not found
is seldom any
i n a poor one.
of moons sudden Illness.
ha needed to ward It off.
and diarrhoea. Avoid
rb IN 'Painkiller=' --Perry
A good exc
more effective
A Ammon Oh111
s all t
substitutes, there 1
s .
Painkiller i
V ansa
The slow tr
for the shafts
cent]y a wag
ter to the. ed'
stop to begg
the railway?
day an aged
wooden leg k
terneoa expr
Blankton td 8
the passenger
from One op
With. impo
"Do you kee
'No; my wife
o wait on mo
the target
ithe humorist. Re-
1the following let -
of a paper :
no way to put a
along the line of
r instance, yester-
indicant with a
pace with the d-
ell the way frobl
cloy and annoyed
xoeedingly, goipg
indoor to another
ate:.sollcftations 1"
o servant girls?"
't ,strong enough
deal!+ cue.'',
Ile Suffered three years, but the
Great Canadian Kidney Remedy
made short work of hie trouble.
Edenbridge, Saslc,, Deo. 5.-
(Special)—"It was one box of
Dodd's Kidney Pills that fixed me
up." This is the cheerful answer
Mr. Sam. D. Vfciear. is giving his
inquiring neighbors in this district.
Everybody around here knows that
for three years he has been suf-
ferng from Lumbago. Now, he's
strong and well again.
"My Lumbago developed from a
cold," Mr. Vickar goes on to say.
"My head would ache. I was al-
ways tired and nervous. I had a
bitter taste in my mouth in the
morning, was troubled with dizzy
spells and was alwa-• i thirsty. The
doctor told me I. had Lumbago, but
did not help, me very much. Dodd's
Kidney Pills cured me."
Dodd's Kidney Pills ` went
straight to the root of the trouble.
They cured his kidneys. The
cured Kidneys strained the uric
acid out of the blood, and Mr. Vic-
kar's Lumbago vanished. Dodd's
Kidney Pills are no cure-all, They
simply cure ,sick kidneys. They
never_ fail to do that.
It's bad enough to have a cold,
It is, dadrot it!
Without the chumps who must be
Just where you got it.
Mount Clemens is famous
throughout America as an all -the -
year -round health resort, and thou-
sands of people bear testimony to
the benefits derived from its miner-
al waters in cases of rheutnatism.
and kindred diseases. ' For bilious
and liver troubles, digestive trou-
bles, nervous disorders, general de-
bility, etc., the efficacy of its wat-
ers is wonderful. Seventy-five per
cent. of rheumatics are and and
ninety per cent, benefitted. Write
J. D. McDonald, District Passen-
ger Agent, Grand Trunk Railway
System, Toronto, for handsome de-
scriptive booklet telling you all
about it.
First Listener—"Isn't Miss
Squabble's top note soothing?"
Second Ditto—"Oh, isn't it!
When you hear that, you feel that
you have passed the worst."
They Soothe Excited Nerves. —
Nervous affections are usually at-
tributable to defective digestion,
as the stomach dominates the nerve
centres. A course of Parmelee's
Vegetable Pills will still all distur-
bances of this character, and by
restoring the stomach to normal
action relieve the nerves from ir-
ritation. There is no sedative like
them and in the correction of irre-
gularities of the digestive processes:
no preparation has done so effec-
tive work, as can be testified to by
Clara—"That man who just pass-
ed was an old flame of mine."
Kate-"Indeed1 What happened
between you 7" Clara—"Oh, he
flared up one day and went out!"
Minard's Liniment cures Dandruff.
A stitch to -day may save a rip
to -morrow. ,
The selection of the Prince Ru-
pert for this sea voyage is a dis-
tinct compliment td.' the ship and
the Grand Trunk Paeific. The round
trip fare, including everything, ex-
cept hotel expenses at Honolulu, is
fixed at $250 per ticket,
Mrs. Dashaway—"Yes, while we
were in Egypt we visited the Pyra-
mids. They were literally covered
with hieroglyphics."
Mrs,' Newrich—"Ugly: Wasn't
you afraid some of 'em would git
on you ?"
Johnnie (to new visitor) -"So you
are my grandma, are you?" Grand-
mother—"Yes, Johnnie! I'm your
grandma on your father's side."
Johnnie—"Well, you're on the
wrong side; you'll soon find that
out 1r)
ISSUE NO. 50-1o.
Mechanically the interviewer
droned out•11is well.worn questions,
"And how, Sir William, did you
get your start in life?"
"1 got my start in life, young
man," said the pork mreehant,
through picking up a pin in the
street, , I had been refused employ-
ment by,a butcher,' and en arty way,
out I'saw a pin,
"Quite so 1" chimed in the sea-
soned interviewer, "You picked
it up, the butcher was impressed
by your earefuiaieas, called you
back, and took you into partner-
ship. I know that pin so well!"
"Excuse me," broke in the pork
vendor; "but you proceed too fast,
I saw the pin, and picked it up -
quite true. But I sold it for one
hundred dollars.- It was atliemond
To overdraw your bank account,
whether mentally or physically, is
more suicidal evens than to over-
draw materially. Repair wasted
tissues, strengthen shattered
nerves and rejuvenate your rheu-
matic system by visiting the fam-
ous Mineral Salt Springs of the
"St. Catharines Well" of St. Oath
erines, Ont. A postal card to J.
D. McDonald, District Passenger
Agent, Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem, Toronto, will bring illustrat-
ed descriptive matter.
Migrant Matthew—"Can you help
a poor man? I haven't had a bite
for three days.", Preoccupied An-
gler (without looking up)—"Hard
lack! Here, take a couple of
A Pill for all lieasons,-Winter
and summer, in any latitude, whe-
ther in torrid zone or Arcto tem-
perature, "Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills can be depended upon to do
their work. The dyspeptic will find
them a friend always and should
carry them with him everywhere.
They are made to 'withstand any
climate and are ,warranted to keep
their freshness and strength. They
do pot grow stale, a quality not
possessed in many pills now on the
The canine specimen did not ap-
pear in any way remarkable, but he
had a value.
"Yes, sir," boasted the hotel pro-
prietor, "that dog's the best rat-
datehin' dogin the country."
Even as he spoke two big rats
scurried across the office floor. The
dogmerely wrinkled his nose.
"Rat dog!" scoffed the travel-
ling man. "Look at that, will you 7"
"Huh!" snorted the landlord.
"He knows them. But just you
let a strange rat come in heir, I"
ARD LINIMENT. terrible lumbago by DftN-
I was cored of a bad case of earache by
I was cured of sensitive lungs by MINI•
First Lady—"I hope we got the
right train."
Second Lady—"f asked seventeen
porters and ninety-three passen-
gers if this train went to Blank-
ville, and they all said yes, so I
think we're all right."
The Oil of the People.—Many
oils have come and gone, but Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil continues to
maintainits position and increase
its sphere of usefulness each year.
Its sterling qualities have brought
it to the front and kept it there,
and it can truly be called the oil
of the people. Thousands have be-
nefited by it and would use no other
"I say," said the messenger -boy,
"that near-sighted man in Room
496 just fell over a broom and spil-
led a pail of water on himself."
"Take him up a towel," said the
hotel manager, "and charge Run
for one bath,"
The SS. Prince Rupert has been
chartered by the Seattle Chambers
of Commerce .for an excursion to
Honolulu. After leaving Victoria,
B. C., Feb. 2nd, the Prince Rupert
will touch . at Hilo, arriving there
Feb,T10th and remaining
two days.
After leaving Hilo the Prince Ru-
pert will go direct to Honolulu.
Customer—"Yon don't seem very
Oleic at figures, my boy ?" News-
boy—"I'm out o' practice, sir. You
see, most of the gents says, 'Keep
the change'!"
Ms Mahe the Rniphatto Statement that
D A 0" Menthol Plaster will do ,sore to teller*
neuralgia .Inane back, lumbago ;and kindred
trouble0 than any other plaster, ago tirm and el
yd. rolls. All druggists.
Mrs, Howard—"The walls of your
apartment aro, very thin, aren't
they?" Mrs. Coward -•-"0h, very 1
We could actually hear our neigh.
bore having celery for dinner' last
night 1"
You Can Work Near a Window
in winter when you have a Perfee•
tion (Oil floater, it is a portable
radiator which can be moved to.
any part of a room, or to any room
in a house. When you
have a
liiC E J
Absolutely smokeless and odorless,
you do not have to work close to the
stove, which is usually far from the
window. You can work where you
wish, and be warm. You can work on
dull winter days in the full light near
the window, without being chilled to
the bone.
The Perfection Oil Heater quickly
gives heat, and with one filling of the
font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An
Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The filler,
cap, put In like a cork in a bottle, is attached by a chain. This
heater has a cool handle and a damper top.
The Perfection 011 Heater has an automatic -locking
/lame sa'reader, which prevents the wick from being turned
high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so.
the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner 'body or gallery
cannot become 'wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant for
rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or
nickel, is strong, durable, well-Mnade,built for service, and yet
light and ornamental.
Dealer: Dperywhere. If not of yonrsi write for deseripla, chtrelar
to The seartst gong of the
The Queen City ' 011 Company,
Important News
CM/PI/RS aodS0IN5 dircetto MEN who
KNOW their value. Wesoya YOU wooer,
because we KNOW the Fur Market, and pay
highest prices on liberal n,,oremeata. Mc,
1001' especially arranged ter Your Territory.
It to YOURS fox the asking. Convince
YOURSELF by making vs a trial shipment.
IF, *,y art. y,vrmr.. Caa.r, n.
fInkYNOHONS, end ',mil', M),
34 Emit 12th St., Now York Olty
Capitalised ,t $250,000.00
Don't Have a Blind One
An Absolute Curs for
Moon] Blindness
fOuthalmla), Cataract
and Conjunctivitis
Shying horses all suf-
fer from diseased eyes.
Ao trial •11 continua y borne. owner that this
repeetive of no 0.50 00 nrols tam that nimal One leen.
agitated. No matter bow many doctarr base tried
and failed, nee" V1810" under aur GUARANTEE.
Money refunded if under directions It dries net euro.
. 08.00 par bottle, 0.0tpaid on receipt at price.
111810 aemodyAos'n, Dept. 5,1533 Mast Ar.,ChIcago.114
The game of politics is all right
for men who wish to try out their
reputations. -
Worms in children, if they be not
attended to, cause convulsions, and
often death. Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator will protect the chil-
dren from these distressing afflic-
Always tell the truth but it is
sometimes advisable to use a long-
distance 'phone_
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Charm of the Historical Aspect of
theEmerald o old Isle.,.
The rough, unkept forests of
Ireland, with their hint of the wild
life, have, too, their charm after
the park -like woods of England.
True, the Irish forest is often made
up more of scrub than of trees;
but it is wild, and wildness has al-
ways its thrill. The villages, too,
sometimes convey a hint of the wild.
pottage walls splashed
with the lead of bullets, the con-.
stabularly going in pairs with load-
ed firearms, mounting guard over
hayrack or potato crop.
Historically Ireland has not so
many shrines rich in memories as
has England. But they arethere
fresher from the hands of time.
Seldom has the restorer been at
work. Rarely has the American.
tourist left his trail. In Raleigh's
old house at Youghal, in the gar-
den where he first smoked tobacco,
in the church where he worshipped,
there is to -day an unsullied impres-
sion of Elizabethian life. One can
get back there to some sympathy
with that spacious time which I at
least find impossible at Shakes-
peare's Stratford -on -Avon, around
which surge ever the hordes of
trippers. And in Ireland ruins
are ruins, melancholy sermons in
stones, with texts from Ecclesias-
tes. The ruin such as one some-
times finds in England, which ow-
ing to its popularity represents a
source of railway and other re-
veone; and is therefore carefully
"preserved," is absurd. Tho "pre-
served" ruin carries a farcieal grin
on its old face.
'Yes, in Ireland, everything in dif.
ferent.--London Post.
%11701'8 CzI&t
qutekty atops coudbs, onroa 6ai � ha
1115 'ihraa2 anti
A GENTS WANTED Non T110 N111V 1,IMmtl. '
ti Greatest premium propdaitlon in Canada.
AOtpplytawa, for partluulars to Sollery, vas Albert St.,
0518/1/0 — Al.us A DAY &ASY. NO RSt.
11, patience needed. Sens on sight. Absolute
ba,.•eollty to farmers, Three work of 30 saes.
Maya for itself in one hour.. Write' today.
Handy Jeans Oo,, Sarnia. Ont,
TAME. for flaunty, Soutethieg ,era
16 Mone Maker.it
Money y) ontaye fiftodo andlige
an make your J. a lee LI. Ha fifty donates, a WIN
rite at once. ,res$e$Hnuns d00usoro, ea
�r 1. Ontario or50,nion, Kredly state loanBex
tion and prim, Box Brantford,
AJ system—oouatant practice. careful intim-
don—few weeks complete course—tool free.
3raduates earn twelre to eighteen dollars week..
1y. Write for catalogue,. Mole, Barber Oolleg's,
Sal Queen Rant, 'Toronto.
CANCER, Tumors. Lumps, etc, Internal
and ear home treatment., Write without
before too
lete, Dr. Bollman Medical Co., Limited.
Coilingwood. Ont.
Your Overcoats
,md tided Sults'00,t,1 look better dJ ed• 1t 0, 05000 ar
00101, your 10 1, write d,reet to Montrnl, Ilea 130,
Orltlsh American. Dyeing Ce.
The Neart O 'a Piano is the
Action. Insist en the
Piano Action
Turkey Feathers
We will pay cash
ler ruing and tail
Write for particulars—
fl. la. IdELS011 4 CO., TORONTO
It takes a genius to explain him-
self to those who are not geniuses.
Ara your hands chapped, cracked
or sore? Have you "cold cracks"
which open and bleed when the skin
Is drawn tight? Rave you a cold
sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw"'
place, which et times stakes it agony.
for you to go about your household
duties i II so, Zam-Buk will give you
relief. and will heal the frost -damaged
skit. tAnoint the sore places et night,
Zam-Buk'e rich healing essences will
sines into the wounds, end the:emart-
ing, and will heal quickly,
Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says 1 "iffy
hands were so sore and crocked that it
was agony to pub them near water,
When .1 did so they would smart and
but" as if I had scalded them. 1 seemed
quite unable to got relief from anything
out on thein until I tried Zam•$tt t
and it succeeded when all else had
failed, It closed the big cracks, gave
ma ease, soothed tho iniiammation, and
is A very short Ume healed my Lands,"
Fem.Buf. aloe auras deny, meted, wbtnter
eareitto, )(too, uttorO,/.eterenp Bored, tore heeds
and tae, abloom4, pimples, rinipecorm,ata
eats, borer, bruises, swigs,*leant. Qi ail
**opiate and etordi er past freeborn the Arm-
lets ae., Toronto. Pelee Ede A boo.