HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-15, Page 4Vintsods • I rl ) 1 i�,,] D A �t� X >w z r 5 tete I3Y a eaneellatiolt of the ntt,zz ing Order !redo hes got rid of his uncomfert- ebie'wire ee.tdrear. The rabies seats tend the increased clog tax no,v imposed by statute, will likely keep the canine census lower than le former years, 1911: will see the new tax rate put In force, Tug Liberal coalition party are in the ascendancy io Great Britain and may once m ire have the many difficult problems that confront the Old Land to wrestle with; We hope the former Canneks who have been elected will set the house a good ex - 'ample in moderation, conciliation 'and actual progression, A big chore is a head of thein it they succeed. Oneel iso Provincial Legislature will convene, at an early date. A- mong some of the new things proposed is Woman's Suffrage ; a commission to handle the liquor license question advanced road making legislation ; to push the colonization of Northern Ont. ario ; further tinkering with the Muni- cipal Act, &c. It will likely be a lively session, Wno cat mining or stock schemes to beat the public should be sat upon with emphasis by the Governments. The fake shams that have been loaded on the guileless have been many and costly but we have a notion that the next swindle will be just as successful unless the stern arm of the law builds a fence round the prospective dupe or the fakir who does the mesmerizing. If the address of the latter were Kingston, Ontario, for five years it would tend to clear the arena. BY attending the closing School examinations of the term you show a kindly interest in a most important period in the life of your child wbich should help the latter, In addition you strengthen and better understand the • alliance that should exist between the teacher and your home. Invite the teacher to have tea aud spend the even- ing with you and make a return call at the school during regular teaching days and we predict a condition of affairs which will be harmonious and well marked by genuine success. The public school should be the right arm of tbe home. IF laughter brings a healthy body, a clear, sane mind, and a good digestion it is about time a great many people be- gan to get a pucker on their face. It may hurt a little at the start but keep at it and it soon wont pain much. A good hearty laugh -not a "baw-haw" nor a ''tee -!tee" -but a genuine old fashioned, bubbling over, rollicking laugh has in it the elixir of life. Try {t starting off with a faint smile, which we notice is now stealing over Your placid countenance You look the better of that even if it were a trial. Try the laughter cure. Taus week the big delegation is at Ottawa to wait on the Government re- lative to reductions in the tariff as it re- fers to the important industry of Agri- culture. The manufacturer will have his ear attuned to catch every note of __the reply.' We venture the prediction . that no very radical changes will be made' without careful consideration of tbe bearing it will have on other in- terests-vitat to the life and development of this broad and many phased Domin- ion. There must be a caring for these so that the adjustment will tend to the National equipoise. TORONTo's,good name was not magni- fied by the ruffianly attack on the street railway with bricks and stones. A few hundred panes of broken window glass in the cars or the more serious pains to passengers and employees in broken heads and bruised limbs is a pretty pict- ure in a supposed law abiding city. The -ado over the pay-ss-you•enterrule looks like a big howl over a trifling matter which is found to work admirably in other cities. A better season of the year might easily have been chosen by the Company to inaugurate it but the Street Railway is amenable to law and if they do not do right surely there are other ways to make thein square away without adopting the brickbat route, Toronto's •righteouabess will net exalt it to the heavens in xgto is one sure thing. A wing interest is being manifested in t hsuescion of q Church Union and while an occasional vote is recorded against there is a great swinging into line along the route marked out by the Committee of the three denominations specially interested, There must nee . ce ss . aril, baa spirit of liberality and a willingness to secure the greater by giving up the lesser but to tis the ulti- mate result aimed at and expected in the eouaumnifi a on far ()aweigh Wet h in 'r lona ou I; is arising or conjectured in its atthinment. !,here was a day, and not Vary remote either; when conflicts were waged its sermon and discussion between leaders in the bodies now seeking federation Falling Hair Nt's, Jas. Harris of SVapella, Sask., says:- "I have found Pat'lsiaa Sage to be the best scalp and hair tonic and dressing-, I have ever used. Illy bait' had been coining out in combs full and was very dry and brittle and the scalp was always itching and fall of dand- ruff. 1 have used two bottles of Pari, shin Sage aud it has stopped my hair from frilling, the itching and dandruff have disappeared and my hair is fine and soft and glossy. I would not be without this fine flair Tonic for many times the mice," For women, Men or children Peri - start Sage is without any doubt the finest preparation for • the hair, Daintily perfumed, it is free from grease or stickiness and ought to he where every member of the fancily could use it daily. Large bottle 50 cents at all druggists or from the pro- prietors, The Giroux Mfg, Co., Fort Erie, Ont., postpaid. The girl with the Auburn hair is on every package. Sold and guaranteed by Jas. Fox, but the better spirit reigns to -day and a change of pastors from any of the three denominations might easily be made to the pleasure and profit of those to be served A united Protestantism should be the aim, coupled with the great ad- vantages to be derived in hastening the Mission of a world-wide Gospel, greatly accentuated by economy in unnecessary effort in over -lapping the same work and the utilization of funds saved there by for carrying the. Good News to those who never heard it. Let the good work go on. Huron Co. Council December session of the Huron County Council opened in the council chamber, Goderich, Tuesday afternoon of last week, at 3 o'clock. In the opening remarks Warden h win regretted that it was not his privilege to welcome all the Councillors. The hand of death had taken away from then one of the most valued members of the Conucil in the person of Reeve William Bawden, of Exeter. one whose long experience in municipal affairs bad made him a useful member of the coun. cil. Mr. Heinstuck, of Howick, the Warden stated, was still nnwe.l and little improvement was noted in his condition when be visited him re- cently. It was not expected that any business of very great importance would conte up for consideration at this meet- ing. The sanitarium committee had no report ready, but he undeistood a prop- osition was to be laid before the council daring this session. At the meeting in June a motion was 'carried that the council bold its December session in Exeter, but owing to the death of Reeve Bawden, of that town, and after communicating with the Councillors from the Southern part of the county, it was decided to call the meeting to be held in Goderich. On motion of Coun- cillors Geiger and Govenlock the action of the Warden in calling the meeting for Godetich was affirmed. On motion of Councillors Watson and Gillespie a message of sympathy and condolence will be forwarded to Mrs. Howden and family. A letter was read committing Alex. McLeod, by Police Magistrate Butler, to the care of the Childreu's Aid Society, It was referred to committee. e - om ' rnuree. A memorialr f om the county of Car. letup, asking the Legislature to make certain changes in the Public Scheel Act was read. It was requested that Huron county co-operate. Tbis was referred ro the Education Committee. A letter from the Tax Reform League was e.e oleo the Ssalol committee. ee. V. M. Roberts, civil engineer, sent a letter referring to the approaches to Graham's bridge on the Lake Shore road in the township of Ashfield, and pointed out that the Ontario West Shore Railway is not liable for these approaches. The letter was sent to Road and Bridge committee. Returns from the Listowel High Sehbol, showing $41 69 as the amount due from this county for the maintenance of pupils at the srhool, was sent to Edu- cation committee. Tenders for coal supply were sent to xecutive committee and a number of accounts were sent to the Finance ummiltee, On motion of Messrs. Glenn and Reid be Clerk was instructed to procure a opy of the Consolidated Municipal Act r each member of the council. Council adjourned to meet at to clock Wednesday morning. W EDN P,SUAY. E 0 to o' Letter was read from Rev. W. Doherty, Henssll, referring to the his. for and Y condition of Miss Haynes, the bind patient in Goderich hospital It was sent to Executive committee. Letter from C 'Talbot, engineer of Middlesex, was read, showing progress made in erecting the Seuble bridge, It was referred to Road and Bridge committee. Mr. Reid, Reeve of Goderich, stub. milted a statement showing how the grant of $loo to Miss Haynes bad been expended, It was considered-satisfao• tory and ordered to be filed. Report of Gaoler Griffen was read. It showed the present number of prison - era to be five, Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Munro that further consideration of the ones - tion of establishing a tuberculosissani- tariutnIn the county be laid over till January session of council, awing to the fact that the committee appointed to look into the matter of a site has no further report to make at this meeting, This was carried. Onmotion of Messrs. Moyadzean and Guile. s ue the e name of Mr Taylor, Reeve of Exeter, was placed on all committees' in the place of the name of the late Wm. Bowden, it was moved by Messrs. Glen and Sturdythat the amount of$paidb t by the township of Stanley' id tgo8 for building a temporary bridge over the' Bayfield River. on the bb u dm•yoP,Stad- ley and Goderichn townships, he refund- ed to the enwnshipof Stenley. '!'lie ntelt- ter was seat to the Dead and Bridge com- hiittee, MAS _ W. A. GREWAR'S loll P .. . Confectionery and Fruit Store Luscious and Juicy California Seedless Oranges 2•io, 30e, 40o and 50e per doz. Malaga Grapes, Table Raisins, Bananas New Figs, Nuts, Dates, Raisins, Currants Our Confectionery is all New and Fresh o f See our rand display Tub Goods P1 RI✓S Exclusive Gifts for men who smoke, That's what I',il give. -a pipe. Candy for Christmas Giving Camay has long been the foundation gift for Christ mos giving. The Christmas season is lucre again with all its perplexities as to what bile should buy. One stock of confectionery was never more replete with endless varieties, suitable for everyone, from the oldest persons down to the tiny wee tote. Fur stocking -filling and tree decorating our candy counters i offer. inviting: and attractive items in candy and novelties, No Boxes from Sato $1.00. See them ' Oysters Place your order early for them. Cheese Good Old Cheese. Mince Meat IN BTILIK• IF You WANT. AN A. r . onograph AT A LOW FIGURE W. A. GREWAR Brussels Dr. Gallow appeared before the conc- eit and made a full statement as to the condition of Miss Haynes, Reeve Watson submitted his inventory taken at the House of Refuge and ales srs. Reid and Lane submitted their in. ventory of the furnishings of the court house. registry office and jail The first - mentioned inventory was r. ferret] tothe House of Refuge committee and the latter was sent to County. Property com mittee. Reeve Stothers and Clerk Lane, who were delegates to the Ontario Municipal Association made an oral report of the work of the Association. It was moved by Messrs. Geiger and Reid teat a, grant of $4 5o per week he made" for the maintenance of Miss Haynes in the Goderich hospital, this grant to be continued so loo as she re mains in the, hospital. It. was moved in amendment by Mes- srs. Kernigiten and Hunter that the sum of $toobe granted to Miss Haynes fur maintenance in the Goderich hospital, to. be paid at the rate of 34 5o per week. Both motion and smeudment were sent to the Executive committee. It was moved by Dr. Smell, second.. d' by Mr. Munroe, that as no action had been taken bythe county engineer re spected the erect ion of witulbre 1c; c n all county bridges, so that the snow may remain on them, tate council 5inpoa•er the Reeves to have the sante erectLd on county bridges needing the some and the accounts sent to the clerk ' The motion' was sent UJ the Road and Hiiclge committee. Council adjourned 10 meet at to o'clock 'Thursday motning, CALL ON Carter, BrussIs nicer Gift can be made IJ.H.Mc[eIIao• ETHEL • • '• • d' - • • • 01.01Mb2 Christmas is Coming ! �itu+Y� "Take Time by the Forelock' Give us a chance to make the best Picture you ever had taken. : . G. F. Maitland ♦+•4.••c♦•l•♦+•4.4.•+♦+•3•• ••+04. r♦4.0.1 ♦-•O,44+x• I•••A••l•♦•r••i'• 't 1• •i• Ourat CluringCre• e '£ fi St i i Continues.t. and will continue until the entire stock of Boots, Shoes and Harness is disposed of All must go and to make s them go we are cutting prices into small pieces. • Note the following e. ♦ 4• Men's box calf and dongola kid Blucher bais., • Goodyear welted, leather lined, first quality, • up-to-date shoes, regular 5.00, • reduced to ..... ................. .... $ 4 00 • Men's flue box calf or kid, Good- • year welted, reg. 4.00, now 3 20 � Ladies' fine kid Blutehet• bats, a• Goodyear welted, regular 8.00, • rednced to .. 2 40 j Ladies' fine kid Blurcher bels., •t• up-to-date styles, regular 150, reduced to 1 80 Misses', Boys' and Children's all kinds at reduced prices. • • 4. 4. j H • s,. • . •i• • ♦ • 40 • •1• • • • • • d• 4, • • O • • si f • .t. • 4 • • • • • 4• • • full Stock of J. 0, King's Stabil Proof Heavy Rubbers for Men and Boys, s! • epartment . • 4 Single Harness. regular 10.00 reduced to...,.. .... ......... $ 15 50 - Single Harness, regular 10.00, reduced to 11 00 ; Saskatchewan Robes, large size, regular 0,50, reduced to 7 50 •' Goat Robes, large size, regular 0.00, reduced to 00 Black7 Om* Robes,. regular 10.00, reduced Cu 10 50 0 Heavy lined Blankets, regular 2.50, reduced to .... ., 1 75 • Heavy lined Blankets, regular 2.00, retltieed to 1 06 'l• Prices s .Cut all around. Everything must p,- Terms Strictly Cash. Mone Refunded IP goods are not• Money g satisfactory, .,, Parties indebted to ns are asked to kindly call acid settle as we !must • have our books balanced at ati early thele, a •••t� 1` wH • 1e , ;t t ,. • 43 s• r .1 ♦ •P r 't • ,r it• e. • • •t•]1 •F••¢'••l•••1•• Q•••o••D•••hM!••*i•••i••3•i►•F••i•••i•�►•t°••'r+••l••'$'••i•♦•t•�►�MIt/ New Jewelry weir, Sure • Watch Repairing Jewelry Repairing Clock Repairing Engraving 41 o ItAn excellent stock of Watches, + Olocks and Fine Jewelry, Stec- • ,y ling Silver and Plated Ware at e • your service. ,• 4. 0 t souvenirs, 4. Engagement and • Wedding kings i" • • • 4 The. Post Would -Like To See Good sleighing A Hockey team organized. Big audience at 'Down Hall Dec. 2151. Brussels grow. All the sick people restored. 'Pip -top Christmas trade. Acclamation Municipal election. Less roaming around the streets In youngsters after nigh!. roe more telephones added to the cir- cuit. - A 2 cent rate on the railways. Everybody go to church. Perth County Fred. Marshall has purchased C. Delarnater's barber 4hnrp at St. :Marys. James Beattie and' L. J. Constable, of St. Marys, attended a gathering of Mystic shi•iners at Buffalo. N. Y. St. Marys Canadian Order of Fores- tersare having their court room re- modelled. 1 A new v harclwo od floor has been putin and td ane. w nt� t et Reber Westminster, Robert' Mulligan, of ., R estmtn g tet who visited friends in St Marys, was found dead in his bed on Tuesday morning of last week, Be was a cousin of Mrs. J. 1CV. Eedy, of that town, • R. G. Jaren nth, of Brnadhageu, is the owner of a most r olific ,hen. In last she batched 13 chickens, all of which are still living. In Septetn- bet. she hatched a buood of 22, and on the 20th of Nov another brood of 11. In a hazing affair at 81. Marys Gul- legitrte,the other morning one of rho victims, Jack Harris, hall his [tent broken in two places. He wits put over the bar and landing on the other side doubled his arra beneath him, causing the bone to snap in two places. The haters had their !lands weenie(' np, were given two week's holidays and will have to settle the suctnr's bill. Rev. A. IC. Bake, acting president of the Loudon Conference, has been.iu- vited W -Dundas town for the next pastoral term Rev W. H. Harwell, a former Atwood bot, who is at Dunning, has accepted an invitation . to Arkin street church, Loudon. where, Rev. Mr, Birks now is. S URE SIGNS. Of Kidney Trouble If your back is constantly aching and if you experience dull shooting Pains, your kidneys are out of order, 11 your 01100 {s thick and' elnndy or your passages frequent, scanty and painful, youe kidneys and bladder etre out of older•. Neglect quickly ltt•ings nn elle nniatism, cliabetis, lumbago, eciaLiea, etc: Mrs. John Wagnee of 110 St., Halifax, N. S., revs "Dull shooting pit{na would catch Isle across the small part of hey banle and extent1 into My' shoulders and neck, often cruising me to suffewith severe headaches and spells Of dizziness. Spots would daz- zle before thy eyes and, everything would tram black. I would fallto the floor and be unable to get up again without assistance, A friend tole! me of Booth's Kidney Pills and I began their lice, The first bust gave hie re- rlief and I am now well and strung." • All druggists - sell i it 1, Kid- ney Pills 50e, a box with a giar- autee to telioye , C Y• ,0111' motley y book „ . lheq.are the wor'ld's fneatest specific or t li{dkiay' and blaticlet•irtttible. Postpaid from the pt•opr ietoi 4 The 11.'1', Booth On. Ltd , 'Port Epic. Solcl and guarantee y+s DOMr!•4NN�l �IRA!llMMt�ltPePe♦ts oeelRN"" • 66 1R N d Ethel 0 Brand New Stock of General Dry Goods e Boots and Shoes a . Groceries, &c. B . Store is now Opeo and doing Nosiness e Hoping to meet with many old and new a friends as I'm here for business, 9 A • R. ® Thomps9n W a O • D Give pie a call at the Love Block and see the choice stock at Low. Prices, 0 0 e m 18 0 e 0 18 to t, 19 m (a e OI 18 0 9 00008ee0441000111e00000000e0•®Qom®ea®e•o•®oe*•oo•®•••atse 1 qUISICESSIMMECISlirigivic Cutters A Cutters Have you seen Ewan's Display of Cutters for this Season ? The Neatest, Lightest, Best Finished and most Up-to-date Cutters on the market. -Piano box .Cutters, ,with high side pads, all trimmings to lift out: Trimmed in,plush or leather cloth. Likewise piano box Cutters with auto sets' that ell at sight. Cannot be beaten for comfort. -Also a large display of Portland Cutters, '!'Itis is a special design of a Cutter. As itisa great mistake wi'h many of the factories of build- ing loo large a Portland Cutter for our routs. We have tmade a special study of this style this season and have got just what the people want -a nice, neat, medium size Portland Cutter, comfortable and got up with first-class material. -Everybody is invited to call at our Factory, examine Bill' goods and be convinced that we have the best style of Cutters -on the market. IR -Please don't forget that Ewan's Cutters take the .red tickets at all local Fairs at which they are exhibited. CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE. D. Ewa BRUSSELS oma„ LUMBER FOR SALE. -About 8,000 feet No, 0.000400 4••0••0••••0••••••0 L 1 hard maple lumber, dry, 134 inches thick, forams. .Also square timber fora building 0 27500 ft., 18 Pt. post. Gall at premises, Lot 28, 4 Con, 10, Grey, or: DAV1D SANDERS, O 1184f Ethel P.O. ®. • i n g h S, m 4, Timber for Sale o Business • 100 sores of - standing timber alio 200 acres of A i nrneddown timber. suitable for weed and O 0 whipFurther information ironyliehndathoIrtia Lots 2228 2d and nGrey town - O College •b • O Sash- and Door Factory, Brussels or from Geo. • Dunlop. :Con. 18, Grey, P. AM ENT, 22.;Proprietor, OWGANDA LOTS FOR SALIC.-Theun- dersigned offers for sale ia. Gowgand a,. town lots No. 8 on 7th 7 streetr lull No, 4 ohllth arrest. They. are each 86 feet wide and ore 18'-Y. feet long until in n .guod pert of the town, suitable for a store or bap - ply house, mot• further psrticule,'aap•. ply to WtSA1'7K MILLER, Branebridge, Ont. F51151 FOR SALE. -The farm known as the shine's farm, lanow offered forsale in order to wind up the estate. The farm con- tains 08 acres beingarts of Lots 0 & 0 in the lith eon. of Grey... ,Mostly all seeded to gross and In a state of good cultivation.. On the farm is a goodbrick house and bank barn, also a. frame barn, orchard, &c. Property to be sold worth the money. Apply to JAS; BOTZ, Lot 4, Lion, 11, Grey, or our the promisee. 17-tr .MRS. wish S1iuNE. FARM FOR SALE, being South half Lot 26, Oen. 4, Morris township, Huron (10., con- taining 100 acres hs use, more bar On the prem- ises .s a frame ,(&a, Apt eared good orchard,about well, e. School l 1 All pleased t. O about an aero. Sohool ls, miles distal. Only 2'� miles from Brussels: 6 neree of Frill wheat hi and about 60 awes seeded down. For pries,. terms and other information apply on the premises or 1f writing Brussels P. 0. 'Phone 126, Or Ie. S. Scott, Brussels. 11-tf - A, L.2S11R, Proprietor. ABM F012 SALE. -Tho underalgned offers for sale, his 102 acre farm, being Lot 80, 005.10, Grey. About 70 acres Bleared, balance in Swami), in Fail wheat, 81 abres seed- ed down, Fall plowln' is being done.: 00 r the Gtthumi s a frame boars, ntwe barn, driving shed, offce, orchard ro4 and school u11c further pertioti- Ines apply to iOBN OSBORNE, Proprietor, or 11, S. Scott, Brnecils. F•AR51 FOR SALE. -The 105 acre farm, be• ing the property of the late Peter McNeil, Lob 28, Oen. 14,.Grey,.10 offered. for sale by the undersigned. There are 86 acres cleared; bob mice well timbered.. On the term there is a Portabank le Louse n' largedrivinggood conditiionnaand well fenced. icor further particulars apply to JAS. A. MONAl5I or JAS. 17, MoNA1R, Exee- niece, Oranbroolt P.O,, or P. S. HUOTf, Srue- aeLq, 7.1r FARMS FOR SALID,-Lots 21 and 22, Con, 1.1, M alElllop, aud Lot 28 on the 18th Gouges - Bion, Lots ai and 22 =otiose the firi Gardinerhauestexd and contains lineal; le acres, all n well fenced, well is reodandhnal acres good hatl bush ;;ggoodcomfortable buildings with all modern im- provements ; plenty of good spring trotter and a good bearing orchard, This is one of the ehoioestfar•ms in the County Of Huron and will bee soldon termstosnit. thous an Lot 01 t tahta 126 aces with ofou !entree and barn 011 in pasture and has horn ferears. There are ton acres eras o P good g bush tills farrn. For furtheruurticulru•a Iq,pkY to A LAE Gan - lea, Walter P, 0„ er ee the peewees. es A�llt.tf ear ti1,e4 .AVT, tteift AXAeA Students' en t s Pares s to .The Lis to wei Businesss s Co lla e i Ve nn Brvun , SS ft nor aonth i vale 38 Hi per month ; Ebhol not cry n dud Atwood #2 taper month. Winter terns opens Jan. 8 Per part IOWA ts.ad• { dress EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Prin. • • le a link in Canada's GruaLest d o Chain of high Grade Colleges • iouided during the past twenty- • six years. This ' Y uutsthel •_- 4 6 ti; tl • est trainers of young people in • Canada and it is freely admitted ♦ • that its g.ad•ates get the best 4 • positions. There is a reason ; • write for it.. A diploma from • • theConuneecittl Educators' As- v q sociatiou or Canada is a passport O to success. O You may study partly at home p • and Huish at the College. • • Enter any day. • •fail Term opens August 29th ♦ev g • WINCHAlist Business College . . • 0 • • • 0 4, O O O CHAS. W. BURNS, Principal O CEO. SPOTTOal, President O' 01.000.0000000.00000♦••0000 M"_.b�l�v.Yvt'tuvbr.iY�� 4;i tu9dvi+2dviJ.d��� Wm ter tern in e p ns Jan. 3rd= gladi 7 Toronto, Ont. Canada's High Olaas Oommer• . Sv cial school t enjoys a5 extensive pet. 0 age ; instruction strictly frst•nlnss graduates always eaooesstul. Write 1y tn•dny for handsome eetelogue, `l .! W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Dor. Tongs 4i Alexander sts, Toronto, Dea 6a, •t:'a0r.:aycLa`P.tWLVsTA4.s^.a'4iiia7gegYom.` 444, e r ` it5NA1)sm,'• `!=R xv aY,i s mage 'a`4 r, 'tirster term from. Jan. 3 ' .t' CENTRAL G • STRAT2 ORD. ORD. ON`i"Y , Th' eext r g potation I foul f training g o i a leo! of Western t0rt potation, oust bundlers Out tit' k r l liC t t' tF 9, and the udemand uedit heap during the frail termivua 8tsivor . limos the supply, Ourgraduates dommld ins Business C11a ehnryn Ottr raunt fftd asencrnct T hoo'tdpn d bpi CdMn,orelId Shorthand t 41 and Telegraphy. Het our 5100 ante. Inoue ;notice, D, A. Mot.ACHLAN, PrinolpAl, 4i ✓