HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-15, Page 3BUSINESS CARDS, vV B, Mo01E4OKEN Iaeuer Of Marrlopo Iriguanepe, Pt. hoe at Grocery, Turnberrystraeo,Brue0ole, K. 0. T. M. Brueeol0 iTent of the maaoaboeo, No. 24 hold their regular meetings is the. Lodge, Room, Seeker Book pa the 1st and Ord Tuesdayaveniong of oaolt.neonth,. A, 80 ki isitgr8always Awelo0We, ES,Oom, ,MoGU11t14,R.E. WM. SPENCE t 1 CONVI]YANCE.R axD ISSUER, OP MA.BRiA.CrE LICENSES Oleo In the Post Ofllce, Bawl, 104 JOHN HARRIS, Agent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Company P Y Olfloe and 'ReNidenoe— WALTON. ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND, itniunegos, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- ( ens, will .sell for better prices bo p b ter montime 0 . in less t e d late ur charges �n anyother Auctioneer {' Beat a Huron or a won't charge anything. Dates and orders ten always bo arranged at We o1Boa or by personal aypiteatlon, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT, - - Auotioneer for Huron. County. Terme reasonable. !Salve arranged for at biteb0loe of Tao PoeT, BrnBeels, 2201 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VVM. )LAIli— SI (• Barrister, Solicitor, ,Oonveyaueer, Notary Public, &a. Oaioe—S tew.rt'e. Bloak t door North of Central Hotel Solicitor for the Metropolitan Beak. i aouoF00T, HAYS & IULLORAN -BARIEISTERS, SOLI01TO1RS, NOTABLES PUBLIC, ETC, W. PaounrooT, K. O. R. 0, Hied •• J. L, lirgnonex Ofaoes—Thoeo formerly ocoupted by. Messrs Cameron to Holt,. GODHRIOB, Orrreato. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers Christmas Sailings TO LIVERPOOL From St. John From Halifax Victorian Fri. Dec. 9 - Set. Dec. 10 Grampian Tim. Deo. 15 TO GLASGOW Pretorian ..: From Boston •Deo. Oth Siollian Prom Portland Deo. 15th Applications for accommodation on. Christ- mas sallings should be made essoon as pos- sible as steamers are rapidly tilling up. Reser- vations may be arranged for through W. H. KERR,. • Agent .Allan Line. Brussels. The AllanLine, 77 Yonge at., Toronto MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS BRUSSELS Regular Monthly Horse Mitre will be .bald in Brussels this season as follows : THURSDAY, Jan. 5th, 1911 Feb, 2nd, 1911. Mar. 2nd, '1911 April Orb, 1911 —o— Leading local and outside buyers will be poesent ••00000000•00000000•oe•c® o a To Machinery Users and Farmers • •• j • The NeW,Maehlne Shop of the • BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE and MACHINE Co, • A is nolo ready for business, and, • with good:Machineryancl Skilled • Mechanics, we are in t4 position 2 to attend 1,0 your repairs prompt' s • ly and at reasonable rates, e If you will let us know your Z • • wants we will give you honest' Z ♦ advice alta help ie connected a, 2 with Machinery. Give us a trial ancl, by coining ♦. • to Brussels, save time and money 0 for yourselves, GARSIOE & JAMES! • Mill Street Elrtesseis 40.1o444000s`0000.•oe•w Business °artie h114i'$ iBSRTHA ARMSTRQNG Teacher of Piano Studio t Oarter'e Mimic Btgr e one de t No rth ofthe stado d Bank, Bruflsello. 0.g MISS PERLE SHARP has passed enooesssfully her aeoond 'xafu1na. tion of the Pianoforte Departmento the To, 7gnte Oonaervntoey of Mueie, and is repered to take pantie at her home, Prinoesa a •tet, OR. T. T. M'RAB Bachelor of Medielne, University of 0. ('mini ; Licentiate and' Graduate of 5he'Colleg of Phy- sicians and Sur Oona Ont, Post. sduele Obtaago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 1 offuital, Chicago, g TILL Illklionso Surgeon to S . Mich. eelsIdO pita) Toronto; 00100 overt)', n, Smith's Drug ,Stora phone ooeetiun with Ur anbr•oolt ut olTole. tmthonre, OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ;Post Graduate bourses London (Eng.), .New. York .and Chicane. Bos- Pltats. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glttose8, DR. HAMILTON DentalSurgeon Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University; Licentiate of Royal College of Dental tlurgeone, of Toronto, 033100 in Smith Block recently vacated by Dr, Feild. R. 107. M' LEAN, . D, O, S... Gordo, Ont. Honor gradeato 'University of Toronto, De- partment ofDentistry ; Graduate Royal Col - age of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, At Wrox- eter every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday, °Mee inGrand -Central block. At lOordwioli every Friday forenoon. Office in Genie in Leech's Block. ,• 21.0m DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night°allt. Office opposite„ Flour Mill, Ethel, QRo v,D ramvar 1UU1WW1 BRUSSELS Gorivu Spume Guise NORTH Moil 7:02 ant Express 10:80 e m Express 1, 5 a in Mall 1:44 p in Express B;02 p m Express 8:89 p WALTON To Toronto To Godorio1. Express 7:41 am I Express 11;87 a m Express.. . 2:87 p m Express 7:25 p m: WROXETER Going East - 7:00 a. m, and 8:05 p. m. Going West :10;40 and 0;47p.m. All trains going (Cast connect with 0. P. R, at. Orangeville for Owen Sound, Mora and T. G. B. stations. GEO.ALLAN, Local Agent. Huron Did Boys Annual Mooting 'Phe annual meeting of the Huron Old Bov's Association -of the city' of Toronto, was held on Friday evening, Dec. end'," and in 1)01131 of attendance and interest,' was the best annual meeting yet held. Dt Stanbuly, President occupied the chair, and epoke of the progress of the Society, which has now a membership of nearly 400, being larger than that of any similar organization in the city; During the year two banquets, an At Horne and the annual Excursion had been held, all of which were well attended. The report of the Treasurer, W. Sloan showed a considerable balance' ou hand, atter meetingall expensesincideut to the various eutertainments held. '!'hese officers were elected ler the en- suiug year :—Hon. Presidents, _.George Tate Blackstock, J. S. Willison, Dr, R. J. Stanbury ; . President, Major Jos Beck ; Viee•Presideut, W. W. Sloan Secretary. M. Floody; Treasurer,• H. Clucas ; Auditors, 1V. 0. MtTaggart and'I'lioman McGillicuddy. Committee,' W. 0. McTagza t, T. G. Soole. Dr. Struthers, Dr, Rollins, W. E. Groves. H, Stewart, R. Holmes, Dr. Belden, C. S. McDonald, W. Prendergast, A. Cozens, H. G. Herlson, W. McElroy, S. L. Scott, R. S. Cronyn, IC. McLeish, F. S. Flick, I. C. Hyslop, After the election of officers T. Mc- Gillicuddy, of the Department of Agri, culture, gave au interestiug and -humor- ous address ou the foundations' laid by the pioneers of Huron, -showing ,that their work was more important and last- ing than much of what bed been accom- plished by armies of soldiers. 'Cliemes Gibson, Deputy Minister of Mines, who caine originally from Wrox- eter, spoke on ''The Natural Resources of Ontario," giving an address that WAS filled with :facts relating both to the Agricultural and Mineral possibilities of WHY HESITATE ? Ave Offer' that Involves No Mick i«er Those Who Accept It, We so., so positive atm Ycnlledy will completely' relieve constipation, no ;natter how chronic it may be, that WO noel' to illrni511 it free of all costs if it fails. Constipation caused 1 le by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestines or descending colon. To expect tt clue you roust therefore 10310 tip and strengthen those ol•gans and restore theta to lu±althiev activity, We want you to try [lexa910rclerlies on out 'gtlttrnutee..They are eaten like candy, and are partienlarly ideal for children, They act directly on the nerves end nuIsrfes 03 the bowels. They have t1 neutral action on the other 01gene 01. glands. They do not purge 00• cause anyilc0nVe nienee whatever. They will positively over- come come chronic 01 habitual constipation and the myriads of associate ordepen- dent cheouie aihnents, Try l exall Ordet'lies at our risk, Two sizes, 10c. and. 25c, Sold only at our store—The Rexall Store. P. R. Smith. this, the best province it) the D,nniniou. 14•. Gibson said that he expected the present production of the Cobalt mines to remain n for aslhi h it g goad mttuv veers to come and predicted great` things fur the Sudllury. Nickle 'tniniug indu ie Porcupine with trenepie ration facilities and the.ar'abie land which surrounds it, wonld (maks a great camp, he thought mining and,egricultdre going henrl in hand, while 011103io now raise(} in agricultural products, es much as the Western provinces eta together, he he. tweed it easily possible to double the production, Mr. McDona'cl, a successful business man of the city, who lived .at Bayfield formerly, anti gave it very interesting; talk on farming conditions as applied to Huron mei was followed by Dr. Belden, formerly of Clinton, who, in explaining the decrease of rural ovulation, pointed out that whereas, on his father's farm near Brussels, whet: he was .al 1 oy at home it' look the combined labor of a family of tell to work the farm. now by the aid of machinery, the sante Yarns is better worked by iwo men. 11, Climes, formerly of GoderIch. gage some amusing reminiscences of the early days in the Co town, especially referring to the late Christopher Crlltb, well known asa prominent citizen of the Co town 25 years ergo. Mr. Prendergast, Sep.v'ate .School In Spector, formerly of i3clClllop, in an able address, drew attention to the fact that so far as he knew 111 attempt was being - matte to preserve any historical record of the pioneers that were passing away, and he thought in some way this f, 1 could be done. Major Beck, (Postmaster at the Parlia- ment buildings) ou taking his seat as the President elect, cordially thanked the members for the Honor conferred upon him, E. ClopdS Secretary (Inland Revenue office,) His congratulated on Itis efficien- cy and enthusiasm and to whom muebe credit t. due for tile prosperity: of the organiza2 031 On the suggestion of R. Holmes, it was decided to hold meetings of Ole Association every three months, in order to discuss matters of general interest to the Association and to keep in touch with the County, Blyth Sleighing helped trade. The skating rink comes next. peeve Hill is attending 0o. Council, Council meeting on Thursday of next week. Methodist Sabbalh School en tertein- men t Dec. 21st. A piano has been 91300ed in Se. George's Club room. A,numberof Blythites ate at Guelph attending the Winter Fair. Geo. Burling is ill at Toronto but we hope he will soon be 0. k. The potato m1211(et had a rust; ou both Gentile and Jew being after the Irish pills, L. Gaediuel' 1a suffering fro,,, au attack of pleurisy. We hope for at speedy recovery. Goon FOR Br,Ymm.—Jas. Cumfnings, took the $20 prize offered by Huron. Co.. Council for, best beef animal, shown by an amateur at Fat Stock Show at Guelph. H's `IS `(salt,. ,13ev. W. H. Cooper of Milverton, fineneely of Blyth, and Miss Maggie bloody, of this place, werelnnrrfed in Toronto by Rev. )lir. Oasewelt Wednesday o1' this week. Ttev, J. L. Small's aubjeots for next Sunday will he "Faith" and "Why a 0hristnul should join thel)hul'chl" Joseph 0oolllbes le away on .a visit with a lb tcla''veN noel Mends L • Btol t 41 tel 1 ItLi v 1 Brussels, Oranbl'ook and tla4lnestowl A. D, Cook, of Goderieh, has a class of tett pupils in Blytii and teethe St, 1.n(rew'sChoir inaddition. Mr. Cook is a good teacher'. Rev. J. 11'. McLeod. of 1381}800cl, will be the"vatg 8 ist in Sb c ' church in January. He will be heels.- ed by Miss Bart, of Oortlath, as soloist. ex -Policemen Westlake Is the genial assistant . at the McElroy ro,cel'y, 'Che young lady enatomers sbonlcl ln038338e with Sam, behind the eo t .e . u t a. Oranbrook NOVEMB'I.R SOIIOOL R19P01t'r.-173'. room total 600. 1V, (lass.—A, Snarl- ing, 514 ; L, Alderson, 504 ; Myrtle Grasby, 503 ; M. Cameron, 408, Maty Granby, 493 ; H. McDonald, 409 , L, Pervie, 434 ;YIP. Graeb 295 ; *0' Me. Nichol, 221 ; "Al. McNabb, 200 ; I. 'Steiss I72. Sr, Ill —T. Smalltion, 582; G. Ifuight, 510 ; M. Alderson, 508 ; 17, Sperling 501 ; M. Petrie, 500 ; A. limiter, 456 ; M. Baker 429 ; *I, Steles, 400 ; *0. Gorsalitz, 237. Jr. III: W. Kreuter, 434, S. Noble, -878 ; O. Long, 308 ; 31. Long, 307 , "I7, Pennington, 313. Jr. root); total 500. II.-Class.—A. Stnalldon, 471 ; L. Bak- er, 455 ; Irene Kr, auter, 40) ;- J. Schnook, 369 ; B, Fischel 328; 1 Flun- tet, 258 •"A. Knight 214„. Cl. Dining, 287 ; R, IA. 202 ; A. Fischer 115; Total 400. Pt, II—Evelyn Baker, 320; Karl Baker', 322 ; J. Stnalldon, 317 A Sperling, 187 : *.T; Nichol, 82 ; "W. Sinclair, 31. Total 250. Sr.I.—W. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Mc- Taggart, late of the 'Township of } Grey, in the County of Huron, fer- nier, deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to "Thee Revisettt1 Statutes of Ontario,' 1897, section 89. ehaptot 120, that all creditors and others hay.ingg ala ins against the estate of John Mang. kart, whodied on or about the Mat day of Oct- ober,1910, are required on or before the 1st day of January, A.D. 1011, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Neil MoTe ga't erie8 P. 0., or F. S. Soot(, Breesels P. 0„ the Ex motor. of the Bald estate, their Ohris- halt and surnames, addresses and descriutions with full particulars in writing of their claims, and statement of their accounts and the nat. pre of the security (if tiny) held by them. And farther take notice that lifter such last mentloued date the paid Executors, will pro' 000(2 00 dlatrlbute the meets of thedeceasedamongst the parties' entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the. Executors will not be liable for the Paid assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received b y them at al time ththe20 distribution. o0 Nov.Dated at Brussels the 20th day of N 1910. NEIL McTAGGART,tgxecutors, P. S. SCOTT, J RUPTURE Cured At your home without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be. cured ? Do not wait - Fill in coupon Age '1'1meRup........... Single or Double Address and return to J. S. SMITH IW Oaledonla at. Dept. A Stratford, Ont. Xfllght, 2.2£1; L. Steins, 195 ; A. Steles, 191 ; A, 1UuQuarl'le, 170 ; H. Penning- ton, 120; , :Alderson, 109, Jr. I.—•. P01111 Helinoelf. ,HI I /,l 'nuked ! ' Y ' 1f411i0( nt4Ht:t , ` 1 1 part 1 I x- a1Ul0l4tien. N. R, SPAttt.INO, .4.801, OSCAR 1J' 73Aww, I RINOsPAr.. IVloltCYieff' Ales. llituley is very ill at present with lot t'is an p t y cl other complication. A riva'e tools h N 4 a has been obtained in the Stratford General Hospital, Mrs. Hanley being conveyed there, Battu'- (ley, S, D c a .3rd. There is'a Might itu• peovement at time of writing, which we hope may continue, 50100ot. EMPORT,—Followlflg is the report for S. S. Noel) Grey, (Afouct'ietl) for the month of November. Liviugstotie, 00 ; V. McKay, 58 N. Schnook, 51 hi. Livingstone 22,. Jr, IV.—E. McKoy, 08; L. McKay, 45; 0. Bray, $7 ; S. ItI',Qnarvie, 35 ; J. McKay, 27. Sr. III,—Ii, McQuart•le, 05 ; L, Hislop. 36 ; J. Meehan, 32 ; 51, Cummings 25. Jr, 1II.—V, Schnook, 34 ; 111. Brown, 29 ; A, McKay,'27 ; AI, Smith, 24 Sr. 1I,—P. Cum Was, 04 ; M. Hodge, 64 ; S. Pride, 59 ; H. Meeh- an, 48 ; O. McKay, 33 S. Snelling. 28; G. Orawfoed, 27 ; 31, Perkins, 3. Jr. Dawson, 80; H. Snelling., 45 ; E. Machan, 30 ; W. Meehan 21, ` Sr. I.—M, Livingstone, K.. Howard, E. Mantle, C. Snelling. Jr. 1.— 1i. Mc Quarrie, G. Machan, E. Machan, H, Mantle, J. Snelling, F. McKay, Beta Sanders, G. Brown. H. C. Aloonn, Teacher: Atwood A high-class concert will be given in the In0sic hall, Atwood, on the even- ing of December 22nd, ander the auspices of .the Public Library. Chas. Erwin, who, has conducted the shoe business in Atwood for Gen. Lochead during the past 6 months, has located in 119wen Sound where he has secured a gond position. George Greensides, of Bounty, Sask. who was called to Brantford' on ac- count of his brother being very i11, is renewing acgelaiitances in the village for a couple of weeks. We are glad to announce that Will. is convalescent. The following from this vicinity at- tended the Winter show at Guelph last week.—lVw. Holman, Geo. Gor- don, Ivy Smith, Jno., Cowan, Fred. Liorch, 00mel•nn Dickseln," James Ducklow, 3110, Gray, R.A. Thompson, Wesley Boyd, Fred. Brown, Henry Ziernan, Reuben Ziernan. At a regular meeting of L. 0. L. No. 630, Atwood, the following were elect- ed as officers for the ensuing year: 1V. M.. Jno. Hathlerley ; D. Al., Adam Smith ; Chaplain, Jno. McKee ; Rec.- Sec., G. F. Thompson;' Treas., Wm. Sweeton ; Director of reremmlies, Jas. Smith 1st Onm. Man Wm. Hanna Tyler, ;H B1ovu Auditors, Win. Graham and A. Willoughby. After the election the members „gathered at R. E. McCallum's restaurant where refreahnlents were served. Listowel A series of revival services will be started in the U. B. Oongregational Church the first week in January. Rev. • N. A. P. Bourne, formerly rector of Christ Ohui'ch, has resigned his charge near Toronto and has been appointed IX) Penetang. A. H. Hawkins, D. L. S., has return- ed to tow u after spending a good part of the past season snrveyiug in North- ern Alberta, near the Lesses Slave Lake and East of the Peace River country. Listowel Boy Scouts were banqueted by Mayor Hay, at George's restaurant. Speeches were made by Scoutmaster D. B. Hacking, Chaplain Rev. H. 107. Langford, Rev. R. D. Hamilton, T. H. Kay and the Mayor. The anneal meeting of the Northern Hockey Lengne was held it) thelnt- perial hotel, .Palmerston. Following 07110ers were elected : Hon. Pres., L. S. Reid, Lncknow • Pres., J. P. Allan, Montt( Forest ; 1st Vice -Pres., 89'. Calder, Durham ; 2nd Vice -Pres., F. O. Ryan, Paisley ; Treasurer, W. Lus- tig, Ohesley ; Secretary, J. G. Burt, Listowel. Treasurer's report was satisfactory and showed a'balance on hand, Teams were, divided into two groups as follows :No, 1—Pelmersfoo, Listowel, Wingham, Mt. Forest and Harristnn, Convenor, J. G. Burt, Listowel. No. 2—Paisley, Chesiey, Welkertou, Derham, Hanover and Owen Sonnd. Convenor, W. Lustig, (Mosley. . The plans for the Listowel public building have exrived in town and can be seen to the window of J. M. Sohin- bein's store, • The front elevation shows a two-story building with base - Ment, tower trod sloping hoof, the tower beingintended, we presume, for a clock. Walls are to be built of Mick, with cutstGuefetcings, Interior plans provide for postoffioe, ctstotus, inland revenue and gas inspection offices, with an armory in the rear. A revnte of $13,000 has been placed in the estimates, and, tenders will prob. ably. be asked for shortly for its 'erec- tiot: Ab a meeting of St. Marys Lodge A. F. & A. 1V1. Woe. Bro. T. L. Sinclair was presented by the lodge with token of appreciation. FATAL Aeorrn NT Rnbor't 101. Rea, farmer of 13lanshard, who was injured by a fall front a threshing machine on Tuesday of the lastt week died 'lhuisday. :Pheacnident occurred nn the Nett of \Vin. Dale, where Crozier's threshing Walk was at Werk. 110 missed his footing and fell from the platform of the machine from which the blower is manioalated to the ground floor of a bank barn, adistance of 20 feet, and fractured the upper part of the spinal column. Altogether the lower part of the body was paraly- zed he remained nottschnts up to Weci- needay night and although realizing that he would snnn depart. from this life was quite resigner(. Ile was a good -living Ulan and held ill the High- est esteem by his neighbors and the, community. He was 50 yotut's of age and leaves tt widow and family to mourn his loss as follows t—Itverote Rea, druggist of 1Voodstoolt, formerly of Siva tf (4 Dv. Reit, vetetiaaty sur- geon of West Branch, Mich.; Milton Rea, ftn'rner of 13lanshard, and one son and two daughters at home. The funeral took place fermi his late resi- dence of 183003. Alitahell road on Settle- day. interment was made in St. ' Mary's cemetety. Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors In the platter of the estate of Jesse Bate- man, tri laid,f c to o r 11 1 w tshhi of' W'0Y, to Sha Ceuuty et Heron, farmer, deceased. Notieo le hereby Riven pursuant IQ "The Re' t ls e.' S00, 31101q el creditors 3857, aeor 11w- tlutptm•, 12D, that all credit r an oil ora h • ing claims ogalnst the estate of Jesse Bnteu low - ins 00 Or abet(( the Slot .day of May, 1010,, tun required on' or b*foie the let day of January, A,D. 1011, to send by poet,r•e aid, or deliver to Martha J. Bateman Brussels J,1 0., the Admit tra C ' fstimt iia ,tux of d said the. hr and surf 781'( )jarsu n• n10 and do* sorletlono with writing of their claims turd statement et Shalt 008008(5 and the nature of tate security .(if any) held by Mont, And further take notice that after meth loot mentioned date the said Administratrix will proeeed to distribute the assets of the deceased amonggst the parties entitled thereto, barb. regarri only to the claims 0f whieh' she shalt then have malts and that the Administratrix WM not be liable for the said assets, ,or any part thereof,to any portion or persons of whose m notice shall not have been received by liar at the time of Huth distribution. Dated the 29th day of November, 1010, 22-3 Agent fpr theS. SCOTT, Iu the menet' of the estate of Hugh i lopes lZtunsay, lateof the village of Weltotf, in the County of Huron, I farmer, deceased, 1Ot30e is hereby _even v n Al r'euntt to "The Revised 0l (,ttlo,, 1807; 0005/00 801, chapter 120, 1,05aeedttt and others hay. inssil against the estate B1eJena try, 0( ied o Or about oOrd JOY November, 1000, lire required On r before tile Jet daY of January, A. ' 1) 1011, to rend 101)0 t, prepaid, of deliver to pea noway, Wetton P.O., the Adminiotrat.,x or the 8s1d (imgeased, their uht9etian an litanies, 5(2 1, 5B50N an deacri Signe with full particulars in writing' [ ; p. 1 , , e 11p�ia.. atheir ndtsea,isa mid thitno d t and the nature or the security tit any) held by thAin. And farther take notice that after' ouch will mentioned date the said Adnihtlstr4trix will. proceed to distribute the aesets or the deee5eed Amon et the parties entitled thereto, having re aril only.to the claims ofwhichthe OMB then have notice and that the dui istratrix will notbepliable tor the sei ae etc or any Bert thereof, so 411 person e, been re of ed by a notice time shall not have eepn received by herat h i e oY coal distribution. d. a t m t Dated at Brussels the 20th day of Nov., 1010. s'^‘ .22.8 Agent for the Administratrix. aw Furs I pay the highest prices for raW furs and pay' all express charges. Write for price list J. YAFFE, 72 Colborne St., Toronto, Ont. The Secret of Good Pies PIE CRUST, more than any other delicacy of the oven, ought to be tempting and appealing to the taste. You do not eatie as a nerve tonic ni P O C or to strengthen your appetite. You eat it for pleasure mostly. You want it, of course, to taste good, at the same time you want the crust to be light, wholesome.- Now,pie g , flaky, crust properly made from Royal Household Flour is always good food, the absolute uniformity of this best ofall flours elimin- ates failure entirely. You get the same' delightful results every time and your pies are more healthful and nourishing- than if made from ordinary flour. The reason is that "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" having a larger percentage ofhigh quality gluten, assimilates more readily, is more satisfying than ordinary flour, comes out of the oven flakier, more tender and more digestible. Be sure to try "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" when next you make pies. It is the finest flour in the world not only for Pastry but for Bread and all family baking. "Ogilvie/ look For A Cook" containing 125 pages 01 tried and tested recipeswill be sent free to any user of Royal House- hold Flourwhoasksfor It. THE OGIiLVIE FLOiUR MILLS CO. I-I:NO'TED. WM. & R. A. PRYNE TORONTO DAILY STAR SPORTING NEWS The sporting pages of The Star are conducted by sporting news writers who are right in the game—men active in athletic circles—so that it is not any wonder that reported sporting events—no matter where they are held—are most reliable— newsy—and the fullest you will find in any Canadian paper, The Star sporting news is always readably written—and you will always find it fair to everybody, You will enjoy reading The Daily Star sporting columns and there is tnany a timely illustration that gives an added interest. Subscribe now and take advantage of our epeoial rate of $1.50 a Year This paper and the Toronto Daily /Star together /br $2.20