HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-15, Page 11115 VOL,. 39 NO. 24 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEIVIBIR 15, 1910 W. H. KERR, Pyoftietar New R rnclv rtiseen Ioqt-"na PORT, t.Irts-1). J. -toss. 'Posed -Jelin Oliver, Strayed -Fronk t:olI1ns: 8po0l01—Sttpdrlor Onrrl Go. Attrttotions—;f R. wenet, I3arttaIns-d} N. McLaren, lioiidny C33fta-J, O. .10110i..WIU to tar ve-r. E. Smith. Musa .1010 -Alex, . Strachan, arena S Itl•atnra-M. Osney, Xmas Presents -W. P'. Stratton. s Bistrict u: Moncrielt This week the brick for the new church is being hauled from Mouk ton. Ed. Balton, Jas. 1reTaggart and Neil McNair weeevamnng those from this locality who attended the Winter Fair at Guelph last week. The evangelietic services opened here this week .Rev. Mr, Luody is being- assisted by Evangelist Waode and the meetings are doing well, • YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOOIETY.—The offl- eiaty of the Christian Endeavor have had prnlrame printed foe the next year's topics anti judging by the wide range covered ie historical character and National problems a gond year's course is marked aut. Officers for 1911 are ..—Hon. President, Bev. R. A. Lundy, B. A. ; President, Miss Pearl ITari•ison ; vier President.. 'Monocectetaty"xeas 1 r , Hislop ; Orget]ist, Mies Anna Assistntit Organist, Miss Alice 'three Coulinittees in et rnuclr•wo'k n1' rel ' ilnpnrtan deavor meetings areheldeach , evening at 7.90 in the chinch. Alex. Bluevale new Orange Hell is con - g •e herr e' 8 mid r •�t '+ nits tr W 1. ) l ata - r to cm i t 1 k t r ..g .I I g inlop , made feea Tea -meeting on January.allay. 13th, •listed Both Sunday .9nhnolsare busy pre, Elie paring fin, thole Xtritis. an tettalinents, )bath Presbyterian Fridley 28td inet, and Methodist Monday 200. The 13, S. of Knox thuya,]' will held tI-air anneal Christmas Entertain- Bluevale- Miss Oorot Messer visited frie Brussels this week, • Other Bluevaie news may b on page 5 of this issue. Robt. Mosgrove made a In trip to'Poronto this wank,' Mrs. Robt. Mosgrove is spend fe w weeks with blends in Torn Duff & Stewart have several , turns thawing logs and a gang of nu in the bush, There wereabout 25 from this part took in the Winter• rale at (3 elph last week, • - Mrs. Chas. Coaltee; of Oalga spending a few months with mother, Mrs. Sge11. John I•Iaebottle,w1i) spent the two Years in the West, is at pr visiting relatives in this vicinity Watson Smith, "who has bee Mount Forest Hospital with the old fever during the past ll week turned hone on Tuesday. 7Ie the best wishes of his many fr for a speedy recovery. s iu react loess ng a n. is her ant enc in re- -has nds Learn by the flttFthkis • was Easier th:.,. n the: s If you've ever used any other make of separator you'll marvel when you turn thy. Frictionless Bombe. So nearly frictionless that it almost runs itself. Will run for half an hour after you've finished skimming,nukes you stop•it with your bralce. TheFrictionless.Einpire is the only Some day you'll own separator with ball bearings at top. an Empire_ In order to and bottom of bowl -spindle.' Ctliee hasten- that day we_ e makers wonlcl jump at the chalice of want you to read our using our Bail Neck Bearing and new 25C. book. It tells Three -Ball Botton Bearing. But our the truth about the two patents prevent others 'using these ` standard methods of friction - eliminating,. easy - running, cream separation. Gives life-lutig features. valuable dairy pointers. These ball bearing features, together with the lighter bawl, fewer closed Bearings, more easily cleaned skim-.. ming devices, etc., - wake the Friction - lees Li'mpit•e the -one really good cone separator. - - Years of service proye their worth. Etnpire quality in every machine, and a guarantee as good as a gold bond. We will seed you one copy free, prnvidedyou tell us the numbot of cows you keep. Also name of this publicly -_ tion. Don't miss this . book. Send for it. im- mediately. Extracopies Askfor book. 25c. "',. The. EMPIRE Line of .Cream Separator consists of a full range of sizes in both Frictionless Etnpit•e (cone r' <)n t• disc meth- eee of either cone a The hi method) and Empire Disc. 1 e c P ad, and the size of machine, rest's entirely with yon. The Empire Cream Separator Company of Canada, Ltd WINNIPEG, Man. TORONTO, Ont. Sussex,' N. B. a. S. CARTER, Agent, 'Brussels rem .......,..w,w,,„,„.,. 1 Big flants values AT" --- 9 ..... 9i A 1! e Fe Stretto ' s E have just received our last shipment of Xmas Goods which make our lines complete and: we are offering some wonderful bargains in Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, ManIcure. Sets hi Stirling Sliver and Ebony Clocks Proiu Grandfather's Colonial style Quarter -cut Oak to all kinds 1Lckle. racelets All the Newest Designs s✓tiff Links Engraved. /red Plain - Optical `Line Watches • Froin the Lowest LO the • highest Grade. Necklets Pearl, Amythest, Turtoiso, Mist, Matrix rix itnd Various others FREE 'resting and .prices re- duced 20 per cent, esteeise Marriage Licenses Issued TRY ONE Oar Xmas display was never better ---we ate proud of our bnyii g ' You will miss it if you don't call and see ani.• goods—it's a pleasure to shote them, y�� �a �g �-.9� n We 1 . STR K E I / O! Jeweler tent' Optinian•Issuer of Marriage Licenses •It -Repair work gnaranteccl or Money teftrnded, Novelty Clocks, JeWel Cases, Violins Musical Instruments Pipes, &c., In oil lines kept In an up-to- date JeVWelry Stare Jewelry Solid Gold Pearl Sot Dial -nowt Set to any design. Lockets SEE OUR NEW LINE meat and Xmae tree ,on Feiclay, 23rd Dec: Everybody welcome. Coyne and enjoy' a good entertainment, • Watson Stith rettu'ned home froth Mt, Forest, where he has been ill in the 'hospital for nearly three months with typhoid fever. We are pleased to learn that he is gaining strength. Gienannan MissSimpsnn spent a few days with Mrs. D. Mitetcbison, The good'sleighi ng lots started out those who have teaming to do, Our teaohees on the 813i and 10th concessions are doing excellent work and will 000111181(2to wield the rod during 193.1, The young people are bti y prepay ingi'or a Ohtistmes Tree Entertain- ment to be given in:Eadies Church, Thin•sday, Dec. 22nd, tit 7.30 p. m. Good program will be rendered. Everybody welcome. Sea'rorth AEA -FORTH LADY 1Nal:MED. —Min.- Archibald Scott, of Searortlr, was the victim of a painful accident the other evening. She had attended prayer meeting in the Presbyterian church and while coining clown from the church missed a stepand fell heavily against the front door,nfracturing her leftarm. She was immediately cou- .veyed to her borne, where a doctor set the fracture. Fordwich .WEDDING.—A quiet but :pretty wedding took place on Nov. 80, in Grace chnrch, Winnipeg, byRev. Dr. Orummy, when Miss Edythe L., eldest daughter of Rev, 'J• Ba11, ,Iiok'dwich, W. •i c 1 r1 V . was ail e i to a es Out. r Cl m Leatherdale, Ph. 111, B., Brandon, Man, The bride wore agown of white , satin de shone, bridal veilanda beau- tiful pearl necklace, ,the gift of the groom and carried an exquisite show- er of white roses. She wee given away by her uncle, C. Cudmor•e, of Crystal City, Man. Blyth Additional Blytlr news on page 3 which was intended for last week. Next Sabbath Rev, MrConway, of the Nile, will:offleate in the Methodist dearth here. Miss Bentley is clerking in Popple - stone & Gardinet's store during Mr. Gardinel's illness. • Several have been on the sick list .scant1y. Among ern M " them essrs, An- derson Gibbs and Pette, Mr, Shipley, of Middlesex Oo., ;s visiting his sister, Mrs. R. B. McGow- an, of East Wtewauosb. A. box social is to be held at Miss McGregor's school in East Wawanush on Thuesday evening, 22nd inst. Jas. Cutt sr. and his sister, Mrs. Coombs, of Saskatoon, spent Sunday in Godeeioh visiting their mother :and brother. P. Gardiner, who has been confined to bed with pleurisy, is on the mend we are glad• to state but will be a pris- one. in the house for a weekorso yet. The Christmas Entertainmeuts are on,—Anglican Friday' of this'. week ; Presbyterian and Methodist on Tues- day and Wednesday of next- week, respectively. Miss Murray, who has taught in therima. De attalent in the Public P Y P School for sixears has resigned and n x g will be succeeded by Miss Black, of Bluevale. Miss Murray is giving rap the teaching profession and will live with her mother in London. She will be much missed in Blyth and par- ticularly in St. Andrew's Sabbath School and Mission Band where she bas been a very efficient teaeher and; worker. ' e•F••••r••••••i••••1•••h••i••+•••a••• oe•+•+•+•+•+•+•4 4444444.•+ 0 i 9 • • 1- • • • e • O •• HOLIDAY GIFTS 1 • Headquarters .for Fancy, Valuable' and Appropriate Xmas' and New Years Gifts twill be the Jewelry Store of • al 0 • Big aloes for Sial' Outlay 9 y •••t••••••+ +••••••••t••+4+••• ••• 0.0 7 0•0•o F••o•o•o II o•�•® — BBUSSELS ......'••1.•N••••••......s......•••••A•o• .•.Oo®e0009. • y It will Pa A0 C Briel 0 Last Minute • • • ®fou to ° ' " Ijuu cf`ioice is not Z Shop Early Dry Goods & Holiday Gifts Always Satisfactory i e •�he�ftthat Fits a Longing • is the Gift that Pleases most ae • • • • o Our Store is full of Christmas -Gifts that are bound to 0 j please the purchaser: as well as the one given to. cts • s "r"►vr®• �rvvTsn7o.1►��sv��v Dry ®®ds Sectionoto®n i • We have DaintyNew Designs and Colorings t, 9 •s Collars Toques of Belts Clouds - 4• Scarfs Handkerchiefs • Sill: Shawls Gloves • s Iced Wool Shawls, etc. Mitts, etc. Also wide range of Fancy Silks, Silk and Net Waists, •• Novelty Dress Goods Furs of all kinds. . 4. • i Men's Furnishing Dept. i. :1 A very Gifts could be mentioned • long list of Holiday G : here. -We speak of a few : - e 0 •• • Latest Novelties in • • Shirts • Collars • ' Ties • • $all Christmas Groceries Stock of A Select • • • D. N ROSS OS • o6P••*p q.e4.•••W9.0..••••••••.!.••••.®••.4•.• Gloves Mitts Ever Popular Bradley Mufflers Coat Sweaters Silk Scarfs - Handkerchiefs • • • •• t r s Rev. j, L, Small, B. A., is preaching as tee of 9exnOna 00 "The he saver Cardinal Virtues." Last Sunday morning he diecoui•sed an Faith" endi. his subject for the 0ouing Sunday morning "hop 'The nerveis officerse." for kit, 'Andrew's Sunday Sebool for 1911 :are tis ful- lotvs;—Superintendent, Richard Som- ers ; Assistant Supt., P. Gardiner ; Secretary, Ino. Somers ; Treasurer, Jno, McMillan ; Librarians, Messrs, Cowan, elms and McMillan ; Organ- ist, Miss' G. Cutt ; Asst. Organist, and Sec'y, Miss II: Bennett. The simultaneous Evaugelietie cam- paign in Huron .Presbytery lets been arranged for and will take place in January. The following pian has been adopted.: Blyth, Rev, J. W. McLeod, of Belwoocl ; Auburn, Rev. G. 0, Little, of Paisley ; Lnndeehoro, Rev. G. Weir, of Glencoe ; McItillop, Rev. W. Aims, of Atwood; Seafortb, Rev. D. Tail, of Teeswater ; Egmoncl. ville, Rev. T. Wilson, of WalksrLon ; Clinton, Rev. T. N, Morden, of St. Marys ; Godericb, Rev. R. Martin, of Stratford ; Leeburn, Rev. P. E. Nichol, of London ; 13rucefleld, Rev. Graham, Parkhill ; Hensall, Rev. Dr. Patterson, of Toronto t Grand Bend, Reeds. Messrs. Currie, of Forest and Geddes, of Ailsa Craig ; Thames Road, Rev.. Mr. Kannawin, of Steathroy. I 4 9 •• Ole ere Highest Prices fo r Pr duce, Oranbrook The teachers and pupils of Oran - brook' Public School hold a closing Concert in the school on tbeafternoon of Dec. 22nd, commencing -at 2 o'clock. All are welcome. - e Ethel Municipal Nomination here Monday 28th ant from 12 to 1 o'clock. Noiiue, the little daughter of Rob- ert Gibson, has been on the sick list but is improving nicely now we are pleased to state. The changes in th e apartmen t form- erly known as the Gibson Hall in con vetting them into a borne for the proprietor and family aye about com- pleted and the place will be both cosy attd commodious. PRESENTATIONS.— An address ac- companied by a silver bread tray and sugar" shell were presented to' Miss Eva Strachan by the scholars of the Millbank Sunday school on the eve of bee departure for her home in Ethel. Her friends in Newton also presented her with a handsome onyx clock and a pearl baudled butter knife, accom- panied by an address. JOHN SLEHrhION DEAD.—Last Mon- day g da a telegram was received from Calgary 000 veying the sad intelligence of the demise of John Slemmou, youngest brother of Wm. Siemuron, of this locality. He had been in the hospital for two weeks prior to his. decease. Ni' S Iemir 1 on was a mem- ber of the Odd Fellows and was most highly esteemed and had many old friends here. He was unmarried and was about 36 years of age. His moth- er and sister (Mrs. A. D. Lamont) were with him when he died. Interment was made at Calgary. WHEAT To NEW ZEALAND.—This week ,George Addy, of this locality, made a shipment of Imperial Amber Winter wheat to the Department of Agriculture in New Zealand. Last year the same gentleman sent a quan- tity of this wheat to the Agricultural Department in .South. Aferca. This is going a long piece for a market but is a good recommend. Mr. Addy get a sample of this grain from the Ontario ricuthiral Cn1 A le a—a tea - cur full. He bail8 pounds front the sowing and the next year reaped 3 bushels and he has been growing it every season since with marked success. ed hospitality in opening their com- fortable home for the occasion, - They certainly did their part in first-class style. 'Miss Hull's numbers were given in tt most capable manner and were considered a real treat by the large company who hope, to havo the pleas - ere of hearing her again, • Grey Fine sleighing. A few weddings on the program. The wood and saw -log, business is ga a tuoving tlivelyrate. u The Tax Collectors have been"rop- ing" in the coin' during the past week and by Nomination Day the large proportion will be paid, Annual Sabbath School entertain- rnentwill beheld in Roe's. church on Thursday evening of next week. Good program, Christmas Tree, etc. Everybody welcome. Jno, and. Mrs: Engel, of Paw Paw, Mich., who were herej attending the. funeral of the late Chas. Rozell, 9th con'., left for their bonze on Tuesday. Mrs. Engel is a daughter. HousE BURNED.—Friday night of last week, shortly' after midnight, as 011ie Wacker and Will. Cardiff were coining home from the Oyster Supper at Samuel Snell's, they discovered Mrs. Duncan Livingston's house to be on fire. They gave the alarm to the proprietress and near neighbors but the flames had too big a start and the building was soon In ruins together` with nearly all the household effects. Mrs. Livingston had a close call from being overcome by the smoke. It was fortunate that the young men came when they did or a sad story would likely have h eta be told. The house was acomfortable frame story or building, about 20x28 feet with kitchen 18x221 and woodshed 10x14 feet The fire was first noticed between the kitchen and woodshed, clear where the cook stove was located. The cause of the fire is not known. There was an insurance of $650, of which $400 was on the house and $250 on contents. The risk was carried by the Howick Mutual, the inspection .over the loss' being made on Monday. Mrs. Living- ston was living alone although in the Summer season she frequently has members of her family from a distance visiting her. We Have not learned whether she will rebuild or not. There is an acre of land in the plot which is located 1 miles North of Brussels. In the meantime Mrs. Livingston is making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Ycill, 8th con. Jamestown Jas. Wallace is erecting a new kit- chen. Thos. Thompson has purchased a fine Jersey cow. Edward Barnard has constructed a large hen house. Samuel Burke is away on a visit with relatives in Kincardine locality. MTs. Mulligan, of Wroxeter, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Eckel, last week. Little. Gordon Hamilton is laid up with bronchitis but we hope he will soon be o, lc. This locality will supply the brides for a couple of weddings before the Winter is past. The annual Sabbath School Enter- tainment is called off owing to the burning of Victoria Hall. The many friends of Miss Dunelda McDonald are sorry to hearofher not enjoying her usual rugged health. Quite a number from this locality attended the concert in Wrbxeter Monday night. All report a good time, Mrs. 3i'. 0. Wright recently delivered to A. Monroe, of Wroxter, a turkey which was certainly a line specimen for which she realized over $6.00 cash. These are the kind to raise. 13181 Succioss.-Che Oyster Supper held at the loon of S. and Mrs. Snell last Friday was a very pleasant gatheting in every respect and was thoroughly enjoyed by the big assem- bly. '.'here was an abundant supply of choice bivalves to which ample justice WAS done. Program was a good one notwithstanding disap xrint- meets and was as follows t—Organ solo, Miss Ina Wynne 1 recitation, Miss Hull, teacher, • Wroxeter ; solo, Dougitld Strachan ; short speech, by Councillor Oat recitation, 'Miss Jessie Sti ache.n ; solo, Miss Hull chores by a company ; speech, A Pollock ,• recitation, Miss Hull National Anthem. Rev. W.J. West IV. A.; filled the chair nlostacceptably Financial proceeds atnounted to 541 Messrs. tisgtoys and, S ottoa, tlritsghanr, who were aunomnoeil t vera unpile to b give addressee, \ ) present. A hearty voto of thank WAS accorded 11111 and Mrs. Snell to the well known said highly appreciat. Morris WallaceWing- ham Agar was taken to W g harp Hospital on Tuesday. Juo. Shoebottom has housed his threshing machine, the season having closed. urn - Martin Grasby, 8th line, has return- ed home, after a two months visit in Alberta. While sawing wood at Jos. Yuill's, Stanley Watson had one finger nearly severed. Miss Ida Rintoul, of Calvin, was visiting Miss Jennie Jordan, 5th line, last w eels. T. S. Brandon, of Stratford, came here owing to the illness of his sister, Mrs. Thos. Proctor. Miss Edna lsbister, 2nd, line, does riot improve in health as her many friends would wish. Will. McMurray has been sawing wood and chopping grain for the farmers on the 4th line. Miss Ruby Clegg was a visitor with gg Reid,of Har- t o Messrs. h( families. f t Har - lock and Walton, for a few ays. Chicken -pox are epidemic in S. S. No. 5, necessitating the teacher, Miss Cornish changing her boarding house. W. L. Fraser had a bee drawing gravel this week. He intends putting a new cement wall under his barn next Summer. W. H. Fraser, who Sae been quite ill with an an attack of inflammatory rheumatism, is recovering, we are pleased to state. Rev. Mr. Young, of Pius River, circuit, filled the pulpit very accept- ably for Rev. J. W. Andrews, of Blue - vale, on Sabbath last. Chas. Agar, who was taken to Wingham hospital some time ago has so far recovered as to return home and we bops will soon be as hearty as ever. George Taylor, David Sproat, 7. S. Scott, Robt. Nichol and D. Dunbar from this locality attended. the Winter Fair at Guelph last week among nonny others. Miss Geddes, 8rd, line, who has been in ill -health for some time, was again taken to the hospital, were she under- went an operation, which is hoped will benefit her. This week Mrs. Cadwell, formerly Miss Nina Isbister. and two children, of Saskatoon. arrived at the parental home for a holiday. They are very welcome visitors. r Rev. Mr, Next Sabbath afternoon R v Conway, of the Nile, will preach at the Jackson church at 2.80. Rev. Mr. Fear, the pastor twill. preach Mission- ary sermons on the Nile circuit. The Women's Missionary Seciety of the Jackson church forwarded a bale of clothing, quilts. etc. to a Montreal mission and another to the Deaconess' Home, Toronto: This is not an un• usual occurrence for this Society but a development over other years. 1911 0OuNczt.— Morris Reeveship will not go a -begging for 1911 judging by the number of possible likely nominees whose navies ore mentioned. In the list are Councillors McCracken, Slrottued and �Vilkuloon, ex-Ooorcil- lo' Campbell, ex -Reeves Taylor and Iebister, Out of this half dozen there should be room for a good choice. For Committers there may be Onuio-il- n1Elston,M. Dell' ler Johnsto � Wm. Thos. Miller, John Clegg, . K. Taylor and perhaps' many more, The Nomie- 411011 Dai' will Foveal tbo LIDO siteat- tot but in the Meantime scene, at least, are "getting a move on,", Sunday School Christmas eutertale .,- lite Tl 91 .. e 1 he ackao c It u ttut J n 1 m I. h day evening, 20thinst. Good .program will be presented and pie will not 00 wantingin the lunch to be served, Geo. Sterling, father. of Robe. Sten lingformerly of Morris died et Melita Man., o1 November 2nc1. De- ceased' was a native of Yorkshire, England and prior to going West in 1887 lived for a number of years near : Clinton. Da. MOONEY' DECEASED. — Last Saturday John ' Mooney, 5th line, received the sad: news of the death of his brother, Dr. James Mooney, of Wellington, Texas, who passed away the Sabbath previous after a five days' illness of pneumonia. He was born Sept. 26th, 1852 and is away from here for well riigh.40 years, Mrs. Mooney and an adult family survive. The Dr. was a former resi- dent of Morris and will be remember- ed by the - older settlers who will be sorry to hear of his;decease. Mrs. Mooney wee away,r.'eceiving treat- ment for rheumatism at` Mineral'... Springs when her husband died. She was a former Morrisite, being a daugh- ter of the late James Bailey, 4th line. Belgrave - The youngpeople of Knox • obur•cb are prearinforpholding of a Xmas Concert on Dec. 23rd. FRonr BaonLRIOx, SAsx. A letter from Edwin Wightman, of Broderick, Sask., on Dec. 0th, 10 THE POST says ; —1Ve are having lovely Winter. weather here now, only 2 or 3 inches of snow. Cattle and horses are still ' running out and doing fine. It has been quite -cold at times, over 20 be- 'k0 Crops yesterdayin Broderick r low•zerop were rather light this year but we re was as it for what the are thankful could easily have been much worse. We wish yon and our other friends the compliments of the season. Noris of TxTEREST.^Itirs. Procter, of Brussels. is visiting in the village.— Mr. Reid's son was bitten by a dog on Saturday. The dogs head has been sent to Toronto: Gyrus Scott lost a valuable horse last week.—Dr. Ham- ilton has been in the village for a couple of clays.—W. H. Stewart, of Acton, brother of Dr. ,Stewart, has been appointed to.theerppsiiio,,,.a •'�°"' teacher of Science and Mathematics in Parry Sound at an initial salary of $1300.—Quits a number of farmers from this community took in the Guelph Winter Fair.—Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Whitechurch, took the service in the Methodist church on Sunday.—Mr. Harris, of Wroxeter, 'zrforO.O.t has been a- round Organizer fnra few days and the village roundy been successful in seeming quite a - number of new members for the Order. Mr. Harris is a hustler.—A. - very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Garner Nicholson by a large number of friends on Tuesday . evening. Garner entertains royally when he undertakes to do so.: Wroxeter Jno. Booth made a business trip to Harriston on Tuesday. novel• Morrison, of Ha Mrs. ,Ino: itlo , spent last Wednesdav in the village. W. Cooper of Tugaske, Sask., is renewing acquaintances in this local- ity. Mrs. C. F. McLean has. returned from a few weeks' visit with friends in Detroit. Wm. McLennan, of MNoitreal, visit- ed on Sunday witlr_11is mother, Mrs.' McLennan. ileLen of Brus- sels, and 14Irs. Patterson, sels, visited the former's parents bt ee - r over Sunday. Mrs. Ohas. Htnde, of . Vegreville, Alta., spent last Saturday with friends iu the village. Mrs. E. Cardiff, of Morris township, was the guest of her sister, Mee. G. Leckie, a few days of this week. The Young men's Bible Class will give a play to the Town Hall; Wrox- eter, Dec. 30th, entitled "Old Acre Folks'. See bills for particulars. Keep date clear. Word was received here. recently of the death at his home, near Treherne, Man., of Joseph Marks, on Nov, 20th, h former well known resident of this place. Mr, Marks conducted a bakery and grocery business for a mother of years in the building now owned by D. Martin. Ho was also an active worker in the Methodist Church., Owing to the storm lost Thursday ,the concert, under the auspices of the Wroxeter Glee Club, was postponed until Monday evening, when it passed off very successfully. Attendance was not nearly as large as it should have been, though, when we consider that the praecede were to benefit such a worthy institution as the3ltx8 Pub- lic Library of our village. Mies Bart is a good elocutionist and her Wee - tions were well received. The music by the Glee Club was also well render- ed After an illness extending over several weeks, Mrs, 'Win. Sanderson, an old resident of this locality, passed away last Thursday in Hamilton, where she had been living with her sons since leaving here about 5 years ago. Mrs. Sanderson was. highly re- spected by all wlio knew her and hoe demise is a cause of great, regret and evokes widespread sympathy for the bereaved. She is anevlved by two sons, Wm. and Charles, of Hamilton, and three daughters, Mts. G. Dane and Miss Mary, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Humphrey, of Lindsay.. Funeral tools place Saturday morning from the residence of V�'m. Rutherford to the Gerrie cemetery, Rev, Mr, hinder', conducting an appropriate service. The late J, J. Ot'itbbe, of 'T',i :10, r l: e, t. whose interment took r P n0 s Marys, left an estate totalling $ � t 1, : 00, all of which goes to his She in to pay diary Eliza Poole, a of Mi, rabbe's the stair of $5,+ within, tore years.