HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-8, Page 1b VOL. 39 NO: 23 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, :THURSDAY, DECEMI3L R 8, lgxo W. H. KERR, Frp t etpr New Advertisements Local-Hisspole. -T Local -M Yollaok•.' For solo Th.lToole, Goon] gtt.-Jas, Fox. Xmas -•w. A. GrowOL, Local -Miss J. 3. Allan For solo- W. F. Forrest, .. Local -W. 3. McOraekon. ' Xmas cheer - A m tl Cinerea HdkLe-Atraohml• Clearing snie-I,,O Wolin rein, ' Sanson le ods- '0. Ross. Xlnnn la coming -E 0..wilson,' none presents -E, 0. Duntord, Christmasresect -Hi L. Ja kaon. Learn to to Listowel Business Oollege, M;Csitriti galas Jamestown OYSTER Smernet.-Don't forget the Oyster Supper Friday evening of this week ab the home of S. Snell,. Ad- dresses areexpected from A H. Mus- grove,' M. P. P. and, Geo. Spotter), of Winghaen. Good musical program, Rev. W. J. West, M. A., will bechair- man. Leadbury Leonard Boltouis steadily recover- ing after a severe attackk of neumouia we are pleased Cci state. Miss Jennie Love 14 home from Oen - Aimee where She has been engaged in thes o f Mt' Clark. geoeral store o k Albert 1cG vzu has moved into his handsome new residence and we ho p e he and his good lady may long. enjoy e nfort an happiness their uev home. Chas.to a' of Torontomade ade a S wxt business trip to 111c1010p Saturday. Mr. Stewart was raised in these pacts 4111( is now engaged in the Grocery business in the Qoeen city and handles a large quantity of produce which is largely supplied from his native com- munity. 4. +.444 •44+•44444•40+•44444.••• •.F41114.0.1.04.•+•+•+•+•41.41044+041114.0.1.04.•+•+•+•+41114.0.1.04.•+•41114.0.1.04.•+•+•+•+•41.41044+41114.0.1.04.•+•+•+•+•41.41044+04.•+•+ 4. r as s • • hri ton presents •• 3 • • • Our new goodsare now here. We bought at the closest prices direct Aailt from the niacturer• and can save you -money ,on LADIES' • -Watches --Brooches 4. • -Gem Rings -Pearl Crescents1. -Pearl Rings -Watch Chains • --Signet Rings -Watch Fobs l` • -Diamonds --Cuff Links Y -Lockets -Collar Pins • -Necklets -Blouse Sets • t -Watches -Gold Cuff Links 4 -obs, Lockets • Watch Chains ♦ -Gold Pins • •F• -sp coons -Rings -Chains, Lockets 4. -mugs -Bracelets -Knife, Fork & Spoon' • • • We carry a nice line of Cut Glass, Clocks and Silverware of best makers. 1847 Rogers Bros:' Knives, Forks' and Spoons. Violins, •. �. Mouth Organs, &c. • • Our first ambition and concern is to see thab: our Jewelry is of a .I. quality that will wear. Our prices are as low as the lowest. • . . GENTS!. -Pearl Set Pins - Signet Rings -Stone Set Rings - Emblem Pine -Shaving Mugs BABIES' • • -Brooches • -Amethyst Brooches ,•h -Pearl Sunbursts • - Fine Umbrellas --Hair Receivers -Toilet Sets • .--Cut Glass, &c. • -Fine Umbrellas -Pipes -Safety Razors - Match Boxes - &c., &c. • • i • • "Honest goods at lowest prices our motto • H. L. JACKSON; Jeweler • 4•••••••••••114+•+•••••••••444.•+•+•444.•4••••••••••444.•÷e 44.••t -e i' Win, Faryuaison, who spent the Summate iii Lhe Wet nett i'nod 1 tel s, i a Y but will go cot wain in the Spring taking his family, with him. Mrs, V. I{nechtel, of Moose Jo.w, has been visiting in thesepparts. .She. will stayhast for the Winter visitin her many friends in Hymen arid Bruce Counties. ilies.. i ' l YDennisYIA`L- L Guido rt tl 1It . De tree z n z 1 s iv r f •ie ds for a feweak . DI +, Dr aanis is moulder in a foundry t Brantford and his schoolmates are always pleased to see him. 'Phos. Denude 'is not enjoying very good tenth recently. Io 's i o1' i cot 1 � l u g t i Y the pioneers and they are becoming very scrum, the Great Reaper gather - lug then] in one by (00 1(0(1. we doubt very much if the present generatiou. will be able to follow, in their foot- steps as far as energy, industry and long life are ooneeened. Walton on - - The evangelistic services in Duff's church will conclude this week, W. and Mrs, Hawthorn and'children who have beenliving at Waskada, Man., ore renewing old friendships here. They make their (Lome in W ing harp for a while at least. Last Monday'eveningJames Mc Donald, a wll knowresident of this locality, fell through a trap door in the barn to the stable beneath and received quite a shaking up but will soon be all ;tight his many friends hope. SucCLssruL.-A good time was en- joyed last Sabbath at the anniversary services iu Duff's church. Rev. Dr. Murray; of Toronto, was the preacher• and gave two fine discourses. 1n the morning he 81101(0 on "The Prodigal Son" and at night he dwelt on the text, "How long halt ye between two opinions ?" , The choir rendered good musical numbers. Free-will offering was taken' totalling $200 which did credit to the congregation. The pas- tor was at Brussels on Sunday. GOND TO HIS REWARD. -At 3 p. m. last Monday the imperative summons that all must obey came to e. well known and highly esteemed resident in the person of James Bolger and he passed peacefully away to his rest, aged 77 years. He had been in failing health for the past 6 months from an intestinal growth but had not been confined to beduutilSunday. Deceas- ed was born in the Co. of Tipperary, Ireland, and came to Canada with his parents about 70 years ago. They located ou Lot 20, Con. 2, McKillop, 2t miles from Seaforth, where the subject of this notice lived until 1879 when he purchased the Donald Scott 100 acres, 8th line Morris, where the family home was until last March, 'Learn to do by Daing Listowel Business College' TTY�r`►TT' �����T� r�����r� r�T77� -'V V' ' Christmas Announcement Know all men by these presents that I, Edwin G. Matthews, do hereby solemnly covenant and agree to deliver to any young person studying at Listowel Business College, a 'thorough and practical course in Business or Shorthand Education, for and in considera- tion of the regular tuition rates as here -in -after mentioned Three Months $25.00 Six Months $42.00 and $5.00 per month for each additional month. Witness my hand affixed this 28th day of Nov., 19 to. YOUNG MAN. --You cannot afford to do without a 13USINI3SS COLLBG +' TRAINING no matter what your caking may be in life. • YOUNG WOMAN. -1 course of study in our Shorthand and Typewriting Departtnent will equip you with a means of making an independent income. You should have it. It is pleasant and ,profitable. Business College as Christmas LSARLNI'S. Give your boy o1 girl a course in ListowelI3 s as Go ge a a man Present and it will be one woith while. UNTIL DECEMBER 22nd dout' number of students for the comingyear I will allow a TEN PER GENT. DIS. In order to y COUNT off the regular rates of tuition to every one who will enroll before December 22nd, to enter College any time before January 15th, 1911. This is the only lime this offer will appear, and it, will be withdrawn on the date mentioned, so WRITE OR CALL TO -DAY for our Catalogue and particulars, DO IT NOW before you pelt this paper away. "1 WILL," as per agreement above, address - Edwin G. Matthews) Principal. WieeleftWowliskewwseetererieteeerreeetWeVeoweseiwoweskeesweessewenio when Mr. Bolger sold out to his son, Thos. H. and. retired from fairer life locating in Walton where he,boughta lame. Mrs. Bolger, whose molder] name wee Mary Garter, died 6 years ago last November. The surviving, ohil(lreo are 6 ,sons viz:; -John, of Thos. Gre •oe • , 1' i ; Hof M 'i,ic • L;zsl1lhs. or e Y 1, James, of Winnipeg Sydney, Jtee n l Lod Wm., 1(Y Govan, Sask. ; and three daughters,Mrs. An rev Knight arid Mrs. Charles Pollard, of. Morris, and Mies Jane at hoiue. The subject of this notice was it faithful member of $t. George's church, where he loyally served as Sunday School u erin end - ant for manyears and also Warden. In as is was Mr. Bolger was a oils •votive.as ii O et t Hew ldtrstrions, thrifty and honest in all his trans- actions and hod a wide circle ac- quaintances. a wd 4e of quaintances. He took a trip back to the 01(1 Country and always maintain- ed u deep interest in its affairs. His brother, Joseph, of Pott Elgin, was here for the funeral. He is the only sat•vivorof_the family. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon, Rev. D. E. Cameron, deceased's pastor, con- ductipan appropriate service in St. George's ehtrc1 to which Mr. Bolger was so devoted after which the re- mains t mains we •e laid. to rest infautil r the plot in Brussels eemeteryin the pres- ence rey ence of many old friends. Morris Tcwnship Council on 15th inst. See page $ for additional Morris news. Quite a number of Morrisites are in attendance at the Winter Fair at Guelph. - Walter and Andrew Miller, who have been in the West, are here ou a; visit with relatives and friends. Mr's. Jno. 14lelville, of Londesboro', who was formerly Miss Hazel Embury, of Morris, has been seriously ill but we hope a change for the better will - soon ensue. The fine 100 acre farm belonging to Wm, Keys. 5th line, formerly owned by ex -Reeve Mooney, has been sold to George Kerr, of the same locality, who gets possession next Spring. Price was $6,200. The probabilities are Mr. Keys may go West when the Winter is past. We wish the purchaser suc- cess with the addition to his real estate. CHANCE of PROPERTY. -Wm. Ber- nard, who has had the John Mooney farm, 5th line,leased for the past term, has purchased Si Lot23, Con. 6, con- taining 100 acres, from Jas. Maxwell, paying $5,200 therefor. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard will move to their new home next Spring. The farm is a good one and was formerly owned by WM,. Robb, who is . now located on the 30 adrefarm ' purchased from Jno. Mow- bray,. near Walton. It is said Mr. Maxwell will take a trip to the West, where he is no stranger. We hope all oncerned will profit by the changes. Wm. Shortreed, Wnr, Skelton and Win. Taylor were among the sight, seers at the Fat Stook Show, Guel h, this week.- There was 641 Ifni -eel -lee crowd, Farm Sale.--Satnrday of last week Sohn Wheeler' sold hie well known 100 acres, 4th line; to Robert -Nicholson, who 00.11S s te farm acmes the road $8,900 15 the figure and Mr, Wheeler to next takes tart B s 'A! ea au aro . it 3s y dandypiece 01' property and las'b - lon rd to the Wheeler familyfor Well 6 50 z up toward 50 yams, We hope Mr. and Mrs, Wheeler will locate Seine. whom neari re s1( by,Inurhase with This what already was possessed will give the Nicholson boys a most, desirable property. Scrioot REroRT.-The following is the School Reportc >f S. S. No. 8, Morris, for the month of November :- Class. IV. -John Passmore, Myrtle Wheeler, Eeriest Michie, Janet Con - non. Sr. 'IL -join -1 Little, Saml. Al- eoek, Gladys McNeil. Jr. IIL-Ivan McA.rter, Andrew Nichol, Elsie Con - non, Norman Speir, Willie Clark, Jr. II B. --Annie Little, - John McNeil, Russel Marks. Jr. II A. -Annie Al- cock, Maggie ClarkPL IL -Maggie a ie 1 Hanna, Mary Pcab LitY McArto rMargaret McNeil Everett Nichol. tllifl'ord Marks. Pt. I. -Florence Nichol, Jim Duncan, Allan Speir, ANNIE MoGowAN, Teacher. Ethel Report of Layman's Missionary Banquet may be read on page 4. Cords s Rothwell arrived home last week from Alberta on a visit. He has done well in the West. Theinmates of the Wln. Rathwell home, who were illwitlr typhoid fever, are recovering after a tedious siege. J. W. Wallace, of Griswold, Man., was renewing old friendships in this locality last week. 'He was a welcome visitor. . Mrs. Robt. Bremner, of this locality was taken ill while in Brussels last Monday with acute indigestion and has been under the doctor's care. We hope she will soon be fully restored. We are glad to bear that Geo. Oxtoby, formerly of this focality, is croa erin in Alberta. He. built a ement block residence iast Summer and harvested over 4,000 bushels of grain. May it long continue. Wonor's liesTITuTn.-The regular meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Fletch- er, Thursday Dec, 15th at 2.30 p. m. 'Topic "Self control` and the effect of temper," taken by Mrs. 0. Hutchinson and Mrs. D. McGuire. Plans are to be tirade for a social evening in Janu- ary. ANOTHER PIONEER PASSED AWAY. =After an illness of over eight years, death came to relieve Elizabeth Fish- er, relict of the late Dauiel Eckmier, cm Monday night, 28111 alt., at the age of 83 years. The *subject of this notice To complete your . Costume Carry the LISSUE Handkerchief THE LISSUE is of cobweb fineness and feels like silk. White; and several . charming coloured patterns to harmonize with the gown. The finish and colours are absolutely guaranteed to suffer no harm from washing. 20c. each, glove size 15c. each. OUR GUARANTEE. Every LISSUE handkerchief is guaranteed indelible colours, superior quality and permanent finish. If found otherwise, you can obtain six handkerchiefs for every one that fades or runs in washing. Sold in Brussels by A. STRAGHAN Ready ?Xmas is Coming We Are Are You 1 ali� Try S. C. WILSON With your next Grocery order. Our goods are fresh and we can supply you with all kinds of Christmas. Groceries, Peels, Seeded Raisins, Currants, Icing Sugar, Spices,' Etc. Lemons, Bananas, Almeria Grapes Figs, Dates, Prunes, Peaches Oranges The first Naval Oranges of the season are here and are sweet and juicy. Expect a big shipment bra few days and prices are low. Candies At the Candy Counter you will fled the largest and best es- sortmentofCandies in Brussels. Try our chocolates and see our large assortment of Ohristntas 130n Bans ranging in price from 5c to $2,00 and neer. Always a full litre of Fry's, Webb's and Nasmitir's celebrated Ohocelntes on hand. HOT DRINKS HOT SOUPS Fresh Oysters Cornelia, COCOA OYSTERS and Brier TEA TOMATO Good Quality Thanking out Molds for their liberal patronage during the past year we wish all it Marty Holiday Season. 'PHONE 73 [.. .. Special Attention to 'Phone Orders, e C. Yt i 1 SO n was born in Hanover, Germain'', and came to Canada 03 years ago with her pParents 50111(110a0,wnd setheretled.shue thewas townuniteshipd of iu marriage to the late Daniel Eckmi.et', in the year 1840. In 1870 they moved to Ethel and pnrehaeed the farm now ()wiled by Christian Eek gie. z w ho e they reszdodf0rupwardsof 21 years, Aft er the oash f her huekla d inthe farm toogreat a .burden find - she decided to leave it and then she pur- chased a house and lot in the village of Ethel, where she resided until 111 health compelled her to leave it and live with her children. h was eve( e She a a faithful helpmate, a loving mother and a good neighbor and was most highly esteemed by those who knew her best. She was a member of the Lutheran r'comforti 1 the an church and he i declining years, after the loss of her eyesight, was singing and repeating the songs she had learned in her youth. There area left to mourn her decease, eight suns and four daughters viz, Wm., of Ethel; Daniel, of Clin- ton ; August, of Wallace ; Christian, who lives on the old homestead ; John of Alberta Andrew, of Stratford ; Louis and ;Geon e, of Jamestown ; Mrs. George Reuther, of Oran brook .Mea. James Lynn, of Fordwich,Mrs Menzies, of Oranbrook, at -whose home she died and Mrs. Hansuld, of Ethel. Her eldest son, Henry, died in Brussels 27 years ago. There are 48 grandchildren, and 14 great grand- children, the majority of whom were present at the funeral which took place on Thursday of last week and was attended by a large concourse of friends to Brussels cemetery. Rev. Dr. Oaten, of Brussels conducted the service being assisted by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook. The pallbear- ers were six sons of the 'deceased.. Farewell to this world's fleeting joys, Our home is not below, There was no home for Jesus here And thus to Hfin we go. To Him in yonder home` of love, WhereHehas gone before; The. home He changed on 'Oalvary's cross Where all one sins He bore. To all His ransomed ones He'll give, To us amongst the rest, With Him to dwell, withFlim to reign With Him forever blest, Farewell t farewell 1 poor faithless wo With allrld thy boasted store, We'd' not have joy where He had woe, Be rich where He was poor. Grey Township Contrail Thursday of next week. Miss Beatrice Armstrong, 10th con.,. is filling a position in a store in Toroo ssntGrace .Hoover, 9th con., has gone to Ashfield to visit relatives for a week or so. A goodly number from. Grey are at Guelph this week at the Provincial Winter Fair. Grey township news of an interest- ing character may be read on page 4 of this issue. Ed. Brant who spent the past fifteen months in the West, has returned home looking hale and hearty. Mrs. Kerr. of Henfryn, had the mire fortune to have her head out by a fall- ing icicle as she was going outdoors. On Thursday, 29tH inst., Jno. and Mrs. Jackson,5th con., will celebrate a very pleasing event -viz the 50th anniversary of their marriage. School iu S. S. No. 2 Was resumed on Wednesday, Miss McNair having re- turned from the sad mission to Moose Jaw where her brother died at the hospital. Cann OF THANES. We, the under- signed, wish publicly to express our heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends and also the members of the I. 0. 0. F., who came to us in our hour of deep bereavement 'with words and: deeds of kindness, sympathy and love. It has been highly appreciated and will never he forgotten. May our Heavenly Father reward them all bountifully is the sincere wish of JAs. AND MRS. MCNAIR AND FAMILY. CALLED AWAY. - The demise of Charles Rozell. which took place last Saturday morning, about 11 o'clock, came with startling suddenness as he was thought to be considerably im- proved iu health, had been for a 5 mile drive Thursday and about the place on Friday as usual and intended visiting his daughter in Morris the next day. Saturday morning early he took a bad turn and lapsed into aneonseioueness about nine o'clock from which he did not revive. Mr. Rozell's health had not been good for the past year, Bl'ight's disease being the cause. Was born in the township of Erin, Halton Co., June 17th, 1847, and was consequently in his 64th year. From a boy of 9 years of age until29 yeei:rs ago he made his home in Elma township,Perth Co., marrying Miss Sarah Plum, who survives him. at Listowel June 5111 1872. After a resi- dence on the 4th lino of Morris for 9 years he sold his farm and moved to Grey township where he spent 5 years and then went to Michigan but only stayed a year. and once more lived in Morris for 8 years and has since been a resident of Gtey, purchasing the farm on Which he;died from W. H. Kett, of Brussels, 0"years ago. The children, who were all here for the funeral Oh Tuesday afternoon, ttre Will. and Ettore, of Detroit, and Ernest athome; Mrs. Jno. Engle, of Paw Paw, Mieh., Mrs. W. H. Salter, or Toronto ; M.rsy Herb. Manning, of Morris township, and Misses Annie and Hazel tut' home. Rev. Dl•. Oaten conducted an ap aro- palate service and pallbearers were Jae. Armstrong, Teasdale Whitfield, Thos, Bielby,''. Curvy, S Wilton and W. II, Keel.. The alilijeei, of this entice Wats a kindly genial elall and coon ed his friends by the Mores. He belonged to the Methodist church, was a Liberal in polities and a Member of the In- dependent Order of Foresters, the Court. sending a beautiful wreath for his casket,, Mr. Rozell woe honorable in all ,transactions, industrious and an upholder of the best' interests of the community munit and his detnise',is. Stn - i eoraly regretted. Among relatives, Mr: 1 friends n weretiS�Llre and from al Ut. d o c1 'Idre 1 Engle, Mr. Salter u two u e a n a, g, Joseph and Yin. Rozell, of Elmira ,' the termer being brother to deceased; Mrs. Wlil. Ainlay and K. McKenzie,' of Toronto, Mies Alice Fleming, oftor1( • Mrs. (Dr. Reyes, Luckno w • MissBeryl est and H. Davis,vis, of Wingham, and J. Laird, Seaforth. Mrs, Walker, of Detroit, Mr. Rozell's only sister, was unable to get to tine funeral. The bereaved share lar elY e neighborhood i Che sympathy off where deceasedwasso well nd favor ably known. AT REST. -It is with feelings of pro- found sorrow that we record the death' of Archie K. McNair, youngest son of Jas. and Mrs. McNair, 14tH con., which occurred on the 27111 idt., in the General hospital at Moose Jaw,Sask., aet he age of 30 years 1 and red 12 days. The cause of death was a com- plication of typhoid fever and pneumonia, a severe illness endured with the tranquil and submissive heart of a Christian. LL manner, the departed one wasRuiet and unassum- ing and in character his honorable nature was unquestioned. He had many true friends both in the West and in the locality of his parental hone who deeply regret his early de- parture but did Christ not say to his followers "I am the Light, the Life, the Way ?" Yea and from the Heavens He saith "The gate of life is the gate of death." The funeral, which was private, took place on the 3rd ineb. from the family residence to Brussels cemetery. Rev.' D. B. Mc- Rae, former pastor of the deceased, conducted an impressive ceremony, the I.O. O. F. of Brussels also taking part at the place of interment. His death makes the second break in the family, the first occurring nearly 27 years ago. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in this their hogs' of bitter trial but the sorrow is lightened by the happy assurance that their loved one has gone to the Heaveuly Home, - Then why should their tears run down And their hearts be sorely riven, For anotbergem in the Saviour's crown Another soul in Heaven ? Moncrieff Will. Mann, who cut his foot so bad last week, is progressing fine. Russel Robertson and Hugh Craw- ford of this vicinity, are engaged to cut wood for P. Ament, of Brussels. Evangelistic services start at Mon- crieff under the leadership of Evenge, list Woods, of Ottawa, the neighbor- ing people are cordially invited to at- tend. Wroxeter How As YOua Erss--Miss J. J. Allen, Eyo Sight Specialist, will be et the Hing Edward Hotel, Wroxeter, Wednesday next Dee. 14th. '. Mrs. Fred. Davey is speeding a week with relatives In Grand Valley. A number from here attended the Assembly in Gorrie last Friday even- ing. W. Jex, who has spent the last six months in Muskoka, was in the vil- lage on Tuesday. John Powell, of London, attend- ed the funeral of his sister, Mrs. C. Simmons on Sunday last. Miss Agues McKereher entertained a large number of her girl friendsto a birthday party on Friday evening. Mrs, Milligan and little flan daughter, of Clifford,' are visiting this week with the foriner's son, Peter Milligan. . • A. Chisholm, of Walkerton, was in the village last Saturday, looking after the moving of his printing plant which he recently sold to Editor.. Aitcheson, of the Clifford Express. 01,..RD or THAN1Rs.-We extend to our many friends our sincerest.thanks for their kind words and deeds of sympathy in our recent sad bereave- ment. 0. SIMMONs AND FamILY. Dec. 7th, 1910, Om u,seer.--The death occurred on Monday morning of Mrs. Simpson, relict of the late Rev. Geo. Simpson, of Brumfield. Mrs. Simpson had been in feeble health for a nulnher,of years but only confined to bed for a_ bout four weeks She is survived by two sons, George, of Rothsay, and Cecil, of this place. A short service by Rev. L. Perrin took place at the residence at 10 o'clock on Wednesday morning after which the remains were taken to Brumfield, where inter- went took plate. Drennan INTO REST. -After a ling- ering illness of almost two years, dor- ing this time she suffered a meat ileal, Mrs. Charles Simmons, of Wroxeter, departed this life oe Friday' morning last, The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at 2.30 in the Wroxeter Methodist Church, of which deceased had been a member tor neatiy80years. Rev. 0. W. McKenzie, 13. A., preached an appropriate sermon from the text Hebrews 13-8 "Jesus Christ the same yesterday to -day and forever," allot Rev's. Me. Perim and Mr. Russell as• silted in the service. One of the larg- est processions ever seen in this vicin- ity followed the remains to the Wroxeter cemetery. The deceased was a faithful wife, a loving mother and a true friend, Following rnenrbers of the family are left to mourn the, loss t ---the husband Chal'les Simmons the daughters, Victoria, at home ; Mrs. Thos. Saunders, of Vancouver, 13. 0. ; the sons, Charles VV., Howl*: John W., of Bruseels; Geor e, Of Wcuwanosh and Rev. l3yroh, of Fot'est. Pall -bearers were -A, Munroe, 1V, 1`tu1hetford, W. Gregg, P. McEwen, t A. McMichael and M. Sanderson,