HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-1, Page 8A Choice Piece of Ebony Se Our 'b u See o ow o floods nr e Di'ti ph w There have feet P iY d ha a r0 eel h t P4 a ,. ,T K 0. few 10. a j Who only, have one or two graoes of this, but what would like to have the fell toilet sett in this were. Nothing would make e better preaeut than a piece of title. Ifair Bt•ubee, Ebony baoks, different sh xpea, from e1,Q0 up, Milttacy Boehm, 02,00 pair. —Clothes Ierasbee fro 51,00 up. —Hat 'Br uehea and Bonnet Brushes, 750, -- y B.QWutifnl Mirrors, in bath the round Mid oval ebapes, and different aims. —We also have the Siand Mirrors it; the Ebonold Wood at front 26o up. ,p Shot Albums Reel) your SuapBhoGa together andd i n good condition bya elm nu Gi Ghe Uiii lbum. sly theway, what would Wako 5. better present than a Seep Shot Album with a few prints of pioturee of last Sum-.. mer's pietuice, &o. Now is the time to get, them reedy. A very'attraotiye Album we have is the "Scenes by the Way" Book This has spaces to suit almost any elite or shape of print—square, round and oval— and come at 25o, 46o, 76o and 07.00, Oth- erbinde with plain leaf M 150, 26e and 40o,. Ask to see our 1911 Fireside Calendar. This is for mounting your own 'prints on, and makes a most suitable remembrance. lea—We have out the firet of our, new Christmas Ppstals. They are all new designs, no old ones, and eurpaae those of other years,, Fora • DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. its Pal reins Pits DECIIMBER.. VILLAGE Council will meet on Mon- day eveuing next. BASE Ball Entertainment on Wednes- day, December 2z, Keep the date clear. LAST week Thos, Newsom made a supply of maple syrup. The Fall variety is not excelled by the character of the Spring manufacture. PROVUxcree Winter Fair next weep at Guelph, December a to 9, . Siugle fare on railways, which from, Brussels will be $1.85. THURSDAY of this week was the first Monthly Horse Fair for this season, Next Fair will come on Thursday Jan. 5111. The cottage on Queen street, which belonged to the late Mrs. Haycroft, has been parchased by Walter Lowry who made a. number of improvements about the properity before having the house painted. He has rented it to Allan Lamont, TRADED FARMS.—George Keys and J. W. Palmer, both of town, bave traded farms the former giving his too acres on con. 5, Grey, for Mr. Palmer's no acres, known as tee Sharpe farm, 5th line Morris. Mr. Keys will use his new possession as a grass farm for stock, we understand.' EAs'c HuaoN FASMERs.—A meeting of farmers and others interested, will be 'held in the Towo Hall, Brussels, Satur. day, Dec. 4th, at 2 p. m., to further discuss the Trade question and if thought best to elect delegates to go to Ottawa to wait on the Government. Everybody will be welcome, • CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SOCIAL.—The annual Christian Endeavor Social, im :convection with Melville church, will be held in the Towo Hall, Brussels, Tuesday evening, Dec. e3111. A good program of musical and literary selec- tions will he given and refreshments served. Admission Io and 15 cents. An interesting feature of the evening will be an Eastern Temple Worship drill. CHRISTMAS CANTATA.—On the even- ing of Thursday. egth Inst, a Christmas Cantata, entitled "The Birth -of Christ" will be given in the Town Hall, Brus- sels, under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. and directed by Mrs. Addie Wright. There will be 35 voices in song and story. Tbe music is charming and the recitations o s most seasonable. DIED AT 86.—Thursday of last week William -Miller, a well known resident of Bervie locality and an uncle to Mrs. George Barkley, of Brussels, passed away at the advanced age of 86 years. An adult family survive. Interment was made at Kincardine on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Barkley attended the funeral. Mrs. Miller died about 14 years ago. SHOULD HE Goon. — Brussels Base Ball management has arranged with W. Francis Firth k to haveo r S Homer E t a Un the great character tmper sonator and of New York Miss Mazie Jack- son, soprano, add Mr. Firth. baritone, appear in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Wednesday, December 21st. This will .be a real treat and seats should be reserved early.Plan of hall will open at Fux's Drug store. es THE WINTER FAIR.—ex•Reeve T. Mc. Millen, of Hullett, will be one of the speakers at the Provincial Winter Fair at Guelph next week. His address will be delivered Wednesday afternoon, the subject being a very practical one viz :— "The Beef Cattle Industry in Ontario." He will be able to speak frorn a wide ex• ,peeience. Joo. Campbell, of Woodville, will open the discussion. Mr. McMillan is the only speaker from Huron Co. CARD,OF 'TuIANxs.—We wish to pub- , eel), express our heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends who came to us in our sudden and deep bereavement with words and deeds of kindeess,'sympathy and love, Ooly those who have been in sorrow will he able to knowbowfully we yalued theta, We hope the Great Father will reward them bountifully. Yours Thankfully, MRS, JAS. ELLIOTT AND FAret v. WOMEN'S INSTITUTn—Thursday sifter. noon of last week the meeting, ofBrus• sels Women's Institute washeld at the commodious residence of George and Mrs. Phomsoh, William street. 'J'here was a large attendance, 25 members of Jamestown Institute .being welcome .guests, "What Women should know about Banking" was thoroughly eluci- dated by F. H. Gilroy, manager of the Metropolitan Bank, in a 45 minute ad- dress. Mrs. Ino. Robb, President, gave a very interesting and comprehensive report of the annual Convention held at Toronto. at which she was a delegate, which may be read on page 5 of this issue of Tun POST. Vocal selections of Music were welt rendered by Mrs. A. D. Grant and Miss Marjorie Strachan and instrumental piano numbers presented iu good form by Mrs. Thos. McFadzean. Mrs. George 'Thomson and Miss Jessie MoLaucllliu, A hearty vote of thanks Was passed to Mr, Gilroy for his practical address, Before separating the hostess served a very tasty lunch and the ladies departed with many thanks to Mrs, '1'houtsea fol' her `.tbnstinted hospitality. MESSRS. .BROWN AnD LOWRY, Who bought and sold off a bankrupt stock at Kincardine, are back to town once more: DR. POOLE LEAVING TOWN.— THE Pos'r is sorry to state that Dr. C. A. Toole and family purpose removing from Brussels, atter a residence here ter the past 50 years. to Selkirk, Haldimand Co. where the Dr. has purchased a practice. They have many warm friends in this locality who will regret their deeision but at the same time wish them many happy, prosperous years. The people of Selkirk and community will find Dr. and Mrs. Toole and family worthy of their highest confidence. —0 leatex's 0LAnx's belt found. Owner may have it by paying for this notice. Tint POST, Brussels, BLACK ostrich plume lost in Brussels, Fri- day Nov. 26. Wilt finder kindly leave it at THE Poem Publishing House. FOR BALE. -2 stoves, a Klondyke with hot air pipe and a small coal heater. Also one bedstead. Apply to MISSES HALLIDAY, Brus- sels, 15. 10 OAns potatoes Wanted, at highest dash Ask at hotel atBrusselsa Walton,: pN, Torora. nto. YOLLI08, Brussels; 0. GOODMAN, Toronto. Favr hives of bees for sale. Lot 4, Con. 11, Grey. 'Phone 2514. JAB, Bomz, Brussels P. G. FOR sale a comfortable cottage on Elizabeth street, Brussels. Apply to .T. H& CAMERON. YORKSHIRE brood cow for sale will farrow about Dee. 15th, Apply to Joni{ MONAB, Oranbrook. Phone 4211. 15. Wax: in town pall and see a fresh set of teeth ant into any caw. My prices are lowest if you consider the extra benefit I am giving. T. lsssGregor, Bruseele, Ont, 'MILL bred roadster filly, 8 years old, for sale. BOB,mHENDERSON,'Brneaele. COMFORTABLE .house and 3 acre lot for sale at a bargain. Fruit, good water and A 1 con. munity. For further partioulara- asks= Tug Posen. 0 EGYPTA.—Tbe Presbyterian Young Men's Club of Michigan city, Indian presented tbe Oriental opera, "Egypte," the woudrous story of the Nile. in that city for three nights. There were four acts and upwards of zoo took part. Dr. Fred. Gilpin, son of J. T. Gilpin, of Brussels, took the part of Moses and the Evening Dispatch, of November 23rd, reporting the entertainment says:— "Moses grown to manhood in the last half of the opera, a particularly fortunate assignment of the role was made. Dr. A. W. L. Gilpin possesses both the voice and the stage presence that the part de- mands. He threw himself completely into the character and so mastered it that one could well believe he saw re- incarnate this remarkable man The h music was well within tbe range of his powerful voice People We Talk About J. Leslie and Mrs, Kerr, of Clinton, were here over Sunday visiting relatives. W. H. Willis, of Wingham, was In town Thursday last culling on old friends. Miss Edith Bailey is home from her millinery sht earl o at T or o to for her vacation. Mrs. M. H Moore oe 3s regaining assn ' health and strep g g her th quite nicely pleased to state,cely we are Mrs. Cooper, of Chicago, is a visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. New- som, Queen street, ' Chris. Grimoidby, of Owen Sound is now deputy at the Brussels Electric Light power house and planta ,Miss Jean Armstrong,. of Brussels, will continue to teach in U. S. S, No. a Elms, at an increased salary; She is a good teacher. J. H. and Mrs, Cameron and F. H and Mrs Gilroy spent last Sunday at the comfortable home of R. D. and Mrs. Cameron, Lucknow, Miss Rilta Cunningham is getting along well after her medical operation and will be•able to come home in an- other week it is expected, We are sorry to hear that Bobs, son of Angus Campbell, Mill street, is on the sick list with an abscess in the left ear but we hope he will soon be all right. Fred. Wood, of Grand Valley, .was a visitor with his brorher, J. 'T'„ over Sunday. He gave a fine tenor solo, "The feast of Belshazzer," at the even- ing service in the Methodist dhurch, C. R. Perkins, of London, husband of Miss Ethel Campbell, of other days of Brussels, has been seriously ill with pneumonia. He is in thehoepital, One of the children is just recovering from the same allment, W. Henry, formerly G. T. R. agent at Brussels, is now running as passenger conductor on the route Southampton to Toronto. He was introduced to this work during the railway strike and las continued' instead of going back to the depot. W, E, Duncan has entered intoart- nerahip with C. Rintoul in the tonsorial business the latter bought a feW months ago in Petrolie. They should make a dashing team in capturing business as both are first class workmen and will look carefully after their business. A. Mucklam who has been living with a daughter at Mininta, Manitobt. le hero and will spend the Winter with his daugihter, Mrs, John Long, Flora street. The old gentleman is 85 years of age but is wonderfully smart and bright for such advanced years, The Best Servant Ms a Strong of the Farmer Chartered Bank The Metropolitan Bank Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers and extends to them most. Reasonable Terms. Every Department of Banking is Conducted Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELS BRANCH F.11, GILROY, 'towage'? IF YOU WANT AN A I Jhonograph AT A LOW FIGURE CALL ON 3Carter Brussels No nicer Gift can be made Mrs. E, C. Lowry was called to Guelph owing to the serious illness of her sister. Mrs.' Geo. McDonald and Mrs. Robt. Black, of Bluevale,were the guests of Mrs. (Dr.) Toole, Brussels. 1. Carter and T. Tamil], of Auburn, were here on Sundayto see John Carter, Queen street, who is still poorly. Lloyd Jackson, son of H. L. Jackson, Jeweler. has been ill with tonsilitis but is improving we are glad to state. Colin McArthur and Baxter. McArter, of Blyth, were renewing old friendships in Brussels on Thursday of last week J. A. Hunter was on the Bervie air cuitand R. A. Pryne on the Bluevale and Belgrave work laat Sunday in connec- tion with the Layman's Missionary campaign. John Cuuningbam has been engaged by Messrs. Pryne to succeed the late lames Elliott at the National Roller Mills. He will prove a worthy successor to a careful, courteous industrious man. 'I'he Democrat, of Langdon, North Dakota, of November 24th, says of a former Brusselite :—Adam Reid, of the Co. Auditor's office, is expected to leave next week on a holiday vacation trip during which he will visit a son at Detroit. He will also receive'sanitarium treatment for his rheumatic trouble while there. Miss Jessie Elliott, who was called home by the sad end fatal accident which befell her father, returned to her school at Paisley on ryeduesday. Will. and Mrs. Elliott, of Winnipeg, who have also been here, expect to go Weet. in the course of a week as Mr. Elliott bas to get back to his position with the Street Railway Co. Church Chimes Rev. Dr. Oaten willP roach at Ethel next Sabbath evening. g A spelling t b p g ma c from the book of Ruth will be on the program •131 St. John's A. Y. P. A. next Monday evening. There will be Divine Service in the Catholic Church, Brussels, next Sunday December 4th, at 10.30 with Advent Sermon. In our item last week -concerning the Ladies' Aid officers we stated Mrs.' A. J. Lowry was elected Secretary when it should have read Mrs. Geo. C. Lowry. "Isaac" will be Rev, Mr, Cameron's subject next Sunday morning in St. John's church and at the evening his theme will be "Does death end all 1" RerMr. Gonne, of St Paul's Church, Clinton, bas been appointed by the Bish- op to a charge in London. He has done good work in Clinton both in and out of the church, Next Sabbath Missionary addresses will be given in the Methodist- Church by a well known London layman in the person of Israel Taylor. He will also speak in the Sabbath School in the afternoon: The pulpit in Melville Church next Sabbath will be occupied by Rev, Mr. Lundy, of Walton, as, Rev, Dr, Murray will preach anniversary sermons in Duff's Church, Walton, that day. Rev. A, C. Wishart, B. A., is expected home for the following Sabbath. CHURCH BURNED. --The Methodist church at Ilderton, a fine' brick building, was destroyed by fire Sunday evening. An over -heated furnace started the blaze and little could be done to fight it. The fire was discovered about six o'clock and by seven o'clock, the hour of service the edifice was in ruins. Rev. C. J, Moorehouse is the minister on this cir- cuit, which includes Birr and Arva, The church had recently been decorated and no acetylene gas lighting system in- stalled. The church was valued 'at S6,000, and is believed to have' been in- sured for about two.thirds its value. BRUSSELS MARkET $0 00 $0 00 SO '78 80 4t Wteat OaPees Barley Butter Vega.. Potatebe 80 Beep 8 50 0 00 1s wee w probably conclude the series of evangelistic services in the Methodist church. The pastor preach- ed Monday and Tuesday evenings and Rev. Mr. Hibbert, of Gorrie, spoke Wednesday evening and will also be here Thursday and Friday. A choir of children sang on a couple of evenings and will take part at the Friday evening service. Provincial. Winter Fair The Ontario Provincial Winter Fair at Guelph will he opened to the public. on Monday mpening, Dec, 5th, when• all the exhibits will he in place by to a, tn. The sessions to be devoted to judging as follows :—Horses.— Monday, 2 p. m. and 8.30 p. m. ; Tuesday, 8 p. m. ; Wednesday. 2 p. m ; Thursday, xo a. m. 'incl 7 30 pe m.'; Friday. to a. m, and 2 p. m. Beet Cattle.—Monday, 3.3o p m. and 7.3o p, in, ; Tuesday, to•a. m. anti r,3o p. m, Sheep.—Monday, 2 p,° m. Tuesday. ro a. m. Swine.—Bacon Hogs, Monday 2 p, tn. ; other classes, Tuesday, Io a, m. Poultry.—Monday,' r p. m.: 'Tuesday,8 a.. 11. and 1.30 p. m. Wednesday. 8.3o n. in. The judg- ing will be more interesting, then ever this year on account of the large number of entries.' In the Horse Department the exhibits of Heavy Horses will ex- ceed those of last year. OF Clydesdales and Shires alone there will be 154 horses. In Beef Cattle the exhibits will be almost twice as many as last year. The Sheep and Swine also have large classes, and in, the Poultry Department there will be 5000 birds on!exhibition, Sessions for practical addresses will begin on Tuesday, December 6th at 2 3o p. nt There will he au address' on "Clover Seed Production in Ontario" by T. G. Raynor ; "The Production, of Alfalfa Seed in Ontario" by Prof. C. Ar Zavitz, and -Lessons for Ontario Farm- ers in Seed -Production, Based on Ob. servations made in Europe" by Geo. H. Clark, Dominion Seed Commissioner, Ottawa. Special attention will be given on 'Tuesday evening to the "Production and Marketing of Egg." At 7.30 p m, Prof. W, R. Graham will give anaddress on the "Production of Eggs". He will be followed by ioho A. Gunn, of Mont- real, with the subject of "The Dealers' THE STANDARD ANK Est.b►iAed 103 OF CANADA, eonr.aoita TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Savings. Bank Department at Every Branch. BR,US s•E,L' BRANCH J. F. lP,.d'i xr3aln?d, TMD.aaaager DifficulHeS in Marketing Eggs and the session will Close with an address on "Co•operation in the Marketing ' of Eggs" by J, H. Hare, Whitby.. On Wednesday e morning; Dec 7th. the addresses will have, special reference to horses. Dr. F. C. Green. side, Guelph, will take up "The Train- ing of ain- ingof Horses." Herbert Smith, MAD. ager, Union Steels Yards, Toronto, will explain the 'Different Types of Horses and their Market Values." "the classi- fication of Horses at Shows" will be dis- cussed by John Bright, Myrtle Station, and John Guardhouse, Highfield, Fi'om 1.3o to 3,30 on Wednesday allerhooe the time will be devoted to the follow- ing addresses : "The Beef Cattle In- dustry in Outerio" by Thos: McMillan, Sealorth and John Campbell, Woodville: "The Revised Act for the Protection of Sheep and -Taxation of Dogs" by Lieut Col. R: McEwen, Byron ; "Swine Ex- periment" by Prof. G. E. Day. Guelph, Beginning at 3.30 on Wednesday after -- noon, Dec. 7th, there will be series of addresses on Live Stock Feeds and Feeding. This series will he introduced by C. C. Throes. Deputy Minister of Agriculture, with an. address on "The Poorest and Best ib Crop Production," He will be followed by Prof. C. A. Zavitz whose subject will be 'Pastures and Sup- elementary Fodder Crops," Ou 'Thurs- day morning, beginning at to a, m. tht address will be "Growing Roots," by R. S. Stevenson, Aocaster ; "Storage and Feeding of. Roots" by J,, H. Gals - dale, Ottawa ; "Growing and Feediug of Barley" by Prof. C. A. Zavitz, Guelph. On Thursday afternoon the subject "Corn" will be taken up under four divisions. The lectures will close on 'Thursday afternoon with addresses on "Paying fewMilkCheese Faet'iries according to the Percentage of Butter Fat and Casein in the Milk" by Prof. H. H. Dean, Guelph, and Frank Herns, Chief Dairy Instructor, London "'The Care of Milk on the Farm" by Geo H. Barr, Chief of Dairy Brancb, Ottawa l "Underdratuing" by Prof. W. H. Day, Guelph. The last two of these addresses will be illustrated by stereopticon views,' The different railways; are selling round' trip tickets to Guelph for single fare on each day from Dec. 3rd to 9111, inclusive. Tickets are good to return up to and including Dec. 12111, aseaseeisaaaseatosaseeeseeas run B a Brussels QFylight Store Gr . N. Mclaren 00 0 8 s ® ra •0 Bargains in tl ' t r inter adies andGirls' WCoats • 13 only odd sizes in broken lines of Women's Winter Coats, in black, P, and navy, brown long this season's. best styles, semi -fitting, 50 3 • g ; not all sizes of any kind but all sizes in the d lot re ul ar ria es 13.6012w g .60 and 1.6 P 1 0. Yot1r choice f o the lot for x.75 • e • • 8 only Tweed Coats, setni and loose fitting, regular values • Ye up to 10.00. Your choice for.....:.. x.00 • al • 0 only Ohirelren's Dark Colored Tweed Coats, reg. values uple • to 5.00 ; for ages 8, 10. and 12 years. Your choice for.`3■2 rJ • ® 13 only Children's Coats, dark colored tweeds and plain colors ; for a ages 8, 10, 12 and 14 pears ; regnlar values up to 6.50. o Your choice of the lot for 4.25 e e 0 0 oSale of Skirts a 0 0 S 22 Ladies' Ready-to-wear Skirts in blaclr, blue, brown and •0 few 8 e tweeds ; some traveller's samples; this season's styles a G 1'eg. values up to 5.50.. Your choice of this lot for'.,.. . 3.75 0 0 t - i 0, 0 Ladies', Miens', Children's, Men's and Oo s1 Warm Winter Underclothing 0 w A complete stook at lowest prices. 9 a 0 a • 0 Sar al t° g ns in Boys and Men's overcoats 3 • fit W The best stock of Overcoats we have ever shown iu blacks, green's, ® blues and fancy tweeds ; dress coats with velvet collars, Prussian collars, and the Progesso adjustable collar. 4 extra good values in men's at— 7.50, 10.00, 12.00, 1.3.75 4 extra gond values in boys' at -- 4.50, l-4.50, 5.00, 5.00, 7.50 All Sloes in the Celebrated Granby Rubbers and Overshoes g a 0 w • a le0 • • A • s We have received a number. of gond lines of Xmas w ® )(MOS Goode, You will find roan nselnl articles for o Goods 0 Xmas Gifts in Furs, Ruffv, Muffs, Gloves, Hose, a 0 Fancy, Collars, Watm Underclothing, Dress Goods, Sillt, ret and w $ sts, House Sl�ip' pers, Tiee, Cailars, Mufflers,Blankets—all at • the very lowest prices. Cr • • a • O • 0 t r•• GIO• qt+• • ,:ZiRir, a �•N e mNa aHighest prices for Produce, 8 40400esaM•oasabacsesaaaa0000s610•0840s4080006••ss••ss: 0 0 G cl rP 09 iia r1 Q. f11 5. W a 00 a BORN CAMDDELL,—Th Gaylord, MiehiSan, on Nov' ' ember20111, r to M , t nd.blre. Ernest Camp- bell, a son. t D DIED GUNN.-At Ailea•Craig, on November 28th, Dr.. John Gunn in his 07th your, EOxmotn,—Tn Greytownship, on November 28th Elizabeth. Fisher, relict of the late Daniel JOskmier, aged 88 years, 7 months and 17 days. MONAIa,—At 1Hooae Jaw General Hospital, on November 28th,Archie Kerr MaNelr,r aged 110 years,. 1 month and 12 days. The. people's Column FOR SALE. --7 Yorkshire Sows, safely in pig. Also a Tamworth hog 7 months old. ALEX. RUSSELL, Telephone 0015 Lot 18, Con. 0, Morris, FOR SERVICE.—The underaigned will keoli forservice 00 Lot 10, Oon.lq a thorn., heed Berkshire hog. Pedigree may be noes on application. Terms 0.00. MoEher of 'hiehog took second prise of the Fat Stock Show at Guelph. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. ` Timber for Sale 100notes of standing timber also 200 acres of burned down timber. :suitable for wood and logs. Lots 22, 28,24 and 25, Con. 17,.Grey town- ship. Further information may be hnd at the Saelt and Door Factory, Brussels, or from Geo. Dunlop, Con. 10, Grey. P. AM ENT 22'0 Proprietor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Mc- -'Taggart, late of the Toensbip of Grey, in the County of Huron, far- mer, deceased.. Notice le hereby given porauant to "The Revised StaGatea or Ohtnrio, 1807, section 89, chapter 119, that alt creditors and others- hay- ing claims against the estate of John . McTag- gart, who died on or about the 8Ist day of Oct- ober, 1910, are required on or before the let day of January, A. D. 1011, to send by post prepaid or eleliver to. Neil MoTa gar' Mon- orie>f P. 0., or le. S. Scott. Brussels P. d, the Ex muter.; of the said. estate, their Chris- tianand surnames, addresses and descriptions with full partioulara in writing of their claims andstatement of their accounts and the nat- ere of the sworn" (it any) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Exeoutorewill pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the deaeneed amongst the partiea entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shal then have notice and that the Executors will not be liable for the (aid assets, or any part thereof, to any person or persons of wh claim notice shill [ not have been received by 010110 n01105 ekes not have been received by them at the time of such distribution, he at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels the 29th day of Nov. 1910. Dated the 20th day of November, 1010, NEIL MOTAGGART, Executors. _ F. 8, SCOTT, F. S. SCOTT, } 22.8 Agent for the Adminiskratrix. Hand Bags V4yjistP ellel ont another very nice lot of Bland Rage for which we have found considerable demand during {the past Mon th. Nair gushes We think Out' stock of Ebpny Ilair Brtlsbee cannot be beaten' awl at prices , that are within the teach of all. Our Xmas stook will be opened up next week and we will beglad bo have you loop over one, line -AT- 9 DRUG STORE - Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Hugh Jones Ramsay, late of the Village of Walton," in the County of Huron, fernier, deceased. Notice 0 hereby given pursuant to "Tho Revised. Statutes of Ontario," 1887, section. 80, chapter 120, that all creditors' and others hay. iugolahne against the estate of Ertglt Jones Raosny, whendied on or about the Ord day of November: 1910, are r required before day of January, Dir ': yet prepaid, or deliver to Eliza Kemeny, Walton P. 0., the Administratrlx of the said deceased their Christian and surnames, addresses and deooript'lons with full particulars in writing of their claims sad statement of their acoountq ' and the nature of the security (if any) held by then. And farther take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administrtitrix will proceed to distribute the ,iss Cts or the deceased. amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the 0laims of which they shall: then hove notice and that the Adntinistratrix will not be lieblo for the said assets, or any port thereof, to any person or person( of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels the 20111 day of Nov„ 1010. F. S. SCOTT, - 22.8- . .:Agent for the Adenalsttatrix. Notice to Creditors In tie matter oftlle estate of Jesse Bate- man, late of the 'Township of Gi'ey, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, section 110, chapter, 120, that alt oreditore and. others hav- ing claims against the estate of Jesse Bateman, who died on or about the filet day of ,May, 1010, are required 011 or before the lot day Of January,A.D 1911, to Bend by post, prepaid, or deliver to Martha J. Bateman Brusaols the Administratrlx of Uterine deceased, their Ohrietion and eurnantep addressee find de- ecriptiona- with full parti'oalara in writing of their claims and statement of their acaounte and the nature of the security (if any) hold by them., And further take notice that after Ruch last mentioned date the said Adminlatrntrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the olnime of which she (hall then have notice and that the Administratrlx will not be liable for the said assets, or any part tbereof,to any person or persons of whose Gordon's Srr;itSIe AT WINGHANI Goes on Unceasingly Becoming more, popular and at- tractive every day as customer's learn of the wonderful money- saving bargains that are to be had at every counter, Come right along for this attractive Slaughter. Sale will continue until every article is sold at some price, Butter, Fresh Eggs, Poultry, Dried Apples and Cash taken in Exchange D. temeentainisdaissesssimOsisean Me Gordo W ngham l,l