HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-12-1, Page 1VOL. 39 NO., 22 BRUSSRLS, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, DECEMI3ER I, lglo W. FI. KRRfi', Pro/iietor Now Advertisements TIRO begs -Jeri Pox. nett forma -Tan Poser.. Plume lost -Tau Posse, P'oranle-Mtssklallidny. Phonographs --B. Carter, For service-•JOOtn ]Brown, Urea, sale• -D. NI. Gordon. I3nrgnibs-G. N Molanren. Thetics for rule -P, S cI, & Colder weather -A, Nichol. Week mai enc -els -D. 0, nese. tlrooitory cele-Jsn. I I . S. tyna Notices to creditors -P'. S. oott. r"+' gj tidos ids Clinton DEA= or. DR, JOITN GuNN,-Dr, John• Gunn, who practised medicine for thirtyJive years, died' after .a brief illness at Inehotne at Ailsa Craig, Monday evening, in his elth year. He was a consistent Liberal and a Presby- terian. He was a brother of the late Alexander & Donald Gunn, oo Gluons, Limited. Dr. Gunn is survived by a widow. two sons, Dr. John Grnt, of Port Dover, and Andrew W. Gunn, a druggist, of Smite Fa, Montana, and a daughter, Lillian, et home. Hector Gnun, 120 Albany evenne, Toronto, and Dr, Wm, Gunn, Clinton, are brothers, and Mfrs. John ].toes, Gies gow, Scotltuld;, is a sister. Funeral tools glace i'Veduesdtay to the Nairn cernetery. This h, the Ord brother de- ceased in a trifle over a year. MoncrietE Some preliminary wovk has been clone in peapavat'lon for the founde- tion of the proposed DOW church next season, Geo, D. Hanley," of Stratford, was visiting his parents at the homestead, from Saturday to Monday of last week, Geo. is always a Welcome visit- or, Jamestown The mentbere of the Jamestown Women's Institute enjoyed their visit: to Brussels Institute meeting .Thurs- day of last week very much. Mrs. Daniel Eckrniermother 10 George and Lou. Dekmiex•, died last Monday and was buried Thursday afternoon et Brussels cemetery. She was a fine old lady. Th Ider Weather mairammematosiriesmacammumseeelmi Reminds us to draw your special attention to our good range nge and well selected stock of Heavy Winter Wear for Ladies and Gents, Girls and Boys- -Hen's Heavy Tweed and Fine Beaver Melton Over- coats. -Men's Heavy Kersey Coats with Fur Collars. -Men's Fur -lined and Fur Coats. -Youths', Boys' and Children's good,: warm Over- coats. -Ladies' Cloth, Fuc and stir -lined Coate, -Ladies' Heavy Kersey Coats with, Fur dollars. -Children's, Girls and Misses' Cleats. -Ladies', Misses' and Children's Underwear and Hosiery. -Men's and Boys' Underwear in different qualities including,all sizee for men in STANFiELD'S Heavy Rect and'BIue Lhbel. -Boots, Shoes and Robbers for everybody. Now in stock for Minas Baking— New Raisins, Currants, Peels and Nuts eec ckery eduction 1 Owing to being Over -stocked in Crock- ery 1 purpose holding a HeducUan Sale for 30 Days Commencing Saturday, Dec. a WHEN GOODSW'ILL BE SOLD At Cost for Cash In stock will be found choice lines of Dinner Sets, Tea Setsr Toilet Ware, Fancy China, &c. Cal1°:and see the Bargains. No nicer Christmas Present can be offered. Our stock of Christmas Groceries, `Fruits tionery, &c., is complete, Confec- Jas. Be. lantyne It is not likely anything will be done at Febniltling Victoria Hall until next Spring. Through bile kindpess of Mo. Pollock the Sunda School has been offered and aceepted the use of hie vacant house, close by.. On account of the burning of ViC101'itt Hall they were. Ousted out of thole comfortable quarters. Walton li.nniveesary services will be held ie Walton Presbyterian church next Sabbath, Dec. 4th. Rev. Dr. Murray will preach, Special offering and music:. • The special Revival meetings led by Evangelist T. A. Woods, of Ottawa, in Duff's church are bringing showers of Divine blessing npou old and ,Young. They will continue to Dec. 11th, at Walton, then for two. weeks at Mon- crieff. Baez RING. -Tito members of the Walton Beef Ring met at :ltio. Ben- nett's to settle their accounts with each other and arrange for the com- ing year. Jno. Smillie, Ino. Bennett, Jno. Ewen and James Lawson, with Jas. McIeadzean as Secretary, were appointed a Committee to look after the minor details for 1911. The • price of beef forthe coining year will bee reckoned at 8 cents per lb. Members of the ringc usunied about7 tons. of No. 1 beeduring the past season and consequently were in the best of gond humor and gave Mr. and Mrs. Bennett a vote or thanks. Jno. Bell wasre- engager] as butcher forr another year as he has given the very best of satis- faction. The average weight of the peeves was 450 lbs. Council meeting next Monday even- ing. A wedding is on the tapis for the near future. Blyth will supply the bride. Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Egmondville, and Rev. Mr. Small exchange pulpits next Sunday in the interests of Missions. We regret to report that Mrs. D. McGowan, of East Wawanosb, met with an accident in falling down stairs resulting in a broken arm. Rev. R.' Hobbs, of Exeter, gave a fine lecture in the Methodist church Monday evening on "The Manly Man," Owing to disagr eeable weather the at- tendance was not as large as the lec- ture deserved. Miss Mary McTavish, who was removing to Pincher Creek, Alberta, was deservedly presented with a snit case and purse by St. Andrew's Church Sabbath School She has been a faith- ful worker for many years. An old and well known resident of Blyth, in the person of Robt. Milne, has gone to Bermuda Inc the 'Winter for the betterment of his health; Many old friends wish him a pleasant stay and the, improvement desired. Mrs. Gardiner, of Exeter, bee come to Blyth to spend the Winter at the borne of her eon. • DIED. -There died at'Lohdon on Monday of last week,' a former vosi- dent of blast Wawanosh, fn the person of Isabella McGowan, of Vancouver, B. C. Deceased r her ease was ' r i 1St year, was not ailiug long and bee death was quite aimexpeeted. The remains arrived at Blyth G. T. R. station by Tuesday's 1.1.30 A. rn. train and the Nimrod procession proceeded from there to the Union Cemetery where interment took place, Deceased was a sister to Daniel and R. U. McGowan, of Wawanosh, who have the sympathy of the community in their bereave- ment. Grey Council meeting Thursday 15ilf inst. John Brown, 10th con., eves away to, Galt, Ayr and other points last week on a visit. Robert L. McDonald, 9th con , who is developing into quite a Leicester sheep breeder will exhibit' specimens of. his flock at Guelph Winter Fair and we hope his enterprise will be rewarded by n number of red tickets. On the evening of Friday, Dec, lath, rho annual entertainment for S. S. No. 3 will beheld n the ie s hoot house. e 1 t e. An interesting program is in course of preparation and Santa Olaus is ex- pected to be one of the visitors A welcome visitor was calling on old. friends during . the past week, in the person of John A. Wallace, of Gris- wold, Man. He was a former Gr'eyite, living on con, e, and went West 28 years ago. 1t is 10 years since he was here and notices many improvements but missed many :familiar faces. Mr. Wallace came to attend his brother's funeral at Oauniugton. He was a merchant there and died very sudden- ly. Mr. Wallace has prospered in the West and farms a half section. ENTERED INTO REST.-Thet'e passed peacefully away on Sabbath, Nov. 27th, at Moose Jaw General Hospital, Archie '.Herr McNair, of Grey town- ship, after a severe illness of typhoid fever and pneumonia, borne with Christian resignation. The funeral, which will be private, will leave the family residence, lot 20, con. 14, Grey township, Saturday, Dec. 3rd, at 1.30. o'clock. Service at 1 p. m, Inter- ment at Brussels cemetery. OSITvaRY:=The death occurred at the tensity residence, 25 Straohau Se, Stratford, on Sunday, Nov. 20th, of Katie Gales, beloved wife of John Wheatley, after an illness of consider- able duration, borne with patient fortitude. Besides her husband the deceased, who was 41 years of age, leaves six small children, four broth- ers, four sisters and her mother, to Mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother. Two of her sisters, Mrs. Peter Spain, of Goderich, and Mrs. Daniel Glassier. of Brussels, were with •ooe•••••s•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ..• o •• • WEEK END •• • SPECIALS • • • • ,,,,,,.. 9 • • HIS WEEK for a Saturday Special we sare going to place on sale an extraordinary value O in our different lines and colors of PO, .cowesaaesseetestunastem Avon Knit Toques This line needs no introduction as the name "Avon" stands for everything desirable in Toques and Knitted Goods. Toques in Plain Colors as Follows White Red Navy • Toques in Combination Colors : • •• Blue . Red White Blue 2 & & & & • White Blue Red Red and many others all the same price, 5oc '. • everywhere. Special for one day only.... g3NI I • • • • 6 s sIn shades of Red, Grey and White, Regular value of • this line $2.25 each. Special Price for • Saturday only .... .. .... 1 e 77 • • Take ga , • th•elat, y l • • e 4 Z ROSSJ * D. C. IHighest rices for Produce and Poultry. g p New stork of Chrismas Groceries, • e•••••••••••••••••••••eeetee•••••••••••••••4••••4•••• bdies' Coat Sweaters • 0 B A • • a • 0 • • 0 • • 0 • 0 • • • O •s • O A • a • a • 0 • 0 • 4 4 e a ep e • 0 • 0 • • e • i • • • • • • A e • • • • • • • her - 0ining her last illness, when despite every kind care she pissed away, the funeral took place Tu0s- tlaty afternoon of last week to Avon': vidaAlee .cemetery under the direction of the Salvation Artny, Mr. Wheatley and family lived in this township for a time snaking their home in Graham- the Belgrave Miss I3alliday returned last week from Toronto. lliiss Stinson, of Got'rie, has been visiting at the home of, bars, S, Stew- ai Mr. Sowler is moving into the house which has been occupied by Dongald Simpson. Wpm. Geddes, 8rd line, 1llorris, pure abased the house recently occupied by David Geddes. Mrs, Wm. Bennett, who has been very i11, is slowly improving we are pleased to state. D. M, Jermyn, brother of J, Jermyn of Morris township, has been appoint- ed as Sheriff of Bruce county. Miss Bobier has returned to her. home in Exeter after a visit with her brother, Mr. Bobier, G., T. R. agent. Mr, Pryne, of Brussels, gave a very interesting and instructive address on Hessians xssiana in the Methodist ch rc u hon Sundy g a evening. Morris Township Council will meet en December 15111. A meeting of those interested in. Bluevale Creamery will be held on December 6th. • Bitievale new Orange Hall is near- ing completion and will be ready by the beginning of January. $6 was paid by the Council to P. Y. Kelly for damages to his rig by upset- ting ibto the Ellison Municipal drain. The kind-hearted neighbors of the late David Agar have turned out and helped to erect a comfortable dwelling for the family. Tbynne & Greenway are still thresh- ing away endeavoring to get the enorhrans yield of grain in Morris township threshed out. Township Council has extended .the time for completion of contract on Smith Drain to Nov. 1st 1911. R. Kirkby is the contractor. Several from Morris township will take in the Winter Fair at Guelph next week. It is a splendid spot to secure pointers on stock and grain. Johnston's congregation subsci'ibed $45,00 to the Missionary Fend bn Sab- bath morning last. An interesting and practical address was delivered by R. A. Pryne, of Brussels. The pastor was aleo present. The anniversary at Jackson's church was held on Sunday, Rev. J. L. Small, B. A., of Blyth, was .the preacher, taking for his text "And He went a little far'ther." There was a good attendance and the offering was the best yet. Daniel and Mrs. Denman and family who lived on the 5th line for several years, have removed to the 121h con. of Grey township, where Mr. Denman has purchased a farm. They have the good wishes of many old friends for their prosperity. A new table and a couple of arm chairs have been added to the furni- ture of the Township Hall for the ac- ce mo tt m di ton of the ratepayers in do- ing business with the Treasurer, Tax Collector or other officers. It was a move in the right direction. ex -Reeve Henry Mooney, formerly . of thistownship. ' owns i .who h ras been engag- ed o a ed in farming nearWeybtn'n, Sask., has handed over farm operations to the boys and with Misses Minnie and Clara, have located in the town. 'We wish them at, comfortable and enjoy- able njoyable Bine. Ethel Municipal Nomination here on Mon. day December 26th, t Township Council will meet here an Thursday, 15th inst. S. S. Cole's men are in the bush cutting wood for Henfryn brickyard. This locality will be represented at the Winter Fair uext week at Guelph. R. and Mrs. Dilworth have fitted up apartments in the new block for their home. - Mr. Earle'has been on the sick list for some thee but we hope he will soon be better. Miss Vera Colclough, of Constance, was a visitor with Miss Lizzie Mc - I1110011, her cousin. A Snow shoe Glob is on the program to afford recreation for the -young people. It is a good idea, Next Sunday evening Rev, Dr. Oaten, of Brussels, will occupy the poll* of the Methodist church here. No action was taken at the meeting Saturday evening regarding the pur- chase of Laud to arrange for a cemetery in this locality. A cow belonging to J. A. Cole was saved from a dickieg spell bythe preempt arrival of the Vet.The ural phone was the fo•ttmate medium for Mr. Cole. Misses Lizzie Chambers and Lizzie McIntosh will attend the Business College at Stratford after the Christ- mas holidays. They should both do well its they are bright young ladies. ELOODTION AND PBIMAL 'CoL- Tui ,-Miss Ida Cole purposes organ- izing a olsss in Elocution and Physical Culture. Persons desirous of receiv- ing instruction iu either or both may have patticn]ars by conferring with Miss Cole or calling No. 354 telephone or writhig Ethel Post office. AN OLD RESIDENT CALLED. -At nearly the midnight hoar last Monday Elizabeth Fishers relief; of the late Daniel Eelcmier, was called to her eternal home in her 84th year. She died et the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jnlia Menzies, llth con, Grey, Funeral took place Thursday aft1t'- noon to Brussels cemetery, A more extended notice will appear next weak, Mr, Bekmier died 21 years ago, • A Longfellow evening was on the ppr oggram at the Epworth League on Wednesdayevenin here when a very Interesting program was present- ed. Miss Bernice Slennxon gave a short sketch of the poet ; Miss Cole an essay on "Evangeline" ; Mr. Wheeler sang "The Village Blacksmith"; and Misses Slexnmon and Cole contributed a duet, "The Psalm of life." All did well. Howard E. Strachan, who went West last Spring, has taken up a homestead and a pre-emption in the Red Deer Distriet, Alberta. Be has a shack up and is "enjoying" the comforts of bachelor life. We wish bine tip-top success and could rectum - mend some real good housekeepers in this locality but as Howard is also acquainted with them it will not be necessary. Cranbrook Miss Jennie Armstrong was visiting Mrs. J. Long. Mrs. Mittleholtz and children, of Hensall, are visitorsat Geo. Reuther''s. Mrs. Seel and Mrs. Baskerville, were visiting Mrs. Naylor, the former's daughter, at Auburn, Aare vEasARY. -Next Sunday an- niversary sermons will be preached in the Methodist church here, Rev.Dr. Oaten conducting service at.2: 46 P. m. and Rev. D. Wren, M. A., of Ethel, at 7 o'clock. Monday evening a lecture will be given by the former, entitled "Reminiscences of the West," There will also be a good musical program. Entertainment commences at 7.80. Goderioh At a special meeting of the town council the resignation of Town Treasurer W. 1,. Horton was accepted. Alex. Straiton was appointed treasur- er hi his place. A workman employed by the Can- adian Stewart Company on the con- struction of the new elevator of the Western Canada Flour Mills company was very seriously injured Saturday afternoon by a falling wooden cement form. The man is an Englishman, Abtrill by name, and bas been em- ployed on construction work for about two months. This form was being boieted to the top of the 175 -foot elev- ator when the fastening slipped and the heavy timber fell, striking Attrill on the head and then falling on him breaking both legs. Die. •were called and the man was taken in an uncons- cious condition to AlexandiiaRospital, where his injuries were attended. LAWYER TmaaswED:-M. O. John- son, a well-known lawyer of this town, was arrested Saturday night on a charge preferred by John Hummel], a mason. The arrest comes as a sequel to the story of the livery rig which was brought to light at the time of the Anderson murder investigation. The other day Rummell returned from Vancouver, and, charging Jobnson with taking his wife out driving, gave him a severe thrashing, injuring his own hand in the process. He threat- ened to attack Johnston again when his hand got better if he did not leave town, but was persuaded to let the law take its course, and Johnston was arrested. He is out on bail of $500, and will come up for a hearing nexteSaturday, Wroxeter J. Powell, of Cain town, was a visitor at Ohas. Simmons' this week. R. J. Laing made a business trip to Toronto last week. Miss Etta Smith, of W' a m in h m g visited her parents here over Sunday. M. Aikenhaad of Turnberry, was a guest at the home of Jno. McNaught- on, of Turnberry, last week. Geo. Simpson and family, of Roth- say, visited the former's mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Simpson over Sunday. Robert and Mrs. Black entertained the membets of the Young Men's Bible Class Fridayevening. e. Mrs. T.Saunderacn of Vancouver, and Byron Simmons, of Forest, are visit- ing then mother, Mrs Ohas. Simmons, who still continues very ill John Kerr, of Wingham, preached a ;Missionary sermon in the Methodist church here on Sunday evening. Re's an enthusiastic believer in the cause. Thos. Nash, of Howick, has rented the vacautstore in the Saunders block, and will issue a weekly paper shortly. An up-to-date press arrived last week. The concert under the auspices of the Wroxeter Glee Club assisted by Miss Hart, vocalist and elocutionist, will be held in the Town Ball, Then - day evening, Dec, 8th. The Fordwieir Record says :-At the telephone meeting recently held in Brown's Hall, a counnittee, com- posed of Jos. Williamson, Hugh Hutchison, John Ryndinan, Peter Doig and Tames Downey, ware ap- pointed to make arrangements with Dr. Foster for the putcbase of his line, 11 is proposed tc.form a mutual con any W. S.and McKercher A, coinpany. Munro of Wroxeter, addressed the gatherings BARN BDRNED A disastrous fire occurred at the home of Mrs. Wm. Wright, of the gravel roadTurnberry, about eight o'clock, on Monday even- ing, when her barn, along with the season's crap, was completely destroy- ed by fire, 1t was some difficulty that the stock was saved. The origin of the free is unknown, but is believed. to be the work of an incendiary. Some insurance was carried in the l'lowick Nntnal, TTNDERWENT OPERATION,- Lawr- ence Ohishohn, the six-year-oldson of A. P. Chisholm, foremast of the Her - aid Office Walkerton, and formerly ro rielor of the defunct Wr xote' p p n t Stat, was operated no by De. 3. 3. Fraser at the Bruce County Hospital on Saturday afternoon,. Nov. 19th, for the removal of a decayed boue In his leg. The lad, it seems, had the limb inlut'ad some time ago which restated in the bone deeaying and necessilttt ipg an operation. Old Mende here hope the patient will soosi itbprove, WspuxNcr ANNsvEROtl x, -•- Onr esteemed townsman, John Brethauer and Mrs. Brethauer oelebretedrhe40tlr anniversary of their marriage on Tires- day evening of last week, Nov, 22nd. They were married in the. ctuvn.of Waterloo in the year 1870 by Rev. Mr. T3'o7che. Mrs. Brothauer's maid- en name was Mary ,Brenner and she was a native of Preston. In the Fall of 1870 Mr. Brethauer first saw Wroxeter, having walked from Brue sets. Being favorably impressed with the general outlook, Mr's. Brethauer and he moved to out id Janu- ary xu- ary 1877. Al this time what is now called the Grand Central and Robinson' blocks were in rules having been destroyed by fire. Mr. Brethauer states that he moved into one of the Worst houses in Wroxeter at that time but we are pleased to say that by economy, perseverance and industry the worthy couple occupy a beautiful home now. Many have been the positions llIlod by Mr. Brothauer, Be beau byworking in the a mill g g e a N here ; theme he worked with a section gangon the railroad • for several. years he ran a successful tioral garden ; has been Bailiff tor 27 year's ; was Collector of taxes for 14 years ; Asses-. sor for 12 years ; has performed the duties of village Clerk for 3 year's and has for the last 19y ears been a most active and energetic insurance nce a t v g a agent. gn. Mr. and Mrs. Brethauer• were the recipients of beautiful presents from friends thus testifying to the esteem in which they are held. They never had any family, but adppted two orphan children for whom they pro- vided with the greatest .care. ..Che only householders living in this village now, who were here when Mr. Breth- auer came to Wroxeter are John Davidson, Albert Kaako sr., John Gefton, George Barnard, Thom- as Sage and James Panliu. We unite with their many friends in wishing them continued prosperity and .hope they may be spared to enjoy their 6011x, anniversary, ten years hence. Morris Council Minutes of Council held in Townmh'p Hall, Nov. 21st. Members present Reeve in the chair. P. Y. Kelly appease ..,; ed .claimieg damages for his rig, wbich he sustained by upsetting into the Ellison Municipal drain. Moved by J. H. McCracken, seconded by lohn Shortreed, that we award Mr. Kelly $6.00 for damages so incurred, Carried. H. Kirkby asked another year to com- plete contract on Smith drain, owing to the early snow and broken - weather which prevented him from going on with the work. Moved by W. J. John. - ton, seconded by C. B. Wilkinson, that we give Mr. Kirkby until Nov. Isr, 191I to complete said drain, Carried. Following accounts were paid Wiug- ham Advance, advertising $t .0o ; Con= tract Record, advertisement, $5.6o; R. ' Taylor, tile, $5-oo; Geo, ;Johnston, re- fund Lamont drain, $r.00 ; .Chas, For- rest, digging .Forest award drain, $10.00;• Jas, Peacock, drawing tile and putting in culvert, $7,5o ; Henry Math- ers, cleaning out ditch and tile, $t.e5; 'rhos. McCall, repairing bridge, $3.80 ; Jno, Shoetreed, repairing bridge, $1.5o; Isaac Brown, cement tile $12,60; W. Craig, drawing and puttingin cement Ole and nnderdi nio o T Heal a, gravel and damages, $7.70 J. Phelan, repairing culvert, $t.00 Gerry & Walk- er, cement, $20 oo ; J Miller. gravel $t.00 ; Jas. Peacock, gravel, $8,58 ;''` H. Duncan, gravel, $5,18 ; Jas. Gtbsou, $3.Jo ; R. W ightmau, gravel, 2/C ; W. 0, Kerr, advertising inBruss lr and Blyth paers, $8,00 ; W. H. Kerr, bal- ance printing contract, $55.00 ; Hill Bridge Co., part payment' on bridge contract, $1000:00 ; H. McArthur, re. pairing culvert. $s 90 ; lobo 'Watson, selecting jurors, $4.00 ; Geo. Procter, council's share of drain, $5.34 ; Black & Walker, cbairsand table for Hall, $8.00 ; Mr, Wiley, refund 'of Aaxes, $4.60; Arthur Cantelon, refund of taxes, $1.65 ; Wilton& Gillespie, Collector's c b x , $1.25 Geo Taylor, balance of contract on Cole drain $231.00; Wm, ihuell,. making' tile, $22.50 ; lames Kerney, moving grader, 750 ; Jas. Grasby, re- pairing culvert, $4,00 ; 13. Alcock; gravel, $1,4o ; A. Shaw, Treasurer's salary, postage and stationery, $1o5 00 ; A. Straw, expenses with debentures, $to.00, Moved by J. H. McCracken, seconded by John Skortreed, that Council edjot,l u to meet December 15111 at ro o'clock, A. 11IACEWBN, Clerk: \ North Perth Conservatives A. H. Musgrove, M. P. P., Wing ham, and James Torrance, M. P. P., ilvertou, addressing the annual • meet- ing of North Perth Conservatives at Milverton Thursday of lest week. took a lira) stand in opposition to bilingual schools for Ontario. Mr, Musgrove, who himself is a veter- an teacher, was emphatic in his declare - tion for instruction in English, sh cul Y after the first book He delivered •LO able address.. s,s. Mr. Torrence was given a very beatty reception. ;resolutions were passed, endorsing the Whitney Government. Leader Borden and Mr. Torrance. A resolution of condolence was passed in connection with tine Pasant death of John Watson, of lvlornin ton, a Con- eervative veteran. Neev officers were elected as follows ; -President, ,J G. Seminole Milverton ; ret Vice -President, CIi s ii'ryfogel, llrociceden ; 2nd Vice President, l-itigh Richmoud,Newry Secretary -'measurer,• Geo. Westmae, Stratford. l+ixecutivee Of the various In nnlnipali ties ere;- Stratford, Meyer 1?iugtnan, Aid. Corrie, Dr, Rutherford W. J. M' eCdlly Mil- verton,Dr, Lederman and l7.Eau- ney tesiewel I)r. Berger nee Rebt, Woods ; North leastlem , J. A. Mei:ine and W. N. McFarlane ; h.iilco, 111, Ir. Horny and Chas. Moore ; 1,1 o1'!11 11 gtim J, J. Carson and 'V'illiati) Ruthet'ftnd ielma, William hunter and Rebell Roe ; Wallace, 'George McKnight, and )olid Strong.