HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-11-24, Page 6evevaessevseeeeioelvo sir+► w • Fashion Hints elielietelletkeeellefeW SEN IN PARIS 8 SHOPS. Teilored coats reach to the hip, The use of dark fur edging is of teetive. , Bead bags and wursesare shown an great profueiose Thebordered chiffons in ''mm- bre.' effect eese extremely smart. Wo eftelf see plain and fancy "-- tra>ielh` on the same garment. Skirts are narrow and straight Both for practical and dressy wear. Lacp tutees are predicted, and also broad Mace collars in sailor shape. Narrow hands of fur trim gowns' of silk, satin, velvet, chiffon, or cloth, Marabout trimmings are effective on soft satins and chiffons. 'Yokes ase seen as much as ever. It is rarely that they are made of a single material '^ The newest corsets are lower in the bust and have more fullness above the waist hoe. For -dancing, skirts just escape the floor, and for walking they just eacape the ground. Satin gowns are frequently , .1 up on .the inside with chiffon of the same shade. Barbaric effects in bead work are sought for and striking results are often obtained. For street wear ;n shoes the light suede top with patent leather vamp is the correct thing. Nets, both plain and beaded, are extensively used for over corsages and tunics worn over velvet gowns. The tunic effect is in vogue, and the models show the two sides of the skirt widely differentin design. For morning frocks silk warp hen- rietta, combined with English wat- erproof crepe,, is greatly used. Wide, splashy bands of satin are Much used as trimming on frocks of chiffon, serge, or almost any ma- aerial. Chiffons in yellow tones—chang- ing from the deepest geld to 'faint- est buttercup yellow—are extreme- ly -pretty. There is a continued favor of the kimono sleeve—not only on corsage, but on quite a number of the new jackets. Pretty frocks of nets and marqui settee.etenoiled in a simple design ineeett.colorei end the design out- lined in beads. Plain white net, pin dotted net, filet lace, and Venetian lace are popular for the round or square yoke and high collar. NOT ALL SUNSHINE IN JAPAN. 'Wages and Working Conditions of Girls in Mikado's Empire. Japan is not quite such a paradise of prosperity as you may cave been led to think. There seems every reason to suppose that the labor conditions in that go-ahead coun- try are not all they should be. The rapid progress the "little folk" have made in keeping pace with the world has brought the world's ills in its train, and the particular peels that beset the industries of the West have come in as an ad- junct to their successful invite- tions. In consequence, the Japanese' workman complains of beiageover- taxed, under paid, and exploited by 'the capitalist, Women are being drawn into employment in the factories in larger numbers year by -year, and work at less wages, while many thousands of children under' fourteen are working under unsatisfactory conditions. According to Mr. S. Katazarna, a Japanese Socialist, an industrial depression has set in during the eiast year. Wages have sunk from fifteen to thirty per cent., and the country is filled with the unemploy- ed, fifty years ago the Iandown- ers Bova the cost of national ex- penditure, to -day they pay only one-sixth of the budget. The country's law -making is controlled by the large landowners, and the workers' have no say in the matter. They are exploited in Japan not only by the landlords and the capi- talists, but also by the lawgivers, and their eta/edition is becoming worse every year. It is in this weaving, mad silk work done at home, which is a common form of industry in Japan, that the sweating system is most b rife. Fourten to fifteenfifteenoursa day,.misereble food, and unhealthy workshops are rather the rule than the exception. In epite of the re- ports that the wages paid in the textile industry are good, there is another side to the picture. In many faetoties women and girls area .employed under mast un-. }tosopy conditions. They work in two shifts, which are changed ;every fourteen..daya. They are kept, alluring the intervals between their flpolis of work, in prison -like dor- Izlitories inside the premises of the manufltetery. They are sought ant In remote parte of the country and Sorced to agree to a contract of at Wet throe years for a wage of Sellout $80 a, year. Ir, -teeny eases' the Kuhr,. after paying their beard and lodging, draw frets two tette Wits a they. 0000 HEALTH FOR YOUNG GIRLS Wirt is Nutted 'is the ltioh, Rud aloof lar, William$' Pink Pills Actually lako. Perljaps you have already noticed thee yer dal hter ln,h r "teens"' has developed a ftf11 temper, is restlees and excitable. In that case remember that the march of years is leading her on to womanhood, and at this time a great responsi- bility rests upon you as parents. If your daughter is pale, complaiule of weakness and depression, feels "alltiled out" after a little exer- tion; if she tells of headaches, or backaches, or pain, in the side, do not disregard these warnings. Your daughter needs help for she is most probably anaemic—that ia, blood- less. Should you notice :any of these signs, lose no time, but procure, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, for her un- healthy girlhood is bound to'•.lead to unhealthy womanhodd, Dr. Wil; liana' Pink Pills enrich impoverish- ed bloodand by doing so they re- pair waste auci prevent disease. They give to sickly, drooping girls, health, brigbtneas and charm, with color en the cheeks, bright oyes`a posed the proposed change: Mr. lightness of step and high spirits. Childers submitted the matter to A. ease typical of thousands cured the Queen who took her usual com- through the use. of Dr. Williams' mon sense view of the affair. Pink Pills is that of Miss' Grace Her own personal feelings, a he Cunningham, Winnipeg, Man., who wrote, would be for the 'beards says: "I really cannot say enough without the mustaches, as the lat- in praise of . Dr. Williams' Pink ter have rather a soldier -like ap- Pids, as they have made me feel: pearanee, but then the object in like a new girl. I was pale and al- j view wouldnot, be obtained, to pre most bloodless and think that on an' vent the necessity of shaving. average I missed at least three Therefore, it had better be as pro - school sessions a week, because It posesle the entire beard, only it felt like a broken down person, . should be kept•short and very clean. and too weak to do anything. The On no account should mustaches be doctor's medicine I took did little allowed without beards; that must more .than keep me in hope; it cern be clearly understood. tainly did not cure Inc. Then I was advised to take Dr. Williams HE KNEW. Pink Pills, and they soon made me Mrs. Spendly—"Ah, Jobe, this feel like a new person. Day by daynovel certainly improeses one with I gained strength and color, and I the thought that a wife's place is. have your medicine to thank for at her husband's side." . it. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are soldSlicndly "Yes - on the side where he carries his pocketbook." by all medicine dealers or may be a had by mail at 50 Dents n box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' ` Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. BEARDED SAILORS. guecn VleLorip Permitted Thom on the Royal Yacht. The French Meister Marine ie troubled about a certain quartet. - master who refeses to enerUU ce a beard fourteen inches in length, thereby dofying the official rules. It is a case of oashioring the of- fender or amending the regulations. The British navy bad some trou- ble of this kind also, says the Blue jacket. When :Hugh Childers was First Lord of the Admiralty he at- tempted at the suggestion of Prince eseiningen, then Captain of the ley - al yacht, to abolish shaving in the navy. "There is mare bad language," ,wrote the Prince, "made use of dur- ing the quarter :of an hour devot- ed to shaving than during any part of the day, and no wonder. Jaek has had three hours on deck ever since 4 am., perhaps he 'has been aloft during most of the time or else he has been on the lookout, steaming head to wind. "Down at lest he comes at six bells withface as hard as iron; a bad razor, a •small bit of broken rlooking-glass about the size of a half crown, very often a wet deck to stand on, the ship all the while rolling o1 pitching heavily - The old officers of the service cp- •--'---- ROMANTIC. STILI. SI1V' ING THEIR PRAISES LOSES 'L. B AND "F'OWIiII, Stopping a'I'riiln Ue'ce lower Which ll oriel Carly 1114 Miles, --- It is not generally known .what i001 rlt power is involved in the -starting and stn ping of an ardin- ary train, Aimee twice .es much power ie required to stop a train as to stale one, the loss of power depending upon the momentum, A train going at the rate of sixty miles an hour can, by means of the Westinghouse air -brake, be, stopped within 120 ,yards of the :spet where the brake is firstapplied, Now, as much power is thus lost as would have .seffieed to carry this same n een rnelos over a lewd] su face, First, there is .a momentum Peeqltired by the train Sting at a hightrairatafiftca speed; and lastly, butr- not least, the extra amount of coal used to compensate for all these losses DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DAINti pIIX:A'1' woin IlV S.,1S IA'I'CB.EI'YANa ars, Iainel. Carlson tell hew quicely and completely they'oured her P y Ifilnty Trouble. Coleuses, flask., Nov, 14 (Special). -No 'remedy ha& done as much for the wheat growers of Sasketeliewan as Docid's Kideey Pills. They oc- cupy a place in the (aridly inettielne chest on nearly every farm, and every day brings fresh evidence of tiro great work they are doing. One of the latest to sin„ their praises in this neighborhood • is Mrs. Emel Carlson. Here is what she is telling her many friends: "For about two years I was sore- ly troubled with Kidney Disease brought on by a strain. My heart bothered me. My sleep was bro- ken and unrefreshing and,I• was al- was 1 was tired 'and nervous. The least exertion would cause mete perspire freely, and my perspiration had an unpleasant odor. "Three boxes of. Dodds Kidney Pills 'cured me. They are'=eortain- ly the beet•medicino I ever used." If you have any of Mrs. Carlson's symptoms your kidneys are .wrong. Make them right with Dodd's kid- ney Pills. 1 EASY. Belle—"This new hat .I get doesn't suit my hair at all." Maud—"Well, dear, and which are you going to change?" Why eerier from corns when they can be painlessly routed out by us. ing Holloway's Oorn .Cure. If a woman isn't ashamed to wear her old clothes We a sign that she is rich. Mr. -Harry E. Brittain, who vis- ited Fort George last summer and what he calls "Now B. C.," which .,,,,,,.;..yo,.,;.,,..,., ,is the country be,ng .developed by "If you don't marry me,". he y� cried desperately, "I shall killmyeas - self " "And write a . note telling :all about it?" queried she. Yes." "And hold my photograph in your other hand?" "I had thought about it." "Well, just wait a =ante," she '_• said, "and T'.h .borrow pa's pistol .,t, for you. My, won't at be roman tie l" i .( A DIFFERENCE, A prominent minister has a son . who is a physician. It is rumored .t that one day when the reverend gentleman was ` called to the tele-; phone a sweet, girlish voice a the other end of the wire inquired- de - V. morel : e=. "A.slir. — in.l" •:• "Yes," replied the genial divine, a "hut which ono do you want—the preaching or the practising oue?" ' THEY ALL SAY. s WHAT "What a homely girl Agnea is." Yes, isn't she. But she'll make a splendid wife for some man." . d �• Cure quicklystops con tsscures colds, heals Ilse thrat nod funds -�. . • • 23 cents. "You seem to be thinking intent Iy, old man." "Yes: I was specu- lating as towhether the people who are h,Iways sending out' bills have all their own bills paid." ICI;®I iflksi L'� LIIT I U : TREASURE * What mother does not look upon her baby as a little 3. treasure. What mother would '_ not rather suffer herself than t see her precious little one sof- fer. The well child brings: joy to the home—the sick child .. brings misery, despair and ,+ care. But, mothers, there is `t no need for sour baby to be cross and ailing; even during .,r{.' the much dreaded teething y time. What baby needs to 'is keep him well is an occasion- _. al` dose of Baby's Own Tab- lets. These Tablets cure all , stomach and bowel troubles; destroy worms . and make ey teething easy. Mrs. Pierre M. Cormier, New Richmond ,ere,. Centre, Que., writes "Baby's Own-' Tablets have been dff-great benefit to my little one and now he sleeps f well and eats well and is hap- : py all the time." The Tab- .r lots are sold by all npedicino .r . dealers at 25 cents a box or ,., direct from The Dr. Williams' y. Medicine Co., 'Brockville,' a:• Ont . pies Orae se a ee v •.e. M:erees ssee ne Evening cloaks are made of vel- vet and satin brocades—the velvet pattern standing out sharply on the satin ground. Trial is Inexpensive.—To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indig'.-- tion, rhelunatism or eny ailment arising from derangement of the dt- gestive system, a trial of Pasme lee's Vegetable Pills is recommend—ed,. should the sufferer be dune. Ito l•aeoeable Man expocts to ante a negglIected quainted with them.- : The- trial s' ]ll tee la a day. But time and ADen a Lung Balsam win orercometho cold andstave offoonaumplioa. be inexpensive and the result will. Cough will eeaee and lunge be attend aaa new be another customer for this excel - donee What passes for..eympethy is often like woman's' hair; a lot of it is false, Minard's Liniment Cures DRlbtheria. VARYING EFFneSTS. "Tho same thing will make en- tirely different impressions on dif- rtes, 'weak, Weary, watery Irreg. idollevod By Murino i5vo riem¢dy. Try ferent reader'," remarked the Murine Tor Your Frye Troubles, Yoy man who writes, Will Ltko Murillo, It Soothes. Sae At Your DrugxKfats, Write For .EyoBooks. "Quite so," repliedthe lawyer. Fres, Murine Bye Remedy Co., Toronto. "Letters which bring tears to a girl's eyes frequently ;make a jury laugh." Ient medicine. So effective is their action that many cures can pertain ly be traced to their use where], other pills have proved ineffective. Some women are too 'slow to keep up with the neighborhood gos- sip.; kirDie tCtlei1*rn Na legtttAllmd loe. SUNBEAMS. Don't put your trust in inoney. Put your money in trust, The new color photography makes no appeal to the man with the red nose. The prudent resemble hatpins. Their.heada prevent them fio1n go. ing too far. "These are the days when the weather conversation gets en my nerve')." "As to how 7" "Ol; every shower is hailed as the eget. Box and every bright day see he beginning of Indian summer." All men are equal before tho law, but some are more than equal to the•. tuff.: of, getting around it. the building of the Grand Trunk Pacific, has returned' to Englanerl and is now telling the people over there about those wonderful fertile valleys which are calling settlers from the four corners of the earth. HENCE THE. CHANGE. ,, e a clerk Why do.you oily ke p for two weeks?" "Well, you see, it takes about that long for the girls to find out where ayouugman is working, and after that they're so busy telephon- ing him, that you can't get any. work out of him." UPS AND DOWNS. Higgins—"Uppeon has come down in the world, they tell me:" Wiggins --"I guess tnat's right. Any way, he is now living on the top floor of a tenement:" "Doyou believe .in long engage- ments?" he asked after she had consented to be his. "Yes, dear- est," she iepliod. "I have always thought it was sueli a mistake' fon' two people to rush into matrimony before they learned to really know each other.", 1, about how long' would` you wish the -engage- ment to bel" "Let inc see. Would you think it was too long if we didn't get married until a week from next Thuraday l" When a woman begins to tell a man how nice looking she thinks he is, lie immediately develops un- limited faith in her judgment. Muscular Rheumatism Subdued.- Whon one is a sufferer from mus- cular rheumatism he cannot do I es- ter than to have the xogion rn7ibed with Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil. There is no oil that so spedily sh les its effect in subduing pain. Let the rubbing be brisk and continue until ease is secured. 'There is.moye virtue in a bottle of it than can .be fully estimated. "That nephew of yours is a little wild. I'll admit," said Uncle Jer- ry's neighbor, trying to. comfort him, "but he'll reform as he grows older. Leave him to time and na- ture." "Time and nature]" snap- ped 'Uncle Jerre: "It's tiine and • stare that makes Limburger cheese what it is." YSS L No. 07-1o. MAN OF EXPERIENCE. His daughter—Daddy, sou were 25 when this was taken, weren't you ? Why, you might have sat for' it yesterday. Her Father—M'yes—your . mo- ther's own daughter. Well, ,well, You'll find it on the table, Ithink., His daughter—Find what, daddy, darling ? Her Father—The: cheque-book m q , y now lamb. PLANK FELL ON III111. Hamilton Man Badly Injtn'ed. Reuben Atherton, of 307 -Fergu- son Ave., Hamilton,,. an employee of the Otis Elevator Co., sustained serious injury while at work. A plank fell from a Height on to hie right foot, crushing it badly. ,He was taken, home, where Zam-Buk was applied with,good result. Telling his experience of the balm, he 'staid.: "After' the doctor hard dressed the damaged foot -with some preparation of his own I was in great pain, and as day after day I seemed to get no relief I ]eft medi- cal treatment and tried Zam-Buk. From the very filet application I traced an :improvement. Zara -Bek really seemed to act like magic, cleaning all the unhealthy matter: from the wounds, drawing :out all discoloration, inflammation and soreness; and started healing m quick time. In two weeks the toe and foot wero well again. Zam- Buk balm is certainly a wonderful healer, •and I' would not case to be without a box in the house. All workers -should keep Zan- Buk wound,' t stops the pain, commend- hDled to tD• eon• 1 A teaepenufnl ot. Hatot es healing, and -what is egl7ally 11 and Tie %co a wavold snnttaeetrt ieslt there fine it prevents all possibility of bit.' n. P� Wer' -Perry na!L-oto and300. blood -poisoning. Zam-Buk is equ- ally good for skin. diseases, and cures eczema, itch, ulcers, ,abseee- ses, varicose ulcers, scalp sores, blood -poisoning, etc. It heals cold cracks, chapped hands, frost bite; cures piles and all 'inflamed condi- tions of the akin and tissue. Fifty cents a box from all druggists and stores, but avoid imitations and substitutes. Teo Reyo Lamp Is a high rade lamp, sold, at a low price. Shore are hoops that moat mere,but there to no bettor 10,051 made at any print jnnattnitod el 00510 brat's; nickel plated-oaaily kopt glean; pp or x4,uont to any roam in any house,. There ley npthinK 1nown t0 the a,t of luma'mnking that ran add to the raluo of ilio•1Zil TO Lump tet alight^ otrhttf t vlpo. Nrery dealer army 0here. If ]tet et yours, write Sur de, coapt ilv ci rcular to tl,e nO0rpst tagono); of TSie Queen City Gil Cgmpany,. Lindted, 3m onto. CILIi,CLl) "John," .said lies. .S : r+ie re, li of , 1 "I've .;got pts ff ],legs I wont to talk ,to ,you •s 's--•--' '"Glad to hoar It," snapped Ser husband, '"itsuailyyou want a talk eo me about lots of things that you, haven't got." These Pills Cure •Rheumatism. — To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of- Parmelee's Vege- table Pills is rect,rnmended. Thee have pronounced` action upon the Byer and kidneys. and by regulating the action of these organ; act as an alternative in pieventir.g the ad mixture 'efruric -acid and blood that causes .this painfn: disorder, They. must be taken : according to diree- itions .and used steadily' awl:they will speedily give evidence of their beneficial effects. LATER. Wife -"You ivero ]ate last night." Hub -"Beg pardon, u y dear. As I eame:in the front'door the clock struck ,eleven." Wife -"But what .time did you arrive . et the head of the 'stairs 9" IN sans UNunENr CO., LIMITED. GsltT:.rliEN,—I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT un my vessel and in my family ler years, and for the every day ills and ac• cidenls of life I consider it has no equal. I world not start on a voyage without it, -if it cost a dollar. a' bottle. CAP T. F. R..DESJARDIN, Schr. "Storke,"St, Andre, ,Kanlouraska. MODESTY._ "Were you the best . man at Kate's wedding?" "I think I was, but I didn't pro- pose, so she had to marry the groom.,, handy. Applied to a cut or b 'HABIT OF SOLIOITUDE: ";Your wife seemed very much excited about your airship trip." "Yes," replied the aviator. "She always worries about my health." "Was she afraid you'd get a fall?" "No. She said she was sure I'd take my death of cold sittingup there in all those drafts." Bickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is agreeable to the taste, and is a certain relief for, irritation of the throat that eauses uaelting coughs. If used according to directions it will break the most persistent'cold, and restore the air passages to thee: normal healthy condition. There is no need to recommend ibls these familiar with it, but to those who seek a sure lamely and are in "Theist what to .use, the advice is -try B]ekie's ;Syrup. You can't alwaya tell how much a Titan can drink from the size of his mug. ^_ De Mist Co 'horn heated rooms to On eel tutortutor air, and the change seta us eong:hing. Con sir, is not hard 11 you take Allenx d3 l r o.'A neglected oold is troublesome a CIRCUMSTANCES .ALTER OA SES, The One—.But I thought you said your umbrella had a . straight handle 7 The Other --I thought it had; mysterious but since its my n o s disa pp+:ate anco I'm convinced it ended with a crook." ' Mr. Brittain, in company with Mr. Norton Griffiths, M.P., wero piloted into the Fort George coun- t* by Premier McBride of British Columbia. Mr. Brittain, who used to be one of the publishers of the Sphere and Tattler, is a fluent writ- er anti has contributed-�ut column to the Daily' Express • of Oat, .lath, en- titled "Golden British Columbia;." It is difficult to believe that some men aro made of dust, for dust al- ways settles. Mlmrd's Liniment cures listto nyor. Temple Who live ill Mass houses have n0 business i01..polltics, Mlnsetl's l.lnttnentl cures Meese le cows. The top notch of politeness has ,been attained when a man asks a hill collector to call again, Maid -I can't keep the baby quiets he cries all the time. 'Mis- tress—Oil, I understand it now. The ,last maid was a colored girl. 'You will find the stove polish on the top shelf in the kitchen. SENTENCE SERMONS. 'Hoping for the best from a man. helps him towards it. Love lays down it's own life; zeal quenches that of others, It is better to seem green than to have got beyond growing. The easiest way to lose your sOUI is to "sit and sing'- it away. It never' brings heaven nearer to stand on your neighbor's corns.'' Some men would drown their faith rather than send it out to work. Soule people thin]: that heaven's judgments never go beyond the erevat. It takes more religion to make an honest merchant ishan a holy monk. it takes more than an imported eloquence to give the heavenly message: Some'men are sure they have new hearts beeause they have ,losit-their heads. Many preachers think they have a burning message because it has a bitter taste. HIS POETIC TEMPERAMENT. A gentleman who takes a business view of things, when recently asked his opinion of 'a person of quite a poetic temperament, replied: "Oh, he's este of those men who have eoarings after the infinite and divings after the unfathomable,' but who- never pays cash." s AdeJ,.w• enfolds stops micas, cores colds. 'boats ala throat and funds. - .+ 29 cents. RESTJLTS. NOT EVERYTHING, It isn't true that results are the only thing that count. Results aren't wo1'th anything to yew if there's any shadow onthe way you got then`, -- Nearly all children are subject to. worms, and many are born willh them. Spare them suffering by us- ing Mother Graves' Worm 1ixtor• minator, the best remedy of the kind that can be had, Most 1lfalrisge'l''eee happy; the unhappiness collie' later, A man ]lopes for the'best skiff] ho gets it -then he;' hopes for some, thing better. on the kind yonliave Opals ami,WI tura n cat h aster, or ,beumatle neuralgiaP .as 1e Ma.olbl 1pl •F etc., uothing is butler. Mails only a,) Darla 0 Lawrence Colepan1, Too many men go •around look- ing for work with their .eyes •shut. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds,±do. RrvA'rIt XMAS OAILDS TW,t0LV'M neeu'r'., IA,. folding, with xtllt-bolt's, witha Ilam , y r.ono dollar. dross and raotin •x h4 .gold, o g h Norman tool. London, Ont. maser es ANTHEMS C ItOne SONGS, eta,; in great variety. .lam fel on appproqva o do a unut44d, toA choir leaders,. Coe Vo oios 2 s AshdoryoAGrsio Store, 14e Viatona:9t:,,Toronto, AGENTS WANTED. YATANTED, AG'1'TPLi S 1T lr'fi'M le .05 I T WOMEN. for Uoliday proles that soli st sight. salary OROS oar day. Guaranteed and Commtetton, Outfit Free ,Write iinmodlately.. T. L. Nichols Co„ Lite:tea, Toronto.. WANTED. 117. ItCRN. 'l:tl le DAUBER T};A DE -. NEW xyetem-constant praotles-caroful Maroc• fou -few weeks complete 000rse-tools fres, 3r:uluato3 earn twelve to eighteen donors nook. ly, Write for catalogue, Aisles Barber College,, 221 Queen Bast, Toronto. INOER, Tnmore, Lump,, Oto. Internal and .epternal, cured without pain by^. our home treatment. write no before too late. Dr,. Delman itodload Co.,. Limited, Gollingwood, Out. OARPET ` DYEING and Cleaning. This les aptolally wab the f3rittah.,_Ar7)lartoart DyCtng Ca' Bend sortie's -Wily poet sed we are sore to outlay Addren• Sox 158, No'ntt•dl- rThe Beall of a Plano tsthe Action.rg�Insiistt on the, .e0 S a ® 13L GEL" e.v Plano Action ASK ME WHAT RAW FURS ARE WORTH W. C. GOFFATT ORILLIA, - - ONTARIO $Iabox ® an 6 for $5 The most big -lily efbcient application for the reduction of Swellings, Goitre, Thick Neck, Glandular .Enlarge- ments. :Its Positive. Pi LES ofl all nkindsges,,,quiokyJp nny and ai're- Hewed and positively cured. - Cure your suffering and live . quietly. ',Common Sense" for Piles -Will do it. gr a box, tis for 6'boxes. Flailed on receipt of price. [ALE oM QNb, TORONTO Ceres Sprung Tension, tonne and Saddle Galls 134 aaaltoba AraCc,ar ih. "7 hove otos your ape,b, Con on'n 2 31,15011.0 Tnman vltb Cookioloasana l eat) 001:0131t11.0 10 for Cellar awl UM, coil,." ,1•L.12oo,,, 9 . en a s Spavin Ciiire Se a blaring to faernan end ltook,,en. rn11utun4 J,<_..11.341414411.• Op,t. Can bite uter¢1fy saved Inioar of delle1 aa, hone onrcr.,. . .111a 114.Ona lemeayttut tanalway,ko,tbpimto4. Amon to absolutely one Srtvin, atngbon,, (bulk 4A h,A anrlIloi o and loouee a, !. rn L2adaa, arMa or lura t],, 101, wblt,. Aa geed o+rmap we fort'wt Xo,p, KgydaII a *,way. haply, •,l. abottlo- Otorec. wb n,loom, atyonr dose a, got copy 7 our book "A Triune ou Tne none" --J14 7,Y e --or tylia ua t, DR. B. J. SSNDCI l CO., Leesburg Penn, VI. The Notices] Life Advertisement few A t Life insurance c Agents a make from$x,,oaa to $ay;000 a year, thong?) the average N front ikz,000 to $y.oco, We still hare a few good open- ings In town anti rerat sections -for melt who can produce business for the National Lite. eve supply the itniuitig, the literature and an easyselliug policy that satisfies the mac insured. • Drop us a card today for particulars, The National ° Life Assurance Company of,•;,rCanada .•.. t1cAd Offlct Toronto 41: t•.