HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-11-17, Page 4mooei l�sz
'VIlijRSDAY, NOV, 47, 19FP
R. l .WAV lith' is to be built into. the
1'unce River country. A fine stretch of
land will be opened pp thereby fur
$VuAxn away for the Christmas trade,
The purchasing pnbticshoutd watch the
cote:one of Tim Poste for the bargains
offered, A dollar saved is a dotter
Da.'CAutpaN may ape tar hanged but
it will keep hit9.-:utsy for the rest of his
netters/ 'fife explainingatt•ev the nasty
cloud rp which be wit': enveloped eon•
ceraing the disappearance of his spouse.
l;irvosz'r, are being made at London to
induce the Ontario Government to buy
out the Beil 'Telephone - Company and
rup it under Government control. It is
hat dty likely they will do so tet view of
the many rural lines pow in use.
Barron t."oJ.uarkra Legislature will
beasked ked t o pass a law to permit Mayors
and Couto:11sto hold office 2 years with.
out seeking re-election. There are a
number of reasons why such legislation
might be promotive of good in other
Provinces also.
Wz hope to see the anti -Senate con -
dement in the Dominion Parliament
getbusy and press for le;;isietiou to
amend and rejuvenate the Upper Cham-
ber, If remedy cannot be secured no
one, uu1 ide of present office holders,
would be any the worse off if it were
wiped 001.
SSeAttATS School Trustee Board
ineeting broke up at Ottawa because
one of Lite members refuted to take off
his list. He says he takes hitt style
froth the:Parharneutary sessions and
the House of Lords Somebody should
present the obstrep roes member with
a book en etiquette
I'r's 11 great wonder, this Dominion
aid um go all to pieces before Henri
Burassa undertook to set the IoyaliY
pace for Canadians. Youmaybe clever
Henri, but you are handliug a rope of
,- ' sand when you philosophise about your
ao called NJ ivaalist m',eement and its
acceptance by warm blooded British
DON'T. forget the public meeting of
the farmers of the locality in the 'Town
Hall,- Brussels, Saturday afternoon of
this week, at 2 p. m., to discuss the
advisability of this section of 11 aron
Co, sending a delegation to Ottawa
next month to urge the 14, vermin nt to
make certain changes in the tetlff unw
existing between Canada mitt the li,nted
States Everybody will be weieome at
the iue
QUITE Fall tiuuaee.eanrug has beeu
going on nutter the direction of Hon,
Mt, Murphy in connection with the
Printing Bureau at Ottawa where things
wert as crooked at, shin The vacuum
machine was not set to work early
enough to overhaul some of the grafters.
Under the new regulation there should
be better service at much Jess expense,
It is up to Parliament to back up the
MlnisterOf State in the gond work he
has Clone, "
By the will of our American cousins
the Democratic party is going to super -
humid the affairs of the U. S. for the
cotning'Eerm. They will have atnajority
of 50 in the next Congress. There will,
probably be a lively change of office-
holders and a real hustle by the incom-
ing party to do something or note.
'Teddy "Roosevelt got a terrible black
eye, politically speaking, over the elec-
tion. He should have kept out of the
Tile annual meeting of the Huron
Cloudy T'emper'ance Convention was
held o in the Town Hell, Clinton,O
a _ ra 7th L' After
the opening pentrig ex
or'ctees, minutes oflast meeting were.
read and adopted. room these it was
shown that, of 20 municipalities :
Aellfiekl, Colborne, Grey, Eultett,
'1'uokeisin th, Stanley, Usborne and
East Waivanesh are under Local
Option and 2 others have`rto license.
Of the remaining 15 places 8 have
given majorities,-aithattgh nob bite 80
per cent retgp�ih'ed.
{ Report of Executive was submitted,
roeotnincnditi 11 --That each muni-
cipalitybe asked bo Contribute $5,00
to wards putting Executive on a work-
ing basis, and assisting diem to do
more aggressive work, also, that the
7 tnunioipalities :—Goderich, Ucdepiiih
Tp., West t4Vawauosh, Mor't'is, Sea-
forth, aur? 141e1iillop be t'egeeeted to
launch Local Option campaigns for
Jan 1012, aerated unanimously.
''reaeuret's'e oil
i p showed' a small
belttilre.on' hand..
Oflicere of last year were s'e-elected :
Pres., 71,•Buchanan ; Sec., A.. T. Coop-
ee ; Tresis., 3. P. Brawn ; Vice -Fres.,
Odttbre Huron, G. M. Elliott, Godccich
;1+7ot1h Huron, John Bert', Wingharn;
$outtMnotion, T. H. McCallutn, Elea -
ter ; Reptresenttutives of the vatdous
. fntneipttlitiee ; -- Godot'ich, Melvin
Rowell , Godeeleh
Mr, Caldwell ;
C11cLou 0..7. Wallis; VV.tnglrtan, ;S,
Boo/teal Seaforth, R. Sell ; Ifensalt,
Rev, 3. 111,' Millyeerd ; Bayfield, M.
C1alclwel ; i?tytllr 4, D. Cers;i3russels,
1, kit Gi)rny ; itxotor, Mr, ,Snell
I3'tnxetcr. Rev. Me. Perritt l Ashfield,
Her. Ala -Rutherford ; Colborne, John
Pustew ; they, T.k3ts'aehan 1 Flay, S.
Rat -inlet I owiek, W. Watttere Lille-
, Kmop, a Scat lust ; Buffett, J. ;8'ing-
lenrl Morrie, Thor. Bieiby t Stephen,
Rev, 8. Iiicks ; '1'nekerstntth, P. 0'
lit'ieu r Turn berry, A. Nelly ; Usbot'ne,
P. Gann ;IL Wawuttosh, Juseph Kers' ;
W, Wawa/melt, Wrn. ,Bailie. Lev B.
' Spence, General Seesetary, of Pravin-
vial Alliance, and outer Field Secret -
furies were present, who gave valuable
counsel all emphasizing the import.-
mportonce of grouping a number of manlei-
alipi'.:e for campaigns at the same
fI'he evening exercises were of
most interesting and profitable the
toter, In the absence of the Pres
dent, Dr. Stewart presided.
Prineipal speaker's were the Revd
13. la, Spence and J. G. Miller, B.
Rev. Kettlewell made a £ev yet
practical remarks leaving the time
the former two who had been
Mr. Miller, who was' heartily wet"
corned by many who sat uncles his
ministry as a supply its Willia Ohnreh
in days gone by, gave an address •
width was greatly appreciated. tie'
illustrated by personal observation,
and well authenticated statistics, the •
awful and tragical effects of the Liquor
traffic and charged home upon the
vQ ter theterrible o 's pzrble respotssibility of
continuing the Licensing system. He
also spoke most emphatically of tine ,
benefits of lagrai Option urging all
rise in their rnight and clo alt in thei
power' to secure its adoption.
t a During Change of Life,
says Mrs, Chas. Barclay
. Oranitevlllo, Vt. a- "I was passing
through the Change of Life and is after
to ?/ %� f from nervousness
an- andotheranno g ameem
is6i h symptoms, and 1
can trot ea that
y ,
Vegetabble Cq
CM -
pound has proved
Worth mountains
of old to nie, as it
restored ray health
and atrengtla I
never forget to tell
yrl da what
Vegetable Compotmd kas done fps m�e
during this trying period. Complete
t0 i restoration to health means so much
t' tome that for the sake of other suffer-
ing women I am willing to make my
trouble public so you may publish
this letter."—Xtui. CHAS. BARtn',AT,
R.F.D.,Granitevilfe, Vt.
Mr. Spence dealt largely and vig-
orously with the political aspect of
the question, lie aitit'tned most'
positively and sustained the affirn u -
tion by stria Best proof, that the titre
had come when the Goverment of
this Province, whatever pasty might
be in powei, must deal Hgliai•ety with
this question. With the fact of iutge
majorities, again and again, by Iheir
votes declaring in favor of Plnhibiliou
with 410 of the 810 municipalities of
the Province without Remise, many
of them carried by Local t)ptitni,
under the 00 per tient. \Vith 18 of the
existing bars itt the Province closed
by the vote of last January, rind 80
wore dole t d runicipalities campaigning now
in view of voting next Jnituitt•v, anti
the general SenlituetiL of the country
expressing itself so umluistekttbly
against the open hat, these rod other
considerations be maintained were
evident signs of a lot remote and
much needed issue.
The itttereat was tniv'lt enhanced by
the well rendered solos of Howard
Russell, accompanied on the pirtttrr by
Prof. Brown, anti the whole appreciat-
ed by the large audience.
Butter And Geese Making
Splendid Success Attending Both.
TUE Porta is nntah indebted to that
hustling well conducted Agricultural
Weekly, "Fara) and Dairy," publish-
ed at Petei'bortr, for the following in-
teresting sketches and photogravures
of ladies well known to a goodly
number of mitt Tenders, viz airs. A.
Simpson, of AiIvrea] and the Nissen
att»'isnn nt ti', tory :-
Thefirst....en; int to suer'„ssfyl but.
ler making is cleat line a. 191e rows
flour which the milk is taken ahon111
liner an abotrdance of euro rood of flit'
be -t quality and he given 1'. he very
hast of :gni eg>rat,l to drink. 'They
should -ileo be given excess to all the
salt they wish. If we have Orate milk.
ct's using the cleanestof utensils, tvt,
are then sumo that we will ,have no
trouble iu getting the Vet blest
quality of milk.
We titke the tnilk immediatelyafter
being milked to the Milk 1.00111 Where
we run if through the sep:u'atnr. \Ve
cool the cream to 54 deg res Le and
leave it in a cool plane,. Cream from
the next separation is Curled and
added to 1 rat creatn. We repeat this
process tl ttil 25 or 30 lbs. or cream
testing about. 25 per rent fat has rte.
We then brat l0 80 degrees turd Ito -
teed ely root ngnin to 51 degrees
when astarter (awin/ L or bollerntillt
when about it week old) is added to
v n and lhrut,
i t1 al1rrtrl
is lett a
sant u
1 h i
it lino t
lutlil tieet looming when iL should he
ready U, ch lou See that the errant
is no higher in teinpethttn'e Chun 54
degrees when it tenets the chins'.
We prepare the thein by thorough-
ly scouring with atlt, thou scald and
cool off, All the utensils we use are
treated in the startle manner.
We have no ditiir.ull y i:t having tite
butter Impettt. in gametal. felon in
Prout 15 to 20 minutes. When the
granules are about the ,ize of wheal.
ltertieis wet add a moot or warm- amt.
ed sal temperature of tteatrl when
'starting to clittt'tl, the( is 51 degree's,
We then cheat slowly until the
granules become the size (if a wail; of
corn, The. butte; 10111: to then drawn
orf 11 bnugli•tt fine sieve. This sieve
saves all the Mall particles or hotter
which: would otherwise be halt.
After' thawing oil' the btrtbeh'rnillc'
the wash the butler its the churn and
add the srtlt. • We use rote otptce of
Windsor Dairy salt to mut pound of,
butter fot' our awn use. %Ve leave the
butter bathe churn- until we lset our
butter worker scoured, scalded and
cooled. We then take the butter an
•btittor worker and work thoroughly
to (set the salt' event mixed in the
buttal'. We put up all our butter in
one pound prtnte and get five cents
above market price lot - all we cam
For smile years 1 iitwci taken hart in
tate butte!' making competitions Irl
Toronto, f ondour Winnipeg, Erendon
No other medicine for woman's ills
has received such wide -spread -and un-
qualified endorsement. No othermed-
icane we know of has such a record
of cures of female ills as has Lyda F.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
For curing femae le can omplaintss has been
inflammation, ulceration, local weak-
tie: es, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, indigestion
and nervous prostration, and it is
unequalled for carrying women safely
tilrnugh the period of change of life.
ii oasts but little to try Lydia E.
l'iulvllam's Vegetable Compound, and,
,tsMrs. I3aralaysays,it is "worth moun-
'aiius of gold' to suffering women
tttiil flttlgttry. i have always use.] the
in"thnd- C. have just desr tubed null C
have been very -aueres-fel ;at all these
Misses Mary and Agues Jlorrisorrnf
Newry Out., have been probably ilio
toast successful cheese makers in
Canada. Their grandmother made
cheese in - Scotland. Their mother
learned from her and the girls learned
from their mother. They prune there-
fore of a cheese makingfittnily. Theis
father was a blacksmith awl came
with his wife from Scotland and set-
tled first in Lower Canada,: and then
moved to London townabip, lyliddle-
sex County, where the two girls were
born. The family moved to Newry 111
1887 and Mt.'s. Morrison stalled the
factory Or ere.
When the girls were old enough
theybegan to help in the factory, and
always worked at home. except orte
season when Miss Mary worked to a
cheese finitely in' London 'township.
They have not had the privilege of it
ocnrse in a dairy school
The Misses Mnreleon have during
Iheir chaeso making career won over
81,000 ill rash private for finest (thecae
at Canadian nail other exhthitinne,
besides Unawares ell vet' antis, medals
ander; op, They have altogether' 15:
Photo' Studio
I' guarantee Photos of
superior finish and a per-
fect likeness,
I have specially select-
ed Mounts and Polders
for Holiday Gifts. Call
early and make selection.
medals, two trophies, ane silver Water
pitcher and have won twice, 1008 and
1010 the Cheese Buyer's Trophy offer-
ed by the Dairymen's Assoeiabion of
Western Ontatio. Had they remain-
ed in business and won it the third
time 11 would have become thous
permanently. Thts cup p was offered
in 1003 and tip to this year the Misses
Morrison aro the only cheese makers
who have won this oup two different
times. Tothe regret of the ,cheese
snaking public as well as that of their
factory patrons these Jetties retired
from cheese retaking in the Pall of 1909
baying sold their factory.,
coThe output of the Newly factory
averaged about 70 tons of cheese a
year. Since 1890 the milk at the
Newry factory has been paid for by
test, 2 per cent being added, This
method of dividing the proceeds has
always given entire satisfaction.
17teir factory, has always been
a uodetl of order and cleanliness.
The follnwirig medals and trophies
have,' eel.' won by the misses illorris-
Five. gold medals al. the Ottawa
Pair, 1890, 1807,' 1901, 1003, 1000.
These medals are shown 10 1.11100. ration
two at.the right and two at the left
and one at the top •of the lower
Tit „ a''ld medals at, Toronto Exlif
bitieri, 1887. 1890. pre itt each corner
at the tap 1 tlhe illu,hation.
One g,dd !nodetl at Loudon exit ibi-
Linn in 1881, given by the Ageicnitimvnl
tool Arts Association. This medal is
at the foot of the large trophy, tend
has a milk can engraved on it. This.
was the first medal won by Mrs.
:Morrison, their, Mother.
Three silverrnedals at London ' Ex-
hibition 1892, 1894, 1897. .One silver..
medal at Toronto Exhibition' in 1904.
These four modals inc shpwhi in the
illustration, one at each stile of the
trrerial with t be milk can on it and one
itt each cornet' of the lower trophy.
One bronze medal' won in 1888 at
the colonial and Indian Exhibition,
London Eng., shown at foot of small
tfopb y,
One bronze medal, won at the
World's Pair, Chicago. This medal is
notslrown in the illustration.
One bronze medal al Slle,brooke
Exhibition, This is not shown in the
illustration. '
One trophy, the large one in the
illustration won three times At
ronto Exhibition 1905, 1908 and 1907.
One trophy, lower one, in the thus.
tration, wort at Ottawa Exhibition,
A silver water pitcher on stand,
won at Listowel Pall Fair.
Constipation is the
root of many forms of
sickness and of an
endless amount of
human misery.
Dr. Morse's
Root Pills,
thoroughly tested by
over fifty years of use,
havebeen proved a
safe and certain cure
for constipation and
all kindred troubles.
Try them. 4
25c. a box.
Auction Sales
knertait'Pa, &a.—F, S. 5eott, 4i rttoneer
bas been m;fronted by thenndorsigned to sell
bypublieanottun at N. ilaif Lot 14, Ocn, o,
,iiorriS on Friday, November 18th, atln'eloek,
the following property.: -1 agricultural snare
years old supposed m foal to Lttwger, 1 agri-
cultural mare 5 years old supposed in foal to
Ranger, 1 aged working horse, 1 Kaplan roads-
ter filly 4 years old 1 Kaplan roadster filly 8
years old, 1 general purpose mato OWinmar 5
gdrtltoah yupnoBdto1 bDnd” , 81 i^Dundeeurold, 1!wavy drnugb,t bnraacolt, 2yayrs1ogd b"Oano6ate:
1 heavy draught filly 1 year old
1' Conan,tats," l roadster mare 12 sec's old
Sydatty l'.12 miiah cows sepposed in coir, 1
dudhantball 2 years old, 7 heavy steers 12. years
old heavy steers 2 years old, 2 heifers in Y yearsNd 1 iheifer 2 years aid supposed in calf, 2
befotal year old. steers l year , 18 calves, young 11011 calf supposed. eligible for egisia-tto»11geSrtora ings, 7 pip 2 months ofd, 10
weaned, 2 brood. saws en posed in pig one
rnnttvarlh. and other Yorkshire, »number of
hens, 2 go al rumber wagons, 1 top baggy new.
last swoon, 1 open bogey, I demooro tpolr and
she ts,2 ."udCarts. 2 set bob'sietgha, 2 cut-
tert, 1 large cultivator, 2 Deering mowers 5
node foot foot tint, I D' irtng binder 7 foot cut, 8
small gang plows, 1 Fleury walking plow, ling
Kangaroo Bluff 1 Champion seed drill 1 riding
tams, 2rannnermine •2sets double harness,
Iset plow harness, 8sets single harnets,1light
set double harness, 1 t'rnin .crusher, I straw
putt f and Jack, 2 hay racks, quantity of grain
and liay and other articles. Sale unreserved
as Proprietor is giving up rented farm.
Terms. --All gams 05 *500 and under cash;
over that amount rt menthe credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes,
per cent oft for cash on oredit amounts, A,
SPELIt, Prep.
The sporting pages of The Star are conducted by sporting
news writers who are right in the game --men active in athletic
circles—so that it is not arty wonder that .oported sporting
events—no matter where they are held—tare most reliable—
newsy—and the fuIIest you will find in any Canadian paper.
The Star sporting news is always readably written—and you
it al
w 1 wet s finer i
t fairto
Yeverybody, '
You will enjoy reading The Daily Star sporting columns.
and there is many a timely illustration that gives an added
Sufisorlfse now nod take advantage of our special rata of
C9 Year
This paper aid the Toro7ito Daily Styr together •
for $
000,..4.4 0090. 0 0,x.111« «,1PIP00 I4111,0;atl
••••• •••••••1490
-- ■ 0
e _
• •
Birand New Stock of
y Goods
General �►�'
• Soots and Shoes
R Store le now Open and �- doing Rosiness A
e s y.
3 'Moping .to meet with many old and new 03
• friends as I'm here for business, e
• e
e R A. Thompson o
0 •O
Give me a call at the Love Block and See _ ao
the choice stock at Low Prices. e
0 4SSSN•*Iss4•as•••ess•/ssseesoeeesasoaeeoeo®Bs.O[etDeeao
Groceries, 84c.
Da you save ?
A time will come when. ynnli,finan-
sial resources will be sttraiudd to meet
some unexpected demand, Will you
have to suffer the consequences, or
will you be its a position to tui n to
your bank account for aid 2
Deposit your savings in the Batik
of Hamilton now, and when the day
of emergency comes you will be ;im-
W. S. Ryall,
Agent, �q� Brad Office
Aent, iNrotxeteP HAMILTON
AL—About 8,000 feet No.
1 hard maple lumber, dry, l34 inches thiols,.
for sale. Also square timber fora building
27420 ft„ loft. past. gall at premises, Lot 28,:
Con, 10, Grey, or DAVID SANDERS,
18.15 Ethel P. 0.
ARM FOR SALE.—Tbe farm known as the
Setae's farm, is now offered for sale in
order to wind up the estate. The farm con-
tains 08acres being parts of Lots Sane in the
12th 1,00. of Grey. Mostly all seeded to grass
and in a state ofand cultivation. On'the
farm is a good brick house and bank barn, also
a frame barn, orchard, etc. Property to be
sold worth the money. Apply to JAS. BOTZ,
Lot 4, Con. 11, Grey, or on the premises.
1Rtf . - MRS. W.M. SHINE.
FARM FOR SALE, beingSouth half Lot 25,
Con, 4, Morris townshp, Baron Co., von
tabling 100 intros More or less, On the prem-
ises is a frame house, bank barn, goodorchnr0,.
well, windmill, &a. All cleared except about
All tore. School 1X miles distant. Only 23ec4'
miles front Brussels. 5 acres of Fall wheat In
andaboutt-50 acres aoeded down. For price,
terms and other .information apply on the
premises or if writing Brussels P. O. Phone.
1.28. Or F. S. Scott, Brussels,
11.15 A. L. %ERR, Proprietor.
FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers
for sale, his 100 Bore farm, being Lot 80,
Oen. 15, fogey. About 20 Beres (geared, balaneo
in swamp,. 8 acre, in Nall wheat, 81 acres seed-
ed down. Full plowing is being done. On the
farm is a frame house, bank barn; driving shell,
good orchard and drilled well. Diose to -post,.
office, oburoh and eohool. For further particu-
lars apply to JOHN, OSBORNE, Proprietor,.
or F. S. Scott, Brussels.
♦ 6h
• Winghar
psainess �m �pn ♦
a ♦
4 4
College fprY®per. i.
Is a link ill' Canada's Greatest 4
Chain of High Grade Colleges
ed closing the past Lwenty•
six years. This"chain is the lar_g- ®'
p est trainers- of yntnrg pimple in a
Canada auti it is freely admitted •
♦- that its gittd"att's get the best 4
4 pnsitiatis.. There l8 a reason , ♦
♦ write for it. A diploma from
• the Oommereial Educators' As- 4
asoma Ian of Oanttcla 1S tt iittSapo'b e
a to Success.
♦ You may study partly at home ♦
at and finish at the College. a
a• Enter any dory..
s falla
. ierm ♦
opens august 9th a
FARM FOR SALE,—The 100. aore farm, be- : WIINGHAM - 0'
Lot 28 gdonB 14, ley of offereds forasxle McNeil,
bbs O �y•
undersigned. There are 85aires-°leered.bal. ♦ Business '�iolllege
arae well timbered. On the farm there is a 9
flgood bank barn, large driving shed and a own- ♦ GRA& W. BURNS, principal- ♦
Portable house. Place in good condition and 0 ORO. Beo'rrON, President a
well faneed. For farther particulars apply to ♦
JAS. A. MoNAIR or JAS. D';ifoNAIR, Exec-
utors, OranbrookP.0., w F. S. SCOTT, -Bros-
eels. - 7-tf
FARMS FOR SALOL -Lots 21 and 22, Con. 14,
Moli;iltopp, and Lot 28 on the 18th Ooneos-
alon. Lots 21 and 22 compose the Gardiner
homestead and contains about 180 acres, nil
8rat'olass land, well fenced, well tile drained
and has 15 acres of goad hardwood bush ; good
comfortable buildin
ge with p11modern; waleid n
raven nt
s lent o[
plentygood sprint; �
� Vuter.vd
choiceste hearing norchard.tity 2 out' of the
wiltbesold ns a the suiiY i' user. and
will at inld 2n terms toit salt purchaser. Lot
20 Contains 125 sores with been
ter yeatit nod barn
all In pasture and hue been for yearn. There
are ten acres of good bob on this farm,. For
further particulars apply to ALEX. GARh210-
•R, Walton P.O., or on the pratuioes, 40-tf 1
Fall Term now open at.
The 1 9i9
istowel Business College
Students may enter of any time,
For particulars lid/Irene
180W1N O. MATTHEWS, Principal
AV4 :MX:4E12sn,' ravv�v�vry ar
Thr; Collage is facogn ewd' as thee
grout practical training 'wheel .af West-.
�01 urn Ontario, It fa rho largoet ao ,yell
' as Ilia 11001. 'Our oonrses aro praatiaal,
. our teachers experionaed instructora,
'our gradhAtsn ebcoeed. Throe dopoti'
154 0oMmdrC(gl ShorthtHd
;LJ9 Tofogvsphy
0 - Wo havo So, of npplicnliona Iwe
0s0 p ee meat • are entaing,.t4G, *55 and
$80 poi month are tie Mi int; uhf enc
qt oar free cottiloods Mid commence
your onusee aton(n, _
. 0. A. MCLAOIILAN, Principal,
04444410+94444944/410444 990 a
rc,u Drays
At your home without
pain, danger or operation.
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases uo
matter -what your age is
or how long ruptured.
Why wait until your rup»
tura becothes strangulated
when you can be cured;?
Do not wait Flll in coupon
Time step,.,,.,..
Single or Double
'Name , ,
and return to ,
08 Caledonia et,
Dept, A ' •Stratford, On*.