HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-11-17, Page 1it VOL. 39 NO, 20 New Advertisements 'steal --wan Post. Initors-D, IEwan, oohl-•T, 11i13Gregor, Ciordon's ores/ Side -D, 111.Cif ardent. zot1 Uk Bans ' McKillop Bert Denison of McKillop, as cucumber which�measuree 11 inches in length and 12 inches around, Tomas Simeon has sold his 100 acre farm, 10th can,, of McKillop, to his neighbor, Michael Johnston, The price paid was $0,000. MoncriefF MAzetretottraL.-A vett' pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. D.L.°Martin ab the parsonage, 175 Waterloo street, •Stratford, on Wed- nesday, Nov,; 0th, at 5.45 p, m., when Mise Gertrude M., only daughter of Geo. and Mrs. Hanley of this vicinity was united. in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Edward Scantlebnry, late of Bury, St, . Clermans, Cornwall, Eng- land, in the presence only of Mrs. D. P, Martin and the bride's eldest bro- ther. George L,'., of Stratford. Hearty congratulations and best wishes from: BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER„ z7,' Igxo W H HERR, PS opt sal`or their moxa frienas in that city and We who Oland to see that L. B. ledge presided and gave a brief ad. o'o d t r s ton 95, " ho , ,' o , , , - ei e Teronto n he vicinityof the bride's;Presidentl se lnai ns. missed. two son 114 and Mrs McMillan reo v d d, f t,x 1ll v e dross Rev A II Birks, f ax Ynore examinations. Jr. Room, man.. bran om ' and groom's former li,omes, fora long the. ponfereuae, ;butt Rev, , TnYias plc ps " Y c18 o presents. The young PrpVI��iI�I . H. and happy wedded life follow the t tl Ontario a III total 400.---.A. Srn u d Duff, of We an: a former ne al reeideet, liar been re-elected President o the Hockey Aesoociatioti acclamation. 1' Du clean sport and seeks to promote it. happy young couple to thou ham o l b 1 M !f lover. R alter, 332 B, nether 292 h non, were also called 890 • L B p are span ing a few weeks in I k Greene of 011 t t Edon couple e t.' y is a upon, eV. Mr, Ford, of 'Clinton t"tkit•tf d .tT1' Home s leo ha or , read the Scripture lesson a _._ , L x. r;3luevale Mee. Jos. Sellers is at present visit - lug friends at Goderich, Rev. W. J. West, M. A. spent ci, few days this week with friends at Wood. stook. Rev. Mr: Andrews was at Ethel last Sunday, preaching M1esionerY- sermons. Misty Porte, and Russel Andrews have returned home after spending the Summer at Bawtrey. Rev.' R. Thynne, of Palmerston, occupied the pulpit in the Presby- terian church Sunday, in the absence of the paster . Miss Agnes Aioheeon, who hes been suffering frorn en attack of pleurisy,, is couvalescin andwill sooni to be around again, be able The Epworth League. is giving a "Proverbial Social" in the basemeet of the Methodist Church Friday even- ing, Nov. 18th, at$ o'clock. A good peogeanx is being prepared consisting of solos, recitations, etc. 'Refresh- ments are' to be Served. Everybody welcome. Cutters A Cutters IMEMIMIMRISMa Have you'seen Ewan's Display . of Cutters for this Season ? The Neatest, JLigbtest,, Best Finished and Most Up-to-date Chatters on the market. -Piano box Cutters, with high side . pade, all trimmings to lift out. Trimmed in plush or leather cloth, Likewise piano box Cutters with auto seats that sell at sight. Cannot.be beaten for comfort. . -Also a large display of Portland Cutters. This is a special design n ofa Cutter. As it is a lareat mistake with many of the factories of build- ing too large a Portland Cutter for our roads. We have made a special study of this style this season and have got just what the people want -a nice, neat, medium size Portland Cutter, comfortable and"gotup with first-class material. -Everybody is invited to call at our Factory, examine our goods and be convinced that we have -rhe best style of Cutters on the market. 'Please don't forget that Ewan's Cutters take the red tickets at all local Fairs at which they are exhibited. CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR CHOICE. D. BRUSSELS 'e•••••••••••♦•••••♦••••••0•A•••••••O♦e♦♦,f♦i♦♦•••••••• • O. 0 • • 4 • e JGR(AT • ♦ ♦ J.LF • • REDU CTIO N in AH Kinds of 4 ♦ • ................... i • • RSI; ................ e E have decided to give to the buying public the •• • • • benefit l ofpurchasing h ' t � l r Furs EARLY ABLY at • the AFTER CHRISTIVMAS PRICE. Our : Z stock is limited and for 2 weeks we will continue to sell• e Furs at prices below quoted :--- °s • osum Ruff regular $10,00 Our Sale price $7 25 <2.e -2 only ,,.. „ ,c 4t 11.50 13.00 pp 9.t- 0 44 -3 only " ., i, „ ., -1 only Isabella O osum Throw " " • --2 only Mink Marmot Stoles, satin lined 5,00 • ,< • „ , • -1 only " 7.50 ., • -2 only" " „ „ • yll:oo • -1 only Grey Persian Lamb Throw 11.00 .) a^r1 only Dyed Coon Ruff regular 12.00 • • in • For Coats ads0 Sale • 90 b 925 700 a 375 • 560 • 850 44 8.69 • 900 c -1 Electric Seal, Sable trimined, 24 inelhee long, bust 5ize 34, with • Military front, worth regtnlarly $55.00,, Our Special Price ♦ 40 00 l 18lectrie Seal with collar and Lapels l S • 1 1 e.s of able, size 30, just the Cont ® for warmth and dtuability, Worth regularly $45.00. • . Now . ....... 35 00 • • -2 Astrachan Goats the favorite coat with those e Who drive often, • with fine even curl end glossy fat, regular value • $40,00, While these last•..,. 27 00 -1 only Astrachan Coat same as above, Only e little Shorter length, bet curl the same, e am , leader" ut. Ar . 3t- 00. Now o, t selling for O • • 4 E. sItemernbor this offer stands for only two weeks so make your eel- • ections while all lines are complete. •' • • • • • 3 0 D. • Highest prices SS Ccs given., • p for Produce and Poultry. • • • ••♦••♦•♦4•,444♦♦♦•••d♦•♦•e •••••••••••••••••••••••••• i • • ••• •9 ♦ e • • 4 4 • •• •Y • • • 4 • • Sereforth Robert Willie, One of the pioneer residents of Sewfoeth, died Sunday morning at the age of 73, after, an nese of several months, Ile carried on a boot mut shoe business during the pant ' forty years, Deceased was a Liberal in' politics, a member of the Methodist Church, and was mach respected. He is survived by an adult family, one son being W, .13', Willis, of Wingham, well known in Brussels. Belgrave East Wawanoeh Township 0onpcil will meet here next Monday. Invitations are opt for the marriage of Miss Taitie, daughter of the late Dr. James Robertson,' to Dr. Francis, of Calgary. Ceremony will take place in Bloor street' Presbyterian church, Toronto, on Saturday. The forth- coming' bride is well known in this locality end will have . many good wishes for a•long, happy and useful life. Walton The 0. P. R. afternoon train, going Bast, now leaves here at 2.57 or 0 minutes earlier tzar than formerly. W. F. Ramsay end son, of Killarney, Manitoba, are here on a visit. The farnxee is a brother of the late Hugh ,J. Ramsay and a former resident of this locality., Mr. Ramsay has spent a gone many years in the West' and profitably too.. Many old friends are glad to greet him. The Duncan IllvlcOuaig 40 acres here were sold by F. S. Scott, Executor, to Alex. Gardiner, a well known McKil- lop resident, for $1800. it is said the purchaser may erect a new residence upon the property and retire from active farming. He has been at it a good Many years and has well earned a holiday. Hector McKenzie, of Ohestaning, Mich., and Mutdock `McKenzie, of Aneta, North Dakota, have been re- newing old friendships in this locality. They came to attend the funeral of their mother, one of the worthy pio- neers of this locality. Although a good many ears have elapsed since Messrs. McKenzie went away they are well remembered by many old friends. Blyth This week Neil A. Taylor took pos- session of the . Stothers'grocery and _restaurant. Frank Everett has gone to Michigan and is, succeeded as baker by a Mr. Irwin, of Mitchell. Trinity church sent 313.00 to the Sick Ohildeen's Hospital, Toronto, as a Thanksgiving offering. ' The afternoon train on the 0. P. R. for Toronto leaves nearly 10 minutes earlier than on the old time table. Monthly Horse Fairs will be com- menced on TuesdayNov 29th'and continued duan the Winter season. g s Anueat neetiug of Blyth branch of the Bible Society was held Thursday evening of last week in the Presby- terian church. Goderich Township Council took uo action in the request of Blyth for permission to erect telephone 'poles, ac., North of Summerhill Wonder why ? Rev. Mr.Mn. Small is to address the minister at the .induction of Rev. Mr. Ross as pastor of Knox church Goder- ich Thursday of next week. He was also appointed by Presbytery to assist m revision of the Psalter and Hymns for the young. John McCaughey, formerly of Blyth, has taken charge of the Com- tnereial Hotel at Clinton, t u as successor to bis son-in-law, James Reynolds, who has gone to Goderich to run the Huron .Ilouse. Mr. ,McGaughey will keep everything up-to-date.; Wingham Tan LAME REv: N. S. BUIcWASH.- With sudden surprise to many came the nno a uucement of • nth of Rev. N. S Bin' wash of Wingham, g on Tuesdayo f last week. He had been laid aside about three weeks ago with a sort of rheumatic trouble but few thought it would terminate his life, end many had not even heard of his illness. He grew worse , a quick col- lapse of the entire system followed, and he passed away about noon. Rev. Mr. Burwash wee a Canadian having been born in Prescott, in 1888. He entered the ministry in 1860 and at the close of his probation in 1864,was united in marriage to Mies Magaret Ann Mansfield. He proved an earnest faithful, end successful laborer in'the Master's vineyard and labored -on the following circuits-Bobcaygoon, Lind- say, Millbrook, pobourg, Arthu, .Gyndoch, Durham, P aisley, Tiverton, Invermtty, Hanover, Horning's Mills, Belgrave, Alleetoed, Staffa, Harmony and Salem. After -forty years spent fn the active work of tho ministry, he superannuated in 1000 and moved to Wingham, where he faithfully attend. ed the services of the Methodist church and often visited the sick. In J,nne, the London Conference held a service, commemorating the Goth year of the ministry of itev. N. S. Bur - wash and'others, indicating the esteem in which he was held by hie ministerial brethren. Deceased was in his 73rd year, mild loaves to mourn his demise, Mts. Beewash, and one daughter, Mrs. $. E. a Ia rd ;also form others, who Were raised With lovingcare . in the home Miss A. , M. s • 1 aha Ltd 141ason, Ethel Gcrtrndo (who died n Belgrave 22yeare ago)' and Mise Dell Burwaslt ; there is also one brother, S. Bnrwash of Port Elgin.. The funeral took place at 2. 80 p. in. on T huheclay,•service beim bola in the Methodist Church. ev. Dr, Rut, Russell, of Wro serer, offered prayer, The pallbearers were six ministers viz i-Revde, Messrs: Birks, Rutledge, Ford, Owren, Andrews and Greene. Rev, Mr. Derma was also present • Jamestown Some are anticipating another 'wedding on the gravel before Spring. Wesley and Mrs. Jermyn spent Sunday with the letter's brother Wm, Wright. Jno. Fraser is home from the West and looks as if Western life agreed with him. Next Sabbath evening the service in Victoria Hall will be in charge of Robert McKay, of Ethel. Robb. Shaw, of Sluevale, took the sex vices in Victoria Hall Sunday evening and gave a splendiddiscourse. We are glad to see Dave and An- drew McLennan home from Ottpar, Sask., where they have spent the last few months. ' Archie 0. Wright, of Kyleville, Sask., is visiting under the 'parental roof, His many friends are glad to see him once more in their midst hav- ing been West for a' couple of years. He has taken up a half section of land and is a hustler. Wroxeter Miss Alberta Hestia is visiting friends in Listowel. Mrs. Donnelly, of London, is the guest of her neice, Miss A. Vosbueg. Miss Jennie Mnffret, of Morrisbanlr, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Fan- nie Moffatt. A number from here attended the Guy Bros.' Ministrel Show in Wing - ham Tuesday evening. Mulch returned from Guelph last Week, Where he has been employ- ed for several months. Thos. McGlynn returned :from Sell - wood on Tuesday, where he has been employed for some time. We regret to learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Oharles.Simmons. ,At present very slight hopes are enter- tained of her recovery. Herman and Mrs. Morrison and lit- tle daughter, of Orangeville, are spending e, few days of this week with the former's sister, Mrs. Geo. Leckie. After an absence of:10 years, D. Wilson is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wilson, of Sanderson Street. Mn. Wilson has just returned from Alaska, where he has spent 11 pears. 0. Irwin, of Knox College, Toronto, occupied the -pulpit in the Presby- terian Church on Sunday. Mr. Irwin was one of the five students who held a series of meetings here last Semmes and his many friends were: pleased to have him with them. again. Ethel Mrs. D. Sanders is not having very good health bot we hope she will im- prove. "The present world p crisis" will be Rev. Mr. Wren's tepee next Sabbath evening. Mrs. J. W. Pollard and Miss Verde, were visiting relatives and old friends in Brussels. It is said S. Howlett has purchased he Gibson ibsoti property andwilltake up residence here as he has sold his farm. We are glad to state that &A. Rath - well, who was ill with fever is recruit- ing nicely and will soon be as well as ever we hope. `Ethel Cheese factory has concluded a very successful season. J. K. Brown has established and sustained a good name for the quality and quantity of the output. Last Sabbath Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Blue vale preached Missionary , p a ser- mons in the Methodist churches' ou Ethel circuit.- Rev. Mr. Wren was ab Gorrie the same day, . Laymen's Missinnary Banquet in the Township Hall Friday evening of next week. Addresses are expected from Reeds. Messrs. Langford, of Monkton and Millyard, of Hensen. A musical program. will be given by a male chorus. rue. Mrs. Jas. Laird will remove to. Ore- gon where She will reside with her daughter, Mrs. Campbell We are very sorry to state that Mr. Campbell' died of fever recently. The many old friends here of the family extend sincere sympathy. Mrs. Laird has been an old and worthy resident of this locality and we are sorry to see her removing from Ethel. Oranbr ook Peter Slain arrived froth the West on Saturday. Athol McQuarrie, of Goderich, spent a few days under the parental rodfse- Will. Siemon is kept busy these days butchering and making sausage, Allan Cameron has returned from Brandon where he has spent the Sum- mer. Mrs. Baskerville, of Oentralie, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Chas, Seel. Miss Mabel Menzies has 1 ettrrned from spending the Suminot' in Burk's Falls ant) Cobalt, Nurse Matheson returned to Clinton on Saturday after waiting on G;eo. Sperling for the last four weeks. Sogoor, REPORT. Foliowin is the Clan brook School Report for October, Sr. Room, Class IV. Total 000.-L, Alderson, 505 ; Myrtle Granby, 502 ; H. McDonald, 474 ; E. McNichol, 470`; L. Petrie, 450 • 141. Cameron, 448 ; May trashy, 883 ; L. Steles, 804; A. Sparl- in 840 ; F. trashy, ; * t 5 b 290 h 1 Y. *NI, McNabb, Nabb t� , 24f� Sr, :t - Il G, iini Itt, 427 ; M, Baker, 420 ; T. Smailccllon, 414 : M, Alderson, teen 407'. Stein, crag, 300 ' O. Gov, salitz, 880 ; bl. Petrie. 375 A, Renl;er, 30.1; 30. Sperling, 821, Tr, 11L. --M; Lon , 440; O. Lo 360 ;;'W. Kreuter r30�1;§ E. PeNoble, I. Reamer, 277 ; *J. Sehnocis, 337 *A, Knight, 207 ; It, Hunter, leo ; 0. D•tllipg, 181; *A, Jliseber, 92; *I, Hunter, 88. Pt, II. Total 875, Eyslyn Baker, 321 ; Earl Baker, 284 J. Smaltdon, 284 ; W. Sinclair, 221 ; A. Sperling, 209 ; J, Niclial, 103, Sr. 1. Total 250.-A. McQuerx'ie, 228 ; L. Steles, I85 ; W, Knight, flit A. Steiss, 178 ; H, Pennington, 170 ; G. Alder- son, 148. Jr. 1, Excellent• --Pearl Sohnoek, Those marked* uiissed one oe more examinations, NQirsenA SPARTAN!), Assistant, OSOAR SFIAW, Principal. Morris Township Council next Monday. Mrs. 0, W. Procter was visiting at Ethel this week, The Fraok McCracken farm, 4th line, was not sold last Friday, Stock at Auction Sales is going very high this year in this township. Don't forget Allan S Auction Sale Frida afternoon big week. Y fternoon of this The threshers have ,' of completed their season's engagements on the 1st line yet, - Miss Minnie Walker, 6th line, has gone to Blenheim for a visit with relatives. Miss Lola continues Agar ntinnes very ill. Her.mauy friends hope fora speedy change towards recovery. Two cars of baled hay and a oar of baled straw were shipped from Bel - grave this week' by Alf. Beaker, of Brussels. Missionary sermons were preached around the 131nevale circuit last Sab- bath by Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Whiteohurob. Robt. Bosman bas engaged with, Relit.' Maulers for some length of time. Rob. is a good worker and well liked by his employers. Mrs. Jno. Robb and Mrs. S, Walker are at Toronto this week attending the annual Provincial 0on$ention of the 'Women's Institute. • Geo. Blathers has returned from the West and reports himself well pleased with the locality, around Welwyn in the Moosomin District, Oran Russell, 5th line, is home from Saskatchewan where be has spent the past season. He took up land and did a good share of settlement duties. Wm. Dagen, who has been employ- ed in this locality for the past two years, left for his home in England this week, sailing by the Allan Line. Gown T.xx Rousens.-Thesday, Tax Collector. Procter cotnpleled his rounds of notification making 50 calls and driving 40 miles that,dap,-no small chore. While a goodly number of taxpayers take advantage of Mr. Procter's visit to pay their annual tribute, thelerger proportion of taxes: corns 'later. Collector Procter has the happy knack of always reaping the comppletetaxable harvest in good time and will no doubt live up to his record in 1910. Orey A Christmas Tree intertainment will be held in Union : Church on December 20th. A Christmas Tree Sabbath School entertainment will be held at Roe's church on December 22nd. Miss Aunts Irwin, of Gerrie, was visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, of Henfr n. Miss Olive Pearson, who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Emerson Vipond, at Donegal, returned home last week, Chester Armstrong, 10th con., ar- rived home from the West last week where he speut the past 8 months. He will continue to reside in Grey we are pleased teed o state. at. P e The trustees of Duke's school have engaged Miss Ball. of Coldwater, Sirn- coe Co., as teacher for 1011 at a salary 013500. She will coinxnenceher duties after Christmas variation, The many old friends of Henry Mc Lean in this locality will be glad to hear that he has been re-electeState Senator for Cavalier abet Co., North Dakota Heisont the Republican side of the fence. Mrs. P. A. McArthur and Mrs. A. D. Grant are at Toronto this week at- tending the Provincial meeting of the Women's Institute and visiting rent tives and old friends as well. Mr. Mc- Arthur also went. (Murtha WEnor e, -A very pretty cburch wedding took place in Minne- apolis on November 8rd, when Miss Elizabeth Blake became the bride of George McMillan. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Logan in the Holy Rosary-chnreh. The ride's niece,, Miss Alice Hanson, was her only attendant, while J. 0. Doyle, nephew of bride attended the groom. The Wedding March was ppleyed by Miss .amnia Glancy and "GI Promise Me" song by Miss Rena Clancy, both cousins of Mrs. McMillan's, Bride wore a dress of white satin trimmed with lace and applique while her bridesmaid wore blue chiffon over satin, The bride's veil was white tulle and she carried white roses, her bridesmaid carrying a boner:Ifni arm baguet of white chrysanthemums. Only jewels worn by the bride vas a bnooah worn by her another at her marriage, The ceremony WAS witnessed by many relatives• and friends. Wedding breakfast was served at the home of her sister, Mrs. .A.. L. Hanson and a reception was iven In the to evening �� flare many friends gathered to congratulate the yotin couple. The out of town Vests were) Joseph Blake, i . leo w hfo and children, xldren of Pembina ; Mr. Aird Mrs. Doyle and san.itn0 William Blake fenm St. Paull; 74 t'. n a d Mrs, Harter and 1 ahfldreu of Austin ; Eli•, and Mrs. :Harry and children of Farrington, Minn. ; Frank Blake ftom lrllenburg, Washington artd Thos. Blake front Portland, Ore- o eityafter which they will return to their home in Austin about Nov, 2811i. STILL InrPIIovxxet._'Phe latest word from Moose Jaw regarding the illness of Archie McNair states that improve- men' continues, although be is still in a pprecarious condition. Ile had fever followed by pneumonia, His many old friends here hope he will Boon be better, He is receiving the best of care and was -cheered by the arrival of sister and brother from this locality, Fame Sonn.-Monday of this week Hugh W. McKay disposed of his fine 100 acre farm, being lot 10, con. 9 to James Moses, 2nd line Morris, the price being $0500. He will get poes- ession ou March let. Mr, Marr owns 50 acres farther blast on the. same concession to wbich he will move next Spring. Mr. Moses has secured a good faint, in prime condition and it will be up to him to install a housekeeper on assuming proprietor- ship in March, A WORTHY PIONEExs DEPAn•Ts.— At the royal age of- over 00 years Catharine Buchanan, relict of the late Roderick McKenzie, died at the old homestead, lot 13, con., 17, Wednesday of last week. She bad been unusually hearty up to the Friday previous when she had a light. stroke and internal hemorrhage ensued and -early in the morning of Wednesday she passed peacefully away. Mrs. McKenzie had been a' wonderfully hearty woman, knowing little of sickness and her eye- sight was excellent and hearing fairly good at the time of her demise. Her birthplace was in Invernesixire, Scot- land, and when 12' yearn of age she came' to Cape Breton with members of the family.' Over 70 years ago she was married to her late husband, who pre -deceased her by 39 years. They lived in Zorra, Kincardine and Tucker - smith before locating on the home- stead in Grey some 50 years past, where parents continued to reside until called to the Better Home. Mrs. McKenzie was the last member of her father's family. She was industrious, motherly, neighborly and hospitable and was esteemed by a wide circle. For many, years she was a faithful member of the. Presbyterian church, Tbere were eight children born to them viz •-(Hector, of Ohestaniug, Mich. ; John, deceased ;MaryA. (Mss. D. McMillan) deceased; William, on homestead ; AIex., of Swift Current, Sask. - Murdock, Aneta, North .Dako- ta ; Duncan, of Grey ; Lizzie (Mrs. McNichol) :Brussels ; and Donald. of Aneta, North Dakota). Mrs. Mc- Kenzie's funeral took place Friday afternoon to' Brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr. Lundy conducting the service. Pall -bearers were, Hector, Murdock and Duncan_ McKenzie (three sons,) Jno. and Alex, Buchanan and Jas. Me- CalIum._ NOVEMBER WEATHER. A Reactionary Storm Period covers the x3th 14th, rstb and 16th The facts that the Moon is on the celestial equator on the 13111, and both full and in peri - gree on the loth, indicate that decided storm conditions will begin at the be- ginning, and continue to the end of this period. Thunder, wind and. rein will begin in the West on and touching the 13th, Low barometer will attend these storms as they progress from West to East. The culmination will come on and touching rte x6th, when ebangeto rising barometer, Northwester- ly gales and possibly a November bliz zard will set in from the Northwest. All coast regions and cities specially ex- posed to high tides, or tidal waves. shouldbe re mu d nde of possible danger g on and near Wednesday, November the 16th. That date is also the centre of the must decided seismic period of the year, extending three to four days before and after the '16th. A Regular Storm Period' is central on the 19th, covering the 17th to 22nd. The indications are that little intermis- sion of fair weather will appear between this and d h t e precedingu st rm period, p n This will likely tkel cense prolouged a p olonged spell of threatening weather, increasing into renewed storms of rain and snow on and touching the Igth, aoth and 21st. On the heels of these storms the barometer will rise and change to moth colder with high gales, which will come out of the North west, A Reactionary Storm Period is central on the 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th. This period will culminate ou and touching the 1l z5 hand 26th, Moon being on the e e les' tial equator q or on the 26th. Low.bar- ometer, higher temperture, with possible lightning, thunder and rain, ou the 26th. Rising barometer and change to colder will come promptly behind the storms. The month goes out at the oncoming of a regular storm period, with Moon in perigree on the loth, and New Moon on December 1st. Falling barometer, ris- ing is- ingleuuperature and increasing cloucli mess will appear in the West by the 3oth,. bringing to that section rata and snow by December 1st, The 28th to 3oth are in aseismic period. A Word of Advice. To the Editor of Tan 'Pos2 ; I am sorry to see, by a recent issue of Ties Post that a game of baseball was played on the Salt Worlrs park one Sun- day afternoon, • It is almost beyond comprehension that in a community such as this that Christian sentiment among the boys is so low that ' they would or s regardless f the law g of God as to lend themes] res to the polver of Sates by dishonoring themselves; their parents and 11 Obristiau co 't mmttnh y. My dear boys let this be your lost stets in the downa'ned course to perdition, .fionor Yourselves by honoring Gotl, Look to it higher destiny. A. Palen of 7las Bolts, W W� U. T The Ontario Provincial W. C, T. U. held its annual CQpveution in Division Street Presbyterian e;ittireh, Giveeu' Sound. Business began at 5.30 00 Tuesday morning, with a good Attend - 000e of: representatives from different parts of the country, Proceeding were directed by President, l4rs. S. G. Me - Kee, ot Sallie. All the sesslons ,were fufi of interest. Greetings were presented from other organizations, in - eluding Women's Societies of different churches, Daughters of the Empire, clergymen of different denonufnations and fraternal temperance workers. On Thursday a luncheon was given, at which a welcome was tendered by the Town Council, the Board of Trade, the Board of Education and representatives of various educational institutions: Among the Superintendents of dif- ferent Departments, preseut were Mrs. Seymour, of Belleville, White Cross work ;Mrs, McGillivary, Picton, Parlor Meetings ; Mrs, Keeling, Cargill, Parlor Meetings ; Mrs. Asa Gordoc, Ottawa, Work Among Soldiers; Mrs. Cupning- ham, Owen Sound, Prison Reform • Mrs, Stevens, Toronto, Methods'of Work ; Mrs. Nicholls, Hamilton, Plain- e/rise ; Mrs, Pugsley, Toronto, Law Enforcement, Records were presented .of a wast and quiet campaign of literature cir- culation, a on, pledge signing, public ad- dresses, and various other lines of work. Mrs. Detior, of North Bay, Cor- responding Secretary, reported I89 local unions et work, with a member- ship of nearly 6,000, besides forty juvenile societies with 2,343 members. Reports and resolutions were adopted dealing with nearly ,every phase of social temperance effort and metbods and plans of further work were fully discussed and approved. Officers for the coning year were elected as follows '-Hon. President, Mrs. S. G. McKee ; Mrs. M. R,Thorn- ley, President ; Mrs, A. E. Stevens, Toronto, Vice.Presideut ; Mrs, H, M. Daher, North Bay, Corresponding Sec- retary ; Mrs. H. E, Irwin, Toronto, Re- cording Secretary ; Mrs. B. 0. Britton-.- ,--" Gananoque, Treasurer ; and Miss Gar- rett, Toronto, Y. Secretary, • Church Chimes Maitland Presbytery met Thursday of. this week. Rev, Mr. Wishart .will not be home for three Sabbaths yet, Rev, Dr. Murray will continue to supply until his return. Tuesday evening the annual Thank - offering service of the Women's Mission- ary Society was held in Melville church, a large attendance being present. Rev. Dr. McCrae, of Westminster, gave a' very encouraging address. Rev. Dr. Murray presided. Miss Maggie Stewart and Mrs. A. D. Grant received Life Membership Certificates. EVANGELISTIC SERvxcEs.-This week special evangelistic meetings are in progress in the Methodist church and are beim well attended. The pastor r is assisted by Rev. T. E. Sawyer,u£ Lucknow, whois an earnest preacher., A large measure of Gospel song is wrought into the hour and a half, in which Rev. Dr. Oaten takes an active and fruitful part, in addition to his hav- ing charge of the after services. Ser- vices will be continued next week when Rev. Mr. Wren, M. A., of Ethel, will preach for four evenings. A cordial .. welcome is extended to all. MISSIONARY. -For Sabbath November 27111 a number of the Methodist church pulpits in Wingham District will be occupied by laymen in the advocacy of Missionary enlargement. Pro ram will be as follows :-Fotdwieh, "Mayor— Dingman, Dingman, Stratford ; Gofrie, Wm. Gib- son. Leudon ; Wroxeter, John Kerr, Wingham 1 e t Be a. m.and after- noon R. A.uvePrune, evening, Eli Smith, Brussels ; Asheeld, Dr. Newton, Luck - now ; Salem, J. Lyons, Gorrie ; Bethel, John Joynt, Lucknow ; Ripley, F, Buch- anan, Wingham; Bervie, Joseph A. Hunter.. Brussels; and D. C. Taylor, Lucknow ; Tiverton, A, el. -Wilford, Wingham; Whitechurch, Walter Hall, Wingham ; Belgrave, e. tn. Dr,. Price, Win h m afternoon. Dr. Stewart, Belgrave ; evening, ng, R. A. Pi o, Brus- sels ; Brussels, Israel Taylor, of London, on Sabiath, December 4th. CONGREGATIONAL RALLY. -Last Sab- bath was set apart for a rally of the con- gregation et the Methodist cburch here and despite the somewhat inclement weather large audiences assembled. The pastor's sermonette to the children was on the text ;-"Keep thy heart with all diligence for out ot it are the issues of life". This was followed by an ad.. dress of warmth on the words"The tend loveth the gates of Zion mote than all the dwellings of Jacob," The value and benefit of public worship was ,portrayed and hearty encouragement given to loyally sustain the wont of the cocgre- getiou. In addition to the anthems by the choir solos were stung with good effectby Miss Lizzie Downing and H. L. Jackson. At the even iug service "Why' Methodism appeals to me" wag Rev Dr, Oaten's theme, in which wee pointed out the predominating characteristics of the past end present history of the church.. The service was opened by a short soug servicelead by the pastor. Hiss Hiugston rendered a choice solo atter the sermon, The rally should do good, Whitechurch school wits closed fon some time sving to scarlet fever. Rev. L 3ertlett, Dungannon, ,has purcha a a "Buick," two seated auto. lmratrrrlee quantities of sugar beets have bee t n shipped from Centralia to ltibhigalu. W. and Mrs„ Markley Wingham, celebrated t clad thetr fiftieth 'wedding anniversaryon Thanksgiving' Dat. Robert Gardiner, of the Thames'. Bowel Esbornc, had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse by ib falling Into to welh