HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-11-3, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS. e H. 11I4O,RACEEN— • issuer of Marriage Licenses. Or. t t rooery, d'urnberry street, l3ruueols, K. O. T. M. Brussels lTout of the Maooabeos, No, 24 hold their regular.. meetings' in tho Lodge Room, Baekor' meek, ou the 'lot and 8cd Tnegday eveoiuga Of eaoli mo0ti,, Vioitors always woloowe, A,.$OMEit$, Com, A. McGVI99, ii, x, WM. SPENCE CONVEYANCE E. AND .ISSUER 01, MARRIAGE LICENSES Noe In the Prost Omce,,EtheI. - 80.4 JOHN HARRIS, Agent I,Towick Mutual til r 'Fire$u suesC4 man Office and Residence— II y WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND. INSURANCE, AND AR FIRE MARINE, R GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. 14i i3. SCOTT'AS AN AUCTION -.1.! • BBB. will 0011 star better prices, to better' men, in less time and lees charges Wan any other Auctioneer. in East Huron•or• be won't charge. anything. Dates and orders can always bearranged at this office or by v 01001101 application. RO BT. H. GARNISS BLUE AL — E ONT, v , Auctioneer�. for Huron County. Terme reasonable, sales arranged for at the office of Tan Po02. Brussels. 2261 L1:OAL AND CONVEYANCING. /i`/7, M. SINCLAIR—, V 1' • Barrister, Solicitor, Oouveyaneer,. Notary EubIro, eco. Oaice-S Lewart's :Block t doo2 Nor 619 01 Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, 1 OIJDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— BAR1aIe'rene SOLICITORS, NOTARIES 1;QBLru, sero. W. PROMDv00T, N. 4.- R. 0. HAYS G. F. BLAIB. Offices -Those formerly 000upied by Messrs Cameron & 1001t. . GODRRIOa, ONMARIM. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers Business .Cards MieS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Piano Btudlo at Carter's Mule Store, ono door North of the Standard. Bank, Brussels, 8.62 MISS pER-E SHARPE has passed oueueoafully her:.@wwend exantina- tlon of the Pianoforte Department of thei'o- Tonto Conservatoryof Allude, and 10 prepared 6p take unpile at her home, Mimeos street, OR. T, T. M' RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Termite i LiennNato and Graduate of the Vollege of Phy- Melina] and Surgeons, Oat, 'i Post-graduateUhtoagp Eye, Ear,' Nose mid 'ikiaoat Hos'itat, Ohica 9,111, 19x•230080 Surgeon. to St, Mich- ael's Rpopital,'Toronto. • Tele- phone Mee oyer with yranb Drag at all hours DR. ANI. FERGUSON E`I'HEL; ONT, PpihGnls. nand Surgeon • Post G r duateoour sus London lEnl,.ra York and Chicago Bos. SpecalaGterition to isease eye. ear, Haan and throat,Eyes tested for glaobeo,• Close of the R. Lawrence Season . MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Tunisian Friday Nov. 4 6 a. m, Victorian Friday Nov. 11 9 a. m. Coraioan Friday Nov, 18 9-a.In. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW o n SaturdayNov. daylight goaof Saturday Nov. 12 daylight Ionian Saturday Nov. 19 daylight CHRISTMAS SAILINGS • I TO LIVERPOOL From St. John From Halifax Virginian Fr'i, Nov. 26 Sat. Nov. 26 Tunisian tas .,. Sat. Dec. 0 Victorian Fri. Deo. 0 Sat. Dec. 10 Grampian Thu. Dec, 15 • For full particulars or _ranee and mailings apply to . W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels. The Allan Line, '77 Tonga at., Toronto a'Elyy.kraW v,4061.M074MY..A .A,tM .Get the Best, It Page Bo not fool with Education. Attend the famous Tcrunto, Ont. Tho Bost Placo in Canada for strictly High h Grade Training. Graduates, readily get good posi- tions. Commence now. Write today for catalogue, - W. J. ELLIOTT, Pr.nclpal. Oor. Yonge &Alexander ate, Toronto. ' w '199 dePi, & IV 'Ae, A' TN +e' •••�4r��se�••ee•�s•e•eetevo To MachineryUsers e • and Farmers • • • s •••i • •----'- - ► • • • . S • • The Nets Machine Shop of the • • BRUSSELS FIRE APPUTANCE and MACHINE Co.. • • is now ready for business, and • with good Machinery andSkilleci b • lilechanic% we are in a position • + to attend to your repairs prompt- • ly-and at reasonable rates. i ZIf yon will let us know your, ,' wants wo Will give you honest p 4# advice and help if Connected. a • With Machinery.• • r. Give us a trial and, by coming • to iBrusseie, save time and money • for..your'selVes,• + •GABSIDE & JAMES AMES Mill Street Brusse's •••a•••••••••••••e••e••+•• OR. HAMILTON Dental Surgeon HonorGraduate•Dental Department, Toronto t 0 Uni ersitY,Licentiate' of Royal 011e e o DentalSurgeon*, Toronto. Office in Smith SIook re00tly vacated by Dr, lreild. DR:-WARDLAW Honor graduate or the Ontario Veterinary College, Day and night milia. Moe Opposite Flour M111, Ethel, &&smarm .amaral. Razz lr r soussgi.S GoiuGSouru 0o1N0NORTH Mail 7:05.a m Express 10;55 a m Express 11:26 a m Mnil - 1:44 p ni Express 8:02m Express ........ 8:59 m p 1 P eatlerag ercipW Qe° d�' P WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Expreas 7:41 am I Express .,,,.,11.87 a m Express 8:08 p m Express 7:26 p m WROXETER Going East 6:64 a, m. and 9:95 p. m. Going West - 12:44 and 9:47 p. m. AMI trains going East connect with O. P.11. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and - T. G. B. stations. GEO, ALLAN, Local Agent. ora Heins' t.eins , N'OVI.MEE0. SATURDAY of this week is the notable 5th. A. O. U. W. Friday evening, of this week. Scnoot Board Friday evening of next week. A new poultry house has been built for Reeve Leckie, ThANKSGtVING excursion, travel on the railways was brisk this year. AT the East Huron Teachers' Conven- tion Mias Dora Smith was elected and Vice President for the ensuing year. THANKSGIVING Day passed by very quietly a few' 'vent gunning, others holidaying while another compar.y at-- tended t-tended the piano Recital by Mr. Duff in the Town Hall. ' A monster deputation- of farmers is to .. wait upon the Government.. at Ottawa in December to present the viewsof organized agriculture in rela- tion to the tariff It 15 expected that the deputation will number several hundreds representing the r.oin- th gruwers of epWestern g • gProvinces and also the farming interests of Ontario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. SETTLING up time is drawing near, and if yotkwish to collect yonr bills easi- ly get your bill heads printed. This class of work is neatly-- an d cheaply executed at PER POST We have in stock different sizes and shapes of bill Beads and statements. Our commercial printing is neat, correct and in accord- ance with the prevailing styles. "The best is the cheapest." Last year the four largest occupations in Canada employed the following num hers : Agriculture, 716,937 ; manufac taring, 389,873 ; domestic, 277,755 ; transporation, 234,236 Besides -these the protessional class numbered 04,539, mining employed 36.908, the fisheries gave work to 25,024, the forest and hum berindustry employed 17,i14, and a miscellany of occupations engated' 4.413• In considering matters of trade, includ- ing such questions as reciprocity, the fact must be borne in mind that agricul- ture is today, and is likely to remain for all time, the chief industry of Canada, and cannot be ignored. TEMPERANCE CoN V CNT10N.-,Follo Wing the Field Da' Serdees on Sunday, Nov � i s v. ember the 611, in practically every Church. in Huron County, to be addres• sed by representatives of the Dominion Alliance, a Convention of Temperance Workers will be held in the Clinton Town Hall, on Monday, Nov, 7th, at 2 n. m. In the..eveningat 8 o'clock, a Mass Meeting will he held at which representatives of • the Alliance and others will speak. The service of Mr. Howard Russell, Toronto, who was a- warded the gold medal in the Governor General's competition of 1910 for solo singing, has been secured for this'occa- sion, and he will render several Vocal numbers. J. C. RoagcwExn,'S NEw SUNNY SOUTH Co.—Those of our citizens who patronize the opera hoose and others who want to see a good colored show, will he glad to hear that J C. Rockwell's New Sunny Sonth company, the colored organization that made such an emphatic bit on their last appearance in our town two seasons ago, will appear in the 'Town Hall, Brussels, ',luesdat evening, November 8111. There isn't much to say about this company, save that it is a good strong one, composed of twenty five colored people, each and every pne'an expert in speciality svoi'k, who ' do. everything funny that derides can do so well and keep the audience in a constant state of laughter and excitemect from start to finish, On their last appearance in our totvo our citizens liked i1 the best and patronized` it the largest of any for several years. They say it is even better now, every feature is 'new, modern, high' class, refined and tip to -date to the minute, As on their former appearance itwill be found to be clean to a'Eattlt and tiering the entire performance lliore is hot a line nor an action to which exception can be taken. The organization is eccompan led by a high.eldsss010tea cert btmd and a sunetirorclrestra The band wiA head the-Koontown parade, 'which One Ioctor --Only One No sense in runningfrom one doctor to another! Select the best one, then d byhim. No sense either trying , tan... intlYi Q this thing, that thing, for your cough. Carefully, deliber- ately select the best cough medicine, then take it. Stick to it. Ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for throat and lung troubles. Sold for nearly seventy years. No alcohol in this cough medicine. •,CAyerCo,LvweflMas3. Why try this thing, that thing, for your cogstlpatlon? Why not stick to the goo4 old fellable family laxative—Ayer's Pills? Mk your doctor if he approves this advice. Will take place at noon, The prices of admission have been placed at .85 &'5o cents. Reserved seats are now selling at 1Fox51r I drug re , g stoGrey SOIIOOT. REPORT. -=Following is the school report of S. S. No. 5, Grey, for the month of October '— Jr. IV. Gladyss Rowland, Elsie Re a Flunk c Lindsay, *Wille Campbell, "Isaac Clarke, *Clifford Rowland,. *Russ Coates. Sr. III. Toho Savage; -Lyle Bradford, Jim Collins, LIzzie Kleine- ohroth, *Maggie Coates Tr:. III Ida Bremner, Harold Bradford,' Annie Clarke, Ohiarlie Blinco, Gorden Mc- Donald, George Rowland, *Alex. Me - Donald, *Evil Hudson, Jr. IL Maucl Dixon, Johnston:. Armstrong even, Willie Rowland, *Henry lileinsohroth, *Gordon Rea, *Harry Hudson , Inter. I. A. Very gond — Mabel Clarke, B, Very good—RebeccaKleinschroth g c d—Carl McDonald,. Oeor a Cam • bell: IVery Storey, Androw Bremner good Rena Dixon, .Lauietta Grubber Mabel Ward, Howard Bei nes 1 B Very good —SusieBowland, Frank Storey, Lanra Thompson; good—Edna Smith, Sam.Beirnes, Walter Ward. L. STRAOHAN, Teacher. List--�-- Rev. -II. M. Langford was in Toron- to attending the A. Y. P. A. conven- tion. " S. J. Stevenson opened the "City Meat Market" in his store on Wallace street, At the meetig of. Perth County Council, it was decided to erect a new registry office in Stratford, to cost $1.2,000. Stratford District Women's Mis- sionary Society will hold the annual Convention in the Metnodist Church, Listowel, Thursday, Nov. 3rd, opening at 1.30p. m. Anniversary of the Baptist Church will be held on SundaThespecial preacher for theov Nov.N 13. occasion will be Rev. Prof. I G Matthews, M. A.,. B. D., of McMaster.Univetsity. Once again has the Listowel Hough. Cup football team successfully defend- ed the trophy against their opponents, this time the challengers .being from Seaforth, resulting in a tie score. The Water and Ligb t.Oommissioners have appointed Frank Watson, of Wiarton, as assistant engineer at the power house, to take Mr. Elines' place, who is returning to his former position at Beeton. Mr's. (Dig) Lederman and her sister, Miss Lily McDonald, have been ill with- typhoid fever at the home of their parents, J. H, and Mrs. Mc- Donald, It is supposed . that they eonti'•.0 tecl the fever While on a visit to London recently. Between forty and fifty of the mein'- era of the ne Ladies' Aid Society of Enox Ohtreh Listowel gathered at the home of W T. and Mrs. Gibson, Blau street, to congratulate them upon having reached the 25th anniversary of their wedding. An address expres- sive of the s ctet 's high 'esteem was read by Mrs. M F Howes, after which Mrs. Gibson was presented with a silver bake bowl; -and Mr. Gibson with a handsome cane. Miss Edith Bin- ning, on behalf of the Guild, presented Mrs. Gibson:with fa.silver salad spoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson were also the recipients of several other handsome presents from their friends and neigh- bmw. Wunsham Wingham Times is now comfortably located in the Stone block. Miss Eva G a i es is visitingrela- tives in Essex for a couple of eeks. Fred, Johnston's injured hand is healing nicely since the mutilated fingers were removed. The residence of Centre street own- ed by Peter McDonald, now postmast- er in London, has been sold. • The purchaser is Dr. A. Downing, of Bruce Mines, where he has beenfor fifteen years. Dr. Downing will have pos- session and .commence practice here forthwith. •+Nk•+o••••••3'•••3-•+•+••••6 • • 1 1� IAnlell�n� • + + • • + • • + UU• 111 �IIYLYLI�IIIU ETHEL New Jewelry Store Watch Repairing Jewelry Repairing Clock Repairing Engraving An excellent stock of Watches, 2. Clocks and Fine Jewelry,: Ster- ♦ ling Silver and Plated Ware at ; + your service. • +: Souvenirs, • • Engagement and i Wedding Rings I ••'F•+•••••+•+•+•+•+••••••• + o!',seesDee••.•••.•••••••••••ee••••••SSsse•••••ie••e••,• rs' ° ew Store at Etheli•e • • Brand New Stock of 0 • General ' Dry Goods • Boots and Shoes • • • lliA o Groceries, $cc. • 6 +p • Store is now Open and doingBusiness • P • •• Hoping to meet with many old and new = 0 friends as 'I'm here for -business. _ !:R. A.T p 0ns hem s • Give me a call at the Love Block and,seeell• the choice stock at Low Prices. 0 :•••••••••••••••00•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••02 Miss Houghton is spending Thanks. giving holidays with friends itl Lon- don. U', 13nchanan woe attending the ' Provincial Sunday School Oou volatlon, which was held at Oshawa last Week, Mr. Pringle gave Ms young lady employees the pleasure of an automo- bile rule for a few miles one fano day. The teachers and the Bible class of St. Paul's Sunday School wore enter- tained at the rectory by Rev. arid Mrs. 15.11. ()rely, After spending some time pleasantly in amusements, the Bible class was re—organized, and 'fol- lowingq office's elected :—President, IO.Nash ; Vice -Pres., Miss L. Flnety ; See. -'Ureas., Miss Laura Martin ; Secretaries—For Ward 1. Ed. Small ; Ward 2, Mies Hattie McCrac- ken ;.Ward 3, Miss May Smith ; Ward 4, Misses Lillie Robinson and Annie Deyell. At the conclusion of the bnsi. r1ess refreshmentsrefeeshments were served and social eo0versa ion enjoyed, Goderich G. M. Elliott received word of the serious illness of his brother, Thomas at Toronto. t Mrs. T.Iiuckete left Saturday rp on for 'Toronto where she will likely spend the Winter. A field of pumpkins ou P. A. Robert- son's farm back of Saltford, is a great sight. An acre and a half is spotted with the golden fruit. The building with which P. T. Dean has filled out the corner of.East street and the square was opened on Satin, day with a stock of fancy dryggoods. The • roan team used • on Gundry's bus for some time past has been •purchased by John Rogers, of Goderich townslxip. The price paid was $450. H J. Mortis D D G M. for the A. 0. U W., was at St Marys Thursday and initiated eighteen new members into the lodge there. This was Mr. Morris' second visit to St. Marys on a like errand, and altogether forty-two member's have been added to the St.. Marys lodge in two months. • W. A. and Mrs. Whitely bane re - tainted to New Orleans and will again make their residence in the Southern city. They came North last year on account of Mrs. Whitely's health, which has been much benefitted from her stay in Goderich. Mrs. Whitely and her little son left last week for the South, Mr. Whitely having preceded her some weeks ago. Atwood Wm. Pratt, 15th con. Elms, was driving out of the village, and when a short distance .out, Mr. Pratt, got out to fix the harness when his horse kicked hies on the left leg, which broke it. - Maitland cheese factory shipped ed 130 boxes of cheese, and the Silver Corners factory shipped 185 boxes, both lots being sold to Ballantyne, of Stratford, for Ilio. The beef ring meeting of the 4th and 6th concessions was held on Oct. 21st at T. 1D. Shearer's house. Everyone present was well satisfied with the year's business. The cattle killed were good quality. The average per. beef being 4581 Lbs. each, The officers wereallre-elected for 1911, which showed that they had done their duty. The price of meat was raised to 9c. a pound. Pursuant to adjournment the direc- tors of the Elms. Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company met in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, October 181h. All members present, but Mr. Cowan. The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Joseph Hanna, of Grey, presented claim for damage to his barn by lightning on May 29th, to the amount of$ 15.65 which was ordered to be paid in full. Applica- tion fox• insurrance were accepted amounting to $43,500. A levy of 3 per cent was made on all premium notes in force on the 31st day of October, to be collected as formerly. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday November, 15th. Howick Township Council R. turtle, gravel, ... 1 75 WelJlwe Edgar, shovelling gravel, 1 85 R. Caudle, digging 1. n'efgusoa's part on Finlay atvard .208 0o R. Ireland, gravel,, 4 30 Chas, Hubbard tp, part outlet Stafford award 1.8 09 ft Stafford, rep. culvert and hole !n i•pad•. 1 50 Thos. Poster, Wailed drawing 9 op C.•Planniz tp. part Walker award x 8o C. Flamm, tp,art Clark award., W:m, Ball, gravel,...................,. 5 65 Alex, MoKennet, gravel,........,. 2 8o Council met in Gorrie in Township Hall pursuant to adjournment, Members all • present except Deputy Reeve Hainstock ; Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Downey and Winter was adopted.. A bill for 520,00 was presented by Dr. Whitely for attendance and medicine for Miss Logan,. Moved by Winter and Underwood that the Coucil take no action.—Carried A petition was presented to the Coun- cil signed by Geo. Hislop asking to have them,unicipsl drain that runs through bis farm cleaned out. Moved by Downey and Underwood that the Clerk notify E D. Bolton, Township Engineer, to come ou and do the' work asked for in the petitions. Carried. • A Local Option petition war laid on the table for consideration of tine Conn - cit. Ed. Cooper and the Rev. Hibbert both addressed the Council on behalf of the petition and as there ,was more. then the necessary number of names on the petition it was moved by Downeyand Winter that a by-law be submitted to the electors at the muni. Opal election to be held on Monday the 211(1 day of Tanuary, roti, -Carried, Moved by Winter and Underwood that James Sanderson be paid the sum of $5 tor millet for road allowance.=Carried. Moved by Winter arid' Downey that the tender of A, Hill & Co. to build the Hamilton bridge for the rum .of $7525, be accept( d.— Can led. Moved by Underwood and Downey that the following accounts be paid I Win. II, Brown, for gravo1 and re $ moving stones, ., .. 2 85 Isaac Bayliss, for,... 3 35 C, Hooper, for wood and meals for road machine,..: 5 00 Isoob Weltz, for gravel 3 85 lohu Reidt, filling approsehes at bridge, ... .,. ,. ... 42 5o Joseph Heinbecker, digging Pp. part Finlay & Stafford drain' 36 95 S. D. Bolton, services as engineer on Mahood drain . 14 75 R. McLaughlin, tile and outlet rend allowance . ,.... 6 6o John Wright, digging and tiling read allowance 6 o0 9dugh Wylie, brushing road allow- ance tots 5 & 6, con, 13 75 00 Tomes Spence, gravel 4 00 C Maxwell, gravel .,., 4-3o Municipal Worldsuliplles,,.,. ... , 6 95 John Mel5uight, 'rent for scraper,,, 5o John Maguire, shovelling gravel,.: r 25 Alex. M()Kennetgravel, 5 6o P. Weikel', tile end chewing sante Win. O, Hamilton, gravel Win. Bennett, cleaniugditch,r 50 C, Irwin, refund of roadwork on Deaehreau property,.., Wm. Graham pert pay for palait- ingbridges,., ,.•. 40 Dnp Moved by NI/ interand'Uaderwoed that this Council now adjourn to meet ag- ain in Brown's Hall,. Fordwish on the third Wednesday in November,—Cerr'ed I.. WAM.NER, Cletls, 6 40 4 op ' 4-+•a+•+•+.+,+.+ +•+•'f,+ ,+ h*+e'k.+..p�+,+,' ,+.4f' ,+.'l'• Great • • + • • slaughter: Sale • .y, + • 4, • + • of 1,4. Harness -BoatsShaera c. • • • • +IVIII up • Businee;s • �. _ • v-- w -v--y 77T��I��'r77� • + •+ FTER having had over thirty-eight years + + • of business life (I twent '-six of which • • + 4. have been spent in Brussels) I have de- 4. • +cided to go out of business. and will offer my •.t••, • + large stock of Boots, Shoes, Harness, Robes, + Blankets, Trunks and ;Satchels at Slaughter •• s prices to clear. The stock is all new and up- + to -date and we are opening up our New Fall 4. + and Winter Goods. ••+ I The Chance of a Life -time : isyours to secure your Fall and Winter sup- • p T. t ply at prices that will surprise you. Sale • 4- starts Saturday, Oct. 29th, and will : continue until all the goods are disposed of. ' • +• : Terms of Sale : All goods to be paid for before + leaving the -store. Money refunded if goods are + * + - not satisfactory. 4. • + • • • + +_ • + +, . ♦ + y r i d� I.eRichards a Y +•d'o'too+•+•+•+•+•'t+•+•+•+•+•+•+.+•+.•1_.+.+•+.+.+.+.+.+• + + ,� IllipntlBUL,I _dill " du'.,�� FOOD VALUES t a —ass all iso 44e BeBA1�M 1369 'PShtera..�.....-lyla FCOUR_6540� 1Occ WILL Reduce the Cost of Living LETns look into this problem his of high cost of living. . Let to sae if we can whittle it down a bit and extract some of its fangs. We allagreethatthe cost of living. has gone up. Eggs have gone up, o butter has goaeup,meataadp uItr y and vegetableshave goneup.Every- thing we put on our tables has ad- vanced in price from 3o to ;o%. Except one item -Flour. Most of' us have known this in a way some- time but have we ever for a moment realized that t o cents spent in good Bread buys more real value than fifteen times that amount spent in Eggs, Beefor Mutton, Just glance at the tables above showing the comparison made by the U. S. Government billion. From a food pork,fish or ve stables. The only Y lement of sustenance that it lacks is fat and that you provide for by using butter. Bread is the one item of food that has not advanced in price, and has advanced in quality. Modern first-class bread made from ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR is vastly superior to the crude bread of our olden times. It isnot only better in taste but vastly richer in food elements. It is the result of scientific study a nd scienti fic. methods of milling. "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" is the highest perfection offlour. No ordinary Sour iscomparablewithRoyalliousehold for qualityanduniformity. Oneway . . to reduce household expenses Is to eat more bread and pastry made from Royal Household F1bur. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour point of view—bread is the most 7,et ns melee good, clean trash, important in our whole bill of faro home made proanots from Ito YA r, Test after test byvarious Govern- S100SSttol t2 91,00E * bread anti' vestry and cookiesand muffins and meats has that first class - P Tolle for the youngsters and in that bread ie in Iteclf almott a complete way we will all get better food and be food slid provides lriost nourish Iieathierandwealthleiinthelongrua.; ment to the body. Ii you send in your address and the It is a fact that the best bread 'name of your dealer you will receive a made from OGILVIE'S ROYAL ' copy of "ooilvite e HOTJSEfOLDFLOURisricher B uta ins x2c hied in teal food value than anything you eland testes recipes; may eat. It furnishes more all round food in thel shape of carbo- hydratesthaneither boefoveal,lamb, Nusommossommi Ogilvie Flour Mills C6. Limited. 34 V+(M. & R. A. PiYMI c — AK _ - - 6 E. _ "s - __ 5 - = E 1 = a _ Ml LT N OF-H�A Thof 6 eelin of 0050 which comes with the possession of a bank -book in not to be despised—no is something g I matter, what your position or pros- A batik aCCOnnt eliminates worry� fetal y and care—causes yell t0 that have something to fall back upon in an instance of emergency. One Dollar will start:an acomtlit. .. ilr, PR � �� , ; f 16 itl � !_i 9 ..- • ►Baud . Si Ryan Agent, Wroxeter HAMILTONOffice Miss Houghton is spending Thanks. giving holidays with friends itl Lon- don. U', 13nchanan woe attending the ' Provincial Sunday School Oou volatlon, which was held at Oshawa last Week, Mr. Pringle gave Ms young lady employees the pleasure of an automo- bile rule for a few miles one fano day. The teachers and the Bible class of St. Paul's Sunday School wore enter- tained at the rectory by Rev. arid Mrs. 15.11. ()rely, After spending some time pleasantly in amusements, the Bible class was re—organized, and 'fol- lowingq office's elected :—President, IO.Nash ; Vice -Pres., Miss L. Flnety ; See. -'Ureas., Miss Laura Martin ; Secretaries—For Ward 1. Ed. Small ; Ward 2, Mies Hattie McCrac- ken ;.Ward 3, Miss May Smith ; Ward 4, Misses Lillie Robinson and Annie Deyell. At the conclusion of the bnsi. r1ess refreshmentsrefeeshments were served and social eo0versa ion enjoyed, Goderich G. M. Elliott received word of the serious illness of his brother, Thomas at Toronto. t Mrs. T.Iiuckete left Saturday rp on for 'Toronto where she will likely spend the Winter. A field of pumpkins ou P. A. Robert- son's farm back of Saltford, is a great sight. An acre and a half is spotted with the golden fruit. The building with which P. T. Dean has filled out the corner of.East street and the square was opened on Satin, day with a stock of fancy dryggoods. The • roan team used • on Gundry's bus for some time past has been •purchased by John Rogers, of Goderich townslxip. The price paid was $450. H J. Mortis D D G M. for the A. 0. U W., was at St Marys Thursday and initiated eighteen new members into the lodge there. This was Mr. Morris' second visit to St. Marys on a like errand, and altogether forty-two member's have been added to the St.. Marys lodge in two months. • W. A. and Mrs. Whitely bane re - tainted to New Orleans and will again make their residence in the Southern city. They came North last year on account of Mrs. Whitely's health, which has been much benefitted from her stay in Goderich. Mrs. Whitely and her little son left last week for the South, Mr. Whitely having preceded her some weeks ago. Atwood Wm. Pratt, 15th con. Elms, was driving out of the village, and when a short distance .out, Mr. Pratt, got out to fix the harness when his horse kicked hies on the left leg, which broke it. - Maitland cheese factory shipped ed 130 boxes of cheese, and the Silver Corners factory shipped 185 boxes, both lots being sold to Ballantyne, of Stratford, for Ilio. The beef ring meeting of the 4th and 6th concessions was held on Oct. 21st at T. 1D. Shearer's house. Everyone present was well satisfied with the year's business. The cattle killed were good quality. The average per. beef being 4581 Lbs. each, The officers wereallre-elected for 1911, which showed that they had done their duty. The price of meat was raised to 9c. a pound. Pursuant to adjournment the direc- tors of the Elms. Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company met in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, October 181h. All members present, but Mr. Cowan. The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Joseph Hanna, of Grey, presented claim for damage to his barn by lightning on May 29th, to the amount of$ 15.65 which was ordered to be paid in full. Applica- tion fox• insurrance were accepted amounting to $43,500. A levy of 3 per cent was made on all premium notes in force on the 31st day of October, to be collected as formerly. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday November, 15th. Howick Township Council R. turtle, gravel, ... 1 75 WelJlwe Edgar, shovelling gravel, 1 85 R. Caudle, digging 1. n'efgusoa's part on Finlay atvard .208 0o R. Ireland, gravel,, 4 30 Chas, Hubbard tp, part outlet Stafford award 1.8 09 ft Stafford, rep. culvert and hole !n i•pad•. 1 50 Thos. Poster, Wailed drawing 9 op C.•Planniz tp. part Walker award x 8o C. Flamm, tp,art Clark award., W:m, Ball, gravel,...................,. 5 65 Alex, MoKennet, gravel,........,. 2 8o Council met in Gorrie in Township Hall pursuant to adjournment, Members all • present except Deputy Reeve Hainstock ; Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of Downey and Winter was adopted.. A bill for 520,00 was presented by Dr. Whitely for attendance and medicine for Miss Logan,. Moved by Winter and Underwood that the Coucil take no action.—Carried A petition was presented to the Coun- cil signed by Geo. Hislop asking to have them,unicipsl drain that runs through bis farm cleaned out. Moved by Downey and Underwood that the Clerk notify E D. Bolton, Township Engineer, to come ou and do the' work asked for in the petitions. Carried. • A Local Option petition war laid on the table for consideration of tine Conn - cit. Ed. Cooper and the Rev. Hibbert both addressed the Council on behalf of the petition and as there ,was more. then the necessary number of names on the petition it was moved by Downeyand Winter that a by-law be submitted to the electors at the muni. Opal election to be held on Monday the 211(1 day of Tanuary, roti, -Carried, Moved by Winter and Underwood that James Sanderson be paid the sum of $5 tor millet for road allowance.=Carried. Moved by Winter arid' Downey that the tender of A, Hill & Co. to build the Hamilton bridge for the rum .of $7525, be accept( d.— Can led. Moved by Underwood and Downey that the following accounts be paid I Win. II, Brown, for gravo1 and re $ moving stones, ., .. 2 85 Isaac Bayliss, for,... 3 35 C, Hooper, for wood and meals for road machine,..: 5 00 Isoob Weltz, for gravel 3 85 lohu Reidt, filling approsehes at bridge, ... .,. ,. ... 42 5o Joseph Heinbecker, digging Pp. part Finlay & Stafford drain' 36 95 S. D. Bolton, services as engineer on Mahood drain . 14 75 R. McLaughlin, tile and outlet rend allowance . ,.... 6 6o John Wright, digging and tiling read allowance 6 o0 9dugh Wylie, brushing road allow- ance tots 5 & 6, con, 13 75 00 Tomes Spence, gravel 4 00 C Maxwell, gravel .,., 4-3o Municipal Worldsuliplles,,.,. ... , 6 95 John Mel5uight, 'rent for scraper,,, 5o John Maguire, shovelling gravel,.: r 25 Alex. M()Kennetgravel, 5 6o P. Weikel', tile end chewing sante Win. O, Hamilton, gravel Win. Bennett, cleaniugditch,r 50 C, Irwin, refund of roadwork on Deaehreau property,.., Wm. Graham pert pay for palait- ingbridges,., ,.•. 40 Dnp Moved by NI/ interand'Uaderwoed that this Council now adjourn to meet ag- ain in Brown's Hall,. Fordwish on the third Wednesday in November,—Cerr'ed I.. WAM.NER, Cletls, 6 40 4 op ' 4-+•a+•+•+.+,+.+ +•+•'f,+ ,+ h*+e'k.+..p�+,+,' ,+.4f' ,+.'l'• Great • • + • • slaughter: Sale • .y, + • 4, • + • of 1,4. Harness -BoatsShaera c. • • • • +IVIII up • Businee;s • �. _ • v-- w -v--y 77T��I��'r77� • + •+ FTER having had over thirty-eight years + + • of business life (I twent '-six of which • • + 4. have been spent in Brussels) I have de- 4. • +cided to go out of business. and will offer my •.t••, • + large stock of Boots, Shoes, Harness, Robes, + Blankets, Trunks and ;Satchels at Slaughter •• s prices to clear. The stock is all new and up- + to -date and we are opening up our New Fall 4. + and Winter Goods. ••+ I The Chance of a Life -time : isyours to secure your Fall and Winter sup- • p T. t ply at prices that will surprise you. Sale • 4- starts Saturday, Oct. 29th, and will : continue until all the goods are disposed of. ' • +• : Terms of Sale : All goods to be paid for before + leaving the -store. Money refunded if goods are + * + - not satisfactory. 4. • + • • • + +_ • + +, . ♦ + y r i d� I.eRichards a Y +•d'o'too+•+•+•+•+•'t+•+•+•+•+•+•+.+•+.•1_.+.+•+.+.+.+.+.+• + + ,� IllipntlBUL,I _dill " du'.,�� FOOD VALUES t a —ass all iso 44e BeBA1�M 1369 'PShtera..�.....-lyla FCOUR_6540� 1Occ WILL Reduce the Cost of Living LETns look into this problem his of high cost of living. . Let to sae if we can whittle it down a bit and extract some of its fangs. We allagreethatthe cost of living. has gone up. Eggs have gone up, o butter has goaeup,meataadp uItr y and vegetableshave goneup.Every- thing we put on our tables has ad- vanced in price from 3o to ;o%. Except one item -Flour. Most of' us have known this in a way some- time but have we ever for a moment realized that t o cents spent in good Bread buys more real value than fifteen times that amount spent in Eggs, Beefor Mutton, Just glance at the tables above showing the comparison made by the U. S. Government billion. From a food pork,fish or ve stables. The only Y lement of sustenance that it lacks is fat and that you provide for by using butter. Bread is the one item of food that has not advanced in price, and has advanced in quality. Modern first-class bread made from ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR is vastly superior to the crude bread of our olden times. It isnot only better in taste but vastly richer in food elements. It is the result of scientific study a nd scienti fic. methods of milling. "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" is the highest perfection offlour. No ordinary Sour iscomparablewithRoyalliousehold for qualityanduniformity. Oneway . . to reduce household expenses Is to eat more bread and pastry made from Royal Household F1bur. Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour point of view—bread is the most 7,et ns melee good, clean trash, important in our whole bill of faro home made proanots from Ito YA r, Test after test byvarious Govern- S100SSttol t2 91,00E * bread anti' vestry and cookiesand muffins and meats has that first class - P Tolle for the youngsters and in that bread ie in Iteclf almott a complete way we will all get better food and be food slid provides lriost nourish Iieathierandwealthleiinthelongrua.; ment to the body. Ii you send in your address and the It is a fact that the best bread 'name of your dealer you will receive a made from OGILVIE'S ROYAL ' copy of "ooilvite e HOTJSEfOLDFLOURisricher B uta ins x2c hied in teal food value than anything you eland testes recipes; may eat. It furnishes more all round food in thel shape of carbo- hydratesthaneither boefoveal,lamb, Nusommossommi Ogilvie Flour Mills C6. Limited. 34 V+(M. & R. A. PiYMI