HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-10-13, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS. '(7 T . J7, MoCI1AQIt)7N- V V . leaner of Marriage L40050054 Of. ' -Soo at Gooeory, d'arJbarry (Street, Brussels. K., 'C, T. .M. . Btvesole !Pout of oho. Maooubees, No, 24 bold thole regular meetioge db the Lodge Boom, Booker Blook, ou the let and ped Tuesday evenings .gt each month, Vieigoro always welcome. A, 503114108, Com. A, McOUIRE, Ii.. K. WM,NC E E SP O x311�E3U 13 )J, CONVEYANCER e N E 4F MARRIAGE' L1OEN$E$ Mee Ill the rest Ulnae, Ethel. 804 JOHN HARRIS, Agent JLowick'Mutual Fire Insurance Oompany office and Residence- WALTON, ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAND. rsaonation, FIRE AND MARINE. ' GUELPH. , AUCTIONEERS. i1 5. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - .12 • pan, will sell for better prices, to better mea in lees dine and ,less °barges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or Ile won't charge anything. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this ollloe or by personal application, ROST. H. QARNISS BLUI'IVALE - ONT. Au tioneer for Iiuron County.. Y' Terms reasonable. bales arranged for at the office of Tai. PoaT. Rruseele. 'lett AND P LEGAL AON CONVEYANCING. Y A , M. FINOLAIIt— YV • i)oer'Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary PnUil,'dc. Ualoe-Stewiart's BIOo l door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. pttO'IJDFOOT, . BAYS & BLAIR- SA1t1tIs4'ERS, S3)LICITU1t13, NOTARIES PUBL,I0, BTU. W. Pao0D800T,T(. O. H• 0. Heys. O. F.•13Lata. ufaoss-Those formerly ocoupled, by Messrs Cameron. di. Bolt, Gonna Oa, ONTanla. ALIAN. LINE Royal Mail Steamers Close of The St, Lawrence Season MONTREAL TO"LIVERPOOL Tanisinn ................. Frldar Oot. 7 Nov. 4 Viotorlan Friday Oct. 19 . Nov. 71. Virginian ... Friday 005. 28 Nov, 18 Corsican Friday.Oot•'di N d MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Pretorian Saturday Oct. 8 Nov, 5 Hesperdan ..,..«Saturday Oct. 10 Nov.12 Ionian Saturday Oat, 22- Nov.10. Grampian. Saturday Oot. 20 CHRISTMAS SAILINGS Reservation lista aro now open, and as heavy traffic in expected early reservations should be made to obtain chola. of accommodation. For fullparticulars of rates and sailings apply to W. H..KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brussels, The Allan Line, 77 Yonge st.,.Toronto psAzna,vi y-0yvygc.o ..00! a9,•,•my„�i Get the Best, It Paus 'ct 13o not fool with Edrtcntlrin, Attendt the famous •t Toronto, Oht. �i Tho Boat Place in Onnade for. 0.4 strictly High Grade Training. - Graduntes readily get .good pool. tions,. Commence now. Write torday Ia gA for' catalogue, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Oui'.Yonge &Alexander sts, Toronto. �`- --v R:aVn4r'yicliP �3Y ♦••••••••••••••••••04.••rl•9 Is a j To MachineryUsers • r ♦ e • • and Farmers `rr'T�`Irr.. • •• S The New Machine Shop of the 2. = BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE • •tand MACHINE Co • •• ••• • •Ts now, read for busiuo89 ant • • Y •' • with good Machineeyand Skilled • Mechanics, we ave in 0 position • • 10 attend to your repairs prompt- ; S ly.atad at reasonable rates, • 4, • If yon will let us .know yonr + wants wo will ivs you honest • advice and hep if connected • With Machinery. IGive us a trial crud coining • by er Lo Brussels, save time and looney • for yourselves 1iiilDi• & JAMES Mill Street Brussels a •a••••••,•••a••••••a•i• •4 Business Cards MISS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Piano of the eStandard ,Honk, l;rpesele no door y Lith. MISS PSRLE SHARPE has passed eneaessfully her oeeond examine. thin of the Pianoforte Department of the To- ronto Conservatory of Music,•and is prepared to teks pupils at her 1101310, Princess street, OR. T, T. NV RAE Bachelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and rad G oat of he 0110 •a of Pk - e t U 6 y _ siohnts .sad Surgeons, Ont tPos t 1a e Oioa oEye,lar, Nose and4hrmtt �OSPItaI,Chitino,131 Ex -house surgeon to St. Mich- a0t's °spits! Toronto. Office over 13'. R. Smith's Drug Store, Tele- phone oonnoetdon with Unanbrook at all hours. DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT, Physician and Surgeon • Post Graduate courses Loudon. !Eng.), New fork and Chicago Bos - pita le. Special attention to disease of eye, ear, 13000 end throat• Eyes tested for glasses, OR. HAMILTON, Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Deportment, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal Oollege of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in Smith 131.,M recently vacated by j)r. Feild AYER'S iHAIR VIGOR Color eH Hair Does not of Cof � Hair falling out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dressing? Ingredients: %lour. We :believe doctors endorse this formula, or we would not put •It up. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR r the Hair to Does notCO ... J. O. ens Ooiiti.trt;Lomat. .gam. • become a charter member which he did, retaining his membership until repo when he came to Saskatchetvan,and in mot joined Saskatchewan Lodge No. 15, Saskatoon. CoNCga'r FUa Evskvionv. -. You IN. ctUDED,,-ON Fridayevenilrg, Oct. eist, Bert Lott, assisted by our best local talent. will gi re a Concert of vocal and instrumental solos; recitations.: etc. !!'here is sure to 1 e 'something ;batwill jug suit you. , Be sure attd note the date and don't make env rash promises for that evening, taut come our and bring out beer friend along, and you may depend upon it, t'au will have an ecjoyeb:e time. DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and night calls. Office opposite Flour mill, Ethel. GOMM,' ritfAVZir 10 t Tf' 5 BRUSSELS GorNO BOUTa 60100 Holism efatl 7:05 a m Express ....10:55 a in Express:. .,11 :25 n m Mall - 1:44 p Express 3:02 p m Express 8:59 p m Gln fdJ!OCIPIC :''r WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express 7:91 a in Express 11:87 a m Express 5:08 p m I Express 7:25 p m WROXETER 5:01 n. m. avid p. m. Going Wet - 847 Going went - 12:44 and 8:97 p. lis. Alt trains going East connect with 0. P. B. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T. G stations, tations• GEO. ALLAN, LocnlAgont. mrml;tris Puts '1'waory-.Riva .cents, pav5 a new sub- seription for THt Posr tilt New Years , USE NUti TELEPHONE -Use tile Iele- Y YOUR 'l'ELEPHo phone to let 'firs Post' know who are your guests or give us anyc they local news ofg enerjl interest, News is what we Want and we will appreciate the favor, •12 you are seemingly neglected in the chroniclingof local events it is because'ou to call phones No. t neglected 1 3t or 32• S,•ranvgn S•rocx:-If you lose an ani- mal u;• an article of any kind, advertise it in THE Pose. There is .scarcely a week .passes but there is a lost article restored to the owner, through the mad fpm of these coluines. It frequently happens that an article is brought in to our office -to be advertised, but is claim- ed by the °weer before the paper is is- sued and thus the ad 11 does uo appear. This shows that Tile Pow' is recognized as the proper place to go it -any article IS lost or found, W, C. L U-'l'Iie auuual meeting of the :W W. 0. T. U, was held Friday, Sept. Both. at i.eo p. m: After the regular business was finished, the annual r.perts were read Fled adopted; The following officers werethen elected : President, Mrs. A. McGuire • 1st Vide PresMrs, (Rev )Paul ; mud Vice -Pres , Mrs (Rev.) Oaten ; 3'rd Vice.Pres., 'Mrs. Leather• dale; Correspoudiug-Secretary, Miss J. Buchanan ; Recording Sect+ectary, Mrs N. McCauley t''Preasurer,: Mrs. Robt. G. Dark ; 'Press-Sllperinteudent, Mrs. .1• Kerr ; Superintendent:Lumberman's work, Mrs. Rands ; Superintendent. SYste nm tic Giving, Mrs Wm Priem Evangelistic Superintendents, Mrs (Rev ) Oaten and wire. G A Headman Superintendent Temperance Work in Sunday Sebools, Mrs, S. Walker ; Sup. crinteudeuts Anti -Narcotic department. Mrs. r John Robb and Mrs A. Lowry ; Superintendent Flower; Fruit, etc Mrs. Geo, Seeker Superintendeuts of Franchise Woe. Mrs. F. Sperling and Mrs R Oliver ; Superintendents Sailor's Work, Miss Alice Jewitt and Miss Mae Elliott; Superintendents Medal Contest, Mrs. A. MCGnire Mrs J. T. Wood and Mrs. W Duncan ;Superinten den isPurity and Mothers' meetings Nirs k. Oliver and Miss Josie Buchanan; Superintendents Scientfie'1'emperance, Mrs, R. Leather dale and Mrs. G. A. Deadman•; Super- intendents Pair Work, .Misses Bertha. Rawls, May Woodland L. Sharpe ; Sup erintendent Temperance Legion Work, p R Mrs. A. McGuire, The meeting closed with the tentper•anoe Doxology,. ANOLD 'L'ttlag,-The Masonic Clu'oni- ole,.published at Saskatoon. in a recent issue had the following.sketch of Veteran MHsone out there, accompanied with their portraits. Iuasmnch as one pearl - arch. was a former resident of Huron county, the stretch will be read with in• teres; by many in this section : Another old Mason is Bre, Robt, Pattison of Birdview, Sask., now a member of Saskalclfewan Lodge No, 16, Saskatoon. Bro. Pattison was born to Yorkshire, England, in 1827, and came to Canada in 5858, ,After spending some consider- able time in viewing the cotiutry lie crossed the boundary and eventually reached the Southern states where he took up laud and went in for raising cot- ton, In 1861 on the outbreak of the American Civil War, 13ro. Pattison en- listed in the Confederate Army Cued re- nlaineti ie active service uutil the end of the war, passing toilet y through those troublesome limes wit 11(1011 a seratt'h. He end,however, the misfortune to lose his, brother, who was badly woundedsad afterwards died in hospital. In 1864, the war being over, he moved into Canada and settled at Walton, Huron County, and in Feb, 1856 he wns initiat. ed halo Masonry inllrititenin Lodge No, Y 184, Sedate, Ont. In 1872 1310. Patti- eou took his tlentit from 13ritsuinia Lodge m-1 the orrinizetion'of'St. H took part in t e ;, i Johns Lodge, 32rueeels, becoming a Charter n 0551)er. In this lodge the successively held every office and was W.veer1872-1876. Tu ;881 M. for the ea he moved to North 1)nitotn and limil- t'ng front John'ss Lodge, , beanie a trliarter member o'Couple Lodge, St. Thome, Two years later, on the or- l0tln;matiott of Crystal Lodge, Crystal, North Dakota, he %vas Invited to again • Listowel Joseph Bricker's name appears among those who Were successful in passing. the supplementary exam- inatioIle for matriculation. Edgar, the nine year old son of Geo. Wahl, met with a very painffl accident. While oohing home from school 1 e climbed a chestnut tree to 1 gee e the uu and then he was s ts, v about 15 feet from the ground he slipped and fell, breaking his leg. John Reibrn, has matte what he considers a record in potato culture. He plapted 10 pounds of Extra Early Sensation potatoes on a plot of ground 16feet by 28 feet, and dug from this three and one half bags of very fine po laCs, with very fewrotten ones among thein. After he had finished digging the ground, was entirely cover- ed by the potatoes. - On Saturday, Sept. 22nd, Alexander F. Olituie, a well known former residentof Listowel, died at his home in Lannigan, Sask. He was in hie 58 th year, and was born in Listowel and lived here most of his life. The family removed to Lannigan, Sask., six years ago; Both Mr. and Mrs. Climievisited friends in Listowel during the past ' Summer. Sino Vest 1 . Since returnfn g eTt Cliniie had been in failing health. Be- sides his widow, he leaves a family of five,namely. Aggie(Mrs Fore tb ,) Eva,Hart Lyle antl Willie Y The many friends in town of Alex., Garman were very sorry to learn that it was ueceseary to amputate bis leg above the knee, owing to gangrene !laving set in his foot. Mr. Garroch was at his brother's place in Sheffield; near Galt, and was taken to the Galt Hospital of Monday, of last week the operation` taking place there Tuesday morning. It was quite successful, and Mr. Garroch's condition since the operation is very encduettging. 84 18 sopposed that gangrene was caused by using the foot illopet•ating the break an the wagon which Mr. Darroch has been driving through the eouptry for many years. After the regularsessjon of Listowel Lodge, I. 0. O. F. on Monday eight of last week, 14. Ar Climie took the chair and in a few well chosen words expressed Lhe regret ,which the mem- bers generally feft at the departure of W. 1i. Jenkins and F. Brynes, whoare leaving for Port Arthur'. The speaker referred to the excellent work done by air. Jenkins during .his stay bere. he having passed through the chairs and wits now a Past Grand. Geo. Bray then in a ,neatly worded speech pre- sented Mr..Jenkins with a handsome cane, snitahly engraved, as a slight token of the esteem in which he was held and appreciation of his -work in the lodge. The recipient made a suitable reply. Atwood Miss Maggie .Peltou left on an ex- tended visit to New Liskeard. It. S. Ballantyne was in Embro last week, being one of the judges at the Fair. Win. Gilchrist brought a potato to town that he dug iii his garden that weighed 8 pounds.. The four-year-old daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Dickson, 8111 con.met with a very setio08 accident while oat in the kitchen alone, Finding a match and lighting the flames caught on 413e clothing of the little one, but fort- unately her mollter 53031 nob far away and at once extinguished the flames. Thelittle tot Was badly burned abort the chest and at urs. her hair also was Murat 01f. ELMA ?At3t, Monday and Tuesday of last week was Lhe annual exhilition of E4na Agl,oulWeal Society. Evety- thing pointed towards having one of:. the best Hairs in its history but on t1.'uesdn•y mooting, the weather ;was bad mond remained that way all day, hardly ceased raining, until evening, yet in spite of the rerun many people turned out and made the befit of it. The exhibits in the hall were all that could be desired. The outside exhibits were not near as large as usual. The horse riug of course was the special feature. The concert in the evening under the management of the society. Wits a high class "entertainment. Sunnete D.EATIe.-=,A sad and sudden death occutt'ed on Friday morning, SepLeniber 30(111, when Mrs, Thomas Whitfield departed life al., the agee of la gout's, 0 moulhs'aud 20 days. The eleneased had not been in very good health for over two years, but clueing the Summer she seethed to be beltee than usual and the silty previous to her death Was around' doing her work. On Thursday evetliug about ten o'clock she retired anti seetuhlgl. was as Cheerful and s,8 1.18t101. Friday morning 141x, Whitfield was up about 0,30 and put on a fire and was preparing to go Lo Monkton where he Was working on the new elevator. ROVED o'clock No'tnau the y - oun At sev , Y g 0et son, went to Callhie mother, and coming clown stairs said he could not. waken her. Nr, Whitfield at, once went to her room, only 40 find that the spirit bad left the hotly, appar, ently death occurred while she slept tis the clothes were not disteebed. 1)r. was called immediately and pro- nounced death due to heart; ' failure. She 6'leaves, 1to mourn n her loss, alias- band, two sons, Petwy and Norman, and one daughter, Annie, who deeply mourn a devoted wife and mother. The funeral Monday afternoon was conducted by Rev. W. 0. Amos, pastor of Presbyterian Church, of which she was a member. Wingham Many friends will be sorry to learn that Fred Johnston is again confined to the house and it was necessary to amputate two more fingers from his inured hand. Several town . young ladies left for Toronto to attend theUniversity, Miss Olive Oruikshan k and Miss hone Deevis for their seeoncl year, and Miss Mar- jorie'Goi'don for her third. year. Work is progressing nicely at the new engine and boiler house being built by 0. Lloyd & Son, as the nucleus of their new factory. The e building is of brick, 28x30. The boiler is in position. The Perth Contract Co. has put on more men in an effort to complete the sewers before the Winter work at, the septic tank is progressing. 'eons318 for reinforcing Ole concrete are in place, and the floor is .finished, Fordwich Sunday, October 10th, will be obser ved in Trinity Church as Ohildreu's DGea. o. McKee,.of Toronto, was renew- ing acquaintances and visiting friends in Fordwich and vicinity. Local Option petitions have been well signed by the ratepayers of How - 1 anthe will be presented How- lett de to the Council at October Pneeting. R. J. Gibson who has returned home thoaks inglowing terms of the Cana - an West. He has taken up a half section' about forty utiles North of aHerecur Gull Lake,Sask.will su to his homesteading next MMiarch, Goderich Knox church choir concert Oct. 21st. Elwood, the 7 old son of Eli Armit- age, fell from a chestnut tree and broke his leg midway between the knee and thigh. john Newcombe has sold his 170 acre farm on the Huron Road, adjoin- ingMaitland cemetery, to 'Phomas' Gundry, the price being $5,500. Mr. Newcombe has not yet decided what he will do. J. W. Bengough, the cartoonist and entertainer, will give an entertain- ment at the Oddfellowsr Hall on Thursday evening, October 20th, un- der the auspices of the Goderich com- mittee of the Tax Reform League. The staff of the Jackson Manufac- turing Co. has been having an enforced holiday on account of uo electric power being available to operate the machines. Tbe recent lite at the or- gan factory is the cause of the incon- venience, but it is expected that the necessary power will be provided in a few days. The crossing of two electric wires, resulting in a short circuit, at the rear of the Howell Hardware Co.'s store, started a serious fire. When the short circuit was made the wires burst into flame and one wire falling on the gasoline feeding tube of the lighting system of the store burned through the tube and in a short time would have ignited the gasoline. Prompt response was given to the alarm and. a serious lire was averted. Blyth (Intended for last week) Council meeting last Monday even Ingg. School Board Friday evening of this: week. S. H. and Mrs. Gidley were visitors at Brussels last Sunday. Tb willsoon be time to get ready for the Tax Collector. This ioue of the joys of citizenship, The Methodist parsonage has been gladdened by a visit of the pasta's gland child from Exeter. P130 scetsery al the carpet totvu was. enjoyed last Sunday by Beet' Stewart, Jas. Chat and :Dr. McTaggart, of town. Wo are pleased to note the success' attending •Miss. Lena Livitigston_s exhibit of Ladies' work, Fine Arts, &o:, al; the Fall Fairs. Mrs. Frank McCaughey has been seliomely ill during the past 'week but, her many friends hope she will, speed- ily regain her usual vigor. 0. 1. Be Agent Powtiey, who has been very ill for several weeks is oil the by -grade and will soon be able to resume his 'duties at the depot we hope, Lhe Fall Millinery Openings passed off very successfully. Judging by the quality, quantity and up-to-date styles nobody requires to pass Blyth williu- ars et' price 1' up-to-dateness, foe elth p ce o F, Metcalf judged the fruit e1biblt at Lucknow Fair and R. R. Sloan rendered service at Seaforth Show in the Root and Vegetable department, Both gentlemen are well up to the business. Russell Richmond s at Beussels Rtla9 d WWa On Tuesday taking note of what teas going on in the Railway CUtnniiseior sittings re Mmol and Bell Co. tele- phone lines, flus, takes tit great inter- est Blyth Co. T,vei � I un service in the Methodist;hodisMethodist; church will letLuc gilled next Sunday on account of the Tubilee seevioos it St, Andrew's cburch. This is a cus- tom that lits been maintained for several years and shows the friendly relationship b dt th attons np exletulg 015303315 a two country -a tjoulltry whose relations to :nnutinatwtis. Canada are bepoming very close, Capt, Jeffrey Eaton is repi•esenttug The Globe e Ciinten I s ab wall• 0. I2, m Euglaud, Goy13eothers' Diinslr•els are booked the only exclusive press eprrespondept Lo play here 011 %Ved)lestinir , 10th, on tl)e trip, ht. J?auls 011ncclr will hold their• W•!•,Jeffers, another member cf the Staff of 111e Globe, is at present on a Annual Bazaar the last Thursday ill Nnveml)er. pioneering trip in the Gowgeeda, Elk Out of 0r entries et Blyth Show in Lake and the far North eouulr'y, Mt'. alalia and embroidery, !Iles. W. H. Jeffers is exceptionally equipped far such Dunbar of emitgot 3 firsts and 'L an expedition, having Spent several seconds, years le mining camps in America and J. A. and itirs. (]Doper, Toronto, South Alden. Ai O Hammond, Editor of the Illustrated MA z+1C a 1 Section of Tee iii Globe, i8 cantrtbeting letters 'on the Political situation in the United States. !'hese Will he continued during next few weeks, Mr, Hantntond's instructions being to travel wherever` good "copy' from a Cauadian view -point can be secured. ft goes without saying that notft n 1 fiyears has mu s s a' ch interest Y been taken by Canadians in United States politics as is the case at the present time. The Globe is trying to live up to itsrecord: in the matter of keeping its readers posted, aside altogether from the ordinary sources of Meal and telegraphic news. HURONITESAT STR AT ORD NORMAL. unmet the loss of their five months old baby girl whose death took place • Sunday Sept. 24th. The Canadian Council of the Young People's II'orward- Movement have appointed Rev. H. 0. Priest to the position of Secretary. Mr. Bengough, Canada Cartoonist. Reciter, Miotic Oomediau and singer will give an original ins tuctivo mut amusing ettterlainrnent in the 'Town Ball Friday evening Oct. 210. Miss .Etta Mitchell was tendered a surprise party by a number of her friends before leaving for the' West. She was presented with a handsome berry ' spoon as a slight token of regard, Willie Rutledge fell out of a tires on the school gronuds and btoke his right arm between elbow and wrist. He was up gathering some maple leaves to take back to New Liskeard the next day, but his trip has been postponed or a couple of weeks. Huron Fall Assizes. • The Fall Assizes for the comity of Huron opened ou Monday September 26112, in the Court' house Goderich. By arrangement Sir 'William Mulock g presided, instead of Jlistioe Suthet-' land, who was announced previously as the trial judge. The court adjourn- ed on Wednesday evening atter- a three clays' session. Eight eases were heard and were disposed of in the fol- lowingmanner : Wods vs. Woods. -This was au action brought by 'James Woods, of Detroit a ainst the executor and some d egvisees' of the will of Patrick Woods, sr., of Dublin, to have the will set aside on the ground among others that deceased had not capacity to .make the will. The estate amounted to $30,000 and half' of it was bequeath- ed, to a society in New York State. Judgment on consent in favor of the defendants and declaring the will valid. Costs of bothP arties to be paid out of the estate. al, G. Gamer ou, K. C., for plaintiff. J. L. Killor- an for dee f udatils. . Bird vs. Logan: -Au action for mal- icious prosecution entered by the plaintiff, a resident of Colborne town- ship, r a slit;i for $a-000 da u gas. Owing to the serious illness of a witness for the plaintiff, the trial was postponed un- til the next jury sittings: Coats et al. vs. Brown.. -An action entered to recover $2,500 which the plaintiff's• bad invested du the Horse shoe Quarry Co. at the alleged instig- atiotrof the defendant. This action was postponed until the non -jury sit- tings of the High Court. M. G. Cam- eron for plaintiffs. Proudfoot, hays & Blair furdefendant. The !Merchants Bank vs. Bissonnette et al. -An action entered against Oliv- er Bissounette and his wife to recover $2,500, the valve of a promissory note to the order of N. M. Oanti°. Vantin endorsed the note to one B. Z. Tardif, who endoreed it to the plaintiff, the Merchants Bank of Canada. The note was presented 'for payment but was dishonored. On application of the plaintiff's eou nsel His Lordship' direct- ed that the action be transferred for trial to the sittings of the High Court at Woodstock of October 24th. Chas. Garrow for plaintiff. Proudfoot, Hays & Blain' for defendants. Thamer vs. Powell. -This was an he laintiff, Wm. action enter ed byt 0 P 1 rice f a lhamer, of Walton, fat the o 'CV p quantity of apples, sold by the plain- tiff to Wm Powell, of Blyth J. 141. Best (Seafo'th) for plaintiff. 'Wm. Proudfoot, K. O., and R. Vanstone (Wingham) for defendant. After con- siderable evidence had been taken His Lordship directed that the trial of this - action to ascertain the valne of the apples delivered by the plaintiff to the defendant be referred to Judge Doyle, the local Master. Bawtinbeimer vs. Oarson.--An ac- tion for slander between' two fanners •uf Grey township. This was tried by jury, who returned a verdict for the plaintiff' for 825 damages. Judgment VMS ' en tered for plain tiff with full costs of action on the High Court scale. W. Proudfoot, K. O., for. plaintiff. H. 13. [ phY, K. 0. (Listowel)for defend- ant. Steed vs. MoIutyre et a1. -An action on a promissory mote. Both parties are residents of Sea'fortli. Judgment was entered for plaintiff for $2,074.17 and costs. R. S. Hays (Seaforth) for plaintiff. J. L. Killor- an for defendants. MacOatnmand vs. Govenlock. - An action for specific performance of an agreement, entered by Mrs. MacOaur mond, of Seaforth, against Win, Gov- enlock, of the same town. Judgment was reserved. W. Proudfoot,. N. 0. and $ 8. Hays (Seaforth) for plain tiff. Lynch & Staunton (Hamilton and J. L. Killoran for defendant. A National Newspaper. The '1'orouto"Globe has tried during all its history not to lose sight of (he fact that a newspaper can play an itis portant part in nation and empire building, One way iu which this has been effectively practised is by kee in ; trained members of its staff constantly "on the wing" in search of useftil and interesting infortnation, Wherever 101 - Portant national .work or world events in which Canadians were concerned were taking place, or where pioneer develop; meet wns in progress, there The Globe commissioners have been reporting- with eportingwith intelligent discernment for t11e benefit of this country. This policy has rarely, if ever, been more generally practiced than at present, To day the Managing Editor of the Globe Dr, A. g J Macdonald is Mexico where tit three N in, k"celebrationn cornett fLe- tvee s oftloceitt nryo t publican goventeeut is being held, mud upon his return he will contribute a series of sketches on that interesting Grade A.- Experienced ; ibomas Melvin Dodds, Wiuthrop ; Alfred Mastiff, Wiugham ; Raymond 14. Redman, West- field; Mabel A. Burley, Dungannon ; Ger- trade J. Campbell, Constance ; Annie E. Cowan, Blyth ; Annie Erma Delhi, Varna;: Emma Edwards, Gerrie; Belle Heuderson, Brussels ; Evelyn A. Horton, Ii'eneall 13eriha'Johnston, Fordwich ; Minnie Laid - low, Seaford' ; Elizabeth Moses, James- town ; ames-town; Carrie'- 1t1o0rackeu, Brussels ; Elizabeth A. McKay, Oraubrook ;Ella Mo, Kinuon Brussels ; Lillian 141. MeiIlauue Saltivrd ; Jennie hands, Brussels; Edna. Jean 'Taylor, Constance ; Eva AtmWoods, Ba}field. Grade B. Iuexperieuoed:--Mary A. Barber, Wingham; Myrtle Biehim, Gods - rich; Jennie G. Bowman, Wiughatn ; Mu lel Brothers Brussels ; Alexander K. llickeou, Seaforih ; Vera Elliott, Goderich ; J Ella Evans, Brussels; Elliott Fairbairn, II °leu Grieve Seaforth • Heuaa H A Frances A. Houstou, Egrnondville ; Eliza- beth H. Laney, Goderich ; Ida Love, Sea - forth ; Mabel E. McDouald, Wingham ; Florence McKenzie, Brussels; Adertua Mackenzie, Seaforth ; Rose T-Melleviu, Goderich ; Lilhal ,.MtVicae, Goderieh ; Mary T. Pearson, Chilton ; Laura 113 Peet laud, Dungannon - Jeanette It Pcthiele 13taforte; Jenele B, Robb, Arussols; PQM" anis, lel. Robertson, Auburn ; Isabella S. Robertson, Wingham ; Daisy M, Ryan, Deneapl)ou 1 Marguerite I. Scott, Seas forte ; Ralph B. Shaw, Jamestown; Florence A. Tltnnyson, Soul, rtlt 1 11tlu•tblt G. White, Gerrie, ......................... V • • ♦ J.$1McLeIIad ♦ .s................. ,,,,,,,,, ......„ ETHEL t. • ♦ d• I . Wel Store New Jewelry • 1Vuteh Repairing • Jewelry Repairing Clock Repairing • Engraving • ♦ An excellent stack of Watches, s•- + Clocks and Fine Jewelry, Stet.- ie • ♦l ling Silver and Plated Ware at • year service. •:. • >1' + Souvenirs, • . Engagement autl w .q• . Wedding Bings O ♦ s,+'1 • CENTRAL GL� r STRATFORD. ONT. r'"i'PIfyou purpose attending .our school �r this Winter you should register on t9 Nov. 1st. Spend two mouths with as 6 't dents are entering - 11,11 wee term. Students 6 week. •� Wehave three depnrtmvots- Commercial Shorthanol Telegraphy Our courses are practical, teachers NNN Ot P �J , ,• graduate" experienced ended and ou r nr n g p ceed.xceThe demand noon us oor help exceeds the supply. Write for our Erna . catalogue. D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. .011111=1211.1. X ♦+♦+♦+e+aaaler♦ao�a�a�•res,•+aaos,eo�oo�ore�e�e�e+aua�ata• -°j •Srus'""6® ®len+n Umn -g.+ ' ♦ Portraits by Photography, IA • 4,84•+♦+44.+44'raa>a+4.144ags.a•aa'evon•e•re•I•oa•a •441+0+*+44, ALL WORh GUARANTEED. G. F. MAITLAND! Transformations Pompadours Switches Cluster -Curls The Dorenwend COMING I. Prof. Oarenwend of Toronto the well known hail' Goods Artist will visit BRUSSELS AT AMERICAN HOTEL Wednesday, Oct. 19 1 Du'ing thisvisit he will be 01 owing the latest Parisian and Now 1.ot'lt sty es, 'iter are )articularl invited to call ins peat and I Y , 1 try on any of these cvetttions. Sanitary Patent Toupee Vol.! Gentlemen who are bald, is a ltead eovoring far superior in both style and durability to any Whet tnahttfaottir- ed. At the present day over 00,000.' of these are in aye tliroughono Oabada and the United States. Oen and have free clotnonstrtttion. RTMEM3131: ONE DAT ONLY. The DORENWEND Co: of Terontoo Limlited. 103.105, Tango Street A2 [ - �- 5 i � One Dollar deposited in the Bank of Hamilton might mean the first step ;tion of a fortune.. toward the. accumulation The man who scorns the sagacious investment of Isis savings has yet to learn the true principles of frugality ger • t� Oa ii f Iii ;fkIR ,.Ll 1�>�� - 'i, - P, lS' RV/ QUI and thrift. dollar to -begin to - , •_ Deposit one -clay pt provide against old age and financial { reverses. W.Ball a ant Wroxeter S. V � 1 J j II ees; Bead RA11J ILTON „� . _ Office I ♦+♦+♦+e+aaaler♦ao�a�a�•res,•+aaos,eo�oo�ore�e�e�e+aua�ata• -°j •Srus'""6® ®len+n Umn -g.+ ' ♦ Portraits by Photography, IA • 4,84•+♦+44.+44'raa>a+4.144ags.a•aa'evon•e•re•I•oa•a •441+0+*+44, ALL WORh GUARANTEED. G. F. MAITLAND! Transformations Pompadours Switches Cluster -Curls The Dorenwend COMING I. Prof. Oarenwend of Toronto the well known hail' Goods Artist will visit BRUSSELS AT AMERICAN HOTEL Wednesday, Oct. 19 1 Du'ing thisvisit he will be 01 owing the latest Parisian and Now 1.ot'lt sty es, 'iter are )articularl invited to call ins peat and I Y , 1 try on any of these cvetttions. Sanitary Patent Toupee Vol.! Gentlemen who are bald, is a ltead eovoring far superior in both style and durability to any Whet tnahttfaottir- ed. At the present day over 00,000.' of these are in aye tliroughono Oabada and the United States. Oen and have free clotnonstrtttion. RTMEM3131: ONE DAT ONLY. The DORENWEND Co: of Terontoo Limlited. 103.105, Tango Street