HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-10-13, Page 3esasseaasta REnOUNTIN Most gills many photog. which becomes the years, sol The old-fashio too heavy and less the pictu. some way.fro soon become Oae girl has s her own satis lowing directi others who ea Procure fifty of heavy whi finish you de you wish, A teen inches: h venlent 5IZO,. ,punched and hand side of e inches from th speotively, an edge. If one one hole on th inch from the rho page, Select the have done ser rand strip the laying them fa sin of water, wet peel the tareby suoce board. This r ence, for too. q tear the phot tempt to pull' cardboard. After the ph ready to lie m new sheets of matter of art chance for con In the book p the name of e ten beneath e the date whe taken, as nes membered, an - acquaintances lege friends w relatives made vacation tclen case of very d left for the ins graphs which them from ti vantage of the in the possibil tional pages a carrying the hi ly loved peopi When all th a leather cover. way as the she with leather t the eyelets:- book pectelierl session whe ing pleasure. LEARN Apparently. i that it, is imp to cook,-. Bu camping it is cerstand the least, of prep promising out end because of the commissar It is not eno fish and to bo" Some member have a wider nine cases out who does have ,most sue assfn The boy's be gladto giv Lessons. • Bread-makin bread-slonld first half doze sty to this co eit1on of the hands .and fin learns to was and to super' boiling of the gates the mystic _ making, perh "spelling" his mornings. The second should have t meats,belted, and illi making When a boy 1 with these pro a Sh01't bulbs b surprise the f meal without al The iustruoti a bare outline, ferent from tha it 1s ilot,l]eeess sii•able-tha.t a expert in the c the fundament ever, it will be enlarge his eco` essity for doie welch l;nnwledg t'eonit of his make him of v home, sari ave of camping pal' ' READY F Husband (an money, do you with that $10 1 steels?" Wife "(calmly)• me to lay tip fl I'llisband-''V 1Vifc " Wily, Wiese, pairs of v.'vs' ,s•i~.• m dolvecl faction:, to sire Jls'lleen vice sslve ash n rl ere ear me the bongs;passing The t desirable aria i' it 1 mother n hand intend m, ops 0 els pe est , RHEUMATIC PAINS PARSLEY SUPERSTI TIONS,..,,, WIIQ1 FA'Ii n :. A LONG WASH DAY. i Afraid It Lasted a Week, but Came Only Four Every sae has heard of the German and pato') m •[hod t a theCeatin t F c g sptled clothes end of having a wash day only two or three times a your 1Vot every one realizes, perhaps th(tt the custom was brought over to this eountty from Hollllpd and Chat tfn@ Dutch setpers long continued its pre: pro. In t es 'da o the er read e ys t ev y Ianl?dc it is strange read of the Y st ani laborious, period which same to our' New Amsterdam ancestors four times a year. Helen Pvertdon Smith Cells about tt in "Colonial Da s and wa s:' y y rho custom of quarterly clothesgg washlags was maintained notwitte standing our summer. beats and the immense quantities of clothes nese]. Uses the fear of indigestion Y our heals ? It needn't. :; " :>t. i tf + l S •� t y i ev.t� �t° i ac '.....,aa„g , . and yoq Wont know you have thatyour food is properly digested. best of the NA -DRU -CO preparations, expert chemists and guaranteed druggists in Canada. 50c.;box. stocked them yet, send us50c. NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO. OF spoil the enjoyment of 4 .lit take :., " s, •, e�-:•'•'. +. nys 3. a,,iy :r .. t'i a +,: t<.I h „� , ', r .,. ,a,,.-, •' a;;:,' a Stomach. They will see tO it They are among the compounded by by the largest wheleesa}e Ifyour druggist has not ' and we will mail oo a box. y 36 s CANADA LIMITED,' MONTREAL : 1. � Folks L1NA+0llelle O x PHOTOGRAPHS, accumulate a rent�,, g, .ephs, the care of with the passing of 1b ething album of ai problem, nes is usuallybine cumbersome, but tin red are protected in the altar the mounts red and soiled,; Glued the problem to and .the fol- •• :' One are given fOi 'e t� trythe plat!' P or ;hundred sheets cardboard in spy and .of any size ,out fifteen b Wino- y found aeon- Have, two 1.1o1esu eyeietede on the left. act sheet about three e to and bottom re- p n inch from the d one wishes there maybe e right-hand side one' edge and •midway of. photographs' which rice on desk and wall Not Due to. OoId, Wet QV0ath9l'- Tho Trouble is Rooted in the Blood. Many people believe that the twinges and tortures of rheumatism aro,due to cold, damp, or wet wee thee, and treat themselves by on rub- }with liniments and lotions. This is a serious mistake, and one Whiohallows the disease to progress to such an extent that it is often impossible to get it out of the sys- tem, Rheumatism Lames from ' cis, p onous acid in the blood, and it must be cured throe h the blood. All g'weer the liniments! and rubbing, and so- called el etriaal treatment in the 1 world will not otil'e rheumatism. This is a medical truth which 'ever Y sufferer from this eruct acing trouble should know. Rheumatism can onlybe cured bydrivingthe p• oisonous acid out of the blood,the ,• • and enriching and purifying it. There is no medicine will do this so s eedll and urel as • D •. Willi- P Y s" Y ; ams' Pin Pills.' The actually k 1 y G Y make the new rich red, blood which drives out the osonous acid -. P - - upbuites the system, and makes the sufferer well and strong. It is be : d till 'Dr. Wi111:-. cause they o _ s that , ams Pink Pills have cured thou -to Sinister BPlant'IneEngland, With t>,. atm superstitions aro. connected with .the. herb parsley, probably through an ancient Greek practice, the graves of the dead being strewn with it and the plant thereby gaining a sinister significance, In Hampshire ,lt Is considered veIT unlucky to give a root of this herb done 1 JueI they any that !t this be done 111 luck will fall .0 on them. In Devonshire to transplant parsley is ,likewise to comiult a •• 0000118 offense against the guardian genius who re. p tants. In Suffolk it 1s sides over the pparsley said that If parsley be sown on Good t rids !t will oto well and fiouriah, Y b7 but if it be down on any other day 1t will not come doable. in 8hropahlre they have a snylns that where parsley grows In the gar- t y den "tin` misses is master." to Buck- lugbamsltire nr•sle is regarded as a P y omewha uncann herb 'end a old s,; t y.r gardener once. assured ,me on hearing me lament that. seed I had aorta hid not come up that it was necessary to sow parsley for nine times before one could get any to grow. This say lug 1. hate heard later in Shropshire where they say the devil takes all but the last. Llliewise, too, hi Shrop• shire the say that to transplant pars- ley, -will bring about a death. -,West• minter Review. tyw, _,Y;y,, -�-- _ -. _— _ �_, WAS AFFLICTED - , BLT. DODD S KIDNEY PILL. S f D ALL 1Q PER- R• RE 'TOIl� 9. ' r r I ECT HEAL H. -,.r, •T athcr, Violater ai:dg Dattghtei' u'fter yenta sf 5uifcrtug are.ntade held- tit said Ila nappy 1neat L'anadiaa Y I 1 Y iy g liiduey Remedy: ' St. Leon,Standen, ,Dorchester Co., Que., Oct, 3, Special): -That Dodd's Kidney Pilld have no equal as a tali ivy medicine ]s proved con- ,,..„ . c'ly by'.the,�tatement of Mr, a Lacesse a well -Known. real- g , dent of this plaCo. Bia statement iven. for ublication is g ,r P "For, twelve years I had pains in the small of my back, My head would ache and'm muscles would cramp, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured' me, r'My mate was troubled with Kid-; ne Disease. Dodd's KidneyPills. Guy d tor. e My little 111 had nervous frau bl@. She was so bad that who could, not keep her hands and feet quits, Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her." ' Is it any wonder that Mr. Laeasse is shouting the praises of Dodds Kidney Pills. He has learned nary to keep up the state of eleanil- �. news required by Dutch instincts, A New Englander who bad married a citizen of New Yok outlies fu 17Q0 of this practice, which was undoubted- lastran a to her: "Grandmother Blum is so deep in her quarterly trash this week that she has time only to send her love." The washing was done in au anti g ?cuss called [tie bleeeker cn ]there y' the water was boiled tnlmmense kelt ties and all the other processes of the laundry work carried on. The work 'required not teas than a ;week, fre- quently two weeks. - During the time' preceding this cruel- is bard, labor' the soiled clothes were accumulating,in very large hampers of- a ^ s? t t�[ Tr [ [�mO�� r' i t ;"' l i ;:' ' r a ,x r : :. ,,.;. •?;r ° ;q 1, ,t,�i ;' ° r V '� �'' :. "1` s' li rr r / d yt y" ;. rr{zif*+i , a��, • >. The Rayo Lam is a high v' ;, ' There Paireyum helms cost nn '3' price. Conetrlwtod of solid ornament to any room in Tae 4;. ;, of lamp•making that can add STEAM ve thdealer ' giving o rce.laEvery aces p nem The Oueen ay 4 , r n - Jr; 3 , 4 yt xgI • • •r"' •;, ° �' ` " f in • (A ,: �i t .Y, v v rl> y ,nr'igg,, .k 3c 1Tt 'la"f • r f . y,. ;, g s grade Tamp, sold at a low price. more, there is no better, mean at p ally brass; nickel platen -easily kept clean; mit any hones, Thera is nothing known to the art to the Mille oftheRAY0 Lamp as a light• aseverywhere. n each of If not at yours, write for de. Y 011 Company, Limited, Toronto. mount from them, ce downward in a ba: and when thoroughly..ltiar` mount from the pie- layers of paste- :quires Y ati- P uiclr a movement may °graph• Do not at- sands of cases of rheumatism after all' other treatment had failed. _ As proof we give the case o£ Mrs. F. X. Boisseau St. •: Jerome Que., , who says: "Almost two years -ago I was a terrible sufferer from rheumatism. Tha trouble first lo- ,,. Marbles. ea set their name from the fact that originally little bits of mar• file •were rolled down the hills and, rounded and pounded by other stones until they became toys for the chit. dren to play With. It Is said that the through experience as have thou- sands of other Canadians that eowe's-Kidney Pills cure Kidney Disease no matter where rt appears; • form it is found. Dodds or in what Kidney Pills should always find a place in the family medicine chest. — basketwork. This — open custom oriel- Hated the necessity for the great stores of linen with which every bride was VU-•SOIJt t AFRIO?..N WAItRAN'CS, alt ale set rose aid. Write as for inter• matien. Fax &Hoa,, Stook Brokers, Baett St.. Toronto. SHIP M E YOIJ,ff2 B ... ' Rtk:W r t? corded. .,�' E ,e is A to AND EXl'Eppolo YOR 93AN : l: -•----• - RIiLUblALlSrI ? -- lady ;t or lady to travel and appoint agents for established bone. State age and previous em• ppro7went. Pe]csanebt: B. McGarvey. Mgr., 392 Wellington Street West, Toronto. 1 pay the prices yon are looking for: \JJ- C. GO FFATT OFtILL1A, - - ONTARIO , the picture from the oto ra his dried it is g P ounted on one o the cardboard. In the angement there is a g srdeiabie originality. enviously referred to, ach person was writ- photograpl], with the photograph was as it could be re- I theplacewhere'th- hi was made. Col- Pthis grouped together, division, another and sated in my ri ht leg, rendering all gg work impossible, and walking ex- cessively difficult T tried to curs myself by means of all sorts of line- menta and but without lotions,world avail. The trouble was constant!P Y growing worse, and the •pain more and more unbearable.'" Finally the disease spread toarteria andYvon; p my g, I was ani int helpless, and I was' co/npletely discouraged, thinking I would be a sufferer for the rest of my life. At this time I read an ad- vertlsement • in our home paper, of trouble being' cured 'by Dr... Williams' Pink Pills and T' decid- ed try them. T first four , Dutch exported them - to England. ` Whether they did or not makes little difference to the boys and girls of to- day. J'o matter who introduced the to marbles as toys, they are -with us and always. will be. Some of you get them from other children, some of you trade postage stamps for them, but'some arsons originally bought them from pie Tittle store around 60 corner, whose owner got them from the greatest toyshop ib the world- Germany. lu the beginning marbles called "bowls," and men and WO- men played With them as well as chin•3sr dren.-Dundee' Advertiser. • d'---^ DIDN'T LIFE THE SUIT. "Sir," said the young mate as he entered the library for the ' put- oxo of interviewing the father of g the only girl, "I am in love with dau liter, Have you any ob-pain> yourg „ jeetions to my suit ? The old man. tlo foot. he y. m. aver from head to foot. I sure have, he replied. "Why T wouldn't wear a misfit suit like that that to a dog,fight. Why don't you try some other tailor?" -Y' THE LOFTY RHINE. : Zam•Buk will give you relief:, C ANCER, Tumors, Lampe, oto, internal — have deep-seated and extarn¢1, oared without path by our bona treatment. Trite us before too tett. nr. Denman Medical 'Co., Limited, oolnne,veoa, Ont. • Tho Soul of a Plano litho Action. !Herat on rho When you any in rho joints, th•e back, the wrists or elsewhere, place a liberal supply of Zam-Buk on the fingers or on the calm of the hand and: AGE GENTS ice K"A Granite Catnep Y. saunasMeads 3olns in all kende of Dot and Pana, Granitexuro. Mtwara, eta. Trends in two minutes. Every housakagle, buys. Bestseller. Over 1002 proata, H. Nagle, lVasomount, Qua. , .e se iLI ffi L Ay Yli 1GGJli IU Piano Ac'tiQt2 it in. Mrs. Frances ` rub , lays, of 25 Guy Abenu@, Montreal, says : ''I suffered long and acutely from rheumatism, and tried one liniment after another in vain. I also -took EAiote -THEcon BARBER T arafn -NEW aystam-constant practice -Garen( tnetrao• eaduotoa era ewni a co°eixhtoon dalierxsaeetc- ly Write for catalogue. Motor Barber College, quest least, Toronto, ® Good •quality p cults, suitable •f�99.. for seting, at p market price. medicines internally; but it remain,- for Zam-Buk to effect.; cure. I began applying this balm whenever usw'ssLCHRBS-STUDRNTS-[VILE jyj Plano, Vocal, selected. ted. orr/A dnOrgan stock of large it a Organ Music large and well selected: pCkofr and Chorus Diusio a spool It Oorrax• Ashduwu'a Mesio Stora, Dept f ,:•f ANTE Write t Ca.,Ma lldaIL, Co.,Matilda st-, Toronto.-..` ' �a� > as a third. in the friends; space was ertion of ether photo- might be obtained of to time. The ad- loose-leaf system lies y of inserting addi- E, anypoint,and thus got boxes of the Pills and after using them for several weeks I could see that the painful rheumatism was gradually disappearing. 1 continu- ed taking the Pills, however, until t had used .about a dozen boxes,. when ever s'm tom of the iron- 'y symptom ble had I A Tree Cut D"own 6y Rifle Bullets. In the sanguinary annals of the American war there Was no more sanguinary episode than the fight in 1864 of "the Bloody Angle at Spottsyl• rauin." "Every basin and ever sap ling Chnt constttnted the thicket there," "HIS Mrs. Robinson -"And wereed °t' you ? .up the Rhine" Miss ]Vuricl] (just returned from a Continental trip) -"I should think so; right to the very top: What a splendid view there is from 'the summit l" I felt the aches and .pains of rheu- v.:itaniovttel. matism coming on, or felt any of the stiffness.' The result was trulyCARPET wonderful. Zam-Bnlp seemed to penetrate to _rho very Boat of the pains, driving them Completely- out, and I am now quite •cured." DYEING end Oleanivs• Thte leaepeolalsy,eitb the British American Dyeing Co. Bead partienlate by poet and weave sure to walls, Address Box 153. Montreal. t,,,• e.,v ` :�KP -•'" �'t' 'Zi r w,_ 'l �'R Senn u, your name p and we will send Free all charges paid ,an charg , 3'ou story f cetain dear- e from year to year. pages are filled, get • eyeleted in thesamo ets, and tie the .book through result` will be a y your own, •the pos- disappeared, and could walk as freely as ever I did, and do myhousework without the least troube. I have no hesitation iny recommending Dr. Williams Pink Pills to every rheumatic sufferer." old byall medicine dealers or by''mail est 50 cents a box, six boxes for $2:50 from The Dr..Williams' tseysory 1N r. G. O. Eggleston' in his tory of the Confederate War,""was cut awn .by a stream of bullets as grass Is before a mower's scythe. Even nn oak tree nearly two feet thick was worn In two near its base by the con= tnuat and incessant stroke,of leaden ta balls eaten It tell, crushing some of theS Confederates who were fighting be- OR LIKE A JAIL -BIRD. ,� ' "Now, children, what is this 1" asked the teacher, holdingupthe Picture of a zebra. , It `looks to mo 'like a horse in bathing suit,'' 'answered' a little boy. - So many of the ordinary, embroca- tions and liniments are.imperfect- ly and sufficiently re- 'fined to penetrate even the skin- much less the underlying muscles. A BOOK LOVER. The old parson was endeavoring to do e. little missionary work be- hind the big stone walls. i v i't�tt`,i �{ w__ ,.,5 rF p, r til„ •,r thin LUCKY HEART EIOTURE BROOM- ROeeS- which' "" ichei ;the prettiest daintiest ry novelty, eani ' the rase overywere. Zam-Buk is total] different. Zam- Buk- tis' so refined, and its essences and juices erase concentrated, that when rubbed into the muscles for "What broughtS g you here, m son?" he queried of an inmate. "I am here, sir, because of my fondness for books," answered No, lve re ¢inns ,t ABSOLUTELY FRES to int adnne Or scads JI at area wddr000 dares, wad we will send It to you at Altlea Allg,GO. o3 Roy SI.,Providence ,R.i„ ll,S.A: Al will prove a last-, Medicine Co., Brockville;; Ont,' . enth Its branches." n' - A'STOP ORDER. quicklysfelt' etc., ismsciatica it rheumatism Zam-Bek will also be found a cera for eczema, rashes, ringworm, cold sores, ulcers,. abscesses, chapped hands, piles, varicose veins, cuts, burns, bruises, etc. All druggists and stores at 5oc., or post free from Co., Toronto, for price. Refuse harmful imitations. - " `�— '- . If some people were as free with their money as they are with their" advice, what' a 'lot of good they might do in -the world. 2323. Indeed <" exclaimed the good man m surprise. "V1iat kind of books,.may I ask? `Pocket books," briefly answered1 the other,• SHOCKItiG.ir "Yes," .said the man who had been travelling in thei Far West "I saw three trains held a in one ni ht." •P "You don't Say: exclaimed the.`. innocent bystander. "Was anyone 3 hint?" r, Kills xto1, +-I have used r ? long time and Have lilted sr .r<Eaa*�u ' :, �, seta it , OR; ; + = - Bone Spavin Valley, Alta, May 20th.1309.. your Spann Cure for a.-. without ,could not be wthe . a Done Spavin, by its use," ING. 1� TO COOK. GPhonograph t occurs to few boys, ottani to know how if a boy is going WAITING. Aunt Anna asked her little ne- phew, what be would like to give his cousin for his birthday. "I know," he ansvvleredl "but I CRIEli DAY AND NIGHT. ML's. R. E. rSanford,. Inserary, Gab., writes: My baby was sickly, Mand -Tom had mo talk into a so that he can heal my voice while. Y'm away. Clara -Haw local ! And he can y - stop the machine. that he un- simpler methods at food. Man a Ting Y ng has come to an„ the :incom incompetence ingetable P y department.' ugh to be able to fry eggs' and potatoes. ain't big enough." ------ A Purely Vegetable Pill. -The B chief ingredients of Parnielee's Ve- Pills are mandrake and dandelion, sedative and purgative, but perfectly harmless in their ac- tion. They cleanse and purify and healthful upon for over a week with bowel and sto- mach trouble and .cried night and day. NothingI did hen ed her in: PZara-Bilk, the least till I began giving her: Baby's Own Tablets. They helped baby' right away and now she is a big neattey child with tine rosy cheeks., The Tablets are certainly a wonderful medicine and recom+ 011, N0 Dubbs-Was it serious accident? Swiftleigh-Not at all. Only two P edestriane killed and the motor ,car wasn't even'scratched. I'm glad, too, for I had just had it revarnished. of the party must knowledge; and -in' o.f ten it is the boy y it that becomes the ,have a most effect the secretions of the digestive or- gang. The ,d yspeptic .and all who suffer from liver and kidney ail- find in these the .I mend them to all my friends who have children. in the house." What Baby's Own Tablets have done for Mrs. Sanfol'd's baby they If you are not satisfied with you,r lot, lata it over to a real estate agent. -- — Relief for Suffering Everywhere' -He' whose life is made miserable by the suffering that conies teem indigestion and has not tried Par-. melee's Vegetable Pills does not know how easily this formidable foe Y be dealt with. These ills will P relieve where others fail. They aro the result of long and patient study and are confidently put forward as a sure corrector of disorders of the. digestive organs. from which so many Stiffer, - ----'— Tlie loan voila lets his mother hi lts his „ No, said the traveller. They were held upbywomen in a all- h_ b room. r PHILANTHROPIC MISSION. "I see. you've advertised for. a ''•4' lost dawg, and—" g, , "Yes, but that isn't my 'littleNendau's Jewel. That's a mongrel, Take him—s" "17cuovv that, ma'am. Ne c1aWg `T could ever. take the place of your lost darlln', but if you'd like to T` havE a ant ,f gentle little erecter to lova while y6n're humin' fur ysur Josl P11 sell you chi 'uu fur 50 cutsyrieso i MX CARISON. That teas the whole story. And gr hundreds, of thousands In e.4eail.tha: 3• same experience in the past 40 years. For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, Swellings and r all Lameness,, Spavin Care curia the v trouble -makes the horse sound and • ,veil -and saves money for the owner because it removes It e s t e casae of the LrouLle. NCeep a bottle always at hand- $sorb for So. Good for man and beast: Ask •• your dealer far free copy of our book ,TmatlaeonThe xorsd•orwrite vsid , DR. R. J. 11ENB5!L 00, Eaosburp Faits, VL woodsman, or sister will o him the necessary meets will pills most effective medicine in conoen- `crated form .'that has yet been of- fared to the suffering. done for thousands of other little ones, simply because they go to the • root of so man childhood ailments Y -that is, they drive allimpuritiescan Some people can't see the error of their ways because they insist op keeping their eyes onyours. P g Y g - 'especially corn be the subject of the the onlyrelnnin, p - CRUED. ar " My, mind is• made up, quoth from the stomach and leave it avocet and healthy. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box It doesn't take a brilliant man ,to ,slice in society. - gfrom -b af iclean arse necessity nece s' y er-nails. The boo the tau ht socl�t ill decldedl g y society girl y•timism ''Just like the rest of you," re- the ungentlemanly man, the Dr, Williams'4vlamsmedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. o is sonletimos duet$ lack of experience. peel potatoes, the baking or He also investi- f tea coffee practising I]y plied ^--�-- Mtnard's Liniment Cares oandruB, - The frmer now has leftthe plow, And 'onlyholds the reins, a. r• PROMISING. Sutton -I can't spare the money ver' well but I ll lend it to it' yyouthe you promise not to keep it too long': • 9 • 111 0, 8 czivick quickly stop coughs, acres salsa, banns the ihront moll funds. . . l:b Dents. - p out [rife or wife cub his cigars is entitled to a Sc;n3. ,_ . ... ��_.. • ,r: ma'am." pick ✓, lot of sympathy r A THING WORTH KNOwINc is into f�et that Painkiller finds tno,t uses in a household than any other remedy. Por Uawnl ooivpinints, Externally for ruts Avoid there is a a, -t". T mdckly stops the throat and fir PICTURES NOT NEEDED. "" T110 B1lJ1C and a1nl7 anile bock ere •, �[ tat9�eW,, ill Vry GteC L',t lila On • ly, VO111m CS 'chat .dont need confirm, cures colds.. heels luuQs .36 coats. illustrations t0 add to their }'alilp:, sister on occasional course of leBSons with re arid do vv preparing g Tordrive behind his horses kind And gather in the gains. -+.---• : Your Drusreamt 'will Telt You -1rlelt Gayeboy-I'll undertake to spend every penny of it befort^ to -morrow morning. ..• - - g . DEFINED. - rr ,i .• Say, paw, gtteried little Sy1- • bsesseC asci assess,. of st-WS and soups, 'P, nus become familiar CesSCs- it will be but :fore lie is'ready- to sillily, by getting a ] asstatance; ' y in, of which this is should be very def -.would d Y t given to a girl, for' Marine use Remailres Sore 140.00 y e , Star»lrtheco Weave Byes. Doesn't Sin,trt, Soothes lye Paha, and Solis for 50a Try Mttl'i»u ht Rout• "P7*CS. and in liab3"s 7-li)'es fir Sealy 17yellds and Granulation, ' - - - -" , NEXT GENT, Wandering OVOr a field one day JL man came across a largo Stone, in- scribed :- . "Tuve me over. • - Salttmoro, Md., Nov, 11, 1903, MInlild's Liniment Co., Limited. Sirs, --T. canto across a bottle of your OLINAit0't LINIMENT in into viands of ono of the students at tate university Of diary, land, and ho beim so kind as to let oto 1160 it for A very bad.wale, which. I oh• tanned In trnining for foot laces,,alta to say {hat it• helped- mo would be butti 11 veryl �--,ildly, anti I therefore ask it ,.',1,11 lel; me know of one' of your 000016 that is elbsest to Baltimore so that I nifty obtain sono of it. Thanking you in ad- Fester. Snodgrass, "what's .a test a , ,all case 1' +'A teat.. Case m 5017 '� replied ' ;,,Y, , P Snodgrass, .sen., is a case brought in court to decide whether thene',s m n in it t justify the enough p ey 0 j y e lawyers in wol'kmg up Similar Gas- Lag f,. ,.. - - Minard's Liniment Cures Berns, etc and wounds. sitbslitutcs, but one Painkiller" -Perry Davis' -251. bus 503. - - The easies• t way to manage a wife Parents buy Mother Graves'' o is her way. Worm Exterminator because they, TRUE. Mr.' Eeonamie-- Did you write •he man whoadvertises to Show tat e �.. - 1eeale how t0 make puddings with- 1 • milk n 'l7 Av them .richer GL 1anti G r r Mrs. Economic -Yes, and sent : • know it is a. safe medicine foe their \ti'her: can Ir get some of $silo- children and an effectual expeller p way's Corn Curie? 1 was entirely 'of worms. clued of my eorns'by this remedy -. " a'nd 1 wish SCIIle ln0re of it for 111y : It takes a woman to tnake people fl'lOnd S. So writes '11'lr. 3, W. believe she es hal]py when she isn't Brown, Chicago. num a quarter." rtWllat did rte reply ?'' `- r Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhose• WHAT ay -possibly not not de- boy strive 'to lie an ulivary art, With an mastered, flow- possible for him to After much difficulty he succeed. ed in, turning it aver, and found gW. on the other side of the gtone the words:- ter . Now turn me back agitxil,so that value, 1 remain, - Yours truly. c. aleCul AN. 14 R1. Pant street, ears Oliver Tyliewriter Co, P,5,' -alias answer at 0000.•a THERE'S A REASON, "But why do you talk of getting divnlco; you talcs- me ,yourself that I make biscuits' just like your "Use cream," IS-\C3QLIN0 .1 So far as known, it leas not yet Parents as well as teachers, have been said of any airship that it .'�'�' �". s Irl +` "' , •y ) r a . • , q . sometimes to run the ^e gaunt/et Of awkward questions. a came "]Ill]ping into port. 11 any ''Bather, said 1tttl: Tontm-, one aii•sltip 00005 wrong, it comes bang- r, smash to the Intone. day, what is all edutnas Q' of work when nee- g so arises, whine I can catch teime other idiott�' , = BEST HE COULD DO„ mother' used to ettake l" "That's the reason,", Is e as :is his, • as the lain will home t1a g. •, w.. ' •w'e*t: �,; ',tali ; , "What," nt What, quelled the millionaire "will Parent of the callow .youth, will. .-_ .:. GRIEVOUS ERROR; rondo nowadays, par iaetauco when a netson buys an imi ,r ,t „ , lather--- \thy, et -itis -ahem! 5 f y •,3.,'t •,,� .', , .> }�.. 1 , , . ; ,..' v. , •''"+�r�,k". i, i t'tt. � " ,a•" :,x� .iN •"t'... a l,u y ,Y x,28 t,, , , '. t+,ia � a� •s d •• .tr, f: i t v r�wg $ ` i,� ., ' �laWt!f fP b i sr a r'i-j `ip r"`a^ ... , - r , zi .„.t@� ”„ _. �? y'' " 1p ;, '`; ` l,1 `� ..,.. » , - F•t; l "a l: I'' Ma < . . , ,..Coated - :• ° 1 i., I:. For goodness' sante, Tommy, don't i 11 O a a s h es you. know anything about insane- - is certainly one of the !nest disagree,. , y g Y. lofty et all ?. An equinox was ib able ailments which flesh is heir to.: -. lister taste it the fabled animal -half horse, half cow. mouth-+ttart8ea -- dir.7.ia0ss ••••, these its mune, ]S .derived from tho w°Yds •bb1,1101 0 to make ior0 a burden. The 'equine' slid 'ex." It does seem as tense IS a disordered Inver -rhe sere of these public schools don't teach Dr, Morse's -Indian Foot l7;lis. Ttie l3 y C1111drell anything now -oda s.•"• go straight tt, ilio root of the trouble, Y Y put the 1iVer right, cleanse the Slow- w ash and bowots clear thrice tongue and TAKING CARE OF I'.1., lance away tiio bitter taste. from 111, �sw, remember, 71:e than von mouth, At the ilial sign of bllinhs- a gent glass eye you've got. A1s nese take ways take it out and put it in your Dr. Morse' int peeket when you ain't Iookinst at assistance it the 1' valuable member Y .. lass. - • �i . .. ,•. -. ;. 'illr, eg'• ..i;.: ,•:. ,. _ > 7 .. .. «.J N'after.,..„,s itaia,^t• to educate myboy?„ „. „ , ... Th;t, replied the .college pies• Iden[, carefully 517.11]g top the rattan of"The D. & r, Menthol Piaster said to bo the genulue. Be careful and see. that they ,are mads by Davis & Lawrence La. . _ _ :.•�,--:.•---= Y �� .•.�„� .f .boy, r in..: r, question I cannot an- .... )R THE RAIN', -" Billy) ?Vaal mora 1 What did you coo - 1'190. TN •N y. . `_ ,, /P �. ''1'�p .r'' , ,;a.`;h ire 1 .•� �.-�.: ewer. Bl1in.L can pat' him through college Ear all] ut $3,000. ,. . If thingd PROPHETS DIFFER, rrIt's going to boa long, cold winter,'s rt lili I gave yu last • -"The one on told Y „ )r a rainy day? es." $' I exCllan eel for "bed ,iit bt r, '< i .. i r 411 ' ;Moh`ty a 't'01•. f ,ft' r n �k" ba Dada ,nt:.. "Gt. lul' rd`s' nNttt; •'nNn ' " � , g� , N yWff 1 I iohbntollo I its 'a" altdP-' wGn1d 1." ...Wife•-- '1' ?b g�. erg rs is as w 1 b s 01C1n a lCk �_y vt► to 10'4 fief lenient, Cls 1405.1 u:6,6h�.il -'a f"than 7011 mu. zirf aro l Rand a match! you1 "cool at filo husksaoil the ears �1'n' h . 11iCk . 1 a,> Al ofcoin, holt t they ie. Shuake81 They pawed that way to protect the bats from the !tot dry Weather„" ' ISSUE NO. I.l lo. ncddnt a,."• .1 n f 1IB1IG1 Rta l'rC 1 ll i trs" ss" :', stilt stock ugs, for trio sample fe Dept. W. c,e NM 1lotoq► Ltkng d chemical Ge., TlrfAtlCtt - see mom,-El:lard's .... I.IniMbilt holiow)* Neuraiglalsnodding