HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-8-25, Page 8SHO
WI'i'H the opening of the Rural Seboole it is well to nonce that there has Neu
almost a Complete chmtge in the Public School Text Books, The School.
Books which have been In use for many years are no longer atitltoriretl
and in their niece are the renewing new Books t -
--Ontrtirio Publie School ,Aritllrnetic ,,,,, ,,.,,,
—Ontario "' Geography ,
--Ontario GraxntHax,..,,,.,.'
—Ontario it History of Oanacllt,,
--Qntaria' '" IHistory of Englani1,;,
-- Ontario Composition,,,,.,,,.,,,
---Ontario "' Hygiene ,,,.
Ontario °r Speller
—The New Ontario P. S. Benders
—Tho New Ontario P. S. Oopy Books
The most of these New Books we now have in stook and those we haven't are
expected within a few 'clays, Now is the time to secure a supply.
z a1 i.ettfs 4teuts
A New metallic roof will be put on D.
Ewan's blacksmith shop.
BRUSSELS postoffice hours on Civic
Holiday will be g to io a. m, and 5 to 6
p, m.
25 CENTS in advance gets THE POST to
Tan, 1st, 191x, Take advantage of this
offer now.
Crvxc Holiday Friday of this week.
The business places will be closed, both
Banks included.
A new Taylor fire proof safe has been
placed in the office of Dr. 1', T. McRae,
in the. Leckie block.
BRUSSELS Public School will not open
until Tuesday, Sept. 6th. Monday of
that week will be Labor Day.
THE residence of R. T. Hingston,
Mill street, has been greatly improved
by new siding and a uew dress of paint,
THE old weigh scales, formerly utiliz•
ed for flax weighing purposes, East end
of King street. bas been removed and
the place will he filled un to avoid acci-
the Excursion special train Friday which
leaves Brussels at 5 20 a. in, Return
fare adults, 85c. ; children, 450. Train
leaves Kincardine at 6 3o p m.
Baca( To Tows, -John Elliott arrived
back frons W iouipeg and re -purchased
the barber shop be recently sold and last
Monday resumed operations at the old
stand. The trip Westward did him
ACCIDENT. -While assisting his son in
McKillop in harvesting operations last
week, David Heist, of town, had the
misfortune to have a fall which injured
his back. We hope he will soon be
Turnbull left a tomato at THE Poste last
Monday built on a circular type, 15
inches in circumference, with a hole in
the centre. It weighed a poubd and
three ounces,
Civic HOLIDAYS. - In addition to
Brussels, Wingham and Lucknow hold
their Civic holidays on Friday o
this week and they will join Excursion
to Kincardine by special train, The
District Passenger Agent wired THE
Pos'r that ample provision would be
made by the G. T. R. to accommodate
the crowd. Wingham fine Brass Band
has been engaged for the day. I
weather is propitious a delightful time
should be enjoyed at the lakeside,
Don't miss it.
Much regret will be felt by frienda in
town ou learning of the death of Miss
Eva ,A, Turnbull, which occurred at
Harper hospital, Detroit, on Tuesday of
last week. She was ill only a few days,
and her death was dun entirely to
shock from an operation. Miss Turnbull
was a graduate of THE POT composing
room years ago and latterly worked as a
proofreader in Detroit. The burial was
made at Detroit. The family resided in
Brussels for years.
RURAL TELEPHONE. -A meeting of
Brussels Rural Telephone Directors was
held in town on Tuesday afternoon and
a number of important matters dealt
with. The work of construction will bo
completed this week, outside of install-
ing new telephones on lines already
completed. System is working first-
glass. Board will secure a working
manager to take charge of repairs, in.
saalh•phooes, look after collections and
other necessary work. A complete
Directory will be issued now that the
lines are complete. If you intend
Putting in a 'phone yeti should apply at
once so as to get a No. in Directory.
WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, - The regular
monthly meeting of the Women's In-
stitute was held at the home of Mrs.
Robt. Francis, Tnrnherry street, Friday,
19tH (net, ., . Mrs. P. A. McArthur gave
an excellent paper on "Suitable dishes
for hot weather." She gave'recipes for
gelatine preparations, salads, French
and cream dressings and one for cold
Meat. The ladies present availed them-
selves of the opportunity to copy her
recipes, Little Marguerite Wilton then
contributed a hnnlorous recitation which
was very much enjoyed, Mrs, (Rev.)
Ferguson's address on "The Bath, how
and when to take it" was good. She
possesses a retentive memory, speaks
without notes and presents her subject
iu a pleasing natural manner, Among
many other good things Mrs. Ferguson
:,said "Take a cold bath every morning,
work bard while et it but let it only be
of about 5 minutes duration. If afflicted
with rheumatism bathe the affected parts
very freely with water as hot as can be
horse, for the virtue of the cure lies in
the water being very hot. Never take a
!lot water bathin the morning as itis
too relaxing but take it at night before
retiring." We were much benefitted
by Mrs. Ferguson's address and also by
the discussion which' followed it, which
certainly broadened our ideas about the
bath, It is indeed gratifying to know
that our Institute is growing in numbers
and popularity and we have bet ono
obj eet in View Viz, the . betterment awl
••upliftingof the cut t
h r m
home and the country in
which we live,
Miss E, Inman is attending the Mil-
linery openings in Toronto. Miss
Haynes has also spent the past two
weeks in the wholesales procuring the
latest ideas in headgear for the Fall
W. C. T. U. -The regular meeting of
Brussels W. C. T. U. will be held in the
Audience room of the Carnegie Library,
Friday, 26th at s p. 02. Important busi-
ness makes it necessary for the members
to be present. All ladies are specially
-At the annual Bowling Tournament
at Wingham last week the quartette
from Brussels consisting of A, Strachan,
R. Downing, J. H. Camerou and D. C.
Ross, (skip), carried off the honors in the
Association contest. They defeated
Crawford's riuk, Wingham ; Dr, Hunter,
Goderich : W. Attie, Lucknow ; and
McInnes, of Ripley, besides having one
bye. Four antique oak tables were re-
ceived as their reward.
TISIOOnr Seed at MoOracken'e, '
PANT and vest maker wanted at once.
Stead work and highest Steady w g eat wages paid.
D. O. Ross, Brussels,
Lo5T,-Gold brooch with amethyst Betting.
Pinder will greatly oblige by leaving same. at
This POST.
S. L. Taons, Eyesight Specialist of Toronto,
will beat his office at 120 Huron street. Toron-
to, during Exhibition. Hours 10 to 2 and 0 to
8 p. m, 8-2
WELL bred roadster filly, 5 years old, for
sale. ROST, HENDERSON, Brussels.
LADY'S Jacket found. Owner may have
name by proving property and paying for this
notice. THE Poste, Brussels.
GOOD comfortable house to rent,.conven-
iently situated. Apply to ALE. BARKER.
WANTED, a wideawake young man to assist
in a general store. One with experience pre.
ferred. Apply at once. D. MAODoxaLD,
0-tf Jamestown.
GOLD WATCH found on Main street, Brus-
sels, last week. Owner may have same by
proving property and paying for this notice.
Apply t0 W. W HARRIS, Brussels.
A ER/WIT young man wanted in each town-
ship, t0 present to the fanners of this county,
the greatest newspaper bargain ever offered.
A great opportunity for you, salary or com-
mission. Address Hrussels Post Mee.
OoMEORTAsnn house and i acre lot for sate
ata bargain. Fruit, good water and A 1 corn -
Enmity. For further particulars ask at TEE
Pose. tf
GOOD second --hand buggy for sale. Apply to
Taus. Nswsosl, Brussels. 2-tf
_-0 -
coSTUART'S moving pictures are coming
all next week in the Town Hall Brussels.
Mr. Stewart presents some of the finest
animated pictures in Canada. His repu-
tation from last year is suffieient guaran-
tee of everythiug being up-to-date. We
have the Religious, Historical, Pathetic,
Humorous, Discriptive and Patriotic,
also illustrated songs and kaleidscopic,
geometrical chromoeatropes with cloak
posing, plastique selections. Change of
program each night. Entertainment
8.3o. Admission roc and 150 for adults.
See small do lgers for particulars.
nesday afternoon of this week Blyth and
Brussels enjoyed an interesting game of
bowls et the latter town, three rinks on
a side. A shower of rain, shortly after
play started militated somewhat against
the experts for a while, Results were
as follows :=
Blyth Brussels
"Boy" Coombs Sinclair
McPherson Leatherdale
J. Coombs Callen
MoNlerchie Jones
skip. 22 ship, IQ
Beese McDonald
Chellew Denny
Glennie Currie
McTaggart Monteith
skip, 22 skip, 22
Sims • Farrow
Scott Gilroy
Robinson Strachan
Sloan Cameron
slop, 6 skip, 28
Blyth -5o Brussels -69
Brussels won by 29 points.
Church Chimes
The Junior Epworth League held a
pic-nic Wednesday afternoon of this
There will be Divine Service in the
Catholic Church, Brussels, next Sunday,
Aug. 28th, at ro.3o a. in.
The congregation of Melville Church
listened with pleasure to Rev. R. F.
Cameron, of Georgetown, last Sunday,
who will also officiate next Sabbath,
Last Sunday Mr. Carthew, of Moore-
field, conducted both services in St.
John's Church here, Rev. Mr, Ashley,.
of Atwood, is expected for next Sal).
There is not a pastor in town at the
present, Revels; Messrs. Wishart, Cam-
ernn and Ostenbeing away on their
vacation. Considering this condition of
affairs the town is behaving fairly well,
Sunday morning last the service in
the Methodist Church was taken by W.
H. Kerr, assisted by B. Gerry. Rev,
Mr. Durrant, of Belgrave, preached a
sermon on "Consecration" in the even-
Rev. bred. Bunter, of Illinois, spoke
in the Methodist Sabbath School here
last Saliba') afternoon and gave an in-
terestingatldress on Missions a
t the
League service Monday evening, Ele is
a son of Mrs, A. I•Iuntet', of Thoniaa
al:reet, Brussels,
The Best Servant is a Strong
of the Farmer • Qhartered Sank
The MeBouk
Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers
and extends to them most Reasonable Terms,
Every Department of Banking is Conducted
Drafts and Mohey Orders issued at Reasonable Rates
People We Talk About
Mrs, A. Strachan is visiting at Tor-
Miss Budd has gone on a visit to
Miss Keine, of Clinton, was the guest
Ot Mrs. Ballard, •
Teller Hawkshaw, of Standard Bank,
is away on his holidays.
Miss Della Johnston, of Seaforth, ,is
visiting Miss Stella Gerry.
A, M. McKay, of Chesley, is renew•
iug old friendships in town.
Miss Annie McQuarrie is attending
the Toronto millinery openings.
Mrs, Brien, of Seaforth, is the guest
of her daughter. Mrs. P. Scott..
Miss Bessie Beattie, of Barrie, ryas
renewing old friendships in Brussels.
Miss Brine and Stewart Scott, of
Seaforth, were in town over Sunday.
Miss Marion Forrest has gone on an
extended visit with relatives in Chicago,
Mrs. Geo. Thomson and Mrs, D. Ewan
are spending a tew days; at Bruce Beach,
Miss Winnie McGuire went to the mil.
linery openings in Toronto on Monday.
Miss Florence Naneeskivel, of Toronto,
is visiting Miss Lily Sharpe, Princess
Miss Allie Emigh, of Blyth, is visiting
Mrs. Will Emigh, of town, and other old
Jas, and Mrs. Matthews and Miss
Catnach, of
>,ordwiche e visiting w r in
Miss Lizzie Downing is spending her
holidays with Lindsay and Toronto
Miss Viola McCracken is visiting with
relatives and friends at Wingham and
Miss Linda Colvinis attending the
Fall and Winter millinery openings at
Bob and Charlie Leckie are back from
a visit to Tbessalon, Owen Sound and
other points.
W. E. Heist. of Atwood, was here last
Sunday to see his father who is on the
disabled list.
Miss Mabel Thompson, of Seaforth,
was a visitor with Mrs. N. F. Gerry for
a few days.
Mrs. McDonald, of Seaforth, is visit-
ing her song Gordon McDonald, of the
Central Hotel.
Miss Helen Kay, of Stratford, is a
visitor with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Kerr,
"Riverside villa."
William Moore, of Milton, was here
this week, on a visit with his brother D.
B. Moore, of town.
Tames Elliott and his daughter, Miss
Jessie, Left this week on a trip to Win-
nipeg and the West.
Nhss Florence Crerar, from near
Bright, is visiting relatives and friends
in town and vicinity.
D, A. and Mrs. McQuarrie and children
have left for their home at Rainy River
after a holiday visit here.
Miss Elsie McMartin, of Toronto, is
visiting her uncle and soot, W. and
Mrs. Wilton, of Brussels.
Wilfrid Blair, son of Barrister and
Mrs. Blair, of Goderich, was holidaying
in town for a week or so.
Mrs. Harry Bartliff and baby, of Clin-
ton, are visiting at the parental borne in
town, with Jno, and Mrs. Cardiff
Misses Margaret and Lizzie Brown
and Mrs. T. Leslie Kerr, of Clinton,
were visiting old friends at Gorrie.
Athol McQuarrie, of the Signal staff.
Goderich, called on relatives and old
riends 10 town dining the past week.
Miss Maud Stuart, of Collingwood, is
visiting Mra. Jas. Fox. Miss Charlotte is
enjoying a holiday with Miss Jean Fox.
Miss Sadie McNab-end her neice,
Dottie McLauchlin, who were here
from the West, left this week for their.
Miss Mary Ross left for Toronto,
Saturday, where she will attend the
millinery openings and visit friends for
a few days.
Mrs. W. Neal and Mrs. Berry, of
Walton, were in town Tuesday. visiting
re. (Dr.) Graham, Mrs. Wright res-
umed with them for a visit,
Miss Bessis McCamus and her mother
are Holidaying at Muskoka, The form-
er wrote off several subjects in a special
ummer. Course she was taking at the
Robt. Lowe. is back from the West.
He and W. Emigh made a good sale of
heir oar of horses. Mr, Emigh is tour -
ng the country, and visiting Friends
efore retnrning.
Rev. Dr. and Mrs, McCrae. of London,
ere calling on relatives in Brussels and
minty, They came to attend the fun-
ral of the late Angus Lamont, the form'
is brother.in-law.
The many old friends of W. J. Stewart
manger of the Standard Bank, Park
i11, extend hearty congratulations to
imself and bride and wish them many
appy, prosperous years.
Russel Zimmer, of Toronto, was re -
awing old friendships in Brussels. He
on the civic staff of electrical engineers,
Nliss Tillie Zimmer will attend Normal
ohool at Toronto this term.
Lenore, the young deugltterof Robert
id Mrs. Thuell, has been somewhat
isabled by the unceremonious ousting
e and her mother got Saturday even -
g from the stage at Walton, Three
itches were required to close the gash
n Lenore's head,
Rev. Fred, Hinter, of Rigston,
was here for a brief visit to the parental
home, He
be ordained as Deacon in
the M. E, Church at the Annual Confer -
mice to be held at Jaritsonvllie, I11., in
September. We were glad to see Mtn
and wish Mtn the hest -of susses,
J. R. WENDT, Wroxeter
Golden Wedding
MASON -WATT. -In Hullett, on AuBnet 18511,
1880, byRev. Archie Currie, Mr. John
Mason to Mies Jana Watt.
On 'Thursday
of 1 t ee I
as week, 8th iusf.
at the comfortable residence of John
Mason, 3rd Zine, Morris, one of those
memorable events took place when Mr.
and Mrs. Mason celebrated their Golden:
Wedding. Guests to the number of 6o
were present, of these 8 were present so
years s a go. Out of a family of 3 sons
and 5 daughters all were present except`
one daughter, Mrs, John Hill, of Por
tage-la-Prairie, Man. Many of the,
grandchildren were -also here -and among
gbers Mr. and Mrs. Hincks, of Hol-
stein, Mrs. Hincks being Mr. Mason's
only neice.
The family took advantage of being
gathered together and presented their
father and mother with a purse of gold,
while the grand children remembereed
them by presenting a clock, quite appro-
priate for the occasion.'
The family gift was presented by their
son, Alexander, while Mrs. James Mar-
tin read the address. Allan Mason
handed Over the clack, Annie Martin
reading the address on behalf of the
children, on this the 5oth Anniversary
of your wedding, wish to extend . to you
our most hearty greeting and congratula-
tions, We believe this day will recall
many memories of the varied experience
you have bad in the past, which were
not all sunshine, Bet our lives' would
not be perfect if such were the case but
God's promises never fail, and He who
has guided and blest and kept you so far
will keep you to the end. We would
ask you to accept these gold coins as a
slight remembrance and appreciation
of your loving care and kindness to us
which will never be forgotten. We
trust and hope you will be long spared
to celebrate your sixtieth Anniversary.
Signed on behalf of the family.
The other presents were beautiful and
showed the esteem in which the aged
couple is held. Among the presents
was a watch and chain which Mrs.
Mason wore,
After serving tea on the lawn all re-
paired to the parlor where a social time
was spent.
Mr. Mason was married to MissJaue
Wait at the residence of .her brother,
John Watt, Hullett, Rev. Archie Currie'
officiating. Mr. Mason was born in
Orkney in 1831 and came to Canada in
1853, sailing for two years between Tor-
onto and Kingston. Mrs. Mason was
born in Aberdeenshire in 1834, coming,
to Canada in 1841 and residing near
Grimsby for a time. When first mar-
ried Mr, and Mrs. Mason settled in
Hallett, near Kinbarn, living there tor
the first 22 years. After selling their 1
farm there they bought the farm of the
late George Forbes on the 3rd con, of
Morris where they still continue to I
reside. +
Mr. and Mrs. Mason are highly es- I.
teemed by all who know them. We
wish them a continuance of the good:
things of this life and the happy realize-'
tion of their hopes for the future, a re-
union that will know no separation.
Rev. 15. F. Cameron, of Georgetown;
is visiting relatives here.
Miss Ida Gorsalitz, of Buffalo, is vis-
iting with relatives here.
Miss E. Hunter is attending the Mil-
linery Openings in Toronto.
Prank Jesche, of Detroit, is rusticat-
ing under the parental roof,
Mrs. 0, Brodie, of Seaforth, is visit
in her sister, Mrs, J. P. McIntosh,
Hugh Clark, of Toronto, is the guest
of hfs sister, Mrs. John Ballantyne.
Athol MaQnarrie, of Goderich, visit-
ed under the parental roof this week.
Harry Sinalldon returned on Friday
night, having spent the Summer in
Sandusky, Mich,
Roy and Mrs. Smalldon, of Detroit,
are guests at the !tome of the former's
father, 0. StnaJldon,
Mr. Austin, asst. P.O. inspector,
paid Msannuaivisit 50 the village this
week and found everything aatiefac-
A. and Mrs, Raymann and 'Mrs.
Helm attended the 20th Anniversary
of the mart.iage Of 0. 'W', and Mrs.
Keeling, in Cargill, on Friday last.
P, iladdatz took the service.in the
Methodist eihu1'oh last Sunday after•
noon ave an interesting Deli discourse,
Miss Spurting kindly assisting In th
Scripture reacting on account ofhis
blindness, Ttev, Mr, Russell, of Wrox-
eter, will take charge next Sabbath,
i, e
r~st.hi h a 2673
A Complete Banking Service
Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses,.
Wholesale and Retail' Merchants, Municipalities,
Corporations,farmers and private individuals. 80
Savings Bank Department at every Brand.
3. F. Rowland. kiana$er
We are pleased to state that Rev.
7, F. Knight le well enough to be able
to write to his Mende.
GERRX.-In Port William, on August 20111, to
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gerry, formerly of
Brussels, a daughter.
HsxnnasoN, In Morrie, on Aug: 1011, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Henderson, a son.
,TENKIN8.-In Turnberry, (Bluevale road) to
Mr. and Mrs. E. Jenkins, on Aug. 18th, a
RINO.-In Gerrie, on Aug. 18511, to Mr, and
Sire. James Ring, a daughter:
JARnnNs-HRIIMIN. At the manse, Winnipeg
Man„ on A.ug. 10th, Mr. John Jardine, of
Tugaeke, Sask.,to- Mies Annie Iieibein,
daughter of r. Charles Mulbein, both
formerly of Howiok township.
STnwART-?Anxsn: At Allen Craig, on Aug.
Ord, by Rev. Mr. Shore, assisted by Rev.
Mr. Carrie, Mr. Win. J. Stewart, of Park-
hill, to Mise May Beatrice, daughter of Mr.
and MTS. John Parker, of Ailsa Craig.
BELL, -In Morrie township, on August 28rd,
Robert Bell in his 81st year.
BmRxay: In Bianshard, on Aug. 1811i, Robert
.Kirkby, aged 78 yeare.
MONTOOSssar.-On Aug. 17that the residence
of his brotherdn.lnw, Win. Finlay, lot 9,
con. 14, Bowick township, William John
Montgomery, aged 00 years and 10 months.
MORoan.-At Elora on August 4511, Roselle
Marshall, beloved wife of George MoRobb,
aged 44 years.
MOGowaN,-In East Wawanosh on August
10th, Margaret, youngest daughter of R. G.
and Mrs. McGowan, aged 10 years, 8
months and 20 days.
TURNEELL.-On Aug. 18th, suddenly, at Har-
. ger hos ital, Detroit, Mich., Eva A. Turn-
ull, belloved. daughter of Mrs. A. Turnbull
and sister of Oran 12 and- Mina Turnbull
and Mrs. W. J. Rosen..
40 05
1 00
S 10
1 00
Butter ,,
$0 84
8 00
8 E0
1 25
The People's Column
STRAYED on the premises of .the under.
signed, Lot 17, Con. 7, Morrie, on or about
July, 155, one yearling Steer. Owner moy.
have. same by proving property, payingex-
pensee and taking it away. Wnt, MOOAL
Brussels,: Ont.
STRAYED on the premises of the undersign-
ed, Lot OO, Oon, 4, Morrie, about Auggnet
tat, a roan fat yheiferyy, Owner is requested to
away property,
Bruoeelal1 0.
To Contractors
Tenders will be reoeived by the undersigned
up till neon, Monday, September 12th :1010, for
the following Drainage Works in the Township
of Grey
Kreuter Drain Improvement, estimated
cost 5001.50 ;
Looking Drain Improvement, estimated
coat .8408.00 ;
Whitfield Drain Improvement, estimated
cost 524040.
A deposit of 6% of the construction price
mustaocompanyy each tender. Plane, &o. may
be mean at the Clerk's Office, Ethel. Lowest or
any tender not necessarily accepted,
Ethel; P. O.
'J'he reopening of school o11'.iuts
day, Sept Otlywill find us ryell •
supplied With all the New Sch001
Books, There are many changes
to be blade this yeti as the follow-
ing list Will show 1-- -
P, S, Gram,105 xPriae. noel Free, Oral
Arlth. loo Itondl,Cg) 50o
c' Geog. Ole 11 5.. Seg. Grad», 760
" His. of Eng, 25 " Physical Goo (100
" His, or 011tt, 25o " Ancient ilia. 760
" 7av iasis 500 x " Hist. H, ,& 0,,0u0..
x 0 Speller los " Arith, 400
xOnt, CopyB o7lis fre x Hall al tibia 50cJuuicr
6 Nos. A, S. eregentally or,.
x0ntario Writing x " Latin Boost 00o
Connie x ". Selene° Pt,1, see
xontario School R "- SOieneePt, 2 720
Boolblreep'g x e Ohemietry 4do
X Books marked thus are same as Iaet year,
The above list may prove helpful
In making out your list of books re-
quired and we will be glad to snppl,v
you at
•' S
To Contractors
Tenders will be reoeived by the undersigned
up till noon, Monday Septemgbei' 12th, 1010, for
Township of of the
-(1) Bridge bridges 6,a the
14 • 12) Bridge at Lot 10, Con, 12 ; (0) Bridge at
1.01 82, con, 0 (Forks) ; (4) Bride at Lot 11,
Con. 10, Lowest or any tender net necessarily
aooepted. A. H. MACDONALD, Clerk,.
Ethel P. 0.=
• apl4tkAr't;..
Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points on Canadian Pacific
where laborers are - required, East of Moose Jaw, Including branches, and ..at
one cent per mile each way West thereof In Saskatchewan and Alberta.
- f1
G. N. !YO ' L .p'6 R E N
New fall and Winter Coes
We have pleasure in informing you that our Fall
stock of Ladies', Misses': and Children's Mantles has
been received, also the new stock of Dress Goods
and Suitings, and we hope to have an early oppoy-
tulnity'of showing, them to yrOU.
Lowest Prices Correct Styles - Perfect Fitting
We are showing first styles for early Fall. They are r
practical, stylish cut Suits, with the correct idea -of ;
Tailoring, in Black, Navy, Green and Brown—all the'
chief colors. The cloths are fine Venetians and Im-
ported Serges and Worsteds. tj - ```yL,..
f 1 � I3'�I '.:
Three Specials 10.00 ,12: 1:\r•�`ii
P .50 13.75 I% ,til i
' Both Rubber Lined and Rain -proof in Fawn, Black and Blue.
New S' ,
Rain Coats New Tourist and Storm shaped, Special 5.00 6.00 & 510
Up to 1.50 White Waists for 790
This lot includes some very dainty Waists which were ready lly sellel•s at I:oo, 1.25
& 1.50, all this season's styles. -
Better Waists at 1.39 & 1.69
$2.50 Regal Taffetta Petticoats for 0 1595
Black Regal Taffetta Petticoats, embroidered insertion flounce, with dust frill
new form fitted and pockets. Better Petticoats' at 2.25, 2.5o, 3,00 and 3,50
Other Petticoats at 98c, I.25 Iand .5 O
Dainty Summer Neckwear Reduced
Up to 35c :Collars for 19c—You may choose from dozens of Dutch Collars Lace
Collars, Stock Collars -for 19c. L l c
Highest prices for Produce.
Goods Right or Money back.
G. N. Mei.