HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-8-25, Page 7Iii felegellele144.4-ase •see++,
Fashion I
Wick+ .1.+1-1-I tki• i"N'fr fe*,114" l"i"M.
Black satin jackets are finding fa-
Beaded belts and bags are to bo
worn. ,
Satineare predicted as the favor -
!to fall fabrio.
Some of the new bathing caps re-
: : semble motor bonnets.
Chains are superseding leather
straps for handbag handles.
,d. • Young girls .are wearing great
nu - f frills o f tlfi a nil jabots.
Many foulard and pongee suits
are made in Russian blouse style.
Paris declares that transparent
sleeves are to be a ruling feature,
T ingerie and tailored waists of
white dein about equally in favor.
Tailor macre suits of silk and sat -
In are the fad of the hour in Paris.
Cottons now come .printed in all
sorts of Persian and old world de-
New guimpes are of the simplest
order, sheer, untrimmed, unobtru-
sive, anal shallow.
Embroidered nets are fashionable
and colored net teaists have been
seen for some time./
;, Unlined short wraps made of
chiffon, voile and marquisettes,
are' being shown'in the. shops.
Black chiffon jumpers, piped with
- Persian silk or with...lack satin, are
atraotive novelties.
It is predicted that brown and
' black furs, especially sable and zi-
beline, will be worn this fall.
;y Linings for 'edening wraps and
rc° coats are of oontrasting color, ei-
ther of chiffon or soft satin..
Open work designs are the gener-
al favorites
ener-al.favorites in embroideries, Ma-.
deria and eyelet designs leading.
Many of the dress fabrics are
shown in metallic shades and rib-
bons of the same tone are to be
Shopping bags of chamois colored
suede, mounted in brass, are among
the most stylish ones to -day.
Quite novel are colored waists or
white waists embroidered in color
or trimmed with -colored bands.
Summer is the season when the
mother Ands it most clidieult to
keep her little ones well. Tie sen•
plaints that afflict the. babies dur-
ing the hot summer months come
on so quickly and so unexpectedly
,that often it is too late before the
mother realizes that her baby is
anything but well, 1n summer the
mother should make a s;peeial ef-
fort to keep baby's buwols•reg'rlar•
and iris little stoulatill sl+cot and
pure, for this is the secret of sae
cossfui warding of those elangsecus.
summer complaints. The lnorhau'
will find a great friend in lied•, s
Own Tablets during the bot wea-
ther. These Tablets regilate the
bowels, sweeten' the stoma. ell and
thus ward off or cure chulesa 10-
fantum, diarrhoea, colic, vomiting,
etc. Mrs. Wm. Sinclair, Bonaven
tore River, Que., writes : "1 • an
highly recommend Baby's' Own Tab-
letst as t11ay have dope my baby
Much good." Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr, Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont:
Children's narrow belts, whether
in patent leather or suede, are to
be had in a wide range of colors.
Leading waist models have low
necks and elbow sleeves; many are
made with three-quarter or elbow
Table linen is now ornamented
with renaissance lace, Venise, or
drawn work, combined with hand
embroidery. '
Huge colored enamel hatpins
have superseded the rhinestone for terse statement widely•endorsed by,
the moment, but the former, when the travelling public, for to use a
of'good-quality, is always in good mild slang phrase, the Ocean Lim -
style. iced has "made good," Tried as
The white linen suit, ornamented an experiment about five years ago,
with flax embroidery, composed of its popularity has so increased and
a jaunty little coat and short skirt, its business so developed, that it
is in great vogue ab watering is now an actual necessity. When.
places. the train was first placed en the
Silk crepe, heavily beaded, is route between Montreal and Hall -
lane of the smartest materials for fax, the equipment was entirely
handsome gowns. In fact, the new and up-to-date. Great care
alar asand
0 1 keepit
as taken to
beading -seems to be popular has been so,
it has ever been. + certainly with regard to this par
Mantles or rich black and fancy ticular train, the Intercolonial is
silks, elaborately trimmed with in line with the lest ideas of Rail
chantilly lace, are much worn in -way progression. The dining and
Paris, as are also short jackets Of sleeping ear service is excellent.
soft taffetas. • • Most enjoyable meals are served
The new handbags and the most table d'hote at reasonable prices,
fashionable ones, are. of suede, vel- viz : one dollar for dinner, and
vet, or patent leather in various seventy -flue cents for other meals.
shades, and are from six to ten Intercoloniai Railway trains use
inches square. • the Eonavcnture. Union Depot at
"Comet" is the name applied by Montreal, and at that station the
Paris modistes to the royal blue Ocean Limited connects with the
shade that has come in since the Grand Trunk expresses to and
accession of the sailor king to the from Toronto. Detroit, Chicago,
British throne. Luicl other Western cities. The
Tailored waists continue to make Ocean Limited from Halifax arriv-
use of linen, lawn, and batiste ma-
terials. Themodels most in de-
mand are the side frilled types,
with plaited, thelead ei- plain
The Dead Man's Hand.
Charms as cures for sickness were
Common in England a century ago,
Lady Wake, who was horn in 1800,
tells of a grewsome cure adopted for
the removal of some birthmarks which
disfigured . her face. • Her mother was
persuaded that "a dead man's hand
laid upon my cheek and hands would
effectually remove the marks," she
writes."As a man could not be killed
for' the occasion, 1t was necessary to
wait till some one died. An old man
at last did die in one of the nearest
cottages, and 1 was taken there in my '
sleep-. I remember afterward being
constantly stopped by the widow, who
always examined my cheek in order to
ascertain the state of her husband's
body, as the marks, she told my nurse,
would certainly fade away as he turn-
ed into dust. Whatever the cause of
the cure, the marks in time disap-
peered." r.
Jones (in a loud whisper)—There's
the fellow that fired on the train—
Detective—Hello, you rascal.! I've
got you dead to rights! Fire on a
train, will you?
Prisoner—Yes, you fool; I'm the
Ocean Limited Ras Done 3luch to
Make the I. C. R. Route Popular.
"You may journey where you
will," said a traveller of many
years experience recently, "but
you will find no finer, train any-
where than the Intereolonial Rail-
way's- Ocean Limited." This is a
Britain Laullebes the Lion, Her kill'
teonth Mousier Warship..
"It's the Cut."
An aged country rector who bad en
old tailor as his clerk, returning from
his church one, Sunday with the let-
ter, thus addressed him:
"Thomas, I cannot think how it is
that our church should be getting
thinner, fort am enure 1 preach as
well as ever I did• and ought to have
fur more experience than 1 had when
first came atuong you,"
"Indeed," replied Tbomas, "1'11 tell
you what; old parsons nowadays are
just like old tailors, for I'm sure I sew
as well as ever i did in my life, and
the cloth 15 the same, but it's the cut,
eir, Mr, it's the new eut."—Pearson's
Ths Rival Roses.
Perhaps the two most famous flow,
01's In history are associated with trio
Temple gardens, for, according to tra-
dition, it was 1n the gardens In •1430
tshut the two leaders plucked the red
,and white roses winch became the
badges of the rival houses of Lances•
ter and York, The gardens were for
centuries futons for their roses.
'duloug their florid curiosltles one finds
in the accounts for 1700 an expendl-
tureen tato polemic box trees and won.
dors what a perimie tree is until ono
remembers the custom of trlmmleg
box trees le n meta:Weal or "port•
emetic" fushlou,.Lnuchnt Chronicle.
;in'1 at Montreal in the morning,
makes connection with the famous
day express of the Grand Trunk,
the International Limited, the fast-
est train between .Montreal and
Toronto, leaving at 9.00 a.m. and
arriving in the Queen City at 4.30
p,nl, It will thus be seen that pas-
sengers between Halifax and Toron-
to are only ono night on the road.
The social atmosphere ' of the
Ocean Limited is often commented
upon. The many through passen-
gers between Montreal and Hali-
fax, together With the fact that it
is liberally patronized by sports-
men, combine to make the sociabil
itt' to be inet with on board a "nark-
ed feature. To travel on such a
trainewhere the aye is so constant-
ly charmed with the scenic beauties
is indeed a rare pleasure. There is
the daylight view of the famed Ma-
tapedia Valley, the railway skirting
the shore of this noted salmon river
fur about twenty miles. There is
alto the daylight run through the.
beautiful Wentworth Valley in
Nova Scotia.
To those who have never seen the
ocean there is generally a latent de-
sire to do so, and the Ocean Limit-
ed hasproved an important factor
in introducing thee residents of
Western Canada to the seaside re-
sorts of Quebec and the Maritime
Previnccs, such as Murray Bay,
Bic, Cacuuna, Little Metis, Dal-
housie•, Shediao, St.' John, Char-
lottetelwn, Sunimersitlo, Halifax,
Baddock, \S hycocamagh, and the
The • gigantic battleship-oruiser
Lion was launched the other after-
noon at Davenport, England. She
is the greatest battleship afloat,
exceeding all •existing Dread-
noughts in size, speed and erne -
The Lion is offleially described as
an amend cruiser. She is super -
ler to every 'battleship in the. world,
however, and is the naval marvel
of the year.
,The Lion is the first naval vessel
to he armed with eight of the new
13.5 inch guns, which are arranged
in four barbettos on the centreline
of the ship. The two middle bar-
bctte's are raised so as to permit
their guns to be fired over the
other barbettes. This system , will
allow' the whole of the main arma-
ment to be trained on either broad-
Thog uns will Are projectiles of
1,250 pounds a aiistanee of 5,000
yards. These `projectiles will' pene-
trate 22 inch armor. The Lion has
a displacement of 26,000 tons. -The
length is 700 feet and the breadth
88 feet.
The horse -power of the Lion will
bo 70,000 and the speed will be 30
knots, She will be fitted with the
Parsons turbines, will have forty-
two water tube boilers situated
amidships and will beprotected
with nine inch armor plating.
The Lion is the fifteenth British
Dreadnought to be launched. She
stlsuont egele nl p'agenh'jsnoa
and east 22,175,000, or $10,875,000.
A Remedy for Bilious Headaches.
—To those subject to bilious head
ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
are recommended as the way to
speedy relief. Taken according to
directions they will subdue irregu-
larities of the stomach and so act
upon the nerves and blood vessels
that the pains in the head will
cease. There are few who are not
elft sometime subject -to biliousness
aucl familiar with its attendant
evils. 'Yet none need seller with
these pills at hand.
Two young lovers in a good-_igbt
embrace in the entrance hall wore
surprised by the girl's elder sister
coming in.
"We were seeing which is the
taller," the young man expla'ied
in some confusion.
"You are about tan inches tal-
ler than Edith," said the sister,
"and she is at least ten shades
redder than you."
Bove yeti ever smoked part of a
cigar, laid it down to die, and hours
after lighted 1 Again. If so you
probably found that the first few
whiffs tasted like burned rags, part-
ly. because you did not blow tho
smoke back through the cigar, but
let 14 go out with the smoke inside.
Have you ever smoked cigars that
Isom the outstare tasted "burnt,"
if mit is mostly because thetobac-
cu got too hot in course of fermen-
Raw tobacco has to be fermented
and aged in order to work out the
natural gum, and yet it must pos-
sass the gum to ferment properly.
It should never go beyond 130 de-
grees. When it reaches this point
the pile should be taken down, all
the outside brought to the inside,
and the inside leaves go tootle out-
side, In another ten to fifteen clays .self flat on the floor. A farmer was
it will go back to 130 degrees, when clubbed Co deathon the highway in
the same process is repeated, after bread daylight and his assassins got
The Well-to-do Go About in Fear
and Treinhling.
Renewocl activity on the part of
the Sicilian Mafia is reusing alarm,
espooially in the neighborhood of
Aloamo, Italy, where well-to-do
men whe have not complied' with
the demands of the banditti go
abotsi; in fear of their lives.
Signor Veseo, a town councillor,
had several thousand vines destroy-
ed one night; The, next evening he
was shot down by masked men with.
revolvers in the main street.
Four of the principal wine mer-
chants have had, their warehouses
destroyed- by iucendaries. One of
them wasenticed out of his 'bed-
room on to the balcony at midnight.
and was fired at by an armed band,
Be saved his life by throwing him
Tlinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
d!"entlomen,—I have used MINARD'S
LINIMNiNT on my vessel and in my family
for years, and for every day ills and
aceidCCtS of 1110 I eonsider-it has no equal.
1 would not start, on a voyage without
it, if it costa dollar a bottle.
Soar. "Storke," St. Andre, Knmouraska.
which it is assorted, put in bales.
and subsequently goee through an-
other sweat, the boles being turned
cl er every . few days for several
weeks, until it has resumed normal
temperature. .;•
"About two months after, the to -
away with his horse and cart,
The brigands who are committing
these crimes appear to be working
in throe bands under the leadership
of Grisalfi, Galiofo and Ballo. The
police attribute their immunity to
the many safe retreats which a
bacco in the bales will warm up to mountainous country affords, as
what is called "fever" heat, after well as to the fact that the inhabi-
onlyneeds ageof the region rather obstruct
lvhich the tobacco age, g
as the gum,should have disappear- than aid the police, through fear
ed of the brigands.
The majority of manufacturers Meantime strife has broken out,
let the tobacco go through in the among the brigands over the distri-
condition they bought it, expecting.
that overy bale is like the sample
from which they made the original
The house of "J. Bruce Payne,
Limited," make it a rule to re-
handle all of their tobacco, aging it
fiomthree to six months in barrels,
Cuban • style, after it has been
stripped and booked, which ensures
the uniformity in taste and aroma
For which their "Pharaoh" cigar
is noted.
Moreover, they always carry a
two years' stock on hand and work.
only the best "vegas" that have
been carefully selected, thus en-
suring old, mellow, sweet -tasting
cigars, free from that burned or
smoked •taete.
They have recently 'introduced a
Mrs. Giddy—He is the handsom-
est darling you ever saw, end I
simply love him to distraction. Abel
then he is really devoted to ane --
he growls, really, if anybody else
looks at me, and I've got rum so
well trained that he does everythi g
I tell him.
Bangs (aside)—Whom is she talk-
ing about?
Jinks (aside)—I'm not sure, 'but
it's either her dog or her husband.
In, the treatment of summer com-
plaints, the most effective remedy
that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kel-
logg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a
standard preparivtion, and many
people :employ it in preference to
other preparations. It is a highly
concentrated medicine and its se-
dative and curative qualities are be-
yond question. It has been a popu-
lar medicine for many years and
thousands can attest its superior.
qualities in overcoming dysentery
and kindred complaints. -
A lady, who had just got a new
servant, asked the latter '11 she
could bake scones.
"Yes'm," replied she, "I can.
bake scones, but I'm not so sure
that yoti cin eat them."
BICYCLISTS young or old should al-
ways carry a'bottle of Painkiller In their
saddle bags. It cures outs and wounds
with wonderful meekness. Avoid substi-
tutes, there .is but ono " Painkiller"—
Perry Davis' -255 and 60o.
The good husband is he who can
bo magnanimous not only in trifles,
but also in largo affairs. For in-
stancehe should be willing, when
travelling with his wife, to carry a
hatbox the size of_a chickonhouse.
Carson—•Last night . at your
party your daughter promised to
marry me. I do"hope you'll for-
give me tor taking her away. Mrs.
Matchmaker- Don't mention it, Mr.
Carson. To bo frank with you,
that's what the party was given
bution of the booty.. Three of them
were treacherously stabbed to the.
heart while overcome with wine at
a supper of the band near Corleeee.
One of the party thus murdered
was a lad of 14.
What cultivated and polished
gentleman ever' paid to the mistress
of his heart a prettier compliment
that the illiterate black man 1 He
and his dusky bride had just been
married by a white minister. The
groom asked what was the amount
of .the fee.
"Oh, well," answered the minis-
ter, "you can pay me whatever you
think it is worth to you."
new brand, "Lords of Canada," The negro turned and silently
that goes over the counter at ten l loolaed his bride over from head to
foot; then, slowly rolling up the
cents straight. It costs the dealer whites of his eycs, said:
something more than similar look- "M stars sah, you has done
thecigars from other factories, but i ruined me for life; you •has, for
there is a reason, which you can sure."
firer? out by smoking one.
Cultivating friendship.
Weeding out acquaintances. -
Sowing wild oats.
Raking the servants over the
Looking after one's •socks.
Planting one's foot down on ex-
Harrowing people with one's ill -
Digging up the coin.
"One way to quiet insane people
is to sing to them."
"Yes," said Miss Cayenne; "I
should think some of the ragtime oihtments cuntaining anim
choruses would be soothingly con -i old ,fats, and mineral coloring mat-
ter. All druggists and stores. sell
ttavoid substitutes.
m -Burt bt
When packing for the country
c ttage, don't forget your box of
Zam-Bak ! Blisters, sunbnrn,
scratches, insect stings, etc., if not
immediately attended to, are like-
ly to spoil your pleasure. Zara-Bid:-
am-Bokensures you against trouble from
, Zam-Buk is antiseptic; kills all
poison in wounds, whether from.
barbedwire fence, or insect sting.
Soothes aching feet and blistered
is 2
If Yo>r.. Want t'. be Sure of Quality
Medicinal and Toilet Preparations
You certainly take no chances when uo— R USC
you buy any toilet article or medicinal
preparation which bears the name, NA -
DRU -CO and this trade mark.
As soon as you see "NA -DRU -CO"
you, can be absolutely certain that the
article is the very beat. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS
The National Drug and Chemical Coln- TRADE MARK
pang of Canada, Limited, has spent thousands' of dollars in perfecting this
lineof over 125 NA -DRU -CO preparations.
The formulm are the best known to medical science.
'The purity and strength of the tngredierits are assured by rigid tests.
The compounding is done by expert chemists, who are thoroughly
qualified for a work so vital to your health.
Knowing that everything has been done to make them right, we
guarantee, positively and unreservedly, each and every NA -DRU -CO
preparation. If you find any unsatisfactory we want you to return it
to the druggist from whom you bought it and he will refund your money.
Ask your physician er druggist all about the•NA-DRU-CO line. They
are men of standing in your oommuntty, worthy of your confidence, and
in position to tell you, for we will furnish to any member of either pro-
fession, on request, a full list of the ingredients in any NA -DRU -CO
NA -DRU -CO Dyspepsia Tablets
Cure sour Jtomach—heartburn^flatulence
—indigestion—chronic dyspepsia.
NA -DRU -CO Headache Wafers
Stop a headache In 30 minutes.
Contain no harmful drug.
NA - DRU - CO Talcum Powder
3-kinds—Violet—Rose—Flesh Color.
Gems of refreshment and refinement.
NA -DRU -CO Laxatives
Act without any discomfort.
Increased doses not needed.
NA -DRU -CO Baby Tablets
Relieve Baby's ills. Especially
valuable during teething.
!NA -DRU -CO Tooth :Paste
Cleanses throughout—prevents decay
—makes the teeth beautifully white.
National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited
Wholesale Branches at:
Halifax—St. John-14tontreal—Ottawa—Kingston—Toronto—Hamilton
Lowden—W innineg—Regina—Calgary—Nelson—Vancouver—Victoria. 90
Ontario Veterinary College
Affiliated with the University of 'Toronto and
under the Control of the Department of
Agriculture of Ontario.
Infirmaryfor Sick Animals at the College
N.B. Catenctar on application.
11. A. A. ORANGE, V.S., M.S.,
Dept. H. Principal
"Brown has wired me to send
him up some fishing tackle."
"A nuisance, isn't it1"
"No; that isn't it; but I can't
remember whether he favors Scotch
or rye."
These two desirable qualifica-
tions, pleasant to the taste and at
the same time effectual, are to be
found in Mother Graves' Worm Ex-
terminator. Children like it.
Mistress—"Briclget, I must objcet
to your having a new beau every
hands; heals baby's chafed places; night."
buy betther food!
cools ptrevents
sunburn patches, and Oee'lI nicer come again wance he's
breverts freckles. Purely her-
al in its composition, Zam-Buk is tackled whet I have t' serve him!"
always superior to the ordinary
nt nils Min'ard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
genial to unfortunates of that
To Men Who Live Inactive Lives.
Exercise in the open air is the
best tonic for the stomach and
system generally; but there are
those who are compelled to follow
sedentary occupations and the inac-
tivity tends to restrict the healthy
action of the digestive organs and
sickness follows. Parmelee's 'liege -
table Pills regulate the stomach
and liver and restore healthy ac-
tion. It is wise to have a packet
of the pills always on hand.
"I say, doctor," queried the man
who was looking for a little free
advice," what do you do when you
havea cold4"
"The same as other people," an-
swered the wisp M. D. "I cough
and sneeze."
Do you realize that you are ex-
posing your loved ones to dreaded
diseases when you allow them to.
eat food that flies have walked
over? Use Wilson's Fly fails, find
tlnis kill all the flies in the house.
Our best friends are -those who
love us because ,of our faults.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
In this world we pay for every-
thing, the things we think we get
for nothing the the things we pay
the most for.
It Needs No Testimonial.—It is
a guarantee in itself. If testimoni-
als were required they could be fur-
nished in thousands from all sorts
and conditions of men in widely dif-
ferent places. Many medicines are
put forth °vett' year which have
bat an ephemeral existence and.
then are beard of no more. Dr;
Thomas' Eelcctr'ic Oil has grown in
reputation every day since it first
made its appearance.
"Pa, whatymakee the cost of liv-
ing to high7, The cost of living
so high, my son."
Nineties Liniment Cures Colds, 'Ole.
"What a prosperous looking
Yes indeed.
He ohie s au-
tomobile free and clear."
When all other preparations fail,
try Holloway's Corn Cure. No
!pain whatever, and no inconveni-
ence in using it.
Maud—How stout Miss Waite is
getting. Belle—Isn't she! She
says she can't even skip in reading
a dull novel.
Minard's Liniment Cures Carpet In Cows.
`What doth it profit a man to pray
far the heathen if he isn't on
speaking terms with his neighbor?
Housekeepers 11'lto wish .to keep
their horses clean during tiro sum-
mer months will use Wilson's .fly
"Maude is a woman of a very
open nature." "1 notice that it
is very liarcl to make ,her shut up."
Your Druggist' win 'ren Yon
Merino Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Lyes,
Strengthens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart,
Soothes I0ye Pain, and Sells for 50e. Try
Marine in Your Byes and 1n Baby's
Eyes for Scaly Byelids and Granulation.
Emerson says there is always
time for courtesy. Pat in the fol-
lowing anecdote, might respond
that there was never time for any-
thing else. Robert Boody Cover-
ley tolls the story in the "Annals
of the Coverly Family."
In the Rebellion e bombshell
whizzed toward an Irishman's
head. Pat dodged it with 11 low
bow, and it went by, taking off the
heal of a man behind hint,
"Faith," exclaimed Pat, "ye niv-
ir knew a man to lose anything by
bci& perlite l'
Hicks ---Have you . many warm
friends? Wicks—All my friends are
warm these days,'
"A man never er for"•ets the
takes he has made," said the mora-
"You' bet he doesn't if he is a
married man," rejoined the demor-
alizer. "His wife won't let him."
Ernest Thompson Seton says in
the August Ladies' Home Journal,
"Although so long cousid tend
harmless, it is now an establisne'1
fact that the common house fly is a
thousand times more deadly than
Cie rattlesnake." Rali then by
using Wilson's Fly Pads freely and
"Son, the early bird gets the
"Yes, dad, and brings it home
to his children, Why don't you get
out and hustle 1"
FOR RHEUMATISM it to not necessary
to go to Hot Springs. Just use "The D
d, 1J" Menthol Plasters and resultd will
be satisfaotory. 25o. at druggists. Davis
& Lawrence Company, manufasturers,
What do the wild waves sayl
They say
That if you stay
Ab the seaside inn you'll have to
Ten dollars a day.
That's what the wild waves say!
ISSl111 NO. 8:1-110.,
ANGER, Tumors, Lumps, etc. Interne
'V and external, cured without Pain b
our home treatment. Write us before. to
Late. Dr. Reitman Medical Co.,- Limits
Coll ingwood. Ont.
Cleanings and Curling and Kid Gloves cloaned-
T ese can be sent by post, le per oz.
The bolt place is
drlike hungry ,wolves
at alt seasons ,f you
use EIS II LUr115.
Kees you busy put..."
ling them out. Write to•dsy and
got a box to help introduce.
Agents Wanted. Miohlgan Balt
Co., Dept 20. Port Huron, Mich.
G lid Eo 'fP I Ln L E
Investment Brokers
B D NOS—Yielding from cosy. to 01.
TRJST CO'Y STOOKS—YieldingeZ to7I;f.
MINING STOOKS -Yielding 101 to 301.
Write us for intrmstion free.
43 Scott St., Toronto- Tel. M. 21(flo
1 E
Root is worth $7.00 per poured.
Anyone can' grow it. Write us lir
nursery roots and seeds.
I. E. York & Co., Waterford, Cot..
�` c�t■N}a ,�R • 4
� tl �VU
`pFpF y�
Opens August 29th lit all
Departments of the Central
Business College, Toronto.
We invite requests for our
new catalogue. Write W.
H. Shaw, Principal, Tonga
and Gerrard Sts., Toronto.
Is Your Hearing Hood 9.
The EEAR•O•PBONE will give you .the
6eneate of good hearing. .Send fora free
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33: Spadlna Avenue, Toronto,
oleilLr41,1Y.TAPAC P!,
Radwsy'e Ready Re-
lief onree the vrorst
pains in from ono to
twenty nnlnutee.
(whether sick or
nervous), Teoth-
sehs, Neuralgia,
Lumbago, pains and weakness
In the baoa, spine or kidneys,
around the liver, pleurisy, swelling
of the. tolbts ant{ ,also of all kinds, Rad-
wav's Ready Relief will in a few days et.
foot a permanent. (lura
For Half a Cent a Day.
1-Iorn Plies, Gad Flies, Blow PIies,:Pllou
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worrying' insects keep entirely clear of the
animals to which'
Cooper's Fly thookovt
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sprayer, and costs less than one coni t
day for each animal. Protects woun...J
front flyblocvs and inflammation. Hord
than pays for itself in extra milk, extra -.
beef, less food and more Work ti•oin horses,
$1.75 A GALLON