HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-8-25, Page 5=NE;; HARUL U 11. AIo0.4ACKpliss- v r • 718uor of Marriage 0 11408, 01. 4811 at tirooery, xurn3erry street, Brussels, 11. O. T. M•. 8310140010 r1'ent of the Maccabees, No. 29 !told their regular M0440110 in situ Lodge Seoul, Booker 191081c, op bite 1st aid 3r4 '1'useday otouiige 01 sash luonfll.. A„ BOMBES, Visitors ays w4 OIo(III14E, IR. It, WMI, SSPENOE OONVlaLANOELR AND ISSUEll OF MA1tiiIAGI LICH NSI+;S 01ee to the Pest °glee, Elhei, 80.9 JOHN HARRIS, Agent ] owiclt Mutual Fire Insurance Oompany Office and lteeldenoo— WAt-TON. ONT, JOHN SUTHERLAN 0. 114001000)05, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. t.it S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. L • Ean, Will soil for better Woes, to better teen,in less time and lees °barges than any oher A»Otioneer 1n East Buten or be won't ca igo anything.. Dates and orders eau always be arranged at this algae or by personal application, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLV1IVALE ONTO Auctioneer for Huron Oounty. • Terms reasonable. m u o, salee arranged. for at the office at'l'as Poem,. Rru seals.: 82tf LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING,' M. S1NUL1AI1R- • Barrister, Bulioltor, Couveytu0er, Notary Pobllo, &o,: Olfee-Stewart's Bloat t door North of Cootral Patel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pt4OUD) OOT, BAYS ct BLAIR- BARlil9'rlflie SOI,TOITnith, NOTARIES 1SUBLIO, tiro. w, P800AF0oo, K. C. B. 0. !Bays 0. F. BLAIs. Offices—Those formerly °coupled by Me00r5 Oamero° & Holt, 0 o1Ettrea, UN'ra0I0. ARA LINE Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Virginian Friday .rely 8 Aug. 5 • Tunisian Friday fitly (0 Aug. 12 Vie8orinn - Friday 'tidy 22 Aug. 19 UOrsionn Friday July 20. Atilt. 26 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Southwark Saturday July 0 Aug. 6 Pretorian Saturday July 16 Aug. 18 1iosperlon Saturday July 28 Aug. 20 Ionian Saturday July 80 Aug. 27 MONTREAL TO HAVRE & LONDON Lake Erie - - July 111 - Aug. 27 Potu eranian July 28 Sept. 8 Bioiil0n July 80 Sept. 10 RATES OP PASSAGE Aeoording to steamer. lot Olnss -$07 50 $77 50 $87 50 and 0laos - 42 50 40 00 47 50 8rd Class - 27 75 28 75 80 00 For .full -particulars of rotes and apply to 50 00 • sailinge W. H. KERR, Agent Allain Line. -'Brussels. 'The Allan Linc, 77 Yonge st.,Toronto Fall Term Opens Aug. 29 A g ;47 Thin yen s• ilte nttendnnee: hn0 been the -°0' _ I gr0ntest 11) the 1❑etory of the TORONTO . Therein n reason for it. Dny by 2107 and 7001 by year the superior work 4. ., of this school is becoming better 19 1a;. known. Our graduates readily get ro ...choice positions. 8 )' Catalogue is free.. • 1 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Der.'rouga ,0 Alexander• sts, Toronto, '''= A917/09IndfitlrgliMirgE9MAYeg e.g.' r 004404040440400444.4.0000•• O " To Machinery Users and Farmers • •cr"V'"ii tr'9'. • The New,Mechine Shop of the • O • 0 4 BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE • •and MACHINE Cu:. O now 0V ready for buyitios6, a11(1, s e with good Machinery and Skilled t 14.40 a • Mechanics, We 0 ill p0altioi1 o to attend to your repairs prompt- •p ly and at reasonable mates, o • • If you Will let tis know your 4 wants we will give' you limiest, , advice and help if connected t With Mae11inery.t. Z 4 .Give 118 atrial and, bycorningi3 • to'Brnssels, saV0 Utile and mums+y 0 i for yourselves. o 0 0 I.G1111SIlli- JAMES 1 a r • Mill Street • Brussel; a 44e4e4446`i414•44M444ore0 0$0o1Pie.Ei$ 0%3°d10 MOSS BERTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Plano Studio at Quitter's Muolo More, one doo2'.J(or•lh of the Standard Bunk, Brn0ael0 8.80 MIS$' P'RLE S/•IARPE lnls passed su000ysfaUly her second olcn,ninn• WOO of the kin 3urarte Department of the 05o• route Ocn00rvnlory of Maio, 8114 is prepared to taklopuplls at iter 110me, erbiu000 street. OR. T. T. M'RAE Boolleler of Medioine, 'Uriversityy of Toronto I Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Bhy- 0103an0 and &ane ia, Ont. • kost•gl,radnute 010450960 107y0, 450r, N000 and Throat I'l0a ltal, 012100ge, Ill. 1g I0uoe Surgeon to S1. Mioh- 014iie • 87011)111 R.5n1th's Drug Store, Tele• Phone oouneotlon w1111 Uranbroolt at all hence, OR. M. FERGUSON ,ETHEL, ONr, Physician n 114 20419eon ; Poet 011010010 oouraoe London Mug.), Now Twit and Chicago Itoe pltal0. Special attention to disease of are, ear, nose and throat. Dyes 8001011 for glasses, DR, HAMILTON Dontal Surgeon Senor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto University ; Lloentinto of !Royal 0031099 of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. 01fae in Smith Bleak recently vaunted by Dr, Fetid. DR. 'WAROLAW Honor graduate 1 6 y of the Ontario0.Of Veterinary College. 1, and night calls. Office Day 6 opposite !Flour Mlll lathe', &MVP 2/` FMAX 1az4, war BRUSSELS -. GOING SoUra GOING N01t120 Mail 7:05 a in Express 10:65 a m Express - 11:25 a m Mail 1:99 p 1)l Express 8:02 p m Express 8:59 p m e'davaimax PaCIPU' WALTON To Toronto To Goderich Express -7:00 a In I Express - 1:27 p m. Express 8:00 p to E 7 xpress - 7:26 p m WROXE-TER Going East 6:51 a, m, and 8:85 9. m. Going West - 12:94 and 9:47 p, in. Alltrains going Haat connect with. 0, P. 1R. at Orangeville for Dwell Sound, Elora and T, G. B, a atlone, GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. j•istri.ct 'Cetus Seaforth A kindergarten class is to be opened. in the Public School this Coming term. Lawn social will be held on the 11 �. �h li'' of oc st church grounds on Aug.. 20th. Miss Maude Uartry left teat week for 11lmc Fillmore, ie Sask., where she has a i• pc s•ition as school teacher. Hum R. L. Eot'don, leader of the Oppnslt1nn in the Dominion Hoise,. will visit'Seafcirth ou Monday, Sept. 20th. Lieut Ool. Wilson left hist week for Toronto and Ottawa whole he is tak- ing part 111 the Provincial and Dom- inion rifle competitions. F. S. Savage of Toronto, ; who has purchased the ,jewelery business con- ducted by 0. L, Mess, is expected to take the business over' the first of September. The people of Oole's church have ar ranged for Harvest Home services on Sunday, Sept. 18, On Monday even- ing there will be a harvest home en- tertainmeut. The Voters' Listfor the town of, Olinton has just been issued from the New Era office and from it we glean that there are on the roll 931 persons eligible to vote of which 608 are o1 Part I, 318 on Part II, and 113 on Part III. 817 have been selected as jurors. At a special meeting of the Town Council It was,„clecided to make the fate 26 ,Hills, made up as follows :- School Rate 93 mills, Debenture hate 11i 1211110, Town Rate 34., County Rate 4. There is surplus of cash- ih the treasury amounting to between $8000 and $4000 and as this has lee t mind for no special purpose it was decided to take an amount equal to 1� mills from this fund and the !town rate is that intuit less than it lvcnilll other, wise be. James Pail; Dr. Shaw, W. Juekson and 11 1. Buckley, Cleveland, .the latter visiting in town, were judges of a Baby Siiow held in Stratford of Wednesday of hist week in connection with the Merchants' Pic-nic, Seven thousand people were on the grounds and 137 babies entered the compet.i There were only two prizes to be giv- er), one to the fattest and Otte to the best. looking. When the judges got through their work they we1.0 hurried into a motor car and escaped with their lives. \ Wtngham Peed. McLean and J. Latrcnnica are in the hospital threatened with fever. Hiss Ethel King left on Monday foe a too weeps' Visit at Montreal and Quebec. Currie 17918011, son of John 'Milson, V, S., had the lnisfortnne to fall and break' one of his acids. In the free-for-all pacing rare at. Olevehtnd, Darks, 11ai, owned by J. E. Sweets, won 2nd money, W .1. Fleury and two sous, of Oakville, 1701.0 visiting for a; few (hays at Mr. !Plenty's parental bottle, Ilsley and- George Ansley, of Win- nipeg are enjoying well-earned holi- days ab theirldmne in Lower. Wing- liau1. • `. Riohd. and Mvs, sK]nstnau, of Sar- nia, formerly of Winghanl, celebratedtheir Golden Wedding on Wednesday of last week. Elmore Moore, fot'merly of this town, has seemed a good placo']n,the Weet,.and eon, weal's the brass bet- tors, being on the pollee force in Saskatoon. He gets a salary, of $100 a. month.. The contractors are at work on the building of the' nett/ bridge to eeplare. the small wooden one on thegravel road South ofWin hard. New bridge - �1 concrete abut- ments will be of steel Wall en of c a bl inents and Moor, Ab Goderich Bowling 9 0011'na111ent a rink of Winggham bowlers composed of K. Rae, ,T. Mason, L. 17'. }Janson and 1)61(lley 13011nes, as skip, made a good showing. They played eight games and won four handsome rattan rockers, the fleet prize in the Con- solation, We have had nearly seventy years of experience with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. That makes us have great con, fidence in it for coughs, colds, bronchitis,weak throats, and weak hangs. Ask our own doctor wat experience he has had with it. He knows, He can advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with your family physician. alcohol in this cough medicine.j.c, Ayer Co,,Lowell, Mass. Be well; be strong. You cannot If your bowels are constipated, The best laxative Ayer's Pills, all vegetable. Ask your doctor g he agrees with us. Do as he says. At the time of the recent di$a58400ns 41,0108 Cochrane,P, W. J3raclwin, son of Joseph and Mrs. Brldwin, of Wing- barn, had a barrow escape.. Tlie are tools place at night, and E0„ with itis room -mate, who were sleeping in the 1Tngh block, barely had time to get clown, as the stairway was nn fire. A lawyer in the next room was rous- ed, and had to escape in his night- dress. Ed. lost his clothing, papers, etc., probably worth $200. so- Fordwich Miss Norma Lo 1 k v left t (, 1t to sp ehd several weeks withfriends in London and Th sfcn d. Howlett Baptist - Church will cele- brate their semi -Centennial Art nivel.- sary on Sunday, September 4111. While trying to stand alone the baby boy of V. R. and Mrs. Foster fell and fractured his collar bone. Rev. D. Rogers, a former pastor of the Methodist Church, called on friends last week. He's always . wel- come, J. H. Johnston left for Midland,_ Mich„ 1 C owingn � ' t has receiving word of the serious illness of his brother, Win. Johnston. ' John Strong, 11th con., purchased' 72 head of young cattle in Toronto, and shipbed them to Forclwieh, Mr. Strong has now 108 head, He deals eXtensively in cattle. Miss Flossie Ball was operated of in Stratford hospital on Monday of last week and a tumor as large as a man's hat removed. The operation was a serions one, and very slight hopes of her recovery were entertained. Miss Ball has been very low, but the out- look for her recovery is more hopeful. Win. and Miss Lizzie Hyndman Trove returned from their trip to the llother Country. They landed at Liverpool and travelled to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Ayr, Belfast, Londonderry, Enniskillen and numerous other in- tervening small towns. At the. Ayr y wet Alex. Littlejohn ohoand visited the house tvhereRobbie Burns was born ancimauy other historic places The trip was an enjoyable one and was. beneficial to Mr. Ilynclwan's health.. Goderich The choir of Enox church, 00400iel1 now weals surplices. There has been an average of ten patielts in the hospital doting the past month. Sidney Belcher has returned house 4'0111 Oalgary, where he had been working. We understand he intends to remain in Goderich. Mrs. R. 1V. McKenzie and her sister Miss Holmes, of Holmesville, aro away ou a trip to the Pacific Coast and will visit relatives iat.Vaunconver and Vic- toria, B. 0. An Easter lily which having bloom- ed at its proper time in. the Spring. has blossomed forth against Angust is a floral .curiosity iO the possession of. Sirs. Willner Smith. Goderich Organ Co. has gone to sone tremble and expense in beautify• Mg the factory surroundings with shrubs and vines and the result has been the •subject of many conlplimen tary'1eluat•ks by visitors to the town. In view of the non-acceptance of the nail extended by rhe congregation of Knox church to Rev. P. F. Sinclair, ot Ohester church Toronto i was , 1 t va de - eldest at, a c0ngregatioual meeting of Knox church recently arrange e to a for g the hearing of 061)01• minister* before another call is made. Doctors in attendance upon Capt. W. H. Gundry found it necessary to amputate the leg !which had ' been giving jinn so ranch trouble and the operation was performed above the knee. The 000(134011 of the patient has si,100 improved very much. The 4.4'44.44.44d•0444.44•t•t+• 44•F40F13.4 • + + 4 + + +' • + + + + 4 • • A v PERFECT TIME -PIECE 4 17r0 4(428116 6111' patronage of • the "PARTICULAR MAN. I. lie will be interested in nor• steric of High Oracle g C. ra a 1Valclles. One repair work will please him, Monograms engraved free •} on all Watches and Silverware + purchased here. 4 1(ODAKS, CAMERAS • • rasx"S>t IJ.•'R8 WENDT JEWELER,WROXETER 944010+444.P•i.•.4 401409.•+••I+i•I'1+0 and SUPPLIES trouble in the diseased limb slates 1'1014 the Paptain'schildhood, when he received a kids 64003 a Marson We hope 11e will soon be able to get about. D1tolvNitn.-Persuaded by his corn pani0ns Sunday afternoon to 'jump into the waters of the harbor, over 20 feet deep, George Ossord, of Peter - born, lost 111s •1i1'e. Ossord, who was about 30 years of age, was employed on the new elevator building, and MUSS here only a short time two, With couple of companions he went in bathing at the beach, and finally thethel O a went into t0 1110h albUs be- tween the (here. The others were able to swim, ' but Ossord was not .Solneone called to him to jump in, and die did so. Immediately he began to struggle, and the others were unable to get hfm out. It was 40 minutes before the body was recovered. Leadbury The school at Leadbury re -opened, our new teacher being Mise B. Taylor. Our Young People's Society of Ep- worth League at Bethel appointment is doing well. Miss E. J. McKibbon, of Toronto, accompanied by her niece, Miss Anna- bel Thomson, nnabelThomson, is visiting her sister, Mrs. McEwen and other relatives. Mrs. M..E. MoEwen, Leadbury, left last week on a visit to her heather, Andrew iOlcKibbou, of Wallaceburg, who has been in failing health for Solite time: past. Miss Jennie "Armstrong, teaoher ab Listowel, has returned to her home at Brussels, after a pleasant visit with her aunt, Mrs. M. E. McEwen, and relatives inlinllett. McKillop Miss Hannah C. Dalton has resumed her duties tis teacher at Manley's school. There has been a twine famine in the winding up of the harvest its this vicinit. y The threshers aro so busy that it is impossible for thein to accommodate all their customers. Con. Eckert has returned from the C ALB. A. convention at Ottawa and reports the crops in this vicinity are better than in the districts he passed through on his trav+. Martin Purcell while cutting peas, got his boy to drive the harvester and in some way the horses became fright - sped and ran away. The little fellow jumped off the machine and escaped unhurt, but the harvester vi210 de- molished. Gorrse Martin Bradnock, of Pittsburg, Pa., paid a brief visit to Gorrie. The Howick Telephone Company have received their charter Slid a meeting of the shareholders was held here Friday, evening for the election of permanent directors. Iu the absence of Rev. J. W. }lib - best, R. H. Stephens oonducted the morning service Sunday in the Metho- dist church and a •song service was given in the evening. Pastor ]viii be home for next Sunday. OBIT. -The grim reaper has enee again been busy, William John 11011t- gomer y, of the 14th con., having pass- ed over to the silent majority on Wednesday of last week Aug. 17611. Deceased was born in !Matilda town- ship, 60 years ago, but for a number of years had resided in Howick township Where by hard work he hacl aecnrnul- ated considerable property, being the owner of I50 acre farm, well stocked, Mr. Moutgomeey neves'' married and breathed his last at the home of his sister, Mrs. Win. 110118y. The funeral took,place on Friday to Salem ceme- tery. • 13IISrNESB LIKE. -Police Tristees suet on Aug. 13th, (1111nenilbers present J. R. Williams in the chairs Minutes ofrevi011 p s meeting adopted. Tenders were open fat' attending gas plant and lighting street lamps. That Of J. L. Denlerlhng for $85 was aeoepted, his 6encler being lowest. Secretary 4vaas. instructed to settle with J. 11. Ring for work lab 111100, half year's salary, etc. It was agreed to appoint a Con- stable to htive By-law enforced regard ing cattle twitting at large at night and other violations regarding the law. Listowel Evangelical church of this district held an excursion to Port Elgin Tues. cloy, J. J. Stewart left town for Winni- peg, where he and Mrs. Stewart will take up then' residence, John McDonald, who ryas home to his sister's wedding, has returned to Winnipeg via the lake route. The Church team defeated the Clerks in Final Base Ball game by a score of 11-8, thus whining the cham- pionship and the silver medals, Jas,' Bayne bas 121051ved word of 6170 death of his father, John Bayne, .n1 Virden, Man., Aug, 18. The late Mr. Bayne was well known in this vicinity. The chair factory has ,closed down after running overtone for several weeks,' and work is now in progress on the four, storey brick addition tvllich is to be erected at the rear of: tile' present factory' and which will about double its floor space, Aaron Jones had a severe gash in• flitted over hisfight eye while shat- Fte. ning a binder knife at the foundry, ile helper who was holding the knife. let it slip, the other end flying up and catching Jones over the eye cutting an artery, Pantirt 'r.1.TI0N.--A pleasant evetlt took gplace at 'Oliphant, when Rev. and Airs, J. S. Hardie, formerly of Listowel, Were honored by .the- camp. • sosmanwAreo are, A few of llr6, 11ardlo'9 intimate lady friends early in the evening pre' sensed her with a handsome sterling silver fruit spoon and butter knife the oeetteiun being the 25th auuiversery of Air. and A1rs, needle's moulage, I Afterwards they were serenaded with a bonfire• party, six bonfires furnish- ing light for a crowd of about .800 Su)n41er residents W110 bad gathered to paythele reepeets and offer their best witheleshes to 1111•, and Mee, Hardie, (Jomplilmental'y speechee were made by ((renters of every camp and it furnished a. moat hearty tribute to if r. sial A'I1s. fiardie'smerit and pop. nlarily, Air. Hardie -hats conducted the Sunday services at Oliphant Ber- ing his vacation thele for many Shin. triers past and his discourses are (111)011 appreciated. NOW SOLD IN CANADA In Less than Three years, Parisian. Sage the Splendid Hair Tonic, Is Sold all over Canada There is a reason for the phermine- nal sale of Parisian Sage in Canada. during the past three years, And the reason is plata to all. Par- isian Sage does just, what hat tt 1a adver- tised to do, Ask Jas Fox about it he swill tell you that he rigidly guarantees It to care dandruff, stop falling hair or itching scalp in two weeks or money back. There is no reason whatever why any marl or woman 01)011ld fail to take advantage of the above, generous offer. : But one thing that has made Pari- sian Sage so tainous is its peoaliar power to turn the harsh unattractive hair that many women possess into htxiriant and i' t a radiant hair in a short time. Wgmen of refineuient the country over are using it and it nevsr disappoints. Sold everywhere and in Brussels by Jas. Pox for 50c a large bottle. Perth County 1/ St. Marys will pay 287 mills for 1910. Dr. W. F. Brown, St. !Marys, bas purchased a new car. F. E. Butcher, St. Marys, has sun- flowers 11 feet high in his garden. David Hazelwood, Khkton, has sold his farm to Arthur Gunning 'for. 87,000. ld keB Robs. eatty, Elrlcton, is not irn- proving as fast as his many friends lito see. Miss McDonald, St. Marys, has been appointed to a vacancy on the Guelph Pnblie School 1 Stair. Carlin public Carlingforcl p bis school has been greatly improved in appearance with ea new coat of paint. Improvements that will cost, about $1.000 are to be made at voce on lltaebell opera block The Peoles Railway of Berlin still talks of building its line in the dir ection through St. Marys. Chas. Whitby, baggageman at the G. T. R. station, Mitchell, is in Strat- ford hospital with typhoid fever. Charles Garbutt, of Carlingforcl, delivered 14 pigs in Mitchell which netted him $222. They were about 6 mouths 11111. F: H. Butcher, B. A., and Frank Bailey, St. Marys, have returned from Wolsey Barracks, London, where they took the drill instructors' course. At the recent examinations for en- trance in to the Normal Schools seventy eight per cent of the candidates from the Mitchellfigh School were success- ful. Douglas McVannel, of St. Marys, will be the Editor of Varsity, the bright semi-weekly published by the students of Toronto University, for the coming year. The Mitchell Advocate, had a call from John Schoultz, who bought grain in Alit'.chell 37 years ago. Tliio was his first since leaving and he natural- ly noticed many changes. St. Marys Lodge No. 403 A. F. & A M., will be dedicated about Septem- ber 19 and 20. The Grand Master and other Grand Lodge officers are ex- gected to be present. The engagement is announced .of Miss Agnes J. McLachlan, daughter of the late Donald' McLachlan, of Orom- arty, Ont., to George T. Hamilton, ot Galt, The marriage will take place quietly in Otomarty on Wednesday August 24th. Williams Drewry, engineer at the power house, St. Marys. was severely injured. He was tightening a nut ou the line shaft, the wrench slipped and t11l'ew his left arta against the re- volving clutch. As a result his anis received a compound fracture near the elbow, David Bills had Ole misfortune to fall from a load of grain in the barn. A rape which be was pulling suddenly unfastened letting 11111, clown rather roughly on the hard bane floor. He re1112nt121(1 unconscious for e. few Initi- ates, but we are glad to stay that no serious results are manifest. Reginald Smith, an Englishman, working with John Ballantyne, about two miles from St. Marys, was badly gored by a bull. The animal broke loose in the stable and when the man went to tie it up he was attacked, One of Smith's legs was badly cut and his head and }arse were cut and bruised. The National Pin 0 0f , t C „ 5t. Marys, held its organization tweeting, the following board of directors being elected President --S Fcaleigli Vice Presitleul-C, 17. `Vhelihan ; Secretary --Jos. Patterson J'reastirer--John Pool ,Directors -NV. G. Eggloton, 11. S. Box ; Manager -1V. G..lvgg]eton. The company expects . to have all machinery Here in a. mouth or so. ]t has been on order for some time. A, disastrous -fire oecereed in Dublin just before six o'clock 'Wednostlay evening of last week, resulting in the total destruction of tire•. Grand.. Trunk statim buittling. With ,th'..,help of. villagers the agent was able to sake nealriy 01110 whole of his household eft -Gets, Itis thought that the cert. fiagration otioarl'edtron' the spark of a passing engine. 1t is hoped that in Greeting n, new bending the Oempany will 0610alde . r the interests of the travelling public by erecting it closer to the vi 11470 than 111e old ens was, Mayor Oattmbell, of bee sol(1, bas, hardware bnslness in Toronto, and his sola, thigh, who had it, in oharge,'will re6(1(0 to town, The hydro-eleotrio Contractors have reached the corporation limits in the East End, kit, Marys, in the construe- tion of the 6Ower8. John Deacon illerryilolil, rather, of 0, 11. Mer'ryfield, the superintendent of organization 01! Ontario of sire I.0. P., died at London on Monday ink/m- ing of last week, John lVle1'ryfleld was bore in 1861,. in. Devonshire, England, and 00410 tO this country later, He learned his trade of block - smith in the town of Ingersoll, where for marry years he conducted a wagon and carriage factory, later removing to Fgllartol Corners, Where in part- nership with E. Styles, a well Known resident of Mitchell, he conducted e, carriage factory and general store, For the past 18 years hehas been living wit 11 eon, C. 11. M1rryfield, and. when he was appointed superintend - ant of the uperintend-antof.the organization of Foresters he was living with him at Monkton, • A very" pretty lvirldhlg Wray solemnized At Lne 1'004911Ni of 1uo, and Mrs, Rainey, of Carlingford, on Wednesday of lust week at high mann, when Omit. only dangbteir, Nagle, was enited•in the holy boucle of Mattis 1(OI y to John Barthel, 1)4b110 sohool teacher, idebringville, in the presence ul only a f elv 111111113810 21101(ds of the '. ,,,. beide, Ceremony ,is lc�'a i r A t r1 luecl lr y 1 y Rev. 1 Graham, of . it '0r The R'e , ll . U n tarn Av It 1, T r 1 , harpy couple. lel0 00 the atfle1'1110n.:' train for Mneknlut, and on sled' s 10tar31.they will lake nip hansek('nlling at Sebrhlgvlile. 1 YOUNG PEOPLE 'r Plan now to tinter r, The ListaWel Business „c.r;,,,�yr'.,1 at tits 000ning of the bell tarn 0'l Sept,' ✓�.9 OCh. Vrrile Por Prue. UNEalugno, mud- 1,r 20011905110015108 80 - . EDWIN 0. MATTHEWS, Principal 4®' 444+4 40444 404444 4 44444044 4 44444 4 00 4 44 44044440044 44+4 w . 9T. • 4 0 a o N 4 x 4 e1�4 National HoIFr flour Again in Full Operatinri 0 4 • O • • 4. 4. • •4 • 4 4 4 0 4 0 0 4 4 4 a O 4 4 0 4 4 4 4 0 4 4 4 O 4 O 4 00404400440440004400044040 040440404400040+0400400404 p AVING finished the necessary ri our Mill we areable ae tado and better work than ever. We have appreciated your business past and will value future patronage. We aim to please our customer's fair and honest treatment. Try having your Oats Rolled before feeding' horses. It pays, Manitoba, Blended end Ontario onralways in Stuck. repairs to more; work i11 the and promise 0 + 4 4, 4, •4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 4 0 4 4 4 ""was-- W 1'Y'1 n R. ala Pry . e •+•+•44+0+0+04-•444.04.44 •44+.90+0+04.444+++•+0+0.1.6+44.0+* O + . 4 • t. 4 + 0 S '4 m p y + • + 4 a. • 44444 44 44. 44 4 40+4.44 4.444'44.44•4.+4.k4fie.1.4.•'r04-0+' 4 • Brussels Phot: Portraits by Photography ALT. WORK GUARANTIED. Tr G. F. M I` LAND Healthy Happy Children dreg s everyday food A for growing children, good bread and butter is much more whole- some than meat. It is lighter in the stomach, more easy to digest and fur- nishes every element of health and strength necessary for the growing child, provided the flour is rich in that fine quality of high grade gluten which distinguishes Ogilvie's Royal Household Hours It is this rich nourishing element which makes children grow fat and happy when given plenty of bread made from this finest of all- flours. Children thrive on it. It puts flesh on their bones and brings the rosy flush of health to their cheeks. This is not so with bread made from inferior flours. It falls very far short of being whole food and fails to build up strong, vigorous growth. For the children's sake buy the best flour -Ogilvie's Royal Household. It counts for health and happiness.. Best and most nutritious for pastry astrY as well as for bread. "OOgs0vle's PJoolc for a Cook," with` Tx?' pages -of recipes that have beentriedand tested, will be sent free if you will send us your address and mention the name of your dealer. ' The Ogiivie Flour Mills Co., Limited, Montreal. WM. & Re A. PRYNE