HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-8-25, Page 4Or; ,01:00tig
TH,DRpaDAX, AUGUST.' m5, 1910
"Ige Dominion Alliance at Moptregl
has instituted a lively campaign nattiest
the open violation of the itpense law,
Over loo ehnrges were entered against
hotell3eepers; largely for Sunday salsa.
PRrmraa Whitney has gone to Eng-
land on a business trip, one featnre of
which will be the discussion of the
)Emigration lineation,., Other members
of the Provincial Cabinet, who are in the
Old rand, wilt glee take a band in con
sidoratibn of this important subject.
A New turn bas been given to Selva-
tion Army aittirs by the going to Eng
land of et contingent of prominent officers
from Canada for a short course in .the
Army College, located in` Old London,
Conferences will be frequently held
relative to the werk;it home and abroad.
Ait'•isxs have been touring the Great
West, securing photos of mountain and
,prairie, city and country, lake and river,
erect labieh will be utilized for moving
picture exhibitions In the United States
,,.and the Old Country. This should
bring good to the West and proves that
"" `abis nprt of the Great Dominion is : right
in theublic•e .
R Ye
Inv addressing a banquet at Montreal
Lord Brassey concluded a stirriug ad-
dress with the following patriotic sen-
tence: -One flag embraces us within its
ample folds ; we own allegiance to one
throne and no hearts beat stronger with
loyalty than do your warm Canadian
LAST week Dr. A. Smith passed away
in Toronto, aged 75 years, His name
was well known throughout the land on
account of the active interest be mani-
fested for years in connection with the
Ontario i Veterinary College. He was a
Veter a y g
native of Dalrymple, Scotland, and
received his training at Edinburgh.
Dr. Smith had been in failing health for
some time.
Prisoners Committed For Trial.
A Sensational Case
The last scene of the second act of the
now famous Usborne robbery was play-
ed in Exeter on Saturday afternoon 13th
inst., when Ryan Rowcliffe, farmer, of
the 7th line of Usborne township, the
man at whose door many offences had
been laid, came up for his final bearing
before Squire Kay, and was committed
to the December sessions at Goderich.
Chapman, his accomplice and hired
hand, lies in Goderich Jail awaiting the
sentence of ledge Doyle, of Goderidt,
before whom he has appeared. Chap-
man was committed by Squire Kay on
two charges, theft and conspiracy, to
rob. Until he was committed not a
word against bis employer would he say,
but wben sent up for trial he broke
down and charged his employer with
baving been the instigator of the series
;.of crimes that have been committed
against Usborne Township farmers for
The coining of the private detective -
his worming his way into the confiden•
ce's of the people of the township, his
working as a hired man gaining evidence
against Chapman and his employer and
the finer sceuce when Provincial Officer
Whitesides stepped in and amed with a
search warrant found loot piled high in
the second story of the Ruwcilffe farm
house -have greatly aroused the interest
ot the people of the surrounding country.
Since bis first arraignment a month ago
Rowcliffe has said not a word, neither
pleading nor electiug. His lawyer, Mr.
Dicksou, of Exeter, elected for him on
b'aeing a• double charge, theft and
conspiraby to rob, Rowcliffe has been
admitted by County Crown Attorney
Seagar, of Gorlerieb, to bail at $3,000.
When first arrested on the charge of
theft Rowcliffe was released on 82,000
bail,ehis own recognizance for $I,000
and two sureties for $500 each being ac-
cepted. 'When the second charge that
----e.L oi>spiracy to steal was laid against
bite the Drown attorney demanded 8t000.
more personal bail.
The case has been one of the most
sensational robbery I l r bbcases ever held in
Western Ontario. For some time fbiev-
ing ha& been going on in Usborne.
Fanners have been missing harness,
grain, parts of machinery, etc.
The thieving became so prominent
that last Winter a private detective was
employed on the, case and nearly a
month ago effected the arrest of two
men, Byman Rotdcliffe, a farmer. on
the 7th eon.; of Usborne township, and
James Chapman, his hired man, Pro-
vincial Detective Whitesides, of Hensel!,
made the arrests.
'L'he two man have appeared before
Squire Kay, of Exeter, several times,
but until Friday Chapman would say
natbing'to implicate his employer; On
Friday he turned Kings evidence and
accused Itis employer of being the in-
stigator'of the thievery and of being the
main mover in tbe whole affair.
.The story of how the crime was fast-
ened on the shoulders of the two men
sounds like a page from a detective
:nary. A private detective early last
Winter ade his entry into the scene of
to to u v
the robberies, He 'worked first as a
"farmer," then by degrees he worked
1115 way into the secrets of the two men.
u his .visits to the farm, apparently to
doto helpin- the work of
odd jobs and�
the farm, he found evidence enough to
e ie d ore of • Cha man
laythe ern to the 4 p
and his employer,
Then the proviirckal'ofiicer took hold
o"visitto he farm
t tee vaso and paid a v si t
presumably to by It. He was shown
over the lands and barns and then asked
to be taken through the House. .Row-
cliffe took' him through thelowerstory of
pp gefneed to ailgw hint
Oil go upergir$. L'ile oflieer then pre.
*owed htta ea ''elft dud a sesi'011' wsrfant
end searched tea upper story, >inditee.
three piles til' articles that breve 01000
heat) identified by neighbors es baking*
inif to them.
A former Drusseilte
In the Far North.
The Winnipeg Free Press of August
lath speaks as •follows of an interview
with a former town boy :-
A. Kneohtel, of the Dominion de-
partment of forestry, who returned on
Tuesday from a trip of some weeks'
aeration through the territory which
will be opened up by the construction
of the Hudson Bay 'railwey, gave an
interesting account of his journey.
"Through the courtesy of his excel.
lettey," said Mr. Knecbtel, "I was per.
milted to •conic to Winnipeg on the
Wolverine;, in company with Countess
Grey and Lady Evelyn. I found the
pountess very. much interested in the
forestry work being done by the Do-
minion government, and found her very
Observant of the species. forms and
habits of growth of the different trees.
"Oxford House, which was the most
Northerly point I touched, is Southwest
of and four Clays' journey from Hudson
bay. '1'be trip was an official one. The
department has quite recently establish-
ed tinder my direction three parties,
consisting of four men each ; one party
to operate from the Pas along the pro-
posed line of the Hudson Bay railway ;
another to operate along the Nelson
river to Split lake ; and the third to
work around between Norway House
and Oxford House, and from there out
towards Hudson bay. I went to Oxford
House to establish one of these parties,
the other two- having previously been
"Their duties are, in the Summer
time, to post fire notices printed in
English and in Cree, along the main
routes of travel, and to meet travellers
and instruct them with regard to the.
great necessity of putting their camp
fires out before leaving them, In case
a fire occurs, the party baving charge
of that district are supposed to do their
best to extinguish it. In the Summer
they will travel mostly with canoes. in
the Winter with dog trains. 'There
Winter work will be to locate and to
prepare a map of all tracts of timber
laud, giving in each case an estimate of
the kinds, quantities and qualities of
timber, with special mention of localities
where tie and bridge timber may be
secured. I was much surprised to find
the shores alongmy-ronte so well timber-
Pllt €vltitough fbo timbal+ 10 m ativ Of
alIall tiitueuslous, - It consists ebiefly of
Smite &prnce, ink pipe, poplar and
white birch, I did net potlee much
merchantable timber t but if the rhea
are kept ant it should in tints become
very valuable,
rt4T ee or Trie cotnera'e
"My route lay along the line of the
proposed Hudson's Bay railway The
groend is mostly flet, although In pieces
the banes of the river ascend to a height
of More then one hundred 'feet, Iu
places the soil is arable.
"I do not think that the country is
eeitable for raisingwheat, since Summer
treats are frequent ; but probably barley
tied oats might be grown, In a garden
at Norway house, I noticed the following
vegetables growing luxuriantly 1 --
Potatoes, pens, onions, carrots, beets,
lettuce and radishes. Red currants
were aleo hatigil,g on the bushes iu
great gitantities."
Miss Margaret Murray, aged le, died
at the residence of ber uncle, Denis!
Murray, five miles West of Luckuow, on
Wednesday of last week, in consequeuee
of driuking Tartar Emetic, a poisonous
medicine, wrongly dispensed for Roch-
elle Salts,
This is, in brief, the story of one of
the most lamentable incidents inxecent
local history, Miss Murray, who was a
denghter of J. D. and Mrs. Murray, of
Detroit, was, with ber parents, sister
and brother, ou a re.tinion.visit to Luck -
now, Her father and sister returned to
Detroit two weeks ago, On Monday of
last week she went to Lueknow,in com-
pany with her cousin, and purchased in
11. G. Armstrong's drug store a small
quantity of medicine supposed to be
Rochelle Salts. Returning to her un-
cle's she drank a quantity of this, re-
marking at the time that it did not seem
l like the medicine she had asked for.
Imrnediately she became violently i11.
Emetics were promptly administered,
amt medical help was summoned. but
without avail to save ber life. She died
on Wednesday afternoon.
Coroner Milne, of Blyth, was notified,
After viewing the remains he summon-
ed a jury for an inquest, and an exhaus-
tive inquiry was conducted by Crown
Attorney, Seager. of Goderich. A num.
ber of witnesses were examined. The
evidence went to slow that the lap
error which -caused Miss M nr ay's
death was not due to careless dispensing
on the part of the druggist, but to the
sccidentel placing of the poisonous drug
only a short time previously, in the shelf
bottle intended for the Rochelle Salts,
At the time when this was done the
latter bottle was empty. - Two medicines
and the labels on the two bottles, are
very similar in appearance ; and an
F. R. Smith makes an Important Connection with the Larg-
est Co -Operative Corporation in America, Backed by
Men Doing an Annual Business Amounting to
F. R. Smith has with characteristic
enterprise, demonstrated his ability to '
keep well abreast of the times by con-
necting himself with the largest drug-
gists' co-operation in America. The
men connected with this enterprise do
a yearly business aggregating over
875,000,000, which well emphasizes its
soundness and magnitude.
About three thousand retail drug-
gists throughout the United States
and Canada baveorganized themselves
as a co-operative company for thepur-
pose of producing a line of medical
preparations which they recommend,
absolutely guarantee and back up
with their own names and personal
reputations. The formulas of these
remedies are throughly known to
every one of these druggists and the
ingredients of each will be truthfully
described to the public and the reme-
dies sold with the distinct understand-
nderstanding that their purchase price will be
instantly refunded without question
or quibble if they fail to benefit the
One thousand diffe'ent forrnulas
were turned oval. to the company.
Each formula being selected because
and proved value and:
of its tested a
reputation, gained
through continued and successful use
by prominent physicians.
A research committee of expert
chemists and physicians made a most
thorough and exhaustive test of each
one of these one thousand prescriptions
until they had selected about three
hundred as being the very best and
most dependable known to medical
science, each for the treattnent end
cnre of a particular ailment.
These three hundred remedies are
now manufactured by the company,
which is known as tits United Ding
Go., Boston, Maas„ and united Drug
Go„ Limited, Toronto, Canada, in the
largest, moat modern and best equip-
ped pharmaceutical laboratories in
The tremenclous output of this pom-
pany enables it to purchase drugs,
herbs and other necessary material in
very large quantities. The cm -opera, -
tion and professional advice of 3000
leading druggi
sts gueratitees the highr
quality of everything used anti guar-
antees that only formulas of extra-
ordinary merit are used in the- mane-
faetiwiug of their products,
The preparations of the company
are shipped direct to the retail drug-
gists w
tats what are connected ith thr.
enterprise. Thua their absolute 'fresh
Hess 1s assured, it is impossible for
their �n litY todeternlitter
there e a
tnnidl men snrjobbers' profits to be
added to their coat, and the pnbhe can
obtain these prnduets at actual emit of
rtianufaeture, plus a single retail
O„ O• P'
Grand Deputy' Master
assistant whet) placirih a shipment of
drugs ou the shelves simply misread the
label pertaining to this one particular
parcel, After due 'consideration the
jury returned a verdict in accordance
with this evidence. • •'
Mr. Armstrong had been in business
for four years and his ea'efulness and
ability as a dispenser of drugs has never
been questioned. He,natu•ally feels his
position keenly, but he is exonerated
from all crimitfal- negligence in the
J, D, Murray, father of the deceased,
was at one time a resident of Lueknow.
He moved to Detroit 24 years ago and
is now prominently connected with the
firm of Elliott, Taylor & Wolfe. Noti-
fied of his daughter's condition he and
the remaining sister returned with all
speed but too late to see her living. The
deceased young lady was beautiful and
accomplished, and was web mumu in
Lucknuw because of many annual Sunt,
mer visits paid there in company with
her sister.
The circumstances of this case are
inexpressibly sad, and deep sympathy is
extended to the stricken family i5 its
bereavemen t.
Montreal will spend half a million dol-
lars on permanent sidewalks.
Miss Sarah Merrydue, an English girl
from Toronto, wasdrowned. at Shanty
Bay. .
The . Liberals of Russell, Manitoba,
have decided to protest the election of
A. L. Bonnycastle to the Provincial
'rhe Grand Trunk Railway Company
was fined $5o and costs on each of
thirteen charges of violating the immi-
gration laws at Sarnia.
The masons and bricklayers at work
on the new Parliament buildings at Re -
ghee have gone on strike because the
contracting firm employing them is in-
volved in a labor dispute at Montreal,
Negotiations are going ou between the
Canadian Pacific and Canadian Northern
which may result in an agreement by
which the Canadian Northern will use
the C. P. R. passenger terminals in
One noticeable feature of this busi-
ness, and a very commendable one, is
that no one remedy Manufactured by
this company is a "cure-all." Each
one of the 300 different remedies is a
known and dependable specific fur a
pertiealar aillnent. The confidence of
the druggists interested in this enter- I
prise is unquestionably demonstrated
by this guarantee, which is printed
on every package : "The United Drug
On., Limited, and The Rexall Store
selling this preparation guarantee it
to give satisfaction. If It does not, go
back to the store where you bought it
and get your money- it belongs to •
you, and we want you to have it."
This is certainly an innovation that
must appeal to the people of Brussels.
Itinsures safety and satisfaction 3m-'
cause Our own local druggist, F. 7b.
Smith, who is an well known and
highly respected for his integrity, is
connected with this enterprise anti is
staking his own personal reputation
on the quality of these remedies, and
the very frankness with which he
takes the people of Brussels into his'
confidence insures an unprecedented
success for these remedies, which are
sold under the trade -name Rotel'
which means King -of -All. ll. Fr
reports coming from fin
A n
thousands of
towns and cities, the Rexall Remedies
are certainly demonstrating their full
title to the name.
Those who have previnusl refused
to buy proprietory medicines because
there was no evay of ascertaining
their ingredients; can now pnrnhase
Rexall Remedies, theformulas of
which they can have for the asking.
Besides, they are sold by a concern
personally known to you and located
right here in our own town, who gnat'
altee9 thatthey are in every way as.
represented or they will cost nothing.
Rexall Dyspepsia. Tablets are one of
the first of the three hundred remedies
which are being introduced, Anyone
in Brussels who gaffers fi•oin stomach
derangement, indigestion or dyspepsia
8110014 not hesitate t0 try this Rexall
leetnedy when they are so highly
tecomnieldecl and backed with such a
stc a
R m guarantee.
F. R. Smith is so well and favorably
known for his sterling honesty and
s u
.e dealing that we
predict a great
emcees for hint with the Rexall Rem-
edies, and he is to be heartily congrat-
ulated in bringing this .res anrl.
g g
modern business enterprise to Brus-
We urge all who flirt be in need of
prepared medicines to call on
Smith and leant aboutexalt - td*
Re Tie
office. IS'nttiptist of this sort should
be encouraged.
-.Ex-Mayor, George Mackendrick,
druggist, died al 'Kincardine Sunday,
after an illness of a few weeks.
He was a son of the late Matthew Mack
endrick, the first -postmaster of Kia-
cardiae, and was born in Hamilton up-,
wards of sixty years ago. He was
a public spirited citizen and endeavored
to advance the interests of tbe tuwn..
He occupied at different times the posi-
tions ot Chairman of the Board of Edu-
cation. of the board of Trade, was
Mayor during the years of 1900 and
0900 and Chairman of the Hospital
Board at the time of his death; Her
was a Conservative in politics and a
member of the Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Mackendriek never married,
opege- ada
.0,42/ei ate
.. 1
t - cf=-=
The feeling o f ease which comes
with the possession of a bank -book is
something not to be despises] -no
el" what our position dr pros-
ects Y 11
A batik account eliminates worry
luld care- causes you bo feel that you
have souiebhimg to fall back upon in
s' .. -� f-1 1.
, li k
✓•,e�4ga� , ,,
• ' ' i -
a W el
I -
l g'f ,R e`'RR,
t4 a'i
I' 9-fE
an instance of emergency. •
One Dollar will start an account:.
Wilson Ryan Sub-AgentWroxeter
Jey'' _
Western Fair
Sept. - -. 9th to 17th, 1910
$25,000 in Prizes and Attractions
The Great Live Stock Exhibition
Speed Events Dog Show Athletic Day
Every Day Cat Show Monday
.Music by the 9ist Highlanders and 7th Fusiliers
Better Than Ever MISS IT 1 Each
Reduced Ratesver -All
O Railways
PrItO Lists, Entry Foorman and an tnformatioprroo
W, J. RETD, President A. M: AUNT, Secretary,
.. .
Brussels Carriage Factory
have two show room& filled with a better sample of Buggies than they have
ever had In tbe past, The Buggies have all the latest improvements, with
nice high 14 ittcll curved dashes, with solid brass rails, all silver plated,
whit clash supports on both sides; This prevents the dash from h take 5'bselevated•
age whatever, Bodies of Buggies are all 56 it g
seats, all trimmed with the best hand -buffed leacher, sprint; backs' and
cushions with double rows of springs. The latter saves sagging of the
cusbion. There are fine high side -pads which mattes the seat both roomy
and ev€ufortable,' Wheels are the highest grade with XXX s Rafts, r We
build ante cue grade of Buggies acid that is the BEST, Also have a I of
arched -axle Buggies with auto seats which 'sell itt sight. Everybody is
welcome to call and examine our stock.
Remember we put on all kinds of Rpbber Tires -both Solid and
Cushion. Repairing of Rubber Wheels done promptly 55 we keep a first
class machine for the purpose.
While thanking our numerous customers for past patronage we invite
all to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere,
D. Ewan.
Exeter......... ..... ..............Sept, 79, 20
Fordwich ,.,,... ,.....Oct. 1
Guelph Sept. 20, 21, 22
Goderich Sept. 19, 20, 21
Sept, eq. 3o
Sept, 21, 22
Oct. 6, 7
Sept, 22. 23
Sept. 20, 21
Sept. -17
Sept. 09, 3o
Sept, 2, 21
Oct, 3 and 4
.Ont, 4, 5
Oot. 6, 7
Oct. 6, 7
- 0
• 1lVinghalrn
t Business
• i
t College m
• 0
Harrlaton • Is a .link in Canada's Greatest •
Kincardine ........... •• Oha]n of High Grade Colleges
Kirktou • founded during the past twenty- Z.
Luckuow. p • six years. Thischain is the larg- •
: est trainers of young people in :
Lo 0 Canada and it is freely admitted ,p
Milverton • that its graduates getthe best •
Mt.Folrest Sept. 28, 29pdsitfona. There is a a'easnu ;
Mildmay Sept. 26, 27 • tvmte fm• it. •
A diploma from o
Ottawa Sept. 9-17 • [bcinoic n uevOi nal da is a l0asspo -
Palmerston Sept. 27, 28 �, to success.
4, 5
Ripley Sept. t27. 28 0
St. Marys Sept. 27, 28 •
Seafortu Sept. 22, 23.
atratfori Sept. 25.16
'!'pronto Aug, 27 to Sept. 12 A
Tavistock Sept. r9, 20 •
Teeswater .Oct. 5, 6 0
Tiverton......,........ ...... ........Oct. 4 0
WoodstockSeSept. 19, 20 pt. 21, 22, 23 •
Walkerton ...... Oct. 15, 16 •
• Business College m
O CHAS. W. BURNS, Principal :
• 0E0, SPOTTON, President e•
0 .
FOR SALE -Part Lot 24, Oon. 8, Grey, con. 0•..•...... .......... *O.. d.
taining`I5 nares more or less, with two
houses and barn close to Village of Ethel
Apply to SAMUEL ORA M13ERS, Ethel, Ott
You may study partly at house•
and finish at the College.'
Enter anyday.
Fell Term opens August 29th•
The People's Column
FOR SALE. -A very valuable piece of prop-
erty in London on Pottereburg Hale street
South. Rouse, barn and 6 tares of land, For
farther partioulrrs apply at THEPosm Publish.
ing House, Brussels. 41-tf
ALE. Undersign-
ed offers her house and lot for sale In the
village of Ethel. 3j acre of lend, comfortable
house, cistern, well, stable. orchard, &c.
Possession about August 10th. Will also sell
furniture. For further particulars apply on
the premises to MRS, JAS. LAIRD, Ethel. of .
ed offers for sale a 35 acre' of land, Turn -
berry street North, Brussels, upon which is a
comfortable house and good stable, fruit trees,
well, &c. Possession on short notice. For fur-
ther particulars es to price, terms, &c., apply
to WALTER W1LBEE, prop., Brussels, 61-lf
FARM FOR SALE. -The undersigned offers
for sale, his 100 acre farm, being Lot 80,
(]on. 16, Grey. About 70 aerea cleared, balance
in swamp, Soares In Pall wheat, 81 acres seed-
ed down. Fall plowing Is being done, On the
farm is aframe house, henic.barn, driving shed,
good orchard and drilled well. Diose to post-
oritee, church and school. For further pardon -
lora apply to JOHN OSBORNE, Proprietor,
or 11'. S. Scott, Brussels.
eAiIM•F005 farm, SALE.-T1m. 100 acre far, be-
ing the property of the late Peter McNeil,
Lot 28, (Jon. 14, Grey, is offered for ease by the
undersigned. There are 86 acres cleared, bal-
ance well timbered. On the farm there is a
good bank barn, large driving shed end a 0011a-
fortable house. Moe in good condition add
well fenced. For further particulars apply to
utors, Oranbrook P. O, ,,or 1'. S. SCOTT, Brus-
sels. s-tr
Notice le hereby given that a By-leay was
passed by the council of the Village of Brus-
sels on the First day of August, A. D. 1010,
providing for the nape of debentures to the
amount of 12710120 for the purpose of Tele.
phone Oonstrnotion and maintenance and that
such By -Law was registered in the Registry
Office of the County of Huron an the Bbli day
of Au 1510.
Anymotion to quash oraside a tits nm
or anyh part thereof must be made within aro
not bei from the eaft r. registration and oat-
iaot made thereafter.
Dated this 5111 day of August, 1010,
5.0 F. S. SCOTT, Olerlt.
FARMS FOR SALE. -Lots 25 and 22, Con. Id,
McKillop, and Lob 28 on the 18th Conces-
sion. Lots 21 and. 22 compose tate Gardiner
homestead and contains about 180. acres, all
first-class land, well fenced, well tile drained
and has 16 acres of ;mod hardwood limit ; good
comfortable buildings with all modern lar
provolcents ; plenty of good spring water and
a good bearing Gaillard.rd. This is one of the
choicest hrrne in the County of Duron and
will ba sold on terms to snit ppurcimser, Lot
28 eontalns 126 eorea with smallhonse and barn
all In pasture and has been for years. There
are ten novae of good bush en this tarn. For
further particulars apply to ALEX, GARDIN-
ER, Walton P. O•, or on the premises. 45.5f
vxtgti rtrr2w- Vma`?isir4 t.-arA Yat'ai0/at CENTRAL '
Fall Ter
m from Lug. , 29.
� r
eeb and
[newel Inca mThere tetter In the Dominion. Qur
,. courses are thorough andpraetlonl ourtonobers are experienced and vanAiAt
Qdrae eattttospositona'
*r COmmerolal 1
roto�•haritty #Nana
,e Write at once for our free catalogue,
O. A. McLAOHLAN, Principal.
The undersigned desires to
purchase a large quantity of
well graded Va ool and e0 se-
cure Lltat quality is prepared.
to give a rash price in Ad-
vance of the regular mar-
ket of aG least 2 Cents.
In exchange for goods will
g O g 1.
give ,t further advance of
'2 Cents.
Wool must be in prime con-
dition to secure the above
prices, Bring it along for
inspectinit and get the top
notch figure.
J. T. Wood
Excelsior Knitting Factory
At your home without
pain, danger or operation,
My method will cure ap-
parently hopeless cases no
matter what your age is
or how long ruptured,
Why wait until your rup-
ture becomes strangulated
when you can be cured i'
Age Time Rap......,..s.
Single or. Double'
Name ,.... „ ..... .....,
nntl return to
as Caledonia t,
Dept, A Stratford, Ont.