HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-8-18, Page 7' (7
How All Women Dan Preserve Good
A Chubby Little Bay Who Rules Over
China's 400,000,000 Peopfo,
.A round,, chubby, fat little Chinese
boy mica China's 400,000,000 peopie,
Of course this baby does not issue
WHAT THE FOX THOUGHT, the ediets from the peacock throne,
e ill 'and Goold Looks, nor wield the vermilionencil. Never.
Nat hada very exciting sto]y to tireless, tbia filly youngster sits on
tell to Ned—a1.1 about how he had Too many women and girls look the wonderfully carved dragon thronebeen clown in the ]ower field and had' aril long before they should. n of gold and lacquer and represents
seen a fox, and bevy the fox had nine eases cut et ten it is a matt -el. the supreme power of the empire, tem.
cantered off and disappeared of health, porarily vested in his father, Prince
in the Work, warty, confine- Chun, the Regent. When be ascend -
ground, meet indoors and lack of exercise., ed the throne in December, 1906, he
I found the hole, seed Nae, cause the health to run down. , was not quite three years old, so that
eagerly, `"ase we'll get the hired Then faces became thin and pule,, Inthenatural order of things his
man Jn to go with os tonight and dig lines anti n•rinkles appear, there reign should be a long one, His title
nut the little one l We just time are headaches, baelcacllee incl ai is 'Emperor l'ttl }burin -bung,
aiaw for the little foxes to be in the constant feeling of t!i'edness, If ,little Hsuan-tong achieves hi
t and actually. cornea into hl
h2 ts1 Mr. Cummins says!) Women and girls who foal well • thorthemene,yit. will be clue to the grey
The boys father hadlook well, Therefore improve our
3 icier them T your principle of filial piety and love the
of a little tame fox he used to have health and you will look better. It, is, after a11, the real power that hold
when ho was a boy, anti over since is a fact that thousands of Canadj-i the empire together, The first tene
3t: at and Ned had bets, wild to get an wornon and gills owe the robust of filial love is loyalty to the em
a baby fox to "beingu " health they enjoy to Dr, 'Williams' , peror, who is absolutely looked upot
p' l as the "father and mother of his poo
Jackson, the sited man, agreed to fink Pills. They feel well and en- pie," for ho and only ho may "inter
ge with. that evening when his' it;v life as only a healthy person . code for thorn at the throne of Heaven
work was done, timed seven o'clock. can. and only he may, receive direct mer
' found theta :et The hole in•he lc The simple reason for this is sages from the Divine One.
t field,'
lone of them saw a Nair of. sharp: that Dr, Williams Pink Pills make, nor the unwritten Iaws of th"
eyes eve; rich red blood which Empire of China this baby is an abso
13realsine It Gently.
Simpkins always was soft-hearted,
and when it devolved upon llim to.
break the news gently of Jones'
drowning to the bereaved Mrs. Jones
le cost him much paper, ink end 'pea before he sent the following:
"Dear Mrs. Ponos—Your husban,f
cannot come home to -day because hie
bathing suit was washed away,
'"P,S,—Poor Sones was inside the
"Do you think it a .wise Thing to
send a boy away to college, Binks?
asked I?.ippleton.
"Oh, yes," replied Rinks, "Teaches
]rim independence."
"But doesn't he get out of ouch
with home influence:Y' persisted Rip-
s pletOn.
t' • "Not altogether," said Binbs, "He
t gots away from the home influences;.
e but the,'touch' goes on forever."
Probably True,
1 A isw Irishman shipped as one of
' the crew on a revenue cruiser, His
- turn at the wheel came round, ocd
after e. somewhat eccentric session in
• the pilothouse he found himself the
butt of no little humor below,
Begorrali," he growled at last,
t`and ye needn't talk. I bet I done
-' more sterrhl' ie tin minutes 'n ye
done in yer howl watch!"
3 watching from the bushes, t ' /Me despot—a paternal despot, how
• It was hard work digging in the strengthens all •the vital organs, ; ever, for the whole system of Govern
gott soil, and, dear when nhe l ofbeings healthtothe cheekhtness to , bracingt} ideal of theSelawsr of the homer and
got to the and of the little tunnele
n the ground thsro was a greatdie strength to every part of the body. fami]y. A the head of a family is
appointment in store for Nat and Mrs, Warren Wright, Una, Sask., 'the "despot" of his house, so the Ern-
Ned—there ed -there wore no foxes there 1 says: "I feel that I owe a debt of i parer of China is the "despot" of his
The osv-e f r 'orf time sharp eyes stole gratitude to Dr. Williams' Pink coiled h the is
s mitsler
tns and
softly arm rand if she lead any rills that nothing I can say In and his family so long as he lives,
thoughts epee the subject, and I'm their favor will fully repay. I was Little Pu Yi, therefore, becomes the
quite eure she did,this is what redeem.] in health and strength; sire, the father of all the Sons of
they were : "What tupid folks .to that I was hardly able to walk at' Han, as the Chinese call themselves.
go to all that trouble without final all, and could do no work what-' His authority is a Divine right, and
eves' blood was a thin and, he fs the "source of lair and the town.
Ing out beforehand something about My1 tainhead of authority, and the owner
the habits of foxes ! Then they watery that my lips and finger tips' by Divine right of every foot of land
would have known that we always resembled those of a. corpse. T had; and every dollar's worth of property
• take our babies and scamper off to almost constant headaches, and the, in the empire.", His empire has no
kola number two as soon as we find sroallest exertion would set my i national debt. What is needed for
that somebody has discovered hole heart palpitating violently, and on revenus he collects, for all the wealth
number one. That .is our protec- tell 1 would drop in a faint. Nothing of the empire is his, and the services
tion.". I did seemed to help me in the least' of all hie subjecte (between the ages
, and I felt so far gone that I never Us the 1G and Go) he may claim. He is
servant of the Divine Befn and
ON THE BRIDGE. expected to recover my health. II all his subjects are his servants; so it
was in this critical condition when; comes about that the religion of his
"Who was it thought about build- 1 read in a newspaper of a cure in! empire is based upon filial piety. It
R ing this?" asked Ted, as he looked a ease like mine through the lase of is taught in every household' and
down from, the car -window as the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I de= every school of the land, and the re-
train crept out over the big bridge, tided to tr them. T of a half! wards that come to Chinese subjects
"It is hard to say.whoy g are based upon exec tronal acts of
thought w p
dozen boxes and before 1 used them, flial piety, which ate invar]ably
about the first bridge," said his fa- all there was a great change, in my brought to the emperor's attention,
d au/specie, fie the first ti a
pP ma condition. My appetite returned, and title and distinguishmant are meabridge was made some one threw the color began to come back to my / ed out to those who are versed in the
some great stones into the water lips and face, and my strength was, sacred edicts of the ancient emperors,
- and walked over on them; or they increasing. I continued the use of or who by their lives and examples
broke down a tree and laid it acrossthe Pills for some time longer and
show marked virtues of loyalty to the
the space and crawled across to the
other side."
"And then what?" asked Ted,
who always wanted the entire store-,
and sometimes more.
"Next they probably heaped the
f: stones so they could pass over
Nie deeper water, and they bound lon-
ged boughs together."
"And then "
i "Well, and then they kept adding
atones or boughs and putting them.
together in better fashion until the
time came when they could build
such a bridge as this, or the great
Forth Bridge that you read about,
or Puntoon Bridge in Calcutta.
"Oh, it is just making them bet-
ter and better—just from a little'?"
said Tecl, taking his first lesson in
the progress of structure.
"Yes, that is the way great things
grow—great men try to make the
things we need and make them bet-
,' •' tor• '
le -
Famous Woman as Vegetarians.
The Countess of 'Warwick is one of
the latest converts to a vegetarian
diet. One is inclined to believe that
her ladyship bas renounced fresh food
in order to preserve the superb lines
of her figure. Lady Warwick was get-
ting very soot before she adopted a
vegetarian diet. Since then her sur -
phis fat has melted away.
Mme. Sarah Bernhardt renounced
flesh ,food for the reason that she
found a vegetarian diet was condu.
rive to a more youthful appearance.
She now eats nothing but uncooked
foods. Vegetables are grated raw and
made into delicious combinations of
salads for her. She eats raw peanuts
and uncooked cereals and avoids
wines and all other alcoholic bever-
Among other well known women
vegetarians are the Czarina of Russia,
P!•ineess George el Greece, Cleo de
Memel% Marie Corelli and Mme. Mate
terrine]. t.
As Others See Her.
Ifer Sweetheart—The dearest little
woman in all the world.
Mother—If she would only regard
my wishes more.
Father—She's cost enough to bring
up, still—
Rrother—She'd be all right if she'd
take rt little advice from me.
Gee-feist—Thank heaven for put-
ting Buell a glorious creature on
Old Friend—She's a fine girl, but
elm is changeable.
Disappointed Lover—She talks too
Rival—Her figure's all right, thanks
' to her dressmaker.
p Cynic --Pooh 1 She's like all the
]lfrtid--1 know why she appears se
ece ntitul,
Her Husband Was Not In.
'"Husband in?" asked the gas col-
lector cheerfully,
",No," answered the woman; "he
beet at house,"
"Eni acting hila soon?" asked the
Well," (he women replied thought,
fully, ' L don't know exactly. 1'Ve
been looking for him seventeen
years, and .he hasn't turned up yet,
travel about a good deal, and if
you y see a hint who looks at though
he'd make, a pretty goad husband tell
hit l'r-m still awaiting t'nd tend rum
theyrestored me to the ink ofper-sayings' n`•`•`
p sayings of Confucius comprise the
feet health. While using the Pills' theology of filial piety, and discus -
I gained twenty pounds in weight. aims and even quarrels are settled
Isla cure was made in the summer by a quotation from the laws of the
of 1909, and I am now enjoying bet- sage. Only the emperor's family and
ter health than ever before," relatives possess entailed titles of no-
D-•. Williams' Pink'Pills will do bility—all other ranks are designated
Inv other weak and worn women by achievements in the classics or
notable acts of 'Piety. The empire of
just what they did for Mrs, Wright, China is the most perfect model of a
of they are given a fair trial. Sold, socialistic body in the world and the
by all medicine dealers or by mail most imperfect
cnitsis actual
at 10 cents a. box or six boxes for piracy
59.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- injustice and extortion are in evidence
divine Co,, Brockville, Ont.
Pa—"Worldly wisdom, my 'son, is
a perfect knowledge of the failings
of our teighbols.
Some men are loved for the ene-
mies they have made, but more are
loved for the dollars they have in-
Comfort for the Dyspeptic.—
There is no ailment so harassing
and exhausting as dyspepsia, which
arises from defective action of the
stomach and liver, and the victim
of it is to be pitied. Yet he can
find ready relief in Parmelee's Ve-
getable Pills, a preparation that
has established itself by years of
effective use. There are .pills that
are widely advertised as the great-
en; ever compounded, but not one
'elf them can rank in value with
"That's just like a man."
"What is?"
"Never hungry, except on the
nights when I have a picked -up
If it is not,Wilson's, it is not a
fly pad. Every pneket of the genu-
ine Wilson's Fly Pads is guaranteed
to hill more Ifiev than three hundred
sheets of sleety !tepee. Avoid itni-
tlltiolls and dissat efaetion.
James—"When I broached matu•i-
teeny, she dismissed the subject
with a word."
Havey—"What did she say "
Have you tried Holloway's Corn
Cure 1 It has no equal for remov-
ing these troublesome excresences
as many have testified who have
tried it.
With a man, as with a watch, it's
the works that count.
Mlnard'8 Ltntthent Cures Distemper.
Arid the more ehildren a woman
bits the less time she has fol' attend-
ing inrrfher's meetings,
Your Drumulot. 5ST1I1 Tell Ten
Tfntlno l;ye Remedy Retie ea Sore T.ycn,
Strengthens Weak NJYas. Doesn't Sanart,
Soothes ;'lye fain, and Sells far ere, Try
emeriti in Your Byes and In- limey's
10'es for Sealy Tdyelids and Uranulattofi,
wherever the strong dominate the
weak and impoverished.
Prince Chun, the regent, is a man
of ability and commanding presence.
He ' is highly educated and is not
averse to adopting the ways of for-
eigners. It was he who, was sent to
Germany to apologize to the Kaiser
for the murder of Baron Von Met -
tier, the German ambassador, whose
depth precipitated the advance of the
allied armies upon Pekin at the time
of the Boxer revolution and the siege
of the legations in 1900. Prince Chun
is, therefore, the only man who ever
wielded imperial power in China who
has traveled abroad.
The Stationer.
"Stationery" has etymologically as
much to do with standing as has "eta.
Denary." The original stationers, or
stationari, were so called because they
sold their books upon stalls or "sta-
tions"—in Landon round about old St,
Paul's Cathedral., in some cases
against the walls 05 the cathedral it-
self. This is one of many trades the
names of which have no direct allu-
sion to the commodities sold, "Gros
cers," for instance, were so called eith-
er 'because they sold "en gros," whole-
sale, or because they were "engross-
ers," monopolizers.—London Chron-
Candied Flowers.
Rosebuds boiled in sugar and made
into a preserve are eaten by Arabians,
while in China candied rosebuds and
lamina flowers aro equally popular.
The common yellow lily that grows
In marshes and ponds is utilized by
the Turks as the main ingredient of
an agreeable Conserve, Candied vio-
lets axe very common in France,
while in Roumania and Bulgaria
many flowers are used for flavoring.
The condnetor put bis head though
the doorway.
Can't you move up to the frost a
little"r" he pathetically inquired.
"Impossible!" a clear voice called
back. "There's a fat man wedged in
the aisle."
whereupon a hasty move up the
aisle ensued, and the situation was
promptly relieved,
'"Brother Titewadd is the stingest
member this church ever had."
"How can you say se? Didn't he
give you that beautiful memorial win.
ddbw ?"
Fie did, And why? So he could be
gazing at it with a benevolent and
rapt expression when we are passing
the contribution plate."
"I thought you said the water
wasn't ever my head," spluttered the
new pupfi who couldn't swim when
he had been pulled out of the ten
foal tapir.
"It wilen't over your head when
yon esked lne," replied the smart at-
The Outlook.
1 'You were very cold last evening,"
phoned the young man to the girl he
liad called on. Then be added ane
iously, "What's the outlook for to-
Fair and 'warmer to -night,” came
the answer promptly.
To many people the word Ha
vans, as applied to cigars, mean
• something fine to smoke. The
would hiirdly believe that there ar
30.000 bales of tobaecc on the Islan
of Cuba to -day that is practical}
, The selection of the proper lea
' is a science that is acquired one
by the student in tobacco, and
takes years of study.
Even after the leaf has been well
selected it can be spoiled in the
manipulation. Two manufacturer's,
cele t a
,� pYmay c.
Vega of Havana tobacco that is
very fine, one of them will,will take
all the odd numbers and the other
all the even numbers, they will
make the same shape, weight and
style, but the cigars will be entire-
ly different in taste, because one
has not exercised the same care in
the dipping of the tobacco in the
water, has stripped it too quickly.
nor allowing it to properly absorb
and draw through, has dried it too
quickly, has dampened it too much
because some of it became too dry,
has given it to his workmen when
it was either too dry, or too soft
and has eventually turned out a
poor cigar from a good piece of
The house of "Payne of Granby"
enjoys a very enviable reputation
for their individuality in their ci-
gars for the uniform blend and
taste and the exquisite workman-
ship, as. no smoker of their
"Pharaoh" cigar has ever found
one that drew hard.
Al] of the employees in "T. Bruce
Payne, Limited," factory have
learned their trade in the factory,
their foremen have been promoted
from the ranks of the cigar makers
and are stock holders in the busi-
They have recently introduced a
new high grade line called "Lords
of Canada," that goes over the
counter at ten cents straight that
is winning a great reputation for
its generous size and. exquisite
taste, bringing repeat orders, al-
though owing to its cost to manu-
facture no money is being spent on
aclveetisi.:g it.
Inlpctus to the J 'histrial Develop
went of the Provilree,
Tlie organization of the Canada
Machinery Corporation etas more
than usual interest from an On-
tario standpoint, inasmuch as all
the companies included have grown
with the country from Very small
beginnings to the point where they
are the largest coneorns of their
kind, not only in Ontario, ,but in
the whole of Canada.
The town of ,Galt has been the
great centre in Canada for the
manufacture of woodworking ma -
cls nory and tools, and the grosvtll
of the industry there and in neigh-
boring towns has been of the steadi-
e,t and soundest character, Ever
duce the woodworking machinery
husiness in Canada was big enough
to be known, the name of Mr, R.
MacGregor has been closely assoei-
• ated with it, and it was under his
direction that the leading compan-
ies included in the consolic:ation be.
came knower by the lines of machin-
ery they manufactured from one
end of Canada to the other.
Mr. MacGregor, as well as all the
other men who have had practical
experience in the different compan-
ies included in the consolidation are
being identified with the Canada
Maphinery Corp., and as the re -or-
ganization plan provkles for ample
waking capital of .the new com-
pany, the development of the wood-
working machinery and tool manu-
facturing of Canada should be much
greater than it has ever been at any
previous period.1rF
If leen had fur women would have
a. lot of fun rubbing it the wrong
"By Medicine Life May be Pro-
onged."—So wrote Shakespeare
nearly three hundred years ago. It
is so to -day. Medicine will prolong
life, but be sure of the qualities of
the reedcine. Life is prolonged by
keeping the body free from disease.
Dr. Thomas' EcIeetrie Oil used in-
ternallywill cure c e coughs and colds,
eradicate asthma, overcome croup
and give strength to the respira-
ory organs. Give it a trial,
A fast locomotive consumes about
twelve gallons of water per mile.
You'll never get to the front by
following the procession.
Use the safe, pleasant and effec-
nal worm killer, Mother Graves'
1Vurm Exterminator; nothing
equals it, Procure a bottle and
oke it ]home.
".Anyway," snapped Mrs. Naggs-
y, who was getting the short end
f the argument, "my judgment is
utter than years,"
sure it is, my dear," re-
eled Naggsby, calmly, `"Our
loiee of life companions supplies
11 the proof you need to back up
lat assertion."
"He was always thought," said
Uncle Ethan, reflectingly, "to be
one of the charitablest men in the
whole town, and I guess he was.
"He always owned a plug hat,
fur one thing, and I never knew him
to refuse to lend to anybody."
It is Useless providing pure fresh
milk for your children, and then
Allowing diseased, genu -bearing
dries to contaminate it., Use Wil-
son's Fly Pads, and keep Solo
house free from the filthy insects.
Young Widow—"Have you read
any of the late novels?"
The Bachelor—"No; since the
first of the year I have been trying
to lead a better life,"
Mlnard's Liniment Cures clarget in COWS.
"Do you think this poem will
live?" asked the verse. carpenter
with the high brow.
"Orr, I guess it will," replied the
crtioa] friend. `"It seems pretty
Tho transition from winter's cold
to summer's heat frequently puts
a strain upon the system that pro-
duces internal complications, al
ways painful and often serious. A
common form of disorder is dysen-
tery, to which many are prone in
the spring and summer. The very
best medicine to use in subduing
this gainful ailment is Dr. J. D.
Kellogg's •Dysentery Cordial. it is
a standard remedy,. sold every -
wile e. '
In China a father cannot leave
more property to one son than to
another; ail must have an equal
tual, Painkiller may be administered by
inexperienced persona without fear of
accident. For all botiol Complaints it is
a sure specific. Avoid substitutes, there is
but ono ' Painkiller "—Perry Davie' -25o.
and 50c.
Practically, one-seventh of Ire-
lonel's area is bog.
Renard"s Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
"Well, that was a remarkable
"What was?"
";Brown said he'd take me to a.
spot where we could catch a fine
mess of fish, and—"
"You didn't get a bite t"
`"No, that's the rentarkable fea-
tare of it. We actually caught fish
"Prisoner, stand up. The jury
has found you guilty. Have ,yon
anything to say before sentence is
propels/iced i"
"Yes, your honor, I wish to say
that the jury is tt lot mere intelli-
ISS1?l. NO, 88 w10. gent than it looks, The verdict has
il!oi'etl that.
""Tailt ]tsieet MAN,,' astts Shod
an lvlre ifet e a aC facdony ltrlaos,
Wr to ton bockiat, Addrppa, yoroato,
r v e lCo.
ESTABLISH K.12 ll3y:a
$treks, Sonde and Pebenturea
ireVgaT'ii3 MNT' AG MHTS
43 Scott Street, Toronto, main 2149 -
"Pardon me," said the la on'
marketing expedition, "but, are
these eggs fresh laid?"
"Absolutely, madam," replied
the grocer, promptly. "The
farmer I purchased those eggs from
won't allow his hens to lay them
any other way."
The Best Liver Pill.—The action
of the liver is easily disarranged. A
sudden chill, undue exposure to the
elements, over -indulgence in some
favorite food, excess in chinking,
ere a few of the causes, But what-
ever may be the cause, Parmelee's
'Vegetable Pills can be relied upon
as the best eerreetive that can be
taken. They are the leading liver
pills and they have no superiors
among such' preparations.
• "So the bride and groom especi-
ally requested their friends not to
throw rice after theme"
"Yes. They asked us to ]hand the
rice over in a package so that it
could be used when they got to
Every really good article is imi-
tated by unscrupulous people who
try to sell their goods on the repu-
tation of others. Our readers are
reminded that there is only oue
fly pad, that is Wilson's. Insist on
getting the genuine, and avoid dis-
Mrs. Microbe—'"What shall we
name the babies?"
Mike Microbe—"Well, the first
thousand an
hs cl I
namedClarence C a epee .and
you named the rest of then; Mabel,
and I think it's up to you from
now on."
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,—In June 98, 'I had my hand
and wrist bitten and badly mangled by a
vicious horse: I nOlfered greatly for sev-
eral days and the tooth cuts refused to
heal until your agent gave me a bottle of
MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I began
using. The efacC was magical; in five
hours the pain had ceased and in two
weeks the wounds had completely healed
and my hand and arm were as well as
Foes truly,
A. N. L'OT,
Carriage Maker.
St. Antoine, P.C.
When people ask for advice it is
generally for the purpose of decid-
ing what a not to
b do,
'imitations Your
ry ask Sebe ? Don't experiment won
g ganuins, the DAL"
Menthol Plaster. Si cures. Davin i Lawrence.
Co., makers.
Ives—"Young Loeffler, who is
going to marry Smith's daughter,
isn't an industrious fellow."
Beers—""No, he isn't industrious,
and Smith evidently realizes the
fact and is preparing for the inevit-
able result."
enlarging his
for the young
do you mean by
y, I mean that Smith
s house to make room
A man with a bundle thrust his
head and then his body into an of-
fice. The following dialogue then
tcok place:
"I've brought those clothes for
yell to press," said the caller.
the man next door says you're a
bird at pressing suits."
"Well," said the occupant of the
office, "the man next door is right,
only this isn't a tailor's shop—it's
a lawyer's office."
Little Willie—"Say, pa, what is
worldly wisdom'?"
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc.
First Matron—'"Yes, niy doctor
has the reputation of being quite
a lady-killer,"
Seemed Matron—"Oh, indeed I
Mine doesn't make the slightest
dietinotion between the sere., '
A sane man leas more respect for
a thermometer than he has for an
js the hst. remedy
krioevn for sunburn,
heatr bashes, eczema, v
sore feet,, etin,gs and
btistera. A skin food t
drl Druagrtte aad Stars,—its,
� M10E(i,.'fumore, Truwpe eta, Internal
V and external, uarrrl without nain'l e
ocr home treatment. Write us before toe
lair. Pr. Denman btelteal Co„ Ithulted,,.
Callatlgwoed, Opt,
County. for sale or exchange for arna for
arms.. One of tho farms is :alloy issue eptid tee
other is clay loots, Both have good bbihlings on
them, The Western heat IOstete ]:xthango,
Limited, Lemic t.
iter the very beat, seed your work to the
Look for agent in your tarn, or solid dire*,
Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec,
Dile rto Veterinary College
Affiliated. with the University of Tomato itch
under the Control of the Department of
Agriculture of Ontario,
Infirmary for sick Animets at the College
COLLEGE lea -OPENS SEPT. 30th, 1910
N.B.:.-Qaiettdar, on. arptfcatton.
IL .t. A. QnANGn, Y.S„ M.S.,
DBpt, E.
Is Your Hearing Good/
The HEAR.O.PIIoNE wit! give „you the
toners of good hearing. Fiend for free
jbooklet, giving particulars and names
of aattaned users. Also
Special Ofter for a Month's Home Trial.
90i Spadina Avenue, Toronto..
The 14asart crises t'lano ieeeee
Action, lnatet ore the
Pian Action
_ x
GI a.;- N ;
Root is worth $7, oo per pound.
Anyone can grow • it. Write us fot
nursery roots and seeds. •
1. E. York & Co., Waterford, Ont.
d ua-rC, anovrfN.1'27S ^a'WYSj7,rn4
lagearterm A.:wNt
into the "'Gstat
s• t rt Cr( Pel �G,ya seesf
nonce a Was
�rEP and prevent
gnomonic,orCare 27
it caretpotct lent-
�d !tokenQs'
Hon 4288 m c•y
for - ka gold
Thaw Hronc
Bore g�.,.,a� Iii
'slap Pneumonia kinds. and
Patna of all lauds.
and all these insects
almost to death in the
Positively pro-
tects horses,
cattle, and all
live stock from
horn -flies,
blow -flies,
gad - flies, •
lice, mites,
which worry them
hot weather.
Your COWS will give j more milk, your
horses will work better, your sheep will
be healthier, if you use FLY KNOCKER.
Quickly, easily aad economically ap-
plied with a sprayer. One gallon will
protect 25 cows for Two weeks, at a coat
of less than one cent a day each.
50e. A QUART
Kills Bone Spavin
Rich Valley, Alta, May 2018. 1909
'•I have used your Spavin Cure for a
long time and would not be without 1t.
Have killed a Bone Sparta by its use."
That tells the. whole story. And
hundreds of thousands have bad the
same experience in the past M years.
For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb,
Splint, Swellings and
all Lameness,
Kendall's Spavin Cure cures the
trouble—makes the horse sound and
we11—and saves 'money for the owner
becanse it removes the cause of the
Seep a bottle always at band- flora
for $s Good for man and beast. Ask
your dealer for free copy of our book
•'A Treatise Ou The Norse" or write us.
na. D. J. KFADALL CO. 2nesbara Falls, Vt.
During the year setae the
estimated profits on every •
maturing policy were fully
Of course they were
sell that kind of
Insurance at all unrepre,
sented places.
Write to - day for our
liberal Agency Terms and
plans to the
Assurance Co.tl'1pany