HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-8-18, Page 5AUSINE$S . CAROL, % H, Mo0RAOI IN—. e issuer at lrtarrta9e Ideense6, Of. baa Wt GxOnory, Tnrnborry Street, Brussels. K. O. T. M. Iireanalo l'7un4 of boo Ma@eabees, No, 24 hold their regular s ootluge la the Ledge laobnl, AuSl(or Bicap, ou the _let Wad and T@Y evonll tt, SOS000208, 0owlwayti Welcome, it K, WM. $PENCE • CONVEYANCER AsoD ISSUER o><r MARRIAGE LICENSES ince Aa the Pest °thee, Ethel. 80.4 JOHN HARRIS, Agent }Iowiek Mutual Eire Insurancem o Can I? Y Olaoe and Residence-, WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN D. ZNsn00NOE, FIRE AND MARINE, . GUELPH, AUCTiONEERS. 13• S. SCOTT. AN AUCTION- -IL' will sell for better prto ices,better men, !n leas time and lean charg e s than at other Auctioneer in tee Barra ror n a won't °bar'9 Oa anything, mance and erby vee always be arranged at this canoe or by personal a.pplioatien, ROBT. H. GARNISS SC1712114 LE — ONT, Auetioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, sales arranged for al the office of Tan Poet, Brussels, 222tl LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VS/M. i31,NO11AI1C— • Barrister, auliuttor, Conveyancer, Notary rublio, deo. Ufitue-s tewart'e Block 1 door North of (Metra) Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, p990UDH'OOT, HAYS & BLAIR- 51A$1.1ISTF,Ra, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PCnt.IO, 14'1'(1. W. Pnaonee0m, LC. C. It. 0. Hass G. F. 131.0x0. Otlioos—J,'Uose formerly oempied by Meesrs Cameron 44 Holt, Gen/010n, ONTARIO. ALLA LINE Royal Mail Steamers MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Virg:Minn Friday July 9 Aug. 5 Tunisian Friday July 10 Aug. 12 Victorian Friday July 22 Aug' 1e Corsican Friday July 20 Aug. 20 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Southwark Saturday July 0 Aug, r, Pretorian Saturday July 10 Aug. 10 Hesperia it SatnrdayJuly 29 Aug. 20 Ionian Saturday July 00 Aug. 27 moanREAL TO HAVRE & LONDON Luke Brie July 10 Aug. 27 Pontpporanian - July 28 Sept. 43 aicilian July 80 Sept. 10 RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer, let Class —987 00 977 90 987 50 2nd Olaaa — 42 00 40 00 47 50 50 00 1116. Diana — 27 75 28 75 80 00 For fun mirth:Mere of rates and sailings apply to W. H, KERR. Agent Allan kine, Bross/As. The Blinn tine, 77 Yonge st., Toronto .7 Faller T m Opens Aug.9 P g• I., 'fills year tile 011 2,001500 has boon th0 , 9.2 greatest In filo history of the 4) it i,t, ii1?'T 1 /J/ 4S TORONTO - There is n reason for it. Day by AIRY 1and year by year the superior work of this school Is becoming better known. Our graduates readily get .ehoteupositions. ' catalogue is free. tit W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Tongs & Alexendor sts, Termite. 44#004464044o#a4tpoo oaoe11 a In Vachicery Usersq 0 p and farmers 4• 0 • 0 0. The New Machine Shop of the .*BRUSSELS FINEAPPLIANCE • and MACHINE 'Co. is now ready for business, and! j 4 wits, good Machinery ,uidSkilled 0 0 Mechanics, we are in a position • • to attend to your repairs prompt- p • 4 ly and at eeasolable rates. 0 4 If yen will let us know your: a y w,wlLS We will rive yo] honest p 4 advice and help if connecteds i with Machinery. o • Give usa trial and, by coming t• 4 to Brussels; Savo time and money b A for yotot'selves, „ 0 i GAIISID.t &C JAMES• a • Mill Street Brus1ela , 4.444444444440444444 4 +9104 94 $.alsiriese Oard2 MI$S BER'rHA ARNI$TRONC3 'i'saehor pf Plane Steele at Can'ter's blush) Store, cue door North Of the st0ndard Bitu1e, Brussels, 7s al MISS Pg RLE SHARPE Ise passed successfully her sound 0x011)11(0 Atm of the Planefol'te Department 0f the Tot retina Conservatory 4f Iliosi0, nod isrepared to take peens aro her 1141114, (?rilloe.ss street, DR, T. T, M. RAE 10nebel,r of Mod/eine, University of 1'0,'01114 ; ',insatiate and Graduate of the 4cltege of Ph1'- eicialla and :surgeons, Ont, Pest.greduaae 011lengoiiiyo, Ear, Noss and rarest 110(Pttal, Utnuagl(e, 11.1, rix-klouse surgeon to lit, Web. eel's Hospital, '20101111, Office over 11, 10, 6111tt11'a Drug stare, Tele- phone connection 171111 Urltllbroakatan 110u1'a, 01?. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician nIld5urgapn t Post Grnduatt,0olirsea London Mee.), New YorIc and Chicago 5503- pibnla. special attention todlneos(+of eye, ear, 11008111115 throat. Eyes tented for glasses. OR. HAMA -Tont Dental surgeon Heuer Graduate Dental Deparbwont, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal Onliage of Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. 011lau in Smith Stook reeen01y vacated by Dr, Neild, OR. WAROL.AW Hanot gredunt0 of the Ontario Veterinery Colleige.M£ll, y and 1115111 calls. Office opposite Flou Gagoeva T Mw+ £ 11 rtr'a7 BRUSSELS 000280100a01Gobs NOlt9rn 111911 7105 a 10 Ex roes 10:55 11.10 Express 11:25 0 m B11.11t 1 :44 p. at Express 8:02 p 111 Express 8:50 p:m WALTON To Toronto ToGoderich Express 7 Al amu I Express 11:87 a m Express 4.00 p m Express 7:25 p xn WROXETER Going East 0:54 a, M. and 8:85 p. m. Going West - 12:44 and ,D A7 p, en. All trains going East connect with 0..P. B. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T. G. 13. stations. GIGO. ALLAN, Local Agent. t 1;y.1":l:ti.C 17 Seai'orth The Methodist Church choir pic- nicked at Bayfielcl on Civic Holiday. A Garden party on the Methoclist church. lawn Aug, 26111., under the auspices of the Sunday S(41001. Rev. 1). Rogers left town on Wed- nesdayof last week 1' el for a two o acetic' vacation among friends on is r etact nirenits. 1 -fon. 13. L. Borden, leader of the Opposition in the Dominion House, wilt visit S+af09211 t r 011 Monday, September 29th. Mrs. W. Ii Veale and son Howard, left fora mouth's outing on Lake St. Clair, wl•I1ere they will be the guests el the formee's parents, J, S. and. Mrs. Richardso(. Finn' ices] rinks of howlers went to Godel'ich to take part in the animal tournament held in that town on Tees - day and Wednesday of bust week, Alex. \\Theon'» rink (vas successful in landing second prize in the Trophy. G. A. Sills has been awarded the Coltlact of installing a .complete system of plumbing and closets at the Collegiate institute. Mr. Sills prepared a set of plans for the board which proved satisfactory. The cost will be about $800. W,n;;'ham Morris Bosman met with a nasty accident. at Eli Elliott's brick yard in having two fingers taken off his left hand. Miss Minnie ROSS has been offered gond positions (00 teacher in .Echnouton and Oalgary and left last week for the West to accept cue of them. hiss Eva Graeey passed safely through a critical operation in Wing - haus hospital, and we ale pleased to report that she is doing nicely. bliss Kirtie Ross left to resume her duties 913 nurse . in one of the Philadelphia, Pa., hospitals after spending the holidays with her parents, A. and Mrs. Ross. The contractor at work en' the drill- ing or the test well at theeleotriy light plant sti nett water at 0 depth of some 90 feet and the water has since been pouring out the full of a six inch pipe. Misses label and Verona. McDnuald were succt4Rsful prize winners in the dancing competitions at Luciknow Celebration. Miss llaabel wall first prize foe highland Fling and second toe the reel. hiss Verna umn first prize for the Sliean Teuesr Jas. P. Ryerson & Sons, mauufaotalr- ers o0 builders' steel at Chicago, have shoes] their appreciation of R. 0. (13011) Ross, son of A. and Mil's, 11.nss, of town, by giving him the substantial increase of $500 on his salary, making the salary $2,500. McKlilep 11r. and Mrs. Galloway, of British Columbia, aro visiting at the home of W7 n, Kucehtel. Airs, Galloway is a 114100, Con. iskat't was at Ottawa attend- ing the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge af the Catholic Mutual Benefit Assocuttinn, Mrs.Frederick and little daughter, of Olove+land, have been visiting the forvnel s sister, Ales. George Dundas, and other relatives around Walton. Mrs. Mc0utoheon 112111 about SO acres of hayto be harvested this season and saveditin first-class shape. Air. ble- Ontalleon has been nut. in Basket - cheviot all Simmer, where he has farm, J. 7, heel:well has returned home from the West Ile Was one of the little party wile tried .farming in Al- berta, patting 1u 1200 acres of wheat, oats and flax last Spring, but eider- tllllattlly 1(1 1111Lt part of the cnnntry the (mops are almost a complete failure, ltoliottoi CROPS,—The farmers of the Io0,41 half of bielCillop township are busy cnttiug oats The oat crop is a good one, never was the straw so Might. and clean nor the heads better filled. The thrashing of hall wheat and barley is also going forward, and barns are being emptied in readiness AVMS HAIR VIGOR Stops railing Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, (minimsodiunit chiorld, capsicum, sage, alcohol, water, and perfume, Nota single hilarious ingredient in this list, Mk your doctor if this is not so. Follow his advice, A hair food a hair tonic, a hair dressing, Promptly checks falling hair. Completely destroys .ail dandruff, AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Does root Coior the Haar J. U. Aran 001r4.117 Lowell, Mao. fon' the oak. crop. The Fall wheat is yielding,' very saaiei'aetorily, and wi11 perhaps average '25 In:whels to the acre. The acreage ureter peas is not gg teat, anti the mop is poor ; several farmers have "(tot thought the .peas worth cutting, and have. either turned tlleir.eattle on them or plowed them clown. Cue fanner, on 12th eon,, says be owned an early variety of ,peas, sowed therm early, that they were ripe as soon as his Pall wheat and will yield well. 11 w lh however, 16 ,0 VOV4r' IS an e Y x ce )tl0tlal ease the 1 ss ; tl a pea crop In ben. el aI is below the . average, Taking the season's crops all in all the farm[.[' has Pelson to be satisfied with the prospects. Every il10miein4 Crops and e 1 sleek ek r, a t' ttJe greet the syr, while well -lilted fields and Hue build. ings tell ., 4 L 1 t tale. 7f thriftiness lc t+ and thee years of plenty. . • Hewto Clain In Weight. You know you are too thin— you eat and eat, but never get an ounce fatter. Nerves are weak, color is bad, strength seems exhausted. It's not, hard to get fat. You must eat more, digest more, exercise more. Try Fei- rnzone and watch your appetite grow. It turns all you eat into nntrirnent and building material—fills your veins with rich, red blood — gives you ambition and vigor. For a tissue builder, ti fattening tonic, one that restores permanently, there is nothing to compare with Perrozone. sly :it and see. 50 cts. at all dealers. Qoderich There has . been some quiet talk about, town 111 regard to a reported project for the erection here of a grain elevatn)! of a capacity of ten million bushels. The work of repainting the Court klouse and the other improvements in the building which were recommend- ed as necessary by County Council at 415ul J lesession hay have been e com- pleted. John Rudoryskey, the Hungarian Jew who has been ill at the jail for some weeks, died Tuesday of last week. •e He Was 60 year of e s age, The remains were interred in Maitland cemetery. W. Dore, who has been the day operator at the Grand Trunk station ticket office, has been promoted to the position -of station agent at Lllcan. W. Craig, of Lucan, succeeds Mr. Dole here. VISIT OF HONS. Pt7GSLBYANO RING. —Goclerioh w3S ell fete 'Wednesday of hist went in celebration of the visitof two of Canada's most eminentMin- isters, the Hon. Win. Pugsley and Flon, W. L. Mackenzie Ring. Advan- tage was taken of the visit of the Min- ister of Public Works on the inspec- tiou of the harbr works to itvptess upon hixn the need of early action on the part nf- the Government towards more adequate harbor protection C0111- lueneurate with the rapidly increas- ing trade through this port. In the evening a banquet was tendered to the Ministers, their party and the military officials by tine Council and Board of Trade conjointly at the popular Hotel Sunset, where the guests of the evet(ing were joined by the following representatives of Gov- ernmental aan(1municipal interests : —J. 13. Hunter, Deputy Minister; Major Lamb district engineer, Lon- don ; Capt. Haughton, illspectnr of dredging ; J. Tolmie, M. P. Kilmer - (Hue ; 1)r. Rankin, M. P., Stratford ; M. Y. McLean, h1. P., Seafo'th ; Dr. Chisholm, lJ. P., Wingham ; 0o1. Hodgins, D. 0. 0., London '• 14lajor Shannon, London ; J. I. A. Hunt., London, besides the Mayors of several cities and the Presidents of a number of Boards of Trade. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 6 4. •♦3 a '10 Ilvaircet Q,% 3 4. • 4.t. R „ 4 . 4. • o cr 1P,,..• q1 ' 1• O li • A s PERFECT TIME -PIECE . ♦ We want the patronage of , the "PARTIOTLAR MAN." t • He will be interested in aur 4 stock of High Grade Watches. One repair work will please him, • llonogrilnIs engraved free R'••p_ 4 on all Watches and Silverware 4 • Ol, p5rllhaeed herr, KODARS, CAMERAS 4 O and SUPPLIES q. • JY R,s WENDT 3 JEWELER, WROXETEfl' 4 +0•414.41••••••••••••••••••• A special meeting of the public school trustee board was held, J44(7yen applications for the position of care- taker of the new school were received arid [after careful consideration (Ahas. Knight was appointed, at a salary of $350, Rev, Dr, Daniel, a former pastor of North street Methodist ohurch and at present stationed as minister of Park street Methodist church, Chatham, 1105 received a unanimous invitation to 11become pastor of First Methodist t el c11 in well Bound. Dl'. DtLnle'1'S tw ,irat Chatham expires on. July 1, 1911. Just the Medicine You Need. Yowt' color is bad, tongue is furred, eyes are dull, appetite is your, your stomach needs. tone your yc a liver needs awakening. Try Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Io just one night you'll notice a differ- ence, for ,Dr. ',Hamilton's Pills search out every trace of trouble. You'll eat, sleep, digest and feel a whole lot better. You will gain in strength, have a clear complexion, experience the joy of robust health. To tone, purify and enliven system there is nothing like. Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25 cts. at all dealers. Fordwich Adam and Mrs, Spence have return- ed from their trip to Western Canada. Miss Noma Cook returned to her duties in the 'western Hospital, Tor- tola), sees o _ C , 0 On On, were spending a week with their brother, A. J. Lowick. Miss Melissa:Eclwards is home from Toronto, spending stet' vacation under the parental roof, Mrs. B. S. Cook was spending a vacation with her sister at Morpeth and with relatives in Toronto, Miss Blythe Wilson has taken a position its wade Bros,' store, taking the place of Miss Donaghy, 1 who has gone to Vancouver. The last half of July cheese from Fordwich factory was shipped from 1 $ Po dwtch. The tic was 10 e a and logo. t the weight 1 2,483 lbs. They go to London, England A special Vestry meeting was held In Trinity Church, Forelwich, when Milton Leonard was appointed Rector's warden, ,in place of Wm.Watters, who resigned after boldin g the position continuously for 123 years. Wardens, M. Leonard and 111, F. Wade, were appointed a committee to act foe the congregation with the Wardens of St. Stephen's Church, Gorrie, and St. James Ohmroh, Wrox- eter. to confer with the Bishop in the selection of a new rector. llowick Agricultural Society had ten entries in the Standing Field Crop Competition which was conducted by thein this year. Simpson Rennie, of Toronto, visited the different fields of oats and the following is the result of his judgment ; 1. Harvey Snarling, W811 points ; 2. C. Dickett, 813 ; 8. Be ilkin, 773 ; 4. Ebner Faille, 74 ; 6. Win. Brown, 703. Highly commend- ed, John L. Wilson, 093, and commencled, Bert Laird, 00. The first three competitors are eligible to cninpete in the Sheaf Competition at the Toronto Exhibition and also the Grain Exhibit at the same Fair. Why Liquid Catarrh Remedies Fail. They go direct' to the stomach, have very little effect on tate linings of the nose and throat, and entirely fail to cure. Only by cleansing the air pas- sages by relieving the inflammation anis killing the germs is cure possible. No co111bination of antiseptics is so successful as Oatarrhuzoue. In breathing it, you send the richest pine balsams right to the seat of the disease. Irritating phlegm is cleared out, hoarseness, coughing and hacking are eared. For a permanent cure foe aatau71, nothing equals dattarrhozone, 25 as. mid $1.00 at all dealers. Ethel Miss Emma Ransom is visiting friends in L' [can, Out. FROM !\'IACLEOD, AI,BI1IT,\ —A few points from MacLeod, Alta., to say that, we 51,re all well here. slit, \711- lia.msonl awed my 1110thee, H. l[(:Bann, have a splendid business bete, express and Braying. I like the town indeed and tau very favorably impressed with the present appearance and its future prospects. 1t boasts of 2000 of a population now. We are to have the railroad divisional post here in the near futtue making it the centre be- [ween Medicine Haat and the Crow's Nest, which place we visited Friday through the excursion from Leth- bridge. Il is Merely a Summer resort, one alight say having one stole poet office and 11 hotel, "The 4at1n111i1." The great divide is there separating Alberta tants British Columbia. Our engine stood in B. 0. at the depot while the back end of Dur train was located in Alberta. Iu standiug there one could not help but marvel at rho height of those mountains and still more at the great engineering to make the road through what we call tine "Crow's Nest Pass." The motto - tains there they say ries to the height of 5,000 feet. We passedthrough the town of Frank, which 2 or 8 years ago was half buried by that terrible rock slide. It is thrilling to look upon it as you,pass along and thiiak of the people and homes berried beneath it and in tact the remaining portion, all in a flourishing condition at pres- ent, appears to stand in as great a dangeO as that entombed for there are the Rocky Mountains towering eo high above even Ole highest parts of the town that if a slide were again to take place, the place would meet with nt similar fate, We did"not cli3ntl to the top of the Mountains (ha l nu!) but went until tired alit, 11mi several dt'lnke of mountain water mud taut a few little evergreen trees to plant as souvenirs of our trip. We fI dined at the Suu' tt hotel, left at e and were ironic by 9. .As it le down grade all the 15•ay the imine the home. ward trip Jn 411 minutes less thou go- ing 11p, We can see the mouutttins plaiuly from here =gene days but to be right among them Is nl,,ch nicer. \l'o expect tills 1.0 be the main road to the (oast souse tiny, perhaps before long. 1 enjoyed lay trip from the Eats[ and while in Fort William called al Gerry Bros, store and found them looleing hale and heaety and seeming. ly doing ca good wade, with still a kindly interest in their old home town, Brussels. We are having it. very (vat•ul and dry dere, Yours truly, Mae. Too$. WxLLIAMso37. Macleod, Alberta, July 80, 1910. Are Your Children oCroupy 7+' This trouble is deadly —. Bonet be stopped quickly, nothing is so mare a$ the Nerviline Treatereut,. Give it internally, 1't i t 1 t t b on he threat , t t t and Y chest, and then put on a Nerviline Parous Plaster. The marvelous power of Nerviline, both as 11liniment, and in plaster form, will surprise you. For sore throat, coughs, colds, and pleurisy alone, itis used by thousands everyday. sy Invaluable ' u home especially`, 101'westing the minor ills that,all children are bound to catch. Large bottles 25 cis, each, Nerviline Plasters saute price, at dealers, or N. C. Polson Bc 0o., Kingston, Ont. Listowel The Bell Telephone Co. have had their poles ort the town streets paint- ed. Rev. 31. M. Lang -Ford and family are spending u uiamth's vacation at Southampton. George Bray and 7. H. 131001-n0re represented Listowel Lodge 1. 0. U. P. at the annual convention held in Toronto last week. Rev. R. D. Hamilton and John C. Hay left last week for Victoria, B. C., to attend the General Conference of the Methodist church. Miss Ollie Grant, who recently graduated at the .Hamilton Hospital training school for nurses, has return- ed to her home in town. The chair factory has been working overtime for the past few weeks in order to get the work tarued out. Mr.Iiibner. has everything in readi- ness to go on with the extension he is building. g HaroldCx 'v dire on s of station- master, 97119. Godfrey, 'glove, former- ly G. T. R. operator at Palmerston, bas entered I u c the service of the 0. P. R. and 110,5 stationed •Le oned forthe l e p esel7t at Norwood near Peterborough The violent electrical storms disor- ganized the uluurclpal street light- ing service to a considerable extent, One section in the Eastern part of the town was put 0111 of business, 20 oe more tungsten lamps being destroyed, The electric wire was melted off at one point by the lightning. Fortuate- ly the plant was not in operation at the time. Trowbridge Mr. Rogers, of Wiartulr, was a guest at R. Sutton's, Miss Luella Scott, of Listowel, is visiting at the home of T. 9nghen. Mrs. Henderson and family, of Tor- onto, are holidaying at J. R, Code's. Dr. W. H, AlcOormick, of Flint, Bich„ paid a flying visit to his friends here. [Mrs. J. R. Code and daughter, Miss Pearl, were visiting Dr. and ltrs. Stewart, of Belgrave. bliss Mary Carter is spending a couple of weeks with her son, Air. Carter, of Avoutol. Miss Violas Cosens, of Palmerston, has been spending a week at the home of her uncle, Charles Cosens. Miss Pearl Code has gone to Rubs - sou, Sask., where site will be engaged as principal of the public school. We wish. her sneccsi. Rev. R. J. McCormick, B. A., and wife have returned to Yarmouth Centre after a pleasant month's vaca- tion at his house bete. Rev. Me. McKelvey is spending a couple of weeks 01 Stratford suet Kin- cardine. Mrs. McKelvey and daugh- ter are visiliug at Montreal at bet pal'ell ts. ' Hugh and Mrs. i4[c0rae after a short visit With their friends here, left for a holiday trip to Sarnia, De- troit and Leamington. They expect to be away twin or three weeks. Rev. T. Wesley Bosons and family are spending a1 month's holiday tet the home of his father, 0, Omens. Rev. 11r. Ooseus will take Rev, Mr. M.c- Kelvey's wall: at Trowbridge and illole:slyorth nestSabbath. Perth County Next sitting of Division Court in Mitchell will be on September 2nd, The 12th of July Celebration at Stratford is being reproduced by motion pictures. The salary of Rev. F. W. Langford, pastor of the Munkton Methodist circuit, has been raised to At I he present time there is not a convicted prisoner In tine Stratford jail, 1101' has there been any for some time, • D. L. 7101%eand, after, serving as manager of Mitchell branch 0f the Blank of Hamilton for 43 years, was called to the head oiMoe. George 9Voolnvay has sold his 11nte1 property at Lakeside to Mr. Myers of Stratford, and leas. removed with his family to their residence in St. limeys. The estiulates for the fixing up i11i1- eiiellTown Hta11 and basement are so far ill: excess of what wag expected that. 11Otliflig will likely be done this year, liiss May 11,. Hutchinson, fo1'meely. of St. 7lalyy, has been appointed teacher or English and History in the Brampton High School at a salary vlf $1,2041 Mitchell ()midi has amminted Henry Porterfield, Street Commis - sinner and day 0041stable. Salary et the rate $475 per anituun, Samuel (llnfonv is slight constable, \V. M, Ford, merchant, il2ftelleil, missed 1'rpxn hie store two largo tulle of ribbon, He had suspie1011 that they were etole1111y . a girl of 14, who lives with her parents in the West Ward, A sea7.•oll warrant was placed in the 11(9045 .of Constable 00p1)10, and the articles were aeon found. Mr. Hord 11id a charge against the girl for steal- ing and she was placed under` arrest. The case . cattle before the Pollee Magistl'ate, when the p1'isoner.pleaded guilty, After reoelvhlgts severe lect- ure I on the inignfty of her affeuee, and at pronlie° neves' to do likewise again, she was allowed to ge or suspended ' eelttetlee, The following are the prize winners in the Standing Fall Wheat Coeval. tion in connection with 1109110/1 Agl, Society :-1st, Wesley Shier, Wood- burn, variety, Dawsons Golden Otlaff, points 894 ; 2nd, Watson Bros., Kla- tt/11, Dawson's Golden (haft', 803 ; 311, Wilber t Sperling, Anderscu, Dawson's Golden Chaff, 80 ; 4th, Jas. Gardiner, Klrkton, Dawson's i'1, Chaff, 87 ; Gth, Rich. 1:311811, Andonion, Dawson's 0, Chaff, 84Highly commended, 97444. Rose, of Mother well, llawson'e (1, 014, 85. Commended. P. T. Douse, 3i(kton,' Dawsnu's G. Chaff, Sot l William Hlelcson,1obvayt eon, .Sedge, The directors of the Society deeitieil that prizes will not be ('Ifered for two bushel 10te . of grain at the Fall Fair as formerly but amount of prieee will he given for the saute varieties of grata in sheaves, 8 incltee in diameter. N. Pas'1an e Alerey, Stratfos d, won the first. Williamson seholal'ship, glee, ie. settler near iculatiutt examination at Oueen'8 Unlvelolty, Kingston. hiss Merry is a daughter of \Y, FL Merry, superintendent of the Boy's linear Stl'atf(lyd, Corns Cured far 2e Conte. A. guarantee of painless care goes with every bottle of 1'utualn's Ooru Extractor. Use Putnarn's 19111 your corns go, Beware of snbstitutea. Z 04440604444444444444444444+4444404440044404004A0444a 4 ♦ j . ♦ ` 4 NatiinaIRolle 04 ♦ Again in full Irratii. 4 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 P 4 4 4 4 ♦ 4 0 ♦ 0 4 4 4 0 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 d 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 0 4 HAVING finished the necessary repairs to our Mill we are now able to do more work and better work than ever. We have appreciated your business in the past and will value.future patronage. We aim top lease our customers and promise fair and honest treatment. Try having yowP Oats Rolled before feeding haraea, It pays. Ilanitolo, Blended and Ontario Flours always in Stack, rn5 li Prune .o 0 •4 4 4 10' m 4 m v 4 U a 4. 4 4• 0 0 '3, m 10 0 4 ♦ • x1 4 04400440044000444040044444 4641046♦466#0410+4©4440,40400 4 •+•+44•44+•÷4.+•÷O+.+444.4-41.4. +444-14.1.440.1•4•t'0i•4'I.0'1.440 . # 4.4 k 4 •e4 a• ♦ Portraits by Photogr I pIhy ALL WORK GUARANTEED. T'SI i 4. 4 4, 4 4 4 • • 4 4 •1' • • 4 4 4 • 4 4 • Brussels G. F. :'.AITL 4 .3. • {.4.10404444464444o'•6+4404,O+0+e ;-444)- 4 ei 4 ,•0.1.64'&•1.4'1104'4'.`'9 it Your Grocer Knows EVERY good grocer is willing and anxious to please his customers. Some- times if he happens to be out of the goods you ask for, he may recommend a different brand rather l than keep you waiting. But when it conies to flour, he knows that Ogilvie's Royal 11 is one of the things for which there is no substitute. No other flour is "just as good." Ogilvie's "Royal Household" is in a class distinctly by itself. To offer a substitute for "Royal Household" would be like offering oleomargarine to a customer who wanted prince dairy butter. No good grocer would do it. When you tell him you want Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour, he will send that and nothing else. 4Ogily e's 1300)c fora Cook," with 125 pages of recipes that have been tried and tested, will be sent tree if you will send us your address and mention the name or your dealer. 8d 'ME OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS CO,, LIMITED, - MONTREAL WM. 8.f. R. A. PRVNE~