HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-8-4, Page 2:AMINO FOLKS 0043404242,04004300l;stttA .r ONLY A DANDELION;. "0 Charlie 1 ' How eonld you do that? My one !lower!" "I didn't mean any harm, aunty: Anyway, 'twos only a danrits'at't,,'' And the boy went whistling on Iqs hay to school, rwrtc!i'ng off the heads of the dandelions by the way side with a stick he had u1 his hand. Aunty Jones wiped away a tear and began to pick up a et1ic r wa ich she had dropped in a stacking the' was knitting. She hal an acc dent, when she was tt 'Attie girl. and teas so lama that she never walked far- ther than from her room to the kiichen. She tknittcd, sewed and • did mending for her living, sitting ell the time at the front window If feel jaded, k of her room in her nephew's farm- these Pills 1 house. She had been watching the blood that puts vim and energy in dandelion whose - head Charlie had to every portion of the body. Mak switched off ever since it came up, ing good blood is the mission o for it 'happened to be the only one Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and goo in the little patch of grass between blood is the one secret of goo the house and tho road, and she health and vigorous life. An excel loved it. And now, just as it was lent case in point :s that of Mr. R coming into flower, it was gone, W. Ellis, of Balcarres, Sask., w and although the sun was shining says: "Just four years ago I wa brightly, she felt as if a heavy in England making preparations to cloud was over her. fulfil the long cherished ambition o At the opening of the school that coining to Canada. My health a morning the teacher read the pas- that time was normal, though I tiagein the Bible containing the was never very strong. Three Golden Rule, and said a few words weeks before the time of my depar- as to how it should be obeyed in ture I was overcome with a feeling the smallest things. of general weakness and faintness "You mustn't do anything," she which rendered me so inert and life - said, "if you can help it, to make les', that my days were shrouded in any one else unhappy. If you ever gloom. Consultation with a doctor do anything to anybody that you brought me no consolation. De- wculdn't like to have then! do to bility was my trouble and I was on you, why, make it up to them some- the point of a breakdown. 'Canada thew, and right off," in your condition means death,' The children always liked these raid the doctor. `You must have a little talks of their teacher, because comple rest.' A rest, however, they were so simple. When she was out of the question, a fort - :stepped, Charlie said to himself, night's holiday I het and then back "I wonder if teacher saw me switch to earn my daily bread. The next • off Aunty Jones's dandelion, and years were a series of misery and so talked as she did?" despair, body and brain undermin- When school was over, he set out ed with a complaint the doctor for home with the other boys and could only call debility, but appar- girls, but had not gone far when cntly could not cure. Snatching the siert of a dandelion brought holidays when I could I struggled track to his mind the thoughtless un until the opening of 1909, when act of the morning and the teach- completely prostrated I was corn- er's talk. Then, all of a sudden, it gelled to go to my parents and be- came over him that he might dig 1 come a burden to them. My life was up a dandelion and plant it in the simply an existence and friends place of the one he had killed. So said, behind my back, 'consump- :he stopped and began to loosen the do ..' earth round a particularly fine one "In April, 1909, I began taking which was just going to blossom. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Three "What are you doing, Charlie?" months later, on July 1st, I sailed said one of the boys, for they all from Liverpool on the Tunisian for had stopped and were watching Montreal, full of new life, energy him. When he told them, several alai hope. In this great country I said, "I'll dig one, too 1" and they am making good and I owe it all looked round for nice ones. to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In "Look here, boys," cried out three months they changed me from Nellie Upson, "why wouldn't it be a nervous wreck to a healthy man, a, good idea to make a little bed in •When electors failed they succeed- -se—front of Aunty Jones's window ed, and I honestly believe they say - (everybody called her aunty, you ed my life." see), and plant some garden flow- You can procure this great ars in_it? I've got some pansies health -giving medicine from any I'll bring." dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box "I've got some lilies and golden- or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. glow," said Emma Jackson. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, "I've got isome spveet-william," Ont. maid Frank Brown. That afternoon a merry band of boys and girls were hard at work staking a little bed in aunty's grass patch, and when they had finished Pi'w, they were surprised to see how pretty it was. But brighter than the flowers which were in it was Aunty Jones's face when she bade them good-bye. The children felt repaid when they saw her happi- ness. But my story does not end here. The little flower -bed made the farm - 'masa look nicer, and everybody tentines and allay the irritation and noticed it. The children had had pain. A trial of it will convince such a good time making the bad I s .one of the truth of these asser- that they jumped at the teacher's y suggestion that they should make tions. bcds like. it in each other's front yards where there were none. And now there is not a prettier village Street than that in Brookdale, for every yard has its nicely cared for • Hewer -beep, where a little while ago there were only grass and weeds; and all that made this wonderful change was only a dandelion, — Youth's Companion. A HUMAN CHOICE. LIFE A NIGHTMARE Relpless and Broken Down, Jr, Willianie' Pink Dills Dame to the BOSOM There are many who think anae- mia is a trouble eonfined to grow- ing girls anal women, but this is not the ease. • •Thousands . of men are avocado, attribute thoir grow- ing weakness to mental or physical overwork, or worry, and who do not appear to realize that • they swiftly passing into that conditi known as general debility, and t their trouble is duo entirely to fact that their blood is watery an impure. If the trouble is not take in 'time, they pass from one stag to another until the breakdown complete, and often until a cure i bs incl hope, To men in all walk of life there is no medicine so veli able as Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills you wed or worn o i s will make that rich, r The Peanut's .Perfections, mn w Tho aho buys 5 coats' worth of Peanuts perhaps doesn't realize that his purchase Is helping to build lip one of the largest farm products in this country, now worth some S15,. 000,000 annually. • The thin covering is vary like wheat bran and is excel.. lent food for live stuck when mixed with other things. The shells are burned in the factories es fuel, and the ash is used for fertilizer, Tha vides make fine forage. Those peanuts that are not sold en the market are ground up into butter and into meal, which is used in the manafacture'ef confee- tions of various kinds. But oil is the most highly prized by -pr duct of aro the peanut, of which a bushel will on yield' about a gallon,—I'Iarper's hob Weekly the c? Regular System, n "Nothing ever goes to waste in this e house," said the landlady from her seat is at the head of the table. s 'What do you do, then, madam, with what's left over" a new boarder asked. a "I hash it, of course," she answered. I- "But what do you do," the boarder persisted, "with the hash that's left t over?" d "1Yby, rehash it." SOLVED. d "I have it, girls," exclaimed the d lady with the sharp nose and the - cold eyes, rising in the suffrage • meeting. "I have a'plan that will ho show the men we are in earnest in s cur fight for the ballot." "Let us resolve that we will not f mar -y them unless they give us the t vete," cries a militant sister. "Nol" exclaims the sharp -nosed one. "I say, let, us declare that if they do not give us the ballot we will marry them !" A CHANCE FOR ALL. The world owes you a living right enough. All you have to do is earn it Used according to directions, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial will afford relief in the most acute form of summer complaint. When- ever the attack manifests itself no time should be lost in seeking the ail of the Cordial. It will act im- mediately on the stomach and in - r A conscientious Sunday school ttaeher had been endeavoring to isapress upon her pupil the ultimate tritunph of goodness over beauty. At. the close of a stnry in which she flattered herself that this point had been well established, she turned confidently to (t 10 -year-old pupil an. enquired, "and prow, Alia':, v;hich would yon rather be, beau- tiful or weal?' "Well," replied Alice, after a moment's refiection, "I think I'd a great deal rather le beautiful— and repent." ' THE LAZY TISHT]1MAN. IJ1,st gladly I'd go fishing -a If 1 could ,sit areuncl Boieath some ancient apple tree On green and 'springy ground. if s(nllcinin else would fix the worm Upon the prickly hook fi.nu wrestle with ,the fishes while 1 Fat and lead a book: 'l'oo many mistake the 'squabbles I I ertt ld for tht dight of ksith. If a man has sufficient hard cash be may have a soft time. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget In Cows. With tho perfecting of airships, oar castles in the air may be used as summer homes. AN IMPOSSIBLE THING to find a nlaster equal to "The D..t L. Menthol Plaster, and 1 i being i t s b imitated. e g Get theg en nine. For Ode ashes, backaches, stitches, path• Cug equals it. Made by Davis & Lawrence o. THE LITTLE THINGS. "I don't want to he nagging ab yeti," Mrs. Marryat began, "but It's the little things that bother me most "Ah," interrupted her husband, sweetly, "I suppose yuu're going to tell me you haven's a decent pair of shoes." - 'NVerybody now eat Zara -Bak boOl for these. Let. IL alive YOU ease and comfort. nese ss and Store, ivrryrrh,n, I"aSU'1' NO. 31---10, HONORED CITIZEN. "You treat that gentleman Very respectfully." 'Yes, he's one of our early set- tler's." "An early settler? Why, man, he's not more than 40 years old." "No ; but he pays his bills on the first of • every month." HOW SHE WON OUT. "How did you manage to catch the man you wanted?" we asked the bride. "By pretending to try to catch a man I didn't,vant," she confessed. You cannot make live saints by denouncing the ways of dead sin- ners. If a ship travels 14 knots an hour, how fast does its cargo? Death Comes to All. But it need not come prematurely if proper pre- cautions are taken. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and to have prevention at hand and allow a disease to work its will is wickedness. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil not only allays pains when applied externally, but will prevent lung troubles resulting from colds and coughs. Try it and be convinced. CONTRARY EFFECT. • "I tell you, she made her ac- quaiatances hot." "How , "By her icy manner." If allowed to roam over your house those innocent -looking flies may cause a real tragedy any day, as they are known to be the prin• cipal agents for the spread of dy- sentery, typhoid fever, diphtheria, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases. The remedy lies 111 the free and persistent use of Wilson's Fly Pads. UNCLE EZRA SAYS: "You kin jedge a man purty well by which end uv the log he takes hold uv." My mare, a very valuable one, washed. ly bruised and cut by being caught in a wire fence. Some at the wounds would not Beal. although 1 tried many different medicines Dr. Bell advised me to use MINASI,D'R LINI,IMENT, diluted at first, then stronger nil the Sores began to took better, until after three weeks, the sores have healed, f a d, an d best n all, the hair is growing well, and is N0'1' wnTTE as is Most always the ease ea horse wounds. 1,1, DOUCa'P Weymouth. AROMATIC EFFECTS. "What you ought to do," said the pbysitian, "is to take the air in an automobile or a motor boat." "Can't I sta,y at home and open a can of gasoline 1" Always Serviceable. --Most pilin lose their properties with age. Not co with Parrncice's Vegetable Pills. The pill mass is so compounded that their strength and effectiveness is preserved and the pills can be carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency. This is a quality that few pins pos- sess. Some pills lost)their power, loot not so with Parmelee's, They will maintain their freshness and potency for a long tame. Tuan your face to the sun and you will never fear the shadows. Mldard's Liniment Cures Gipcthrrle, TARING A CUE. "What did he do when you tried to nail him down to the point?" "Ile went off on another tack." It is un undisputed fact that one package of Wilson's Fly Palls has killed a bushel of house flies. For- tunately no such quantity can ever be found in a well kept house, but u hetiier they be few or many Wil -- son's Fly Pads- will kill thein all. Men make up their minds; wo- men make up their faces. HUNDREDS OF OPINIONS agree upon the fact that Painkiller has alleviated more pain than any ono mcdioine, unequalled' for diarrhoea and dysentery. Avoid sub• stitutes, there is but ono Painkiller'-- Perry Davis' -25a. and 600. The hairpin goes to extremes when it is used as a button hook. Mlnard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Many a homely girl has reached a man's heart with her cooking. Thos. Sabin of Eglington, says: "I have removed ten corns from my frit with Holloway's Corn Cure." Reader, go thou and clo likewise. TOOK IT FOB GRANTED. 13e had been ()ailing en her twice a week for six months, but had not proposed. Ho was a wise young mart and therefore didn't think it necessary. "Ethel," he said, as they were taking a moonlight stroll one even- "I—or—am going to ask you an importanb question." "Oh, George," she exclaimed, "this is so sudden! Why, 1--" "What I want to ask is this," ho interrupted. "What date have you and your mother decided upon for our wedding," EASY FOR HER, Stella—"Can you cook?" Bella --"No, but it doesn't mat- te 1, Jack has dyspepsia and no ap- petite," '` It is Wise to Prevent Disorder.— Many causes lead to disorders of the stomach and few aro free from them. At the first manifestation that the stomach and liver are not performing thea functions, a course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills shculd be tried, and will be found that the digestive organs will speedily resume healthy action. Laxdfives and sedatives are so blended in these pills that no other preparation could be so effective as they. The good may die young, but have you ever noticed how long a worthless man manages to hang on? Your Druggist WillTellYou Marine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens Weak'. Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pair, and Sells fez. SOe. Try Murine In Your Eyes and in Baby's lilyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. It's easy for a man to do things if given a chance, but the world applauds the man who makes his own chance. Minard's Liniment Cures' Colds, Ete. Contains more real bodybuilding nutriment than meat or eggs ---Costs much less For any meal in combination with vege- tables, baked apples, sliced bananas, stewed prunes and other fruits. Heat biscuit in oven to restore crispness. j Sold by all grooers,135, a onrton, Motor 25o. setas , ^ 7 School of Mining A COLLEGE OP APPLIED SCIENCE, Affiliated to Queen's University. KINGSTON. ONT. For Calendar of the School and further Infos. elation,apply to the Secretory, School of Mining, Kingston, Ont. Mining and Metallurgy. Chemistry and Mineralogy. Mineralogy and Geology. Chemical Engineering. Civil Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Engineering. Biology and Public Health, Power Development. - �, •� A man's wife is never more eco- nomical than when she buys his socks and ties. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator has no equal for destroying worms in children and adults. See that you get the genuine when pur- chasing. ' Suffragettes are new women in disguise. Practically all Canadian Drug- gists, Grocers and General Dcalees sell Wilson's Fly Pads. If your storekeeper docs not, ash him why. "TDB FENCE MAN,. BELLS IRON and Wire Fences at factory j,rioea Write for booklet. Addrase, 'Toronto. CANQER, Tumors, Lampe, eta. Interna) 'IJ and external, cured Without pain by our home treatment. Write us before tom late. Dr. Millman Medical' Co., Limited, Cellingwood; Ont. FOR ENGINNE3, BOILERS, PUMPS IRON and woud-working Machinery, PUMPS'. Engines,- E!autrio Motors and Contracture' Moe obinery, writell, W. Petrie, Limited, Toronto. Your Overcoats sed fatted mile would look bettor dssed. it as ogmt of Dore In rota town, writ, direct to ilieutr.al, Boz It& British Amerloan Dyeing - Co. When buying your Plano insist on !laving an ds OTT(% EGr goes Piano Action WE OWN AND OFFER AT PAR AND INTEREST 200, 00 First ;'~:Mortgage, Sinking Fund . 6% ends With 25 B onus of Common Stock of r sF` LIMITED c (incorporated under Dominion of Canada Letters Patent) Callable as a whole at 110 and accrued interest on six months' notice on let August, 1915, or any interest date thereafter, or in part for sinking fund purposes only on any August pat after 1915, at 110 and accrued interest. Interest payable lst February and August, at Royal Bank of Canada, Montreal, Toronto, Galt, Ont., and Halifax, N.S. Denominations $500 and $1,000, TRUSTEES: BANKERS : Montreal Trust Company Royal Bank of Canada CAPITALIZATION Authorized lamed First Mortgage 6 per cent. Bonds .................... ... ... ... ... • $1,000,000 $400,000 Cumulative 7 per cent. Preferred Stock ...............• ... 1,500,000 850,000 Common Stock ......... . . ••• ••• •• '•••• ••• •• ... 1,500,000 826,000 ,GEO. D. FGEBEE., Esq., President. . Pres. R. Forbes Co., Ltd., Hespeler, Pres. Taylor Forbes Co., Ltd., Guelph.. R. 0. MCCULLOCH, Esq., Vice -President. ! Goldie & McCullouch Co., Ltd., Galt. ' R. MacGREGOR, Sr., Esq., Vice -President, Pres. MacGregor, Gourley Co., Ltd., Galt, Ont. S. H. WRITE, Esq., Vice -President. Pres. Sussex Mfg Co., Ltd., Sussex, N.B. Pres. New' Brunswick Telephone Co., Ltd. DiRECTORS : THOS. H. WATSON, Esq., Toronto, Ont. Vies -Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Canada Bolt and Nut Co., Ltd. - .LEX. G. GOURLAY, Esq., Gait, Ont. MacGregor, Gourley Co., Ltd. GARNET P. GRANT, Esq., Montreal. Pres. Dominion Canners, Ltd. Vice -Pres. Canada Bolt and Nut Co., Ltd: BARRY C001CSHUTT, Esq. Ian. Dir. Cockshutt Plow Co,, Ltd., Brant• ford, Ont. - -• Y � What Consolidation Represents The Canada Machinery Company, Lim- ited, was incorporated render the Can- ada Companies Act on July lith, 1010, and has acquired the business and un- dertakings of the following companion, 1. MacGregor, Gourley' and Co., Limit- ed, Galt, Out. 2. Jobs BaIlantlne and Co., Limited, Preston, Ont. S. Frespelcr Machinery Co,, Limited, Iiospeler, Out. And the Woodworking Machinery De- partments of 1, Goldie and McCulloch Co., Lamitad, Galt Ont. 2. Somme Manufacturing Co., Limited, Sussex, N.D. The companies controlled constitnto practically all the concerns In Canada mawufneturing the -lighter grades of woodworking mwchlaery and tools. They also eonatitrrte n large percolates° of the mannfaeturlug cuphetly of Iron working tools In Caundn. The intention of lite Company is to Perfect the organization of tiro differ- ent fuelorlca upon n uniform basis, thereby ellminnting the excessive dupli- catton of special rnaeidnery, ole,, which has taken place in the peal. Security Back of Bonds The reproductive value of the planta, as determined by the Canadian Amer! - can Appra sal Cornpauy Is 01,027,073,33, over two and a half time. the present bond issue of the Company. The bonds arc being issued under a deed of trust anti mortgagge by the Company to the Montreal Trust Compnn7', 01 Montreal, nod arc secured by a limed and apeelfle first mortgage and charge upon all pre - omit and future real and immovable property of the Company. Thetotalamount of boats to Is, ta- encd is limited to ri,c00,000, end can only he Issued up to 00 2-3 per cent, of the operaleea value of the affixed as- sets. Of this sum $4 00,000 hos been Is- sued and,la 1swb•1u issued. 17,E re- maining 5000,000 eau onlybe passed to on amount equal to Oil 2--3 per cent, of expenditnrea on capitol nee0uat subse- quent to August 1st, 1010. On or before *Lc Int of August, 31,14, and annually thereafter, a cosh stak- ing fund 0f 2 per cent, of 0011 bonds outstanding is to be void to the Trus- tees, and used to purchase find retire these bonds at not eeeeeding 110 per rent. and stemmed intermit, er to call bods` at that price If not so prtrclrari- able, All bonds se purchased shall be the property of the Tr,t$tce', mud the coupons shall he collected by the Thin - tee and carried tit the credit of the Sint:tug band. Earnings and Advantage of Consolidation rt In conaertattveiy eattnmted that the net 0nrningn of the Company for the 00050!28' year, bared on present output, will. be 5120,000, showing the frond in - lomat earned fit•, time, over, These *Genf=1n'o will be materially increased during the following years. 'iSa audit - ora' reports of the vartone -factories boyo not nu yet been completed, but the audit of one of the princtpalcompanies shown nvemge net mentags for the yearn 1000 to 1510 of far more than the moonlit required to pay Ilse Interest on the entire tame of 0400 000 .Bonds. Ilr, George D. Forbes, fire President of the Company, In n.repurt, Rays the benefits, to be acn .cruc d frown the 0'w may be dam +Nolitisilon summarized YUllo�sns Increased effletene ., resulting in the differy ent (rectories and by the ellutlnn t- lug the unnecessary duplication both in output and patterns. Savings to be effected In the pareltase of new material and In adrulnlsientlan, Deonornies In selling, distributing, mannfaotnrin;r, nod transpor't.itarr el/n r:Cca. The eonfoli,brifott is beta!:' effected fust st se lime ,when 1110 10duetry Is showing tremendous d0t•elopawnt, and the acw Company, by placing the dlf- fe be,lnt t a rt•' 1 . on a mann!, hasl,, Will of It. + position t0 tubo fell advantage, STRONG FINANCIAL POSITION The different companies are being taken over free from all floating liabilities, and the New Company will have ample working capital. The Deed of Trust and all legal matters relating to this issue have been approved by Messrs Bick- sell, Bain, Stratlry & Mac1elcanl of Toronto, Negotiable 6 per cent, Interim Receipts issued by the Montreal Trust Company, Trustee, will bo given pending delivery of definite bonds, CIRCULAR AND FULL PARTICULARS ON APPLICATIOrj MERCHANTS BANK BUILDING, Montreal D C MP NY, Llr a, ROYAL BANK BUILDING*, CITIZEN BUILDING, ' Toronto Ottawa •t. t( tr •c: cl 1>, cl m P .111 'cc rte .g1 w fn pc .al .at 11z cn 'el le• tor •cg -ta an fu un tut tw sit be. nu Tic tat c0( th( ata 1! • 1111 nal 'Sob ,Cts fns B Chi lvai Inde • cru rol' oat ion, nod Hui crit' bas! 21301 hot • (hit