The Brussels Post, 1910-7-28, Page 5\V. BUSINESS CARpw. II, MoOI'/OfITh looser of fi!ate L it QtGroory,TruberryaCreotBrUaeoloel , K. O. T. M. aaolt Trout of the idaeoabccs, No, 24 their re0ular meetings iu the Lodge ti, ?wetter Bleck, on the tet aud lird ;day istoe loe.evening,/ aways welom QMT 0N, coot, A.MeGPIfI, R. E. WM.SPENOE_ N1.EYAN01111 ANA ISSUER OF MARRIAGE IIIOEN SES lc -4 la the Post OIBto, LtEthel.50 JAMES HARRIS, gent Howiok Mutual Fire Insurance Oompany !floe and (Residence— WALTON, ONT. JOHN ,.SUTHERLAN n' ' INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. Buoil1eao Cart's I. MISS BERTHA ARMSTRQNco 1 Teacher of Piano oath e °} Z!7 w u da 6i o e Store, Mu N. 1 agarter's. Macho h � ud Ic ruakela• S•tf u n' Bank, 73 . h 1.n . o f B d d f t to ( MISS PERL,E SHARPE )tea passed suCeesefully her seCopd uxetu1nt*. don of the Plenolorte 2)1)1) nota et She Sto• route Conservatory of Music, [Mule ptropered to tette pupils at her homo, 111110000 street, DR, T. T.'M'•RAE Bachelor of Modiolne, University of Toronto ; Licentiate and Graduate of the College of Pityy• atoiana and Surgeons, Qnt, l Post•grudunte' Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Ohlaatr',...�o, 211.. NE44ouao Surgoon to St. Mich• eel's Hospital Toronto. OlMoe over Ili B. Smith's Drug Stora. Tole - phone connection with Oranbrook at all ]tours, i 1 B. i3OOTT AB AR A•f7OTION. • nen, will dell for better prices, to better ,nen in 1086 time and 1888 °barges than any other Auetioveer 1n East Huron or 110 won't charge anything. Dates and orders con o na always ys be arranged at this othee or by ROST. 14. -GARNI SS 1iLtlEVALE — • ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Term reasonable. Sales arranged lor at the °Sloe o1 TaE Posw, Brussels. 02t1 LEGAL At4 CONVEYANCING. MFERGUSON , F DR, ETHEL, ONT Phyelufan and Surgeon ;Post Graduate ermines London (plug.! New York and Obioago hos- pitals. os- node enSpatial t throat. Byes testedtfor diseasof e ear, k lt% M. i31NULA11l—Oouveyauoer, v'0 • ..Barrister, Soltoftor, Notary Benito, &a. O)ilue—Stewart's 181080 t door North of Oeolrul. Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. 1jtiOUDFOOY', BAYS & BLAIR- pollutSTLrB0 SOLICITORS, NOTARIES 1'+ON ,Tu, PPLO. W. l'aoODre0T,K O. a. O. NAYS G. F. BLA1a. OSioof—Those formerly occupied byMesers Cameron & 10011, ON Tsato. Gannett's, 0R,, HAMILTON Dental Surgeon Honor Graduate Dental Dopartntont, Toronto University ; Licentiate of Royal .College of Dental Surgeon6, of Toronto. 00008 in Smith Block meted!), vacated by Ar. Fel Id, DR. WARDLAW honor gradyuate of - the Ontario Veterinary College. e. Mill,Ethel. tight calls. Oi loe opposite ALLAN LI Grd1�s ,1d 'ervie Balk war BRUSSELS GOING fSowIul Gout° Nommn, Mail 7:05 a m Express 10:55 a m Express 11:15 a m Mart 1:94 p et Express ....,... 5.02 pili Express 8:08 p Royal Mail Steamers Ayer's flair Vigor In redieritS i Sulphur, GIyoorin• ,Ruinin. Sax it f'Vgl what, CEcm S[1G ..l g. Anything injurious here? your doctor. Anything of merit here? your doctor, y itWillstopfalling hair? your doctor, Wi l doctor, Will it destroy dandruff? your Color the ria Doesir not C_-.. A3sn ,0otaru•*, Lu. x111 M.4.. Ask Ask Ask Ask r and work Of pulling a. h sok p 6 con1m0110e the l'0 coming, L Isis a o R 1 II. anti Mrs. Shaw aro visiting with Me. Shaw's sister, Mrs. L. W Hanson. This is Mr'. Shaw's first visit to the old h t0 ince he left hers soil Tllnaliu,' with long' serge coat land black mohair hat, The groom's s gift to the bride was a pearl necklace and peal l and diamond sunburst,to the brides' maid a brooch of whole pearls, to the. flower maid, a 0108cet11 of peat•1s,Band home town moi:, from the (Aleuts of which hie detttll i Albert, Bask ; George Zillialt, Orange - resulted ou Sunday morliltg. Mt',ivinetints, `\'illirr',n M S14i1LAp1Ali 1Uatei,ull WAS sixty -cine years ten pit', 'eetlaul' , b All elle' noodle, x1111. ectal dive old, l l(+ was 11o11illan, ',Hada, Ana, built wit hin a half mile of the ftu'ut oil children of both fallible +ware preseub svhitll be lived, He WEN lntti'i'iefi 1u at 010 faucial, 11hie11 s'as, held 'Weom t, • sou J hu rut , ' , 0f .1 years residence ace • about, ;S al st l a 1 7 ) the to be It SLir1311 1 Ise J., Hza t 6 a1' . M Fairviewi ' � (t etc ago and the,/ were blessed 101111 a sae, Listowel, W 1alzview L' ) family of ten ("idl'on. It was well attended by liar many. ..._- friend$ in town tux! aurlwntlaiug $t Prevonts 80Ye Throat, conlltt'y, Mo', n alit D'lt's, . Zlllial[ w oou el' wax to kill It cult and well ]ulnwtt In V\'eaGern Oulatio by, Na snit y. The 1 out. Sure throat 10x0 by apply- the tl'atv0lling.publi0 esixclally. stampor iu• N(+rvlliau---t•ntl;it iu lr0elyY, and lata( Al 1,,,, /,ilhax Wag it, woman to twill pet 1(11 (L NUl•e111He 1?oruus L'Ia titer` active priueiples, devoting Ler ti rue 41 llc7 t These rculedies bout ratsiug her laullly and easaisllug het s) sixteen ears ago, He has been living' to ct'lheigroomsman t i a pear 1, 1 in the West since leaving here. At the anneal meeting of the Eureka Bible Oleos of Wingham Methodist Sunday School, held recently, the fol- lowing officers were elected :-Teacher Rev, T. Hall ; president, W. J. Greer ; vice-president, Ti N. Roadhouse ; .secretary, T. C. Graham ; treasurer, yy - Jnhn McCool •, convenors of cc m T tniLtees—Dovotim)al, John T. David- son ; menlberehip, J. W. 'Hewer ; social, Miss M. L. Brock'; visitation, Rev. N. S. Burwash. WALTON To Toronto To Godet ioh Express 11 08 9 m! Exproee ........ ress 17:25 p WROXETER Going East - 0:54 9, in. and 855 p• m, Going West - 12:44 and 9:47 p. m. All trains going Bost connect with O. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T. G. B. stations, G180. ALLAN, Local Agent. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Virginian_ Friday 'rely 8 Aug,'5 Tunisian, .... .:........Friday July 15 Aug. 12 Viotorian Friday July 22 Aug. 10 Corsican .... Friday July 20 Aug. 20 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Southwark .. ..... Saturday July 0 Aug. 6 13 Hese r is - Saturday July 20 A 10 ug. 20 Ionian Saturday July 30 Aug. 27 Toaian ,n1�TsfY tt 7 •e1i bride and l,' in Tom- bre in the community, and were the recipients of many expressions of es- teem and regard. Many old friends here extend heitety congratulations to our former villager and his bride. Rev. 11r. Uharleswot'tlt resigned the pastorate of the Clinton and Anbtlrn churches, and will close his ministry on the 31st Inst. Miss E. Chidley was accepted for public school room No, 2, at a salary of $400, and Miss E. Tiplady for room No. 5, ata salary of $850. J, W. -Treleaven wasappointecd prin- cipal of the Collegiate and Miss Shil- lingaw, Sande, Commercial Specialist in the place of Miss Fishleigh resign- ed. For the convenience of the farmer patrons of the post office, during the harvest rush, of July and August, Postmaster Scott will keep the wicket 1 l 1' of mail until McKillop Mrs. A. Morrison has gone on a trip totheWest. We regret to hear that. Mrs. Nolan had her arm broken. Ww. Hackavell has had a new his barn. ' n roof nit o metallic 1 Hrs. Birchall, frnm Almonte, is ' visiting1101 sister,14118 Driscoll. P• 1 bon of Remy Bye A Six year old Byer - man, while playing in the field where the mower was at work ran unnoticed in front of cutting bar and the knives almost severed the foot from the leg. Two doctors were summoned at Once and it required fourteen stitches to The the yvound, knives had seedver the back cord of his leg at the ankle and it leaves hire in a precarious doingas well ascanbe expected. sent he is e Seaforth MONTREAL TO HAVRE & LONDON Lane Erie July 16 Aug. 27 Pomperanlan' July 28 Sept, 8 Sicilian July 20 Sept. 10 RATES OP PASSAGE According to steamer, let Class —$07.50 $77 50- 95957 50 65 10 00 2nd Olnse — 42 50 45 00 Ord Ohms —27775 2075 5000 For full particulars of rates and enilinge apply to W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line. Brewers. The Allan (Inc,, 77 Yonge st., Toronto magod. �vybtu7GNuv6 $99 OpensAug.Terra P � '1'1}1'8 year elle attendance alae Ueen the O'I greatest in tho history of the ELLIOTT TORONTO I) Thera is. a reason for it. Day by de), r mid year by yenr the superior work of *hie school is becoming batter known. Oar graduates readily get oltoic(' positions. �Y Ontnlogue is free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ger. 'Solute &Aleamider eta, Toronto.. A17:0294seXO cfiiY.:W2's. PFttai'R:�lG'.`4.^a5 On 1t+ V 6 out satin, destroy every 1tae0 of 9011 Iluebaual au conducting his bushle8$ gestaon, clue the cold aud tendency to bronchitis, Thousands find1Vet•vilwe inestimoldy. tee best remedy for pales, notice, bemires, neuralgia, sciatica, colds and \Vinter ills. Not only le it i>encllaWug anti powerful, but it ie L t s sell c , t all 111x1 All lel 1 t sole a.nd a o1 Polson'e Neevlinie Large bottles foe 25e„ the ;dusters) same pfiee. Beware of substitutes, A Wonderful Cold Cure. Just think of it, a cold cured in ten minutes—that's what happens when you use "Oatarrh0zono.•' You inhale its soothing balsams and out goes the cold -811111)09 are cured—headache 18 grippe disappear a on 1 !healing Mee essences antiseptics in Oatarrholoue that en- able it to act so quickly. In disease of the nose, for irritable throat, bron- chitis, coughs and catarrh it's a Marvel. Safe even for children. 250. and $1.00 sizes at all dealer s. Listowel .I 0 91033.oliday, August 105. rico LATA LAwie I3ULIl1;i.-^1'110 de e0aaell Lewis Bolton, who: died on July 18111, was bolls near the village of Bolton, Albion township, county of His father was the luteJJa11 es113o$o 1 who, with his two sous, Lewis ane! Mtu'lin, caune back, into the bush with the lirst settlers of Walla*e township, settling un the Sect line near Mayne as cured— symptoms of catarrh an it was thee mulled, in 1855. Luwts was Clinton t once. It's and showed as marked ability itr cone ducting bttniueee 1)(X1;(1", Slto had been 1,1ent) 1.4 ;vitt) the 1'ra bhvierlaaa elturtll all her life giving it live prat' tiOal-help and suppur't. The latest authentic estimate of the Icon Columbia 1119+ U British raelud0 population t uteludc adu,0oo whites, 09,000 Iodiluls, x7,000,Ohlues0, -55,000 Japaeene, and '5,000 klindas-0 total of 347,0(10, The population of Obicago lies passed the 2.000,000 mark, derLrding l0 091(01• ales based uu 1 )8 1910 8011001.9engn8. "!(lima of Germ In parentage take the first rank, followed by Poles, lltte;etan and lrisb. 41,444•444.44444•44444,04.4••••••••••••••••••••••••••14+4++ •®+(24`4.4444 ••44444,04.4 •.•II•o•M•a•a•t'•�l'..'e•r® ''�l•`•• •••••1 �+4++ .1• 0 0 • • 0 'm• 0 r ✓0r 0 • 4. 4 a@•t•04.044-1'O.4'O.4.+4, i' +04 4.41retrsete.e.d'3'@•:S•b0 44.04.41-00 04.41' f rhe, thou a buy of fifteen axial was seat to s and pUwtl In the Rockwood academy near Guelph to complete his education. Al; tlli8 rioted 8011001 11e ;vas for a LIMO afellol. pupil will! the cow famous railway Magnate of the United Slates, James J. hill. !lore be received a general 001m m:ion and qualified as an uutario Laud surveyor, becoming also a D. L, S., after Confederation. He was. mar- ried in 'Wallace in October, 1807, to Latina Doxil, wilo survives him, and about this time became interested with the late 11,. W. Hermon in the business of the wuulleu wills Eu Listo- wel selling his interest to the present owner, B. 1r. leroolc. lie opened an office In LOW 9 its surveyor, eonVeyan. v cer, inant:t wee, etc., which he has )en for the delivery leery to rho i\ est, conducted here even since, His song and has L. I): Bolton, who has of late been Henry" Stokes, lin the Dominion has decided to rem; located at Cobalt, will continue the Sugar Co.,of Berlin, was in this tpureh Morrow the. ntK n onsinrese of office in List�wel. His uuly other Graha ist week along with B e Atae Morgan meeting streC.et. child is ra daughter Annie, Mrs. Russel Grab. inspectingo some (ofh 'the Beet At a special dl meeting cf the accept • A. Winne, of this town. ML Bolton n of J. VP. Firth, as was most 0,0mm:teat in his profession fields. They pronounced the .crap'. has trustee board it was decided to acce )5 of surveyor and ties done much work far a, they have we 'best h1 the resignation i to Lt ]u all eros ofLi( dCanada. ut h work years, and with erd favorable k weather; the aclouce waster at the Ce, g tlml6 he has f maps yield will be a record breaker. ' stttute and to offal posrtiou to hlq p brother, Thos. Firth, iVl. A , Goderich H. J. Morris has purchased a h0118e on Anglesey street frons Capt. Shep- herd and will move to it in the Fail.. George 30111181011, the furniture man has a black walnut bedstead at his store whiob is somewhat of an "an- tique," being 180 years old as near as he can make out. J. W. Vanatter, who returned a fel r, (lays ago from his trip 8.80 Saturday evenings. y g• in 1n 00710 a Pssei at t di 4 •3• P straits by Photography L WORK GUARANTEED• ALL •cpm G. 1■ Y� n ®'iJ a A li T L!. • a 4. • The Girl That Is Palo. She is in clanger, her system is run -- e needs nourishment, tk sh tea down, weak—she , ie More than Ior needs rtrher blood. N 15 because she actio Ferxovone needs t it brings back the nerve energy which rapid growth and study have exhaust- ed, The old-time vigor, ,happy spirits and new strength return with For, rezone. The delicate maid is energiz- ed, strengthened and rebuilt. Isn't It worth while using Ferrozone When it surely does so touch. At all dealers in 50o. boxes. ,Reed Mr. Shaw, e Ee death vllle, re - of his to brother's wife.' Miss Ida McDonald of the Oivil Service Dept„ Ottawa, is, visiting her mother, fire. McDonald, John street. J. Leslie Reid, bounty Sec. of the A,, Shelburne Falls, Mass., will upend a month with his parents; J. H. and Mrs. Reid: Joseph Noble, while shooting birds on his lace was rendered unconsoi0us for a tpttne by receiving !a kick from the gun he was using. Earl tend Mrs. Crich, of Hartney,. 1faa., are visiting relatives in town. Mr. Crich, who bas pot been well is taking a rest and will spend some time in town. Messrs.' Edge and Gntteeidge, well known contractors, have just received . Victoria 'o tract art another large c n Harbor, for the 0. P. R.. amounting to $21,000. This- makes contracts to the amount of $110,000, which they have received! from the 0. P. 15. for work at this point. This second] con- tract is for office buildings, ship stores, laundries, ice houses, etc. ®®@®@000@@A•4'4@<`@@041 C•Py4t (>'3' To Machinery Users and fartnerS 8 g 44 41 • 4 e Tho How Machina Shop of the t 0 :HOWLS FINE APPLIANCE e 0 • and MACHINE Co, o s is now ready for business, and 4 with good 11001111ml and Skilled e O tle(lnailigs, 7+e aro in apesitt0u e. to attend Lo your sopa irs prompt a ly aud at reasonable rates. II 2 If you will lot 08 1(9mv ynnt O wants we will live you honest he if u honest s .advice and' i . Y with Machinery. l • Clive us atrial and, by coaling • to 13rties 18 save tune and looney 1 • for yourselves, 4GMGSUiE & JAMES 0 C' Mil Street Brussels #444•1>04f•00®b000so04+e00 4<a 2 • lle a the •an bailor graduate of Toronto University; who 1 1 cal on sole o g g present e t is a p survey 7V01'lt, Nortl of Lake Superior board ` The for the bureau of Mines,. 1 f Miss agreed to raise the salaries o McArthur and Miss Hodge to $1,000 and $700 respectively and to increase De. J. M. Field's salary as principal to $1,600. A splendid audience gathered in the Oddfellows' Ifal1 on Tuesday evening of last week to witness the graduation exercises in connection with the Alexandra hospital school for Horses. His Worship Mayor Catneron presid- ed aucl with hint on the platform were Rio Honor Judge Rall, president; of the hospital board, Dr. Taylor and the two graduating curses—Miss Lily May Levy, of Darlow, and Miss Helen Taylor, Swann, bf Hensall. These tin young ladies form the first graduating class of the Alexiaudra hospital school. for nurses, and the occasion was of particular interest for this rens Members of the Order of Daughters of the Empire, those guardian angels of the hospital mid Miss Griffiths, the lady superintendent of the hospital, occupied seats near the platform. A. sad told fatal accident occurred in Godet'ich township on Saturday, the 16511 inst.,. when Thos. Harrison, a we11 known resident of the 4th con- cession lost his life. Haying opera- tions were in full swing and a hay - loader was being used in the field t0 do the loading. Mr. Harrison was on h hay - reek ill the he ladder hent the load lv •' h t- •nn,fright- ened. u became horses g rose the coed and he was thrown under the hayloader, which passed over hint. Assistance was. immediately su111n1on- ecTaud upon examination 111r. Harris- on was found to have s71Stt01»ecl. as broken wrist and his leg was badly torn. Re suffered severely from shock Belgrave The ladies of Belgrave have organiz- ed a base ball club. Miss Henry, of Dungannon, is a visitor at the home of Jno. and Mrs. Hopper. Wes. Walker, of Clinton, and Adan!, of Toronto, were visitors at Mr. Carlisle's. G. and Mrs. Porterfield and family, of Brandon, Man., are visiting their many friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Barkley, of Detroit, is visiting her sister, M1•s.,Olegg, on the 5th line of Mortis, also friends to Belgrave. .Bev.. I. J. Durrant attended the Summer school at Alma College, St. Thomas, where he delivered a lecture. Masi:eve Tony and Elwood Nicol, 1f Los Angeles, Oat.. are visiting the m1.Cle land aunt. Robb. and Mrs. Owens, 0th line Wawanosh, at present. 101r. and Mrs. H0l1st01),IMIA and Mrs. 1 of nalc • MbDo Mr. 1 and 1 Loan , Becht ' Grey, and Joseph Sproat, of Seafortlt, were; guests of D. and Mrs. Sproat. Rev. J. E. and Mrs. Ouok, formerly cif Belgrave Methodist circuit, are nolo nicely settled in their new home and their address is box 45, Capes, Mich.. The Ladies' Aid of Belgrave 101etho- dist church intend having alawn social on the parsonage grounds onlWednes- day, August 8rd. A go p g' will be provided. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh, of Kenton, Man., are the guests of \V. and Mr's. \Vlay, while visiting 011911ds to end around Belgrave 11ts. McIntosh was formerly Miss May Mohory and acs i born in Beiguave, avid their uuanl • Mends lura pleased Inmee't thew. _ A- Vegetable. Constipation Cure. Because they contain mercury and mineral salt's, many pills are harsh. 'Phe easiest and safest laxative is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. They clean the stomach, intestines and bowels -drive out Waste matte tone the kidneys and forever 0017 cnustipablon. As a general tonic and syete,u cleanser nothing is s0 wild mid cflfc1eu1. as 1)r. llaulilb'on's Pilis of Maedr.tke and Butternut'. Solt! everywhere in 25e. boxes WIngham Gurdon Imlay returned to Detroit diet, spending several weeks at his bathe here. Kiss 13e11 Burwitsll recently passed the Conservatory of nlceie. exam. in mettle,y Lheoryewith !011015, G E. 13nihanan; manager of a for-. oto branch oe the bank of Nove 0 Lauth is spending a 1'901 I1oli(lays 591(1) his parents, F. end 10115. BnchanOlt, 13igit School Board has engaged 111•. Percy, of AlvitlstoO, as Science. teach- er than the vacancy caused by 111'. Forbes' removal. The salary will be , 260 �1141o1 us Township Council gale a grant of $10 to the \Vingham ball Iran The lair has this year also re- ceived grants of $15 from 'l'nr'berry 03(i1ncil and $255 from Winglram Coon - ell, rho selves 0mltra(t0r has got through the deepest pert of the work, nod the work will progress more rapid• ttedepth, of 10 feet made. the work 1y now. 111 the vicinity or scat street show. On account of the strike nu the G. 'P. 11. the Sunday School excursion to 1CiucmLrltnSunday has been, cancelled aud on this account, 11ayor Holmes has also cancelled the arrangement for Oivic holiday on that date Mr, Tipling has over 000 acres of flax approaching fitness for pulling, and. a9 the crop IS a good one, it 3510x915 a lot of work One contingent of In- dians arrived n-dialtsarrived Tuesday of lash week to •published lit )s of various sections of the pruviuc0 lvnielz are the ed. standard records of the places mapped. e member of ' a w f Ut years lie 10((8 Y town 000111111 or a town officer, having and assessor or as 1 clic a beeu different ( days cleat 01006 1u the eal.lier l y he was an votive 10010001 of the Lowe baud and of much assistance in main- taining au efficient musical alganiza- Lion. He was a welcher of the Mettle - dist church. THE LATA Dias. ZILLL'tX.—There passecl away iu Orangeville on Altai - day July lath, a former well known resident of Listowel, iuthe person of Airs, Geo. Zilliax iu Ilei 05th year. She had all her life enjoyed excellent health until about 1510 years ago, when she suffered hour as stroke of paralysis, While she recovered from this stroke her health was affected. and another stroke coming about three weeks ago confined her to her, Lwow and,\londay sbe departed from this world. The deceased Caroline Black was born in Last Gwillinisbury, and ill the early fifties moved to Marlborough,. where she meet led the late \Vil1Laul \\'x(800, and with 111111 kept hotel at Doman until 1800, when Mr. \Valsue died leaving her With a family of three children, who rate all living at the present time, viz.,'John \Vatsun ex -Mayor, or, Listowel ; Mrs. O. IL Su1i111, '10ruu10 ; and Alex, Watson, Detroit. She was afterwards married to George Zilliax, who sur- vives her, coining with him to Listo- lvel in 1871and 1 aking over the Queen's l for conducted place. they W4 ' • 1 lira + which Y l 17 ar Ll } Zilliax 111 L 10!00 thirty about Ll 3 years, sold but and moved Co Hanover, after - weeds moving to Orangeville, where for 201110 alae dual they made their hoarse with 1110ir daughter, Mrs. Wet_ latufer. The children of this marriage tare as follows :--Adan Zilliax, Prince Bluevate. I DW,•r-Sol)Elsvuma.—the 'marriage 1 mak place, ,,1 55'(.11s lid, Ont., Tuesday 1 111171nuntli of bier week., at one o'clock 1 of Miss \Il0lxl Georgina Somerville,;. eldest daughter of W. G. Souxi ville, and Louis Make 1)1111 t dii.oi n1' the \Velltind'Pahhraph, 101(1 pi sidelrl of the Outari° liocke y AssnciaLim1 The ceremony was quietly snletuntra d M: the bottle or the Ionic on \l(411i11 street, the officiating olveg7man being Rev, J. • H. Mcl31un, nest m. of the lictlinrlist church, and was witnessed only by ee.lalivcs and as very few close friends o1' the bride anal groom. The Imide, who 1Na8 charmingly gowned in cream satin, With peatl and sequin trimming, the. veil being the gift of an 01,1 0,1111ilty friend, foul carrying at huge shower bouqut L was attended by her sister, hiss 11391(0'] Somer- ville, svhtlse•. dress wag of ,et'ealrl stain and lace, and carrying it shepherd's crook of illative and Sweet peas tit Huth Snunulillc. niece of the bride, nnule as dainty little flower girl In white tnonsselino silk and carried the wedding tang in a hasketof pink roses. The groomsman was Arthur Don- aldson, or do, Toronto Daily Star staff, The ceremony took plan' w tori alcove of the Ver101nhll.l, and 1117 bride witsgiven away by her father. After- wards dejeunet' was served lit the dim 111 room, which tva8 dem-tutted with 1t111aruey loses. Shortly Lifter three o'clock itlt and 111s. Doff 1t4110 au antol.nobile lor'13ulfalo and will spend a short honeymoon on the lakes. The bride's going -away COstlltn0 was of embroidered white and black Swiss) The Secret of Good Pies CRUST,more than an other IEY delicacy of the oven, ought to be tem to the taste. tin and appealing tempting tonic % to neat Youdo not eat pie as a or to strengthen your appetite. You eat it for pleasure mostly. taste good, You want it, of course, to at the same time you want the crust to be light, flaky, wholesome. Now, pie crust properly err made from usehol Flour is always good food, the is more satisfying than absolute uniformity of ordinary flour, comes out of the oven flakier, morb tender and more digestible. Be sure to try "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" when next you make pies. It is the finest flour in the world not only for Pastry but for Bread and all family baking. this best ofallflours elimin- ates failure entirely. You get the same delightful results every time and your pies are more healthful and nourishing than if made from ordinary flour. The reason is that "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" having a larger percentage of high quality gluten, assimilates more readily, Y, "Ogilvlea, Bask For A Cook" containing 125 pages of tried and tested recipeswillbe sent free to se- f user oRoyal House- hold bo asks for it. old Flourw h WW1. & R. A.•PRYNE A strong, rich super-glutened Flour from hard Western Wheat Makes good bread 1111i1/1/111111111eal