The Brussels Post, 1910-7-28, Page 34 Fashion ,w Hints w 4 SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. 31ue reigns supreme. ?ougoe petticoats are new. Tome of the plaitings come with ]order in color, lighter than over are the skirts the bottom, 'elle makes a simple yet attrac- s coiffure ornament, 'he gunmetal ties for street wear 1 hold their own. among the now ribbons is one erect with peacock eyes. bits of the Rajah are made on ere lines. [arguerites have a strong vogue present Paris /millinery- deoora- 1. sicked long gloves aro again in they are likely to stay for .the ]mer. he newest thing in the way of a elty pillow is the Chantecler de- i. he fad for belts andg frdle sof patent leather shows no sign batement, hanteoler gloves have come for- d to match the Ohanteeler dkerchief. hite canvaspumps as well as Ards are much used for street r. 'oehetted neck ruchesare a :1 idea, and they are smart and :tical. any of the Persian bags have 1 silk tassels added to the han- d rose colors are fairly in - shed in the fashion scheme of moment. own satin pumps for street ' are among the newest things otwear, le suede shoes are quite smart street wearwhen one's cos- is dark blue. epic poplins, fine serges, and :s of open meshes are used for ed suits. street wear there is a grow- sshion for the severe frocks of id linen. .ze wood, made, and bamboo to be the favorite woods for of handles this season. majority of bathing shoes are but a few high models laced silk ribbon are also seen.' 1d painted 'scarfs, ribbons, tress stuffs, as well as para ire decidedly smart, k ruffs of tulle, the exact tone e's costume, are seen when - cooler day comes. Persian belts are usually fin - with a narrow edge of patent r or dark yellow suede. sheted pearl collar pins are the latest fads and much in lg with summertoilets. te kid glove:; are stitched in to match the frock. Leven - mei pinks aro especially fay- , of the parasols this season handles from five to eight longer than those of a year necklaces with pendants of rtinue in favor. They are sore with collarless gowns ver. ps are fashionable in one it another, in kid, suede, tent leather. The stiff pump seen and the ` string .bow r is used more and more as ag for precious and semi- s stones, whether in rings, ts, pins, bracelets, or a• THE' QUESTION. :hildren had been teasing :cher with questions all the tiny afternoon.He had been tient, but he had not read spaper. had asked where clouds 'cm and where they were where the sunbeams were, rained, and why no one r counted the sand particles shore ; but when' they asked' esterday had gone, grand- ighed. t bother him any more," id. father laughed. "Let mo a question," he said, ''and n't answer it ,you must not any more to -day," ;ildren agreed to this plan, Whither asked, "How can .c eagle, out of thirteen?" ildren retired to a cornet, e still for some tient. Ab othy tiptoed back. "Can le on paper 1" she asked. said grandfather, "and stroke of the pencil." ildren trotted away to the sad no more was heard sin until teatime. Their wed that they had "given is grltndfather called them the Retrain numerals -- Then he drew a straight, fight the center horizontal- g the 'ten and each I at r, tanking eight. Said Ned, laughing, know, everything—that's isle hill so many ques- WORDS OF DAUTION TO TODD NOTOEIS Mothers must keep guard over the health of theirlittle ones dur- ing the summer months. Summer is an anxious time for all mothers, but more especially for young mo - thou. It is the most fatal time of the year for babies and young (Ilea, It is then that stemma and bowel troubles come almost without warning, and often before the mo- ther realizes there is any danger, tho little one may be beyond aid. The mother must take strict oats tion to keep her little one's stom- ach sweet and pure and itis bowels moving regularly, ' No other medi- ohm can do this so quickly and thoroughly as Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets should always be kept in the house. An occasional dose will keep baby well or if lilacs comes on suddenly the Tablets will quickly remove the cause and make baby well and happy, Sold by me- dleine dealers or by '.mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Willi- ams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sr 1 HEALTH THE EYES AND LIGHT. It is an undoubted fact that peo- ple in general pay much more at- tention to the care of the eyes than was formerly the case, and it is well that this i i so. A great deal more is demanded of the human eye to -day than in former times, even if one goes back only 'a very, little way. It is not only the increasing strain of educa- ticn,.for in many ways the strain here is -lessened, owing to better methods, bigger windows, clearer print, and growing . knowledge of the limitations of the eye; but it is. impossible. to move without being impressed with the continuous and everlasting invitations to the eye la overwork itself unnecessarily. Every boat and train and trolley is lined with printed matter, and the eyes have to be perked away like anunwilling child from a window of toys. If one flees to the real country, one finds every barn and fence plastered with admonitio-: and advice. So that in a sense all have become involuntary and obli- gatory readers, even the least lit- erary. ' The only way out of it all is to travel with shut eyes, The worst danger, however, is not in the daytime. It is, in all great cities at least, after dark that the greatest risk is incurred. When thehealing, peaceful night de- scends, then comes the assault of light, and many are beginning to realize that it is from dusk to bed- time that the eyes are put to their greatest strain. It has always been recognized that excessive light can cause in- jury to the eye. Snow -blindness is a conspicuous instance of this, as is also what is called eclipse blind- ness, meaning symptoms which fol- low an attempt to watch an eclipse. of the sun. The same symptoms can be produced by watching any very bright light without protect- ing the eyes; The glare from the sand and waves brings about the same discomfort in susceptible eyes as that from snow, although moun- tain -climbers are said to suffer mere severely became the light on high mountains is richer in the u1- tia-violet rays than tile light in val- leys. These violet rays, which cause the trouble, may be offset by the wear- ing of amber -tinted glasses, which split up these rays 'before they reach the retina. Now that lighting by electricity is beooming so general a fashion, it iladvtisable that ,peopleshould learn how to protect their eyes from its glare; its light should always be arranged not to shine directly on the eyes, the bulb should always be. made of ground glass, and several lamps of moderate power are bettor than one extremely powerful one. KISSING. Under the ruilo of the Puritans in former days, pleasure wasfrowned upon as a snare of evil, and the world was called upon to eschew it ender pain of spiritual condemna- tion'. To -clay the Puritans have passed, bet another band of men - teas 11113 arisen, still warning -the nations against many things, but this time under threat of temporal psi raslunent. These are the preacher's of .sa11i- tationand preventive medicine, who would have men walk the nar- row path of hygienic righteousness. These are even harder masters than their spiritual forbears, for they wili not let us be dirty, they will not let us eat too much, they will not let us live in stuffy homes, with doors and windows doubly sealed against 8 trickle of fresh • air, and now they are even lifting their voie- dn against the world -old custoin of kissing. The worst of it is, they are right, at least in a general way for kiss - hat, in its itrodel'n promiscuity, 15 rnicious, and shou)i'd be 601)- 01133(1 as dangerous. The custom probably had its ori. pe dr gin, not in affeeltion, but in suapio- ion. In primitive times, when the mere ging s of Ling they chic of 01116 by- sts, and the the an an on re - the bre, rse, ac - But eat - me Cher by nst y is are re- se - will rls a or ke sense a£ ,rued was perhaps acute that that of sight, brin the faces together was a mean identification, and of slistinguis friend from foe, We have now o better developed senses, pay and physical., which tell us fr]endsldia and kissing has bee a mark of affection rather than test of it, It is not against this that the gienist—the sensible one—prole bar. against the meaningless ctengerous habit of pecking atry lips of eve*rya, especially of defenseless infant. It is really affront for a stranger, or ever! ordinary friend, to kiss a baby the lips, and the act should be seated, Kissing. , among members of family is hygienically permissi fortunately. It is, of cosi through the transmission of b to ria that kissing is harmful. each family has its owp domesti eel bacteria; as it were, of the s species as those inhabiting ot but somewhat modified constant interchange. Agai these each member of the famil in a measure immune, They liars an ill-natured pet clog that s' eot s the members sof the hon hold with which he lives, and riot bite them. but snaps and sna at strangers, Kissing should, therefore, be family greeting; for strange 's ordinary friends the handa suffices. Above all, the baby's 1 should be sacred. HIS SPELLING. Little Wee had been brought up o ,bepolite, and not to interrupt when there was company unless it as very important. He always emembered this and kept very niet. One day there were visitors, who talked and stayed and stayed, util poor little Wee was tired. Ho ��,�pphed them to go, but not for any- tfi`ing would he let them see this. All of a sudden he -thought of a ice plan that his mother and fa- ther knew when he was too little spell and they did not want to urt his feelings. So in a little ause in the ladies' talk, Wee said, his prettiest way, "Mother, lease can't we be a -l -o -n -e?" And 1; the visitors laughed and kissed m good -by, and gave him his good otherall to himself. -Youth's ompanion, t NV r q w n to h in p a hi m C Ps An Easy Pill to Take.—Some per- sons have repugnance to pills be- cause of their nauseating taste. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so prepared as to make them agree- able to the most fastidious. The most delicate can take them with- out feeling the revulsion that fol- lows the taking of ordinary pills. This is one reason for the popular- ity of these celebrated pills, but the main reason is their high toni- cal quality as a medicine for the stomach.' COWARDLY EGG. "When I arose to speak," said the martyred statesman, "someone hurled a base, cowardly egg at me, and it struck me in the chest." "And what kind of an egg might that be?" asked the young man. "A base, cowardly egg," explain - ad the statesman, "is one that hits you and than runs," Iced, -Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes. Relieved By Murine Eye Remedy. Try WilllnLikeeMo One, EIte SToohubs.e s. 50cYAt Your Druggists, Write For Eye Books. Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto, "What did you think of that girl at her coming-out party?" "Well, to be perfectly frank, I' thought she'd bettor go bac]-.-" PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS have found Painkiller very useful. There is nothing equal to it in all oases of bowel troubles. Avoid substitutes, there is but ono "Pain- killer:'—Parry Davis' -25o. and LOc. A hook in the jaw is apt to fin- ish'both the fish and the fighter. amerces taremana Cures Carget.In Cows. NO GRAMMARIAN. Weary Willie—Lady: kin pause give a poor feller a bite t' eat? Mrs. 1 urallum—Why, certainly. Dill you see a pile of wood as you came in? Weary Willie-Yes'm, I seen it. Mrs. Rurallum--Yot1 mean ; you taw it Weary Willie (beating it while his shoes wore good) -.'Souse me, lady, bLir I ain't no grammarian. • S Ill r'il. 111--10, TRUTli IN A NUTSILELL, dm avo inside, gents," cried the eonduotor on the crowded trolley. "Yo're breakin' the rules stapdiu' un the platform here." "Some o' them ain't," piped up a little man, "They're standin' on my feet," Regarded as one of the most po- tent compounds ever introduced with which to combat all summer complaints and inflammation of the bowels, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen- tery Cordial hag wen for itself a reputation that iso other cordial for the purpose . can aspire to, For young or old suffering from these complaints it is the best medicine that can be procured. GOOD FISHING. "Bow's fishing around here?" "Great;. this is one spot where there are no big ones to get away." "allfirleta-'71:Parea-C ,aI,s My mare, a vory valuable one, was bad- ly bruised and out by being caught In a wire fence, Some of the wounds would not ileal, although 1 tried many different medicines Dr. Bell advised me to Aso MINAR, 'S D LINIMENT, diluted at first then stronger as the sores began g to loos butter, until after three weeks, the soros have healed, and best of all. the hair is growing well, and is NOT WHITE as is most always the ease in horse wounds. F. M. DOUOE'1: Weymouth, AN ADDER. Tommy -"There's a girl at our school, mamma, theyecall 'Post- script.' Do you know why?" Mamma—"No, dear." Tommy—"Because her name is Adeline Moore." ' SEE THAT YOU CET THE REAL THING, —Unscrupulous makers aro putting up a counterfeit of The D. & L." Menthol. Plaster, The genuine is made by Davis. & Lawrence Co. ALSO THE TIN. To a gentleman who had married the daughter of a rich biscuit bak- er a friend said: "So you have taken, not the cake, but the biscuit this time ?" "Yes, and the tin with it," was the witty, if ungallant, reply. "Man is Filed With Misery.". - This is not true of all men. The \c ell, sound of lung,, clear of eye, alert and buoyant with health, are rot miserable, whatever may be their social condition. To be well is to be happy, and we can all be well by getting and keepingour bodies in a healthful state. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will help all to do this. AT A DISADVANTAGE. Two ''boys who managed to be ra- ther unruly in school so exasperat- ed their teacher that she ordered them to remain after hours and write their names one thousand times. They plunged into the task. Some fifteen minutes later one of them grew uneasy, and began watching bis companion in disgrace. Suddenly the watcher burst out, with despair, between his sobs, and said to the teacher : "'Tain't fair, mum; his name's Bush, and mine Schluttermeyer." Minard's-Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. A SUM IN ADDITION. Herr Pastor—"I've made seven people happy to -day; I've just roar - tied three couples." Friend—"But that's only six peo- ple." Herr Pastor -"Well, how about myself?" The destruction of the house fly is a public duty. Almost all Boards of. ]iealih are now carrying on a crusade against it. A. bulletin re- cently issued by the Dominion Gov eminent status that no house fly is free from disease germs. Use Wil stn's ]i'ly fads freely and. persist- ently, and do • your share towards exterminating this menace to the public health. About all you have to dotemake a boy hate any particular kind of food is totell him that it is health- ful Much distress and sickness in children is caused, by worms. Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator gives relief by remo'ing the cause. Give it a trial and be Convinced. TRIED HER BEST. "Thank yeti," she said, as he fin- ally agave her his seat in the ear. "las ahnbst impossible to stand on you feet.' "That was bocanse I kept pulling 'em but of your way, ma'am," he replied. '. RESIST EVIL. It a bribe is offered you, Promptly spurn it L.t you write a thing untrue, "-Better burn it; Tf you ever go amiss And in stealing seek for bliss, Should you merely steal a kiss, Best return it. Smite a fly on one cheek and ho eturnoili to the other, CAUTIOUS, ".Excuse me," said the old lady, as she entered the drug store, "but are you a registered pha1'ms0jat?" "Oertainiy, lna'am," answered the clerk. "You have a diploma, I sup - 'pose ?" "Yes, ma'am," "How long have you been in the btjsiness V' "About ten years." "Well, I guess you are all right. Give me a couple of postage stamps, please," SHE WASN'T SKEPTICAL. Young Lady—The last bread I got 01 you was so hard I couldn't eat it Bake'• (indignantly)—Young lady, I want you to know that I made bread before you were born. Young. Lady—Oh, I don't doubt it. I think that was some of it you sold me, The Bowels Must Act Healthily, —In most ailments the, first care of the medical man is to see that the bowels are open and fully perform- ing their functions, Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills are so compounded that certain ingredients in them act On the bowels solely and they are the very best medieine available to pro- duce healthy action of the bowels, I1ldeed, there is no other specific so serviceable in keeping the digestive organs in healthful action. A DROUGHT. "They also advertised shower baths at the summer resortwhere woput in the summer." "Didn't they have them?" "Naw, there wasn't a shower all summer,' Don't experiment with unsatisfac- tory tory substitutes. .�i ilson, s Fly. Pads are the best fly killers made and will kill many times more (lies than any other article. THE ONE THING. There are a million things I want And hope to get somehow; But just a glass of lemonade Is all I think of now. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. HOW HE ADVERTISED. "Wifie—"Be sure to advertise for Fido in the morning newspapers." Next day the wife read de follows in the newspapers: "Lost -A mangy lapdog, with one eye and no tail. Too fat to walk. Answers to the name of Fido. If returned stuffed, large reward," You will find relief in Zorn-Buk ! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove this ? all Druggists and Stores.— ena box, 10 OMEGA WATCHES FREE Builds Strong, Healthy, Sturdy 'Youngsters. To serve—heat in oven, pour hot ;milk over it and salt to taste. Sold by all grocers, 13c. a carton; two for 25c. 4" Er"THE 'CN(11i MAN," SELTS TRON and W ie Yenoos at factory prices. Write for booklet. nt. Address, Toronto. CHENILLE CURTAINS and ell kinds of bees imagines, also LACE CURTAINS OYE LINED NELINANED write to us about your, =RrrIsH AMERICAN DYEING 00., Eosin, Montreal( vr,Jasrt'c1,i,S7n A'd ALL R4Mlt 0 ✓le tnfemmatlsu of th Kidneys, of She Bladder, of the Bowels, of obs ung,, Bane Throat, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Croup' Ca- tarrh, Influenza. Head- ache 'roetllacheNeu- Rheumatism, Cold Oaii]e, Ague Obma Ch1. Maine, Faosybltes quickly ed by Red'Nag s. Reade Rend 'EVER HEARD IT NEXT DOOR? Myer—"In .some countries sheet music is sold by the pound," Gyer—"Yes, and a good deal of i+. is played by the same method in this country.'.' II every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly Pads freely (luring the simmer months, the house fly peril ould soon be greatly diminished, AS INDICATED, Myer—"Ever notice that dilapi- dated old umbrella Jones carries?" Gyer-"Yes. It is evidently one cf theshades of his ancestors." Holloway's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, root and branch. Who, then would en dure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach?. ABSENT-MINDED SCOTCHI42AN. The Scotehman could not find his ticket. On the conductor's second round it was still missing. "What's that in your mouth?' he asked. Sure enough, there was the missing ticket. The conductor punched it and went his way, "Ah, we'el," said Sandy, in reply to his fellow - passengers' banter, "I'm nae' sae absent-minded as ye wad think. Ion was a vera auld ticket and I was jist sucker aff the date," Llinard's Liniment Cures Distemper.. 11RanFNG6IN5o1=E.niagliPnU. 8d - Electric Motors ancl'Contractere' A•;a. ohlnery, write It. W. Petrie, Limited, Toronto; CANI:EH, Tumors, Lunips, etc, Interna* aad treatment. tvrod wituout ore toy our home treatment. write ns before too late. Dr. Gellman Medical Co., Limited...- Collingwood, Ont. COBALT STOCKS Norther, Crown Bank. Home Bank Stock, Hamilton Cataritet Co. Tanners Bank. DomiDominionPermrmaueasnt. Sun Ac Hastings Loan. And All Unlisted Stooks. BOUGHT AND SOLD BY 0RE•VILLE & 00„ 43 Scott St., TORONTO established isgl,. Tel. Main 2189 Is Your Hearing Good ? The HEAR.O.PHONE will give you the benefits of good hearing. Send for freer ... booklet,giving particulars and names of satisfied users. Also Speolal Offer for a Month's Home Tile,. ?NE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED. 33; Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. Queen's University and KINGSTON ONTARIO. ARTS EDUCATION THEOLOGY MEDICINE SCIENCE (Including Engineering) / The Arts course may be taken without attendance, but students desiring to grad- uate must attend one cession. There were 1517 students registered session 1909-10. For Calendars, write the Registrar, GEO. Y. CHOWN, B.A., 14 Kingston, Ontario. COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER Positively pro- tects horses, cattle, and all live stock from horn -flies, blow -flies, gad - flies, lice, mites, and all these insects which worry them almost to death in the hot weather. Yom cows will give more milk, your horses will work better, your sheep will be-healthier,ifyou use. FLY KNOCKER. Quickly, easily aad economically ap�- ,. plied with a sprayer. One gallon will protect zs cons for two weeks, at a cost. of loss than.onobent a day each. $1.75 A GALLON 50c. A QUART WM. COOPER & NEPI1EWS TORONTO. Cut This Out AND READ EVERY WORD 10 OMEGA WATCHES FREE COUNT AND GET eli PRIZE TI1{®TS Hage you a good eye, and a little alienee, The combination may win p in the outside circle around the Omegay you y valuable par ou as Watch absolutely free, try it anyway, fall .ioulars are printed below. "Read Every Word." INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTESTANTS Count the dote write our nam (stating Whether bir,,. Mrs. or Miss) and address pleluly on a piece of paper or a poet card mark on the enfolds (For Dot Contest) and mail your answer so that we will receive it not later than ,Aug. 101h, 1910, to -- iBLGI9 BROS., 108 TONNE 97'., TORONTO or before August reach11910 nyRe time - • •••. will be announced in this paper early In September. The prima will bo - - Marded in the order they aro drawn, Some prominent disinterested person in Toronto will be an.w regn ere, ,ted to draw the winning Ten watcher only. will 116 given array but every ono who answers correctly will receive a consolation Orbe, If there aro not ten cermet answers the balanoe of the Watches will ho sent to the next nearest, UST OE PRIZES 10 Prins, Cash 'Value 015250, "Omega" Watches, all first close in every. respoot, 5 are Gent's oleos and 5 are Ladles' sizes. Men's Prizes 1st Prise—"On,, &" 21 Jeweled works fitted into best - Sovereign" Gold Filled Case Cash Tattle 815.00 '.. Ind Prlas_"Omega" 17 Jeweled. works fined into boat"Sovereign" GDIdP'ale4Caaa, t.a^hvah,efeled, std P, ,0—' 0 -mega I5 Jowcier 17,50. •e.. Golds Filled Cae beet h value p Filled Case. Cash value; • �' 4e-wil 1 • ed. Prior—",Outage" 10 Jewel• ' . .. oda works tilted into beet v"Silver Oxidized" Cno*, 0 f 814,00 - '- • 5th Price--"Omrgga" 18 Jowod...,. ed, Werk, fitted into :cost Regal" Sterling 511,8' One. 58.75. Ledies' prizes let Prize•- Omega" 15 .roweled, works }Wed into "Rental" 11k.. Solid Gold .Cana, Cush value A Letter from one of last Year's Winners Cedarville, Ancil 18,1910, • DearSlrs,-•Lust summer 1 won a 15.J owai Starling Case Watch as third prize and I may ear that it is 0.11. in Overy respect, And I may Bay that if Ellie Dros. do as much for others as they did In my awe they will do more than they advertise. It there aro any who desire tnformatton In regard to the Omega, Watch please direct him tomo • Ind i'I'iiO "Orne n" 17 Jeweled, works fitted tole best "Sovereign" •• '• •• "t;�••� ^ r • e • • Gold Felted Case, Cash value, 817,30,,, ' 0.. . •• • • •. and Prim --"Omega" 15,1enve1ed, works •••• .• '• fitted info tho bast "Silver Oxidiree 7..0. •• • • • +� Cabo Cash raltt6 •Oth Prlk6-' Works • • ••, Omrga" 15 Jeweled, works' fitted into hest Silver Gilt Enameled "... #cling Ellie Bros. succasa, I+vntain, roars truly, . • 5th + Cabe. l.nsh va,u•,e 1100 k rl Cash Omega" ib JeWclil a, �:L•rits fit tea into loaf ''JOnaiugeled" (Signed) John Gillespie, 0040rVUle, Ont. One, Cr4s, 0.eh value EVERY CONTESTANT WILL RECEIVE A PRIZE 09.76 To those who are not fortunate to Win a 'watch wo will send Absolutely free of char e, a $1.00 WI, will accept at any time 0,4 part ..ypelment on an Omega 'Watch at the established eollin g prices. Dollar/ to Millen,'tlimit the use of tlaoee coupons. We will still Continue to Meier the oven* which were distributed as p31080 in aaur1iOmee nWateh bat Content of 1909. G h PARTICULARS --------- The winners of the flvo men'a watolibo will be detormioed by drawing five enter men only, The winners of the five ]ethos watohos will bo determined b. drawing Wera from ,thencorrect odes received from y {ram correct answers roretvod from Lutist only; :0 ! ► M lt1el� /lilt ,ifs. DIAMOND' [9. WATCH IMtPdii'"1 f`IIS 108 Yonge St, TORONTO, C ►nax