The Brussels Post, 1910-7-28, Page 1s
late 04 to 00
'one 70 to 72-
8, to40'
barrel ...... •le 5
;...2 os t° x 7t,
1 50
Igen. '''''
7 0 t7
ihorte -1
Ding Lot 10 eon 6,
acres. more or 100,,
brick housebalk
Well fenced, see•
05 °leered. Scheel,
a Ethel end Oy =tea
ler particulars apply'
r, Ethel, -. 9.4
l .a
3 ]
y 10,1910be
passed '
fuI' the,
levy of the aural of $2' 45 00 foe paye.
nlentof do rate,. Carried, Moved
by Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr,
Kelly, Chet No, 11, .1910 be
passed. Carried, Moved by Mr.
ltuherford, seooudecl by Me, Mulvey,
Wet . P. Powell be appointed Tax
Collector for current year ea sante
salary as 1910. Carried, Communi-
cation from Robt. Beattie, Wingham,
read and filed, re accident to horse
and rig and occupants of, rig of Jeue
255111, 1910. )loved by Mr. Rutherford,
seconded by 3'lo. Mulvey, -that Robert
Musgrove be appointed Inspector of
bridge provided Duff co Stewart get
waved. Carried,. Movedby Mr,
Wheeler, seconded by Mo. Mulvey,
that Chairman of Board of Health be
110030 cl by Secretary, to have the
nuisance on the Elliotb property noir•
the town of Witighatrt removed.
Carried. l+ollowiug accounts were
passed and orders ou Ti camel., issued :
-Thos. Jenkins, taking stones off
road, 750 ;'.11. 13. Elliott, ad. bridge
Tenders and Conrb Revision, $2.50 ;
Sewyee es Massey Oo. road machine
repairs; $11.85 ; S. Va lstone, 93 yards
gravel, $5.58 ; M. Wyllie, 46 yards
gravel, $3.22 ; J'no, McNaaigh ton, 127
yards gravel and 2 days scraper, $8.12 ;'
B. Ringler..48 yards, ray
' 011401, 30 g est $2.10 ; A.
yards gravel, $2.10 ; R.
thorns, ` damages, $2.00 ; I.1
eeler, 80 yards gravel and clam-
, $2,80 T c Aber; 55 yards
grave) $2.04 ; D. needle, dltmage
$2.00 ; J.T. Wyllie, dumages, $1:
:alio, McB
1 0
I l 30
, wide r
Y gave) a
damages, $4.69; John A,.nsle , 80 yard
gravel sal(); R. d o
s, Mies Mather has returned to ,,. ... H g y goyim was a fine gray
n I p en ing seine wool's with ho t
• after s c c et, ring
awn o
ct brother, W, J, Mather, r wee, with net waist and Dream hat.
s A. W. Robinson returned to 8i..slca-; son the
cougratulatfuns Miss Dol -
slalom Con tO 814U
]3nekVI gg , 'live
slalom `uruerclrain, $6.00; E,'BOIc.
rose Boundary culvert, $1.25 ;T. Weir
work on grader, $10.60, error' last acc„
$1.00 $11,60 ; W. Reid, grading, WY -
Morris, $10.00 ; W. Reid, grading
Lower Wingham, $16.00 Robt. Hogg,
repairing road at Pocock bridge,
$4,00 ; Robb. Anderson, clams es
$1.00 ; Robt, Muir, culvert, $5.00. S.
Vausto0e, gravel, $8,90 ; P. Fowler,
30 yards gravel and damages, $2.80.
Moved by Me, Felly, seconded by Mr.
Wheeler', that this meeting do now
adjourn to meet in 'Cleric's office,
Bluevalo, Aug. 22nd, et 10 o'clock a, W.
East W anosh
Peter' W. Soots visited his cousin,
Mrs. R. G. McGowan, one day recent-
ly. .
Mrs. James Ross,' of Edmonton,
Alberta, is visiting friends' in this
part at present.
Pies. John Oonites is renewing
acquaintances on the 6th line, prior to
her departure to British Columbia.
Karl Fairfax has returned home to
Loudon, England, after 'a three
months' sojourn in this part of
elese . G. McGowan has returned
home from a months' visit with her
brother, 0harles.Scdtt, and other rola-
es in Halton Co.
Scott sustained a serious
last week in Che death of
g pony "Topsy." Some.
the night or early morn-.
ygotits leg broken. Dr.
elgrave, was called in but
all he could do poor
'eutubed to her injuries.
nuch missed by the whole
as she was a great
rases of the under.
. line, Morrie. 8 two
white spot in fore-
to prove property,/
WEE, Brussoels,,OOo
snr,E,-17nd°;�sl E
I01 lot for sale 10
,f lend. coni fortnbl
tnble..6rehard... •fa
16111. W4110100ae
articnla518' apply c
LAIRD, Ethel. tf,
1. , a,
ev whi
..^or ho
ven NJ -
seble c
for yo
.on uph
e; the pa
a's3 sa s4•
n made a -business trip
st Friday,
on, of Toronto, is visite
the village.
rnship Council . minutes
n page 1 of this issue.
Orr, of .London, -is re-
ntances in the village..
Mrs. Cardiff, of Brus-
'lends here last Thurs-
went to Durham on
e he will spend a few
I], of Teeswater, has
in the Bank of Handl-
Ind sister, Miss Miller,
guests of lits. Van-
turs ,returned on
vs, .where she
Oaughlin, of Stir.,_„
ettr`sion t0 Niagara
Milton has gone .to
rad a month with her
Terris Telt for a trip
sday. They expect
left on Friday for
here she will visit
returned to Mild -
after spending a
her, J. R. Wendt.
thee meeting of
re Insurance Co.
y of Ithis week at
rad Mrs. W. ' H.
ie funeral of the
towel last Wed -
and. -fancily left
nday, where Mr.
10 position in a
is Day
,day ..._
we clear at
er Vests. Here is a elepar'te
�• Long Sleeve, Short Sleeve
pp0rtunity to secure these
per cent.
S' 'end Prints
1: stripes and
your pick fol'
1 attractions
ei only goads of a 1-
able pries '
ate steel
10the p'a
1 of the school,
s been engaged
at Blnevale and
e shortly.
the Mebhodisb
n social at the
cod on Thurs-
tae, written at,
y19th, i"="
,)li% and dry
avorable condi-
vtll only be fair now. We
ed for a bumper crop until about
a couple of weeks ago.
The garden piney held ab Peter Me-
Ewens to Turnberry last Tuesday
evening under the auspices of the
Presbyterian church was very success-
ful. The weather was all that could
be desired and the. attendance was
large. Ai`program given by local talent
assisted by the Wingham band was
much appreciated. The receipts
amounted to about $60.00.
T. 11. Farr, the bighly esteemed rec-
tor of Wroxeter, Gerrie and Ford-
wich, has accepted an appointment
from the Bishop to Blyth and will
commence his, new inenmboncy on the
first Sunday of October, Many will
be sorry to (tear of his removal but
will be a unit. in wishingg him God-
speed at Blyth. Rev,,. Mi. Farr has
rendered fine service n1 the years be
has been here and has met with no
small appreciation over his work:
fS0000EsST, Ire,ST1YDDNTs,-The £olkev-
ing pnpilo of blies 8parlieg A.T. C.
M., of 1N'nlghatn, have been suoce isitll
in passing examinations ab the i'or-
outo Conservatory of Music local
ntres, Clinton and Gerrie to -Miss
Simpson, first year theory, both
otty and riudhuents With first
honors and third .year piano.
14ries May Brethauor, Wroxeter,
c1 first-year piano. We are
0 to sco that the stock of expert 1
lane is not likely to run outeleklealle
ton on Tuesday after spending two
weeks at his home here,
Miss Ella Smith, of Wingham, Wee
the guest of her patents, Jeno. and
Mrs. Smith ever Sunday.
Several interesting and .amusingg
games of base ball have been played
during the last two wee p
between the old and young men of the
The advertisement of Wroxeter
Branch of the Bank of Hamilton ap-
pears in this iseue. Read it each
week as' it is placed there for that
Fall wheat and barley are cut and
returns should be good. Oats is also
a fine crop.
Passenger and freight traffic has in-
creased from Walton 0. P. R. on
account of the strike on the G. T. R.
We got it from both North and South.
GOOD GAME. --Tuesday afternoon a
lively seven innings Base Ball match
was played here between Milbank
hustlers and Walton team. It was a
good sample of tidy ball and resulted
In a score of 9.5 in favor of the visit-
ors Our boys will give Millbank a
return game. .
On Sunday last the Rev. R. Smith
Baker, B. A., Teeswater, who has been
supplying the Methodist church,
Kincardine, for a few weeks said fare-
well to the congregation and went to
British Columbia having been called
to the bedside of his Mother who is
i11. Rev. Mr. Baker was a former.
pastor of he Methodist church here.
Jas. (Jeerer spent a week vision- in
Pittsburg and on returning had to
work his way from Hamilton on scab
J. J. Gorsalitz is showinga head of
oats with one hundred and forty four
grains on it. This will surely be a good
Rev. D. Perxie, of Wingham,
preached in the. Presbyterian. Church
on Sunday morning to a large and at-
tentive congregation.
The Christian Endeavor Ethel on Tuesday evening to ret lient n
the visit given them some time ago.,
There was a good turn out.
Oranbrook will soon race horses as two frome thiisvacinitr y
were speeding with.Brusselites on
Saturday and. kept first place. So
much for the ladies.
Those who braved the rain and
turned out 0n Sunday afternoon to
church were not only favored with a
good sermon but the pastor, Rev. 1'.
J. Oaten, sang a solo_ "His waywith
Ache hot weather has reduced he
Theiu'llletery crop.
been pushed 'afl,fbne extensions have
week. `^^ , the past
Miss Bella Fairservice, of Hultetc,-..
been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Pipe,
eel line.
Complaint is made that the dog
muzzling law is a dead letter in some
secbions of he township.
This week will see the bulk of the
Fall wheat in Morris cut. The pros-
pects for good' results are real good in
some neighborhoods. •
Quite a number from var`ous sec-
tions of the township attended the
funeral of the late ex -Reeve Witty at
Belgrave Tuesday afternoon.
M't's. Samuel Jordan and daughter,
Gladys, have returned from a three
months' visit to British Columbia.
We welcome them back to Morris.
Miss Carrie Speir, who has been
visiting rat her parental home on the
Oth line fox•, the past couple of weeks,
has returned, to her situation in Tor-
Edward and Mrs. Speirar and son,
of Gederich, were visiting relatives
and friends in Morris, Grey and Brus-
sels for a week and were heartily wel-
comed back.
AIM 130omme.-Mamie, the litble
daughter of 'Walter Hall, 8th line, had
l ee.raiefertune to fail from a chair
and broke\h r left arni. We hope she
will soon be
The trustee
gaged Mise bl
the next year
Miss Murdie h
ience and shouid' do well in the school.
aoken, who has been
to Stratford to at -
loon of last week the
en on the last pur-
obt. Nichol,6th line,
n is now 6x60. feet,
ded. Geo. Heany has
7ernent stabling under-
floors, new granary
iu also which will give
11 right again.
of S. S. No. 6 have en-
rdie, of McKillop, for
at a salary of $500.
s had 8t years exper-
Miss Carrie Mcl
the teacher, go
tend the Normal
Tuesday aflei'
addition to the
chased farm of
• was raised. Bi
20 fent being
the contract.
Heath. Oeme
6cc., will be pu
a greab impro .ement when, coniplet•
ed. 1.
MAThrsoNl ono;= -Tho home of Robert,
and Mrs. Watson, 3rd line, Esquesing,
was the scene of a very iutelestin r
Weddingon Tuesday afternoon, 12th
inst., when their only dataghtor, Miss
Myrtle, and George. H. Bielby, 13. A.,
whose parental home is on the 8th
line Morris, were joined in the bonds
of holy wedlock. For many years
Miss Watson and Mr. Bielby were
Much esteemed members of the staff
of Georgetown High School and. it
w100 there that theta' entity for each
other was fostered. The ceremony
wallperfor'med on trio verendalt which
was pt'ofusel decorated with fetus
and flowers, Rev, 3, Cooper Antl'df,
D. D.; of Acton, oflieiatittg
was given awe b • het
la ed by
"Lnve's Coronation."` very sweetly
The groom's
-present to the bride eves a pendant of
pearls and periduts, The bride's par-
ents presented then) with a set of
Haviland china' and a cabinet of
silverware, Mr. and Mrs. Bielby left
by theevening- train 011 a trip across
the continent to the Pacific coast.
Upon their return they will reside in
St. Marys, where Mr. Bielby is engag-
ed on the staff of the High School.
The following guests from a distance
were present at the wedding :-Thos.
and Mrs. and Miss Bielby, • of Blyth ;
Thos. and Mrs. Perryman, 14lte. R. 0,
Perryman,,airs. (Dr.) Roe, and Miss
Dcison, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Somerville, Alfred and Mrs. Watson
and Mr. Oanteloli, of Georgetown.
Many old friends of the groom in this
locality will be a unit in wishing him
and Ms bride many happy, prosperous.
years of married life.
Rev. Mr. Perrin took the service
here last Sunday evening.
14Ir. and Miss Jacobs, of Londesboro
are visitors ab Wm, Rogge'.
A few are Calking of taking in the
Scottish games at Lucknow next
Geo. and Mrs.' Eckmier visited
Forclwich last week at Jas. and Mrs.
kiss Carrie Jackson and Miss Daisy
Wilson, of Brussels, are visiting
friends here.
Mrs. J. D. Miller and Miss Ritchie,
of Wroxeter, are spending a couple of,
weeks at Grand Bend
Stewart and Miss Isabel Reid, of
Wingham, are visiting their grand-
parents. A. and Mrs. Simpson.
Harold Hogg is assisting in D. Mc-
Donald's stole. After vacation Mr.
is a
gg will teach s cleveryoung manand cle wish shim
every emcees.
The harvest rush is here and crops
are doing flne.
James Smillie; 18th con., was visit-
ingg relatives at Clinton last week,
Last un-
derwent Trlana operatioMrs. n at Stratford
hospital for appendicitis.
Trustees 1 bo. McDowell, of Drayton, as gthgeir
teacher for the coming year,
Miss Martha. Beam, t of Seafo hare visitors ltse and eFlora
home of Oliver Harris, 16th con.
Roe's Sunday School will hold a
pic-sic in the grove of Angus Shaw on
the•afternoon .of August 5th. Every-
body will be welcome.
On be held a uthe rd a homLawn
a 01' HughRich-
Elma, under the auspices. of
the Suday. School and League of Un-
ion Ohm ch. Tea served from 6 to 8 p.
m. Good program including address-
es by neighboring pastors,
Robb. Work, Plxn1, 13., who was
hoe for several - weeks holidaying,
reeee sed to Toronto on Tuesday to
Mr. oi4r---e . .
nolo and starte+o xii-•rdn a din? ;+•tore..
prospects of . more thy ireefi•Yliiiae
success. Ile is a son of Wm. Work,
North of Brussels.
Tuesday of this week Chas. Me'.
Olellancl shipped a cat' of cattle per.
0. P. R. from Blyth. He handles a
lot of good stock.
Station Agent Carlisle, who has
been in charge of the G. T. R. here
for 501110 time, is now on as Conductor
on the L. H. Rt 13. between Wingham
and London on a passenger train.
A new teacher has beedeuegaged for
our school in the person or 3)'ltss Goe-
bel, of Teeswater, at a salary of $500.
She succeeds Miss Mar'sh'all,tvho will
attend the Normal'Sehebl neat term.
DEAD. -This sad news, last S;attsrday
morning could hardly 'be belit,vecl as
the departed had beeneti comparative-
ly as goodhealth asesual. Mr, 'Wray
had gone to Josepl$. Beaudon'ss bus
son-in-law, in Last Wawanosh and
was assisting in the placing of tele-
phone poles in the lane when the call
came. Deceased had resided on the
Srd line Morris, for nearly 50. rears
where he had a fine farm and was
widely known and very highly' re-
spected. He sat it] the Nitrllicipal.
Council as Councillor and afterwards
as Reeve for a number of years and
was a man of integrity. 01s selling
his farm to R. McGuire, Mr. Wray
Look up residence in Belgrave and felt
a deep interest in the affairs of the
communityy. He Was ail active mem-
ber of the Methodist church and Re-
cording Steward for 9ears, In
politics be was a Conservative and he
also belonged to the A; O. U. W.
Order. He is survived by bis wife,
one son, Garry, who lives in he West
but was here for the funeral ; a daugh-
ter, (Mrs, 13raudclt) and an tadopted
daughter, Mrs. Bryant, of Mullett
township, Itis nearly 50 years 8ieee
Mr. Wray came to Mori.'ie. He was
67 years of age ;but wore his age so
well that he would pass for a younger
man. Mr....
County and
to Miss Oro
etre sister's
ton, Out.
14ricla antro
grave. Tl
'dray was born .in Peel
as married 46 year's ago
e, of Trenton. Deceits, -
Ye Mas Menage, or 13e11-
18 IL'ox'nev, o
Watson .
, .Tran, Scandrstt; R, Meanie.
ray, Geo, Daley, Wm, Isbister and T.
S. Brandon. Widespread sympathy
will be accorded Mrs. Wray and
family in their sudden Rad unexpect-
ed bereavement. Truly in the midst
of ,life we are in death,
Our local shippers have been tied up
owing to the G, T. R. strike.
Miss Colvin, milliner, of l3 ussele,
has been the guest of her sister, Mrs.
George Mitchell,
Rev. J. T. and Mrs. LeGear and
family, of Lansblg, Michigan,' former-
ly,of Ethel, are holidaying, at Kincar-
,Grey Township Council will meet.
ori Monday, August 15th. Ib will also
be Court of Revision on several Drain
One business people have' been. doing
freight business with the 0. P. B. at
Monkton owing to the troublesome
strike on the G. T. R.
Rev. Davi& Perrie, of Wingham,'
took the service in the Presbyterian
church here last Sabbath afternoon
and preached a fine sermon.
'.The Vodden brink block is well
nigh to completion and is a credit to
the village and the enterprising pro-
pt•Ietm'. There will be quite a shift
round when it is finished.
Miss Elsie Pomeroy, of Fullerton, is
visiting her many old friends around
Ethel at present. She taught in the
junior room of our school here at one
timenow., and is teaching at Oentralia
GOOD ONES. -D. E. Sanders was
measuring a few of his field mangolds,
He found there were two of them that
measure respectively 12 and 14
inches in circumference. He also has
three corn stalks that measured re
eectivel6 ft. 11
inches and7ftaet 1inch. Thisinches�isevide t-
ly the growing time here.
Mrs. Eckmier left Clinton Friday
for a few week's visit with friends
in New Berlin, N. Y. She was accom-
panied by her neice, Miss Bella Had-
dock, who had visited them for a cou-
ple of weeks, and who, after a few
days' visit with friends en route, in-
tends going to leloose Taw to attend.
a Summer School to be held there this
The Lucknow Sentinel says of a
former Ethel young lady :-"The (Donnell met Wednesday of last
Sentinel learns with pleasure, that week in Brown's Hall, Fordwich,
Miss Edith Freeman, of Lucknow, pursuant to adjournment, Members
passed with honors at the recent Jr. all present except Deputy Reeve.
Vocal Musical Examinations in the Haiustock. Minutes of last meeting
London Conservatory of Music. Miss read and on motion of Downey allot
Freeman was a pupil of T. Anderson, Winter were adopted.
ancl her success may be taken as re- Tenders were then opened for the
fleeting equal credit on pupil and concrete abutments. S. Strome's
teacher," Miss Freeman's many -friends tender to provide all material and do
here throw a bocquet at her over her all the work for the sum of $3.80 per
success and hope it may long continue. cubic. yard. Barkley's tender to pro-
vide all material and do all the work
for the sum of 033.54 per cubic yard.
Fi'ed. Sobheran's tender to p%vide all
material and do all the work for the
resented to
sum of $4.40 per cubic yard. Moved
by IIudei'wood and Winter that the �l.
tender of Geo. Barkley be accepted,
his being the lowest bender-. Carried
the Oounoil b$1Mrs. Conrad 8.10 was Plantzfor
boarding John Feilds, 1l Was moved
by Winter and Downey that this bill
be left over until the August meeting
Moved by Downey and Underwood
`I kfollowing accounts' be p011:•
Downey, g t,,. ravelling Hot
on road machine, 0
bein, gravel, $8.25 ; J. Pot
gravel and shovelling $20.40 ; Thos.
walker, repairing bridge, lot 14. emu6, 85o. ; Wm. Ohapman, for bridging
and filling, lot 30, con. S, $70.00 ; Wm.
Chapman, for shovelling gravel, 50o. ;
John Pritchard, gravel and spreading'
same; $31.70 ; 33. Rupe0t, tile, 1;2.25 ;
I3. Heinbecker, culvert, $2.00 Isaac
Bayless, gravel, $3.00 ; ,lash
Douglas, gravel, $5,80 ; \Yxn. Spotton,
wood for road machine, $3.10 ; J. Fry,
shovelliug gravel, $3.H ; Jas. Hunter,
wood for road machine, $5.60 ; Henry
Schaefer, 1nears, wood atld $hOV ral
038.40 ; James Shera, matin Dunt
tuid repairing road grad%r, $4 ~;5
Beverly Naslt, shovell,;hg grave;
$1.25 ; John Hyndman, gravel, $8.50
Dobbs, shovelling gravel, $2.50,
Geo. Foster, shovelling and wood for
grader, $4.50 ; G. Davidson, repairs to
road grader, ,$1.85 ; Amos Gabon,
gravel, $1.15 ; August Keel, gravel,
$8.20 '1 Darcey, cleanin
out nth
$20.00 ;
4.00 ; Dat
Geo. Robert
Reel, gragve
soil, gravel,
$1,20 ; R, Pelmet
Bell, gravel, $2•
$2$.24.040; e
grand bOvt.rlt
grader 75r ; Geo. Ole a
road greeter, $100.00 ; i•
Tart pray oil printing tem
dogs1luulr:r _
abor,', ,$4.2.00 ; lllobt, 5
W. H. I{ERR,
The Doherty Piano a
Factory of Clinton shipped u7,
consignments from Blyth per , 1't,
during the past week owing to the
cancellation of freight trains 011 the
Grand Trunlo on ace001at of the strike,
141iss Hogg, who taught South West
of Blyth bas been engaged fur next
year by the Trustees of S.le,,.No 3,
2e miles North of this place, succeed=
ing Miss Cowan who will abtend the
Normal. We wish Miss Hogg succuss.
She is a hard worker: and will no
doubt do well.
-Early last Sabbath morning the
imperative call, that all must obey,
came to Mrs. Wm.'Trewiu, who was
making her home with her daughter,
,Ms's. Edgar Dexter, 24 miles Nox til of
Blyth, and ehe passed peacefully to
her rest, eat the advanced age of 81
years and ltranonths, The funeral
took place Tuesday •ernoon to the
family plot in Consult a burial
pastor, conducting the service. The.ground, Rev. E. A. Fear, decea 's
subject of this
Devonshire, England, her born
name being 'Catharine Taylor, She
was married to Wm. 'Peewit], 6i. years
ago and they sailed for Canada short-
ly after, They lived in Darlington
township, Durham Co. first ; Chen
came Westward to Usborne township,
Huron Oo., then in primeval bush and
40 years ago moved to Hultett where
they made their kerne until 1893 when
they took up reeld.mce in BIybh, leav-
ing the fa, in to their+ son.. Mr.
Trewin died 11 ,lucre' ago, aged, 80
years. There were thirteen children
born to Mr. and Airs. Trewiu, bub only
8 soils and daughter' survive, viz :-
Thos., of Chatham, Ont. ; Samuel, of
Indian Territory, U. S. ; Albert, of
Hallett; and Mrs. Dexter, of East
Wawanosh. The deceased had been
a remarkably hearty' woman and did
nosmall share in aiding`ther husband
with both brain and bra''v;u in the
pioneer clays. She was eeeeithful
member of the Methodist Oh tleqh for
years and was most highly estedeeed
by a large circle of friends. Old alis.
was the cause of her demise. Oonie
partitively few of the old timers
Howick Township Council
Regular service in the R. C. church
next Sunday.
Last Saturday and Sunday's ran
storms were "old s001501e,"
W. H. and -Mrs. Olto; of Elmira,
were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Powell
le. and Mrs. McCaughey were call -
ng on relatives in Clinton last Sun-
tJBes Iohn Ooltes, of Guelph, visit -
Frank -Vieweesta-f.orafewclayslast
California, is visitt5g•••xee
Mr, and Mrs. Cochrane, of Wing -
ham, visited with xlI'r. tinct Mrs. Powell
last week.
Miss Mand Proctor, of Toronto, was
the welcome guest of Mrs. 11. 11T. Mc-
Kay, of Blyth.
Mrs. John Henderson, of Wroxeter,
is visiting her sisters, the Misses For-
syth, of town.
John Mole, of Auburn,, and his son,
Ed., electrician of Seafortb, were in
town last week.
Miss Patience visited her friend,
Miss Agues Creighton, near ,Auburn,.
one day last week.
.Eldriclge Rogerson, of Sharon,.
Pennsylvania, was here lass week on it
visit to relatives and old. friends.
Charles Spafford, C. P. R. agent, has
returned from his vacation and looks
as if holidays agreed well with him.
The Civic Holiday, Thursday of Last
week, passed by very quietly, quite
a number visiting neighboring towns.
The sawmill and Electric Light
plant was not sold on he date adver-
tised. Engineer Nivins is still in
charge of the Electric light.
Blyth .Fall Fair will be held Ttes-
day and Wednesday, October 4 and 5.
Don't lose sight of the dates and he
sure and get an exhibit ready.
Some of the Fall wheat fields
around here, although�looking well,
will be poor yielders, )laving suffered
from some blight, Spring crops look
Passenger train service has been
maintained on the G. T.11. andfreight
is beginning to move once more, al -
11)005h the sbrike is nob settled by any
B1yth`Voters' List for 1910 was first
posted up by Olork Elder o Tuesday
of this week, There are 821 tames ou
the list, made up as follows. --Par` ,
197 ; Part 11, 107 ; Part IT. 17 •(1(3
are competent to serve tie jui' i
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