HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-7-14, Page 10II ►utdoolrs
its Your
13z'ownie Camera
at QW' Store
tun $1,00 up
Our stock is complete with sup-
plies including Films, Printing
Paper, Post Cards, Chemicals,
Developing and Printing that's
sure to please,
This is Kodak time.
Come in and see them.
LIM mer
is 1401'e0sed by the frequent use
pf a good Taloum Powder,
Among tbose that we recommend
ne being of the biglisst grade is the
" Tbis is made in
Delicately perfumed, ft keeps the
skin in a healthy condition, Used
for irritation of skin, prickly heat,
is antiseptic and destroys the odor
of perspiration. .
Try a tin -price e5 cents,
C. P. R. Time Table
Going East - 8:54 a. m. and 8;86 p. m.
Going Weat - 12:44 and 9:47 p. m.
All trains going East connect with 0. P. R. at
Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and. T.
G. B. stations.
GE0. ALLAN, Looal Agent,
i a1 Retus rams
A, O. U, W. Friday evening of this
ANGus CAM1titLL's cow died last week
from paralysis, perchance struck by
M. Y. McLean, M. P. for South Hur-
on, was in town last Friday calling on
old friends.
MATINEE. -A matinee will be held on
the Driving Park on Friday afternoon
of this week. Everybody with speed
invited to take part.
AsoclA ill beheld on the Manse
Lawn the sewingcircle of Melville
L w bye 1
Church Tuesday evening, July 1gth.
Everybody welcome. A good program
will be presented.
NEARLY 200 passengers were ticketed
from Brussels to Wingbam on the nth.
They . went bythe regular II o'clock
v eg
train and were brought home near
midnight by a special, It takes July the
12th to catch the crowds.
A EIG time has been put in at the
Pryne mill dam in dynamiting the rock
of aproposeda to
in tbe bed the fluro
secure room for the new water wheats
to be placed there, instead of under the
mill as has been the case.
CoRERsroNneaT from Linwood say; :
-Chas. Oakley, of Brussels, spent a
day or two in Linwood last week renew-
ing acquaintances, His friends were
glad to bear that since moving up there
they havebeen doing a thriving busi-
ness in the stage line.
AN electric dray or 'bus has been pur-
chased by Messrs, Forbes, the rural
Telephone contractors, for the purpose
of conveying the men and necessary
supplies to and trom work in a hurry.
It was procured in Stratford and will
carry r6 passengers.
CAPTAIN MACVICAR, who is in com-
mand of the local volunteers, reports
several articles of clothing short be-
longiug to the Government. We trust
it is bat a careless mistake of someone
in mislaying these articles as tampering
ing .with military stores is an offence
, punishable by fine and imprisonment.
WbMEN's INSTITUTE. -The Women's
Institute will bold their regular meeting
for July on Friday, z5th inst., at the
home of Mrs. P. A. McArthur, 6th con.,
Grey, Mrs, D. C. Ross will take the
.suhject on "Preserving and Canning
Fruit 'and Vegetables." A paper will
also be given on "Women as Wage
Earners." A rig for the members will
leave the borne ot Mrs. Tohn Hewitt at
x o'clock..
MET#IRR Interm-On the last day of
June Mrs. McLaren, of Highgate, met
her death owing to serious burns. She
had gone to a clothes closet to get some
garments and had, it supposed, light-
ed:a match which ignited clothing hang -
fug on the walls setting fire to per
clothes with fatal results. Local interest
is given the'sad event from the fact that
r the deceased lady was the step -mother
of Bert. Burchill, cue Of the line -men
on the construction gang of tbe Rural
?' Telephone. He knew nothing of the
sorrowful story until after the interment
as he could not be located in time to
VERY BRIEF ILLNEss.-From letter's
received from W. L. and Mrs. Leather -
dal Winnipeg, it is learned that their
ebeeoq hter, Marguerite Elizabeth,
• died atter of la or two
i c 1,
despite ou d bedone.. The
funeral took place the residence of
Mr. Leatherdale's uncle, T. Londesboro',
r formerly of Brussels, to Elmwood ceme-
tery, the little casket being covered
with floral tributes. Rev. S. Crummy
conducted the service. Although din.
tance intervene between the bereaved
and their old home here, the sympathy
expressed was none tbe less sincere for
j,, ahem in their sorrow over the, Calling
w . away of their dear little daughter.
week we referred to the decease of Rob.
ert Holmes, who was buried Saturday
afternoon in Brussels cemetery, Rev.
Dr. Oaten being in charge of the ser-
vice, Deceased was married nearly so
yore ago to Miss Bertha Howlett, in
MtKiiop, who survives him with a
daughter and 3 sons, . e years ago the
faintly took up residence in Brussels.
In February, xgog, Mr, Holmes was
stricken with paralysis and was bedfast
since March 26th, and at times was a
great sufferer, The brothers and sisters
of deceased are :-George, of Cypress
River, Man. ; James, of Moosomfn,.
Sask. • Mrs, Aubert' , California • r Mrs,
, y
, , T. ,Parr, Dundalk ; Mrs. Traverse,
Montrose, Mich. ; Mrs. D. Ewan' and
the Misses .Holmes, of Brussels. Mrs.
Traverse was Imre and also Mrs, R. A.
Stevenson, a sister of Mrs, Holmes, and
her daughter., of St, Marys. Mrs,
Holmes will eohtinee to make her home
'in town we are pleased to hear,
SIx or eight cars of hardwood lumber
have. been shipped duriug the past week
from the Ament mill yards to various
outside points.
CHANGE IN BusiNEss!-Monday the
barber sop of Jno, Elliott, in the Leckie
block, passed into possession of Chas.
Rintoul, of Wingham, The former is
leaving for Winnipeg where he has a
situation. We wish both young man
success. Mr. Rintoul sold out in Wing
ham to the late John Ritchie.•
OAR of salt at MCORAozsN's.
GOOD second-hand.buggy for wale. Apply to
TeOa. Nnwaoot, Brussels. 2-tf
Do sharpen reapers and mowers to your
fanny, 'Tours T. McGregor, corner 24111 and
Main street, Bruesele.
Noexoa.-Military overcoats, to the number
of Ave, are missing from "Military Stores"
rooms lover poet office). Any person knowing
anything of said clothing would confer a grea
favor by writing captain Maovicar, Sarnia, or
Lieutenant Dennison, Walton.
Palmas indebted to me are requested to
call and settle as I intend to leave Brussels.
nave the followingarticles for sale viz:-
is 2 'wood heaters 1 noel heater (dandy), dy
l,1 sewing machine, 1 large Os 1 l2ary
table Wu GlAneM. -tf.
Fut em -crass baby carriage for Bale at a bar-
gain. Enquire at Tab Poss.
Fon SALE. -A few choice young sows, with
littersat foot, or will sell yonng pigs separate
if preferred. Apply to J. P. MOINTosn, Oran -
brook or 'phone No, 286.
HAYEOUR PLOT FIxsD p. -An person
desiring to have their plotscaredfor win and.
me in the Cemetery Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of each week. Roam. G. Da.att, Care-
taker Brussels Cemetery. 60-4
BOY wanted to learn the printing business,
one. who has passed the entrance examination
preferred. Abcodo chance afforded. Enquire
at Tea Poem,
FOOT BALL. -Last Friday evening
Brussels junior Foot Ball team drove to
the farm of John Cook, 651 line Morris,
to play with the boys of that concession.
The game was very good and fast,
Brussels winning by a score of 2 to I.
Line np was as follows :-
Morrie Brussels
McCracken Goal Lowry
Sherrie Backs Hunter
Nichol }. Gerry
Russel. ) Moore
Hall is Basks } Long
Davie 1 Elliott
R. MichieForwards Bell
Walker Denbow
Douglas .
,� � Leolne
The return game will be played on
Victoria Park, Brussels, on July the
22nd. Don't miss the game at 6.30
THE following cases were tried at the
sittings of the Division Conrt on the
6th inat :-Milne vs. McCallum action for
balance of rent, Verdict for P1ff. for
$18.00 without costs, R. Vanstone for
Plff. t W. M. Sinclair for Deft. Mc.
Callum vs. Bolton, action for wages,
Verdict for P1ff. for $15.00 and costs,
W. M. Sinclair for Piff, ; Mr. Bray. of,
Listowel, for Deft. Somers vs. Walker,
action for balance on contract of cutting
wood, logs, &c., Verdict for Plfe ; for
$18.00 and costs, W. M. Sinclair for
Plff. 1 Vanstone, for Deft. Speiran, vs
McKay & Tomlinson, action on Pro.
Notes. Adjourned to taker further evi-
dence. R. Vanstone for Plff, ;Sinclair
for Defts. McDonald, vs, Porter, Grasby
garnishee, adjourned until next Court,
Sinclair for Primary creditor ; Morphy,
Listowel, for Primary Debtors and
Vanstone for garnishee,
CLOSE GOING GAME, -Thursday of last
week the Maitland Baseball team board-
ed the Palmerston excursion train bound
to Kincardine, for Lucknow to play a
game with the "Red Sox" of that town.
Umpire Thompson, of Lucknow, called
the game upon the arrival of the teams
at the Caledonian Park, headed by the
Lucknow Boys' Band. Brussels started
right off to win, getting two runs in the
first, Lucknow evened up, bowever, in
their half. In the 3rd Lucknow took
the lead by batting around two runs.
Brussels secured a run in the 5th and
tied the score in the 7111, Pox coming in
from 3rd on a lit by Kingswood. Iu
knocking Thompson in from 3rd base.
Brussels failed to score in their half of
the gth and Lueknow came to but for
the last time with a lead of one run to
overcome. Hedley and Mallougll, the
first two men up, whiffed. Campbell
bit the ball but ran into it 011 his way to
1st, thus putting him out. The
"Ureps" however failed to sea it. Mc-
Quaig, the diminutive short stop, made
a nice bit, filling the bases. Brussels
was in a dangerous situation. A good
single would bring in two runs and win
the game. McCoy however was un-
equal to his task and went out, Kings-
wood to Fox. 'Thus ended the best
game of the season, Lecknow fighting
till the last moment, Thompson, as
umpire, was fairly impartial but favored
the hometeam in pinches. The "Red
Sox" are the hardest proposition the
Maitlands have stacked up against this
season. Line up:-
Maitlende R 0 Rod Sox R 0
B. Leckie, o f 0 4 Campbell, Sb.,.. 8
Scott, a e 1 2 MeQuaig, ae..,,. 2
Thomneon, 8b....,, 1 8 McCoy, p 8.
J. Leckie, c., E...... 1 4 Alteheeon, 52.,2
Goodwin, p 1 1 Sturdy, 2b 2
Pox, ib.,1 1 Johnston,/4
RaseaIY od4
s b 0'9 Medley, h12, 1f,., 8
Ptuta,,rf „ b 5 Spence, 9b b
Bruesele -2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 -5 4
The Best Servant 1 - is a Strong
of the Farmer Chartered Bank
The Bank
Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers
and extends to them most Reasonable Terms.
Every Department of Banking is Conducted
Drafts and Money Orders Issued at Reasonably Rates
CUT Tap1WEEDS.-Property
re reminded of the tat itar obliga-
bi a,
a ws t y lg
tion resting upon thele to slay all
weeds on premises belonging to them
and in front of their properties. This
is nob being done in a number of
cases. If the municipality cuts them.
the cyst of same will be collected from
the delinquents, Better get a move on
at once before seeds Pan.
Knechtel, a former well known resident
of. Brussels, died at the home of his
son-in-law, W. A. Ross, Fergus, on
Thursday morning of last week, at the
age of 82 years. Deceased had retired
the night before in his usual health and
had apparently got up through the night
for a drink being found dead in the
morning sitting beside the stove with
a cup in his hand. Interment was
made in Fergus cemetery on Saturday
'•LiTTf,E S•i'ARs" Mission Band Thank -
offering meeting was held 'Thursday of
les, week in Melville Cuurch and was a
very interesting gathering. Program
:-Opening exercises
was as follows. -0p g,
reading, Edith Toole ; cborus.by Banti ;
recitation, Marjorie Campbell address,
Mrs. (Rev) Lundy, of .Walton 1 solo,
Mrs. Matheson,Toronto ' reading,
Trine Deadman recitation, Florenc
McNaughtonon c taking up offering •
prayer. Mrs. D. Moore; tact•
to io Laura Ament chorus by '1 Band
t a
recitation, Inez McNichol, he ffering
amounted to ex4.00. Mrs. Lundy s
address was excellent and Mrs. Mahe.
son's solo mush enjoyed.
Miss Lizzie
Ross s al i the faithful President.
Miss HELEN D. FORD left tor Western
Ontario to spend a few days with her
parents at Clinton, before leaving to
visit her brother. Arthur D. Ford. of
the editorial staff of the Winnipeg Free
Press. At the station a number of rep-
e -resentatives from the Methodist Sunday
School and Epworth League and other
friends assembled -to bid her good -bye -
On behalf ot the above-mentioned or•
ganizations with which Miss Ford had
been actively ideptified for the past two
years, she was presented with an ad-
dress in which fitting reference was
made to the faithful and valuable ser
vices rendered by her as President of
the League and teacher in the Sunday
School. The address was accompanied
by a suitable memento in the form a
pretty broach set with pearls which was
presented by Miss Beatrice Elliott. -The
Norwood Register. Miss Ford was a
former teacher in Brussels Continuation -
People -We Taik About
Miss Myrtle Hunter is visiting at
Exeter and Clinton.
Mrs. John Thomson is back from a
visit with Seaforth friends.
Miss Dennis, of 'Fordwich, was a
visitor at Dr. McNaughtou's.
Miss Pearl Sharpe has been on the
sick list we are sorry to state.
Bob and Charlie Leckie are spending
their vacation with Thessalon relatives.
Jas. Dudley has returned from an e0•
joyable visit with relatives in St. Marys.
Mrs. W. Merklinger, of Hanover, is
visiting under the 'parental roof, King
Mrs. J. Humphries and daughter, of
Toronto, are visitors at Councillor '
Miss Stella Stubbs left Brussels, Tues-
day of this week to join her parents at
Miss Thursa Gerry spent the past
week in Wingham with her sister,
Mrs. W. H. Willis,
Mrs. George McLaren and children
are away for an extended holiday to
Midland and other poiuts,
Miss Mary Ross, milliner, is home
from Palmerston for vacation. She
will resume work next Fall.
J. J. Rolph, who has efficiently per,
formed the duties of teller in the Metro.
politan Bank here, has been moved to
Robt, Downing arrived home last
Monday from a trip to Winnipeg and
other points. He looks the better of
his endure.
Mrs. W. H. Maunders,'l who was here
attending the funeral of her brother,
John Ritchie, has arrived at her home
in Idaho in safety,
Dr, A, McKelvey, jr., is at Boston,
Mass., taking a special course 10 treat-
1lent of eye, ear, nose end throat. We
wish him success in his studies.
Dr. Fred. Gilpin, of Michigan City,
paid a flying visit to his parenral home
in town last week, He is still visible to
the naked eye weighing about 200
Mrs, C. H. Dodds and children have
gone to Bruce Beacb for the Summer.
Miss Florence Thomson has also gone
for a two weeks' well earned holiday to
'the same point.
J. Galbraith and wife, late of Matillop,
haye become residents of Brussels and
are occupying the house recently vacat-
ed by Or. Feild, Tureberry street. We
welcome them to town.
David Ross wito has been a residout
of Brussels, for the pest 42 years, cola-
brated his 84th birthday on Tuesday of
last week. He is a remarkably smart
man for his years Bpd enjoys compara-
tively good health,
Miss Bertha Sharpe has gone to Tor.
onto to take a position as telepbone tip•
erator.Site will no doubt fill the place
competeetiv as she had a long training
in the Bell central here, Miss Bertha
will be rnissed iu social and musical cir-
Mrs. Moses Doll is visiting in Wing -
hent and Gerrie,
Mrs. R. McAlpine, of, Strathroy, is
here on a visit With relatives and friends,
Miss Pearl Baker and Miss Stella
Gerry were visiting friends In W ingbare.
Mrs, Moir and baby are visiting the
former's mother, Mrs. jamas Fulton in
Miss Stewart and Mise May are visit-
ing here stud at Seafortil for a few weeps
or so.
Mrs, N. F. Gerry will spend a few
days with her mother in. Guelph this
Miss Lizzie Downing and George
Ardelt were visiting at Seafol'tb on
W, H. Merklinger, of Hanover, spent
e clay or two at the home of Te F. Gerry
this week,
W. J. and Mrs, Palmer and son ere
back from a holiday to Burk's Falls and
other points.
Miss Rose Cash and Miss Lillian
Wilson, of Seafortb,` are the guests of
Mrs. A. '1'. Currie.
N s
B. P. Chapman, of the Bank of Ham
Ilton. Milverton, was a visitor at the
Methodist Parsonage,
Misses Mildred and Alta Pryne are
back home frotn an enjoyable visit at
various points about Toronto.
Miss But
t who has beenteaching in
here for a visit
with her
sister, Mrs (Dr.)McN
Misses Amanda and Carrie McCtaek
en accompanied by their brother Wlll.,
were calling on old Clinton friends.
George Edwards and son were a visi
tors at Stratford on the ''12th the
latter will extend his stay for a few
Miss May Skene, of Toronto, was a
holiday visitor with Brussels friends
during the past week. She enjoys life
of ri 's capital.
a o
Mrs. (Rev.) Oaten,Beverly
and Beryll
left on Wednesday
morning for Beverly.
Island, Hutton House -Bay, Muskoka
Lake, where they will spend the Sum-
Mr. Folby and wife, of Saskatoon,
are visitors with W. J. and Mrs. Palm-
er. The ladies are sisters. Mr. Folby
is the Superintendent of the Canadian
Northern railway.
Mrs. Leppard and baby, of Toronto,
were at H. L. lackson's coming by the
Huron Old Boys' excursion. The visi-
tor is Mr. Jackson's sister and was a
former well known resident.
Last Monday night Nlrs, Wm. Pol-
lard, of McKillop township, was sum-
moneel to her reward and was buried in
Brussels cemetery Wednesday afternoon,
She was a sister to the late John Down-
ing, of 13russels, and was, a most es-
timable pet son.
Last Saturday George Thomson reach-
ed Brussels after an extended trip to
Chicago, Minneapolis, Winnipeg, Van-
couver, Victoria and other points of no
small interest, He met with not a few
former friends and will be able to relate
many interesting incidents of bis jour-
ney to the Pacific
Among those who revisited Huron Co.
on the annual excursion last Saturday
from Toronto were R. W. Tuck and
I daughters, Misses Dolly and Rhea.
Mr, Tuck was a former well known resi-
dent of Cranbrook and Brussels, moving
from here 25 years ago. Since then be
lived at Shelburn.e, Alliston and Elora
before locating in the Queen city 6 years
ago. Although 70 years of age Mr.
Tuck appears aboat as active and alert
as ever. He hada big time meeting old
friends and acquaintance. The visitor
is a brother to Mrs. Robb and J,. C.
Tuck, of town,
Premier Roblin holds
Power hi Manitoba
Hon. Redmond Palen Roblin, Prem•
ler of Manitoba, has for the third time-
assisted ot course by his skillful lieuten-
ants, Hon, Robert Rogers and Hon.
Colin Campbell -carried the Province at.
it general election. He has been in pow.
er since October, igoo, and his grip on
the Province seems fairly firm, He
chooses to regard Monday's vote as a
viudication of his personal honor, just
before the last session opened Mr. Rob-
lin went South for bis health and did
not return till it was -ever, The Liber-
als in the Legislature during the session
very plainly charged him with conduct
quite improper on the part of a Minister
of the Crown in that he had been bene.
ficiaily interested is the Eli Sand Co.,
the properties of which had been made
valuable by the construction of a braneb
railway through the inflltenee of the
Government of which Mr. Roblin is
head. The Premier on his return made
a vociferous but quite unconvincing de,
fence, and the Eli Sand Isaac was large•
ly used by Prof, Osborne, who ran
against Mr. Roblin. Talking Monday
uigbt after tete result was known, Mr.
Roblin said the pet;ple .had refuted to
heed the charges against him, and had
taught Prof. Osborne a lesson he would
take some years to understand.
The Complete returns are as follows 1-
Arthur -A, M. Lyle.,,,, 175
Assinib0io-tl. Benard..... 109
Avondale -J. Argue .85
Beautiful Plalus--ilnn. J, 14. How-
den,. .,.., ., .,(Anel.)
Brandon City -Non. G. R. Coldwoll.240
Carillon -A. Prefontaino
Cypress -G. S. Steele ..:......... .0110
U44 11011873 1873 OF CANADA 69 Prapchw
For sums up 'to $50 our Sank Money Orders are
convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue.
Drafts or Sills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any
banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable
Savings Bank Departznent at Every Branch.
J. F. Rowland, Manager
Reid 17
Deloraine-T C.W. R 7
Dufferin•-Hon. R. P. Roblin...,438
Emerson -Hon. D, H, M. McFad-
den rho
Gimli-B, L. Baldwinsou ..•....:,100
Gilbert Plains S. Hughes 225
Harniota-W, Ferguson , 200
Kildouan-Dr. Grain •, 82
Killarney -G. Lawrence 25o
La Verandrye--T, B. Lauzun.
Manitou --Hon. R Rogers 300
Morris -Hon. C. Campbell 240
Norfolk -R, F. Lyons 300
Portage la Prairie Hou. H. Arm-
strong 222
Rockwood.: L. Riley 200
Russell A. L, Bonnyeastle,,.,.,., 6o
St. Boniface -J. Bernier 255
South Brandon -A. H. Carroll t5o
Swan River -J. W. Robson. •
Turtle Mountain -Hon. J. Jobnstou.3oo
Virden -H. Simpson,
Winnipeg Centre -T. W. Taylor 39
Winnipeg South -L. McAdams,56
Dauphin -J. G. Harvey .... 5o
Birtle-G. H. Malcolm 86
Gladstone Dr, Armstrong.....: .•16o
Lakeside C. D. McPherson . 9d
Lansdowne -T. C. Norris 050
Minnedosa 32
Morden -Dr. McConnell
Mout n B. Baird.
Rhineland -V. Wielder..." too
Springfield -D, A Ross. 5rWinnieg North -S, Greep.
Winnipeg West -T. H. Johnson,35
Chur ch Chimes
Last Tuesday afternoon the "Little
Stars" Mission Band pie -nicked in the
grove on Jas. Cuthill's farm and bad a
fine time.
Evangelist Rev. J. E, Hunter, of
Crossley a an Hunter, p
bas been laced
on the Superaunnation list owing to.
enfeebled health,
Brussels Methodist Church annual
report is out showing a year of progress,
$536,00 was raised for Missions. All
other claims were :net and a small -Sal-
ance reported. The only indebteduess
is $loo on Parsonage which the Ladies'
Aid are successfully looking after:
The Moose Taw evening Times refers
to a presentation to Rev, F. NI, Wootton,
new pastor of Central Church, Strat-
ford ;-Rev.
tratford;-Rev. F. M, Wootton, pastor of
Zion Methodist Church, who has been
transferred to the Central Metho est
Church in the city of Stratford, Ont.,
should be a proud man to -day if a
tangible expression of appreciation of
his pastorate by the members of his
congregation could make bim such.
Mr. Wootton was made the recipient of
a "purse" in the form of cheques, bank
bills and gold to the aggregate amount
of $1,218 accompanied by a short ad-
dress, signed by the donors who repre•
stinted practically- the entire congrega-
Mrs. Wm. Vesper, of Fullerton, fell
and broke one of her arms.
ALooca.-In Grey, on July 7511, to Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Alcock, a eon.
JAoxoON.-In McKillop,on July 7th, to Mr.
and Mrs. .Geo. :W. Jckson, of Wiwa Hills,
Sask., a son.
ALOOCo-In Grey, On July 18111, Mar garet
Tiernan,. wife of Thos. Alcook, aged 40
KNuoa'EL,-In Fergus, on July 7511,. Win.
Kneehtel, formerly of Brussels, egad 82'
POLLA103,-1.n McKillop township, on July
11th, Elizabeth A. Downing, beloved wife
of William Pollard, aged 76 years, 10
months and 22 days.
SATURDAY, JIILY28aD.-Sale of one horse at
Central Hotel Brussels. Sale at 4 o'eloak.
Simon Grant, Prop, F. S. Scott, Ana.
$ 28 S 80
Peas - 00 00
Butter 17 18
Gotooa •
25 10 17
a 9 8
8 76 8 76
Apples ' 1 00 1 20
Wheat ...$0 90 to 50 06 .Oats - 84 to 86
Barley 66. Peas 70 to 72
Potatoes, per beg- .. 85to40
Pure Manitoba Pleur half barrel 2 86.
Paetr ` ,.,...
Email " " ....V.! '.75
Rled Ontsp r seek. ,1 2 50.
Butter......... 18 Eggs 17
Hay pet oon 000 to 7 00
Bra hogs...-.
. •••,. ...... t1 - Shorts 0 40
Voters' List 1910
Municipality of the Sawmihrp- of trreyr
County of Huron.
Notice is Bred t glued that L have tranemit-
ted Sr delivered to the 1t1520005 mentioned in
aection0 0' mid.0 0f the Oratorio Vetere' Lista
Act, the copies required by mid aebttona to b5
do transmitted Or delivered of the ilei made,
Pursuant to said Act, of all personse pearing
by the last revised Aseessment 15011 of the said
Municipality ab Elootlons for Members of the
Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec.
520115 ; and that the said list was Arab poeted
up in ray. Oleo at Ethel, art the 14th day of
July,1810, findremabt0 there for inspection,
Btostsra are celled Spon to examine the said
list, arid, if tiny omissions or any other emote
are faun • therein to take immediate -roneed•
Ings to have She said arroyo rewrote accord.
i»g to In
Rated tie 16th day of July ]910.
t A. 13. stn. DONALD,
clerk of c31"3"
r 0,Morris.
EApBER WANTED for at S. ex, o
T salary orad re-
,July, eft. q ti. yoxoo ,
calved up to July 21st. Draftee to commence
August 16th, WALTER 'MILL, Sea,
2.1 Brussels P. 0.
STRAYED on the premises of the under.,
signed 1116 Lob 10, 451 line, Morrie a two
year old heifer, red with white spot in fore.
bead. Owner is requested to prove property,
pay expenses and take it away.
2.4 , FRED, BREWER, Brussels, Ont.
L.�OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -Undersign -
f7 ed o11ase her house and lot for sale in the
village of Ethel. jr sore of land, oonlrortable
house, cistern, well, stable. orchard, &o.
Possession about August 1641, Will also sell
furniture. For further partioulare apply on
the premises to MRS. JAS. LAIRD, Ethel. of
Dental $Urgoon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate of Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office in 8inith
Block recently vacated by Dr. Fend.
Aching, Sore and
Sweating feet
In Summer the f c e ache,
e, uncomfortable,.
and feel damp
Cool shoes and thin stockings help '
some, buts not enough,
If you want real Feet
Comfort use Eas'et't"i'
bust' a little Lras'em ill the shoes
sprinkle some on the stockings.. It
absorbs moisture and cheoits perspir-
ration eo a large extent, `Then he feet
are comfortable, do not swell, do not
It's dos when k
shoes Summer or -Winter,breaMakesingins Sheetnew
slip on easy, oyeroornesfriction ab the
pinching places, pt'events formation
of corns and blisters.
Sprinkle pCannisteis 25c,
P Top
Tenders for the construction of the Millen
Drain, MoKnlopp Township, will be received by
the undersigned tip tin the 28rd day 0f Jul
1910, at 1 o'oloek p, 10. Tenders for the whole
drain rand for the tile and open portions to be
given 5epar0tely. A. deposit of 7% of the cow
struetioa price to accompany Tender. Ten-
ders to be opened at the 'town Hall, Seaforth,
July 28rd, 1010, p• m. Plans, dao., may be seen
et the Olerlds aces, Lot 24, Con. 7, tsialiillo .
The lowest of any Tender not necessarily
accepted, M. 2,1U1tDIE, Clerk.
Winthrop, P. 0.
4444+•+••••II'•+•+•+•'•+•'4'♦+♦ 4.•••••••••••••••••••••••••
: G
: • . N. :
M c LA E N I,
: :
• 0+•••••••••••••••••••••••41. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Clearing all
Summer oads
at Reduced Prices
Highest Prices for Produce.
To the Women of Brussels and district
the Queen of the
I am Flourad-.
Bin, the 1 y
in -chief of the Royal
Pantry, the oracle of the
Royal Household.
If 1 can tell you the secret
of making better Bread and
Cakes and Pies and Pastry,
that will be profitable to you.
And if I can tell you why
one flour is more economical
I want the attention of as well as more. wholesome
Big Folks and Little Folks, than another, that, too, will
of Experienced housewives be profitable.
and Inexperienced—of Rich - For I mean too into
housewives andg
w ves Poo r the; flour question deeply,
Young housewives and Old. giving Whys and Where-
For I have stories to tell. fores, Facts and Figures.
Secrets—flour secrets- So if you follow nay little
to unfold. stories frorn time to time,
And these secrets have as theyappear, youwill learn
come by Experience- by lots of things about flour
actual knowledge of flour, that nobodyhastold you
actual study of different before, These Pantry Talks
grades of flour, • of mine will be chiefly }r about
Royal Household Flour
so named because it was the flour selected for use hi the Royal Household
of Great Britain. It h the one flour in Canada which
stands out head and shoulders above all the rest, It is
made in Canada by the largest millers in the British Empire
—The Ogilvie Flour Mills Co, Limited, and, because of its
high quality and absolute uniformity, has given the greatest
satisfaction both for Bread and for Pastry. 21