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The Brussels Post, 1910-7-14, Page 9
v lkl���,.1,I�„h�''�'�1��'m'�"I'�1'i•�r,rr'�"a,+>A�1 • as.lit on teiHvii=i felri+4.,1,.tui ,14-1i'1i„i,'i,hi"i^l!'li SEEN IN PARIS SHOPS. Paisley effects are, much in vogue, Poplin for suits is quite in evi- dence, Crushed suede or satin belts are much worn, One sees comparatively few Em- den blouse costumes, Rep is a material much used this summer for separate shirts, - Handbags of black satin with monograms and mountings of geld are used. 'There is yet no limit to the amount of braiding put on gowns end suits. Deep cotton fringe trims the bot - Dom of some of the coats of the mo- , tient. Smocking is seen on some of the handsome lingerie negliges of soft silk. Silk and lisle stockings are work- ed with rooster heads on instep and ankle. The serge of fine twill is as firm- ly established as ever for simple dresses. Monogram ram b g ags oflinen with clasps of gold or silver are em- broidered to match the frock. Cute little children's bonnets are of shirred cretonne, while "others ;are a combination of straw and cretonne. Among the handsome scarfs which the season has brought forth are memo of crepe with hand painted borders. The newest thing in auto veils is a washable dustproof silk of a fine, oanvaslike mesh, but of a soft tex- - tore. The scarf often develops into a deep point at the back, with a re- miniscence of the shawl of the sec- ond empire. Fashion has decreed that one's parasol and stockings must match the gown. The choice of the shoes is left to the wearer's own taste. A point to remember is that the sleeve of a lingerie frock looks much more graceful if put into the arm's eye with a narrow beading. Blouses of coarse fishnet in black or colors, with embroidered appli- cations in varied cashmere coloring, look well with almost any toilet. Smart are the "co-ed" sweaters with white and blue .collars; they fasten on the shoulder and under the arm with white or pearl but- tons. For a coat costume of linen no- thing is o -thing -is prettier than a -simple shirt waist of cotton voille pinchecked with white and the color -of the suit. The new corset is a good deal lever in the bust than was the case last year. Its waist is still long and its hips are narrow, straight, and long. Li FAULTS OF GOLFERS.' To Cure Them the Play of Experts Should Be Studied. The common faults of the golfer may be named in the following order of Importance: Swinging too quickly, taking the eye off the ball, holding the left band under the einb, keeping the hands too near the body and standing too,near the ball.. The easiest, says Outing—Indeed, the only satisfactory—way of curing all these faults is to go out and watch sonic nest class experts play, If you cannot find any expert of the ©rat c1,0.ss,go for the best available. TbLs, of course, is rudimentary ad-, vice and certainly not original The youngest caddie at St. Andrews has learned to request his master to keep. Isis eye on the ball and not to press. The trouble is that no amount of book teaching will make yon follow this ad-. rice There le only one way to hit a golf ball.. You must watch a good pleyer and imitate what he does. Most be- ginners snake this serious mistake of taking lessons from professionals who watch their pupils: play and try to cor- rect diem. The pupil would get twice as much good out of the lesson f1 be would watch the professional play and think as little ae possible about him., self. The human being is naturally !mita- • five; If you sit and watch a good ten- nie match between first class players you wilt unconsciously finish your :stroke hotter the neat time you 1,1I, up a racket. With golf this Is pa, Ocularly true, bemuse nothtng is so tel. portant eft tbo rhythmical timing of the stroke which distinguishes a good ,player from bad. .l Made ■ heals, Outcast. In court circles in Ideglend it Is a melees matter to incur royal displeas- ure. The manor wpesan who does so Intentionally leases to be recognized; by lies majesty, which weans social eriinction. 'l'he offender's name is 'struck out of the visiting list of every, person who is anybody he society, and should the offender be a loan fie is po. 1lteiy informed that bis resignation from his club or clubs would not be out of pInee, leo man or woman of 5001a1 repute will in future know him, nod if be be In the array or navy he has no option but to resign, for he will Und himself cut dead by every one of Wb brotts.;r officer's.—London 1H Ae P, ANAEMIA'S VICTIMS Oan Find Now Health in Dr, Wil- lianla' Pink Pills. Anaemia is simply a lack of blood. It therefore 'follows that the,eorrect treatment for anaemia is one that increases the blood sup- ply, That is really the only treat- ment'that can possibly be success- ful, The symptoms of anaemia are easily recognized, Paleness, list- lessness, the failure of food to asouri-h, headaches and pften in women and girls backaches, faint- ness and palpitation of the heart. To restore the blood supply to its normal quantity and quality Dr, Will'ams' Pink Pills can be reoom-. me stied with confidence. First be- cause they are known to have cured thousands of anaemic people the highest possible recommendation. Seco dly they actually contain the ingredients that combine with the food and oxyg, n to make rich, red bleed, without which no man, wo- man or growing boy or girl can be healthy. Mrs. E, M. Bell, Red Doer, .Alta., says :—"When I came to Alberta some years .ago, a young g'rl, I had been suffering for a couple of years from anaemic blood. Doctors had done everything for me that could be done, but to no purpose. The doctors said I could not live, but that a change of climate might pro- long my life, so my father brought me to Alberta. For a short time f did seem to improve, but soon be- came e -came' as bad, if not worse, than be - fere I left Ontario. I could not walk upstairs, walk on the street, 'mr stand in a room for more than a few minutes without fainting. Life was a burden and I did not care whether I lived or not, and had, giv- en up hope of getting better. It was at this time Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were brought to my attention, and a supply was got for me. After I had used the second box I thought 1 felt some better, and I continued taking the Pills until I had used nine or ten boxes, when I felt like: a new person. - I could walk, ride a bicycle and skate without the dreadful pains in my limbs I had before experienced, and in every was I was enjoying better health. than ever before in my life. Now, whenever I feel the need of a tonic I turn at once . to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I am constantly re- commending them to my friends." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six bases f: r $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. is F:TE' COULD' IMPROVE :IT. •en't you like that quotation Item Shakespeare: 'The friends thou hast and their adoption tried, grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel' 7" he asked, soulfully. "I think hoops of gold would be Letter," said the girl, shyly. Attacks of cholera. and dysentery comp quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. Remedial action must be taken just as quick- ly if the patient is to be spared great suffering and permanent in- jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest :p'reparation for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kel- l( gg's Dysentery Cordial. It can be got at small cost at any drug stere or general dealer's, and it will afford reliefbefore• a doctor can be called. THE DIFFICULTY. "It takes nine tailors to make'a. man," 'said the quotation fiend'. "Yes," replied Reginald,; ''but bow do you get so many to trust you 7" Minaret's Liniment eo„ Limited. GINTs,—I cured a. valuable hunting dog of mangowith atINt12n's LIN1111.1 .1T after sov. oralvotorinarios had treated him without doing him any psinu vont good., Yours .Coq wu,i'RID GAGND, Prop. .01 G04.rand 'Central Hotel, Drummondville, Attg. 5, ' Many a man tries to stand en his lights who hasn't any. Minerd's Liniment Cures Distemper. AN IMPROVEMENT. "I suppose," said' the party with the butt -in habit, "that you are bringing up your children to follow in your footsteps1" TREES TIIA'l' TRAVEL. CAntlncnts Exchange Trees of Many lipids. In connection with a recent de- mand of Gorman nurserymen for seeds of the Montana larch, to bo planted in Germany, the curious fact is brought out that white pine seedlings are to be imported from Germany to be planted in the prov- inco of Ontario. Now the white pine is indigenous to America, arrcl was transplanted to Europe many years ago, to reinforce the forests there. It has flourished so well in the Old World that it now appears that the German nursery- men are able to deliver white pine seedlings on this side of the ocean ms re cheaply than American nur- serrymen will furnish them, • The interchange of trees among the ver- bena continents is a most interest- ing development of modern eiviliz- ation.. Besides the 'white pine, Europe has taken from us the Douglas fir and the black walnut, fuel we have taken the eucalyptus from Australia and the Norway spruce and Scotch and Austrian pine from Europe. WHY THE QUACK PROSPERS A quack and a doctor of great learning once fell into conversation. The regular doctor said to the ether, "How is it that you, with- out education, skill, or the least knowledge of medicine, aro able to live, in the style you. do 7 You have your town house, your carriage, your m for -car and your country- house, while I can little more than pick up a bare subsistence." The quack, so the story goes, laughed good-naturedly. "Look here," said he. • "How many people do you think have passed us on this street here since: you asked that question 1" "Well," said the other, "about one hundred." , "And out of that hundred liow many do you think possesses good common sense?" "Possibly one," was the reply. "Well," said the quaok, "that one comes to you, and I take care of the ninety-nine." BABY'S OWN TABLETS CURE SUMMER COMPLAINTS Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in every home where there are infants and young children, and at first sign of illness during the hot summer months they should be given to the little one. At no time of the year is baby in such danger Das in summer. Summer complaints come on so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the little one may be beyond help in a few hours. The Tablets never fail to relieve the sick child, and if occa- sionally given to the well child they wiil keep him well. Mrs. P. Lar- oche, Les. Fonds, Que., says: "Last summer my baby suffered severely from stomach and bowel trrubles but the prompt use of Baby's Own Tablets saved his life." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bcx from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. UNBROKEN. Bridget—"I never break my word, mum." Mrs. Hiram Offen—"That is very remarkable; it's about the only thing you haven't broken since you have been here." "John," queried her husband's wife, "if some bold, bad man were to kidnap me, would you offer a reward?" ""Certainly,"' replied the wife's husband. "I always re- ward those who do me a favor." In Fields -Far Off.—Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is known in Australia, South and Central America as well as in Canada and the United States, and its consumption in- creases each year. It has made its own way, and all that needs to be done is to keep its name before the public. Everyone knows that it is to be had at any store, for all mer- chants.keep it.' Inquisitive people acquire a lot of infornrati n that isn't to. BE SURE YOU CET THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS RAO.-0Wing to the great popularity of "TheD• & L. Menthol Plaster uusorupulous makers are putting uup ono'liko it. Made by Danis 6, Lawrence o. $ PREFERRED CREDITORS. Citizen—"Why don't you go to wcrk1" Tramp—"Don't have to. The world owes me a living." Citizen—"Then why don't you collect it 7" Tramp—"Can't. The world has too many preferred creditors," A grocer enjoys the unenviable notoriety of selling the worst goods in the district, but he has ::tit re- covered from the shock he gotthis other day when a little girl came into this shop and said s—"My inn sent me for two pounds of your best 1" ,. to kill rats with, and a pound ""est ham, and mind and out it in good thick slices, for itis to sole and heel 'my dad's boots.' fiSto Th' 1 Change that limping, useless horse into it .sound, healthy boric, wilneS. and sager to do good day's work,. Don't let a Spavin, Curb, Splint, S'psaln,: 5tingbone or any ether T,a,os- ness keep your horse ha the stable. Cure it with Kend 119s Spavin Cure It cures without leaving 'a scar, blemishor white hairs -,because it does not blister. Port halls, B.C., June 10th 1505 "Have been using your Liniment for years and find it all that you represent. gave not been without it for 10 years. GEORGE GORDON, $1, a bottle --0 for $5. Excellent for household use, Sold by - all - dealers, Ask for free book "A. Treatise On The Horse" or write us for copy; 55 55.5.J. HEWDSLL CO, Euesbere Palls, Vt. THE MAIN OBJECTION, "No," said the prinoipal consti- tuents with a shudder, "we can never vote for that' man for the couneil, He would be, suspected from his very oecupation, He is a gardener," "What has that to do with it asked the candidate's friend, "Naturally, he would take to grafting." DIDN'T RECOGNIZE IT. Miss Fitz—"Queer thing about the French people. Mr. Carr—"What's queer about them 7" Mies Fitz -"Why, when I was in Paris last summer I couldn't even make them understand their own language." EVERY HOME NEEDS a remedy that ie adapted for use in case of sudden acoidept or. Illness, Such it one is Painkiller: 25c. a bottle, Avoid substitutes, there la but one 'Painkiller "--Perry Davis' -25o. and 50o. Never judge a picture by its frame. v Minaret's. Liniment Cures Diphtheria. HIGH PRICES. Who steals my purse is trash, But though it may seem queer, The man who steals my daily bread It+ an honored finaneier. Small but Potent.-Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are small, but they are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are .known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what a safe and simple remedy they are. They need, no introduction to those acquainted with them, but to those who may not know them they ars- presented as the best prepara- tion on the market for disorders of the stomach. Any man who looks for trouble is blind to his own interests. Minaret's Liniment Cures`Carget In Cows. The milk of human kindness often tastes of the can. "Oh, I'm in such trouble. My little Willie's got lost!" "Well, well, it'll be all right! Every one in the neighborhood knows him!" "Oh, nobocly'll know him to -day, because I've just washed him 1" A lady writes: "I was enabled to remove the corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have tried it have the same experience. Don't marry a liberal -minded woman. She'll frequently give you a pieoe of it. Mtnard's Liniment Cbros Colds, Etc. IMPOSSIBLE. "How do you overcome insom- nia7' "Say the multiplication table up to 12 times 12." "But I can't get the baby to learn it." A Standard Medicine.—Parme lee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a rovivifying and sa- lutary affect upon the digestive or- gans, have through years of use at- tained'. so eminent a position that they rank as a standard medicine. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable, effect on the sluggish digestive organs. Small Bay—"Pa, what is an Opti- mist2". Pa—"An optimist, my son, is a man who doesn't care a, rap what happens se that it doesn't happen to him.' ISSUE '48--11/ • NOT WISE ONES. "Are you going to take in sum - mar boarders this year, Josiahl" "All we kin, sir," Only those who have worries can affo-d to look worried, Worms derange the whole sys- tem. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 'i5 cents to try it and be convinced. ".Not me," replied the fond par- ent. "I'm making astrenuous ef- fort to bring them up in the way I should have gone." Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Ryon. Believed By Murine Eye Remedy, Try Murine For Tour Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. -fee At Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books. Free. Mane Eye Sietmedy Co., Toronto. A man can repent of almost any- thing if it hits his pocketbook hard enough. Aadway'e steady Re. lief cares the worst pains in from one to 1 wee17 minutes (whether adaehe (wheoher sick or nervous Tooth• ache, Neuralgia, Rheum sLumbago, pain and weakness in the back, apron or kidneys, aroundthe liver pleurisy. swelling of the joints. and paths of alt kinds, Bad. way's Heady Relict will to a tow days el - toot a permanent. eure. Own anti Offer at Par and Accrued Interest, to Yield Clears the Brain and Builds Up the Muse/es. A Healthy, Economical Substitute for Meat or 'egos Fpr dinner, serve biscuit smothered in creamed veg., etabies. Fat' breakfast or luncheon, cover biscuit with seasonable fruit and add cream and sugar. It's delicious. At your grocer's, 13c, a carton, two for 25c. silo ��''''11ANGER, Tumors;:Lumpe eta. Interest ec�7�ry715 IVANT B0Y:/, GIn48 TC WOItir FOA o./. and external, cured without Pain -h `.• ' us sparµ Eime, make Sa ovaryy wook. y b mPl0 and terms, 105. Dominion Heti Order our home treatment. write us bRfol'a top ?louse, station D., Toronto, late; - Dr. Penman Medical Co., Limited, Collipgwood, Ont. - - - •1k4I AKE HONEY ON MIMIC. TIMED .tvA pieces sheet musle,.100. Big bargain list free. Meteor Pub. Co., Chatham. Ontario: FEATHER DYEING Cleaning and Curling mud Kld (Korea cleaned, 'these can be sent by post, 10 per oz. 'rho host piece he BRITISH A61EIUGAN DYEING 00. MONTRIsAL. tgeeW i er UtY �J (Q d college ONTARIKINGSO, ARTS EDUCATION THEOLOGY MEDICINE SCIENCE (Including Engineering) The Arta course may taken without attendance, but students desiring to grad- uate must attend one session. There were 1517 students registered session 1909-10. For Calendars, write the Registrar, GEO. Y. CHOWN, B.A. 14 Kingston, Ontario. W. Is Your Wearing Cod ? The BEA.It-0.P11ONE will give you the belie te of good hearing. fiend for fres booklet. giving particulars and names of satisfied were. Moo Spathe! Oder for a Month's Home Trial. 416E BRAND ELECTRO ozone LIMITED, 33; Spadlna Avenue, Toronto. KEEP AWAY For Halt' a Cent a Day. Horn Flies, Gad. Flies, Biow Flies, Flies of every kind, Mosquitoes, Lice and all worrying insects keep entirely clear of the animals to which C •«ops yrs F y [i 7N®v'ckeil has been applied. Easily put on with a sprayer, and costs less than one cent day for each animal. Protects wounds irnm fly -blows' and inflammation. Moro than pays for itself in extra milk, extra beef, less feed and more work from horses. $1.75'A GALLON SOc. A QUART WM. COOPER & YIEPJIEW.S TORONTO. ACKEYVZ c o, 6%, Payable Half -yearly 43eCD iA`"q First Mortgage 6% Sinking Fund Gold Bonds :; ii OF THE . 68 ea a,l •1' a i. te_r F 4 MOOSE JAW, Saskatchewan MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota Dated July 1st, 1910, Mat :szing Jtslly list, 1930 Redeemable at 103 on any interest ante after July tat, 1915 Principal and Semi-annual Interest payable at BANK OF MONTREAL, in Toronto, Montrral, New York and London, England. DENOMINATIONS $500 AND $1,000 The Mortgage and Trust Deed securing the Bond, and the regularity of the issue have been approved_by MESSRS. BLAKE', LASE -1, ANGLH"d S& CASSELS, TORONTO TRUSTEES National Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, Minnesota Loan and Trust Company, MinnesotaA CAPITALIZATION {Stook authorized >3onds authorised ..$2,000,000, issued $726,760 $1,600,000, issued $600,00% The Capital Stock and Bonds issued represent an actual cash investment. EARNINGS Average Net Earnings Last Three Years, $179,393 Per Annum, Not Earnings for SIx Months Ending February 26th, 1910, $204,884.20 for at the rate of 30 per cent. of present bond Issue., or nearly four'te.en-,titvtc: the interest charges. I• BALANOE SHEET -t !Present value of Mills and Equipment Real Hsae 'Current Assets, Wheat, Cash, Current Accounts, etc ..,.,,...,.•..............$ 726,711.1 3.0,131.0.4„ $1,763,350.73' Deduct Current Liabilities ..., ..,.............. ........... ........ r..... , , , , , . , , 7 50,516, 56' Net Assets $ • 072,834.17i IN ADDITION TO TBE A13OVl TSD WILL 13E TICE INCREASED SECUlRSTlr Frani THE PIIOOEEDT OF Tula PRESENT ISSUE OP 8500,000. Present Daily Capacity - 6,000 carrels of Flour .. r._ The Statement 'of Itarnings and Balance Sheet have' been confirmed by Messrs. Mick, MitCo a.,crdon, England. Marwick, Mitchell & -PURPOsn OF PRESENT ISSUE The present issue of Bonds is to provide for enlargements to the Moose Jaw Mill, the establishment of an Oats (meal Mill at that point, and for the purpose of additional elevators, SEOUR1TY FOR BOND ISSUE Th9 Bond Issue is a First Mortgage on all the property of the Company now owned, or hereafter &egnired, fThe Company now owns five mills: one in Saskatchewan, three in Minnesota, and one in Iowa, with a combined 'capacity of 0,000 barrels per day. The property of the Company has been appraised by the American Appraisal 1Company, and the property is carried in the Balance Sheet at the depreciated value. ADDITIONAL SECURITY In addition to being secured` by a Mortgage on the Company's assets, the Bondholders also have the eecurlt3 lot a double liability attached to the Capital Stock. ,1 FUTURE ISSUES 'additional le the intention of the Company to largely`" increase its milling capacity in Canada by the establishment ,, 'additional mills, at points to be selected, and bongo may be issued for the purchase of, or the construction of, these mills, but only to the extant of 711 of the actual cost, and then only if the net turnings of the Company for tin previous year are ogna). to twice the total charges for interest on Bonds issued or to be issued, The Mortgage it 'closed at $1,500,000. SINtNiNG FUND Under the Truet Deed a Sinking Fund is provided to be deposited with the National Trust Company, Ltniltett' s'iich will redeem before maturity 75% of the outstanding Bonds at 105 and accrued interest, or at current man ket price. Present Bond Issue Represents Only About One-third of Company's Asset t Terms of Subscription :-1O% on Application, balance on delivery Sioclal Circular and rllppllleat/oar Formas t ejni ora Regi, s , $ulworlptIona will be received by akar Branch, of the Yellowing braltar * THE METROPOLITAN BANK, THE STANDARD 14NK OF CANADA And CKEN IE 41 as C!#NAi?A_.1,IEill ls.t�.,