HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-7-14, Page 7RUSINESS CARDS WMa0I�40.-K a► W. 8 i#uer of Marriage O400nees, Q. nee at Grocery, 2Urub*17 y 5troet. Bra ise's,. K. 'O, T. M. Brussels ''tont of the Muooabees N 24 hold their regular meetings in the' l,p(leo Hewn, Sacker Inook, ea the 185 *sad,Bed '0000811ty eveldllgs of each month: Visitors always welcome, A, SO41EES, sow, A. Atoauta 4, WM. • S-PEiVOE CONYEYANOTIR AND 1ssllloR of MAIRRIAGI LICENISIas glee in the Post WNem Ethel. 80.4 JAMES HARRIS, Agent Howick' Nllituai Fire Insurance Compaby Olaoe and s Oton - ..leo oa WALTON, • ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAND. xneose8io6, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS.. 1. 1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION nen, win sell for hotter prices, to hatter mon, In less time and less chargee than au other Auctioneer ln'East Huron or Lie won't charge • g anything.. tinsDates° e orders can always be arranged at this odlae or by v+rs.,uul nppltoatlon, ROST. H. GARNiSS. BL'UN VAL111 . - oNT. Auctioneer for Huro n . county. Tornre roasOnablo, tittles arranged for at the °180e of Tog Pon, Brussels, S2tf LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLA111- e Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer Notary rubllo, &o. Ohio+ -S tewart'o Block l door North of ()antral Hotel. • Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank, pt8OUDFOO'1', BAYB& BLAIR BAltIt•1S'ELOISS, 801,I0100118, NOTARIES PC131,1u, rll'o. W. PaounaooT, E. 0. 1t. 0, Fiala O. P.. BLAIR. O9iooe-T4oso larulerly ocoupled by Messrs Cameron IS Bolt, ., Bookman, ONrento. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers --'mss MONTREALTO LIVERPOOL Virginian g Friday July 8 Aug. 6 • 7 ani n ala Friday Jul 26 Aug. 12 Friday July 22 Aug. 1COreioan•• Friday July 20 Aug 28 MONTREAL TO GLASGOW ontlrwark Saturday July 0 Aug. 0 retorian Saturday July 10 Aug. 18 esporian Saturday July 28 Aug. 20 honian - Saturday July 80 Aug.: 27 MONTREAL TO HAVRE & LONDON Lake Erie July 10 Aug, 27 Pompperanian July 28 .Sept. 8 ' Sicilian July 80 'Sept. 10 RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer, 1st Cines -$87 60 $77 60 $87 50 2nd Glass - 42 50 45 00 47 60 50.00 8rd close _ 27 76 28 75 80 00 Ver. lull particulars et rates and manilgs apply to W. H. KERR, Agent A Ilett Line, -Brussels. , The Allan Line,,7' Yonge st., Toronto Fall Term Opens Aug. rl 29 This year the attendance ance hes been the greatest In the history: of the .TORONTO hors is a reason for it, Dny by da Midyear by year the superior worn of this school is becoming better known. Our graduates'. readily get choice positions, Catalogue la free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Yonge &Alexander Its, Toronto. 'vM'ItaOia•1&5,ivrGr94422'9oi 00000!1101♦0.0101100.80101, To Machinery Users - and farmers • A PT7' Rr-o7T9•P77 '• p o The Nev Machine Shop of the • q BRUSSELS FIRE APPLIANCE! and MACHINE Co. ® 0 ,00 is now ready for business,' and • o with good Machinery and Skilled 1 Mechanics, we are is a position • 4' to attend to your repair's prompt- i • ly and at reasonable rates. 0 If you will let us know your a O wants we w111 give you honest p 1 advice and hells if connected a witdt Nlach(ueey, a • 0 j. 4 Give us a trial ant , by •corning a to Brussels, save time and money ' 1 for yourselves, 9 • 1 iGAIISIOE O JAMES . • Nlfl! Street Brussels, , 0000N0+01*000000000/0.40• iueirro el. Qoi,rtls MISS EERTHAARMSTRONe Teacher of Piano, St•ndro at garter's Muslo Store, ono door North of the Standard i3mk, lir eesel0, S.02 MISS PERI -E SHARPS' has passed euecesefully her second oxontlnn. 8190 of Aho Pioneforte Department of the To- ronto eonsel'Vatory of Muofo, and La prepared to tube pupils at her home, Prin0000 street. DR, T. T, M' RAE " 1340110(R of Medloine, University of Toronto ;. I,,loofatlate and Graduate of the College of Fill. aietans and Surgeons, Ont, • .Pest 6•graduate Chime Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 11os r(rul, Ohioag1io, l", Itx-1191199 Surgeon to St, Mich. eel's liospitat, Toronto, ho0leea1)ranbuktlpone atioSmith's Store, hours. OR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL. ONT. ' Plry8)cimt and Surgeon ;Post GraduateOofreee London (Flag.), New York and C11iongo Hos., While $poelul attention to disease of eye, ear, vose.mld throat, }ayes tasted for glasses. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario veterinary College. Du and }right oat's. Office opposite ]lour Mill, ]Ethel, BRU$SELS. Goi0OSewn GOING NOrvpr* Mail 7:05 a m Express ' 10:55 a m Express 11:25 a m Mail 1:44 pin llxpreos 8:02 ftm 0' xpre8* 8:81(1, 82 WAL TON To Toronto To (4oderlkb Express. .... 7:41 a naExpress 11:87 a m Express 8:00 p m I Express 7:25 p istLitt J`eta Clinton • Loeitl druggists close their places of hnainess at &o'clocixp p. m. doting July. and August, with the exception of Saturday evening,. OusLouts colic ctwlis for the three Months ending June 3011i amounted LO $98,460.80 aniu1701880 over the coy= igsponding periodof last year of $1270.68, Wesley church League has appoint eclsi\lisses; Margarets Davis, and Doro- thy :Oa» telon delegates to the Mis- siouary Summer School, to be held at Alma Ladies' College, ' St. Thomas, front 14.(11 to. 21st. T. and Mrs. Jackson, jr., left for a few weeks trip to England, sailing from Montreal on Saturday. They were accompanied as far t i ' Ll p as Toronto, byMiss Irene, r who w ill sen the p Sutmel u with friends in Muskoka. John Irwin son of the late Richard Irwin, has recently been appointed. General Superintendent of the 0. N. R., with headquarters at Saskatoon, Sask. •In the sante town! Win. Muir, formerly of Clinton, is superintendent of the Western branch of the Canadian Northern Telegraph and Express Company. Wingham I. 0. 0. P. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, August 18th. Nearly two hundred telephones in use in Wingllam. Annual Sunday school exclusion to Kincardine on Thursday, July 21st. ' W. D. Pringle has added three new machines costing $2,000 to his plant et. the tannery. Miss Laura Ansley has returned home from Guelph. •She -has been en- gaged to teach Glennnnan school for next year. Dr. and Mrs. Jno.. Alex. Wellwoocl, who are spendiug a short honeymoon i.n Ontario before leaving for their future home in Eden, Man., spent the last week with the former's parents in town. - Misses Bessie and Nora' Kennedy have accompanied their grandmother. on a trip down the St. Lawrence. They tvill take in Thousand Islands, Montreal and Quebec. The tax rate in Winglutin for this year is Its follows Town rate ...17 in(lls Public School 51r High School County ,,ate........ Total rate Miss Bessie, a bright young daugh- ter of Lack and Mrs. Kennedy, of town, has distinguished herself at the entrance 8xam(uation in Seaforth. She was one of the three pupils who took honors, and won the Scholarship offered as a prize to the one Laking the highest marks. 2 11 ., 28 Aro you Drowsy after Meals? Is there a fulness in your stomach- a drowsy, lazy desire to sleep -this isn't natural in healthy folks and only occurs when the liver is torpid. You need 8 stimulating tonic -need Dr. Hamilton's_. Pills to stir your liver and put life into sleepy organs. You'll feel brisk and lively-ydu'lI eat digest and sleep well after regulating with Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so universally used, so mild, so sure t0 benefit els Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Sold by all dealers. in 25e. boxes, • Listowel William Hamilton was appointed constable at a salary of. $40 a month, duties to camineu°e on Aug, let, Alrnirlay, Aug. 1st, will be Listowel's civic holiday. A Sunday School ex- cursion to Southtunpton is being at'ranged for. T. J, Later, of this town, who has recently geadwtted at the 0. A. Col- lege,. 18 engaged its manual training specialist In the Sault Ste Marie Col- legiate and tec1111(cal schools at an initial sakaey of $1,000. Arrangement has been made be - Lomeli the different citins:hes it) Lown to hold Sunday evening services dur- ing the months 0C July audAugust at 7.80, instead at .7 o'clock, beginning with next Sunday.,,• A. Poereh, wino has been in Lane- ing, •Alioh,, for the 'past three months, returned to town and is removitlg his family to that city. l -Ie has sold his residence to IlenryJohnston, 0f town. We ale sorry to lose so good a citizen as hie. I o cn who has been o our most prOgesei e resients,both from a, business and municipal stand'' 1111(118, Our worthy .ex -Mayor will be .-.dor Coughs -Take This Do you know a coughs remedy for : years old? Thereg - and colds nearly seventy is one-Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. once in the family, it stays. It is not a doctor, does not take the place of a doctor. It is a do d ctor's aid. Made for the treatment of all throat and lung troubles. Ask your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his „advice. No alcohol in this coughM medicine. ,/,C.,,9yerCa„La1pc1�11?aaa, You cannot rs ► recover promptlylf your are constipated. Ayer's !'lib are gently lax- ative; act directly on the liver. Sold for nearly sixty years, Mk your doctor all about them. much missed, and in leaving here he I takes with loin the beet wishes of our citizens generally for his future pros-. peri ty. 1. F.. Wilson has , eminnenced the emotion of his new livery barn on Main street, opposite- the old barn, which 1s being ;torn down .to make room for the government.. buildilig which 15 to occupy the site. Tile new barn will have a pressed brisk front. Jets. A. Tremain has sold out his ch'tty business to W. A. Gray, and his teaming outfit, also his residence and barn, to 13cl, Smith. The ]utter has taken over the street sprinkling and general teaming, and we understand that Mr. Gray will hereafter attend -to alt dlaying. NIr. Tremain intends taking it rest for a time to recuperate his health, [11711 may tape ,rt trip West shortly. . o .y Women's Period of pain. Regularity of of the system can only be secured by maintaining, stiong healthy circulation. If feeble, ton - down, nervous, be stave that circula- tion is poor. The natural" result is congestion that exacts so severe a penalty. Besides being a food former and nerve tonic, Perrozone adds ad- ditional vigor to the heart and ensures strong blood circulation. This is the. only means of preventing congestions that cause pain, headache and nerve weakness. The whole system is re newed and fortified, with strength, vigor and endurance. For girls and women nothing equals Fetrozofte, 50c. at all dealers. - idelgrave Mrs. Proctor, of Brussels, is visitin at 0. Pr'octor's and other friends. Jno. Nethery has a new windmill ewarectedter. on his feria for, pumpin Rev. E. Oroly, of Winggham, preach ed an Orange sermon in Trinity church last Sunda . y Joeilk W nnson of Hensel!, i 11 spent hi holidays clays anionp relatives in an around Belgrave. T. Reid, of Owen Sound, paid a visi to Metals in this vicinity in the be ginning of last week. • Miss Olive Onrrie, daughter, of J. Currie, is holidaying with her sister Miss Oora Corrie, at Mar. Miss Marshall, who has taugh school 1 111..$el t ave for years goes ' gt Y the Normal at'London. S. McCurdy, sr.,and son Geo., 0 Uetvarcl Sask.,are visiting at th home of' his son's, .514 line, Morris, Mr. McCurdy wMI0 at one .time a resi- dent of Morris, rand his old friends 'are glad to see him. To Tule OLID LAND. -Rev. 0. R. Durrant, of Melbourne, Ont., who was formerly the Methodist pastor at Benmiller,'leaves shortly on a trip to England, his official board having voted him a two months' holiday. His wife and family are already in the Okl Country. Previous to Mrs. Dur- rant's departure the congregation ten- dered her a kind address with a purse of $50. 11ir. Durrant's brother, Rev. John J. Durrant, has just come into this Conference from Gaspe, Quebec, where, be has been in charge of the Gaspe Alission, He has been station- ed at Belgi.'ave, in this county ancl will be welcomed not only for his own sake but Por that of his brother, who oracle many' friends during his minis- terial term in this county. OBITu1usv-There passed peacefully away Saturday afternoon July 2nd, Mary E Walsh, beloved wife of 301111 L. Stewart, in the 28th year of her age. Mrs. Stewart had been ill for about a month and in spite of skilled physicians, gradually sank, although uuexpeetedlyat the last. Mrs. Stew- art was born iu East Wawanosh on the gravel road about 2 miles South of Belgrave, and had lived there all her life, consequently she was well known and highly respected among her num- mons friends. She' was married 2i years ago and leaves two young child- ren, one an infant, besides her bereft husband, herr father and mother, Malcolm and Airs. Walsh, and' .her brother, Norman. The deceased Was g g, a Member of the, Presbyterian church I and a woman of true Christian type, who bore all llet''seiffer'ings without a murmur. The bereft families have the sincere sympathy of the comxnuni• ty, I'uneral'services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. T. A. Ferguson, in the clinl'cl3 on Tuesday, assisted by Rev. 3, J. Du,a'aut.,. The remains were laic' to rest in Brandon cemetery Friends from a distance who attend- ed the funeral were -Alex. Stewart, Woodstock; Robert Mckenzie, 13nr- fot'd A. Id.' McKenzie, Beachville ; 58110, W. Niles, Oreal ; Thos, McKen- zie: Gorier -Joh ; W. 13, and Mrs. Wilk - .Ripley • and W. and, Mrs. -Walsh, Denfield: '1'118 floral tributes. showed the high esteem in which de- ceased was held. ' Atwood Charles Alvin Ilouze, has rented his father's farm on the gravel road for a term of five years. A 311 ton road roller lull been )int chased through the County Council for the use of the townships of Eines and Wallace and the town of Listo- wel. W. E. Hueloleft on Tuesday of last week fol• Vancouver, 13. 0. If he is suited with that country, he will move out. The members ofSt. .Alban's church, Atwood, gave a reception to the new rector Mr. Ashby, Friday evening on thelawn of Jas. Longgmire. Charles Laidlaw and Walter Peebles were in Whitby last week attending the' 01sristiail Endeavor Convention as representatives from Atwood Pres- byterian bhuroh. Clerk Lochhead reports the follow- ing number of registrations of births, marriages and deaths in the township of Elora, for the half year ending June 30th, 1910, births, 35 ; marriages, 8 ; deaths, 29. Why Cough Syrups g Y Ps fa,l 9 The slip i They q uckl over the ci rated membranes,drop into the stoat- , ach and do little else but har m cliges- tion. Its' different with Oatarrhozone -yon inhale it. Every breath sends healing balsams to: the inflamed tis - T• sues. Tightness, soreness ar,d inflam- mation are cured by healing pine essences. The cough goes away, throat o t is strengthened, 'c ngl huskiness u ki g' uses is 0 cured. d Nothing ti n so simple, rn 1 g• p e, so con- venient, co certain to cure re as Oatarrh- ovone Try it 25c. and $1.00 sizes.` e Sold everywhere. Wanted The undersigned desires to purchase a large quantity of well graded Wool and to se- cure that quality is prepared t0 give a cash price in Ad- vance of the regular .mar- itet of at, least 2 Cents. 1n exchange for goods will give (8 0111581107 advance of ' 2'Omits. Wool must he in prime amt- dit(on to seetu'e the above prices, Bring it along for I)lspeetion and get the top notch figure. J. T. Wood Excelsior Knitting Factory BRUSSELS; 8 Blyth (Intended for lust week) FROM THE ABSENTEES. - Letter 'Taman) Mrs. Cox (nee Miss Maggie read at the Epworth League absent members' meeting :- • DEAR LEAGUE WORKERS,- How fast time flies.' It seems only a short time since I was one of you, listening to letters sent by old time Leaguers and yet it is a dozen years ago. Our League here is, I should judge, about the same size as your owir. We hold OW devotional meetings every Sunday evening,, an hour before church time. One Social and Business meetings are held once :a month. Social President has rt, committee of 5 and each mem- ber of the committee is responsible for two social gatherings during the year. Our League, like probably a good many others, has not much money to spend, so to help the Nlercy. and Help department each Leaguer grows a plant during the year, to give to the President of that department, for any who are sick. We also try to remember the old people in the town, the shut in, or those who seldom get to church, by giving them flowers or ra plant at Christmas and Easter time. A little thoughtfulness on our part brings joy and comfort into the hearts of old people. Our League occasional- ly takes the evening service for the Pastor, especially during the Summer. I hope your society is prospering. I cherish memories of blessed times and rich blessings received when attend- ing your League in Blyth and hope and trust the same spirit of devotion is always found in your meetings and thin von are all growing in grace and pzrower as I hope and trust I ani: milt for the best we Dau do, MARGARET +RET T A uex Cot. Scottvtlle Mich 'June 26th, 1910 I1ARr8 K.tAkn the Buffalo Ex- press of June 27th says :-Saint Luke's Episcopal Ohuroh was the scene of a beautiful wedding last Tuesday even- ing at 7.80 o'clock . when Miss Edna Prances Kaake, daughter of Edwin and Mrs. Kauko (formerly of Blyth) was. Married 10 John Ohaffey Earls, of Rochester. Palms, daisies and whits noses decorated the church, and the vested choir' sang the, wedding march as the bridal party entered. Olal•ence F. Earls, of Copper Oliff, Ont., brother of the bridegroom, was the best man, and the ushers were Bluer .I. Earls and Harold E. 0. Bren- nen, of Toronto ; Harry J. Hamilton and Lon Lux Sell, The bride's gown was of soft white satin, with pearl trimming. .Her veil was fastened with pearls and she carried a shower boquet of .Bride roses and fillies of the valley, Her fattier gave her in mar- riage, Mts. Lon Luz Seil, sister of the bride, was the matron of honor, and wore pale blue crepe de thine, with silver trimming, carrying a shower boquet 0f pink roses. the bride's mother wore a gown of black stabn cashmere, trimmed with baby Irish 10000 'and sequins, The bride- groom's m�.ther wore it gown of ashes cif loses s at1grind. with gold gi" Mire, Abon '50 guests wore enterta(li- ed at rocep ion at the home of the bride's patens in Laurel street. The buffet table was decorated With it t basket of Bride roses and llllies of the vailay, tied with tole. The house was detested with daisies and white roses, Ayres an !+astern trip 31r, and Mrs. 1;n11s will be at 1101119 after August I the let at No, 01 Laurel street,, Among the guests were :-,john alsd Mrs,lrarls, J1itnet' J, Earls, Mee. S. E. Brennen, 1•I. 1t, C. Brennen, Thomas Welch, Miss Ethel MaeLeao, Joseph and Airs. Barker, Robert J. Burns, Dr. Joseph Sivees, of Toronto ; E. D. 1 and Mrs. MacKenzie, of 011 City, Pa, ; 4rthu13, 31111, of Minneapolis, Minn, ; Walter 1., Seller, W. J. and Airs. liickeY, 141. W. and Mrs. Weeks, of Rochester, Themes McDonald, of Newburg; Edward T. arid 581s's. John, son, of ''East Aurora ; 1. and Mrs. Franklin, of Hamburg. " Which liniment Is Bak? Icor t1)0111t11at pains aftri aches a tlii°lc oily preparation cant penetrate -that's why Nerviline beats theta all -1t sinks right in. "I wouldn't live without Nerviline in my house," writes J. B, Oottani, of Maslow!), N. S. "If you have rheumatism nt' sore- tress in the muscles or in 11rct any need of an honest liniment, Netviline fills the bill. I can recommend it highly because I have proved that in 0110 ap- plication of Poison's Nerviline there is more virtue: than in a whole bottle of ordinary liniment," Try one of the large 25o, bottles, . Goderich_ Court Goderich, No. 32, 0, 0. 13'., held its annual church patac1e last Sunday morning to St. George's church. Contract of painting the exterior of the court house has been given to Eel. Lynn, of town, whose tender to do the work is $270, Itwasdecided to accept the offer of J. B. Bunter to teach music in the public schools and be was engaged for four months, ending with December 31st. Alaynr Oaluei'on has received a corn- lnunication i'ro'n Hon. Wtn, Pugsley, 111115ter of Public ,Works, stating that he experts to visit Goderich on Wednesday, August 10815. A 6,000 -gallon car of oil has been ordered front the Queen City 0i1 Co. to be used in oiling the streets. It arrived here on Monday and an ap- plication was .made at an early date. First graduation exercises in con- nection' with the training school f nurses of the Alexandra Manus al General Hospital will be held in Od fellows' Hall on Tuesday avenin July 19111. Godex 1 ch club is entitled to sendI a rink tol C rutou m1 -September li th when the visiting BrlLish bowlers wi be there the condition is thatch rink contribute towards the expeus at Clinton. Inspector Hastings, of P. W. D parttnent, Ottawa was in town last Johann. In$avialspirits the company sat down to a festival composed of delieae(es which only such a prosper - one land can produce, The newly u]ar]'ied couple took a trip to Kim:me- dine and Goderich, They will resid at J3elmore. Following is a list of th presents left by the parents an. guests 1 -Auld Lang Syne llandker chief bolder, slaves butter dish silver' fruit dish, half dozen silver knives and forks, one water set, five dollar gold piece, a bedroom set, china cups and cancels, two cit giese pieces, Chinese butter Web, ,, kitclle,i utensils, jardin- ere, (Team and sugar, eold meat fork, silver fruit spoon, carving. set, x'i5g and two bed spread, rocking chair, five dollars, one set dishes, parlor suite. Thegroom's present to the. bride was a broach with amethyst setting and to thebridesmaid' a broach with ruby setting. WARNING, Sip.. its inLrpchtetien into Canaria' the steles o1. I'arislai Sage' have. been e phenomenal. Two success, has led La • many imitations 0(1011ar- in name. • Look out for them, they are not the genuine. See that the girl with the Auburn hair is on every package, You oan always et the genuine Fat 3000.1+og's, y g P8715180 Sage is the quickest acting and most eii tient hair Lon10 in the world. Itis macre to 001foran to Dr, San.. gerbond'e (of Paris) proven theory that dandruff, 001111og flair, baldness and scalp itch are caused by gerrx,s. Parisian Sage Ici115 these dandruff 027118 and removes. all trees of da]}- drat in two weeks, or money back ; it,• stops falling hatix', and•.itchin seal) and prevents baldness. g l And remember that baldness is caused by clandruff germs, 1hoee, little haedworking persistent devils that clstoythea glxtOf dth}]atbie]lnair and g but dsst dl 1Cl- udrootsui Qp l'oy its vitality, Parisian Sage is a daintily perfumed hair dressing, not sticky o1'- greasy, and any woman who desires luxuriant, and bewitching hair can get 14 in two weeks by using it, 50 cents IL largeg alga Gorrie July 12th was observed as Civic Holiday. Misses Mary Elizabeth and Olive. Pearl Watters, of Orange Hill, daugh- ters of John Watters, who have been attending the Wingham Business College, have passed their final ex - 081T, -After a long, weary'strug'gle with disease during, which the suffer- er was not heard to utter a single word of complaint, Frank Olegg, 800+3 ]i ve • I 0 x Lot he • ]Oat silent gmajor(- tniajori- ty on Jul 1st. The notice was both in Markham, Out., s July 18th,1888 and was nearly 72, years of age. In h11nMowick loses another of its respected pioneers, a man, of genial temperament and . broad sympathy. Mr. Clegg was harried 3 tunes, his third wife surviving him. Among the children who were present at the funeral were :-F. S. Clegg, Mrs. F. J. Graham, and !Urs. L. A. Franks, all of St. Louis. Mich. ; Mrs. Wu1. Freeland, Kincardine ;'W. 3, R. 5. Norman and James. Two sons, Wesley in the North -!Vest and G. L., Coldwater Alieh. were.nothome. The funeral which Loolc place. Sunday was very lame, . the a1141,1011111n of the Methodist church being barely able to accommodate the large con- course of sympathizing friends and relatives. Service was conducted by Rev. J, W. Hibbert who based his clear and practical discourse upon the text, "'.Che Lord 18 my Shepherd." 01' The choir rendered as an anthem, "Rock of Ages," set to appropriate d- music. After Mr. Hibbert had con - g, ' eluded the regular serviceat the grave the Orangemen of whom there was a e large number present, G and of which Olde Mr. ()1N was a member, 11 Cleggmbar, Trent through with a very impressive °ere arninatio5s wit honors. e r nlony around the grave of their de - e parted brother. 8' -.:.,. , week looking over the post office, anti he stated that tenders would be called for at once, and the work of enlarging proceeded . ceeded with a 1 s1a rapidlyas p possible. The special committee of the o Coun- ty Council oiler! on the Consumptive Sani- tarium question met in Goderich with Dr. Bruce Smith, and will prepare a report for submission to the ()aunty Oouncil at a special session to be call- ed immediately. While in the dressmaking rooms of Miss Edwards on Wednesday after- noon of last week, Miss Ethel Nairn was seized with a fainting spell and falling against a glass partition door broke through it and was severely. cut, the wounds requiting several stitches by a doctor to close them up. Contains no Caustic Acids. It's healing and drawing -that's why Putnam's Cern Extractor is bet- ter than cheap acid substitutes. In- sist on Putnam's only. Wroxeter MATOIIIONIaL.-On Juue 29th at 4 pp m„ at the home of David and Mrs, Gallaway, in the township of Bowick, a very pretty marriage was quietly solemnized; when their daughter Miss Jessie was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Henry Johann of Belmore. Rev. 0. W. McKenzie, B. A., of Wroxeter, conducted the ceremony. At the hour appointed, to the music of the Wedding Marchplay- ed by Miss McGrath, of Gerrie, the contracting parties took their places under the beautifully decorated arch, amid a brilliant display of roses, daisies, sweet willianis and orange, blossoms. The bride was given away by her father, and looked winsome in her trousseau of white silk with sequin trimmings, with tulle veil and boquet of carnations. Miss Lizzie Gallaway, attired- in dainty white. muslin trimmed with vallencienes lace and insertion, carrying a boquet of roses, -acted as bridesmaid, and Fred Johann acted as best man. Some of the guests were :-D. and Mrs. Johann, Belmore; R. and Mrs. Mc- Grath, Gorrie , J. and Mrs. Undor- wood,'iElowick ; and Mrs. J. Rutledge, Wroxeter LA. Aliikel al'., A Miller, jr.,John Underwood, the hisses L. and A.•Rutledge,Winghatn ;'W. flitch and Miss 581. Patch, Drayton ; F. 13a1- high, Miss L+', Ballagb, Otte, and Hugo Frost Wire Fence ti To the mere or Wire Fence ; • We have a full. stock of FlrostWire on hand and we are ready and willing to }Hake you the best job and price on any kind, of a fence you wish. We • bought our wire three weeks ago and found the material better than the Company represented it to be and you no doubt have read our advertisement in some of the papers, Our wires full No. 9 before is galvanized. . The galvanizing is twice as thick: as it was on any wire we have sold before and the manufacture of the woven fence is 11111111 ahead of any other woven fence on the market. We can guarantee you everyrunnirig wire even tension anti stays straight up and clown. Frost Gates, all sizes on hand, at best possible prices. Apply to Ferguson & fiarri s Walton, or M'Donald Bros,. Blyth, Ont. 460tOII♦F♦I0t0 �F♦(0F♦iOEOFF♦10'.•03 ♦3Oi♦EO60•b0r0II�i4+00 • 0 • .p e • 0 art rosIs l`x g. � 0�1 itti e ti it �. 3 4'• io: t t ' .rl. 3• 1 4. 4. 4. Portraits by Photography i 4®, a 1' ♦ 44 �� Z. G. F. M A 6 .'1.1 3. Y Sma ITS I 4. 's•Fi°l•0•i•0d•0•t•♦•k0•i•0•e•♦•3•♦•i•♦•i•0+6•'.•03•.F®•i•®4. -_ . _____-.._ ®003.14 03 04 03 04 04 13•1 •+♦+♦•14+A+•+♦g0+♦+♦+$+♦+++0+417.03•t3.03.00c0403.04•♦3•♦O 044+♦ i .1* 4• -t• 3 p .+t. M e E + 4+ Hats . ♦ k ♦ ♦ ♦ 3• ♦ 6 3• ALL WORK GUARANTEED. O ♦ b 4- ♦ 3• s ®e Toronto Millinery 4• 3• Misses ��1M � a�♦, ,< •,�i :it Wish to announce that they have a com- 4• plete showing of Mid -Summer • Hats •♦ ranging in price from $1.50 to e $10.00. If you have not alreadypur- .--- - chased call and see them. • - T Very Latest Styles Assured. :