HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-7-14, Page 6ese Y". A VISIT TO INALLAOEBLOR OAR OF ONTARKYS NOSTUND TOWNS A Short time ago the writer heel the legume o Wall a r r t live of I Vt tt bn t twn Situated 1111 Kut l:u„ bon the S.ydonhanl rlver, in the centre of e spleedid agrk:MO. rat country, The tewnis l8 miles North of Chatham and we Made the trip by electric car with great corn(' Oa nod ' good speed, the el.'fo t e oniai M lea McCarron, unv 1 el 1 h i; y I s r guide Sugar fa(.to i acting a 1311 n' i b g (e and bussu of information. Wa got to Wallaceburg about 3 3o and after in. trodec'tion to Secretary -Treasurer I awsou WAS shown through the Sugar Factory an industry riot only of wide fame 013 acootrut of the extent and value of its output b111555ed op with the most modern uppliauces And ' up-to-date e exhaust feed pulp or pulp, which is raised bya 'screw conveyor al the d v. water squeezed out. Thence by Femme of a conveyor it is loecled on ears for shipment, or ,113111 10 the pulp pile to be taken away by farmers ee a too41 for cattle. At the Wallaeebnrg Notary a process for drying the „pulp has been added this year, Its in (Iernlamy, which will coneidernbly lessen the mist of ttau s portulou when the pulp is soul as fodder 0 turners at a di..t.mea from the works, The lower grade of syrup, wtllcll was formerly sold to distillers, is now added to the exhaust feed pulp to enrich it. The juice from the measuring tank is pumped through rotieaters to the first catho at4tion station, where from two The think juice is stored in special 1 v Maks and drawn tutp the acuuln pan 1'llere., It is concentrated emit sugar uryetals begin to appear, These crystals, small at first, grow by addition of fresh euaotitios of thick juke 0001 the eon - tents of the vacuum Rau do not allow any fresh a 11ltiun of juice, From the }Ian the mass consfstlne Anw of auger crystals and syrup, is rlis. charger] into 13 mixer, where it is kept in motion by a revolving shaft with arms. This is done to prevent hardening of the mass. From the mixer the charge goes into centrifugal 015511ines and the crystals areJleparated from the surround- ing syrup by centrifugal forme, 7.'o re- move however ell the syrup from the W • machinery. The immense buildings are splendidly constructed aid so sitttat- eel that both rail and steamboat service are at their doors. the M. D. A. Gordon, th P , is at the head of the Company and as iu everything elsehe undertakes has the faculty of making the business go, 13e gave us a large amount of information and took us through the various depart- ments of the wonderttI glass factory where Soo or 600 hands are employed. They manufaetln'e everything in the ---'bottle line from a small phial to gem jars, &c., and the various stages in the process from the molten lass to the p g finished article are full of interest to the spectator. Both of the institutions re- ferred to area great boon to the town and neighboring vicinity. The •farmiug community appear to take kindly to sugar beet cultivation and find itnot only remunerative as to price but most valuable in getting land into a high state of cultivation. They go at it about on the wholesale plan, as viewed ALLACEBURG SUGAR FACTORY to three per cent of lisle in the form of milk of lime if added for clarifying Then the excess of lime ie precipitated by means of carbonic acid gas. The lime is buret in the Lo1n an 's own p Y kilns, and the escaping gas is drawn off by means of pumps, washed, and forced back to the mixture of juice and. lime, This mixture is treated with carbonic acid until a filtered sample shows tet per cent of lime still in solution. The juice is beated to 90 degrees C. and forced by a pressure pump through filter presses, a^tt from all where it is fully separated precipitated matter, and then runs by its own gravity o t the second carbonstation station. The contents ot the filter presses are dumped into a conveyor below, mixed with water and discharged out into a settling basin, where the heayy pre- cipitates sink to the bottom and the water overflows into a sewer. It is to be regretted that the farmers do not use the lime refuse as a tertilizer, which would be very beneficial for heavy clay crystals it is necessary to wash theta with a sufficient quantity of water. After this operation the sugar is obaiu- ed in white whieh touts" i yet about 2 - per cent of water. Thisis is re. moved in the granulation stage throue h which the sugar has to pass by means of steam heating and a big exhaust fat to draw off the moist air. After. leaving. the granulator the sugar is ready to be packed in barrels or bags and sent to the market. The syrup separated in the centrifugal s machines is concentrated, in a special al vacuum pan anti put into crystallizers, which are large iron cylinders with a revolving shaft and arms to keep the mass alwaysin motion. After two or three days in the crystallizers the con- tents are discharged into a mixer for the second mass, and thence into special centrifugal machines where the second or brown sugar is separated froth the snrroundingsyrup, now called molasses. This brown sugar is dissolved in hot water or it) 1101 sulphur juice to liquors of about 5o per cent .sugar, tl-eu filtered and utitecl with the thick juice obtained in the former op ,ration and sent to the fir:: vae00111 pan to be there bolted to 511.145. - - OUR WINNIPEG LETTER. '111u first half of two brought nothing but good to the West. Week that. Nes 111(np1(1 when 1Cinter set in to 1919 was started early is the Year, 1011"wing plans I1,•d clown in flinty ease, last seas0u. Since activuiee opened there has been nothing but busbies.; for every line in operation 111 the West, and the summing np 0t the six mo,,tlls ending June 311th is highly sat tslaet, ry to. farmers, (llauu- factutet'', leteket5, loudness teen end workers. (Mot. coxutrl0)54 110130 reel hese of all 11101141, s in time West -' 1111 moue is 111 getter:111y el.cel;eut con - Beet (lulg n leu coin -111.11 .1351111us, the c1 unty has had by a Northerner, and are 1n2king coin thereby. \'Vallaceburg has nnlorionsly muddy streets, owing to difficulty to %ecu re gravel but will 00 doubt overcome this by Macadam or other plan. They have good stores, fine new Carnegie Lihrarv, a splendidly finished R. C. Church, ex- cellent facilities by steam and electric tail any, and boat tot' ehippiflSS 1❑ ur 0111 and ere .long may clot citified airs. 'Those who have not visited This hustling sown should do so and learn for then) selves tbat'the rosy stories told by the two W d aceburg nettsptpers are not ''ffiirlt t the germine gospel The euq�tr manuf etnre (factory was working nu awe segat imported when 1ve were there as list year's beet crop was finished) Was of so much interest to u< ewe give an onlline of the variousstages. believing it will prove a source of infer- mtei0n to our readers anti possibly re suis in anew campaign of sugar beet growing in Heron Co., which webelieve has no superior, in producing the best heel for sugar percentage in the Prov- ince, Tne W a leceburg factory sugar grades A 1 and has a wide enol increasing pat renege. This Co. also owns and operates the factory at Berlin, thereby controlling the triide 111 Ontario as the factories at Dresden and Wtarton went clotofbusiness. Beets are . Unloaded tvltliout special nlachinety at the beet sheds, which have a storage capacity of to,ono tons, Fr,.m the sheds the beets are flume by water into the factory, and on the way are separated as well as possible from weeds, gravel or stone and adhering soil. The roots are raised by a large wheel to the washer, where they are thoroughly cleaned, anti are thsuce raised to auto malic scales for wetgiling and dropped into the slicing niaclline. The richer the beets nth in setter the Auer they are sliced, The sliced products, called cassettes, are carried through a movable chute to the diffusion history, where,tlle sugar juice is extracted by the actt01)of warm water, From the battery 111e juice goes to the measuring tank and Is tested for specific gravity. The residue in the battery , is- called 5011, eapecidlie through the fermenting mechanical action which makes the hardest soil friable, not to mention 1Ile contents of phosphates, which sorely ate a great benefit to every soil In the vec0nd cal h itialah0n ti cel&11 timnnnt of lime is added again, mud, ear• bottle acid gas is forret into the juice until a fi tried sample of It slums a oe per cent of litre. Ater this lite jniees are heated to the boiiiue paint sod pllmp513 through another finer tites•s sta- tion, tvhe:, they ere .eparn'ed (rein all r•ediments, the clear juice to - in n special tank, and punt ped from Ihete to the sulphur Statins) In the latter the juice is treated with enlohlirous acid 1.b tatted by burning rolled sulphur 1111115 a sample shows tlniv it trace of free htne :n solution, After heating up in the boil - Mir mem the jnt4lu is littered for the' tliir(1 tune (Memel) gravity filters The clear jute 13r1111322 ((11 goes ieto the centime; Mg 5taatl,11 who,. it is uoneeli- u 111.1 51.11111 a len per 5e11 m/51111110 1, a io put colt one. It Is 9013 1,13111551 '151(515 juice', and is filtered again one stented with sulphurous acid if foetid to ooutain too Much free lime, TNTPRT0 CURED QF CON$TIPATON Me, Andrews peal*** 'Dr. Morac's bndlan Root PM*. of Halifax, S s1 N,Se Mr, George Andrew, r writes: "'For many years I buve been troubled with chronic Constipation. ^ This ail meat never comes singgle-llitnded, and 1 have been a victim to talcalmly illnesses that constipation brings in Its train, 11edicine after medicine I have taken in qrder to findrelief, but one and all left e condition. me in the same hggel SS egad t on. It seemed that pothing would expel from me the one ailment that caused so much trouble, yet at last 1 read about these Indian Root Pills. That was indeed a lucky day for me, for 1 was so impressed wmth the Mate - meats made that 1 determined to give them a fair trial, They have regulated my stomach and bowels. I am cured of constipation, and I claim they have no equal as a medi- cine." For over half a century Dr. Morse's, Indian Root Pills have been Boring con-. stipation and .clogged, inactive kidneys, with all the ailments which result from them, They cleanse the whole system and purify the blood. Sold everywhere at 25c a boa. 2 4''0115'11 i eine-t0 01421)' the 57'('ps along, a d reports -51111 in -(tine ell ,ver the est 1t it of: 50th clo11, conditions It is lin• 111 (N1 i111111‘.• Ilse iii'oduet i0 ,-111.1' b•It. the 11e'ar\ ince " • 1d herr „1 :1 ..1 „•13132 her row' cru; 1111113'. 1,1r. n 1eltide1, r513'ahead . ir. 1 ,' 1 , , "I t 9„ r n 1115(1 l`I.I'A 111( 04 } i,,,u• a .1 ,., h'}7,.• • t --, all - Loci, a -t' over 1115 541011111(11 41.: 2. 4.1 $15410,37 .521. 'The •i urimc tor. •e'. 1 19114 , 541. 31)1113 rtyg 2211,, 11v5.r ii+2n,uoo,o00 141111 the total 111' the fir21 half of the year was lii3Q3 285,177, es compered with $31l2,414,2o0 for a like period of 1909, The Fall months are always heaviest in Western blinking business and the first of 151104ry, 1911, sum iiine up is expected to put Winni- peg 111 the billion dollar alas.: kith MEM- treat 0 -treat and Toronto. 111G 1313111041311. TOO. Winnipeg building figuresare in the: sane class with the city's' bank clear• ings. Up to july 1st there were per. 111115 taken out for the expeediuu'e of 89,835,500 in new buildings in Winni- peg. The, total for 1909 was 89,226,325, and the figures for one hall of this year thus txoeed the sunt total of last year U 60 1 Theyalso show a gain of Y $ 9, 75• 82,777,350 over the highest previous six months' record, ann there is still half• a year to go with no signs of slacking off from the phenomenal activity that 1lasmarked Winnipeg 'building opera- tions since the seas0u of 1910 opened. GREAT Grans INN -TRADE 'Wholesale and retail trade has kept pace with the other activities. There is 110 means ot accurately determining the volume ot either of these branches of trade so that a statement may be made in figures, but Wren and firms that are en- gaeed in these lines of business are agreed that their operations are at least fifty per cent greater than they were last Year. Since the wholesale turnover. of 19 •9 to Winnipeg was not far trotn 8lo0,000•oo r, a fifty per cent gain means a c'nl'idtrable sunt of money and big growth ,.f trade. ENTRANCE, RESULTS The following is the result of Entrance to Hight School exams held at W,ng- ham1, Wroxeter and Forclwich, Maxi- mum marks 65o. 'leo pass 390. Honors 457 - WINGS] ANI HONORS Maguire, Fred .. , Winglinnl 111 Ritchie, Anna . , \luso), Annie Geddes, Hardy.SS. No. 17, E. W, & M. Smith, Noiah Wing ham Nicholson, Gladys. •,.,........ •' PASS Bottrell, Irene Winghanl Buchanan, Hilda ... Bntver, Lucy Babel, Florence. lirftlges. Annie No. 17, E. W. & M, Camelot], Leon Winghani Davidson, Laura...... „r,,: Dunkin, Alice Bell t No. 3, Turnberry Either, Weil ......Wdughatn Pinter, Annie Flitter, tom. . Wingham Hiegston, Lloyd- - Isnrd, Mabei i.ovnt, George.... J011uann Anel No, to, Kinloss Jewett Harold ,.,....No:8, Morris Msdch 1311 bottle Winghant Mdler, Della Niel hews, Hattie \l,Pbelson Melba Mothers, Wi!lred ....,......No8, Morris 5'13 on, Allen ....,No. 13, E, Watvanoslt 1st , well, Jetii ....No. 8. Turnberry as VIEWS OF FACTORY +4+ The s A 2 • O • • • gg•• ♦O:�. w Dwnt ot 1 fF5Yerot bdm on aP nc g tb earbi stttW ns • • • waterwheels, putting in new • • flume and overhauling 0515, mill s in general, pox plant will be • • olosed down for these necessary • rears on and (tie June 30111 • • P # a until furishe notio3, While there will be no •ohop- • 1> { w311 r • 1 1 don he t i 13 1 11 g e v a • nn g p � g �► bo exohemtged tea usual as wo 4, have made special preparation at • to supply our oustomers and • • have a good stock of Flour and • • Feed on handfor sale. • .iso BuggiesBr. Carriage r, Factory � have two show roams filled with a better Sample of Bnggles than they have c ever had in the post. The Buggies have all the latest improvements, with Mee Mgt m 4 Molt curvedd dashee, with solid brash ranee al 1 silver plated. ted ,1br t lc; with dash supports on Uoth sides, ibis prevents the dash front any e t age whatever, Bodies of Buggies are all 56 Inches long with nice eievated seats, alt trimmed with the best 113 t b 1 t d'- uffed leather, spring backs and cusThe latter saves sagging of the cus11100, with donate rows of sde-pad• 1 the Neat boll] 50013)13 cushion, 'Pliers are fide high side -pads Staten makes e and comfortable. Wheels are . he ht hest grade with XXX shafts, We the g build oply one grade of Buggies and that is the 1335S'11, Also have a lot of Arched -axle Baggies with auto seats which sail at Sight. Everybody is welpotne to call and examine our stock. k. Remember we put on all kinds of Rubber 'Tires—both Solid and Cushion. Repairing of Rubber Wheels done promptly en We 'keep a first class machine for the purpose, While thanking our numerous customers for past patronage we invite all to call and inspect our stuck before purchasing elsewhere, Wm. & H. A. Pryne = ' .. Ewan, Brussels O • • spells hard headaches, .severe pales in my hack and through my limbs. NOTICE Before I had used two boxes of Booth's umeprosent a co t- Ovor 06 ar sant. o4' tha year's bumSnesa Is dons during. to your nemSral 5) e p y goo c(neLy twenty Por services rendered. Give ee. elusive territory and supply selling outfit free. Nil h'a's, yl tllle \4 ulgiiam Kidney Pills I was free from the u,r, '14811:arrr • ............ • trouble and cured,. '['his remedy also. 1+•ereo Ann t \l ...N , 8, Y), \V15.vetiosli toned up my system enterally and i- t hila• " i3 F since I used Booth's Kidney Pills i .1 e.:1 lie : '. 5'I„t r1,1 hrtve-been better in every way. 1, ,.i. I. 1 - r � 5. Still by dealers. Price 50. cents. We are appointing males at;ente now in ever u, un for t te. season et 1511iv .. 1' n .5 1i 'r. F. lir/Nettee Me Me l{er, her, Role . , ,. ...,, (Vie R,1, r PASS Pelt, Willie No 9,''TurIlberry Bruhn, Mare;n•et .:,...Wroxeter' Clinknnbroomer, Mabel .No. 7, Howick Doig, John No, 7. Carrick Galbraith, Torrance.... No liirnberry Gibson, Mary.H „.-;Wroxeter _Hamilton, Elinor Miller, Vernon ...... ...No. r, Turnberry Munro, AnnieWroxeter t1 Nichol, Bessie M No. 2, Turnberry Scott, Agnes.. ......... No. 7, Howick Williams, May FORD WICH PASS Albrecht, Niabei Fordwich Brown, Mary Clark, May No, 6• Howick Downey. Ethel Fordwich. Denny,No22,Howick ennyErnie Harding, Maude 6, Martin, Gladys .....,6, „ McNeil, Edna. - ” 31, Patterson, Inez '` 12, Ries, Matilda 6, Williamson, Vera " 52, McNeil, Rosetta - "' rt; NOBODY SPARED Kidney Troubles Attack Brussels Mon and women, Old and. Young Kidney ills seize young and old. Oome quickly with little warning. Children sti'ff'er in their early years. Clan't enutrol the kidney secretions. Girls are languid, nervous, stiffer pain. Women worry, can't do daily work. Men have lame and aching backs. The cure for man, women;or child. Is to curs the cause: the kidneys. Booth's Kidney Pills cure sick .kid - treys. Cure all forms of kidney suffering. Brussels testimony proves it. Mrs. John Pethiok, of Brussels, Ont., says :—"l have doctored and used several remedies for the cures of a bladder and kiduey: complaint but Booth's Kidney Pills procured at the Jus. Fox Drng Store. did' me more good than any other medicine -or remedy that I everr have need. 1 had a constant bladder irritation, dizzy FARMS FOR SALE.—Lots 21 and 22, Con. 14, 61cKillop, and Lot 28 on the 18th Conces- sion. Lots 21 and 22 compose the Gardiner homestead and contains about 160 dotes,. all first -Blase land, well fenced, well tile drained and has 15 acres of good hardwood. bush ; good comfortable ,buildings with. all modern im- provements ; plenty of good spring water and a good bearing orehard. This ie one of the choicest farms in the County of Huron and will be sold on terms to suit Purchaser. Lot 28 contains 126 acres with small house and barn all in pasters and has been for years. There are ten sores of good bush on this farm. For further particulars apply to ALEX. GARDIN ELt, Walton P.O., or on the premises. 40-tf The R. T. Booth Oo. Ltd., root Erie, Ont., little Canadian Agents., CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed. by O3 Brussels. JAbIA9I+' , The People's Column HOUSE AND LOT F0125 SALE.-17adersign- od offers for sale a es aore of land, Turn - berry is a herr street North, r sal upon which s e No Bus e P wellcom, 8,,. P sses i and an oodshe dtnotiefruit treesstnr- welh&c. Possession on shortnotica. Forfue- that particular aa toprice,terms &o. apply particulars , p4'y to WALTERProp., Brussels, 63-51 WILBELr, p p , B I„ #OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE AT ORAN naoolr.—Good brielthouse. frame stable and half acre of land. Good well ; fruit of all kinds. For further particulars apply to Donald McDougall. Oranbrook. FOR SALE.—Nine acres of land with a good brick cottage, bank barn and other out building8s, also o good orchard. For further particulars apply to A. J. M. Helm or Mrs. Jno. Dilltng, Oranbrook. FOR SALE.—A very valuable piece of prop, arty in London on Pottershur Hale street South, House, barn and 6 acres of land. For farther particulrrs apply at TaaPose Publish. ing House, Brussels. 41.45 . FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sale hie 200 acre farm being Lots 17 and 18, Oon. 0 Grey, 126 acres of which are under oultivatlon 85 acres bush, balance- pasture laud. On the premises is a large brick house and good bank barn, Power mill on the burn. Implement shed; good orebard; 13811 watered: ail oonveniences.- For. further- partioulsrs apply to JOEL WELSH, Ethel P. 0. 88.15. FARM FOR SALE,—The-undersigned offers for sale, his 100 acre. farm, being Lot 80, Con. 15, Grey. About 70 acres cleared, balance in swamp, Satires in Fall Wheat, 85 acres seed- ed down. Fall plowing is being done. On the farm isa frame -house. back barn, driving shed, good orchard and drilled well. Close to post - office, church and school. For'further pnrtisa- tare apply- to JOBN OSBORN1t, -Proprietor, or F. S. Soott, Brussels. FARM 111015 SALE.—The 100 acre form, be- ing the propertyof the late Peter McNeil, Lot 213, Con. 14, Grey, is offered for sale bythe undersigned, There are 85 cares eleareli, hal. untie well timbered. On the farm there is a good bank barn,; large driving shed and a tom- , fortablehouse. Plane in good condition and well fenced. For further particulars apply to JAS. A. MOHAIR or 31.8. D. Moll AIR, Exec- utors, Oranbrook P.O., or F. S. SCOTT, Brus- sels. 7-tf Stock for Service BULL FOR SERVICE.—The ondereigFed will keep for service at W36 Lot21, Omn. 11. Grey, the There -bred Short Horn Ball, •llandsome Gift." Pedigree maybe seen on application. Terms $1.00 to be paid Feb. 1st, 1011. , JOHN GORSALITZ, Proprietor. 47-tf • D U -S T Is a General Nuisance but it can be avoided by using USTBAN E oim sit(eepinx clay. "Dustbane" moreover, disinfects the room and restores rum's 111 their original freshness. The wotneu swear by "Dust - bane" when nice they have used 3t. Don't have another dusty sweeping clay, but get a 85 cent tin of "Dustbane" front the Distributor. ZVts are autilolized by Lite manufacturers of "Dustbane" to send y oo a 85o can of their Sweeping Comp -mud. 0`hey want you to use this on trial for 0,ie week, .At the enol of this period if not foetid sats- isl'fu:tnt•y we will take it back and there will be' no charge for quantity need. if it does away With Dust on Sweeping Day You Want it. Sold in hills., half bbls. and quarter bbls., for stoves, school, itoe- pitals,-churches and public bnildiilg5, mow$ 6'tam E ®� � O Y r d DISTRIBUTOR FOR BRUSSELS Canadian Factor les—St, John, N. B„ Winnipeg, Man, 40-8 tl S h W a d Over BOO Acres under Oullivatlon, Olsr (40513111,810 fl111211i01t051 «10 51 IS important that you should represent a Ilan or good standing and alae,- We eupply strictly first grade stook and guarantee delivery ht .good condition. We went the best and most relia- ble agent In every district. Established over 115 years: Icor further particulars write Pelham Nursery Co. 44.15 . Toronto, Ont. glisCENTRAL 2 STRATFORD. ONT. r�]i T8 The Great Practical Training t School of Ontario. (;Y/ a Three Departments - 5,.. Commercial short Telegraphy s- - We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon. as for trained help great. 1 exceeds the supply. The three most exo a st to recently' and placed,05 ere tonthrespective- receiving $90ve- to LUO 0utonth res ea .{va- 460 W$ ,0per t p our ly. Es r state graduatesconow. y are the best. Entero our classes now. Got our free catalogue. - - D. A. MCLAOHLAN, Principal. � •� hand 4.0•••O••0000•••••••••••••• • • • • • • • 2,5 0 0 •• • ••e • • • •• • • O • • •• O • • • • • • • Fail Term opens August 19th• • •• O • • WINGHAM ® • Business College. o "" • GEO. 8POTTON, PRIN. ••w•••i••0•••••••••••••••O • • ® ® •• SALARY • •O As Prnvincial'Manager now, •o 2i pears ago hardware cleric at • $8 per week, and tulle was a • fa -emu's sen, 28 years of age • and without pall. Six month's • training in one of ourbrts,nches • and two years' faithful service o to his company made the alt.- • ferenee,. The difference between the ,► big men and ',belittle men, the • successful and theunsnecessfnl • . -is only a difference of train- • ing. We have teansl'ormed thousands of little men into • big men. • You may study partly at • horse and finish at College. o • • RUPTU RE Cured At your hone without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what ,your age is or how long ruptured. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes up-turebecomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Do not wait Fill in coupon Age 'Gime Rep Single or Double Nacre ..... Address awl return to J. S. SIVIEi" 4 )1a oalodehla Bt. Dept A Stratford. Ont.