The Brussels Post, 1910-7-7, Page 8The dugs are vary plentiful this year, in fact we are told
they were there waiting for the potatoes to come up,
You cannot get after them too soon, and they will cer-
tainly be scarce on a patch after it is well sprayed with
our Paris Green, it Is sometimes very discouraging,
after a work is alone, to find that time and money has
been wasted, Sucli is often the case after using Paris
Green, 1)o not take any chances, but get
and ylou eau depend on getting it strong and pure and
you will not be disappointed in the results, We keep
but one grade and ` that is the best we can procure.
/ Give it a trial.
Visitors to town will find our supply of Kodak Goods moat complete. Films
developed, prints and Post Cards made If required.
F. R.
'1E4 Retus gtems
A. J. Lowry is busy at the new cement
sidewalk nn Albert street.
THE strawberry season is practically
over, the absence of lain tending to
shorten the crop,
BRussels juniors won a Base Ball
victory at Blyth on Monday by a score
of g to 3. F. H. Gilroy was umpire.
HURON Old Boys' excursion last Sat-
urday brought a number of Former resi-
cleats of this locality back for a short
NEXT Tuesday will be the memorable
"12th" and will be celebrated in Wing -
ham by the Orangemen of Brussels and
Dobaxtoet Day was spent very quietly
in town. Many citizens visaed neigh-
boring points where celebrations were
being held.
THERE is a very noticeable shortage in
the supply of public school teachers and
consequently salaries have taken on the
aviator business.
LAST Monday Mrs. M. Doll sprained
her right ankle by stepping on a board
"that was unsteady. We hope she will
soon be as well as ever.
A SOCIAL will be held on the Manse
Lawn by the sewing circle of Melville
Church Tuesday evening, Juiy tgth.
Everybody welcome. A good progratn
will be presented.
ANNUAL Sabbath School excursion
will be run to Kincardine, as
in former years, in the month
of August by special train. Date will
be announced later.
TUESDAY evening Blytb Base Ball nine
played a match on Victoria Park here
with Brussels, the home team winning
by 1i to to and an innings. Mr. Black
of Goderieh, umpired the game.
Holmes, Alexander street, who had
fel been in failing health for some months
died Thursday morning, aged 58 years.
Funeral talces place Saturday afternoon,
The Mission Band, of Milverton, call-
ed at the Parsonage and presented Mrs.
Oaten with an address accompanied by
a quartered oak fern stand. Mrs. Oaten
made suitable acknowledgement of the
GONE TO BRECON,-W. F. Stewart,
formerly of Brussels, has leased a flour
mill for a term of years at Brecon, on
the Midland division of the G. T. R.,
and will reside there. We wish him
• success.
CARD OF THANES. -We wish to ex-
press our sincere thanks for many kind-
nesses shown during the illness and
after the decease of our little son. It
was much appreciated by us in the time
of our trouble. Yours gratefully,
BROKE HER ANKLE. -A. short time ago
Mrs. Wm. Blasbill, of Ypsilanti, Mitb.,
a forriser Brusselite, tripped over a
paper hanger's ladder at her home
Jreating the bone in one ankle. She, is
able to walk now with the assistance of
a cane and we trust will soon be all
DIED. -Last Monday a telegram was
received from Dr. Fred. Gilpin, Michi-
gan city. Ind., stating that his tather-
in-law, J R. McKenzie, late of Owen
Sound, died at the former's home on
Sunday front Brights disease. The re-
mains were brought to Owen Sound for
interment. ` Mr. McKenzie was a well
known and highly esteemed resident of
Owen Sound for many years.
'institute will hold their regular meeting
for Jttly on Friday, 15th inst., at the
Home of Mrs. P. A. McArthur, 6th con ,
Grey. Mrs. D. C. Ross will take the
subject 0n "Preserving and Canning
Fruit and Vegetables." ,A paper will
also be given on "Women as Wage
Earners." A rig for the members will
leave the home of Mrs, John, Hewitt at
i o'clock.
To V Bx SSRLS.-The Fordwich Record
of last week speaks as follows :-Miss.
V. M. Davidson, who has successfully
taught the senior dep•trtment of Ford-
, .wich Public School since New Year,
has handed in her resignation, having
accepted a position as assistant in Brus-
sels Continuation School at a salary of
t17oo per annum. Miss Davidson is a
good teacher and all are sorry to hear
she has decided to leave, but glad to
hear of her preferment in her chosen
ON Vie QUIET, -Following are a few
things you may not know so we men-
tion them in strict confidence :-Otte
of our hotelkeepers was fined recently
for selling liquor to minors and otber
convictions may follow. -Several per-
sons in this locality lost considerable
cash while endeavoring to "scoop" the
other fellow at a gambling feat a short
time ago, It might have been worse. -
Muncie are being taken of boys and
young men who are too profuse with
profanity on the street and Park and
they may be asked to appear before the
Reeve, -In the the absence of a eurfeW bell
bad it Might not bb a idea idea for some
parents 10 see that email boys and girls
are off the street by so p. m. 1E some of
the older night hawks would 501 the
exstnple It Would be a good cottpter.
ber of interesting items are crowded out
of this issue hut will appear next week.
LAST Friday George Colvin, jr., bad
his right arm broken near the wrist
while playing Foot Ball on Victoria
The regular session. of Brussels Coen.
cif was held last Monday evening. Out-
side of the passing of the usual number
of accounts there was nothing special
THERE will not be an Orange service
in Brussels this season. A number of
the brethren will attend service at Ethel
Sunday afternoon when Rev, Mr, Lang -
Ford, of Listowel, will preach.
MOVED OFFICE. -Dr. Hamilton has
moved his dental office to the apart-
ments recently
part-mentsrecently vacated by Dr. Fella,
He has discontinued his weekly trips to
outside points and will be glad to meet
his patrons at his office in Brussels.
THE 12TH AT WINGHAM.-The Ladies'
Aid Society of the Wingham Methodist
Church is making provision to furnish
meals on the tsth of July at 35c. Nu
doubt they wilt be well patronized as it
is estimated there will be to,000 visitors
in Wingham that day.
pupils of the town school who wrote at
the recent Entrance examination, II in
all, were successful, g of them taking
honors. The list may be read in an-
other column. We congratulate the
students and also their teacher, Miss
Dora Smith, on the excellent work
SOAR of salt at MOORAOrcEN's.
Tr you are going on a holiday take a Kodak
with you. See them at SMtri's Drug Store,
Fmsm-oness baby carriage for sale at a bar-
gain, Enquire at THE Poem,
Foci SALs.-A few choice young, sows, with
littera at foot, or will sell yonng pots separate
if preferred. Apply to 5. P. Molt moea, Oran.
brook or phone No. 206.
Have 'Toon Plow FrxED UP. -Any person
desiring to have their plots cared for will find
mein the Cemetery Thursday, Friday and
Saturday of each week. RonT. G. DARE, Care•
taker Brussels Cemetery. 50.4
Goon, strong, active boy wanted to learn
Baking. Good chance to one that wants to
learn. Apply to W. A. Oman, Seaforth,
WOOL WANTED -54,000 lbs,. at highest prices,
wash or trade, GEo. E. KTNo, Wingham. 47-tt
WILL clean shag lawn mow-
eretoyour•Ysen and adjust p i fancy can make old mowers
take thelaeeof new ones, yours T. McGregor,
corner Mill and Main street, 13russele.
Boy wanted to learn the printing bossiness,
one who has passed the entrance examination
preferred.. A good chance afforded. Enquire
at Viz Poem.
Last week's Milverton Sun says ,-
Rev. F. j Oaten late pastor of Milver-
ton Methodist church circuit preached
his farewell sermon here on Sunday
evening. The church' arch^ was crowded to
the doors chairs having to be placed in
the aisles and atthe back of the church
to accommodate the members who
crowded in to hear his final discourse.
Mr. Oaten reviewed the work of the
four years spent in Milverton and ex-
pressed the wish that the congregation
would continua to prosper in the future
as it had in the past. He spoke of the
friendships be bad formed both inside
and outside the congregation and felt
that he was leaving many warm friends
iu Milverton. At the close of the ser-
vice many rade him good-bye at tite
door. Mr. Oaten is a shrewd financier
and succeeded in placing the finances of
the circuit on a splendid basis. His
work during the four years he labored
in Milverton was cbaracterized by deter•
mination and success.
OBITUARY.—Phe Deckerville, Mich,
Times, says :-Tbe death of John Ritch-
ie, sr., on the night of ,rune g, was a
shock and a surprise to everyone
throughout this community. Apparent-
ly well till within a few hours of his
death, no one realized his time was so
near. The deceased was born in Pais-
ley, Scotland. 74 years ago and came
with his parents to Canada when a
mere lad. He waa married to Catherine
McMartin in 1862 and removed to
Michigan in 1873, settling in Sanilac
county where he bas resided for 37
years, widely known and esteemed by a
large circle of friends, Mr. Ritchie's
genial, cordial manner won hint a host
of friends, and the hospitality of his
borne was even ruore enjoyable by rea-
son of his own gracious welcome that
ever expressed his frank and loving
nature. He was for years an eider in
the Sridgehampton Presbyterian church
and for nearly 20 years had been the
faithful superintendent of the Sabbath
School. Children of the neighborhood
had grown up around him and he had
become so identified with the church
and Sabbath School that all had come.
to affectionately esteem him as Father
Ritchie, and his counsel and advice was
widely sought and relied upon by reason
of his sound judgment and rich exper
ience, The Christian character of this
father in Israel was strongly marked by
fidelity to trust, deep humility and an
abiding Consciousness of the divine
presence, 50 tbatthe sudden coming of
death was no sUtprise to him, although
it was a terrible shock to the family and
a wide circle of his neighbors and
Wends, The fnnetal ohsegties .were
held alt Sabbathat Forester, itev, .Wm.
IL Hoffman, his . pastor, otioiating,
The Boot Serval t
of the Farmer
Ms a Strong
Qharterod Bank
_ear I tan a
_ apo M
Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers
and extends to them most Reasonable Terms,
Every Department of Banking is Conducted
Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates
The services were largely attended and
the peaceful quiet Sabbath afternoon
seemed a divine benediction upon the
life of this good man, the influence cf
wbieli will long abide upon the cons.
mupity. The deceased is survived' by
the widow, three daughters. Katie
Ritchie, of Cleveland, Ohio ; and Mar-
garet and Mary Ritchie, of this place,
and four sons, John Ritchie, Wheat
land ; Charles, of Bozeman, Man. ;
George and Frank, of this place, all of
whom were present at the funeral ex-
cept Charles, who was unable to reach
here in time. Cbas. Ritchie, a brother
of the deceased and his daughter, of
Brussels, Ont„ and his sister, Mrs: B.
F. Ward and husband of Cedar Lake,
Mich., were also present at tate funeral,
• Brussels School Board
Special meeting of Board was held in
Board Room Monday. June 27th. Mem-
bers present T. Farrow, J. Elliott, M.
Black, R. Leatherdale and D. C. Ross.
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Moved by D. C. Ross, seconded by
R. Leatherdale that Miss V. Davidson,
of Wingham, be appointed Assistant in
Continuation Work and that Miss Mc-
Kenzie, of Listowel, be second choice,
Meeting then adjourned,
J. H, CAMERON, Secretary.
Miss Davidson has accepted and will
be on hand to commence her dutiesat
the opening of the Fall term.
People We Talk About
Wm. Pryne was in Toronto Monday
on a business trip,
Mrs. Newsome has gone to Muskoka
to visit her daughter.
Master Geo. Edwards spent Tuesday
of this week in Blyth.
Bert. Lott is visiting with friends at
Brampton andother points. -
Joe Wilton, of the Standard Bank,
Elmira, is home for his holidays.
Miss Linday Colvin is home from
Zurich for her millinery vacation.
Geo. Buchanan was renewing old
acquaintances at Blyth and locality.
Miss Barbara McKelvey, 13. A., is en-
joying a visit with Toronto friends.
John and Mrs. Petcb were visiting
friends at Blyth. Anburn and Godericb.
Mrs. W. M. Sinclair spent a few days
this week in Stratford visiting relatives.
Mrs. Bell. of St. Marys, is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. F. Spading, Church
Miss Jessie Gibson, of Toronto, is the
guest tor a few days of Mrs, F. H.
Mrs, McLean, of Egmondville, spent
a few day weekg
s this tailing on old
Miss Graham, of Toronto, spent the
holiday with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.)
Miss Myrtleand Master Charlie Heist
are spending their vacation at their
home in Atwood.
Miss Addie Lott has returned to Col-
borne, Ont. She took her brother
Harry with her for a visit.
Miss Ida Bailey was holidaying for a
few days with old friends at Rockwood
and other points.
Miss Annie McQuarrie is home from
her millinery position at Chatham for
the holiday season,
J. 0. and Mrs. Ronald, of Stratford,
are visiting at the home of Barrister
Sinclair for a few weeks.
Mrs. Leslie O'Connor, daughter and
son, of Thorold, spent the holiday with
the former's father, Postmaster .Farrow.
Miss Campbell, of Gaylord, Michigan,
is visiting her cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Mc-
Kelvey and Mrs. Samuel Walker, of
Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Almon, of
Elmira, and Mrs. Howlett, of r:aifford,
were -visitors at Chas. Howlett's, Queen
Dr. J. W. Coyne, of Ridgetowu, was a
visitor at the homes of J. J, and Mrs.
Gilpin and Mrs. J. L. Kerr, He is an
old friend.
Mrs (Dr) Hossack and baby daugh-
ter, of Innerkip, are visiting the former's
sister Mrs.
JHS Ballantyne, Queen
Thos, Ross and daughters Gladys and
Blanche, and neice, Olga McKay, of
Chesley, were visitors in town for a few
days last week.
Miss Kathleen and Master St, Clair
O'Connor, of Thorold, are spending
their vacation with their grandfather,
Postmaster. Farrow.
5, J, Wilton, son of Samuel Wilton,
town, has taken a position with the
Metropolitan Bank, Brussels. He
should do all right.
Jno. and Mrs. Ferguson and daugh-
ter left Thursday of last week on their
trip to the Pacific Coast. We wish
them a good time and a safe return.
Miss Haynes, milliner at Miss Inrnat's
store, has gone to Ottawa:. for her vacs
tion but will return to Brussels next
September for the Pall and Winter sea-
Miss Olive Mooney, milliner at
Cargill, Is spending her vacation at her
grandfather's, S. Crawford, Queen
street, Brussels. She will return to
Cargill next Fall.
Miss Minnie Moore was home front
St. Thomas for a short visit. 'Fite
Moore family, we. are sorry to state,
cod -
tem ;ate taking Op
residence at Strat-
ford ford
in the near future, They have
been well kuowii residents of this
locality for the past 35 years,
Mrs, N, McLaachlin, of Toronto, is
visiting her son, R. 5„ and other old
friends in town and locality this week.
H. G. Henderson. of the Metropolitan
Rank, Toronto, is relieving J. G. Rolph,
the lora) teller, who is taking a two
weeks' canoe trip through the Algon-
quin Park,
I, W. and Mrs. ICidgswood and Roy,,
of London, are here on a. holiday visit
with relatives and old friends. . The
farmer is attending to commercial trips
between Sundays. •
Mrs, Fred. Longfoot, and baby, of
Stratford, spent the holiday under the
parental roof. Her mother, Mrs.
Edwards, returned with het• on Mon-
day for a few weeks' visit.
Ince and Mrs. Duncan, of Vernon,
B. C., who are visiting relatives and
friends in this locality, will extend their
stay another month to enable Mr. Dun-
can to further recruit his health,
Mrs, Ardell, of Gerrie, and son Geo,
of Moose Jaw, Sask., were in town for a
clay or so this week renewing old acquain-
tancet, It must be nearly 4 years since
"Dod worked io town.
Harvey buchanan, who wrote on his
first year's course at Winnipeg Medical
College, was awarded an IriSo,00 scholar-
ship. He is teaching during vacation
at Lloydminster, Sask. Mr. Buchanan's
old friends wish Win continued success,
Friday afternoon the members of the
Milverton Methodist church 011'5011 0011-
gregated at the Methodist Church, hi11-
yertou, and presented Mr, and Mrs.
Oaten with the beautifully engrossed
address given below. Mr. Oaten was
also made the recipient of a handsome
gold beaded cane while Mrs, Oaten
received a valuable cake disb. Speeches
appreciatiye of the work done by thein
were made by A. Large, J. Dobson, R.
Magwood and the chairman of the exer-
cises W. S. Coulter. Mr. Oaten made
an appropriate and feeling reply and ex-
pressed his gratitude for this token of
their esteem.
At the Junior Epworth Leaguepic-nic
held in D. J. Nicklin's grove at Millbank
Rev. F. T. Oaten was presented with a
beautiful plush rug and the following
To Rim. F, J. OATEN :
DEA, PAeepn,-We, the members of the jun-
ior League of Millbank, wish to show some ex-
pression, however inadequate, of our appre-
elation ofyour untiring work among us, and
of our deep regret that yon are soon to depart
for another React labor.
To: your untiring efforts and wise oversight
we owe our origin as a League, and 'while we
speak of your .faithfulness to ne we realize
that the wider sphere of your usefulness has
not suffered ;hereby. Yon have made known
to many weary heart's
ae the Gospel of
Pesos,our weakness youhaveresoled the Gospel
to strength and your wards have ll -Su olent
to shine Pato darkness,1
and the ASuffioien
Christ to reign is
our insufficiency.
Not. only n8 minietor but nieces man, you
have appealed to us and your cheerfulness,
willingness to help, and ready sympathy hove
won oar hearts, and the confidence and esteem
of nil.
Now that the t r
e m of ears allotted for
your stay with usis"drawing to a close, and
you are about to leave us, we realize that we
are losing a faithful and effioisut pastor and a
sincere friend,
We ask you to accept this small token as a
mark of our heartfelt appreciationof all you
have done for us, and we pray that God's
bleseing may continue to rest .upon you and
yours in fullest measure.
Signed on behalf of the League,
President. Vies -President.
At a regular meeting of tbe Quarterly
Official Board, of Milverton Circuit held
in Milverton on the and day of May,
1910, it was moved by D. J, Nicklin,
and secouderi by Thos. L. Long and
John Dobson, that this Quarterly Board
appoint a committee of three to draft an
address to be presented in due course to
Rev F. J. Oaten, M. A,, and this
Committee to have the authority to
affix to said address the names of the
member's of the Quarterly Official Board
of Milverton Circuit Carried until..
measly, Committee appointed, Messrs.
Long, Lambert and Nicklinand address
was as follows: -
DEAR BROTHER OATEN. -It is with feelings
of sorrow and loos that we regio nize that the
time is at hend when the beat 00 friends must
part, and that von must sever your ministerial
relationship withMilverton Circuit and the
underalgnedQuarterly Official Board, and et
saslnsid lining in tdieg def troublewhe
a �i
upon the eve of our aig this withet.
upon the eve of your departure for with
anothelder of labor. Nicpastorate, this thought; with it has
oder roar pnthe up Milverton circuit a -'
been steadily on the np•grade. Our member-
ship has increased, our young people are fully
organized and at work our Missionary funds
have advanced about 100gg,our other ilttancex
Neve been fully looked atter and paid up, we
have been able to meet our Saler v with ease,
and have a surplue en hand, mud we wish to
say that the past term has bean the best of all
iheyoats. 8o we look ahead. with iiVrei e
and tHim od our Father Pee the pOet'nnd
trust Hun for the butane. Wo also recognize
have not been alone in roar labors
but have had. a capable nosistnnt and faithful
helR•nmte atyour side,
Els olticlal capacity wihhseQumtpeeBod
Oaten tltla silver dish and to von this
rose,woed 051,5 as a slight token of the high
regard in which the people of Milverton circuit
held yon.
Our prayers end good wishes go with you to
our new field of labor and our. parting wish
ivy that God'e richestbleesfng may ever rest on
you and yours, and that yon may be long
apered to work In Ills service. . .
Signed on belie'? of the Congregations
Milverton, Millbank, Blinn 0110 Circuit Boar
' Church Chimes
The former parishioners of Rev. Mr,
Lan.g•Ford, of Listowel, were planned
to hear him in St. joint's church, Brats -
sell last Sabbath.
Rev, G. F, Salton, of Stratford,
formerly of Brussels, !tag completed his
course as Pi.'1). and will be known as
Established 197. OF CANADA 00 /3°114"
is received in ow Savings Bank Department, and is
sufficient to 'open an account and entitle the. Depositor to
a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is
allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time
without delay.
Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. • aK
J. F. Rowiand. Manager
Rev. Dr. Salton. He goes to Moose
Jaw as pastor of the Methodist Church,
Auspicious. -The introductory dis-
courses of Rev. Dr. Oaten, the new,
Methodist pastor here. last Sabbath
were well received. His morning theme
was -the 23rd Psalm and in the evening
"Be st`roug and of good courage, &c.,"
was the text. He is fluent, forcible
and thoughtful and will do well.
Rev, H. P. Westgate, wisp recently
resigned charge of Atwood and Hen-
fryn parish, leaves after five years of
successful work. •He' goes to St.
Thomas, where he will be Curate with
Archdeacon Hill, at Trinity Church,
Rev. H. Ashby, who was ordained Dea-
con, is appointed to Atwood and Hen-
The regular monthly tweeting of
theW, O. T. U. will be held in the
lecture room of the Methodist church
next Wednesday evening.
Janes Bentley was the recipient of
a basket of fine new potatoes for the
let of July, They were grown by his
son, J. A. Bentley, of Hamilton.
Special meeting of Blyth L. 0. L,
will be held friday evening to com-
plete arrangements' for the coming
12th of July celebration at Wingham,
James Match and. Miss. Alma, of
.Auburn, visited .yslatives at Cleve-
land, Ohio. The latter is extending
her stay at the former's sister's, Mt's.
Next Tuesday evening aha Epworth
League meeting will beled by Miss
Itiurlel Ohellew, who ishome for the
Summer holidays. Topic, "Our Lord's
teachings about our duty to men."
D. Somers has returned from Win-
nipeg to take 'charge of the Ritchie
barber shop in Wingham whioh busi-
ness he recently purchased. Wing -
ham will have a fine addition to there.
Base Ball talent in "Curly
Miss Carrie Slater has been elected
third vice President of the Epworth
League in place of Miss Pearl Ohellew
who has removed to Toronto, and
>4Irs. Plank Oarr, convener of the
Literary and 1MlusicalCommittee,
Blyth Celebrated Dominion Day
Last Friday's program attracted a
good sized crowd to Blyth and the
day's' pr'ogratn was carried out in
good. style. TheCalithumpiau parade
brought out the grotesque and the
laughable, the best prize going to Mr,
Maher. of Blyth, who represented a
bear, He had a hot time. A Oolli 1 -
son gave an exhibition of the busy
doctor and G. Mason showedhow
run a washes washee
A Base Ball match between Bel -
grave and Westfield s afforded
nue d
eo small interest as the respective
nines battled for the v d 0
t t 1 Bel -
grave won by 8 runs and an innings.
The teams weres
a follows :-
Belgrave R 0 Westfield _ It 0
Dunbar 2 2 Cook 1 8
Scott; 1 4 Henry 2 1
McCallum 1 - 4 Taylor 1 2
Ferguson 0 8 McDonald -1 8
N Geddes 1 2. Govier................ 1 2
Scandrett 1 8 Cook 0 4
Watson 2 2 McDowell 0 8
F McOnllum 0 2 Steakhouse - 0 4
Geddes ................. 1 2 A McDowell 0 4
924 - e27
In the absence of Brussels diamond
dusters the victors of the earlier
match met Blyth, the home team
winning easily by 16 to 5. The visi-
tors were blanked 5 times. Belgrave
kept the runs down fairly well except-
ing in the 2nd and Oth innings. Scare
will afford other particulars of the.
game, being as under :-
Belgravo R 0 Blyth R 0
Dunbar 0 5 Watson • 8 8
Scott 0 4 Siren, 8 2
.7. McCallum 0 a A. Somers 1 5
Ferguson .............0 8 McMillan 6 1
N Geddes 8'-1 R. Somers 1 4
Scandrett.............. 1 2 Coombs....- 8 B
Watson 1 8 Moans
F. MsO¢llum 0 4 Morritt
0. Geddes 0 2 Goashoro
18 27
Bolgrave-0 8 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-10.
Blyth 18121211'9-15
Umpire -B. MoArter.
The racing even
Ls were hotly (limiest-
cutest-ed, well filled and excellent bine made
as the records will shote. Track was
in good shape. In' the 2,80 race as
horses were scoring for 2nd heat; Mr.
Litt's horse ran away owing to a
collision of sullreys. ' No serious dam-
age was done however. The beast
was tttlten from the rate. Score of
races was as follows
Named Race- , mile heats
E Cardiff, Brussels 0 2
H. Grieve, Loadbury 4 4 4
J, Heffron, Blyth 1 1 1
$.Herrington Blyth - 2 8 2
Time -1:15 1:17 1:14,
2,60 Race -
L. 0. Ohorleeworth, Blyth 4 5 4 4
Tom Murdock, Harwell 2.2 1 2 8
J. H. Galbraith, Brussels 8 8 8 8 4
odaltghey, Blyth 5.4 2 1 2
E, Evhi eton,'Blvth 'c. 11'5 5 1
Time -1:04i 1:001 1:08#.1:071 1;051.
2.801144e -
A. Mlllson, Lueknow - - - 1 11 1
Mr. Litt, Teeswhter 8
A. Patterson 4 8 8
.1. Johnston, Bluevale ...............•,,.......,: 2.2 2
Time -1:01% 1:10 1;103.,
Starter was George Henderson, of Seaforth,
and the .Tod es Jos. Carter and 0.. gneohtel,
Committee managed the day's p10.
eeedingsvery well and were able to.
strike a balaics sheet t at its 'eines of a
satisfactory charattt r
Clinton baud
discoursed excellent
Innate during the
day. Elam Livingston was President
and P. Mgintosh, Secretary,
Honors -Edwin Barkley, Sydney Bro-
thers, Clarence Crooks, -Nellie Fox,
Brussels; Lillie -Harrison, Monerl ff;
Harold Lowry, Hazel Lowry, de
Moore, Brussel$; Bessie McQua rie,
Moncrieff ; Vernon Ross, Brussels : an -
et Stewart, Molesworth ; Alice wii on,,
Pass Bessie Alderson,Cranbrook
Hazel. Archibald, Leadbry; Alberta
Bartley, Ethel ;, Annie Breckenridge,
Jamestown;' Ella Clarke, Russel Cur-
rie, Brussels ; Clifford Dunbar, Wilfrid
Eckmier, Ethel ; Carl Emigh, Elsie
Flatt, Brussels ; Roy Hall. Ethel ; Iva
Harris, Walton t Russell Knight, Cram
brook; Edgar Lattimore, Jamestown;
Mary Machan, denfryn ; Gertrude Mar-
shall, Walton ; John McDonald, Don
Roy McDonald, Jamestown ; Lizzie Mc-
Intosh, Ethel; Beth 'McNaught, Mon-
crieff ; Hattie Reid, Walton Emily
Smith, Moncrieff ; Muriel Sperling,
Leila Sperling, Cranbrook ; Victor
Young, Sunshine.
Scholarships - Janet Stewart, 56i ;
Clarence Crooks, 556, 5o candidates
wrote at Brussels and 3-7 passed. an ex-
cellent showing.
Honors -Evelyn L. Greig, Bessie
Kennedy, Cyril Stewart, Seaforth.
Pass -Mildred Barry, St. Columban ;
Roy Butson, Staffa ; Gladys Carter,
Milton Chesney, Eva Chittenden, Sea.
forth ; Lulu Docherty; Egmondville ;
Elizabeth Eckert, Annie Eckert, Man-
ley ; Rossie Elder, Kippeu ; Louise
Flanagan, Dublin ; Lorna Haro, Sea -
forth ; Josephine Kale, at. Columban ;
Edward Kieber, Manley ; Annie Klein,
Seaforth ; Arnold Landsborough, Eg•
mondvilie; Hazelle Lindsay, Constance i
Mary Little, Winthrop ; Sadie McCloy,
Cbiseihurst ; James Mutate, Winthrop ;
Joseph Robinson, Seaforth ; Lawrence
Taylor, Florence Taylor,Constance;
Iva Twitchell, Seaforth ; Annie Van
Egmond, Egmondville Grace Walker,
Clarence Westcott, Margaret Wilson,
Scholarship Winners -Town scholar-
ship, Bessie Kennedy and Cyril Stew-
art, equal ; country scholarship, Sadie
McCloy, Chiselhurst.
Aching, Sore and
Sweating Feet
Iia FJunimer Lhe foot echo pc,repire
aTld feel tit mt) anti tttt500tfortttbl',
C001 shoes and thin stockings holly
some, but not enough,
If you want reai Foot
Oonnfort use Eas'em
Dust a little Eas'em it) the shoes,
trourbkle I0soOmteurqen anthe tshteoicnksinpgesr, sp
ation LI•t-
to aJarge extent, Thera the feet
are eotnfOr'table, do not swell, do not
It's fine when breaking in new
shoes Summer or Winter, Mattes them
slip on easy, overcomes friction at the
pinching places, prevents formation
o1 corns and blisters.
Sprinkle Top. Cannistei's 25n.
DO100IIna'2Y-DAvEY.-By Rev, Jaoies Living-
on5,.at tiro Method}et Personage, Mit
holl, on Wednesday, June 201h, Xtlr Bpbb.
Douggherty. of the township 0f Grey, to
ise Blame Davey, of the township of
Gomonew-OAnyxrt,-At the homeof the
liride, on July 511x, by Bev. J. L, Small,' S.
A„ bar, Wilt. A, Grhoshaw, of Detroit, to
Musa Lizzie N, 0., y t daughter 00
Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Carter, , Blyalt.
SOSANatthem,0WAY.-In Howiok, on Juno
29th, hoe of the bride's parents,, by
Rev. the C, W. Mc%enste, B. A„ Mr. Beery
Johann, Belmont, to Miss Jessie Galloway,.
danghter of David Galloway.
OLE5o,-In.Gerrie, Ont„ onFriday, July Jet,
rd14aaoisdoyOlegg, aged 71 years, 11 months..
AEN r, -In t, on only 2110, Maggie L.,
of the
u hter of the late John and Mrs. Henry,
Ker Y. -In Blyth, on June 29th Mary Tahany,
loved wife of DenlelKelly, In her tglth
MT ea. -In Morrie, on ,Tuly 5th, Thos. ltllller,
It lino, aged 70 years, 0 months and, 27
RAS .-In East Wowanosh,oTune BOtk, Mrs.
saes Rath, In her 7000 year.
Sm.+. AnmrIn Belgravo, on July 2nd, Mary B.
slab. beloved wife of John Stewart, 18
:r 28th year.
Wn n,-Suddenty,. at Huntsville, on June
th. Isabella Ward, mother of Mrs. (Rev.)
W. 5111Tavish, in her 74th year.
Hay for Sale
undersigned offers for sale 20 sores of
timothy hay on 0135; Lot 5, Oen, 17, Grey.
toll be sold standing, For further partici-
apply to HUGH RAMSAY, Brussels.
O Vit. 4 855
Pen(.y -2Ia!
Bu'ir . - 40 18
Egg 14 „ 17
es 25 26
Mos 805 8020
Adios 1 00 1 26
G. N.
5 dozeLadies's Whit Waist
ment to choose f om, allsizes in t
:NC a
Extra Special— ur chole for ... •
ored rincess Dresses. .,.
White and C
Newest Styles,
ting. Special
Only a Few L
out at Reduc
Ladies' and
a few left—t
Ladies' Wa
fitting, lig
ors ; all si'
'erfect Flit- 3 50 to
C.. ....i, .
les' Smits Left to be cleared
clear at Reduced Prices..
Shirt Waist Suits—Perfect
and darl= col a♦•
2 to
S. 25 3 00
Special at
50 Sma Boys'
a Suits •
i es
5o Suits er Small Boys age'q. to 9 ; Manufac-
turers' 11-aring Lines. Regu- 2`n{%/ A,4r,1n/A1�1,t
.00A. 6/H
up Specialt0 qq
lart S at..L. ��
oots and Oxfords—A Complete •
Lowest Prices. ••.
d Boys' Sults-the best stocks we •
er shown and at Lowest Prices.
Highest g est Pricela for Produce,
oods Right or your money back.
'i'4•D'•'i••'t•••l'•f4+ 4".4. 0.14+044444,•+•4+ed••d'•+4/•I4'i,