HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-6-23, Page 8Hard Roads Made Easy► That is what our Cern Gare is de ing these Summer days, The welcome change in the weath- er has, however, brouglleo lo. a crop of corns with many p p Do not suffer with teem -lest get bottle of Our Corn Cure and get relief, Our stock of these remedies also offers you a chance to choose the particular treatment you prefer, You can safely use our Liquid Corn Care, Corn Salve or Blue fay Corn Piaster and know that everything will be all right. loos Esc and a5c pkge ®®! The Best Servant Is a Strong 4 � 7of the Farmer Chartered Bands The Ban l- eft h en Mt o its rn t West cc m The ate a 1 P t ra t Y P1eree d Bras s-is the rage e at present and It is said promises to to be even snore popular than Pyre - e mein Bas ly leer aruee s. jt Ga5 n be dellla outside in one's hand if necessary, Complete outfits for this work we have at hoc and St,00 each, Some of the different stamped pieces for pier4•ing are Brass Camila Shades iu a'Variety of pattern6 at 250 each ; Photo, Frames at 250 each ; Waste Paper Baskets, Tie Racks, Serving Trays, &e. See them the next time yon are in ocr store; F'. R SMITH, DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. stenwelemen t .�yA �y 6 b 1.54 p,ypp � W NA• W V EARLY baying is on. FRIDAY of next week will be Dominion Day. STRAWBERRIES of home culture are coming on the market. THE new cement smoke stack at the Ewan Carriage Factory works fine. AN addition has been built to the West side of Inspector Robb's stable. THE woodwork of the Queen's Hotel has been freshened up by the painter's brush. AT the Entrance examination being conducted at • Brussels 48 pupils are writing. 22 boys and 26 girls. Inspector Robb and T. ti. Cameron are presiding. 525 telephones are now on the list of Brussels. Grey and Morris Independent line and still there's more to follow. The Co. figure on I,000 within the next twelve months. MUST WEAR BATHING SUITS, -Boys are notified that if they bathe or swim in the Maitland witbin the corporation they atusT wear bathing suits. Nature's garb is not considered sufficient. This hint, if taken, will obviate further trouble. FALL FAIR. -Saturday afternoon of this week, ate o'clock, the Directors of East Huron Agricultural Society will • meet in the Council Chamber, Brussels, to complete preliminary arrangements for the coming well known Fall Fair which will be beid in Brussels on Thurs- day and Friday, Oct. 6 and 7. DON'T Mics -IT. -Friday evening of this week Brucefleld's stalwart Inter- mediate Foot Ball team will be here to try couclnslons with our eleven. It will probably be one of the best games of tbe season as both teams are out to win look- ing toward the championship honors. See the game at 6.15 on Victoria Park. GARDEN PARTY. -WOmen's Institute Garden Party will be beid at the home of Jas. Speir, I miles South of Brus- sels, on Thursday, Tune 23rd, A good program will be rendered. Refresh- ment booth. Admission fee Adults 150, Children ioc. Rigs will leave the Wilson restaurant for which a fee of 5 cents each way will be charged. A LARGE number of sports attended Seafortb races this week, FOR Dominion Day return tickets On EAST HURON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. railways at single fare good going June Meetings of the above Society for the 3oth and returning on July 4th, discussion of Household Science, sub - i6 -3 --The Junior Base Ball team jests will be held as follows :-Fordwich went to Listowelon Tuesday afternoon Brown's Hall, Wednesday, June 29 ; and played the return match with. the Bluevale, Foresters' Hall, Thursd'sy Juniors of that town. Brussels won by Lune 30 ; Moleswortb, Orange Hall, 16-3• Rev. Mr. Lang -Ford was umpire. Saturday July 2 ; Gerrie 1 owuship Hall, HYMsemee.-Wednesday of last week Monday July 4 ; Jamestown, Victoria the nuptial knot was tied in the city of Hall, Tuesday July 5 ; Brussels Carnegie Toronto, by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, be Library, Wednesday July 6th; Walton tween Whitfield Sellers, of the Queen A, O. U. W. Hall, Thursday July 7th ; City, and Miss Vera, daughter of E, C. Ethel. Township Hall, Friday July 8. and Mrs. Dunford, Brussels, Many These meetings will be of special inter - good wishes are accorded Mr. and Mrs. est to all women. Gentlemen will be Sellers for a happy and successful life, welcome to the evening meetings. The - 0- meetings will be addressed by Miss E. FIRST-CLASS baby �carriage for sale at a bar- E. Smillie, of Toronto,, whoisgraduate gain. Enquire at Tan POST. nurse with considerable practical x. LASE NOTIOE.-Certain boys have not heed- perience in her profession and also, bad ed the warning notices against trespasetng advantage of one season's Women's In - around the mill premises. Parents and boys are again warned that this will be the last, stitute work,. Miss Smiliie's subjects notice and unless it ceases the necessary steps are : "Prevention and Treatment of will be taken at once to prosecute.Tuberculosis,"Nursing," "Per- WM. & R. A. PRYNE, Makes a Specialty of the business of Farmers and extends to them most Reasonable Terms. Every Department of Banking is Conducted rII y Depa Drafts and Money Orders issued at Reasonable Rates BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GILROY, MANAGER 11 OMING EVENTS f -r Saturday, June zs-East Huron Fall Fair Directors meet in Brussels Town m, Hallat2 p. ATWOOD Bee referring to a recent game played in that place says :-Friday evening an exhibition game of foot ball grounds between park the on played was P Y the fast hunch of Brussels Intermediates and was a fair Juniors, nd the Atwood a game considering the difference in the size of the two teams. After 3o minutes play earth ,way, the score was 3-o in visiting team which ich t cam it sof the will take a strong aggregation to beat, W. E. Huck refereed the game satisfactorily. BASE BALL. -Last Saturday evening the "Yanigans"suffered an overwhelm- ing defeat at the bands of the "M ait- hinds," thus losing the city champion- ship, the "Maitlands" winning 4 out of 7 games played Towards tbe last the y,.portsmanship of the "Yanigans" was not of Mir -high kind for a friendly game. The'"Yanigans haven't mucb to say but it is rumored that they will protest. Line up was i- Zanigana R 0 Maitlands R 0 0 4 8 Rosseckie 0 22. 1 2 Thomson 0 4 1 2 McMillan -,•0 6 1 2 D 8 Forbes 1 8 J. Leckie-- 6 1 0 4 Goodwin Fox 81 4 GENERAL servant wantpply to ed. W. se. SINOLant. Fon SALE: A few choice young sows, with litters at foot, or will sell young pigs separate if preferred. Apply to J. P. M012005n, Oran - brook or phone No. 288. HATE 'tone PLOT Flxan UB. -Any person desiring to have their plots cared for will find me in the Cemetery Thnreday, Friday and Care- taker Brussels Cemetery. G.DARK, 60-4e• BD80NEss EDUCATION. -To teat the merits of this advertisement,I will mail to anyone who is interested enough in the subject to read this, and will enquire of its merits before July 1st, either by letter or posit card, one of the Listowel Business College Enameled lead pencils: which have been printed for the pur- pose of advertising. Send for one today, to B. G. h1ATTHEws, Principal Listowel Bueiineee College, m-2 GOOD, strong, native boy wanted to learn Baking. Good chance to one that wants to learn. Apply to W.A. Calms, Seeforth. Woof, Waxman -60,000 lbs. at highest prices cash or trade. Gan. E. SING, Wingham. 47-tf WILL Olean, sharpen and adjust lawn mow- ers to your fancy and can make old mowers take the lace of new ones. yours T. McGregor, corner Mill and Main street, Brussels, BOT wanted to learn the printing business, one who has passed the entrance examination preferred, A good chance afforded. Enquire at TEE PoeT. Burohtil C.wkahaw C. Scott Currie Holmen Dennison Dennie A. Currie Totals 4 2727 17 212. • ADDRESS TO MRS. (REV.) OATEN. -The Milverton Sun of last week gives the following of special interest to the Methodist church people of Brussels ;- A special joint wetting of the W. M. S. and Mission Baud of the Methodist church was recently held to receive from Mrs. Oaten the report of the Windsor Convention. At the conclusion of her sed remarks the following address was r by Mrs. A. Large and signed by the and it is expected a special train will be ntembefs of the two. Societies ;- arranged on same evening over G. T. R. DEAR Masa OATE5.-As. the time bas as far as Stratford. Record crowds par are expected to the biggest race meet --0- TENNIs.-An organization meeting of Brussels Tennis Club was held June 16th when the following officers were elected tor the season :-Hon.-Pres„ J. Leckie ; ice- (.ameron ist V ' nt H President, n GilroySec.-Treas., ideal H res Official Umpire. Miss Vera McDonald ; p The membershipfee has J. Rolpb. been placed at $t.00 for ladles and $z.00 for gentlemen. Courts will be on Mr. Leckie's lawn. the lawn e Party held on THE Garden a of John Grainger. Mill street, on Mon- day evening, under the auspices of the Epworth League was a success. Wing - ham Band provided a generous and very acceptable program. The financial proceeds were about $6o. Mr. and the Misses Grainger were duly thanked for their kindness in loaning their fine grounds for the occasion. BRIGHT LAD CALLED AWAY --Early Last Monday•morning•Aubrey Lawrence, youngest son of George and Mary Lott, Mill street, died after a brief illness. He was nearly 2j• years old and an un- usually smart child who will be greatly missed. The funeral was held Wednes- day afternoon, Rev. E. G. Powell con- ducting the service. Interment Was made in Brussels cemetery. Bereaved share in the sympathy of the community in their sorrow,p LIsIOWEL RACES JUNE 30, 1ULY IST.- Listowei races, June 3oth and July Ist promise to be better than ever. There are big entries in all events so close and exciting finishes are assured, and a full program of racing each afternoon with baseball and athletic events will provide a big quarter's worth, admission to the ground baying been cut to 25 cents. Single fare on railroads good for two days. Special train evening of Domin- ion Day over C. P. R. as far as Elmira, ••••••••♦••••••••••••w••• • • The M •-�• • • W notify the public that as • we are installing new • waterwbeels, putting in • new • • flume and overhauling our mill • • in general, our plant will be • • closed down for these necessary. • • repairs on and after• • June 80515 • • until further notice. • • • While there will be no chop- :i • ping or rolling done wheat will • • be exchanged as usual as we ••, 0 have made special preparation • to supply our customers and '• have a good Stock of. Flour and • Feed on hand for sale. • • • I;, the undersigned, beg to et Home • soual Hygiene and Health in the • • Home," `Disease Germs," "Diet in - Illness, "Canadian Writers." The evening meetings will m. & R. A. Pr ne y. • d Literature and •• w Afternoonmeetings at 2.30 • ,• f • • • be interspersed by vocal and musical selections. mea i evening at 7,30, All are welcome. 0•••••♦•••0••00.00•••••••• Meetings on time. Mrs, Wm. Goggin, District President, Fordwich, Mrs. J. Armstrong, District Secretary, Gorrie. DR. AND MRs. FEILD REMEMBERED.- On the eve of the removal of Dr. and Mrs, Feild from Brussels to Owen Sound, where the Dr. bas opened a Dental office, a number of the business men assembled in the Carnegie Library audience room Monday evening when I. F. Rowland, manager of the Standard Bank, read the following address and A. Strachan, town Treasurer, and F. H. Gilroy, manager of the Metropolitan Bank, made the presentation of a splen- did leather covered easy chair to Dr. Feild and a mahogany leather seated rocker to Mrs. Feild :- Da. & MRS. R. P. Peru), Brussels. DEAR DOOTca & MRs. PEIL0 .-We have learned with very much regret of your inten- tion to Bever your eonneotion with the people. of this village and. take up yonr residence in the City of Owen Sound and now that the time Is fast approaching when you must leave us, mangy of the citizens have felt that it was recognition should be made, exprressive that some ur' esteem and regard for both th of you. to the village, Donor, some Since comfy B si , your- self o g cheerfully ids y have ch y sere ago, on y ,y effort made to assist in build- ing Baer affo eels with every y the and u the bl degree do we re of recognize town with email degree a nd avored 5 the zealo with you have endeavored ed tong with te legitimate sport being always willing with awell 10 al oldinfluencerin your subscriptions o aid in fostering and encouraging t g as manly s3n thisosay community.w We desire further to say how mach we have appreciated yon and Mrs. Fetid, ae itizens of d b t to w 5th come when we must soon p t with you we cannot let the occasion pass without in some Way trying to convey to you our deep sense of sorrow at the sever- mice ever it ceof. the happy ties which have bound us so closely together in our beloved W, M. S. during the last four years. Your zeal and sympathy we have always felt were sincere and of tbe greatest benefit to our society. In the drama' of this world's progress we realize we can• not do Our duty without taking our place among the workers in the Master's vineyard, There we have ever seen you wonting and sympathising with those who are trying to follow the Divine eommadd, "Go work in my vineyard." We will mottrn your departure but re• juice in the fact that our Society in your future place of abode will be the gainer. May your future home be a happy one And We trust. and pray that your devoted husband will find the harvest ready for his work, and may you both with your n LeaSA t away P • d ca dear children Yfriends memories of the many happy Who will miss you on the M{lvert0n ors similar resolution Wag passed service 11111 hour earlier. Mr. Ritchie. buit. the W. M. S. of Mjlbanit, one of the wire bora in Morris township one learn' oetlyiug appointments en Milverton ed itis trade in town, His death is Charge, greatly regretted, ever held in Listowel. You are cordial- ly ordially invited to come with the crowd, SAD OccbRRENCE.-Lest Sunday fore- noon John Ritchie, barber, Wingham, accompanied by several companions went to the Maitland river, near the C. P. R. bridge for a bathe and sad to re- late oar former townsman met hi$ death by drowning. He was a capable Swim- mer but it is thought the actieu of the cold water on so hot a day caused a heart weakness and in sight of the friends he sank despite efforts to save him, The body was soon recovered but too late for restoration. Deceased was the only.son et Chas. Ritchie, of town, and was in his 24tt1 year. He was a good workman and a general favorite. About six months ago he was united in marriage to -Mies Bessie, tlatighter of Thos, Bone, of Brussels, wlio is deeply sympatbised with in her sudden bereave. meat. The remains were brought to the home of deceased a father, Monday Y afternoon and the funeral will take place Friday afternoon at 3 p. m. With the village, an we eg o preoen ou y r ase and oak rooks this t memento nom chair, slight mpmento of our regard. We hope that ape future will holdpine for both ohyou much me and tg and happiness be and as boo years coma and go, you may see w to look bank a of p your stay n Bon es with some degree of pleasure. Signed on behalf of your many Broesele friends. J. F. Rowans), Chairman of Committee, J. FERGUSON, Secretary of Oommittee. Dr. Feild made a most appropriate reply thanking all concerned for kindnesses and friendships of the past 7 years and expressing bis regret at removal from Brussels where he had spent such an enjoyable time, Short, eulogistic, re. gretful speeches were made by Reeve Leckie and Messrs. Strachan, Gilroy, Black, Hewitt, Currie, Wilton, Cameron. Bryans,Fox, Ross, Jones, Kerney, , Ballanyne an others. W. H. Kerr, of THE Poor, was chairman Dr. and Mrs. Feild and daughter left Wednes- into the second round in the semi-finals and the active and well known ,Bruce - field team will have to be met next, Fri• day evening the husky chaps from the South will be here. We hope to see - Brussels retain the ascendancy but it will only be by first-class ball. The boys deserve no small credit as they are all doing well and appreciate the gener- ous support accorded them. There should be a big crowd to see Friday evening's game at6,15 o'clock. TUESDAY was the longest day of the year and one of the hottest of this season so far. W. C. T. U. -The regular meeting of Brussels Branch of the W. C. T. U. will be held Friday afternoon of this week at 3 o'clock in the Library audience 000m, A paper on "The cigarette evil" will be given. All members are asked to be. present. People We Talk About Ettr bliahoa 1673 OF CANADA so Branae MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS Safety, convenience and low cost unite to make Money Orders issued by this Bank a most satisfactory way of sending small sums to any -part of Canada. Under $5 ... 3c, $10 to $30 ... 10c. $5 to $10 , 6c. $30 to $50 ... I5c. Drafts issued for larger amounts. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. BRUSSLI.01 BRANCH 3. re Rowland,, Manager Avon McKelvey bas gone to Midland, Where be has taken a position in the Standard Bank, He is a clever young. mani'.and we wish him success. `Phos. Palen and wife, of Toronto, are in town to attend the funeral of the late Jno, A. Ritchie, a brother-in-law. Mrs, are sisters, Mrs,Ritchie Ya Palen and daughters of Phos, and Mrs. Bone, d and well 9u 1 lobe McArthur, o known resident of this locality,has been bothered considerably with rheumatism but we hope he will soon be better. He has enjoyed along lease of good health for which he is grateful. John and Mrs. Pepper, of Deloreine, Man., have teen renewing old friend- ships in Brussels and other. portions of Huron Co. They are well pleased f witht tbe West but have not lost sight o days of yore in Huron. Ernest Plum has had a very undesir- able companion in the shape of an abscess in the palm of his right hand. supposed to have been occasioned by a bruise is playing base ball. The pain is abating now under medical treatment. Thos. and Mrs. Palen. lof Toro'uto s Mrs. Smyth, of London ; and George Ritchie. of Deckeiville, Mich., are here owing to the sad death of Jno. Ritchie. Tbey are relatives of Mrs. and Mr. Ritchie Mrs. Will. Maunders. deceas• ed's sister, is expected Thursday from Shoshone, Idaho. Jao. and Mrs. Ferguson and daugh- ter purpose leaving shortly for an ex- tended trip to the Pacific Coast, calling at intervening paints on the homeward trip. Mr. Ferguson's health has not been any too good and a long rest is prescribed after a strenuous business period covering nearly 25 years. General regret is felt over the fact that Miss B. McCamus has tendered. her resignation as associate teacher with Principal Cameron in' the Continuation class work of Brussels school She has' filled her position splendidly• and is an excellent, hard working,:conscientious teacher whose labors will always be appreciated., Miss. McCames purposes attending the University to complete her course. The Board is asking for e successor. Mrs. E. C Lowryis visiting relatives at Guelph. ph Ronald Sinclair, of Seafortb, was home last Sunday. Mrs Geo. Edwards was visiting with her daughter in Elnia. Dr. and Mrs. Graham are spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. W, E. Heist and children, of Atwood, visited in town last week, John Wilson, of Stratford, is a visitor with his daughter, Mrs. Fred: Ennis. B. and Mrs, Gerry are enjoying a visit at Clinton, Holmesville, Goderich and Bayfield. Mrs, Alex, McLauchlin. of Toronto, is renewing old friendships in Brussels and locality. Miss Anna Hunter is at present on the staff of nurses- in connection with Kin- cardine Hospital. Miss Lulu Dunford returned home Saturday night from her millinery posi- tion in Toronto. Mrs, ino. Meadows, jr., is enjoying -a holiday visit with relatives in London for a few weeks. Tun Pose was favored with a call from Editor Chisholm of the Wroxeter Star last Monday BORN PID and Mrs ,�Ja5M. Peacoolcta son 'Rist, to 'Air, Misses Lizzie Downing and Mamie day morning for their new home carry- Cardiff spent Sunday with Miss Hattie ing with them the best wishes of the Murray, in Seafortb, community for a prosperous career in Miss Addie Lott is borne from Col - their new home. The citizens of Owen Sound will find them first-class people and well worthy of their highest con• fidence and respect. BRUssELS ALL THE WAY. -Last Friday Brussels Intermediate Foot Ball team went to Mildmay to try conclnsions with the sturdy German eleven of that place. Referee MoCutcheon, of Stratford, kept the game under good control and the play was well contested. .Our boys won by 2-o. Although the local team work- ed hard to even the score, our defence was like a stone wall and withstood the attacks. It was rather disappointing to Mildmay as they had a walk -over win from Walkerton a few days before and counted on a victory with Brussels. The return game was played on Vic- toria Park bete, Monday evening when it wag quite clearly demonstrated that the Northerners were not in the same class with our lads. Teams were the same as Friday excepting one change ou each and the score was the same also 2 10 o. In the last half the visitors played defence to save a worse detest Line tip was as follows :- Braseels Mildmay. Goal gcewelm 13"10„•,,.Hlneber er Weuer j5 Backe •... M, Waken endt Burr Plot epi. L, Kunkel Uhrieh telsemer Anderson Armstrong Jackson Brown Walker Cameron DneucLeo McLeod sed n la Henderson F. SIUs-Referee, Wingham Band sepp led a musical program. This Victory pots Brussels a Porwerde' borne, Ont., having come to attend the funeral of her baby brother, Miss Violet McKenzie returned home Wednesday of this week from ber millinery situation at Londesboro. Among old time residents who visited Brussels last Monday was Alex. Mc- Lennan, of Seaforth. He's always wel- come, We are sorry to state that j. C. 'Puck. has been quite ill during the past week but we bope be will soon be convales- cent: Mrs. Wright, sr., is spending two or three Weeks with Mrs. Berry in Walton, while her daughter, Mrs. (Dr,) Graham,' is in Toronto. Bruce Co. Councillors presented Reeve John Joynt with a -fine gold bead- ed cane before they left Ltteknow where had met, f aril a Cot Mrs. Wm. Cameron is visiting her brother in Owen Sound and her daugh- ter who is teaching school a few miles in the country, Bert. Lett is home from the Brantford Institute for his vacation. He purposes returning next )'all. Bert, is a good student and has done well, Mrs. J, F, Rowland and daughters, Mary and Dorothy leave on Saturday to spen d the Summer with Mrs, Rowland's parents at Piston, Mr. Rowland will joie them e I later." spent s Sen- ate, Salter OC Toronto, W. H. day with relatives, returning Monday, Mrs. Satter and children, who have poen visiting at her parental home, gtit Con„ Grey, for several weeks, returned with Mr, Salter. Church Chimes. Wheat Oats Peas BRUSSELS MARKET $8e i 90 eo 00 Barley 40 48 Butter 18 10 Poa 17 25 Potatoes 25oa�y 8 90 8 90 Hoge Wool 11 o0 1 20 Apples - -' The People's Column TEAOHER WANTED for S, S. No. 8, .Grey, duties to commesoe August 16th. Applk- catioae stating salary received by undersigned to July 6th. ED. IPULTON, Secretary, 61.2 Oranbrook P. 0. spring LazinesS ' e itisn't, lis 1 .- OSC likely Y a t n f ul b be niRY not At best the Winter months when spent mostly Indoors is a hard strain on the physical macilillety, The vitality of four people out of ave is Slightly below par every Spring. Lack of fresh air -lack of exercise-lecit of sunshine -these are among the 0011000. If you want to got back tho vim and snap You used to fuel-th0. best thing we know of Is Ityal'O Spring Tonle. It is the old-fashioned herb bitters made more palatable by modern phar- macy, but it does give new life and enor• gy to the wbole body and pots You in good shape for the Summer, Thle lea short cut to health and vigor that you Will appreciate. It you don't think it worth a dollar a bottle come back and get your money . MOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE: Undersign- ed offers for sale a %acre of land, Turn - berry street North, Brussels, upon which is a comfortable house and good stable, fruit trees, well,r &c. Possession oto n short notice. For fur- toeWALTERRWILBE70, prop., Brussels, 5111/ DR. M. FERGUSON ETHEL, ONT. Physician and Surgeon ; Post Graduate courses London (Eng.), New York and Chicago Hos- pitnle. Special attention to dieease of eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes tested for glasses. STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the un - dersigned, Lot 24, Con. 14, Grey, on or about June 555, a white lamb. Owner is re- quested to prove pproperty, pay expeuseS and tape it away. DONALD MONEIL, 60.4 Moncrieff P. 0. STRAYEDON THE PREMISES of the 0n- dersigned, Lot 4, Con. 2 Grey, on or'about May let, a red yearling cattle beast. Owner is requested to prove property, pay_expenses and take it away. BERNICE PAYE', 50.4 Jamestown P. 0. Sabbath School anniversary services at T illsonburg were taken last Sunday by W. H. Kerr,_ whoa „ brother is the pastor. Next Sabbath Rev. E. G. Powell will preach the concluding discourses in his 4 year suceesaful pastorate and will re. move to his new charge at Exeter in the early part of the week. Holy Communion next Sunday at le h ur eh. Subject of St, C 1 m, in S , s John's ' Memorial." At sermon "The Master's 7P p. W.J. Garside will give a report m, of Synod proceedings from a layman's point of view. ST. JOIIli's CHURCH P1C•NIC.-EVery- body is welcome and cordially invited to afternoon morrow (Friday) ' ❑ictom w Frida the ro in Mr. Cutbill's -grove. No admission fee but a good supper may be had for the small fee of. 150. for adults and so cents for children. toSunday evening last about 5o mem- bers of Court Princess Alexandria, C. 0. h., Brussels, attended Melville church, with N. F. Garry as marshal, Rev. Mr, Wisbart preached a very ap- propriate discourse which was highly appreciated by the brethren. St. John's Church congregation pro. rented Dr. Feild with a fine mantle clock and bronze statue as a farewell token of esteem on his removal from Brussels. Councillor Jones and Warden Newsome making the presentation. Dr. Fetid at various periods of his resi- dence'n t here took .very interest active St. Joh u's Church,Sabbath School and Young People's Society and was a very generous contributor. Mrs. Feild also rendered most acceptable service. They will be greatly missed. MARRIED OARDIE5-MORRIe0N.'At Hanover, on June 22nd, by Rev. Dr. Ross, Mr. Elston Cardiff, of Morrie, to kilos Ade. May Morrison, of Hanover. SELLERS-DDNTORD.-In Toronto, on June • 16th, 1010, by Rev. Dr. Armstrong, atm HerdDanford, ellers, , f Brussels, to Mr. Whit - TEA0HER WANTED. -Qualified male teach- er wanted for S. S. No. 4, Grey. Duties to commence August 16th. Applications stat- ing salary, received up to June 66th. LOREN- ZO FRAIN, Secretary, Brussels P. 0. 60.2 QUALIFIED TEACHER WANTED for S. S. Mo. 0, Grey township. Duties to com- mence August 15th. State salary qualifica- tions and experience, if any. Applications re- ceived a- cer Ethe50 June 8011.- WM. HALL, 50e re - DIED Lotti, -In Brussels, on Jute 20th, Aubrey LRNronoe, youngest eon of Georgo ant. Mort' Lott, aged 2 years, 5. monks and 4 days. RITOtrts1.-In Wingham, on June 10111John Alex. Ritchie, aged. 28 years, 10 months and 27 days. The Imported Olydosdale Stallion BARON BLACK o x 1 DRUG STARE Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned' up to July 15th, 1010 for painting the school, house S. S. No, 10, Grey. Specifications may be had ISAAC LASE, Seo.•Trees,F, O. !TEACHER WANTED for 11.5.. 8. 210. 17, Morris and East wawa (( KK holding Second Claes Professional Certificate. - Duties:to commence August 16th, APP ll Mona, stating salary, received up to July let, 1010. WM. WIGHTMAN, Bel rave. 40.8 . Secretary, g f 11 f it Directors Ameeting of the Dheotore of East Huron •Agricultural Society will be held at the Conn- ell Chamber, Brussels, on Saturday 2615 inet., at 2 p, m., to arrange certain matters relating to the next hall Fair. Every Director is asked to attend. J. LECKiE, W. H, KSeerretary. President. Notice to Contractors The Reeve and Connell of the Towaehlp of Morris are asking for tenders for the onetruc- tion of the Murray -Lamb Drain. The water - coarse lies in Morrie, Grey, Mullett and Me- SilloP Plans, proilee, apeelfioatiOus, &c., may bre seen at the Clerk's residence. Tenders will he opened at th2o Council Chamber on Monday, Jy A. Mtoomos, Clerk. Bluevale, June 14th, 1910. 00-2 ARMS FOR SALE. -Lots 21 and 22, Con,14, F MoSillop and Lot 28 on the 18th Conces- sion. Lots 21 and 22 compose the Gardiner homestead and eontaine about 180 acres, all flret-otass land, well fenced, well tile drained and has 15 acres of good hardwood bush ; good comfortable buildings with all modern im- provements ; plentyof good spring water and a good bearing orchard. This is one of the choicest farms in the Comity of Huron end. will be Bold on terms to suit purchaser. Lot 28 contains 125 acres with small house and barn all in pasture and has been for years. There are ten acres or good bush on this form. For further partioulare apply to ALEX.. GARDIN- ER, Walton P. 0., or on the promises. 40-tf •kM1'••14+•••.lesF•+.+. •+•'P•+• 4.4114444444.14+•4444+•44.1144.•• • G. N. McLAREN, BRUSSELS i • • 4. • • • •r •i I Will stand for the iniprovemonb of. stock this seaE on as follows 1 Monday will leave hie own stable, Thos. Cummings, Lot 25, Con. 1 Grey, and go South 151 miles, then West to Jas. Peareon'6 Let 20, .Oon; 4, for noon' then went to. Roe's church, then South to Wei. Hoy's, Lot 11, Con. 6, for night. Tuesday West by the gravel rod to James (enrdift's Lot 8, Con. 7 for noon • then West to Chris. Eckinier'g Lot 22, Oon, 8, for night, Wednesday will proceed South to ,Geo. Menzies', Lot 21,�Con. 11, for noon 1 then Emit to Wm, Adams', Lot 1, Con. 11, Elme, for ni ht. Lot 5, Oen, will proceed to Thos. Ha oJel n Lot 6 000, 7, Elisa, for noon; thee to JOhn night, Lot 1 Cat. 4,Blinn for 1 o en's Lo, T is o k I ' gg miles Ilion orth 2 1' miles N Friday West Lot � Con. to 611 Boundary tot J, miles, oe 1 Elmo, for noon; then to John E oglillie15510 8ii frond to 7 p. mo' then to her own amble, oslO t ntiiimftlllowing night he will re• m tt THOS, OUMMYNGIB,,Mannger, Special White %laists 1 r dozen Ladies' White Waists, splendidassort- 5 ment to chooseo0 se from, um , all sizes in the lot, qq - Extra Special -your choicefor -re • 4ti•i• White and Colored Princess Dresses. 6 50 t � Newest Styles, Perfect Fit- 3 50 to • ting. Special at........ .r, • • 4• 14 •i, • Only a Few Ladies' Suits. Left to be cleared. t • • ,. �. out at Reduced Prices, ♦ v Ladies' Misses' Spring Coats - only onl • Y Prices. Reduced +left -to cls clear at Red afew 1ti • • Ladies' Wash Shirt Waist Suits -Perfect : fitting, light and dark col- 225 to 300 ••• ors ; all sizes. Special at • • 50 Small Boys' Suits at Small Prices 5o Suits for Small Boys age 4 tog ; Manufac- -turers' Clearing Lines. Regu (} Special at.. 2000 to 2.15 lar upto 3 00. S P. • •• • s' Boots and Oxfords -A Complete Plete Stock at Lowest Prices. 4. 4. Atirillw • • --tl t we-. Suits -0 e best. stocks Boys'S and• •, Men's have ever shown and at Lowest Prices. 4. • 4• . * •Hi hest Prices for Produce. :• Highest Right or your money back. G. N McLAREN N. • • l •••••••••••••••••••••••••••+.4444+04444444+4•44+,44+