HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-6-23, Page 5a BUSINESS CARDS. It'f eORAClf;IIJN- lesser et 15zerelege Licenses, O3- jboo at tirochry,:Wurnhoriy street, Brussels, K, O. T, M, llttae0e10 71aut o Maccabees,No 4 1414 their regular m et meetings la Lodge Room, Bucher Blnok, ou the 1st andarilTuesday a oo1ugs oi oaoih Mouth, Vi tt by q always welcome, A„ SO SIE S, Coin. A,MCGUikild R. B,. NIM, SPW/IfOB' CONVEYANCER 41w ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Mee In. the Post Office, Ethel, 804 JAMES HARRIS, Agent ,Lowick Mutual Fire 'Xnstlrftnce Company 0MOo and lleaidopoe- - WALTON, ONT. JOHN SUTHERLAN D. IxsoaANaB,: FIRE AND MAJ2INE, GUELPH. AUCTIONEERS. ri 1 f3. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - ,11.: r non, will sell for better prices, to better roan in leas time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or hewon't charge anything.. Dates and orders Oenalways be arranged at this ofeoe or by t,sssonalapplloation, ROBT. _ H. GARNISS 11L1710VALE - ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terms. reasonable. Sales arranged for at the oltioe of Trot Posy. Brussels. 221f LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. vXT - M. '�INULAII3,- !` 7 • Barrister, Botiaiter, Conveyancer, Notary kublia, &a. Olhoe-S tewart'o Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank. y')itOIIDI'OOT, HAYS & BL911i- BARRISTERS, BOL%0'LTOIts, NOTARIES PUBLiU; ETU. W. Paounyoo0, S. 0. R. 0. HAxe G. F. 11L4a.. UHioeo-Th000 formerly occupied. by 1Messrs Cameron & Holt, G0010110a, •.0101010. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEIL.D. nuN'ris'r Brad nate of the Royal College of Dental S,nrg eons of Ontario and 11'irst•olaoe Honor Graduate or Toronto University,UStoe next to Brewer's Photo. Gallery Brussels. tai'wl11 visit. Ethel ou the 2nd Monday of each Month. American Wall Papers t We are showing the finest line of. American Fast Color Wall' Papers ever shown in town. Our designs are all new and up-to-date. 4000 Patterns and Colorings to choose from. If you want the latest you must see our sam- pies. A call ou 'Phone No. 78 will. bring the samples to your door. We have everything for decora- tive work -may we show youthe new samples ? T. SNIDER PAINTER and DECORATOR ........,„.......................,...., OPEN ALL SUMMER jMany Business Colleges close during i'As Y,1 the Summer "months,. but the ,popular ELUOTT �r'i TORONTO .. Remains open and admits students at 4 any time. This is an excellent time to tii aommenae a course so as to be ready Incra a position in the Fall. This college is well known throughout- Oannda and ithe United. States for atrially high•elnss training. Write today for our large Catalogue. W. J. ELUOTT, Principal. Oor. Yonge &Alexander sts, Toronto. is �•ak ON011000.••••••00.0♦0104K• •♦ Users To Machinery • 4 • and farmers • , 0 Tom°„ -v -v 4.T".'Y"�..., b ♦ 0: 4 • The New Machine Shop of the t 74 BRUSSELS FIRE. APPLIANCE it • and' MACHINE ((Co; A • is now ready for business, and, s • with good Machinery and Skilled e ,,-u. 4 Mechanics, we are in a position • 1s to attend to your repairs prompt- . ♦ ly anti at reasonable Yates. 4 s if you will let us know your o wants we will give you bouest o .• advice and help if connected. ae 44 with Machinery. s •4 Give us a trial and, by Conlin 't ♦ • t0 Brussels, save time:1u(111181107 for yourselves, p ♦ 9 • GRJRMES? II�pDE & , milt Street Brussel& . ;0•01.0111••••••••1••1••IOa Busprtess latae MIS Rg!*•RTHA ARMSTRONG Teacher of Piano lilted/0 at porter's Music Store, one door North of the Standard Bang, Bruesole, thtf MIS$ PERLE SHARPS hos loused successfully her second elta8tine- tion of the Pianoforte Department . /4 4'o• rortto 9onaervntory of Mimip, and 1s prepared to tnlfo pupils at her home, krineess street. ,ISR, T, T. M' RAE L18001i to u d oradii a of the CollegeTpof Pit ' Winans and Surgeons, Ont. • losltraduate 01110050 E e, Ear, Nose and 94iroat ?imaginal, l a11s Hoe801 1 x...H0useSurgeon t0 St. Mioh- o. 0114oe ove lin, it, 8mith's Drug Store, Tele: phone connection with Q1'altbreak et 1lllltpurs, ' 010, HAMILTON ' Dental Surgeon Honor Groduata: DentalDepartment, Toronto University; Licentiate of Royal Oolinge 00 Dental Surgeons, of Toronto. Office over J. T, ROW store Brawls, r"W1n visit Wrosoer the first and third niottdays and, (dot•rie the second and fourth Mondays of eaoll month. DR. WARDL!1W Honor graduate of the Ontario "Veterinary College. Dayland night Dills. Office opposite Flour Mill, Ethel. Viomea 2 ,.&w! Ro:i 1wa' BRUSSELS GOING Sonora Goioo Frown Nail 7:05 a in I Exppress. 10:55 a n1 Express 11:25 a n1 Matl 1:44 p ni Express 8:02pIn &coterie 0:50 pm WALTON To Toronto To Goderioh Express 7:41 a m Express 11:87 e m Express 8:00 p m .i0xpress 7:25 p m A istr ct ItetDs Grey FROM' MELBOURNE, MANITOBA. --The' foilowing short out newsy letter is from a former resident of Grey township: - Well, Mr. Editor, you will find enclosed poetnl note for my 'subscription alter delaying so long 1 hope it mny glad- den your heart and make a jingle in your pocket. We are all well around Melbourne. I located here in 1889 and many changes have taken place in that time. ' Melbourne is situated 98 miles West of Winnipeg on the main line of the, 0. P. R. The town was staked out in the -old boom days but never got any Nether than two elevators and a section house and station, Carberry is 7 miles West and is situated inone of the best grain growing 'districts in the Dominion of Canada. Sidney, 5 miles East, bas a grist mill capacity 75 barrels per day, has also Merchants Bank general stores and agricultural implement warehouses, r- no lawyer. No hotel as it a dodo but o 1 is under Local Option and always was, Weatheris good here and crops' looking fine, Lots of warm showers. 'Pas Pos'r gets here at 11 o'clock on Tuesday. Yours sincerely, HUGH MCDONALD. Melbourne, June gal, tete. ' Does your Side Ache 7 When the first symptoms appear, rub with leTerviliue-rub it in deeply. It penetrates to the muscles and chords that are sore -takes away stiff- ness -removes all stolon and inflam- mation. If the condition is chronic, put a Neeviline Porous Plaster on the affected spot. This draws out any .virus oe neuralgicirritation, restores the tissue to their wonted -healthiness, permanently cures any weakness -or tendency to pain. Nerviline Plasters absorb all the deleterious secretions through the relaxed pores and when used along with Nerviliue itself, every muscular pain or ache must go. etetgrave Miss J, Budge, visited her brother at Guelph. Mrs. McLaughlin,' of New York, was the guest of l4ivs, Sproat,' Miss 0. Gregg, of Detroit, is visiting her mother for at couple of weeks. Geo, Proctor has had his house in Belgrave re -shingled, Mrs Oeaser and her sister, Miss roroDougall, took ill the excursion to Guelph. Mr. Anderson has improved the ap- pearance of Arthur Brook's lot, by building a new fence, painting it and otherwise improving the property. Hiss Lizzie and Caselene Owens lef t for Thessalon to spend the Summer lvitll the former's brother, John Owens. They took steamship line from Owen Sound. The North Huron and Morris, Brus- sels and Grey telephone lines are hav- ing their phones Metalled to the vil- lage. It looks quits town -like to see the poles and wites strung on each side of the street and both rousting to the station. Mrs. Win.. Wray received the tad news of the accidental death of her nephew, O Tom tine nephew, A pl freight agent on the C. P. Bein Trenton. The young man was; crushed .while coupling oars at the Junction. 1110 was 21 years of age, and leaves a a young wife and one child.. ;Moe and Mrs. Wightman and two children left for lioosejaw on Tuesday of last weep, where they intend going North from where they and will likely spend two or three months this Sum- mer in order to improve the health of Mrs. 'Wightman, which we trust will be successful. 0101. -Sunday rune 12th, Jane Munroe, relict of the late Peter Me- I(euzi0, passed away to her reward. She was born in Scotland 81701115 ago, and with her husband emigrated to Canada and settled in I3ullett, wear Londesboro, in the year 1850, where theyraised a family of four daughters and three sons Mrs. foo, Oole, Mrs, W. 7. Geddes, Mrs. Robt. Shedden, 1111rs. R. Ai'uistrongI Philip atndjohn, of North Dakota, and Dan., of Owen Sound, The family were all present at her last sickness and funeral. ex- cept John. Mrs. McKenzie was a devoted Presbyterian of a true Christ- ian type, and a loving mother to iter family, who will e1101'101) kind recoiled - tions of the departed. Her husband predeceased her 81 years ago, The funeral service was conducted by her pastor, Rev. Pergnsou, on Tuesday afternoon, remains being laid to rest Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, pale, easily red, lack o r usual vigor and strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak, You need a tonic and alterative. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we would not snake them. Ask flim and find out. Follow his advice. 7.C.4yerCo.,Lowell,Alass. The endorsement of your doctor will Certainly greatly Increase your confidence in Ayer's );'ills as a family laxative. Liver pills. Ml vegetable. Ask your doctor about them. in the .Brandon cemetery. Friends from at dietetiee attondieg the fenera1 were Thos, and Mrs,- Manning, Mr, and Mrs. Lasinnan, T. and Pit's. Web- ster, 11r. and Mrs. Oole, Mrs, Ac1an]s and Miss Sarah Barr, alt of Entitles,x born. How to Remove Warts. It's really 01 simple matter to re- move warts and callouses if you apply Putnain's Corti and Wart Extractor. Cure is cet'tttin-failure impossible -if you use "Putnallr's." Wingham • North 11iiron County L. 0. L. met in Wingham on Tuesday. Conflrmatiort service was . held in St. Paul's church Monday evening. J. 7I. Knight has been awarded the contract for drilling the test wells for domestic water supply for Wingham. Mr. Armour, sr., recently passed the ninetieth milestoneof his life, and on his birthclay had his photograph tak- en. .Tohn Imlay was in Bay Oity, Mich., attending the funeral of his brother. Deceased visited Wingham not long ago, and the news of his death carne as a shock. • - Mrs. John Armour had a snxpr'ise when her sister, Mrs. Jas. Helps, of Denver, Colorado, came to visit her. The sisters have not met for 22 years, and the visit is a pleasant one to both ladies. Mr. Russell, a nephew of Mrs. Helps, also of Denver, accompanied .Iter. The 12th of Jnly celebration com- mittee has been arranging the details. for the coming event in Wingham, and from indications it is expected that this will be a banner day in the history of North Huron Orangeism, Special trains on C. P. R., and G. T. R. are being secured and rates and time tables will be announced shortly. Among the speakers who will be present are :-Rev. Richard Hobbs, of Exeter ; Rav. Wm. Lowe,of London Past Grand Chaplain of Western On- tario ; W. J. Parkhill, of Midland, Grand Treasurer. of British America ; Col. Hugh Olark, M. P. P., and A. H. rrEditor Moons 14I s the `M. P. P. ; E t< oy, of'R pley, the residet clergymen and others. Lucknow Pipe Band and .a number of Brass Bands will furnish music, He died of Kidney Disease. Rett/ often we bear of these sad cases. The back -pains and headache were noticed -but not treated. Dizzy spells, frequent calls and languid con- dition appeared; ;but nothing teas done till the disease was far advanced. Cure invariably results from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They restore per- fect health, destroy every symptom of diseased kidneys,. build up constitu- tions that defy further • outbreaks, Because` purely -vegetable and free from injurious materials, no remedy equals Dr. Hamilton's Pills for Kidney and Liver complaint. Sold in 25c. boxes by all dealers. Perth County Sunday of .last week Miss Essie Keeler,, of Mitchell, had the misfor- tune to fall, which resulted in the breaking of one of her arms near the wr. 11istIr• Cameron, surveyor and draughtsman for the Dominion Gov- ernment, was in Mitchell taking measurements of the new post office site:. While David Paynter, Blanshard township, was nailing a piece of board in thebarn it strucic him in the eye, a sliver entering the ball of the eye. He has been laid up ever since, The ratepayers of Mitchell were ask- ed to vote Monday of last week on two by-laws,, one for electric power and the other to place a basement nuclei. the Town' Hall. Both carried. Louis Houseman, foreman at Butcher's cooperage, St. Marys, had a visit last week from his son, Cyril Houseman, of Oartaco, Costal Rica, Central America. Young Mr. House - 0 0 I Wanted The undersigned desires to 1)llh'el0000 a large quantity of well graded Wool and to se- . pure that quality is prepared to give a Cash price in Ad- vance of the regular mar- ket of at least 2 Cants. ' In exchange for goods will give a farther advance of Cents. Wool must be in prime con- dition to secure the above prices. Bring it along for inspection and, get the top notch figure. Jr T. Wood Excelsior Knitting Factory BRUSSELS } roan, who is a wholesale druggist, was in the earthquake wltioh totally de- stroyed the town of Oartaco, over 2,000 inhabitants being killed. Every building in the town was thrown to the ground by the shock. Win. King, who was legless, died at the House of Refuge, Stratford, aged 85 years. Deceased lived in Mitchell for many years and was an inclustrioes man, makinga living for himself -and wife by shttepening razors, &c. - Blyth ish A'lt's. and Miss Elliott were visiting at 0lintou, A wedding is on the tapis, Blyth furnishing the petite bride. Miss Rhea Emigh, of Brussels, was visiting old friends here this week. Mrs. Stothers and Miss Alberta left on a holiday teip to the West this week. We wish thorn an enjoyable stay. Mrs, W. Jackson and Miss H. Moutrayy-were among the 100 excur- sionists who visited the 0, A. 0. at Guelph last Friday. A fine time was enjoyed. On the evening of Dominion Day a Garden Party will be held on Trinity Church lawn under the auspices of the A. Y. P. A. Music by Brass Band from Clinton. Lunch served and re- freshment booth in operation. If yon want a good time keep this date clear. A WELLKNOWN PRACTITIONER DIES.. -Dr. J. L. Scott, veterinary surgeon, died at his home, 871, Hell,nuth avenue, London. after an illness of about three months with blood poison- ing of a most peculiar type. While. attending some horses the doctor, it is believed, inhaled the breath of a sick animal and soon after blood poisoning developed in his throat. For some weeiis he had been very critically ill and no hope was held but for his re- covery. Deceased was in his 51st year, and was a son of the late James cott, of concession 15, London town- ship. In 1892 he married in Beaver Dam, Wis., the youngest daughter of the late Honorable Andrew and Mrs. Willard. He graduatedfrom the Uni- versity of Toronto and for a time practised in Embro. From there he eent to Wisconsin, and under the Re- publican administration be received the appointment from Governor Up hon of state veterinary for Wisconsin. This position he held for a number of years. Dr. Scott went to London seven years ago and had since con- ducted an office in that city. Besides his wife, he is survived by his invalid mother, six brothers and two sisters, Mrs. N. F. Ryan, Lucan and Mrs. Fred. Garrett, Granton ; T. W. Scott, until recently manager of the Bank of Hamilton, Blyth ; Frank, 00 the old. homestead,- London township ; G. Wesley, cif London ; Arthur, teacher, in Toronto ; Albert, of Los Angeles, Cal., Will. of Cranbrook, B. 0. Wilson Ryan, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, Wroxeter, and Leon Scott, of the Bank, of Commerce, Seaforth, are nephews. Dr. Scott, was a member of Kilwinning Lodge, No. 64, Chapter R. A. 0. ; Preceptory Richard Coeur de Lion, No. 4 ; . also of Mocha Temple. The funeral took place front his late residence 871, kiellmuth Ave., London, for Woodland cemetery on Sunday, June 19th. Ser- vice Was conducted by Rev. Mr. Hill. To Cure Sniffling Colds. The easiest and pleasantest cure is. ".Catarrhozone" which fills the nose, throat and lungs with healing balsams and pine essences that kill a cold in- stantly. You experience a pleasant sensation of relief at once. Soreness, cougestion and irritation leave the' nose and throat, the head is cleared and every trace of cold or Catarrh is cured. Catarrhozone is so sure, so pleasant, such a safe remedy foe Win- ter ills that yon can't • afford to do without it. Sold by all dealers, 25o and $1.00. Get Catarrhozone to -day. CITY OF HALIFAX' DEAR EDIT011.-IU the 18th century England stretched a long arm over the Atlantis and grasped a Continent. The city of Halifax is a finger on the tenacious hand. Halifax was founded on the shore of Chebuoto Harbor 1749. The luau in charge was Col. 'Cornwallis, uncle to the British General who surrendered at Yorkton. Halifax is rich in histor- ic interest and the Province Building is a place filled with memorials of Nova Scotia's famous sons, Here can be seen also the very charts that Nelson used. St Paul's cihurchyaed, (opposite St. Mattihew's chore$ where the Assembly was in session) contains the ashes of Major-General Robert Ross, who commanded the British forces which burned Washington and of manysailor's from the warship, "Shannon." The Roun&Ohoirch, the Old Dutch Ohara., the old German Chapel, Government House, the Citadel, &c., have all their interest and their leg- ends, The harbor, the forts and bat- teries, the Basin, the North West arm, Point Pleasant Park, the gar- dens, are all worth knowing, both for their picturesqueness and their associa- tionst Though shorn of her ancient glory Halifax of to -day has undoubtedly a great future as she has a great past. No eye is so doll as not to perceive the majesty df her situation and environs and her strategic and commercial im- portance as one of the two Eastern gateways of Canada, Presbyterianism in Halifax dates back almost to 1749. St. Matthew's i church Where the Assembly convened 18 ono of rite oldest Protestant eon• grt+gatons in. Canada. ]!'feet pastor wet Bev. Aaron Oleveland au 081100s - toe of tie late President Lleveleutl of the United States, Port Massey congregation of which Rev, R. W, Ross, A'1, A., is Pastor, was organized in 1871, The 011010h le in the Smith end of the city, 'There has been ft succession of able and en- ergetic ministers and the c11111011 has occupied a frorht place In every phase o1' religious and moral work 1n the eity and has liberally supported the Mission schemes of the church, "rimPreshyterimn College with its lino etndentat.reaidien0e and with four splendid homes for the professors, is, a beitgtiful spot in the Southern part of the pity among luxuriant pine trees. The college goes by the name of Pine 11111." - This is the fourth time since 1875, the year of 'Union, that the Assembly has met in Halifax and the hospitality of the people ie exceedingly kind. On Monday afternoon the were treated to a trip on the "Lady Latmttr," a large boat around the shore rural 'oris into the broad Atlantic. The Assembly has been thausiteling a heavy docket of business,limey brilliant speeches have made and al- together our experience has been in- spir'ingand delightful. But to- morrow we turn our faces toward home and it will not be long until our holiday will be ended and we will be home ' once snore. Yours Sitrcerely, J. L,Saute., Halifax, lime 8111 1910. ' Pity this Poor Girl. Growing fast -yes, into weakness, but without strength. . Tired of course she is -pale and thin too. She doesn't eat enough and digestsfar too little. This condition is so common, but how seldom noticed even by fond parents. Give he Ferrozone-thenwatch her appetite improve -see her cheeks and lips grow ruddy -watch her spirits rise. • This gain is simply the result of eating and digesting enough, ,and thereby nourishing blood, brainand nerves. To a -woman Ferrozone re- stores strength she has lost -to a girl it brings strength perhaps she never knew. You'll try Ferrozone, 50e. at all dealers. HURON COUNTY COURT The general sessions of the County Court opened on Tuesday of last week, His Honor Judge Holt presiding. The docket was quickly disposed of as fol- lows - lewell et al, vs. Wilsou-This was an action to recover the price of two car- loads of apples sold by the plaintiffs, Richard Jewell and son, of Colborne township. mD.D.Wilson, apple dealer, Of Seaforth. W. Proudfoot, K C, ap- peared for the plaintiffs and J. L. Killoran for defeudaut. Judgment was entered for the plaintiff for $360.50 with costs of the action on the County Court scale, The defendant's counterclaim will be tried at the next December sittings of the Court with a jury, The Robert Bell . Engine Co. vs. Lowry Phis ..vas an action entered by the plaintiffs of Seaforth, against Robt. Lowry, a thresher and farmer in the ,ownship of Huron, Bruce county. it was alleged that the defendant, after agreeingto purchase a 22 -horsepower traction engine from the Company, re. fused to give the notes and settlement for the engine. The plaintiffs resold the engine and by so doing lost $452. Claims were entered for this amount and the interest on the same, The privilege of selling the defendant's land, charged as security when the engine was purchased, in order that the amount might be recovered, was asked ; also the casts of this action. The trial was post- poned till June 28th. R. S. Hays (Sea - forth) solicitor lor plaintiffs ; C. J. Locke (Lucknow) for defendant. Simpson vs. Turner -'rhe plaintiff. Mrs. Ann Simpson, is. a widow, living in Brumfield, and the defendants, Mrs. Notice to Creditors In the matter . of the estate of John Sanders, late of the Village of Ethel. ill the County of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Notice is .hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, section 89, chapter 129, that all creditors and others hav- in olanns against the estate of John Sanders, who died on or about the 2nd day of June 1010, are rerlufred on or before the 2nd day of Suly,A,D. 1910, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to W. M. Sinclair, of the village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the Executors, Rachel Sanders and William Edmund Sanders, their Christian and sur- names, addresses and .descriptions with full partioulsrs in writing of their claims and statement of their accounts and. the nature of the security (1f anyl held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executorswill proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled' thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall he Executors n have notice and thatt then note a liable,toa for the said eoassets, or any part thereof, to any person a persona el whose claim- l the shall not swill dis bbut rece[Ved by sham at therimeof the1 thtay of Ju Dated at Brussels the. Mh day of Juice, 1010. W. SINCLAM, 60.8 - Solicitor for the Executors. w Eliza Turner And Davit( Beli, are resi- dents of Tuckersmitb, and executors of the will of the late R. J. Turner, 111 December, :11e , the late Mr. !Pinner gave a note to the plaintiff for 8500 with interest at five per cent, No mousy has been paid on the note since December, 1903, and the plaintiff asks for the pay. meet of $500 and interest from that date, Tho defeudaots claim that any claim is barred by the statute of limita- tions. By .the eensent of eonnsel, this action was postponed till June 280. Proudfoot, Hays & Blair for plaintiff and W, Brydone (Clinton) for defendeut. Tayl'or et el, vs, Berlin Shoe Co; -An 110liou entered by Taylor -Anderson - Southgate, Limited, of Seaforth, against the Berlin Shoe Co, for the price of machinery. The action was p3stponed to a day to bo fixed and approved of by the Court. R. 8, Hays (Seafprth) for plaintiffs Scellen & Weir (Berlin) for defendants. liamliuk' vs. Copeland et al. -An action entered by 0. F. Hamlink, of Goderieh,'to recover the price of apples' Brussels Greenhouse Plants and flowers Any quantity of Tomato, Cauli- flower, Celery and Cabbage Plants. Tomato Plants 10e a box or 8c a dozen loose. Fine Collection of Flowering Plants. Choice lot of Geraniums and Annuals for bedding. Japan Ivy can be put out any time in Surnmer-15c, 200 and 25e each. Floral Designs made to order. Agent for bale's Out Flowers. MISS KELLY purchescd front Mrs. A. H. Copeland rind lfrallk Copeland, apple,dealets of Glencoe. On account of the illness of Mrs. Copeland, the action 37110. pest•; paned tc a day to be set 88 agreed ort 111: the solicitors. Proudfoot, 1 -lays & Blair for plaintiff ; J, 0, Elliott (Glencoe), for defendauts. Robinson vs. Forrester -Au action entered by Wal, Robins0b, of Chalon, against David A. Forrester, of. (;oderioli towesbip, to recover wages, The date of the trial is to be fixed, Oho.;. Gar - row for plaintiff W. 801740110 (Glutton) for defendant, Frost Wire Tense To the users of Wire Fence ; We have e full stock 00 Frost Wil on hand and we are ready and willing to make you the best job and price on any kind of a fence you wish. We bought our wire three weeks ago and found 111e material better than the; Company represented it to be and you no doubt have rend our -advertisement - in some of the papers. Our wire isfull No. 9 before 1t is galvanized. The galvanizing is twice as thick AS it was on any wire we have sold before and the mannfacture of the woven fence is much ahead of any other woven fence on the market. 1'118 1 f can guarantee you every running wire even' tension and stays straight, up' and down. Frost Gates, all sizes on hand, at best possible prices, Apply to Ferguson' & Harris, Warton, or Ft's id <.* ro s n myth, Ont. •e1♦•••.•••••••••••,00••••O0ee000••••••e♦400♦000®OHO ♦ e • ♦ • ♦ O ♦ ♦ • ••♦ ♦ 0 e • • 0 O O ♦ ♦ O ♦ ♦ •O • • e ♦ O • ♦ •♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ 6 • •• • •♦4.O♦400.44,404040♦4♦04♦4000000400000000000000060010 Singe At deduced Prices for Cash r a s s in Goldean, Genuine Rubber or Solid Nickle Trim- mings. Qualityi and Neatness unsurpassed. Also Dusters, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels. One Set Second Hand Team Harness at Bargain Price. Two Sets Second Hand Single Harness at Lew Price. BOOTS AND SHOES for all sizes of feet at 70111iicesthat"will suit •or purse and make your feet comfortable, 1. C. RICbIA O e 6 0 ♦ • • ♦ 0 ♦ 4 ♦ • • 4 WELL BRED STALLIONS Kaplan 2.082 anti Costo er Will stand for service this season at their own stable, BRUSSELS. Parties desiring to breed to good stock should call and inspect our Horses and ascertain rata for 1010. WAR WIC K Sty®T 1••� 1� 3. Y7f m.,m PROPRIETORS. BRUSSELS ReetateeieveataasteaWaveletelits Says the Miller : "Right out to the prairie for me -yes sire0 -every year too, Ever see a prairie of ripe wheat? Yellow grain four feet high, stretching for miles --smiling farmers harvesting from dawn till sundown, That's what pleases me, for you know what that means to CREAM OF THE WEST' FLOUR and what ' Cream of the West • means to baking. You'll never know the real truth about the best flour On earth -- 'Cream of the West' -tilt yoU try it. Get one bag. A 'Model Mill • product," The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto 01 , 3