HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-6-23, Page 4C4t al)rist Dfl'URSDA'X`, 'ZINE 23, tett Huron Co. Council Juno session of County Council met in Goderich on Tuesday, 7tii. lust. All members present oxoept Mr. Heiustoek, of Howicic, who is Following vein tun nieationa were read ;— From —From A, I. Weetervelf, Seuletiiry of the Provinc& Winter Fair, askingthat the county make a grant for special prizes for the County of Hnrou exhibi• tete. Committment from S. J. Sanders, po• lice magistrate. for two Williams eb;ld- ren to the care of the Children's Aid Society to east the county $2 a week for each child, From William Watson, president of the Huron Rifle League, asking for grant to be offered for prizes, From W. J. Doherty. of Hensen, asking. for grant to assist Miss Haynes, an in- digent, These were sent to the Execu- tive Committee. From Clerk of Middle- sex county respecting erection of bridge over Sauble River between Huron, Middlesex and Lambton, From F. N. Nicholson, Secretary of the Canadian Couference ot Charities asking that the Council appoint a delegate to attend a Conference at Guelph ou the 23rd inst. Sent to Special Committee. From Secretary of the Parkhill and Harriston high schools, showing amount due by this county for maintenance of county pupils attending these schools. Sent to Educational committee. A number of accounts were referred to Finance Committee, 'three petitions from residents of the township of Grey relat- ing to the formation of a new school section were sent to the Educatiou committee. The report of the county Y auditors was read and sent to the Finance committee. The report of Jailer Griffin was sent to County Property committee, The report of D. Patterson, county engineer, was sent to Road and Bridge Committee. Moved by Messrs. Watson and Hill, Hullett, that usual grant of to he made to all Agricultural Societies, which hold Spring Shows during the present year. Sent to Ex- eeutive'committee, Warden stated that the members of the Bruce county come- ' ell intended to come Thursday as the guests of the county of Huron and that itis necessary to make some arrange- ments to entertain the Bruce county council in a proper manner, and that already a banquet is being prepared. Moved by Dr. Smith and Mr. Munroe, that the Mayor of Goderich, together with Messrs. Reid, Meanings, Holmes, Lane and the Warden, be a reception committee to receive Bruce county council. Carried. Moved by Messrs, Watson and Moir, that tbis council desire to express its sympathy to Joseph Heinstock and family, owing to his serious illness for some time past, which necessitates his abseucefrom the present meeting of the Council, that we desire to express the hope that he may be spared and restored to health and again take bis place at the couucil board, also that a -copy of resolution be sent Mr. Heinstock. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Goven- lock, that the clerk be instructed to prepare a by-law under the authority of an amendment to the Municipal Act, passed at the last session of the Ontario Legislature. providing that the per- deim allowance to members of this coun- cil be increased from $3 to $5 said by- ' law to be inforced as soon as possible. Sent to Executive committee. In com- mittee of the whole, which was passed by the Council, it was decided that the members of the Perth and Bruce county councils be entertained at a banquet Thursday evening at the expense ot the county. WEDNESDAY Communications were read :—From J. H. Cameron and W. B. Welclenhane- mer, asking to be appointed on the high school entrance examination board. Sent to education committee. From R. N. Duff, re' getting the condition of Rebecca Munn, woo is an imbecile. Sent to House of Refuge committee. From the Ontario Municipal Association ache county to appoint delegates and pay the membership fee of tierce Sent to Executive committee. From T. E. Derain, relating to the charges made at the January meeting against J. E. Tom, I. P. S. Sent to Education committee. Moved by Messrs. Watson. and Govenlock, thatthe county to the Collegiate Institute of Goderich, Clinton, and Seaforth and the Wingham high school be increased by $2,000 and the said amount of increased grant be apportioned to the different schools in accordance with the terms of the High School Act. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Smith and Hill, Hullett, that the sum of $25 be granted to the Huron Poultry Association for the year egeo. Sent to Executive Committee. Moved by Messrs, Geiger and Livingston that the grants to Collegiate Institutes and High Schools remain Rs at present. Lost. Moved by Messrs. Reid and Geiger, that a grant of $zoo be made to Haynes, aynes, a destitute blind girl now in tbe Goderich hospital. Sent to Ex ecutive committee. A delegation wait- ed on the council relating to increased grants to High Schools in this county. The following gentlemen addressed the Council: Dr, Thompson, Clinton and D. A. Forrester, Clinton. The vote on the increased grant to High Schools was as follows :—For the increase Messrs. Bodden, Glenn, Gillespie, Govenlock, Hill, (Blyth) ; Leckie, Munnings, Mun- roe, McKay, Reid, Smith, Smyth, Sturdy, Sheerer, Watson -15. Against the increase—Messrs, Anderson, Geiger, Hill. (Hullett); leeruighan, Hunter, Lamont, Livingston, Moir, Medd, Mc- Fadaeau, Powell, Sweltzer, Strothers, Taylor -z,. Deputations were heard in reference to the establishment of a new scbool section in the township of Grey. G. F. Blair appeared before the council on behalf ot those .petitioning for a neW section, Mr. Taylor inquired what is going to be done with filling in South of W ingltatn, where the old bridge was taken out, The chairman of tbe Road and Bridge committee replied that his -committee would report en the matter, Mr. Smith asked why the approaches to the Holmesville bridge were not put In proper repair. He was assured this would be attended t0 as soon as the water was low enough to allow men to work in the ttiver, "Fenders for station, TAll( OF Tilt TOWN rjgarly every ono in Albion, Mioh,r Pral8en Mi-o-na, the Monoy.Pttgk. Gene for lneltgoation .Albion, Mich'—The people iu Albiotl are elated to an unusual extent be. 08000 or the many and remarkable cures which have lately been, trade by 1tivo-we, a dyspepsia cure 4yitb a worid-wide reputation, Everybody is endorsing Mi -o -tea, Here is what some respected residents say ; Airs, E. 0, Qass says: "Mi•o•na cured 01e of t4 stomach 'trouble- that bad bothered nae a long titre." W. H. Mott says : "1 luta doctored for months without help. 1 need illi-o-na and since using it three years ago I have been free from .toe distress. Mrs. .Enema Ovev), says : "POI' months I hacl dyspepsia, bad stolnueh distress, pains and nausea. Nothing I used relieved or cured till T need Mi-o,ua," Ate. ' Fox, the druggist in Brussels sells the wonderful dyspepsia cure Mi-o-na for 60 cents a large box and be thinks so well of it, that he will giveiyour money back if it does not eure. OME1 002NOCWA'AiN•tt7 iME) CURES CATARRH, ASTHMA, Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold and guaranteed by JAMES FOX, Brussels. ery and jail supplies were sent to the Executive committee. The report of the Education committee was received and passed. The report of the Special p P P committee re sanitarium was passed in so far as it goes with the underftauding that the question be again considered at a subsequent session. •'1'ho report of the House of Refuge Committee was received and passed. The report of the County Property committee was receiv- ed and passed. The report of the Special Committee was received and passed. FRIDAY A communication from A. Porter, secretary of the Goderich rural telephone company asking permission to string wires along and across county bridges in townships of East and West Wawanosh, Ashfield and Colborne. On motion of Messrs. Glenn and Govenlock, this privilege was granted. R. D Cameron, of Lucknow, appeared before the coun- cil and gave a short address on the Government annuity scheme. Mr. Sturdy inquired who is expected to take action to investigate an offence in Gode- rich township recently. The Warden promised to make inquiry into the mat- ter. In answer to Mr- Moir, Mr. Geiger gave a satisfactory statement of the money he tiad received for the care of Miss Haynes, a blind indigent. Moved by Messrs. KereighanandMedd, that the privilege granted to the Gode- ricb telephone Co. be extended to all municipal and rural telephone companies. Carried. Moved by Dr. Smith and Mr. Watson, that the thanks of this council be extended to Messrs. G. L. Parsons and J. Thompson for their kindness in assisting in the program at the banquet. Carried. Moved by Messrs. Sweitzer and Geiger, that A. G. Smillie, of '1'nekersmith, be eppninted Arbitrator in the school section dispute in Grey township. Moved in amendment by Messrs. Medd sad Stothers, that Mr. Lockhart, of East Wawanosh, be Arbi- trator. The motion carried. Moved by Messrs. Livingston and Taylor, that this county take into consideration the ques. tion of building a bridge on the North boundary of Grey and Wallace, opposite lot 52, concession e, Grey, in 'connection with the county of Perth. Sent to Road and Bridge committee. Moved by Messrs. Glenn and McKay that the South Huron Agricultural al So• clety be paid the usual' grant of $Io for the year 19og, a Spring show having been held that year in the village of Brucefield. Sent to the Executive com- mittee. The report of the Equalization cotnmittee was read and adopted. The equalization is the same as last year. The report of the Executive committee was read and passed. The report of the Road and Bridge committee was taken up. .The report was amended by asking the to engineer ex m•n g a r e the bridge on the boundary of Grey and Wallace and report to the chairman of the committee, and if thought right to build a new bridge as soon as possible, The report of the Finance committee was taken up and was amended by authorizing the payment of all outstanding amounts for goal supplies and repairs, Moved by Messrs. Anderson and Sweitzer that a resolution be passed, permitting the clerks of the municipalities, instead of transmitting a copy of the assessment roll as required by the assessment act, to submit a summarized statement of the co0tentsof the roll, and that the clerks of every municipality shall, neverthe- less, transmit a full copy of the roll to the county clerk every third year, as provided by the assessment act. Lost, Moved by Messrs., Meleadzean and Mc- Kay that in future we recommend that a separate account be made out and sent to the council of all supplies had by each official of the county and certified by such official, Carried. Moved by Messrs. Smith and Watson that the question of the per diem allowance of county councillors being increased from $3 to $5 be re -considered. Lost, Mov- ed by Messrs, Hill (Hullett) and McFall- zean that Mr. Kernighan, be a delegate to the. Municipal Association to meet in Toronto and report to 11315 council, Moved by :Messrs. Munroe and Gilles- pie that Mr, Shearer be appointed a delegate to the Municipal Association in Toronto, Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Geiger that Mr. Stothers be the delegate to the Municipal Association. Mr. Stothers was appointed. Moved by Messrs. Lamont and Batwden that the clerk be a delegate to the Municipal Association in Toronto and that his ex- penses be, paid.. Carried. Moved by Messrs, Geiger and Glenn that ab in• ventory of all the articles of furniture, etc., in the several buildings under the control of the eounty be taken and nub - mined at the • December session, and that Messrs. Reid and Lane make such inventory, except at the House of Re - 134+.4.t+4,.+41.4,44++.1.41••••••••••••••• ••••••4.11 1414041 fie 1 leoommdt thsRza anted Re circulaeur' froedtham'Seureteserey b • ofgrWinter. Pair, recommended that a prize of $ao be offered for the best beef animal' 01104011 by an anlatent' exhibitor of tlw Sumrner ocuuty of l^1urou, Re ,chanter from' Ontario lelnnieipal A0so0ilufou, that Ieoenty pay membership fee and that one or more delegates be appointed to .11ats. ,t; attend the convention, Re` rnotion of •Metiers, Leckie and Goveuloolt asking, for increased indetlinity to members, ,p, that rcgneet be not granted. Phe fol. j lowing tenders were recommended to be • w 'V,, l accepted 1—For groceries, H. lee Long ; * for beef, Morrow Cunnphy'; for broad, ■ , N. Slnith • for st Toner George , _ T at v. g Porter. Recommended that a rant of Misses Siandersor�rr g ♦ � $so be made to the EInrou Rifle League, • + • Wish to announce that they have a com- e. • showingof Mid -Summer Hats �, plate 4• . •• ranging in price from $1.50 to + $10.00. if you have not already pur- chased call and see them. VeryLatestStyles St. les Assured. • • e ♦ O. 'tr Toronto Millinery Parlors •• «I••+•+••••••••+•+♦+•••••••••+•+•,l••+♦+•••••-•4•+•••••••••••• fuge, which is to be done by Mr. Wat- son. Carried. The question of a tuber- culosis hospital for the county was taken up. Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Reid that this council is in favor of go- ing on with the establishmeut of a tuberculosis hospital in the county, and ams of Dr. that the n Smith be added to the , committee Carried. Moved by Messrs. Lamont and Bawden that the committee appointed on the tuberculosis hospital shall iovite ler. Bruce Smith to inspect the proposed sites and the com- mittee have the plans and specifications drawn up and what the proposed hos- pital will cost and a special- meeting be called as soon as the necessary infortna lion is obtained, to consider tbe same. Carried. On motion of Messrs. Breeden and Moir Council adjourned to meet at Exeter on est Tuesday of December. COUNCIL REPORTS HOUSE. OF REFUGE COMMITTEE. This committee reported they had made their quarterly visits to the House and found the buildings and equipments- in first-class condition. They also found the out -buildings in good repair, the stock on the farm in good condition, and the land in good state of cultivation. They highly complimented Mr. Mute), the manager, Mrs. Mutch, the matron, and Mrs. Simpson, the assistant matron, for their efficient and economical man- agement. Accoeling to tbe Provincial House of Refuge statistics, Huron House of Refuge, out of 28 such institu- tions, stands lowest in respect to average cost of inmate per week, which is 921 cents for an average of go inmates for the year, as compared with the counties of Northumberland 2nd Durham, which is $2.85 per inmate per week for an average of 70 inmates for the year. The present number of inmates is 85. The farm crops are as follows :— acres of fodder corn, 8 acres of oats, 5 acres of barley, 4 acres of sugar beets. re acres of mangolds, 2 acres of potatoes, er acre of onions, Dutch sets. , acres of large onions, 12 acres of hay. ,There is also a nice garden of vegetables and shrub fruit, The balance of the land is taken up with orchard, lawn and flower garden. The committee disposed of the property in Egmondville belonging to , Miss Westphaul, an inmate, for $125 ; 553 and accrued interest was received from John Vickers and $too from Miss Cottle, both inmates. In the matter of Rebecca Munn, of Bluevale, recom- mended that her case be left in the Bands of the Reeve of Morris. FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Finance committee recommended the payment of such accounts as came be fore them. They recommended that in future nothing shall be purchased for the jail unless -recommended by the County Property committee. The total equalization of the county is $42,501,400. The treasurer's estitnated expenditures are $73,172.11, leaving a balance of $63,75z.ro, which will require the levy- ing of a rate of one and a half mills on the dollar. THE TUBERCULOSIS hOSPITAt.. The Special committee appointed on this matter reported that they had met at Clinton on March Sth, when Dr. Bruce Smith was present and gave con- siderable information. They are of the opinion that considerable revenue would be derived from paying petieate and private donations. The county would be required to make up, at the end of each year, any deficit in the running ex- penses. The expenses of a patient would be about $1 per day. ''his in- cludes everything except medical at- tendance, t tend nc whichwould have t0 be ro- c uid av avpro- vided for by local doctors. A head nurse would have to be employed ed and 1 l Y an additional nurse for about every five patients. Besides these, servants would be required to do 1110 general ordinary work. A sufficient area of laud would be required for theerectiou of an execu- tive building and allow plenty of room for shacks and perbaps a garden. The doctors in the county are unanimous that such an institution is ueeessary in the County. The committee bas also got descriptions of several properties in the the county and had examined proposed sitesat Brussels, Seaforth, Exeter, Clin- ton and Goderich. If a sanitarium k established it should be managed by 41 local board of Directors, with two or three representatives appointed by the Co. council. They estimated asuitable sanitarium would cost $10,000. ROAD AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE The Road and Bridge committee met with the Perth committee in Wingham ou Thursday, May 31.. to arrange to erect a bridge on the boundary • between the townships of Grey and Erma. The bridge is 6o feet span. It was agreed with the Perth committee than an iron bridge on concrete abutments should be built in this place and that, each county should pay half the cost. The tenders for tbe bridge were receivedand the following were accepted :—A. Hill & Co., for iron work and concrete floor, 51,388, and A. Fraser, for superstruc- ture, $75o. They examined a small wooden bridge on the prairie South of Wingham that was 'filled in some two years age but was apparently not pro- perly done ; the same when properly done to be assumed and paid for by the townships of Morris and East Wawa' nosh. Recommended that the report of the engineer be rinted in th grant of $ro to each agricultural society holding Spring Fair; re grant to South Huron Agricultural Society for 2909, that no action be taken at present,. as claim is provided tor. Recommend- ed that the county assume payment of $z per week for each of the Williams. children, two;destitute children, SPECIAL . COMoII'r1EE The Speoial committee reported in re- gard to the letter from the society of "Canadian Conferences and Charities," asking the county to send a delegate to attend the couventiou in June, that no actloa be taken, COUNTY PIIOPERTY COMMITTEE The County Property committee re- ported they end examined the jail and found everything clean and well kept. There is one inmate at preseut serving three months' sentence for assault. They recommended the purchase ot certain supplies for the jail and a lawn mower for the registry office. They found the registry office and court house both clean and well kept. They recom- mended the asking of tenders for paint- ing the outside wood work of the court house, and also the purchase of a new flu as the present one isor" out. gn wore Ut EDUCATION COMMCOhthiITTB Re applications H. Cameron a s of Cam n 3 and W. B. Weldenhammer for mem- bership,on the entrance examination board, recommended that requests he granted. Re petition from ratepayers of township of Grey asking for a new school section, recommended that petition be granted. Recommended no setion in reference to communication of T. E. Durnin. Recommended that ambtnts claimed by. Parkhill and Har riston high schools be paid, provided same are correct. COUNTY ENGINEER The Spring freshet passed without any damage being done.. A. few small washouts occurred, -At the Exeter bridge the piles that retain the approach to the bridge are becoming decayed, and the engineer recommended that a cou- crete retaining wall be erected to keep the approach from falling away. On April loth be met the chairman of the Road and Bridge committee of the,coun. ty of Perth at Hentryn bridge, and atter examining the old bridge it was decided that a new bridge should be erected, each bounty to pay half the cost. There are a number of small bridges that should be. erected—one at Kintail, on the lake road one on the boundary of Asbfield and East Wawanosh ; one on the boundary of Morris and McKillop.; one on the boundary of Hullett and -Mc- Killop ; also asmall"bridge on the prairie South of Wingham should be erected or the space filled in. Orders to the amount of $2,929.14 have been issued since last session.. The People's Column g P e HOIISB AND LOT FOR SALE AT GRAN minutes. 140 Tetter floor T. E- Robson, naOOE,-Goad brick house,. frame ateble and half sore of land. Good well t fruit of all kinds. For further particulars apply to Donald McDougall. Oranbrook. count% t•eik of Middlesex, regarding roadway between " McGillivray and Stephen townships leading to the place where the proposed bridge of 100 feet in to be built, between Huron, Middlesex and Lambton counties, over the Sauble river, recommended that our clerk and engineer correspond with Middlesex and Lambton counties and if satisfactory to the said counties, draw plans and speci- fications, and ask for tenders to be open- ed at Grand Bend at a joint meeting with each Road and Bridge committee by giving ten days' notice. Re motion of Messrs, Hill and Gillespie, recommend. ed that it be left in the hands of the engineer, with power to do the proper filling and fencing at Blyth. Re motion of Messrs. Livingston and Taylor, re- commended that no actionbe taken. executive coblMrrTEE Re motion of Messrs. Smyth and Hill for a grant of $25 to the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association, recommend- ed that same be granted and that the show he held at Clinton this year as per arrangement made at their annual meet- ing. Re motion of Messrs. Geiger and Reid for a grant of $100 to Miss Haynes, Fullness and Bloating After Eating? Little DigIf stars Cure or your money back. At all Druggists or direct from COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., Toronto ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t • ••• • • • • Portraits by Photography shy Ph r t. • • • • • • • ALL WORK GUARANTEED. G. Fr MAITLAND • 4.41+11+•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••+.44+4.14+••••••• FOR SALE.—Nine acres of land with a good brick cottage, bank barnand other out buildin5a, also a good orchard. For further particulars apply to A. J. M. Helm or Dirs. Jno. Diliing, Oranbrook.- FOR SALE.—A. very valuable piece of prop- erty in London on Pottereburg Hale street South. House, been and 5 aorea of land. For farther partioalrre apply. at. TUE Foam Publish. ing House, Brussels. 41-41 Notice to Justices & Magistrates The Ontario Statutes for 1010 have been re- ceived by one rot' 'distribution endmaybe obtained by Justices of the Peace and Magic- tratea uOoSBaGoRutinok 7t173%.. Huron . Goderich, June 8h,1010 FARM FOR SALIO,—The underoi ned offers for Bale, his 100 acre farm, beim Lot 80, Con. 15,re o t g itG Ab u al aches wheat, 51 ad balance fns 8 all l w Fallbigd1 e. seed- ed ndown.SaFall ouse, ankbarn, dei On the farm is a frame si dril as ell. driving geked, gaod orchard and drilled wall. Close to pont- offiao, church end school. For farther pnrtiou- lara apply to ,TORN OSBORNB, Proprietor,. or F. 01. Scott, Brnaaels. u I $ I re s._ Buggies ^" "'The Factory Brussels Carriage have two show monis filled with a bettet sample of Buggies than they have: ever had in the past, The Buggieshave all the latest improvements, with nice high 14 inch curved clashes, with solid brass tails, all sliver plated, with daah supports on both sides. Phis prevents the dash from any break. age whatever. Bodies of Buggies are all se 'itches long with nice elevated seats, all trimmed with the best hand -buffed leather, spring backs anti >• 1 f he cushions with double rows Of springs, the latter saves sngi,ti g a l cushion. There are flee high side -pads whicb makes the seat both roomy and comfortable. Wheels are the highest grade with XXX shafts. We build outs one grade of Buggies and that is the BEST. Als hvea lot o f arched•axle Buggies with auto seats which sell at sight.,Everybodyf welcome to call and examibe our stock, Remember weut on all kinds of Rubber Thies—both Solid and Cushion. Repairing of Rubber Wheels done promptly as we keep a first- class machine for the purpose. While thacking our numerous customers for past patronage we invite all to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewbere. Brussels FARM FOR SALE.—The 100 are farm, be- ingthe property of the late Peter McNeil, Lot 00, Oon. 14, Gray, 50 offered for sale by the undersigned. There are 85 acres cleared, bal- ance welitfmbered. On the farm there is a good bank barn, large driving shed and a com- fortablehouse. Place in good condition and well fenced. For further particulars apply to JAS. A. MCNAIR or SOLD. MONAIR, Ramo. Wore, Oranbrook P.O., or F. B. SCOTT, Brus- sels., 7.41_ Stock for Service BIILL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep for service at W3¢ Lot 21, Don. 11, Grey, the Thoro'-bred Short Horn Bull, `•Handsome Gift." Pedigree may be seen on nppnoation. Terms $1.00 to bo paid Feb. let 1011. JOBN GORSALITZ, Proprietor. 47 t• BOLL FOR SERVICE.—The •undersigned will keep for service on Lot 21 Oct. 9, Grey,the thorn' -bred Hbletein-Friesian Bull, "Calamity Paul," bred from good milking strain. Terms $i AO. 48.4 ROBERT BARR, Proprietor.. The Popular Stallion • Loudon s Favorite Will stand for the improve- ment of stock this season at his own stable, Lot 22, Con. 13, McKillop. Terms $8.00 to insure. John J. McGavin, Proprietor 404: Leadbury NOTICE We are appoints sates a ente now in every unrepresented noun for the season of 1910. Over 06 per cent. oft a yearsbusiness is done during the Summer- months, We pay good money weekly for.nervieee rendered. Give ex- clusive territory and supply Belling outfit free. Over 606'11cres under Cultivation, Our acreage is mentioned ne it is important that you should represent a firm of good standing and size, We supply.etriotly first grate We want the bee Land moin s$ relic ble'agentin every district. Established over 85 years. For further particulars write Pelham Nursery Co. 44-15 Toronto,Ont CENTRAL STRATFORD ONT. yid Tho Groat Practical Training. School of Ontario. i®. Three Departmenta— Cornmercial Shorthand Telegraphy We assist graduates to positions. The demand upon ue fortrained i pa three great- ly excoede the supply. The .three most reoentl laced are receiving ceivr 9 yP 000 g 50.00 and re mon $ o roe ecti e� P v Y gg P ar. Bnbest, hien state oar saes now. Gettotir free eatnloguenr °lasses now. D. A. Md.ACHLAN, Principal. �-O� �A4•�d�t� �.0`�Sb�.bvlW.�.13�,d� a • �AM/wVNVN DUST Is a General Nuisance but it can . be avoided by using DUSTBAN E on sweeping clay, "Dustbano" moreover, disinfects the roomand restores rips to their original freshness. The women swear by "Dun- ham" when once they have used it, Don't have another dusty sweeping day, but gena 86 emit tin of "Dustbane" fron] the Distributor. , We are authorized by the manufacturers of . "Dustbane" to send you a 35c can of their Sweeping Compound. They want, you to use this on trial for one week. Al the end of this period if not found sat. isfactory we will take ib back and there will be no charge for gnantity used. If it does away with Dust on Sweeping Day. Yotii Want It. Sold in bbls., half bbls. and quarter bbls., for stores, School, hos- pitals, churches and public buildings. GEORGE THOMSON DISTIUBUTOII FOR WRUSBEL8 pauadiau Paotories—Sb, John, N. B., Winnipeg, Math 46-8 ARM FOR SALE.—Tho understoodoffersIn for axle his= are farm being Lots 17 and 18, Con. 6 Grey, 125 acres of which are under oultiyation 06 acres bush. Matinee pasture land, On the premises ie a large brick house and good bank barn. Power onill on the berm Implement shed; good orchard: wellyvatered; all conveniences. For farther particulara. apply to JOB I. WELSH, Whet?. O. 8841. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamers Summer Sailings St. Lawrence Season 1910 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Corsican Friday Jane 8 July 1 Virginian Friday June 10 July 8 Tunisian Friday June 17 July 30 Victorian Friday June 24 .,July 22 MONTREALTOGLASGOW Ionian - Saturday June 4 Grampian Saterday Jim 11 July 0 Pretoriau Saturday June 18 - ,,July 10 Heaperian Saturday June 25 July 28'. MONTREAL. TO HAVRE G LONDON Lalce Erie June 4 July 10 Pomeranian June 11 July 28 Sicilian June 143 July 80, Corinthian - July _ d RATES OF PASSAGE According to steamer. let Olase- —$57 50 $77 50 $87 69 2nd Class — 92 50 40 00 47 50 50 00 8rd Claes — 27 75 29 75 80 00 For fullparticulars of rates sod callings apply to W. H. KERR, Agent Allan Line. Brussels. 444,0.0♦0.411.0•400•••••••••• • ♦ • 4. • • 4 • ••w • • • You will regret you did • not attend one of Oan- • edit's High Grade Susi- * ness Colleges located at • • B ' Pepe t ib oa ♦• Peterborough Welland • • Orangeville Wiingham • Clinton Walkerton k rton •• • Now is a good time to enter. A Our graduates receive from • $400 to $1600 per annum. • o♦ Mailects. Oourses in 100 different subj O • Write ofn r a ttculnrs 4. o iN/IIOlC1-IAil o Business Coll • egg ♦ REO. ePOTTON, P114 N. 0 O •• • • 0 0 • • • • ♦ • O • • • • • ♦ • • • • • 0 ♦ oi ♦ • • • • • • ♦ RUPTUREw Cured At your hone without pain, danger or operation. My method will cure ap- parently hopeless cases no matter what your age' is or how long ruptured.. Why wait until your rup- ture becomes strangulated when you can be cured ? Ido not wait Fill In coupon Age . Time itup. Single or Double ,,...,.., , lame ....,.,,, .... Address` and return to . S. S1�/11'i"IF1 Cs�. 88 CalodQnl& St. Dept. A Stratford, Ont.i r4flNe"' •