HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-6-9, Page 7TNF �YSIE�1 GI.EflRED U
Whet clo vxlaca.iuo .,.,..tom..,..,, , inadmissible..
This exclamation e,seaped Maximo ftIn. he added, passing the letter
enguaa'dediy, ea hs nephew.
"You t man then? Would "T think," said Maximo, "that
Ion trios he this letter' has every appearance of please you to tell: me where you having. been fabr;+cated to meet the
have seen hugs" i with you es- necessities of the case ; by whom, I
te""I saw hlln e dining t, y e • cannot tell. Tlie paper it is written
l4Opey in a restaurant,—Avenue do
]'Opera. , on is the kind employed by men of
"How do you know that the man business.
of whom I speak is • the one who' "And the father had no' friends
• was dining with me?" " I engaged in commerce. Besides, a
"I •know it because I followed merchaalt would not reimburse ` to
you." the amount of fifty thousand francs
"You were acting the 'counter in an anonymous letter.
. police as it appears," "From rom whence it follows," said
"1t is admissable when one is Bcmisoff, "that' the son had the let-
dealing with a spy.'e te'' writeen in case he should be
"Maximo I" exclaimed the ban- under the necessity of explaining
ker, with a severe glance at his ne- the possession of the money. I
phew,' • think, gentlemen; ypu must now be
"Oh, tot' monsieur speak," con- sa4isfierl as to the morality of this
tinued the colonel, ;unmoved. "His agent of the Nihilists." '
x , estimate touches me very little, and "Oh, completely I" exclaimed M.
I have several questions to ask Dorgeres.
here" "Then," cortinued the colonel,
• "You wish to know where 1 fol- "allow me to hand you the sura and
]awed you? I was in the orches- the letter. I shall have no further
tra of the opera when you entered business with M. de Carnoel, since
tee box of that woman, I rode in I .am 'recalled to St. Petersburg.
ea,. acarriage behind the ]lack that The same despatch announces the
tcok you to Rue Jouffroy. 1 es-' attempt against the Czar and my
eablished myself in a house oppo- disgrace,—for this unexpected re-
sit' the one you entered, and re- call' is a disgrace. I shall no lon-
mained there until you took flight, ge+• be employed except in Russia,
and even a little later." unci there is little probability that
"My hest compliment, monsieur. yr ur oi-clevant secretary will show
The Nihilists have in you a valu- himself there. If his accomplices,
able auxiliary." less prudent, should ever fall into
"I air not with the Nihilists, you my power, 1 shall not fad to trans -
know very well," retorted Maxim, mit to you ,whatever may colmeto
bluntly, light through these wretches con -
"You say so. and •I wish to be- corning the theft, And in any
Here it," replied Borisoff, "but 1 event I carry with me the satisf'ac-
am driven to think the contrary, tier. of having edified you leoneorn-
for if you passed a portion of the int, el young maar who has sought
night in watching me, it was not to bring trouble into your family:
frr the purpose of seconding me in Should he renew his audacious at -
ray conflict with these people. May tempt, I leave you the means of
I ventureto ask what is now your confounding him." M. Borisoff had
.opinion of M. do Carvel?" placed the notes .on the table and
"I can answer without the least handed the letters to M. Dorgeres.
embarrassment. M. de Carnoel is "There remains nothing now, gen-
evidently the friend of the woman tlemen, but to take leave of you.
who delivered him." My steward will come to -day to
"You admit also that the woman withdraw my 'funds. Adieu, mon-
belongs to the , sect which steals, steer. Present my best respects to
tuna and assassinates-" • Mlle. Dorgeros, and believe in my
Yrankville, Ont., Sept, 27, 1909.
"I suffered for years from headaches
and pain in the back, and I consulted
doctors and took every remedy obtain-
able without any relief. Then I began
taking "Itruit-a-lives", the famous fruit
juice tablets, and this was the only
medicine that ever diel me any real good.
1 took several boxes altogether, and
now I am entirely well of ailmy dread-
ful headaches and backaches"
soca box, 6 for $2.5o or trial box ^50
At dealers or from rruito.tivesL.imited,
rests with wile to have this Carnoel
"Ho is in Paris V' exclaimed '1ig-
"Yes, and 1 have in eny ]land the
proof of his infaeny. Would you
believe that llo lies had the ander
94,9 tG alssert ithat"this money was
sent to him by a debtor of his fa-
ther 1 Es had a letter weitten.
'Bead it, and tell mo what you
Vignory teamed pale and took the
letter with a hand that trembled
visibly, •
"The imposture is evident," he
said. afterhaving glanced at, it;
"it is even very eh -easily done; this
letter must, have. been dictated by
M. de Carnoel."
r'Diellated to whom?" asked Max-
ims, abruptly.
"TA one of his friends, no doubt.
T do not know lithe handwriting."
"But intimate as you Jwere, you
must know the friends of Robert de
"Friends—he had few," stain -
mere' Vignory. "A few college
chums, and diose he saw very rare-
"Then," said the banker, "it is
useless to try to end out who wrote
the better."
"I believe so, monsieur — how-
ever, if you would• entrust it to me
I may perhaps—"
"No, it would be waste of time;
my mind is entirely snack up, and
nay convic-
tiondesire only to impart y conic-
tion to --to •cal those who doubt
still. This latter is a proof and I
shall kelp it."
The door opendof
sly,t se and
Alice's fate app., t
her father was not alone she made
re movement to go out.
"Come in!" exolaimed 11. Dor-
geres. He concluded to profit by:
the presence of Maximo to strike
a great blow, but reflecting 'that:
that of his cashier would emlbar- !
rasa his explanations with his!
daughter he took him aside and',
.possession of a means of convict -
leg her. Thereupon a new eclipse
of the damsel. She became invi3•
elate, unclisoovtrable. Meanwhile, I.
disecver that Carnoel is a prisoner
in Borisoff's house. Yesterday
met Borisoff with a person who ap-
,pears to me 'suspicious. I attach
myself to them—
"I know the rest; the colonel has
just told us."
"Yes ; but the colonel,did not tell
you tient the woman who fled with
Carne] was the swine who twice
made an attack on me because of
the bracelet—the charge d' af-
faires of the one -handed. And now
•.that you know all, am I right in
affirming that Carnoel is the &sae-
cilate of these rascals?"
'"Parbleu 1 I have no doubt of it.
I am not the one, to whom you must
say that in order to repair the mis-
chief you have donee'
"I admit it the more readily, as best wishes. wish, and as I am going this even -
ani in possession of the proof." Before leaving,he turned toward n , lay lauds an i de Carvel
"c, sou you ed h• a bit el an is
A dnvoelcg used the save Aa lom n er YnnlelA
enJay dno_w cin Unmutated sugar in water paid
dingMa leine,.adollcleuemrupfA05d �aa
snap bear than Maple. Munich- fa eI 9;t
asncarg. le not sone see for ; 0. nine Run
reatee 4oek, Crgeeept Mfg, Co., Seattle, Wo
/V�" ler" o' 'i I p, You
I i ±int
Right et Ile starting point have
care.. Many unreliable brands aro
offered, 'Whoever uses them pays
for It. You cannot afford to lose.
PAS �'.,? TS
are gold by reliable dealers, only,
beaked by guarantees and theymakers
are responsible. Ynrt cannot get the
established reputable orality in am
.other paints and you par Only the
proper price -not too high and not
too low, known in Canada for over
slat;: yearn. Write for our booklet
W' on hoose painting. 71 will
help you, 71 is handsome.
Itetabliahad lads,
The Paint Visitors, - Montreal,
1 pas, r v t' :...r
"But I intend to 'say the same to
my :cousin also."
"When? Will you wait until she
dies of grief, or flies into a con-
vent? My life it intolerable. Alioe
neither speaks nor eats Vignory
'looks like a funeral. It is enough
to drive Due mad."
"I ask foe twenty-four hours to
make a declaration which will pro-
duce a decided effect on my cou-
"Why this delay? She is wait -
ins; 'for me now. Brealefais't with
"1 will do so to -morrow ,if you
incl this proof, Id fur Maximo and toss int tn�
ish me with it?" advice : olid his mistress—for this wom
"To what purpose? You are "Believe me, monsieur, you his mistress
about to leave Prance. The plots would d well to abstain from pup "yph'at you are going o
wh:eh. are being carried on in Paris suing the rescuers of M. de Car-
ds not concern you. Besides, my reel. They would kill you."
conviction rests on facts which are With these words he disappeared
personal to myself. As for M. de •just as the valet Joseph entered and
Carnoel, he has been delivered by said;
a vile creature assisted by a false "Mademoiselle sends me to say
police agent, and has taken refuge t) M. Dorgeres that she is waiting
in an asylum prepared for him by breakfast for him."
this pretty couple._ It follows that "Very well. Say that I am com-
he makes a part of the band." ing "
"You are wonderfully well in- The valet went out and the bank -
formed," said the colonel, smiling er was left alone with Maximo, who
sarcastically. "But I did not come teas much less agitated than his
to see your uncle fpr the purpose uncle,
of entertaining him with the po- reeea,v the devil take this Rus-
litical aspect of this affair. It mat- sign with his revelations and his
tors little to him, I suppose, that resolutions," ho said; "I have a
lois former secretary does or does mind to run after him and return
not oonapire against the Russian
cvernment, but it concerns him,
psrhapp, to acquire the certainty
that. this gentleman is a thief.
11 Yen M. de Carnoel fell into my
hands, I made use of means which
the police of all countries employ
with prisoners. He was. searched,
and was found to carry on his per-
son five packages of bank notes of
ten thousand francs each." •
"Just the sum taken from rte. It
is perfectly clear."
"Here is the amount," continued
Borisoff, drawing the notes from
his pocket.
"Fifty thousand francs are very
easily obtained when one has the
funds of a government at his dis-
posal," muttered Maximo.
I cannot receive this money, at
least without being certain where
it came from," stammered the un-
cle, also uncertain of doe sincerity
of the oolonel.
"If you refuse. I shall feel COM -
polled to give .it away in &rarity,
for it does not belong bo'Inc," id
Borisoff. "Blit I shall proves to ?ersan
you thee I did not bring it with pie ,discovering the d ble
to,effect the emit of M. de Carnoel. .who had abandoned it to the claws
Wien. I asked him : to account for of your safe. Oneat a evening, after
this stun, his reply was that it had having exhibited public
been sent to him by some one who. 1 met with a woman, very pretty:
had owed ib to his father." and not at ali :.111', who permitted
"Th" said M. ie to'act as her escort, and drew
go rt could: not bo, n
Dergeres. His father dill not ,nye into a spot where four noun -
leave a sou or credit of any sort. ,clrels, pasted by her, wore lying in
I was entrusted with the settling wait to murder me, and STOOVwile
of Iris 'affairs, and. if fifty thousand brecelet. The lade aft`
had eon owing hint I should .appeared, and.' gem no more of
francs. icemen
have ltnmvn of it," Llai' u�rntil some time afl,rr,htvl��l.
"That is about what I said' to the she. appeared in a box el lberd, a -
en. This son then showed me the rit•.toa, she gave see a
labor accompanying it, and you greeting, and accepted an invite -
may of the valn0 of this jus tiot to _:nl.lrc1 , daring which; she
nilly judge
Here it fmmncl means to fly, carrying olrlottrViva!at as
"'signed,'''ant n. s then nits o .a nc s t
!nous restitution; such a thing .is alpatelied by the tlllat
—" t arrest
them. What is your profession,
then 1"
"Oh, I am not yet enrolled in the
prefecture of police ; but I wish to
know • finally where I stand in re-
gard to your former secretary, and
I know some one who will intro-
duce me into the house in which
lie is hiding."
"Diable! it would be a hazard-
ous expedition. Remember the
,words of the colonel: 'Take care,
these people would kill you.' "
"I am not afraid of them."
"You will be always the same—
going straight on, doubting and
suspeobing nothing. They have just
blown up the Winter Paliace to
murder you would be a much smal-
these cursed bank -cotes.
"Why?" asked the nephew, "'Do let mutter."
At this moment Jules Vignory
entered. - He had an anxious ap-
poarn nee, and seemed surprised at
seeing Mae -erne.
'Monsieur," he said, ' "I ]have
just been notified that Col. Boris -
off will withdraw his funds at three
o'olo•ck. May I settle his account?"
"Yes. I have just sedn the col-
onel. But I wish to speak wlitbh
you. Why did you not tell me of
the first attempt at theft? Oh, do
not assume the astonished I I know
Il. Maximo has just given me the
Gas� Vine Engines
SIZES 2, 3, 4, 6 MP,
They are so simple that the average farm
hand can run them, and are practically Fool
Proof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for
catalogue G.1;. -roc, W.P. CO., showing full
line of engines for farm use. It means
money saved for you.
TE=RMS -Spacial Terms to Farmers.
C NIAQ)IF117 (•r}1IRBAlIl5, eOFAPPiIlY, Limited, MONTREAL
Branches, -Toronto, St. John, N.B., WlnnnieS, Calgary, Vancouver
It - - A➢nnnSE
"`Be so good as to leave us. You ; xtxa
vice of
were going to follow the ail i
my hare -brained nephew, but it is
not a hanging matter. Go, my
friend, and return to cline with us."
Alioe avoided looking at him as
he went out somewhat discomfited
and crestfallen, but exchanging a
quick glance with her cousin, she
read in his eyes that he was not a
bearer of good news.
"Your arrival is• opportune,"
said M. Dorgores; "I even regret
that you did not come sooner. You
wculd have found Col. Boi•isoff.
"Then I did well not to come.
That roan inspires me with hor-
(To bo continued.)
Young turkeys should never be
allowed to get wet.
you euppose he has taken them
from his own phoperty for the plea-
sure of dishonoring M. de Carvell
I can scarcely believe it."
"Then you think he spoke the
"'Yeas; thus far that the -fifty thou-
sand frames were found in the
pocketb of your former secretary. It
remains to be seen who wrote the.
""Do you doubt that it was this
unfortunate young man
"Not exactly, though that would a
upset the ideas I had conceived of history of. the baud,"
his cltaraeter. But between the ""He ought to have clone so soon-
aet'of stealing mono and that of replied the cashier; "it was
whirel we believe Bim guilty, the Via' who urged me to sil•euce."
difference is small enough, To as- • Maximo said nothing, but he knit
soeiate oneself with rascals who his brow, Ho found Vignory over-
brealt safes under the pretext of ,prompt to vindicate Himself at the
politics is more than enough to dis- exponsc 01 11 friend.
honor' a man. Let me go on with t'I know that, and I am not dis-
thc story which the colonel inter- pleased with you beyond measure,
rllpted. I placed in lily pock t a though it 'seems to me that your
bracelet that was found on dile gelatin imposed ripnn 700 duties
Hand, and kept it as a means of to whiclii you have Ibsen wanting.
a infra 1 But, we hvill leave the past, and be
kind enough to examine these peek -
ages al .bank -nates," added the
banker, pointing to the files yblc
were ;still spread out on the table.
Vignory took them up and ,be -
gen counting them over.
"There aro fifty, its said.
""That is not what I ask. Where
da you think they camp from?" I
"From Inv safe, undoubted v,
recogninc the way the pin is stuck
in a Dietl more to the right and
a little lower down than the pack.
ages mado at the Bank Of France."
"'Ver'y web. My 'rouge of a see-
r eeiTy ran li0 longer mttintain tlhzib
ho luapi �,stolen them"
of 'd Mr. Dor. 1 r l„t Tt was lt1 4 banes the sum
"It is n t,._ tiny ," r1 this el'entitre had been, ee "We hold hu our
lil•1'e�9>,:glnrrrillg ever It" lin. all t ! ^t1110'i: to ree0Vhr - • was taken beam berth .rile, and ib
12 Tasellne Remedies in Tubes
Capsicum, Borated, Mentholated, Cube.
Rated, Camphorated, White O*tde of zine,
eta Each for spacial purposes. Write for
Free Vaseline Hook.
379 Craig St. W., Mont:lin'1
Consider the higher real estate
value of well painted buildings,
compared with unpainted ones.
Don't postpone painting -
every day does ito damage and
piles up costs for repairs :",:.
„r` 1000/0 Pare
is tits cheapest. Absolutely pure
and unadulterated, it wears best,
looks bettor and goes further, gal-
lon for gallon, than any other paint
at auy price. rop$wtsr'cm.-'-",•• uv
If undecided whlnh paint to nee, write
newest today for name of
yokhimbontho written
guarantee that backs every claim wo
makefor our print --n guarastea that
actually protects yon. '•^*itteso(0^^
Don't expyerlmont when certainty
Costs but a few cents more. There's a
MadlnStnour Patnrfor every purnoaa-
for house. bars windmill, pumps, wag-
on, carriage, cultivator and plow -paint
Ter wood andpaint for iron -the beat
that skill and money can produce.
If your dealer cannot supply you,
to whereon palate are gladly
bad � ,£u•
Dclrlinc AUSukatientes
/7e1res Write for illustrated
booklet Homo
Beautiful," .and
interesting color
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e asking.
. g
The illartis.Senonr Co.
Pion ra Purr Paint'
The Dewar Challenge Trophy is awarded yearly by the
ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB for the most meritorious per-
formance of the year under the general regulations for certi-
fied trials.
The New Daimler engine has now been in the hands of
the public for nearly 18 months, quite long enough to prove its
merit; owners are sending in testimonials by every post and
we should like to forward to any person or persons'interest-
ed a complete set of literature fully explaining this marvel-
lous new motor. Send also for our new illustrated booklet,
"The Dewar Trophy and how it was won," a history" of the
Greatest Engine Test on Record.
-,_ to -rtf.+01
,.. he Far.
In choosing the family cow one
1a nob limited now -a -days in the
matter of breed. 'Well-bred stock,
hots become so general, that ordin-
alily one can bay at option an in-
ditidual, of almost any of ties
pioved breeds,; not a'pedig
animal, perhaps, unless a rether
high price is paid,.. but a "high-
gradc.," which means that the ani-
mal is not•of registered pedigree,
bee is nearly enough pure-bred to
bo so for all prieetical purposes.' It
remains, then, to choose whether
one will buy a Holstein, a Jersey.
an Ayrshire, or one of any other
.of the breeds commonly in use,
The choice must be made in ac-
cordance with what is most want-
eci, whether milk or cream, If
cream, the choice,' most emphati-
dally, should be a Jersey or a
;Guernsey. But for feeding infants,
jfats]lk .a little less than that given lbyithesein 50 butter' mals is generally better. An ideal
1 cow for this purpose is a cross be -
1 `ween the Jersey and Ayrshire, and
this, perhaps, is as good a family
cow as can be had for all the uses
But it y
' occasiontilly that a cow bred in
just this way is to be found, and
a cross of the Jersey or Guernsey
—which are strictly butter breeds
heel] any of the approved milk
breeds makes an animal of very'
similar characteristics. The strict-
ly milk breeds are not recommend -
est for family cows. .
The first thing to remember in
choosing a cow is that the cow most
feminine in appearance is the best""
milker. Roughly ; speaking, she
should be shaped something like a
wedge—large and well-developed
— behind, and small and Sine in
the should be wide between the
• hips and low in the flank, with her
hind quarters set a little apart, so
ad to give room for her udder. Her
belly should . be of good size, but
! should round outward, rather than
downward, and her rump should
be, straight—that is, the root of her
tail should be nearly on a due with
liar back -bone, The shoulders
should be thin and rather narrow
at the top; chest deep rather than
bi c ad ; neck thin, head small, but
longish—clean-cut and fine in the
muzzle. The horns should be small
and of fine texture; and the eyes
rather large, but mild and gentle,
and not showing much of the white.
Her skin should be soft and pliable
ani the finer and silkier hoe ,eoet
the better.
The udder should be large and
well-developed, but should stay
properly in its place and not :sag
down too low. The four teats
should stand well apart from each
other, forming a ``square" udder;
and they should be smooth and soft,
free from warts or exeresences-
They should also be long enough
to be taken hold of by the whole
hand in milking, as when they are -
so short as to have to be held be-
tween the thumb and two fingers,
the work of milking is greatly !in-
The Dal ler Motor Co., (09040 Lig; 1ted,
The udder should always be'f oo ``e,
brim fleshiness, and after being
cnoptied of milk it should be soft,
shrunken and somewhat wrinkled.
Fleshiness in the udder cannot be
detected when it is full, and the
only test is to have the cow minced -
This test also shows how much milk
a site gives and whether she is gen-
If the cow has any habit — such
as breaking out of her pasture or,
worst of all, self-milking—it can
rarely las discovered on such first
examination as the purchaser can
give, even if he is very careful; but
it is sure to show itself later. So
in this matter he must trust the eel,
ler and take his chance. But. the
Lance, after all, is not a very long •
enc. for the overwhelming major-
ity of cows are free from these ha-
bits, and if she is gentle to mills
lith handle there is usually little
to fear.
Montreal and Quebec,
oycd Edward AND R y i George
Triple Screws, Marconi WirelessDeep Sea Telephones,
Passenger Elevators, (i Passenger becks, 1.:,000 tons.
Thursday, May 26 --Royal George Tlguradag, June 9
June 9—Royal Edward " June 3
July 23
e' July 21
14 Aug. 4
I' Aug. 18
June 23—Royal George
July 7—Royal Edward
July 21.—ROyaI George
Aug. 4—Royal Edward
Best Appointed
The Most Pic-
turesque Port.
Only four days
at sea.
Tlto twin ships, the " Royal Edward" and the
" Royal George" are the fastest triple screw tur-
bine boats in the Canadian service. Tile British
port is Bristol (tiro hours nearer than Liverpool)
Special trains alongside steamers within to min-
utes of London. The steamers are driven by the
newest type' of turbine engines, instiring a maxi-
mum 01 speed and ntinimtun of vibration, Their
equipment is the finest, over seen in the St. Law-
rence. Largo staterooms, spacious social apart -
monis, sheltered promenade decks, artistic furnish
Ings, perfect servlee, and ventilation by thermo.
lank system, the fresh air being warmed or tooled
as required.
For fall particulars, rates, booklets, schedule of endings, etc.,. apply
A great many new owners of
etevs aro disappointed at first in
tee amount of milk obtained. This
is because the cow is always unoasy
and homesick in a new )pite6, ai5.'
must become thoroughly wont-
ed to her surroundings before- she
will do cher hest at the pail, This
is a• natter not infrequently of a
week or more.
'l'llis homesickness cannot be
necided, but it cnn be shortened,
and some of the uneasiness of the
c.v.- averted by attending very
c'arrrfnlly to her wants and render-
ing her, if possible, more condor-
tiotile than in the 1p1'ace she canto
Eland--" Mr. Allround is a sort'
of universal genius, isn't he 9."
Idabel - --Yes, he is exceedingly
clever." hooch • 'Il e is something
of a lawyer and something of a
lens-ielaie 'What is his professine 1''
lintel. "ltiell, tbelawoers call him
any steamship agent, or write to ki. C. 13t'Ji312LIER, Gen. 'Agent a rnusiciau, and She niusiciro 5 -calf
Canadian Northern Steamships i Limited, Toronto, Canstda, lute: a, lawyer.