HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-26, Page 70.0000100.3.00.*00.0000004 1100NO FOLKS esesseettectee GRANDMA'S PARASOLS, htldren, said grandma, o rainy alternator*, "how would y like tun to show ,you how to ma dolly a parasol'? A pod ma years ago ,your mother used to lo to see the make them, and if y GOOD BLOOD GOOD ICEAL111 Just a Little Xore Rio, Red Blood Duras Moot Ailments, - no The Ink sufficient red, health on giving blood doesn't1 end merely sate quickly disappeers, the fa k° a Pale complexion. It is inuol any mere serious, Bloodless people are the tired, languid, run clown- folk on who never have a bit of enjoymen t,(t M life. Food does not neerish, !there's indigestion, heart palpita- t headache, backache, some - or, tithes fainting fits and always nerv- 2,2 ousness. If anaemia or bloodless- ' newt be neglected too long a decline --, is sure to follow, Just a little some matehes down behind the gar- den fence or behind the barn next to the ,flold potatoes, Re doeen't dare to take up the streight to- bacco, but hme e tries out sodried potato stem in the pipe. "The smoke sets the eXPerfrIlen er hato a delioious dreamy state at first, but the heart action acceler- ates in a minute Or two in OM ef- throw off the poison through the lungs end stein. The dreamy will draw your little chairs up the table, I will begin right away TWO (1151110,1 little faces brighte cd up, and Daisy and Luey ran f the chairs, and soon grandma, w ready to begin, On her tattle ley the materiels a small, flat cork about halt an in thick, eight large pins, each of the two inches long, some balls of g wonted, and e short hatpin with glass head. This head and t eerie she had already gilded, as took some time for the gilt to cir and she did not wish to be hider by waiting. Daisy and Lucy wale ed with eager eyes while grandn took up the ourk and carefully stu the pins all round it at equal di tenets, bending them downwa slightly. These were for the ribs the parasol. Then she asked tel little girls to choose each of the a color from the pretty balls worsted. Daisy seized on a pale blue, an Lucy a bright pink. "Yes, those will go well to- gether," said grandma. "Now 'watch closely while I show you how to• cover your parasol." She took the end of the blue worsted and tied it round one of tilt pins, close to the cork, and be - gen winding it round. At each pin she made a loop, or what sailors call a half-hitch, to steady the worsted. - The little girls looked on in de- light while the parasol grow un- der grandina's skilful fingers, and ?when the blue worsted edvered little more than half of the pins, she threaded a worsted -needle with • the end of it, and fastened it off neatly on the under side. "Now for my pink! cried Lucy And dear grandma tied it to th same pin where she had finished off the blue, and began to wind it the two pretty colors making charming contrast. At last every bit of the pins wa ecvered except their heads, and af •ter finishing off the pink as she had done the blue; gran,dina, took th small hatpin and stuck it firmly on th i under side of the cork. "Thi is for a handle," she said. It was a lovely dolly's parasol • and of course there had to be an other jut like it, for Daisy and Luoy always had things alike, and Seraphina and Ararainta, their two dolls, were beautifully sheltered from the sun, and the admiration of every child in the street.n A word just heto the mamas and aunties who may help you to make one of these parasols some rainy day. If you have no gilt paint handy for the cork and the head of the hatpin, ink, ordinary paint; or even shim -dressing is just as good, only a trifle less effective. The parasol has a better shape if • the pins are bent slightly and the • wcrsted held firmly.—Youth's Com- panion. oh mere blood mires all these troll - m, bles. Just more rich, red blood; ItY' then abounding health and vitality a reel pleasure in life. To get more he blood the remedy is Dr. Williams' 16 Pink Pills. No other medicine M- Y, creases the blood supply so quickly ed co; so surely. The cure actually be- h- gins with the first dose, though na- turally it is not noticeable, • This e k is not a mere claim. Dr. Williams' se Pink Pills have boon doing thui over rd eerl over again ie Canada for years. of This is why thousands of people al- l° ways have a good word to say about m alb medicine. The following is the of experience of one of the many who praise this medicine. Mrs. J. J. d Thibodeau, Bathurst Tillage, N. B.,• says: Some years ago while teach- ing school I became so run down that I could hardly walk. My breath was short and I had failed in weight and lost color. I had to rest several times on my way toi school and during school hours it took Mere than all my strength to fulfil ray duty. My doctor advised me to give up teaching and take a long rest. But at this time a friend persuaded me to try Dr. Williams' I Pink Pills and I got six boxes. I hadn't finished the first box when' I felt a little better and by the time I had used the six boxes I was ful-! is recovered and enjoying the best of health. At a later date I was: troubled with eczema and my faith' in Pink Pills led me to try theml •again, and 1 was not . pp . nted, o as they cured this trouble also. can't praise Dr. Williams' Pin : Pills too much for they have done a me a power of good." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold s by all medicine dealers or be - sleet by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr Wil- na e lias' Medicine Co., Brooltville, Ont. 00 gets flushed. and the heart action ranicli,y increases to severe palp Welton. " • "If the dose has beezi large the victim feels a -wild, fierce elation that impels him to &0211/51 Of any kind. In this state he met! .(10 any- thing, but the stage is reached much more quiekly than with alco- holic liquors. "The eyes become blind and clouded. The pupil dilates as though belladonna had been ap- plied. The motor centres are af- i feeted and there is paralysis of the lower limbs, and the smoker's fan gets pale, while drops of sweat stand out. "At this stage the heart action weakens and theie is either stupor ' or syncope, in which the victim of the potato poison lies practically paralyzed and unable to move: while his brain is in ae insane whirl. This represents the height of the intoxiaation, and it is fol- lowed by acute depression and me- , laecholia and a slow return of the h • ' 1 ' "The potato stein smoke speedily thaws a victim down. He grows pale. is gaunt and emaciated, ends up with violent acute mania, usual- ly with homicidal tendencies. "I only had one ease of the kind. A lad of 10 caught the habit tryin to find a substitute for tobacco. He only lasted about three yeaes. There wasn't anything that could be done for him. "This young chap couldn't be restrained or changed from the Po- tato stein craving, by any of the asual drugs. He was kept in bed, roped down, during the maniacal stage that he went through. Mor- phine didn't seem to do any good. The moment he was freed, after re- covering somewhat, he would make a rush for the nearest potato vines, trying to get and smoke the stems, which he secreted in many pieces cunningly hidden." HARDEST FOR HIM. "What was the hardest question the teacher asked you to -day 7" asked the serious-minded pupil. "Whether I preferred to take a licking or a note home," answered the scapegoat. FOR LI1TLE BABIES AND 1- LONDON ORGAN GRINDERS. - One pound a da,y is said to be the most, that an organ -grinder ever tekes, while, with some exceptions, 5s is about the least, so that a London organ -grinder may be re- garded as a fairly prosperous man. An organ can be hired from the, makers for Is. 6d. a day, while the price of a new organ is 025. The cost of setting an organ to new I tunes is about £4, and, since nov- elty is essential, this is a frequent scuree of expense. OPEN AIR MARRIAGE. Beside the Liddel Water, Lovers Plighted Troth. A sequestered grass slope among the hillson the borderland of Eng- land and Scotland was recently tho scene of an open-air marriage'says the London Daily Mail, The bride resided on the Cumberland side of the border, about 50 yards up the hillside from the stream (Liddel Water), which divides England and - Scotland, while the bridegroom is a shepherd belonging to the Toy- tethead district of the neighboring Scottish county of Roxburgh. The English marriage laws do not allow of a marriage at a private* house, but it was desired that the wedding should take place as near the bride's house as possible. The services of a Scottish minister were obtained to perform the ceremony Nibieh it was decided should take place just over the river. The bridegroom's party travelled five miles over the hills from the merest railway station and were 'joined by the bride's party. After Um marriage the Party recrossed the stream and ascended the hill to the beide's house. ANYTHING BUT THAT. "You'te a liar, and a thief, and a scoundrel!" "Anything else?" • "I can't think of anything else right now." "Meeks. I was afraid you wore going to say I was stupid." Friend—"WIMn BilZord went West he told mo that as soon as ho hail settled down and pulled him- self together ho, would write to me, but 1 have never honed from him." Naltive—"Bilford was blown up in an explosion of dynamite three tenths :Igo. He may have settled n, but I don't believe he has pulled himself togihhor yet." MICROBES IN MAIL BAGS. At a conference of Irish post -of- fice clerks in Dublin recently it was I stated that the germs of consulinp- tittn and other disease were in mail f bags by thousands, and a resolution was passed that all mail bags should be washed and disinfected fort- 1 nightly. g WELL GROWN CHILDREN Baby's Own Tablets are good is r all children, from the feeble baby whose life seems to hang by a thread to the sturdy well grown child whose digestive organs occa- sionally get out of order. Thee Tablets promptly cure all sterete'n and bowel troubles and make sick- ly, ailing ehildron,, well and strong. Mrs. H. Greenfield, Embro, Out., says :—"Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful medicine for children. 1 have used them for several years and always keep them in the house or my little ones going to school." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- iams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LONDON'S WATER SUPPLE'. The Metropolitan Water Board el London, Eng., is considering a theme to extend the water supply t, a east of thirty million dollars. t is proposed to construct norm - es reservoirs in the Upper Thamoa alley. These works when nue leted will afford thirty-five 'gallons er head por day for a population of twelve million souls, which Lae - don is expected to reach in 1941, Alt4yor flAilmTof the Mange With MIN - CHRISTOPHER SA.UNDERS, E Dalhousie. jlameitiltrILErTr4;33 1,zTy a pitchLori,, witi, a St. Peter's, C.D. EDW. EINLIEP. 1ra bad swellinibyMINAOODO 24grgr .av THOS. W. PAYNE. • Bathurst, N.B. p ANOTHER QUEER SMOKE. The Potato Stem a Source of Dan- ger to Those Addicted to It. "Even worse than opium smoking is the smoking of the dike] steins of the ordinary field potatot" said flat doctor. "The potato v1.110 18 41 poisonous growth. The apple, or seed, which grows on the potato and looks like a small, undergrowu green tomato, which it is in fact, for the potato end tomato areblood eousins,, is especially potent in its ,baleful effects if one smokes it. "Usually the vice starts in 'boy- hood days on the farm, when the youngster of the family steals his father's pipe and hides with it and Means Perfect Results You don't even have so komr *has kind of cloth your 'mode are mad* of, SAME Dye for ALL, Mistakes ere IMPOSSIBLE. Pere end beeutiftel emit., 88 oette Don't fillionve. thettell•Cen6 ,,ad Dookkee greo. 'heJolinsoet-Eirimrdson Co,, Limited, MorstreeL CURED HIS RHEUMATISM. Yarmonth, N. S., June 5, 1908,-"I have been bothered with Rhentnatian for the bust year and have taken 11, ood many kinds of medicine and found no relief for it. .say nfriend vised e to trY Gb nt 9. 130. 5 , njul m ". ^defter taking only mof 410111, t Ott 22E0 a now moll. "I thought 5 would write you a few linos to let You know how thankful I feel for the relief they gave me, and would advise all suff.orers from Rheumatism (0 get Gin Pills.' WM, CONTI'. Sample tree it yen write National Drug Oa Chemical Co., (Dept. ), Toronto. dealers have Gin Pills at 600, a box - 6 Ivrea for 8200., FORGE OF HABIT. "Why did you break your en- gagement with that school teach- er?" asked the friend. "If 1 failled to show up at her house every evening, she expected mo to bring a written excuse signed by my mother." "Haltom, Jeans, what an enerrat nus cigar you are smoking I It Mild be a foot long!" 'Over a foot. 1 have this kind specially made for me. My *dotter has or doted me to smoke only- one cigar a day, and 1alwaysdo es he tells Even if a dollar doesn't go far Its is diffieult to induce it to return. LAY FOR WEEKS AT DEATH'S DOOR BUT DO DIPS KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. T11.0111PSOP.I'S DROPS Y. It Started with Backache and Grew Worse 'XIII the Dootor Said SI* ' Must Die. Holt, Ont., My 10. (Speoial).— All the countryside here is ringing with tho wonderful cure of Mrs. Somoel Thompson, who lay at the point of death for weeks, swollen With Dropsy so that the doctor AY different times deckled to tap her but desisted because, as her hus hand said, "It might be better t let her die. in pone." After the doctor had given her up Dodd' Kidney Pills cured her, Mrs. Thompson's terrible trou bl8 started with pain in the back 0 Paint Without Wi Gen; ,POWSr,Pahlf YOU can turn out as gooq WOOE as 8 enntreetee painter. writs to POWDR PAINT MI Toronto, Ont., for full Information and Catalogue with color • Cerd and Price List. "onta.WwWWW.Weeteetworreetwst. LTOCKS. bilEiSEEBERAMEEISONMEEIGE90000Mbre9,436 STOOK BONUS OF 1.7.E!',', MAPLE LEAF MILLING COMPANY Imok al. she record of The Lake of th, Wende, Ogilvie. and {Valeria Canada Milling Companlea, LTrtli Wird Ro NY 8, co. °""" 90 Day Street,Throat° imgewoundatagazonarmisssiumermtrimra °i nut? RIT,PIF.11 AND ecntotieixe ,• 440111 Wolof bought end aold. En. - gineersReports en Poreupine, Write for Pertinulars. 17, FL Ralreton, 55 Manning O Arcade, Toronto, Ont. She grew worse and the doetor treated her for jaundice for eigh wee s. Then her fon and logs be gee to swell, and it was realized that Dropsy was the trouble. Po seven months she suffered. The do for said there was no hope; she must dM. As a last resort Dodd's Kidney Pills were tried. The improvement We 1 slow, but gradually her strength came back-, To -day Mrs. 21: mpson is a well woman. She says, and the oountry-side knetvs, she owes her life to Dodd's Kidney Pills. If the disease is of the Kidneys, or from the Kidneys, Dodd's Kid- ney Pills will cure it. HIS REASON. "Why do you always leave the house, James, when I begin to sing the old soegs1" pouted. Mrs. How - lit "Fresh air," said Howlet. BANKS AS ROAD BUILDERS Time and time again in the last two years information has come from the Canadian West indicating tbat the Chartered Cenarlian Banks are playing no small part in the development of our Western terri- 7. Repeatedly we have heard of the Beetles going into new Districts with the first settlers—opening up and fostering business connections which have resulted in the rapid growth of the community. Two of the latest instances of this have been shown in the establish- ment of Branches of the Traders Bank at Fort George, B. C. and Stewart, B. C. Fort George is halt way between Prince Rupert and Edmonton on the projected line of the Grand Trunk Pacific. It is attracting attention on ac- count of its favorable location, and present indications would point to its being one of the large cities of Nerthern British Columbia. Stew- art, B. 0., is within two miles of Portland City, the place in Brit- ish Columbia where the recent wonderful' Silver strike was made. The latter town is attracting peo- ple from the Western Coast States in large numbers, and a small rush of prospectors into the district is now under way. Don't kick if people distrust you. Who's to blame? • MINNICOGANASIIENE. A hard name to pronounce, called totally r`Minnicog. ' This is a pic- turesque summer resort en one the largest islands of the Georgi ti Bay, only 3te hours TIM by Grand Trunk. Railway System from the City of Toronto, Canada, and ✓ beautifully situated among the 30,- - 000 islands of that territory. Splen- did hotel accommodation, good fish - Mg, fine 'boating and no hay fever. Bass, . treat, pickerel ansi pike abound. For illustrated descriptive matter and all information, wri to Mr, 1, D. McDonald, Diatri Passenger Agent, Union State Termite, Ont. HE KNEW A THING. "So you think yeti oar: dress lay shop window so that all the ladies will stop to look at at7" asked the roaster of a large business estab- lishment of an applicant or work, "Yes, sir, I do. "Well, what is the first thing you woulel dol" "Why, I'd put a large mirror in the window, and—" ''Quite enough, young men; 1 den't want you as an employee, I'll take you on as partner." The transition from winter's eold to summer's heat frequently puts a strain upon the system that pre - duces internal complications, al- ways painful and often serious, A common form of disorder is dysen- tery, to which many are prone in the spring and stammer. The very best inedieine to use in subduing this painful mile -tent is Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard remedy, sold every- ef • a n he Some men seem to have a grudge against themselves, and we don't blame them. - Keep Minard's LlnnTen/ In the house. Every time a nin makes a seri- ous mistake it ,lessens his confi- dence in himself—and others. Pills of Attested Value.—Parme- let's Vegetable Pills are the result ot careful study of the properties of certain roots and herbs, and the action of such as sedatives and lax- atives on the digestive apparatus. The Buenas the compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recog- nized for many years as the beat cleansers of the system that can be get Their exeellene was recog- nized from the first and they grow more popular daily. ANGLING NOTE. It is better to have fished and lust than never to have lied at all. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Lady—"You say, professor, that tobacco is an aid to thought and a stimulant to the reasoning facul- ties; but :Professor Greathead says tobacco is in every way injurious. How do you account for that dif- ference. Tho Professor—"Easily on ugh, madam. Professor Great - heed does not smoke, and conse- quently he can neither think straight nor reason correctly." te A LONG RECORD OF SUCCESS in 001- 6 415 all sorts of cuts, burns and brideeta n, We feel sorry for a man who hasn't sense enough to make use of his good judgment. They Cleanse IT1)71e They Cure.— The Vegetable .compounds of which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills ai compond, mainly dandelion an mandrake, clear the stomach an intestines of deleterious matt and restore the deranged organs healthful action. Hence they a the best remedy for indigestio available to -day. A 'trial of the will establish the truth of this a nation and do more to convince tl ailing than anything that can be written of these pills. AS HIS NEIGHBORS SEE HIM. If het is poor, he is a bed man- ager. If he is rich, he is dishonest. If he needs credit, he can't get it. If he is prosperous, every one wants to de him a favor. If he's in polities, it's for what he can get. If he is out of poli- tics, you can's place him, and he's no good for his country. If he doesn't give to charity, he's a stingy cuss. If he does, it's for show. If he is actively religious, he is a hypocrite. If he takes no interest in religion, he's a hardened sinner. If he shows affection, he's a soft specimen. If he seems to care for 1t0 one, he is cold-blooded. If he dies young, there was a great future ahead of him. If he lives to an old age, he has missed hit calling. se well as all bowel ..complaints, Is held r Painkiller -over 60 years. Avoid ettleatitutoe, there is bat one "Painkiller"- 'Yerry Davie', 250. and 50o. Some men have many possessions while others are not even self- possessed. Are you a sufferer with corns 7 If ,vou are, get a bottle of Holloway's 'e Cern Cure. It has never been d known to fail. er A lad who was being quizzed to about his father's lack of immu- re pbshments was asked: "What does n your father know 1" There was no in hesitation in the answer : "I don't s- believe he knows anything except to hit own business; but he knows that—and minds it!" Your Druggist Will Tell You Merino Eye Remedy Relieves Soro Kees, MIMI; Weak Mit'8°??..:Tonr.'21}rtrryt, Merino in Your Eyes and in Dabrs Eyes for Saab Eyelids and Granulation. Judge—"I don't think that wo- men have always been vain; you know women were made before nurrors." Fudge—"And they've been before them ever since." Ask for Minard's and take no other. "This carpet is the best there is, madam," said the -clerk. "It can - rt be beaten." "Then I don't want it," replied the shrewd .cus- tomer. "I want one that can stand boating nee or twice a year." 'Tis a Marvellous Thing. •"-- When the cures effected by Dr. Thomas' F•loctrie Oil are considered, the speedy and permanent relief it has breught to tho suffering wherever ±1108 been used, it must be regard- ed as a marvellous thing that so potent a medicine should result rem the six simple ingredients *elicit enter into its composition. A trial will convince the mosi 8ke1,11- cal of its healing virtues. "Pa, whet is writer's cramp?" "It's being cramped for money, my son. All writers suffer from it.'' TRADING on a gooti name and deceiving the militia is what the imitators of the well-keewu "The D. & L."' Menthol Plneter ;.onn‘tidi,olug„ThDoopn:t4ble,.fosoleri, insist on the "Don't be afraid of the Imeten, Mit Jenkins," said the landlady to the now lodger. "Not at all, Ma- dam, rv.3 80851 e pine twice as large and it did not frighten me 10 bit." There can be 51 difference of opin- ion on most subjects, but there is only ono ophaion es to the relia- bility of Mother Oreves' Worm Ex- terminetor, 11) 11 safe, sure and ef- kettle]. AN ERA OP GOOD FEELING. My heart's se fell of love to -day For all my fellow men, I'd gladly knock somebody down To help hitn up again. NO. 21-10. Weenie Liniment Lumbermeiet Prissid. 'Bilious in es sfeeeeeeeeeteeeseeete Jo aartsialy *sett Om mot Mae greeeble eltineies whish t1es5 I • ' - iner te. Onstad tongue t- bitter testa ht the mouth -natteen,-. twee -these combine to asalso NO burden. Tho entitle la a sileordorod liver -the earn Dr. sorse's 'puttee Itettt Pills. The' go straight to silo root of the twohle, rot the liven riebt, cleanse the stomach 1811,1 bow- el,, Maar the tongue and tisk ErfftY 1110 bitter taste from the mouth. At the lust sign ot nese take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills AGENTS WANTED, AL GENTS WANTEDER IN 10YY TOWN to sell a steamier Vacuum Carpet (Wenner, rapid ;feller: big commission. Mills, 556 Dovercourt ltd., Toronto. EDUCATIONAL. LLIARS THE BARBER eiesine-riew system-oonstant prootiois: careful Instruction; few weeks complete 0.115401 tools free; graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollar, weekly; write for eat. logne. Motor Barber College, 221 Queen East, Toronto. MACHINERY ACHINERY HEADQUARTERS. lie Iron and wood.working machtherr, engine, boilers, steam minute, gasoline enaines, eleetrio motors, eontractore: machinery. ete. Send for eatalemtle ct ever 1400 machines II. W, PETRIE. Limited, Toronto. Montreal, Yaneouver. FARMS FOR SALE, T ESTERN 45AI111 LANDS -CITY LOTS T V on easy terms. If you are going west send for MY Hat, it will pay yotL 8. Id, Mathews. 75 Yonge St.. Toronto. Jr® scans Fon SALE 011 EXCHANGE • -a very ehoiee 150 -acre farm, situ. ated three miles northeast of 'Embro, 10 miles northwest of Woodstock, half mile to ;school; a very choice, even-tempered slay loam soil; no stiff soil; easily work- ed; a very rich, productive soil; 125 cult voted; 15 acres timber; good size brick cottage house, 9 rooms, miller, furnace, new barn, 48 x 80; barn 27 x 55; all on stone basements; cement floors in atable; lots of water pumped by steel windmill taps in house and barnyard; a first-olass cheese factory section; price 59.5001 might take a house in city or small farm in exchange; 85,700 down, as I have other propertlea and wish reduee. Apply to R. Waite, Paris, CARPET DYEING and Cleaning. This los specialty with the British American Dyeing Co' Bead particulars by post Bea we are sem es sandy. Address Box MB. Montreal. ";010W' JUW 27fRa41; ARONVII275, TORS I -irx-rzAistmr.la 0 NiMiLEOTHD &Liss run into the '11505 80" and PNSSS850NLI. Lose an time, bet get at once s bottle of BAntrAril %0&U8 BELIEF and prevent pneumonia, or cure it if already manifest. ed. Is the Umfailing , Honsehold Remedy for Coughs. Colds, Bore Throaaltronabitie, "Grip,' Pneumonia end Pains of kinds ii,te;:t-etJtti-te"tettes,-*tit Apply Zara -Belt to all Wounds and sores and you Will bcsurprised how quickly ft stops the smarting and brings ease. It covers the wound with a layer of pro- tective•balae itilis all poison germs already in the wound, and prevents othm entering. lts rich beating herbal essences then buikl up from the bottom, fresh Hemel end ln a wond.edully...short time tbe wound is healedl Yarn Suis popularity is teed au mail. ImitatiOott noVer work cures. Be mire mid get the real thing. 'T.ass•Buk"a prieuel on every pecket of the. genuine. Reuse others. 60o ell druggists and store or Zern.11ult Co7, Toronto, THE LIN OMEN TRUSS will11.11d any. reducible.. bawds. Endorsed by forernoqt medical Write for particulars. B. LINDMAII, (Reg ), metalled. J The Soul of a Piano isthe Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action Is Your Hearing Cood The DEAR.O.PHONE will give yen the benefits of good hearieg. Send for tree boekimgiviug particulars and names of satisfied users. Also lipeeinl Offer for a Month's Horne. TrIal. THE GRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 334 Spadlno Avenue, Meant*, APPENDICITIS Cured without operatioes. All who are et. Meted with this disease and wish to be erred permanently. safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic reused,. winch will be gent postpaid anywhere In the world with full ittetructiena ror ;err.: ;i02. eLidoregfert 85440,110521 ('USO. sheen T, Walt, Homeopathic' Pharmacy, Arnprlor, Canads. STYLES IN HAIR Braids, 30 In.'63,50 Switches, 22 to 30 In. long,s3.50 00 10.50 Putts and Curls, 10 Int , cluster, 82.50 Turban Style, Gem. pieta 51.50 Braid, by tho yard, • 51.00 Ladies and Cent's Wigs, from 817.50 Cent's Toupees, from • 512.50 Hair Nets, extra large, • 3 for 26e. Turban Pads, - • 35 to in. Rare shade, extra. Orders over 51.00, post, free. Send sample of hair and cash with order. DAY & MOHLER, 115 King kt:_ttatt, - Toronto. DEAF, LISTEN I Ytn have used Horns, Trumpets, and • other Mechanical Devices in the hope of being able to hear. but always foun,5 the expected saMetaation was spelled. D- I -S-A-P-P-0-1 -T If you write to ERNE.ST PRATT, 460 Yongo Street, Toronto, you will learn some 0001, NEWS. Do it to day -better still, DO IT NOW! The Lenox 1tstel BUFFALO, N, V. )fig/','t G radr. e fireproof. The ideal hotel for tourists and visitors to Buffalo'Niagara Pails, and points on t he (Irent Lakes and St. Lawrence River. EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up, deltrrwhuaertet!efiZzji=litreiciliglifri: tr.t:trA' When In Buffalo stop at The Lenox. Th• accommodations and 3efttiCO 000 sue to please. C. A. MS NUR Malinger $200 IN CASH ,.1111ZfriahNers ic:ttlmVslAveyble ifRremiEn; No yea armee tap alswe ..tr 05081,5,8 Ittterk 21251, 141 hansom' or woe 51,10805 (5148 • 55 8.3,00 cell there le the distribetion of the above prize. it is ho raw taalt., 11111 by yetienee sod yoresvorow,s Feu con g011iebly magenta forgot thank Tn the person Oho Ott 'MOO tolfh 'ha letvest Weber,. gi 0 tit, /tam of 086 !lunette bolters, 06 the careen maiden out the tweed Ishreet number the num of 51:0 be taro. To tha i*1111051104thstklol largest inwohte ths auto of Titifty Dellers. 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