HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-26, Page 5i
flus at Gr0001y 1 ar/MerrygsWee0;eBrt soq o.
K, O. .7", M.
43russols ITent of the M itooabcos, No, 04
hold their regular moetipgo lu the Lodge
!loon, Hanker t4toott, oa the let anti 8rd
Tusneay ovonleos of sash mouth,
A, 6051
visitors rs alway, woloewo,
m. A. MoGUI ft8t, 12, „It,
o A
Yllco in Nue !fest *Mee, Ethel. 80,4
Agent Howiclt Mututal
Fire Insurance Oompany
mites and lteeldonee—
mann Nag,
• ran, will soli for better prices, to
bettor moa in leas Gane and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in Beet Huron or
be won't charge anything, Dates and orders
can alwaya be arranged at this o1Hoo or by
venous] application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reaeonablo. gales arranged for
at the office of. THE goer, Bruesele. '3901
M. 81910LAili—
e Barrietor, So11oltor, Oonveyaaoer,
Notary Poblio, &o. Ualoe-13 tawart's Block
I. door North of Ocutrul Hotel, •
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Sauk,
b Be-bULI01'1'U
W. Paounaoo", a O
1t. O. Here
G. E'. Hr.Ara.
Ofaece—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Oumerou & Holt,
G000aIOH, ONTettIO,
Graduate of the .Royal College of Dental
Surgecue of Ontario. and First•olass Honor
Graduate of Toronto University; Office
next to Brewer's Photo. Gallery, Braasel B.
iarWili visit Ethel on the end Monday of
eaob Month._
Wall Papers !
We are showing the finest Hue of
American •Fast Color Wall Papers
ever shown in town. Our designs are
all new and up-to-date. 4000 Patterns
and Colorings to choose from. If you
want the latest you must see onr sam-
ples. - A call on 'Phone No. 78 wily
bring the samples to your door.
Wo have everything for decora-
tive work—may we show you the new
samples p
p: Mary Business Colleges oboe during
theSummermonth.% but the popular ly
Remains open and admits students at
any titnb. This is an excellent time to
commence a cures no as tohe ready
for uosition in the Pall. This college
is well throughout Canada and
the United States tor striatly high-class
Write, today for our large Catalogue.,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Oor.Yongee & Alexann�der ets, Toronto.tesV
To Machinery . Users 1
and Farmers
The New Machine Shop of the
• •
• •
• Is now ready fol' business, •and, •
• with good Machinery and Skilled •
• Meohanios, we are in a position •
S to attend to'yonr repairs prompt- F
• ly and at reasonable rates. •
• If yon will let us know your •
wants We Will give you honest
• advice and help if ootrnedted
with Machinery. ' e
• Give us a trial and, by Milling s
to Bl'usas1 s says ti me
Iundntonc •
• for yourselves,
• MiilStreet Brussels 3.
tilWeiriens Dards
Teacher 4P Plane
otuhire 6 Carter's Musts Storeso0e door North
f the k a*r urd Bank, Brussels, 03.11
lras passed sucoosefully bar 000013,0 exart3lnte
Non o1 the Pianoforte Dopm'tlnont et the To.
Tonto Ooueervu ory of Sterne, mrd le prepared
00 takes Capps ab her house, Prlrroses street,
OR, r. T. M'RAE
Buolrolor of Medicine, University of Toronto
Licentiate and Greduate of the Uellegeef Phy
Arohtne and Surgeons, Ont •
ate()Imagougo BYO, io,, Nose md Throat Hospital,
Uhientinill, Bx• ns Surgeon Sb, vh
eel'sHospital, Toronto,
Ol r
11co over 1 , B Smith's Drug Store, Tole-
pue commotion with t•aubrooit at 141 hours,
Dental Surgeon
Honor Graduate Dental Department, Toronto
University ; Licentiate or Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, of Toronto, °Moe over 3,
te. Roes, store, Brussels,
"..'Will visit. Wroxeter the ant and third
Mondays and Gorses the second mrd fourth
Mondays of each month,
Honor graduate of the Ontni'o Veterinary
college, Dayy and night galls, O11Wo opposite
Flour 00111, Ethel,
& tamp ramie Itals1 eeyas'
Goo SOUTo . GOING Nowell
Mail 7:00 a to ll0xpr sae 10:111, m
Express 11:26 a zo Mail 1:44 p 1n
'taproot' 0:02p rn Express ... 8:00 p n,
To Toronto To Goderich
Express 7:41:0 p m j k0xpress ...,.... 9,1E p
xstrz,Ct CRUS
Goderich •
Greyhound excursion from Goderich
to Detroit on Juno 181h.
The pulpit.of Knox church . was de -
dared vacant by Rev. Jas. Hamilton
at the services last Sunday.
Mrs. S. Clarke and daughter, Miss
Adeline, left for their new
homeWiuui eg on Thursday last week'.
Robert .Tait was in
Toronto several days on a business
visit and while there met many Gode-
rich people.
Mrs. Thomas (nee Miss Frank
Evans,) of Vancouver, is visiting her
old borne, the guest of 0. H. and Mrs.
Humber, Victoria street.
Miss Evelyn Hayden has returned
from Toronto, where she has spent
the Winter at the McGillivray .Know-
ledge Academy of Art.
a meeting of the Directors of the
Horticultural Society it was decided
to hold a flower chow this coming
Summer, probably.in:September.
Ou Friday evening, the 17t13, the
ntoofilight trip on the lake under the
auspices of the 813i•d 'Regiment Band
will be given with real moonlight this
8 The post offloe building, interior and
extetinr, was heavily draped in black
rind purple in Ileum of the late King's
memory. The Public Library, the
court house and the 0. P. "R. ticket'
office were also draped in mourning.
The result of Tuesday of last week's
dust storm is that a petitiou is being
signed by, the business mea of the
town tvhi0h will be presented to the
town Council asking that hotly. to re-
consider the matter ' of bavitig the
streets oiled during the Summer.
AN AUTO TOWN.—Goderiuh is surely
becoming an automobile town having
twelve self owned machines, rouging,
it; power as high •as 45 horse: They
are owned by. WVrn. 'Marlton, W. L.
Horton, W. T. blarney, S. A. Megaw,
Walter 11. Harrison, John B. Kelly,
W. E. Kelly; Allan McLean, John
Androws, • Richard .R11'90118, H. S.
Proved Beyond Doubt
The disappointed victims of poor.
Catarrh remedies should read the
statement of J. H. Smith, of Lake
Stream, N. 13. In Oatarrhozone he
found an absolute cure and says :—
Last Winter, 'my little girl of eight
caught cold which lodged in her ears
in the form of Catarrh. She became
sick and deaf and nothing helped. By
inhaling 0atarrhozone she got relief
and gradually the discharge went
away. She was cured perfectly of
Catarrh, Personally.I canreconitneud
Catarrhozone for coughs and throat
irritation ; its a wonderful medicine."
Sold everywhere 25c. and $1.00.
The Wingham Lawi1 Bowling Club
have been enlarging and extending
their green and had a grltucl 'opening
on May 24th.
The suit of Robt. Beattie against
Ross Reid for unnecessary abuse of a
horse from the livery last week re-
sulted in a fine of $20 and costs, in all
about $40.
Wingham postoffice was appropri-
ately draped in purple and black and.
flags were flying at half mast,; until
after the funeral of the late King
Edward VIL
The doors.for the new vault to be
built .for the Towo records arrived last
week. The howl' has records that are
o1' value and it is a wise step to • look
after their safety, in ease of fire. The
work is now being done.
Peter Linklater was confined to
his home tot' a few days, on account of
1t shaking up he received at the G. T.
R. station, by his horse becoming
frightened ttnd running away. Edo'.
Linklater was thrown out of the rig.
Judging from the number' of citizens
who are keeping a few hints gnat for
their own use,,, there ought to be a
shlutp in the price of eggs when the.
new progeny is raised and all the
pullets have got down to bnsi pea%
b ss transacted at the
special commit last week Wtts the pass-
ing of the '13y -law establishing the
Dry "WO systema of closets in the
town l• the citizens have sixty days
wherein to clean and close all pits, and
get the new arrangement in order,
The Board of health scent determined
to have 'Wiug1tam a clean, healthy
town if posssible.
Some Alcohol Q
Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the bloodure?
Stethe nerves? Not Does it strengthen h. n a es pp
? Nor Is Ayer's
A e s
Sarsaparilla a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure?
Yes! Does it nerves? strengthen the Y
>it ry ? ..eel Is it the only
Sarsaparilla entirelyfree from alcohol? Yes! .Ask your
doctor about this nn -alcoholic medicine, If he approves,
our confidence will be complete. J, C :(ye o„404001/.otue/1, am
Dull boys! Dull girls! Dull men! Dull women envy. ceded! ow earle
veryoften n due to ,
co t
ru ( atlonl
Yet p X t the cur
s4 —
K , r o r.
YY 4_
01111'. and Mrs, Walley left on Wed-
nesday for their new home in Water.
Ion, where 11fr. Walley has purchased
a business. We are sorry to lose such
good citizens, but still hope for their
return, as Mr. Walley hoe not dispos-
ed of Isis drug business hero, but plac-
ed Mi'. Hind, a competent man, in
Mrs. Jas. Fair has been 'visiting ' her
sister, Airs. (Dr,) Campbell, Detroit.
Dr. W. Gunn was called to Sarnia
owing to the death of a 'cousin, Itirs.
Mrs. and Miss Taylor, of Kirk
street, ate, visitinr in London with
Wilber and Mrs. Manning.
Harold Wiltse, Business Manager of
"Angler and Hunter," Syrttouse, N.
Y., soli (Alex -Mayor Wiltse, is horne
for a vacation.
Arthur Tyndall is able to' be' about
again after some weeks confinement
to the hospital, consequent upon an
operation for apilendioitis.
Mrs. T. A. Greig has returned from
Kiucartline, where she has been for
some weeks on account of the illness
of her father.
Oscar Rogers, ofTilsonburg,Jforrner-
ly of Clinton, who has been pursuing
his studies in Toronto, has been en•
gaged as assistant principal of Fern
avenue school, Toronto, and enters on
his duties after the Summer holidays.
Messrs. Geo. Roberton and James
Steep journeyed to Bayfield Tuesday
of last week for a day's fishing and
successful ' beyond nd execp tion
each having gg a catch of 25 beautiful
perch. There must be luck some
times as the day's weather was some-
what contrary to that supposed to be
favorable for rod and line fishing.
tvaPsiu committee othe
Lawn Bowling Club have over forty
Dames on their list, a number of new
metnbevs having joined. It is expect-
ed that the list will reach over fifty
and in a few days the draw will be
made for the Taylor Trophy in Scotch
' doubles.
To Cure Toothache
Search over the whole Globe and
you'll not find the equal of Nerviline.
An aching tooth it relieves at once.
Fill the cavity with batting dipped in
Nerviline and rub the gems with
Nerviline also. If the face is swollen
and sore bathe with Nerviline and
then bind cm a !lot flannel. This can't
fail because Nerviline kills the pain
outright. Just as good for earache,
neuralgia and stiff neck. A 25o bottle
of Nerviline cures the aches of the
whole family try it.
notes are taken from a letter received
from L. J. Pepper, a former resident
of the Lb line, now of Wiggins, Sask.,
This section of country is rapidly int -
proving. • The. O. P. R. is building its
new road from Moose Jaw to Macklin,
about 9 utiles from ns. What is called
the "Goose Lake line" of the O. N. R.
is about 10 utiles. This road is to be
completed to Calgary this year. The
Grand Trunk Pacific is making ready
to build from Bigger to Calgary and
this Line will be 18 miles to the North
of tie so there is yet a belt 30 miles
wide without a road. However when
we carne in here from Saskatoon there
was no town in the country and now
with three new lines of railroad all
built infour years, tliete are at least
forty and some of them growing very
fast. The demand for horses, oxen,
steam and gasoline engines to break
up' the prairie is altogether beyond'
the supply and hundreds of acres < of
prairie, which otherwise would be
broken this year, will bade to remain
as, it is even if owners are offering
more per acre than ever before. The.
acreage sown to wheat in this town-
ship this year is much more than
double what it was last year and still
the cultivated land is hardly notice-
able in the vast block of prairie which
is still untouched. • A. field of 100 acres,
HERB is always a late
trade which demands
something now in a
Light Sumner and
Lingerie Hat. We carry a
Moe display in this line.
HATS in Fahey
and Ready-to-wear
always on hand.
E. Inman
or S010 °Illy a, very small spot in a
country so large, In reading Titan
Poen from week to week our attention
is drawn to many changes taking
place in and around Brussels. So
many old people have passed away,
and so many have removed. The
young people married and others going
West that if it were not for Toon
Poem which keeps us informed of the
changes one's mind would picture the
old homes occupied by the same.old
people, when they have long since
left, and new owners have possession.
We would very much regret the loss
Makes a Saint Swear
To have his favorite corn stepped on.
Don't have corns,—euro them with
Putnam's'Oorn Extractor. Takes 2,4
hours—no pain—oosts a quarter. Try,
.Parry Shannon left last week for
the West. -
Miss' M. Tindall, of British Colum-
bia, is visiting at Mrs. Graham's, 8th
con. •
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and fancily,
of Lemberg, Sask„ are visiting at the
home of 3. Marne.
The annual meeting of the owners
of lots in the Elmo Centre Cemetery
will be held in the Cemetery en Satur-
day, May 28th, at 2.80 p. m.
Chicken thieves have been doing
some of the hen houses lately, taking
little chickens and eggs that were set.
Miss L. Major,
of London, England,
arrived in town and is staying ulfl
Mrs. L. Peachy.
J. J. Johnson, of town, received the
sad news of the death of his father,
who died in Southampton, Eng„ on
Thursday, May 12th, at the age of 82
years and 6 months, at his residence,
Oakmere Avenue Road.
Auto cars have been numerous go-
ing through Atwood this Spring, and
seemingly some are not very careful
about the speed they run at. On
Thursday evening of last week a large
motorcar duove through Atwood at
about 40 miles an hour, when children
and people were out on the streets and
rigs driving into town. This kind of
thing will, likely prove fatal to seine
pedestrian if it is let continue.
The post office , department has
opened a post office on May 16th on
the lfith concession of Elrna which
will be known as Lambert. •John
McLellan has been appointed post-
master. The contract of carrying the
snail three times weekly from Milver-
ton has been let to Charles Welker.
The new post office will serve a con-
stituency of which some reside nearly
six miles from Milverton, their near-
est post office.
Rev. J. L. Stewart writes Touch-
ing 'Story of the Death of
his Bride, Nee Dunkin, en
route to Mission Field.
Rev. J. L. Stewart, missionary to
China, met Miss Dunkin daughter of
John Duukiu, of the Wortley road, Lon-
don, during the holding of the London
Conference io the Askin street Metho-
dist church in Tune of last year.
Iu the Fall the young people were
married, and almost immediately they
left for the missionary field in China.
On the way inland Mrs. Stewart was
takes ill, Ere she bad reached •the far
inland post to which the missionaries
were making their way she died, • News
of her death in London cast a gloom
over the whole' Southern section of the
city, where she had been known and
A letter has come from her grief-
stricken husband, together with two
photographs, one taken sbortly before
ber death and•the other being that of
her tombstone in the little foreign ceme-
tery on the banks of the .Yangtse. The
letter is full of pathetic interest.
Of the voyage he writes:
Our voyage across the Pacific was un•
usually rough. With the exception of
two days, each day was dark, dreary,
cold and stormy. Our dear lassie was
on deck but little. She spent most of
her time snuggled down in her berth
below. There she seemed but little dis-
turbed, save that she wearied °Eller long
constraint. At Yokohama she surprls•
ed us alt by her sprightliness, enjoying
to the full the streets, sloops, the
chrysanthemum shows and sn'ange
sights and sounds.
At Hankow, the patient's symptoms
were those' Of cholera• andingreat ap•
prehensions the captain of the. steamer
WAS asked to turn about. But "before
we reached Ichang, so sturdy were the
dear lassie's recuperative powers, she
was again et leble and on (leek, filling
her place in our little social -circle,
though more quietly than before." •
RANG1N0 1tn0E0 AND 5101110,
Rev, Mr. Stewart oouttesses
Day followed day with its ranging
hopes and fears as We voyaged up the
great river. Once she seemed decidedly
worse and we stopped for ttvo days in
the Cit of W
City anhsein thinking best
keg it to.
await the arrival of Dr. Cox and his
party. 'Then a Very decided improve
neat came, and asDr. Wilford Was ever
tvitlt us cu the boat, we thought bot to
ush on ten days to Ciuegkiug,
1'lto improvement still continued.
he began to sit ftp much of
be day, and even to walk a little. One
ay she Walked and stood loolting out
f the window for several minutes each
time. Alas, we sleets fear her coling,
eons, plucky little been outdid its
stren th
u o
for thn
ext.dav she did not
vase to sit up as before.; it !made her
' dizzy, she said, Mer hour'ishmeut in
creased, however, and we were ±1111 of
!lope when we t'1hd Chungking on
011e evening of Januaryrae1g.
The next mornlug Dr. McCartney!'
Head of the great Methodist E isco of
Hospital and a physician (*twenty
experience, clime to visit es, With his
assistance, recovery seemed assured by
even greater Needs, Friday, the nisi,
she ale and drank almost as in normal
health That night sloe
ss bol
the ex n •
l next Iotuiu 1
1, bright It again,;",the oldtil
tittle ile "f
r 1 sand suushme All through
she kept us from all thought of sorrow
by her sallies of !tumor, high courage
and hope. Saturday morning she was
no exception. "Te•day," she declared
as she awoke and took her first nourish-
ment, "to day is to be the dandiest day
Yet." Ah me 1 ,Flow little we dreamed
she would that day leave our little circle
to join the vast multitude who dwell in
the many missions of our Father's !louse
1t WOOS only when returning from
breakfast that for the first thdugltt she
looked more weary than before. Dr.
Wilford came in also, and though our
brave little lassie assured us she felt just
splendid, Dr. McCartney was sent for
with all speed, Our boy met him conn-
ing down to our boats, and be was with
us in less than ten minutes. It was at
once seen that the little heart which
had struggled on with such high courage
was failing at last. We dare nut tell her
our fears lest any excitement might
bring the crisis we wrought and prayed
to prevent. For a time her heart re-
sponded bravely, and we were full of
hope and thanksgiving. Tbeu sudden -
1y as though she sighted the golden eity,
afar off, she turnedthose dear grey eyes
from us, breathed gently, peacefully and
was gone. All me 1 we called her then,
and called again. Once her lips moved
feebly, as tbough they would fain reply,
but. there was no murmur or sound,
With her, there was no last words, no
sadness of farewell, no moaning of the
bar. -Hers must be first words, glad
words of greeting as we meet at the
gates of the morn. And it was high
Mrs. McCartney, dear Dell's fellow-
towuswoman.fron0 Lpndou, and a train-
ed nurse, came to our assistance. Gent-
ly we dressed ss d ierin the green travelling
dress she loved so well, tor the long,
long journey, tolled her mass of flaxen
hair as her deft fingers so often did. then
folded her hands to rest. Such per-
petuai peace shone and smiled from her
dear form and face, that sorrow and
weeping seemed forbidden in her.presen-
ce. I could not think she was dead.
She seemed seated by my side viewing
with me those great mysteries, and was
she not i'
Monday afternoon friends brought one
of the great, thick pine coffins, varnish-
ed over and over to prevent decay, in
which the people of tills ancient empire
love best to bury their dead. Without
it was sbiniug black, within, it was lined
and padded with softest white silk.
Slowly, sweetly we tucked our little lady
in after a time, her soft eiderdown com-
foster about her and under her head,
with its waves of golden hair, her snow-
white pillow from the homeland, It
was Springtime in that laud of flowers
so we strewed nature's offering about
our beloved with one pure white rose on
her breast.
Silently we stood about while Mr.
Taylor, of our party, read His majestic ,
words of the many mansions ; then
strong hands bore her forth. On a little
boat, the bier covered with her country's
long rest. The boys of cur party rend
eae'a A pert of that sacred service, and
then we stood with bowed heads until ell
wet ever, and the great golden sun in
the Nest shot its arrows far afield like
watch•fires o'er the celestial gateway,
and .'rem the East the silvery moon rose
slowly breathing overall her benedictien
of silence. Even then, and singe, it
seemed all a strange, solemn dream, In.
v'bluntarily more than onee, I looked
about me l0 A
C t 11 t
e her , t
i face among'
n1 nl:
friends e who stood too n 1.
d watt t , s',
suredly she was there, het the nni3r'taw,
had put on inlnlortality,' •
That was 'armory 24. Three Wacker'
have guile by sines then, and we a'0'
BRAlil au 0111' way Westward. Blessed
be work, Surely not tie "curse of 0103'
race but the blessing He would have I"4
believe who said f "My Father workelh
hitherto, and I work,"
New Spring Shoes
Large Stock Low Prices
Up-to-date Styles
And for all sizes of feet, even, to
the little tot. Bring along your
feet and let us fit' them. We will
please you and suit your purse
aS well,
In our Harness Department
will be found a good stock of
Heavy and Light Harness our own make and the price and
quality to suit, Trunks, Satchels, Rubber Rugs, Dusters,
Whips, &c., also Go Carts to wheel the little folks in,
Repairs la Collars, Harness,
Boots and Shoes done promptly g es
4.4,444...t..i.. i'.4.4.4..4..i•e✓re 1•e•1•e•i•44.44+•i•e�r4••t.4.04.0+e•4•4+e
l t
e r
Misses Sanderson & C:.., rr
• •
• •
(Toronto Millinery rl"arlors
.•• •••44+.4.+•+•÷44.•+.4.+44.-,...4•+•÷•+•+•+•÷•+•••••••
Wish to announce that they have a com-
plete showing of Mid -Summer Hats
ranging in price from $1.50 to
$10.00. If you have not already pur-
chased call and see them.
Very Latest Styles Assured.
degs,•and wreaths and wheels of roses
and red and white camellias, we dropped
down the great yellow Yangtse for half
a mile, then up the little river that
pierces the heart of these twin cities.
Two miles to the North on the hills four
hundred feet above the river that rushes
below, and surrounded on all sides as far,
as the eye can see with Chinese graves,
lies the foreign cemetery. Thither we
bore our beloved. There eternal peace
reigns, unbroken by the roaring of the
great river, and the commotion of the
great city far below. There sleep other
noble women and brave men who from
many lands have come to plant His
Kingdom in this vast empire. And
there British blue jackets and Chinese
coolies lowered our loved one to her last
Do you require
a Buggy ?
LetMcLaughlin, of Walton
Supply you
See his Special Bargain at on-
ly $60. It's a dandy. If
you want to save money buy
from him,
Kaplan 2.0$2andCostuw
Will stand for service this season at their own stable,
BRUSSELS. Parties desiring to breed to good stoc.
should call aucl inspect our horses ant ascertain rates
for 1910.
NO. 9
Says the Miller:
"'Mr. and Mrs. Grocer' were down to my place' for Sunday
dinner awhile back—and What do you think! We had a wishing
contest—to see who could wish for the most delicious and whole-
some eatable. We all closed our eyes end wished. And behold,
if we didn't all four of us wish for the same thing. Buns and Bread made of
6 Cream of Hie West' Flour
So we had "em—my Wife always has 'em ready, because they're in great
demand at our house." A "Model Mill " product.
TM Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto. Canada