HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-26, Page 2Formulae Have Been Well Trod Out Though the NA. -DRU -CO line of Mediaiatal and Toilet Preparations have been .an sale 'buyiug O goods you are Porn few months only, dant slunk for nlluuttr that in bu In NA•DRU-G. experbnbeltting with new or untried preparations. Their Origin The twenty-one wholesale drug firths now united In the "Net:onai" ltarl all of them lengthy careers, seine for fifty to one hundred years, prior to the union. RSelt first had acquired or developed a number of valuable t urbanite for medicinal and toilet preparations, all of wtdeL became the property of the "National". Since the union our expert chemists have carefully gone over these formuhe and selected the best for the Nil,-D1tW-CO line. Every formula has been carefully studied by these experts, improved if possible, and t:tert, thoroughly tested again, in actual tale, before we consider it good enough to bear clic NA -DRU -CO Trade Mark. An Example A good example of what we meat is NA. -DRU -CO Nervazone for Drain Fag or nervous break -down. The formula was pronounced the most seteattfic eont- hinatiott of nerve medicines, but this was enough for us; we hada tried out with a dozen different kind of Wein workers — School Teachers, Lawyers, Book- keepera--as well as Society leaders and horse workers, and everywhere the result was so good that we adopted. it es cue Of the best of the DTA -ARU -CO line. There are therefore no experiments among NA.1)1ttlaCO preparations. we have invested alto- gether tax, utach ante, work and money in the NA-DRfacee Hue to take any chances of discrediting it with preparatieus that might not prove satisfactory. We make absolutely certain thateast preparation is satisfactory before we endorse await the NA -DRU -CO Trade Rlark. Ask your phyaictan or your arenas about the firm behind NA-DRtf-00 preparations and about the NA-DRI147,0 line. They ran tell you, forwe will furnish them, on request, a full list of the ingredients in any NA -DRU -CO article. "Money Back" If by any chance you should not be entirely satisfied with any NA -DRU -CO article you try, return the unused portion to the druggist est Prem whole you bought it, and he will refiutd your motley—willingly, too, because we relent to hilt every cent he gives back to you. if your druggist should not stave the particular NA -DRU -CO article you a,k`for in stock he can get it for you withiu two days front our nearest wholesale breech. Some NA -DRU -CO Preparations You'll Find Most Satisfactory. Camphor Ice Baby's Tablet. Dyspepsia Tablets Creoseloor Toilet Cream Carbone Sulve.Headache Wafers Talcum Powder Carers Laxatives trebtnts) Korb Tablets Tooth Parte Cod liver 011 Compound. Nervoeone Tooth Powder Taatelou. (2 Sizes) Pile Ointment �" National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited ONLY OUR PROOU0eo REAR THIS TRADE MARK, Whnleralo Branches at: HALIFAX, ST. JOHI4, MONTREAL OTTAWA. KINGSTON, TORONTO. HAMILTON, LONDON, WINNIPEG. REGINA. CALGARY, NELSON. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Rhoumetiem Cure Sem of Milk Stuinlea, iodine Ointment Toothache Gum White Liniment ALWAYS 1004 FOR THIS TRADG MARE iN. d �VSIE�Y G� ftlEE1P; OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. 01iAPTDR VII. When Maxime awoke next morn- ing the scenes in Rue Jouffroy pre- sented themselees under a new as- peet. Now that he had come out from the hubbub and could reason morecalmly, he began to extract a few certainties from among all these obscurities. • The marvel of the Rink was not the friend of Borisoff. On this point there. was no possibility of mistake. She had directed a plot for the de- liverance of Robert de Carnoel, sod the plot had succeeded. But • Ly shat miracle of address had she come to deceive Borisoff and in- duce hila to bring his prisoner to h.,: beam 7 And who was this Mad - see Sargent. who showed herself only to vanish immediately, who skated at the Rink like an adten- tt'reas, who was enthroned like a great lady in the first boxes at the opera, who supped with a Bertha • Ye rrier, who had at her disposal a In luso• peopled with liveried ser- vants, who exhibited herself one evening in company with a suspici- ous boyaed,, and a month alter was brcught home by the most authenti- oeted of Russian colonels' To all tine he was prepared with a reply. The pretended Madame Sergent could be none other thanthe agent of the conspirators who had sto- len Borisoff's papers, an intimate friend of the thief who had left her hand in the claws of the safe. But if Madame Sergent were this, what was to be thought of Carnoel? Ei- ther he was her lover or her aacom- plice. This melancholy conclusion forced itself upon Maxima. And in these eases he had betrayed poor Alice: he was unworthy of the love of the girl who perished in believ- ing in his innocence. "So," thought Maxime, "those who accused the Lord Carnoel were right, and 1 for my part acted as foolishly as Don Quixote when he undertook to deliver the bandits who were being led to the galleys." But he could not forget that it was not he alone who had under- taken the defence of his uncle's sec- retary, The Countess Yalta affirm- ed vehemently that Robert de .Car - noel was the victim of atrocious in- ittstice. She it was who had oast doubts into the mind of Alice just es the poor child had begun to be- lieve in the guilt of her lover. It wee she who had fired the zeal of Maximo, who had launched him in- to a senseless enterprise. Her in- terest in him drew its inspiration fate a feeling of chivalry, a natural propensity to defend the weak and succor the oppressed: But thin noe- tnrnal adventure proved that her pit', was ill placed. Maximo pro- posed to relate this history to her and hoped to convert her to more rationa] views. was ttnpatfent also to de- nenn.do alto eondudt to ,has fenoing- master who had shown himself the a11,v of Madame Sergent, anal had certainly acted without the know- ledge of the noble woman in whose service he was engaged. In the last interview with Ma- claine Yalta, ,,she had clearly ex- plained herself on the subject of the Nihilists and their adherents. "I have the good fortune not to Le a Russian subject," were her words; "I have therefore nothing to do with these people, but I be- long by instinct to the party of the picseribod, and am not of that of thievele and murderers." But it was not surprising that a hireling had betrayed his mistress, and at might even be that Madame Yalta was surrounded, unknown to herself, by scoundrels affiliated with a sect whose dream is univer- sa.i destruction. These wretches were known to re everywhere, an l:o escaousn themselves from choice where no on. suspected they would have the audacity to enter. If the reaming - master, Kardiki, was one of them, as it appeared, he had welI chosen his post. The superb mansion of the Avenue de Friedland was a sure asylum where no one would think of looking for a socialist con- spirator. He hastened to dress, and had only put on his overcoat and hat, when his valet presented him the card of a gentleman who asked to see him. He was about to be excused to this, early visitor, when to his great surprise he saw on the card the name of Dr. Villagos. What could be the Hungarian dee tor's object in this visit to a small apartment of Rue de Cha- teaudun where he had never set flet before? Concluding he had been sent by the countess, he re- fiained from excusing himself, simply resolving to be very cauti- ous and beware of letting him into his confidence. The doctor entered smiling. "Dear monsieur.," he said, "you must he a little surprised at seeing me so early. I should not have dis- turbed you at this unusual hour had I not brought you news'of a person in whom you are interest- ed." "The Countess •Yalta? How is she?, I was sorrto find her suf- fering yesterday." "She received you, then?" Maxime bit his lips. He saw too late that in spt`te of his sago reso- lutions he had committed an indis- cretion. ""Yes," :he said with embarrass- ment, '`she was good enough to do so—but a remembered your orders and made my visitshort." "Oh," resumed the doctor, laughing, "I shall not scold her. You have proved very agreeable to bee end she assorts +that distraction will do lier more good than my remedies. Dut it isnot of my dear patient I wish to speak with you." "0f whom, then?" asked Max - tine, his curiosity beginning to. aevaken. "Of a woman who perplexed you very much six weeks or two months ago, You retncrnber the marvel- lous brunette whom I pointed out to you at the Rink?" "Yes, certainly," he replied with some agitation. "Have you seen her since?" This unexpected question discos - carted Maxime, but an immediate. i reply was necessary, and he an-' ICaere! a asive1 v "I have seen her once at the? y: theatre." "And you spoke to her?" "No, she was in a box with a gen- tleman." "A foreigner, was he not?" "He had that wppoarance." The doctor reflected for a mo- ment. Maxime more and more con -1 fused by this singular questioning! could not long remain silent. "You know her, then 1" he asked, snaking with a certain uneasiness at Villagos. "One of my friends knows her, 1 and he was with her when daisy be- fore yesterday I passed her in rho street." "And he has told you who she is?" "Yes, and it is so curious a his- tory that I came expressly to re- late it to you. This creature who amuses herself with skating on casters like a einsple cocette, and whc looks like an Andalusian ; this girl with eyes of fire is a Russian and a Russian Nihilist—erne of those lunatics whose dream is to abolish everything." "It is astounding!" cried Max - in e, feigning astonishment, though the doctor told him nothing new. "And your friend is sure of his facts?" "Very sure. You will see, pre- ser•tly, that he is well informed. The evening you escorted her from the Rink did she not take you to e. house in Rue Jouffroy?" "Yes," replied Maximo, "And when you wer,t next morn- ing to enquire for her the answer woo that they did not know her?" "You know that!" "No, but I guess it. You were so much excited about this marvel of a beauty that you would not be pet off by the first cheek you re- ceived. Moreover, my friend told me that the lady had there a tern- ,perary lodging, which s'he never occupied two nights successively." "Did your friend tell you why tali has returned?„ "Yes, and it, is to speak to you of that, that I came. She arrived there yesterday and is there now." "Your friend is mistaken. She is not there," said Maxime, heed- lessly. "She was yesterday evening, and unless she can have decamped last night—but prepare yourself to bo thunder -struck: Do you know why sl'e has resumed temporary posses- sion of this mysterious abode? That she might receive there one of the accomplleos whom you know bet- ter than 1—your uncle's ex -secre- tary," "You see that your dear coun- tess was wrong to interest herself about that, young man." "Good ! good 1" said the doctor, laughing. "1 know she has re- eomniended silence. She is a little distrustful of me because she knows I do not approve her romantic fan - eieet but Ale ended by confessing that she bed ]annalted you into the beano enterprise of finding this Caramel, Ido not know what you have done, but I rain going to aid you .with a piceo of valuable infor- mation. Ithing lk[adame;Yalta was *)'ung to embark you in this foolish expedition, but the evil is done, and I wish only to sops; e you, She is ben on fitali'ing up blips youth who has fallen into the sea; well, we wi" fish him up together. I shall not be sorry to deliver him from the toils of this wol•thless woman, which it is in my power to do, and cue° withdrawn from her, we will fat•ilitato his ombarkling for Ameri- ca I suppose you Ito longer think of reinstating him that he may marry your eousin ? Olt, no," said 'Maximo, "m inind is. `hallo up about hint."y "Geed l: we are agreed, 'then, on on"i point. It is what we are to en- dertake at tlio lady's hawse that cul;cerns: us now;; bat we must know at what dolor to knock; 'These female Ni'hilf st,e are marvellously skilful in eluding reseanelies-this olio especially. We should fail unquostkonab]y if we went to seek for her where she is not, and the check would be irreparable. Now sac can be in only one of two hous- es, either the house in Rue jowl - hoe, or—" "I affirm that she has left Rue Jeuffroy." 'Very well, I take your word for it. You assert the, ,she Inas gone ; it would almost seem as )if you hail assisted in the mewing. We hare, ti en, nothing to dobut present our- selves at a certain house to which they have t'i ansfkrrcd their nest." "When?" "This evening, if ,you will; or ra- ther lto-night, for it is just as well we should not be seen entering the house of a woman whose mysterious ways must have attracted tate atten- tion of the neighbors." els it like the ether 711 "No, it is a lodging meanly fur- nished in the faubourg St. Honore near St. Philippe du Dolle." "It is very astonishing, and 'I out h wonder, nder above all, ' taut you s olid be so well informed " said Max in1c, to whom a feeling. of distrust of the doctor now and then re-. turned. "Nothing is simpler," said the doctor. ''My friend has been irri- mal:ely connected w th her. He was madly in love with her, but lend the -courage to separate from her when he discovered that she was an active Nihilist. She dues not hide from-1vim, however. Iir France she incurs little or no risk, and ae sti1] i possesses a certain influence ever her ; first, because ,he knows her secret, and eecondly, because to ward the end of the liaison he drew her from a very dangerous predict). Camphor See ASl wt {pttg,�pyi S. •. 73 . FOR CHAPPED SKID AIN LIPS, COLD SORES, ° ISAODRE`ir 12 Vaseline P:eatiedits in Tubes oapsleem. Borated. Mentholated, Carbo - luted, Camphorated, WhItte.Oxldc of Zinc, etc. Each for special purposes. Write for Free Vaseline Beer. OHESrRROUCH MVO. CO. (Cons'd) 370 Oralg St. W.. Montreal "THE DEAD HAS COME TO UFE" A "Ffll111 •TIVES" MIflACI.F MRS, JAMC'3 FENW,CK lynterprise, Ont., October Tat, rgo8. "I sintered tortures for seven long years front a Water Tumor, I was forced to take morphia constantly to relieve the awful pains, and I wanted to die to get relief. The doctors gave Inc up and my friends hioltriy expected *try death. 'Alen I was induced to take "Pruit.a-tires" and this wonderful fruit medicine 1105 completely cured rue, When I appeared on the street again my friends exolaitued •The dead has come to life.' The cure was a positive uliraeld." MRS. JAM`S I'ENWICI�. Soo a box --6 for $2.5o --or trial box, the, At dealers or from fruit-a-ttves Lunited, Ottawa. anent. Now I atm going to explain to you how we shall proceed if y c agree to accompany. us." • "Gladly. Where, shall we anest3" Would you objeot to joining us At midnight le the :Champs-Ely- sees7" "Not at all," "Well, from there wo will go to the part of rho city eine lives ill• My friend knows the house in which she hides and, wit.l knew how to !bake it open to us," "We will go armed, will we not? It would be more prudent. There is no telling what might, happen," "Armed! why? You fano), the blut,etto' will receive yon with a Pistol? Make yourself: easy; she will take care not to create a dis- turbance; and as for this Al, de Gemmel, he is as anxious as aaty one to avoid .publicity. For my l'tu't, T shall hike only a coni,, and I teoommetid you to do late sante." "But," said Maxime, after a lit- tle hesitation, "this woman 111ay be eurroundecl with pereenas wild +•bill• •al Oii the Fal C�o4•a•�o 44.4°aP•a•ao+alo+c FARMERS AND FOWLS, Until within tho last few years the attitude of 19 out of every 20 lea mere was one of ,,pen hostility towards poultry -keeping in any shape or forint and had the bulk of thorn followed their - own inclina- tions lliie alas of stock would have been banished from the laud, 'fiat this was a foolish attitude most of thc)n- now readily admit, since the industry has made suck rapid are capableof doing' us bassi when wtiides during the past few years 01110 eve tiro in her lodging." that it is now t•egardod as perhaps 11'ltat 1 30 1411!,1)000 siac liar do- the most profitable of all the many ;nestles in such a ;,Iltr00 as that?'' 1111001' branches of agriculture.' In "'1 colli know; but 1 knoslue all parts of the country poultry - haat 'three' or four in Yter scrvicasw in Rut, Jouffroyt" ""Those lackeys must have dile persed'when she abandoned her keeping is being taken up enthusi- astically, sometimes, one is afraid, tea enthesiastioally, for while pottle try can be made to pay well, pro- house, for she has abitncloned lt; tided that they receive proper - you are certain of tli]s?"' lskocl treatment asci the conditions era llatg'os. Y , Yes,`' replied Maximo, with em- barrassluent. (To be continued.) e. . ' es of farming. Among no class of Never judge a woman"s intellecti the community has poultry -keeping bt tli nuuiboa of rings she uva is made such great and rapid strides favorable the will never, as is so frequently claimed, ,yield a fortune, nor will they take the place of the larger and more important branch - e as among farmers, both large and A flavorful used the sumo as lama or unlita. small, and it is to these undoubt- Eyy dlesohuitC granule ted sugar iu water Pad edrly that we must look for the atldtngbetto �qte, ado anus-i'rgp tom000 anJ a eyrup bettti rttas maple. -Lis tainsp(s r,old br grentost developments in the near grater , I4 rpt 0110. 850 far 2 O.I.'bottle d114 future. r adna book. Crescent MI' e. Co.,SeatUe, Wa The farmer's uegloet of poultry fa ra,wtr-normv: 0 is the expert's favorite theme of la - meet. The farmer is invariably it's your At r J4 de VOU have a home and it should he - made the scapegoat for the millions your pride. IS 111' is it punt- ° of money—in 1909 it amounted to ed just nicely? Why net given a .` £7,235 30 —that leave this coal of that paint that has beet: testedcountry' outthoroughly—we meat: rt. evor year to be pocketed by our A . 14x, SAY'S PA! z'• T ou haveexperiment, notimetoand it is the farmer who has to bear ns ttamsa) s Paints have been ex the brunt of anyoom laiata that j�,�� perimented ash en thousands of p r7) homes, the quality is known and may 'be made eonoerning the fre- e* guaranteed. Auybady sill leis you equen't stale cess of the breakfast boui'Ita,nsay's Pnhnls. hot us end egg, the substitution ofe "pickled" you our beautiful booklet, felting yl eggs for new-laids, and the infer - ,,bout house paintinb Write torio_ quality of many so-called Sea - Booklet 'W." - We [nailitfret..; tcix or Surrey chickens. It is said A. RA M SAY .& SON CO., that he neglects his birds, that he tratabltaheS tan, • a, feeds them mainly upon maize --a foreign. rivals; the farmer is blamed when no ':English eggs are obtain- able during the winter months, and when the market is glutted during '•r the spring and early summer; and • The paint Makers, - Montreal notoriously bad food when supplied tro generous( --ord that b lk-:*UrsaresrnT S mogzEzsormar. • ae u FAH:MANES — MORSE Gas . line Engines SIZES 3. 3, 4, 6 I -1.P. SPECIALLY DESIGNED, FOR GENERAL. FARM WORK. They are so simple that the average farm hand can run them, and are practically Fool Proof and Frost Proof. Send to -day for catalogue G.E.•Ioz, W.P. CO., showing full line of engines for farm use. It means money saved for you. TERMS-- Special Terms to Farmers. The cFnliu II r?URBANR5 coMPAtlY, Limited, MONTREAL Yranchost—Toronto, 8t. John, N.B., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver ADDAr50 NOSY There'o a satisfaction Inc perfectly painted houso similar torten ones body 1. protected by good Mout clothing, rain -coat, top -`.oat and sturdy bcoto, The proteelton eaordedpropertynttor the paint coatt05 1s wore do0n to the hors wood Is no greater than giraleate worn down to the Mang. 5roteetr rabr propedr er that Itemsr,aa treat lsteru res, t'e 550.A etrene ea It entered, 0501111 11015 It, 115115.. statute he ors of wICptor ehrtn1, rpm'eata, thrill. 1).M offf Mtteref ore, of ran wind, co �ap ii 04 0011 kids oeos. it erytnitt ba 4µ,q ?pat i+—herr. k airs ?hat trhr ioeaawtr tae�i. rte seaee}}((er9eaaTun tdr sR,soufr est mRIB Rlabe Qtrocl ya�bb5lra A}r DMap�tlte a IN he _. beeine allSubatitatea Write for Ilhletrated booklet '�letw sulk ,' ani urs e, er t ma the tae • lbs iuk� Artlt.Senoau 10. air al SAILING FROM Montreal and Quebec to Bristol TRIPLE TURB;N? EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edward AND RoyI George Triple Screwy, Marconi Wirelesst, D sop Son Telephones, Passenger Elevators, 6 :Passenger Decks, 12,1100 tons. The " royal Ed ward" will iInv u;tlrate the fortnightly service of the Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited— The Royal Line --front Montreal and Quebec to Bristol on Thursday, May 26th. Best Appointed Steamers, The Most Pic- turesque Port. Only four days at sea. The twin ships. the " Royal Edward" and the t" Royal George" are tho fastest triple screw tur- bine boats in the Canadian service. The British port is Bristol (two hours nearer than Liverpool,) Special trains alongside steamers within no min. utes of London. Tho steamers are driven by the newest type of turbine engines, insuring a maxi• mum of speed and minimum of vibration. Their equipment is the finest ever seen in the St. Law. rence. Large staterooms, spacious social apart- ments, sheltered promenade decks, artistic furnish. Ings, perfect service, and ventilation by thereto. task system,.the fresh air being warmed or cooled as required. For full particulars, rates, booklets, schedule of sailings, etc,, apply 1) any steamship agent, or write to H. C. BOURLIER, Gen. A Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited, Toronto, Canada. of his stock birds aro mongrels. All these charges were true a few yeara ago. but they are no longer made be those who have taken the trou- ble to investigate the ,natter for themselves.—E. T. Brown in Lon- don (ting) Daily Mail. BITS 01 li NOW[J 1)GI•l.. Interesting Items of Information About 'Most Everything. A gallon of wine weighs 10 lbs. Insurance is compulsory in Ger- nittny. "SI men hearts beat faster than men's. The nlaximnnt age of a walnut- eo is 900 years. Tlee..re is usually more alcohol in eider than in beer. The London telephone area oov- 011 -G30 square miles. The total area of. the Congo is S02.000 square smiles. Five out of every hundred eI•im- inals in .England have red hair, Rural residents are generally tel- ler and heavier than diose in towns. Tbo Japanese Parliament met Inc the first time in November, Thr Emperor of Austria once. re- fused :$650,000 tor an opal weigbiae 17 ors. Ne15on's monument, in London, wa.ghs 1,500 tons, and is 177 feet high. In England and Wales there are 1.J packs (over 0,700 -couples) of f< xhounds. The seed used for wheat -growing usually amounts to 234 bushels per acre. At the beginning of last century Great Britain and Ireland had only al hospitals. 11 requires 50 lbs. of tallow can- dles to produce :is much light as 1,- 000 cubic feet of gas. Petroleum was last ,year involved in 214 cases of fire, resulting in 18 deaths, in London. Whon the chimneys of the Royal flint at Berlin are cleaned, about 51..000 worth of gold is taken from the soot. Disabled teachers hihrnnieh, Ctrmany, receive pensions of 7.0 per cent. of their salaries, and a sd'ool-master's wife who loses her husband gets three-fifths of his sal- , with an allowance for every child under twenty. An inveterate smoker, who has just died at Val Blongo, in tlla ('an - tan of Tessin, Switzerland, has left. irietructions in his will thata kilo gram of tobacco, a pipe, two boxes of matches. and c walking stick are to be placed in his coffin; A new by-law has just been put i -to operation at `Paragould, in Ar- lcaustes, which provides that "any adult found in the streets between midnight and four ;n the morning wilt bo filled, irsloss the 4:xeusc 'h'. e, e, is satisfactory to the cuagiatra-4d and thcmw,yor." ,1-v, a'