HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1910-5-12, Page 7EEX fight. ,vork, lour. raid, ,ATH' trued :cure• OMB ) for ,ility ,able•, •An- arlT corn . oney your test. 'ant, TWO PTP iAti oI lc arm tree 7 to. ;stn. leen err.. lino ,ori or ver. OTS Ding you. )N- ag.. nate. Ltd„ d?` the res • non tat. ED, i MYSIIRY °C[ENNED 11f OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA, CHAPTER VL-(Cont'd) "Look 1 -"',yard Maximo, layg his hand on the arm of M. Bidard, "do' you Dee those three shadows out- lined en the curtain'of the salon'l" "Certainly, the woman and the two messieurs, parbleu 1Iust •bo that sapper isn't ready, or they are expecting some one; they don't ap- pear to be going to the dining room, , "They are standing, though." "Yes, or bowing and scraping. Seer the tallest bows, and the co eoqe gives him her hand; WS rot ,sing like any thing, 'pun my d, One might believe ',himself Seraphin's: Chinese shadows." "All! a►r! the one that bowed is going out; there are only two sil- h(uettes to be seen now." "Likely he's gone to,bed.: The ether is the cuootte's gentleman The friend whocame with them bas said good -night." . "No, if that was so they wouldn't have lighted the salon and dining- - room; But we shall see. „ Five minutes passed inci- dent. i- dent. The two stories were brilli- antly lighted, but the shadows -had disappeared. Suddenly: the little dear through which Madame Ser - gest laid disappeared the evening -of 'the Rink was opened softly. A man appeared on the threshold fol- , lowed by a servant hearing a, light with two branches. Tay the bright nese of this light Maxime .recogniz- ed Borisoff and redoubled his atten- tion. He held a short colloquy with the valet de pied which by means of the gestures the observer r interpreted for himself, "He says he willreturn," thcught IlrIaxime, "and the servant explains s that he has only to ring t g a,rcl they wopen eu to him." 1 The door closes again. Borisoff goes toward the Boulevard Male- shei'bes. And now the fencing-mas- ` ter and the thief reappear behind the window of •the salon. From theist's they observe the colonel. Trey are awaiting his return. "Shall I follow their example or risk a sally to see where ho is go- ingl" Maxine determined on the '.te•. `Listen," :he said to his ally Bi- rd, "I want to find out what that tan is going to do. I am going to Ilow him to the end of the street a return." "That is easy. I will open to nsieur and resume my post. oiisi.Ytr bas only to knock on the window when he returns." Maximo glided into the street and saw Borisoff 'fifteensteps in ad-, vauce, and at the same time a. man whose feet were pattering on the aqua -re at the eutrance of Rue Jouffroy. This ores no other than the ooacllnan of his victoria. "Good!" he thought, "1 may let my Russian pass on. My coachman l�+i• win tell me which way he took.'' So he disappeared in the shadow of the y war, to watch events bora afar. The colonel walkingquickly soon reached the Boulevard 1•Ialcshor- bes ; there be stopped, and- obscrv- ieg the coachman, went straight to- ward him. This surpr'ised'Maximo, who z.. ganato look with all his eyes, ering, with a certain anxiety, What 13orisoff had to say to this man. The conversation prolonged itself for an unreasonable length -of tine, more than could be needed to ascertain from a coachman whe- ther his carriage. was free. But et length Borisoff .passed on his way and was lost in the darkness. 11iax- i1r11.after waiting awhile, went to- ward the boulevard. Arrived at the end of the street he stopped to loop around, then turned, to the right and rejoined the c0aeltnlan, who recognized him immediately and, began to laugh. . '"Ah, ntonsionr," he said, "la partieuliere'3 gentleman wanted to pump me, but 1 turned him off nide- ly Fancy that seeing. my coach drawn up here he mistrusted me at ones and asked if I had brought somebody to Rue Jouffroy. 1 knew ‘t, hitt and t `wns up tuld him was waiting for a doctor who hired me by the-, month, and was on a visit in that big house Lou a yonder—on the boulevard." • Really 1" exclaimed Maxine, "you have put him off file track. That was a good idea of yours, and of I shall remember it when we set - ).'S tie." "Oh," said the coachman, "I'm not uneasy about my pourboire; I know my man. That's why I could tell that tall olio there was the Husband, and a 'husband jealous as a turkey, and 1 sec well enough that you mean to play him a trick." • "Perhaps, but, did he not ask you to drive him sol iiewhcre11 11 " i � ,", us itvoiced him i, see ni x ,Y 011 ail agc drawls 111, lit the earl cr.rIhe . ht: where rc, he had lost 1. Pl his :here , he 'v f was')'t r 1)0')) ' riag a Anti) 1 av , t la 'rem ;11631. Serb scent. Ile asked me first if I would drsive him home—.onlay two steps,— Bail I should have a hundred sous. Ila alight have offered me a l•ouis, and Id have stayed by you. And when he saw 1 didn't bite, he filed 'tiff. I would lay a litre he's al- ready at the Boulevard de Cour- celles." "You did well, mon brave, to send that man. off to walk, and I promise ,you shal.1.losc•nothing. He' t 'n animal, iii al anti as 'I will return, the n t 11 want to watoh hila, I amu going to station nayaelf as sentry at a place below, You will remain here and keep your eyes open, and when'I return tell me what you have seen If by chance I should' need your services, may I.couat on. you l" ".L'nlly. You have only to 'call out, Auguste! and I: conte at a gal .If any thumping is to be done, I can prove [.bat I am not +,nae -handed.' "Thanks, and au revoir to -night or to-marrow,.according as events niay determine." flatteredthe col - Auguste, by lft donne in hila exhibited by his, mon- Maur, made a magnificent gesture,. which signified: ." Be easy; I ant here." And having thus arranged his affairs, Maxime hastened to regain his ambuscade. The porter awaited him and open- ed—with great alacrity, anxious to learn the. result of the sally. "Is monsieur satisfied? Has monsieur discovered . anything new 1" "Thu -man sped away by the Boulevard ivralesherbes, but I em satisfied he means to return." "Oh, 'that is clear as day. They are not oin le without him. g g to tab An is lit upnothin moves in the house. and Proof that they are waiting for him." • "Rush!" said Maxine, in a low voice. At this moment a carriage stopped a hundred metres from Madame Sergent's lianas. To Maxirne's great amazement, Robert de Cernoel descended from the carriage and advanced toward the house, 'flanked by two tall mon who pressed him closely, but did nos hold himas policemen do a prisoner. They had even the ap- neas -crime of talking with him, and it could be seen he walked of his own freewill, The door was open and a valet; de pied stood -there With a light. Evidently he waited to receive Carnoei. "Monsieur," said Bidard under his breath, "I believe they are g� - mg to con -unit a crime. They are bringing the young,nian to the Tour de Neste. Surely it is to strangle hini. I have a .mind . to call for help.", "Not yet," replied Maxine,. quickly, "see first what they will "Look, sir! above there—in the salon—»those two shadows behind the windows—„ "It is Che lady and her friend, the ono' who remained --they arc expecting the other. They heard the carriage ,and have cone to the wild -ow." "I lay a wager they don't open i;. My two tenants' of the third story have opened theirs, and the brigands don't care to show them- selves. ' "See ! the shadows disappear I it is the street we• iltust watch." Nothing extraordinary occurred. The carriage did not move—neither did the three; men who had come as scouts. They had well chosen -their places, for they seemed . to make part bf the wall, and to slissa cel 11 tlteni it was necessary to know they were there. The coachman remained motion- less on his seat. Robert de Carted reached the little door esoortecl by trail persons suitably attired, acid folio -wed by a third who' left the berlin alter him. A chance pas- ser-by, whom a nocturnal promen- ade had led to Rue Jtatiffroy would. have thoughtht it all quite natural. Four cut gentlemen, arriving ' iu a beautiful carriage before a house whose master gives a soiree is tp anywhere; but aeon often and 1 \ Ile Y > this very ordinary spectacle excit- ed Maxims to the highest pitch, Robert de Carnoel falling in the midst of these people was stranger than all the rest. • .`,Where alit] he coine from'? Had he been the colonel's prisoner, and if so, why had he let hint coin- out? Whyy did he bring him to the .so- called so- called Madame Sergent's 4" , Jag, as tike ei-clevant secretary reached the. door, where a servant armed with a toroh awaited him, e sii'arlgo noise pierced through the si1(iirre of the night. It was. the lather the x't 6f a tack, 1C 11 C 4 1 or coenter fait of it, proceecding from a hnin0n throat. tt "It's up f,110:•1)," whispe) d the porter; "tile (1ct41s on th tliit'd STOMACH' MISER BANISHED BY "FRUIT-p-1!BgS" MAI..ALCIDE HEogRT Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co,, Que. "I have been completely cured of a frightful condition of my Stomach tbrottgk the wonderful fruit medicine 'Ixruit a tives'. I could not eat anything but what I suffered awful pain from Indigestion, 114y head ached incessantly. I was told to try 'Fruit -a -Lives' and sent for six poxes. Now I ant entirely well,can eat any ordinary nry fcod and neverlha(e a Headache." A1:,CI'DE Hz BIIiT, Soo. a box, 6 for $a,so, or trial box, 25c. At all dealers or from Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa. floor are at the window. One is a comical fellow—likely he'll make us. laugh." Maxixne had little inclination of that sort, and the persons on the street still less. They looked up to see who had' uttered this mock - in„ appeal --all, including the coachman- on the box, this singular coachman with a tali hat on. The one who paid least attention to this. successful imitation of the reville chant was undoubtedly Robert tie Carnet. He appeared in haste to enter, and the valet who held the candelabra made way for him to pass. One of the three escorts passed the threshold immediately after the prisoner, and the two others were about to de the sante, but -the torch -bearer held a brief colloquy with them, during which they paused, standing en each side of the door their comrade had just entered. The -coachman in citizen's dress tied the reins, left los seat precipitately and handed his whip the individuals tressed to one of rade~ dt s 1 .against the wall. This man left his post and placed himself et the head of the horses. "Monsieur," said the porter in a low voice, "look! the lights are put out in the salon. Droll idea that! to blow out the candles just as the guests arrive -the . dining -room, tco 1 They must intend to . spend the night playing hide-and-seek. Look! it seems to confound the man who has just gotten down from the box—he looks at the windows— he retreats a. little to get a better view -yes, ogle as , you will, my you ere; y child, all is black up there; , must go in without alight." Borisoff standing in the middle' of the street appeared to hesitate. He turned and looked up, probably to see if the persons who had imi- tated the cock were still at the win- dows. He then went straight to the door guarded by two of his subalterns. They moved aside to make way, and just assise was about to push it open, it was closed vio- lently by some one on . the inside. "Ah 1 they have slammed the door in his face," exclaimed M. Bidard; "what was that coachman after? Diel he suppose : himself invited tong" "It is no coachman," said Max- ims-, who had recognized Borisoff. "Be: is queerly dressed for hold- ing the reins, that's a fact, But if he is' a nlonsieitr, why was he on the box? Oh, oh! he is angry; he knocks at the door,—beats with his fee;. and fists. Good 1 there aro the two.others taking part in it. If the door was riot pretty. firm they would break it down. What an up- roar they make! They will rouse the neighborhood. I am astonish- ed the two clerks up there haven't cried out wolf," "Hush! the dining -room window 'opens; a man appears there. .It is one of the two who entered a`min- ute ago. I recognize his square shoulders, Ah! there is the ama- teur coachman approaching; they are having a talk. I want to hear what they say, Open the easement a little way --softly." "It is imprtident, perhaps—but if monsieur.. lvishes The complaisant Bidard ended 1 win- dow Ain the opening Isis sentence by1 g pion and Max- i= with grout caution, lasten.ed,. A lively colloquy was taking place .t bwcen the person who had ap- • n o Peered itt the window end the col- onel in the street. Both spoke land enough to be heard, but at du first words that reaehad his ear: Maxillae .discovered that they spoke ill T.tiissian. Bidard, who was listening, said: ''''What a language! It must be Chinese. 1 thought .those scamps were not French; Dame! the friends of tide Prussian ! and seo hoer their etas earrying an, -what 'gestures they make." c. 'nal r mutein 'signals, s The talkers wore g f;i ti(1-iols Maximo strove to interpret, Evidently Wag of as one ' h • question w ,la oath t r a niosinting-or descending. `like dining-roe:It wet ami the ground -floor, an elevated amend - floor, it t1•no, but tiro window was j not mare than teal feet from the ground. An adroit snap alight (isk the leap, no' did it seem impassible to seale•it, The valet leaned on the beloony, measuring ' with his eye the distance from top to bottom. Tile master, on the pavement, mea- sured it from bottouf to top, The Mon who guarded the door,. and those pieced .Against the wall, ap- proached the color -el and formed a envie around him. The little troop disposed itself as if for assault, The man who held the horses brought forward the berlin .and placed it under the window. "They are about to invade the house," Maxime eriei out; "two of them areclimbing on the box; the carriage. is to serve them for a lad- der." "Alt 1- verily," exclaimed Bidard, "that is too much. Right here, in the finest neighborhood in Paris, to have these brigands acting like- they iketheybelieved it was the forest of Bondy. I am going to give the alarm—if monsieur does net op- pose it." At this moment the e c t -crown n g sounded out still more clearly, ac- companied by a rattling noise. A falsetto voice cried out: "Out - throat!" A base voice roared: "Scaling a wall—in the. night -oc- cupied house—band of malefactors —galleys for life." `(To be continued.) Y YOU E WH R THIN r HOW TO GET FLESHY. Discusses Causes of Thinness and ;Gives New Method of Increasing Weight and Rounding Out the Form. Prescription Accomplishes Wonders A treatment which anyone can prepare .cheaply at home, has ;been found to increase the weight, im- prove the health, round out.scraw- ny figures, improve the bust, brighten the eyes and put new color into the cheek's and lips of anyone who is too thin and bloodless. 'It puts flesh onthose who have been always thin whether from disease er natural tendency; ; on those who by heavy eating and diet have in vain tried to increase ; on those who feel well but can't get fat; and on those who have tried every known p in vain. It is a powerful method aid to digestion, nutrition and as- similation. It assists the blood and nerves to distribute all over the body the flesh elements contained in food, and gives the thin person the same absorbing qualities pos- sessed by the naturally fleshy. Everybody is about the same, but certain elements and organs •of blood and nerves are deficient and until this is corrected, thin people will stay thin. The nutrition stays in the body after separation by the digestive functions instead of pass- ing through unused, when this e of blended val- uable treatment o d d medi- cines is used. Practically no one can remain thin who uses it, for it supplies' the long need. Mix in a half plat bottle, three ounces of essence of pepsin, and three ounces of syrup of rhubarb. Then adcl one ounce compound es- sence cardiol. Shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce of tinetu.re cademeno compound (not cardamom). Shake well and take a teaspoonfulbefore and after meals. Drink plenty of water •be- t.veen meals and when retiring. Weigh before beginning. eve1af o in Tei, caws is a delicious and fragrant blend of the finest Ceylon Tea. Geta package from your grocer and enjoy its excellent0 utilities.. THE STOMACH TEL1i1SCOPT. Invention Proves of Value in Diag- nosing Stomach Troubles. The "stomach telescope," or gas- troscope, invented at the London Hospital last year, has proved to be of the greatest value in the diag- nosis of stomach disorders. An eminent surgeon recently referred in the highest -terms to the advanc- es lately made at that hospital in the early detection of diseases of the stomach by means ofthis in- strll meat whi i , , cl will in the imme- diate 'future probably conte to be Dart of the equipment of every up- to-date hospital. The gastroscope now enables the physician or sur - eon to actual f • I see o himself self. the g r n 3 exact condition of the whole of the interior of the stomach, the slight- est' ulceration, growth or other ab- normality in the lining membrane being thus readily observed. To be able to do this is of the very great- est importance in suspected can- cer of the stomach, iivhere the only hope of :cure 'lies in the eracliea- tion of the cancerous growth at the very earliest moment. This means that, th.e increased use of the gas- trescope will in the future save ninny lives that would otherwise in- evitably be lost through that dis- ease. -London Telegraph. GROWING OLD TOGETHER. Irate Creditor—"I shall call every week until you pay this. ac- count 1" Debtor—"Really. Then there seems every probability of our.ac- quaintance ripening into friend- ship." Camphor ace ar F0ii CHAPPED SSI MB LIPS, COLD SORES, WINDBURN. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes Capsicum,Borated Mentholated o- at, Caphorated, White oxide oCnrtif Zinc, ete. Bach for special purposes, Write for Free Vaseline Book. CHESELxROUGH 131E=C. CO. iCone'd) 379 Craig St. W., Montrent 1S�; • Fuay"r5; .' •a`isiast•:.l Bydissolving. granulate d sugar i n water an d mine boa.C eeaatM .Co, acetas We. a-ceo. If not send 5e for 1 ox. bottle asdA ftacorlagg used the same as lemon or vanilla, a syrupbents than manic. linoleumtosold bYYadding 4luplcne, alldteloua syrupto maleand !'. - - "��.. tom^ ai; �^�-is -. r•,rc.±a•�E41! ' The T is the aint that stands u p bright Paint Test � P P e and beautiful utifnl thymi h rain orating. That is what you want on your lions. You can't experiment. Let ::7511- 'Strom/ 9 cases - i t i 1 1� cam �'' we�®- ur 1hlsl do the experimenting for you. They have done it already and are fully guaranteed. Therefore, take no risks. You don't need to. Use Ramsay's Paints for all true painting- :Lad aintingand be protected. Do you want our booklet on house painting? It is very beautiful. Wo send it free. -Ask for bocklet "W" A. RAMSAY & SON CO., Established 1142, The •?aint Makers, - Montreal. ,t ti4k4R.' • sSM'A.;w.:.s. }k;.- `t'wr✓. r r . [:�`,;.L.z".Y..-: �r.;xi:4'.*. FAIRBANKS - MO SE Gasoline Engi;!'es Spending httndreda of dollars In building a splendid. Immo or barn and than deliberately allow it to suaaer for paint. Martin-Senour Paint 1 OOofo Pure, Preserves it f cols the bumf, onen pores of the linseed oil, tined with pure it B { , lend and rine- making the outface absolutely impervious to cllroatto changes. It male wood front dampneso-nre- Veins it from sgplitting, cracking, from tun and frost. bliatcclag hoot sad blow - Inc Haat, which el to proemial 0f decayand ruin. pure paintbnce more than 1e1 mints ti insurance against the ravages of time. The ingredients of a pure paint are well known. In the main they arecr- honate of Lead, Oxido of Zino pure Color., well ground by specially adapt. ed machinery and thinned with pure 1laeoedo,i and pure turpentine dryer. A Wain* owner who fell. to roma, nip) the Errol Imsortann of ,donut the rlehi paint, pill pea bin property value dcctaase while he ':ri'iWs aged and peevish wondering way. Notify ns If your dealer gannet sup. Dpi yon. we'll gladly direct you whore our Manta can bO hall.. bye, e, Thtfuso All Substitutes Illustrated utltntt1 / y �',� "rt:mo 13easetul,' 0� land 'lntarent{nf[ color earl' Fibs t ✓, �^��� • for the asking. TejeneeMrsanithe*IPaOri-kY iiiA b4Mr11 - caogeo. SIZES 2, 3, 4, 6 11.P. SPECIAL -4Y DESIGNED FOR GENEIR, FARM WORK. They areso simple that the average farm hand can run them, and are practically Fool. Proof and .Frost Proof. Send to -day for catalogue' r.E.-too, W.P. CO., showing full line of engines for farm use. It means money saved for you. TERMS -Special Terms to Farmers. The CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY, Limited, MDidTREib1 Branohes: Toronto, .St. John, N.S., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver NAug AUnit14So Canadian Apprecgati ,ln e 'Lnngham Hotel, London. Gentlemen, --I wish to express my apprer!ation of the 38 h.p. Daimler whioli youhave delivered to ane. Before ship- ping the car to Canada I made a three weeks' trial of it, cov- ering ;some 1,300 miles. The car rasa perfectly, and 1 never- had everhad the slightest trouble of any kind, and I think it quite. lives o •h- •o make f<»' it. The silence smo t an claims u , t h m 1 1 to o Y mass of running, and power iif areeleratiun on hills is really remarkable. MYpetrol consumption was 10 nano to the gallon . inrhll- ng a great deal of driving in traffic. The tares allow no ap- preciable -pleciablo signs of, wear, and -I think it will prove light an tyres. I am really delighted with the Car.• --Years sincerely, (Signed) C. A: BOOM:., of Toronto; Canida, "The Most Succespfal Cu of the Year -1909". The ,Daimler Motor Go., MOO Linked, COVEN'T'RY ENGLAND, D. MODERN ' • e modn trc sly artifieerie so intensely net p eds to be trea si; cration," 503' le high -bred sit'"+, a to the 11 as a "retful mice bred 1011 rut• lei. pons in ,. ch, o dairy. #��side the colo o &thank, length owl. physical p Dints to ranch g t dosition e o - - ;ax•d ch git ill g if she ,, eat, - ails milk. wiloffl at; mak4r e siutply water spondin other s' "In r suppose ly hunt gularity great' d the othe about'tah equal. lly say sit 'lb' The cow ori easily Dons P food er self as • . vertiilg t prod cWneructs o half sha e ]Being dept take a t i--s- trients yr: n 1 herself venting t dairy pro' � have. oral; foe:lsh' 115113- soma 'do eapacitybu't dtuariryn p G•U'MP' Trade o Rolla fields. - Bewar tato see- Plant blossoms. It is Sea acal711Y:.1?0 Few. enough. Dogs.. tea than, w Keep •'pw is Ili•Donlo't get-11„•at things. Don't. ings of'„ one-half Do not , let. 'aka-, larilaut Ir 't .is no far th lust°\ store vtiii% iing•it o Sd Eve}v i' the slit j to tetnl jj lnciglnen 1'ditions a : Whet I elta digVltpning 0-11 010 1 ei•ery (1111) stun nay. Tito tre t\tent3' Ltt5't Do. 3' i l'el were young, It and cheered yo year. elders 1 T folks Of th hos Thc' fait• 1 er 11l llenionts t lie during the {linj himself 01 t. • When a• to :iC;' i.t la of inns •i?- return.. S s edill',^_�■ ing (Seep Cl h'ilf busho or n x.b r,'y 1. .'thc gel(•„ alrltoso in ,l 411' flue iij( aye own. rola 1 11(8)::,::::::: se dt•illeil�. film seeding° ti S f .file to 'wet J r '1ull twrr 10.51-1 cif Lir•. II, Ill f (,